fcjMy)&JmmkmM Hfia S "If messages areioomihMrOrtiT A1as i' -i.J..aW hdlfe upJef: meil ajtf a 4 Republicatii- ' -fatfafoifafths ; lUsss SAL.BM, OREGON MONDAY JANUAKY U 1901 no 11 wroii. xi x THE DAILY JOURNAL: TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, Cliinoao peace commissioners sign joint notoof tlio powers. Explosion in hat factory at Denton, England, killed 10 persons. Right Itov. Mnndill Oreighton, bishop of London, died this afternoon. It. B, Albertson, of King county, speaker of Washington legislature. Alfred Vanderbllt and Miss Klale'Proncli wero today united in marriage. Wm, Nculeld, murderer of Annie Kronman, 1809, was electrocuted today at King Sing. Government has siezed four packages IN, J., anarchists. King Oscar, of Norway nnd Swedon, Kry 21 will attend to government buuinoes. fk Oregon legislature organized by electing fuuon, oi wiuoup, iircmuuiij. u. n.u Inato; Keeder, of Umatilla, speaker of the House. ,.,,, K' a Ktn Hni.nr.. Vronch scanort, police havo arrested Princo Victor Nakad- chTvez, a HuBslan, on tho chargo of plotting la approaching visit here. KT DO- T0B-. GO ! If you don't, we can inieresyou in shoes WtiiGajr.y, a full line of Hie XXX X brown's i in Brand; Which gives universal satisfaction. Men's, women's and children's shoes of ' every description. Our prices are extremely low for good quality goods, because we do a strictly spot cash Business. If you need a i I new sun oi cioines you , , . " " i iook our line oi - CLOTHING) A You'll besurpiised at the values we offer. f y Hosiery and underwear for everybody. 0 You'll not know what there is till you call and see us. X X, X J THE NEW YORK RACKET $ 4 Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. Our Store Closes Every Evenlnc at Six O'clock Except Saturday. V a S: f 4 E X- BARNES, Proprietor Corner Commercial and Chemeketa $ts. Perplexing Questions KRAUSSB 275 COMMERCIAL ST fja- ' Our Creat love Sale will last only a few day tonitr. wwe oaes will take advantage of tl'.ese sharp trtce cuts $100 $1.25 $1.50 gloves 65c. gloves 85c. gloves $1.25 S'51.00 gloves 615. $y 2 T M Gloves J SaavaiiaaasialiiHafiiiiBMiiiMMaaHriHflHiiHaaHiBiB ! , , , , of mail matter aiiurcsBeu w i , has rcoovoreu ma iioaun mm imur wih to take tho life of the Czar, on the lat- 1 BARRTOQ TO i i mark SHANK f can anora to over- " "f W ' rb t a difference in pricees 4 t X How to buy the best and spend the least money. You can solve the problem for by buy ing from our carefully selected stock of .shoes. ' THE TEST OF TIME Dim-loses no defects in our DKNTAL WORK. It lias enduring qualities, looks as woll aa it Is possible for human skill tomako it, and wears as well, if not lxitler, than Nature's own work, Rets of TKKlTI ON PLATES are par tirularly hnudbomo and very durable. Drs. Eppley & Olinger PoBtollico block. Sale Prices SILK WAISTS FLANNEL WAISTS FURS CORSE'I S UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS' RIBBONS GOLF CAPES WAIST SILKS LACE CURTAINS I'ORTIERS ETC. RROS CUBA IS FOREIGN Ncoly Postofficc Frauds to Be Tried There A HAWAIIAN TARIFF CASE Also the Porto Rice Contro versy Argued Befoie the Supreme Court Washington, Jan, 14. -The United States Supremo Court today rendered a dociaion in Ncely extradition caso. llio Court (held that Ncely was subject to extradition, nnd must be surrendered .to Cuban authorities. Tho Court held that Cuba !b foreign territory. The decision was based upon act of 1890, which wrtfl held to ho con stitutional. Tho supremo court resumed hearing in cnHo of Charles IIuus, vs. New York k Porto Rice Steamship Coinany and Senator Lindsay continued his argument begun Friday, llo quoted frotri decis ions of tho court' to establish his contention that tho term "foreign poit" could be used in Its broadest sense and that iu early acta