THE DAILY JOURNAL; 1 '"Bust the party, bust the cau cus, bust everything, -mcnride K"I will worry Corbett until ye aSi. Hip Hn rU hnrw iipaHu.".i.njA VOI. XI SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 1901 NO 1 I! 1 1 TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, Prof. Garner, Hie explorer, la believed to bo lost in Africa. Senalo passed Hoiibo hill increasing membership of congreea 28. Food famine reported form Circle City and Lower Yukon district. The McBrido anti caucus agreement is receiving no now signatures. Corporations in Now Jersey paid $2,051,21)9 iutotlio State Treasury. London press agrees that British nrmy in South Africa is on tljo defensive. Two altompta of Montana Democrats td hold n senatorial caucus havo failed. Steamer Tillamook caught in ico at Kodlac island and alandoncd by the crew. " Alfred Vanderhilt heslows marrriago portion of $3,7000,000 upon his intended hrldu. HtiBsia snld to ho making special agreement with China, irresposlivo of Powers. One Kddy, Biyonno, N. J, claims to havo eetabllBed communication with other planets. Chinese peace commissioners nave note of poworB. COMMUNICATION WITH PLANETS Said to be Established By a New Jersey Genius s, He Gets Timed Soundings Like Those From a Aorse Instrument Ni:w Youir, Jan. 12. Win. A. Kddy, of Bayone, N. J., s.iys that since 1812 he haj9 drawn from a kite wire hundreds of electric signals, both regular and irroulur, which may have ' coiuo from some planet and that the Mguals have been regularly timed like a Morse sounder. When tho oihIb of the kite sustained stool wires separated by silk strand, murks jump at 12 tceond intervals. Kddy says theso mrk signals may because oliiu 11JIIIU IIIJIU IH1 UMltll lllllli:i, tricity travels at tho ratu of 11)0,000 miles a second, fircat variability to tho effect is produced when there is apparently iioi'hangt; whatever in the rendition of the upper air, as far as known. Peace Declared Why devote all your time renii'iig Fields of I tho Hour H'ur and the Cold V Ala'ku? There urj other muttoja o vital iinpoilanie; you may makoatrip Kaat. and will want to know how to travel, in order to havo tho best ser vice, use the Wisconsin Central Kw, between it. Paul and Chicago. For rates and other information, write Ju A. Clock, General Agent, Portand, On. Special Sale of j YOUTH'S 0UERCCRTS i i During this week we will sell Youths' overcoats at 25 Per cent, RedlitfioD Ages 14. to 19, regular price $10.00t $10.50, $11.00... UMackintoshes Still Selling i 4 N00UE$ I flOO OOMM1CROIAU at i llllllHHIMIIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIHIIIHBlllliiIIHHIHRp. I oves Our Great ilove Clik ...III ,.- I SIC "III l-l only a tew days lonitr. Wise ones will take alvantate ot these sharp tdte cuts i $1.00 gloves 65c. $1.25 gloves 85c. $1.50 gloves $1.25 $1-00 gloves 65 1 ' V1 Mew $dlJU& MaMiiaiBiiiiBHsailgBB - IaaaiMHHBiBHiBaaB rocciveu oruenurom uiocourt to sign joint LAKE SHORE HOTEL BURNED Spokani:, Wueh., Jan. 12 A special to llio Chronicle states that I.akoHhoro hotel, Moyie, II. C, wus hurned by tiro this morning. Gnehts wcro obliged to jump for "their lives. Jack Kuaeell of Spokane jumped from thu third story, breaking his log. Thrce ndioiniug build lugs were destroyed. Loss nstiinuted $25,000. INSANE MOTHER STRIKES A DAUGHTER MixxuAiMMs, Minn., Jan. 12. -Mrs. Mathilda Helstrom today struck her 10-year-old daughter with a bottle, killing her Instantly. It is believed the mother is ii sine. A LADYS HEALTH AFFECTS HISTORY N'kw Vnitk, Jan. 12.-A Idlsputd to thu Herald from Dondoti Haym A rumor has started that Lord Cur r.on is going to resign thp vlceroyalty of India owing to the failing Lhculth of Iidv Curon. lied Time taken pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is lielter. My doctor says it actH gently on the stomaoh, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is tiia'do of herbs, and is prepared as easily us tea. It is called Laue'H Medi cine. All druggistH sell it at 25c . and 50 cts. Lane's Family Medicine moves tlie IhjwcIh each day. If you cannot get it, send for free sample. Address, Orator F. Woodward, LoKoy, N. Y. 1 i i i i i at One-Half Regular Price ii STORE i THE TEST OF TIME DinclnwA no depots in our PKKTAL WOHK. It has enduring (jnalitles, looks as well as It is possible for human skill to make it, and wears as well, if not better, than Nature's own