tho trade between the A tlantlc and Pacific coasts was so con aidcrcd as between foreign porta. At ho that the trado did consider n port foreign unless tho clearance of tho vessel coming to this country was given "y an ollicer in a customs collection district estabfiBhod by congress and exorcising his factions under tho law of the United Stntt'H. San Juan, ho argued, was novor made a domestic port of tho United States and must be considered a foreign port until congress includes it in nno of tho collection districtn of the United States. When thehcaring had been completed In tho other caven Involving the connec tion of tho United States with tho in sular possession the case of George W Grossman et nl, appellants va. tho Uni ted States waa called. This caso is one covering tho entry of goods from Hawaii, consisting of whiskey, brandy and jam at the custom Iioubo at Now York April 25, 1000, and Is tho only Hawaiian case in the list. Duty was assessed under tiio provisions of tho Dingley law. Tho importers protested against tho collection of duty on tho ground that tho TIawaiiau islands wero a part of the United States, that tho provision of the annexation resolution which continuod the customs law of tho republic of Hn A-all in forco until congress should legislate, was unconstitutional. Counsel then cited a treasury decision on April 17, 1000, holding that Porto Kico was not a foreign country within the meaning of the drawback clausoof the Dingley law and asked why Hawaii should have been considered a foreign country at that time. The decision of tho supremo court of Hawaii, to tho effect that tho constl tution of tho Uuitod States had !een in forco in tho Isiauds sinco August 12, 1893 was cited and the argument cloBed thus "May congress in legislating for tml tory whloh it has annexed as n part of the territory of tho United States, disre regard Uie fundamental limitations upon its Kvor written in the organic law to which congress owes its existenco? 1 it may, the Judgment below is correct. If It may not, that Judgment cannot stand." All member! of the 3rd house smoke Henry The Fourth Sam S. Goldsmith ClMr Co, iiiiviiiiiiiia-iHis Black Cat These arc the test 2 stockklis made tor X boys and ilrls. Triple sst knees and toes. m Sale Frke m 17c pair $125 gloves 85c s .H m Mllltnnn llir il.n ulltnr nf tllft N'flW b York Medical Journal was badly burned .i.i.iwu.i, n.auu. lim iaimvi ". - jj in ft fire which partially destroyed tuq Iioubo la this city In which sho resldbdi and no hones of her recovery aro enter taincd. Sho was rescued from the flaniea in an unconscious condition. & PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS MEEtf At the Btato house this mornl electors mot. nnd adjourned in tlin nliannnn nf .Tlldtrn Fulttiftbri who is dolaycd by a railroad waalfmJt.. They will meet tomorrow it Judgo trui- leiton arrives. RELIGIOUS TEACH Desired in Public S . Jib by Filipinos COMMANDER OF THE GRAfiD ARMY Has a New Plan tcf Secure Allowance oi Rejected Pensions ; iM.NiLA, Jan. 14. Representatives of the Central Catholics argued tho adopJ tion of amendments providing for em ployment exclusively of tho principal nativo and Catholic teachers and for permitting religions teaching" In tho schools. President Taft announced that the commission could not possibly adopt amendments suggested by the Central Catholics. The commissioners aro un animous' iu tho belief tli at tho great community of. .Jfillplnos diro roflgtotiB teaching in thfl schools. Wahihvoton, Jan. 14 Tlio flcnoral commander of tho O. A. II., Leo Has- steur and othors, appeared beforo the House Invalid Pensions commlttco today and argued in favor of a bill for thcvOro atiou of a court of pension appeals, to consider rojoctod pension claims. There aro about 100,000 cases ad versoly passed upon each year by tho pension ofllce. All Representatives smoke Henry The Fourth Sam S. Goldsmith Cljar Co, BOTANICAL X BONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have sulTer ed for years frojn awful dis ease and the more awfulelTects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patienls the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials, out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street Salem Oregon. j Editors Wife Seriously Burned. San FhAncisco, Jan. 14. Mrs. A. Itik m 4 t ) m 3 "JLJ1"L '!... ', - '- -'J !L!"'", VJ bv a skilled optician with fcientihe instrumenti'. We can supply you wllh uhat)er glaesew may Ihj netfsnary. Many headjches are caijawl by loefttruiu and medicine will not relievo thefco but glasses will. HERMAN Scientific Optician. Reliable Jeweler A Large atook cf uoe'tlea new style dottier new alryTo'fh I" ,il to O. T. POMBROY Hniravln Free, tofl Commerelal St. Jwoler and (Jiamoud Kllei OBERTS DECLINES To' Receive Further Honors in Loudon k English feeling TOWARD DEWET I British Naval Progress Noth- lll IU UUlWl Ul lilt Past Year London, Jan. 14. Lord Roberts has written a letter to tho Lord Mayor of London postponing tho city's reception - iHiiu uA(iict)oing uiu gpwuuii Hint ill inu I present unhappy circumstances in South I jfrlca there should bo no further feting for somo tiino. His lordship's decision applies, to all similar proposed functloiis BATiiuitsr. West Africa, Jon. 11. A hlJrltish punitive expeilition arrived at I uumbutajan on the 11th and completely routed the rebels. Sixty wero killed, fcixty wounded and .two hundred Vaptured. British caBualities, six West Indians wounded. Nkw Voiik, Jan. 11 A dispatch to tlioTrlbuno from Iondon says: I'or many months past tho average Englishman has had a warm comer in ilia heart for DeWet. Tho pluck and intrepidity of the dashing free stater and the wonderful manner which ho Is earning on n losing tight against our overwhelming odds appeals to tho liner instincts of tho people of this country who are sportsmen in tho beat sense of the term. Asa matter of fact, orylittlo interest is taken in any engagement In which Do Wet Is not directly or Indirectly engaged, and not even a budget of alarming mes sages from Capo Town about tho Invasion of the colony causo anything like the excitement which attends tho uows of a raid oh tl.o British lines, wholhor successful or otherwise by tho com mandunt of tho Boer forces iu the Orange rivdr colony. It is by no moans Improba able, however, that a revulsion of feel ing will be induced in Kngland at all events, toward Ihe rcdoubtablo enemy of tho British Kmphc by Geu. Kltchoii era latest disputch. N Flogging as a mode of punishment is distinctly odd to the code of clvillml warfare, and the British commander's announcement, that by DaWot'nordtrj three agonldof the peace committee have been Hogged in a Boer laagqr near Llnd ley, is sure to call forth some hostllo comment, which will not be any loss bit ter because one of tho victims of this in stance of potty tyranny, who was, In deed nhot,ttfter being lloggwl, wan a sub JecVof Queen Victoria. The annyuncement which Is made by the Post that tho scheme for iaMu; colonial police forces has been abandoned forlhe nresent can not, iu tho tight of recent evontfl, cause much surprise. Tho ratctr oftpay were not considered tempt ing enouguby the eoplein South Africa and of 10,000 men who applied iu tho United Kingdom to Join the force only five hundred or so were selected an suitable. It wlll.bo remembered that it was an nounced from Pretoria early iu October .tliiit 12,00ft police woio lobe enrolled iu the T'ronsvaal and Orange Free State, tinder tlio command of (leneral Baden Powell. A fow days ttter tho colonial oflko iHiied nu umi(iiucemint