work, Sets of TKKTH OX PI.ATK uro par tit'iilaily haiuUomeaiid ery durable. Drs. Eppley & Olinger l'oatollice blork. Sale Prices On SILK WAIS'IS FLANNKL WAISTS .PUUS CORSE IS UNDERWEAR UABREI.l.AS RIBBONS CQUF CAPES WAIST SIUKS UCE CURTAINS PORTIERS ETC. PRESIDENT SITS UP House Considering Rivers and Harbors Bill SENATE HONORS SENATOR DAVIS The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Being Considered in London Wabiiinuto.v, Jan. 12. Tho President continues to Improve, fie passed n good night ami probably will uit up for a while today. Thu House today resumed considera tion of the River ami Harbor ISM. No legislative busiuoHS of importance was transacted by tho senate today. Tho Mission was dovoted to services held in memory of tho late Senator Davis, of Minnesota. When tho congressional Investigating committee resumed probing into the progresses of hazing ot tho Military Academy, there waa an unusually large gathering of spectator?. Tho tlrst wit ness today was Colonel Mills, superin tondent of tho Acadomv. ThoStato Department Inn been of ficially advised that the Hay-Pauucefolc treaty Is under consideration ut London, with a viow of returning a tiual answei t this government, ROYAL DOVVERY OF AN AMERICAN GIRL Nuw Yoiik, Jan. 12.A Sped 'I to tho World from Newport, It. L says: It has been given out uuolllclally by a close friend of thu Vanderhilt and French families that Alfred Vanderhilt has set tled on Ulslo French ai her marriage portion, one tenth of Ids enormous for tunenamely 1,700,00. This great dim cry ii given to her. ae. cording to this authority not in cash, but In selected Ixmils and stock from that part of the estate ot the Into Cornelius Vanderhilt which was ap portioned to Allied, the chosen son and chief heir. As tho late Cornelius Vandjrbilfa fortune was invested in securities paying for cent, tho bride will have an Incomo of IH8.00U u year, or 12,2J: a month. ANOTHER CLAIMANT FOR CLARK ESTATE Nuw Yoiik, Jan. 12. Another claim for tho 120,000,000 estato left by Jmlay Clark, tho gold mine years ago, has put in an appearance in tho person of Kd ward Hillikor of Parachute, Colorado, who has written to Govornor Voorhees of Now Jersey, sotting forth his claims and asking information. Tho Governor lias turned over the caso of tho new claimant to Elvin W. Crane of Now nrk.New Jersey .counsel forthreo claim ants, Mrs. W. II. Delhogeu, George M. Love and Annlu Alvord, of New York. FATE OF STEAMER IS CONFIRMED faEATTiK, Jan. 12. A sprcial to tho limes from Port Townsuud says: Tho fate of tho steamer Tillamook is con tinued. Thanksglblngday the, Tillamook run onto the north end of Wood island south of Ka.llak island. Passengers and orew wero safely land ed, togothor w Ith baggago and ueamera freight. Steamor Alopa picked up tho passengers, crew and freight at Kadika and brought all to Junoa. The Horallcst Man la Salem As well ua tho handsomest, and othora are Invited to call on nny dnmclst uiidirotfrcou trial bottle of Koujd'h Ualsain for tho Throat and Luniw, u remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and believe all Chronic and Acuta Coughs. Asthma. Hmnchltls and Consump tion. Trice 25c, and 60c. cod&w 1 Black Cat These are the test snxkuts made for S fcOVt and flrlt Trlcl knees aaf toes. Sale f iKe 17c pair $125 gloves 85c. 2 - HaaaaajaaiaaBBBg I BiVlX IW2 I -Cv J-i KRUGER'S HEALTH British Army Reported on the Defensive PLANS OF THE NAPOLEON DEWET The Boers Invasion of Cape Colony Continues to Be Serious Cmicaoo, Jan.. 12. A dispatch fronu Paris to thu Tribune says: , Private advices received horo say that a Gorman physician who recontly ex amined President Krtigor pronounced him daogeroiisly ill, scarcely likely to live more than a fortnight longer. Tho President w as prostrated by an attack of bronchitis two weeks ago and the eovero c'.lmato has facilitated tho progress of tho disease. When President Krugor was first at tacked by his present illneta his condition was tho cause of no llttlo anxiety. Two days later, howovor. it ' was an nounced ho waa improving ond had been ablo to leave Ida bed. Nuw Yokk, Jan. 12. A dlspotoh to tho Tribune, from London, says : The chief source of consolation for the bewildered public, which cannot under stand what is going on in South Africa, is an occasional dispatch from America indlcatiuir that tho Phlllpplno's war is still in progress, No attempt