to the effect that recrultlQBjWaH taking place In Sjuth Africa onlft but In Novtuiler the government aikcd for recruits from the moUierU)untry, and in Deciunber thuy decided io liter- as this number tnfi.OOO. It luui iiowrnpiiarunlly Imm-ii agreed to drop. tlio wholo soJiGme altogether and Can You Sec Well -Both with your eyes and miid? If Qtir inlnd'U clear you will appieeluie - Uiijfct that we hae a large uttn-K of Bcctnclc4 and uyflglaeees. Then If your light la not dear comu in and have your uiiriit tested. This is done W- BARR 118 State SlreeU and Watchmaker ofjirpouhes anil the 1m1 fiialtjr of ring, Iflty atprlos jowr than ve- Iwioin in order to meet tho requirement Gen. Kitchener further enlislmen yeomanry will b called for. Kngland although theflrst naval power iu tho world, has not much 16 boast about in tho matter of naval progress in 1000. Not a singlo battleship was launched during tho VI months two first class nTmored cruisers, ono third class cruiser four sloops and eighty ! destroyers completing tho list and no real progress has boon made- witli this. year's program excopt In tho caso of the two new socond class cruisers, as the Continued on Fourth Pcc HONORS DIVIDED On First Round For Sena . torsliip M'BRIDE MEN GET SENATE The Corbelt Forces Secure a Caucus Man for Speaker The Corbelt forces mada an unsuccess ful onslaught Sunday night to defeat Fulton for President of tho senate. Tho McBrido pooplo simultaneously rallied to defeat lteeder for tfpeaker and fell down. Ho Ih a caucus man and went In with tho full Corbntt Htrenuth at his back. Three Citizen's members entered tho'Itepithlican annate caucus and thus payod the way fdr going into the Joint senatorial caueUB May, Hunt nnd Smith. Fulton had 1!) of tho 'M participants and ScMtlor Hone graeioiiBly made it unanimous, though not all of Fulton's Bl will stand for McBrido. Senator McBrido camu to Salem Sun day and acted very much plcaeed at the result on preliminary organisation today. Kx-Scnator Corbett Is expected at Salem Tuesday. Ho declined to arrive 011 tho Bceno earlier art he did not wish to inlliieuceinany manner the organisation of eithor house. TIib McBrido people, have secured the publication of tho Daily Sentinel by C. 11. Irvine and edited by K. II. Flugg of thiscity, the first number appearing this evening. It will hecomluotod solely iu the interest of Senator Mellride's re-olectfon. All (he drummers smoke Henry The Fourth Sm S. Goldsmith Clear Co. A Few Pointers J Tho recent staliHtics nt the r.ilmo.'r o deaths show that the large malorit.v di with consumption. This dlseaiu mao commence with an apparently bar ey cough which can be cured inatantly m Komp s Balsam for tho Throat aby Lungs, wuicli Is guaranteed to euro ml I relieve all chhoh, Price -rc. and anil For Bale by all druggist. 1 WV. ! J OUR STORE CLOSES AT Twenty - One NOW TJRB BIO STORE IS M m Then Any latlie's jacket in our vPO This year's styles formerly solri'fjr PLW to $16.50. And' a line of $30 plush juckets slightly out of style, they also go at 55.00 each. Removal Sale... rLalliMBaMKilHHllBHlBlla!lllialillaiBMiaili, ruMiMf:x MATTER Seized by the Government at Paterson PLOT TO KILL KING HUMBERT Being Investigated by the Cus toms Department in New York Nxw Yoiik, Jin, 15. The anarchists of Paterson, New Jersey, and eluewhero aro much incensed over the soixuro by the government of four packages of re gistered matter to La Qucstlone Socialo, an organ of the anarchists, published In that city The' package, .UJs assorted, contained pamphlets and other pointed matter, which, while they preached tho doctrines pf.anarchj'1 ajro declared to be perfectly proper, as well as legal. When Commissioner Trimblo waB investigating the chargo that the plot to kill ICtng Humbort was hatched in ,1'atersou, he