ia mado to explain thu (act that the two branches of thu KnghflhsAkhur race aresimul taneouBly harrassed Z with the dragging operations of apparently endless and profitless campaigns. But Kugllsh hu miliation ia mitigated by evidence that the Americana ate still far from the end n( hostilities in the Islands. Geu. Kltchetior is so reticent thai pio Hour journals lke the Manchester Guar dian and alarmist uheots like the Dally Mall are convinced that tho situation la critical and the British army virtually on tho defensive and in need of rein forcements. Gen. Kitchener takes the situation so coolly that military tnon arc disposed to ridicule thu idea that any descent upon Worceetor or Cape Town Is posslblu. An olllcer in touch with the best sources of information informs me that there is no intention on thu part of the War Ollicoof sending out a large body of rolnforcements. Drafts have been going out for several weeks in small de tachments but tho military authorities are not convinced that urgent measures are required. Lord Kohorts Is believed to havo rec- Continued ou Kourlh l'gc. BOTANICAL X vVONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have sufTer- pr fnr vpnrt frnm nufnl Hk- wfi nnHIhpmnr-PiufnlpfWK'11 wI11 l,rim? together the largest ease ana the more aw uieiiectbm)Venli(m th0 A880dntlon hM ovr Of rank medical llUmbllgS. Dr.lhold. The delegates are appointed as Cook iS Willing tO give patieilbj follows; Uovornors of siates ami tor tile benefit Of his Tile Study bllt rltoiles; every cattle, horse, cheep or dCClinestO publish further test- "vvlne association; each livestock san. i i t i - i itarv boanl : eacli live.HtouL- ivimmlnHiiwi .'mnnUL n W nf rAr fnr hie iiiiuuittu uui .i(,i ii f (exchange; each steckyard: Datients. vet wn gad v refer. wt..n.i .... .... any Callers tO their neighbOI'SchamUirconiineice;allloealdulrymen'H and friends Who have been180'' Irrigation associations; boards of healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you trood to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Streji Salem Oregon. Ij-Sfe bv n skilled optician with M-ientidc insirnments. We con supply jon with whatever glasses may m iicceesary. Many headaches uro rnused by eiitlralu and medioine will not relieve these but glasies will, HERMAN Scientific Optician. Ilelialile Jeweler anil Watchmaker A Lartelftook cf uoveltlea, new etylea of brooohes an I the b nl qua'ity of ring, d other mw Jewelry for the people to buy al price lower than ' lefore c. tTpombroy Fnjjravlng Fre, 3-8 Commercial 8t Jowtder und Dlamoml Boiler RUSSIA PLOTTING To Make a Special Deal With the Chinese THE DOWAGER EMPRESS WARNED That She Must Recall Her Authorization to Sign the Treaty Pkkin, Jan. 12 M. Do Glers, tho Russian minister to China, denies the current loport that Itussia Is endeavor ing to make a special agreement with China irrespective of the other poweis. With reference to the claim made by some of the otherenvoys that Kiibsiaj yiuiuiuu iier worn in uiKiugu concession in iien ibi.i, .u. do mors sain: "Nothing of thu kind. Tien Tain is practically a foreign city, and Russia felt the necessity of a certain portion of tho land there for the benefit of her trade interests. The land granted had beeu virtually unused lor any purpose and waa almost worthless. Russia will makolta valuable property, benefitting herself and China. 1 do not consider this llko an acquisition ol territory." Nkw Yoiik, Jan 12. A special to the Times from Washington says : Not much fu'lth is placed by the State Department in thti story from Purls that I'm a straight caucus man, vive voce or secret. Kenalor Tod Cameron. ; the Joint note Iiiih been Bigned by Prince ChiiigandLI Hung Chang. It it said that Minister Conger would certainly have reported an event of bo much im portance and that not a word has been received from him on tho subject. I'he state department Is still strongly inclined to doubt whether tho opposi tion of the Kmpress Dowager can be overcome by ordinary moans. The appearance. of Chang Chi Tung as lead or of theoppositlon increases that doubt. Changis known throughout China as the principal representative of whatever patriotism and love of country Is left in tho empire. - Ills influence is all the greater bo cause his antipathy to foreigners has never lou him into any ot the itsclctts I and violent moves against 'them, such as the Iloxer rebellion. Chang has ill- wavs soncht bv consorvallv., -.. to hnlld up the patrlotio spirit in his conn- , try without compromising it In the eyes! ofthopowors. Ho is additionally ro.