questioned editor Ksteve, of La Qucstlone Socialo nnd other avowed anarchists. They admitted that they preached tho doctrine of anarchy, hut denied that thoy wore connected with Brescl or anv one oho. Tlio commission er made his, report and loft tho city. Since then, it is alleged -by tho an archists, secret agents havo visited thorn faeveral times and watched thodo; livory of literature with suspicion. IMitor I'Movo made his complaint at tho last mooliug of tho Group of Htght to Kxtetence. He Bald that ho could not account for tho actions Of the postal authorities. When tho packages came to him they were preceded by tho regular notice that a reglHlcrd pnekngu could bo found at the postolllce, Hecnlled. On each package with stamped tho word "HUHpoctod." "1 rcqiusted that the packages be opened" ho said, "this was douo and several pamphlets and books wero dis closed. Thoy wore Innocent enough, lectures by Krcpoltklno and Malatcsts, "Patriotism and government" by Tolstoi and works of 11 like character. "On the (round the packages wero Buposed to ho liable for duty wero held and the cus tom Iioubo authorities wero notified. Tills Is the last that I have heard from property, it Is withheld from me by no right of law or reason." Postmaster Pollott said last evening the matter was in (ho hands of the cnatoinrf depart men tat Newark. When tho packages wero called or the post nlilccs connection ceased. The matter H. wt, tho ciiuIoiiin authorities. 1 , Smoke ll;nry the Fourth Sin S. oldimlth ClinrCo. 7 O'CLOCK EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAYS J Having iupmhI hIiico the portals 6f tho Big Storo were swiing open to Ihnpnbllu, iwenty-ono yenrH that were but u suacewiou of trade tri umpliH, wo can witli all piuprluty uuy that tlio store has fullllliul tint iiiiBBiun It nmih eriHitel for and lio,jiulilic has apprtHilatod Its effort And its onlv a fuw days until w(f throw open the doorn bliuer, and Iwtior, undo data In nvury wtty-)4it0oii In Sacraiueuto and Porlhind, : : t : t Our. Great Sale store for Any man's 1 Jomjm k SonA Highwaymen. dward Kelly, i prominent raco horseman Is at his horn in a dangerous condition as tho result ftf,n$de8jcrato'btttlo with two highway? rnori. " Kelly was on this way hdmo'itnd w in an effort to save hfir money and valuables resisted when the footpads presented revolvers at his head and ordered him to hold up Ills hands. In coiiBequenco he was knocked down and then brutally beaten and robbed .of tnouoy and valuables to the amount of 1500. All the. merchants and clerks smoke Hesry The Fourth Sam S. Goldsmith Clear C ASSEM ORGANIZED Fulton Elected President of -the Senate REEDER CHOSEN SPEAKER OF HOUSE Olllcei's Chosen and B'ojh, Houses Are Working in Perfect Harmony The opening aonsious of the Oregon legislature wero huld today in their re spective halls and an organization ef fected In both houses. The Senate Assembles. Senator Camnron called tho rcnate to order at 10:52 o'clock. Sinator Kuykondall named Senator WIltlauiHou for temporary chairman and Senator Sweok named Senator Smith 011 tho part of the opitosttlon. Upon a rising vote Sonator Williamson receive;! the republican majority and took tho chair with a neat speech. S. L. Monrehead was elected tempo rary chief clerk, and Frank Hrant, of .Multnomah was named fur assistant. Both wero unanimously elected. Browuoll movid a Committee on cre dentials, asking that Senator Jo- sephl hu chairman. Tito Chair nained Senators BrowucU, Jowphl fcr auu nteiwer aiior a 1 II I ! U Coutlniieil 1.11 Bccona I'ts.vti'i : Bananas 20c doz. Oranges 1c each ELLIS & ZINN'S . Salem 'lhoae:2l74 Kol54 Stale Street. Years TOO SCHALUS of a now wiej imiift lutwcwit lit m m Goes On... s linen collar in our store o m O fcrmtr nrfees, 2c, 2Qc nnd 15c m m Removal ' XfM