( spected be tan to ha Is known to bo an) ;, -in.!. m. i.i.i. i... ;.. fll.lm.. nn.l l... i... ...tnuiiu ...nir . i. tnnn In ntitilti wnrlra wUlmnl fviMir n The fact that such a man has warned tho Kmprcsa Dowager that she must ' recall her authorlnaUon to tho pleni lotentarIes is of great significance. If the empress dowager should again assent to the signing of Ithe note, she would have to reckon with a patriotic movoment led by Chung. Salt Lake's Die Convention. Halt I.akk.Utaii, Jan. IS.'. The call for tho National Live Stock Conven tion, which will assemble in this city on tho 16th Inst., is of such a com pre hontlvo character that it is claimed that nry DOartl OaCIl JtVC-SlOOt each rail- compauy, each "it: Senator Theodore Cimoion, aicom pui'iod by Mrs. Cameron and their little sin, arrived tcwlay frnm Jacksonville and has mmle huadriiartern at the Willam ettu as uiuiil. FOR A COLD IN THE IIKAD Laxative Uromo-Qulnlno Tu blots Can You See Well Itolh with your eyes and mud'' If vour mind ischwr vou will kimiiiu mie tlju faijt that we have a larx kIim H cf -K'am(ile a n if eyej(lAHffi Mien if your sight is not clear count in ami I IK I'M I'rtnr uli.Vlt l.xl.yl 'I'l.lj lu ilnn.. W, BARR 118 State Street. -4 i JERSEY JUSTICE Makes Corporations Pay the Taxes NON-PAYMENT OF THEIR TAXES Works a Forfeiture of Franchises. in That State Their Nuw Yoiik, Jan. 12. In the annual report of tho Iward of assessors, whiuh has just been eubmlted to the Now Jersey leglclattire, It Is stilted that 0,0(15 corporations organised under the laws of the Btato of Now Jersey havo paid into the treasury during tl le last year the . ymn of $2,051 !)0. As tho corporation tax rate in this state is one tenth of one porcent.on the paid In capital slock, or f 1 tax for every $5,000 capital pnid in, tho 0,0((5 corpoia tlous inuat havo paid tax upon $2,051 200,000 paid In capital Block. The state coporation deparment estl mates that tho (1,005 corporations as sesscd haoa paid in capital stock of 20 pel cent of the authorised capital stock. If the tax of $2,051 ,200, which represents 12,051,200,000 paid in capital stock Is 20 put cent of the authorized capitul ctock, tho authorized capital clock must be live times $2,0',20'i,0(IO or the sum of 10,25(1,017,000. The iucreiue In the number of miscel laneous corpoiatious usHessed during the year over that of 18!K) U lllltl, although hi reality IS07 new companies wore added to the list In HKI0. The differoiico ot 071 eompanb's repre sents thoHo whose charters were forfeit ed by the proclamation of Gov. Voohees lu May last for the unu-payiiient of taxes. NEWCASTLE IN RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 12. Tho Duke of Newcastle, who has been in this country for some weeks has been ono of tho noted participants in several conference! In Id during the week with htgh church lead ers among the "fiitontant I'plecopalhxi.H of New York and Philadelphia. As a result of these conferences, it is learmd that a definite plan has been formed to bring into cloao union thu ritualists of Knglaud and the United States. Mr. Kelway and the Rev. Mr, Wllnon will leave today for Philadelphia, where they will be joined on .Monday by the i Duke of Newcastle. They will remain I in Philadelphia for soveral days "' '"'""""I" " r several .uy con- fcring wltli tlie rlliiallstlo Memteis, they M,l'n wm ,0 ",,on l0 onllBl l,, '"" (,,'urdv Kl,It,l""lmlans of that city In 'ioir plan. ,. .,,,., , , I'm Mrlko of tho employes of the I n- ! Traction Company ended today, h bo.uil of nibitratora having granted every demand made by tie strUers. OUR STORE CLOSES AT 7 O'CLOCK EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAY 5 MOVE-OUT SALE j s - H We only wish wu had a fuw. moro days in which to olQsoiMit " uvery dollars worth of goods in old store, but that wouliljh " loo much to wish for, we must move hum kooiIh, hut every M day brings our mammoth stock nearer to the mw murk. - B 3Bn3E3a,jES'Si -JECJJC XVOX2S 3CTC SS Mackintoshes ItediKed juii one half their oiiglnal priie, I I U) vuIiioh, 80c, s IK) valueu, fl (Ml :t IK) valued, tl fill i A 00 value. U At) 7 m valno, 8 1U till IX) valiiM, A 00 Ladies' Wrappers ICediicod one-third 7fm vahiOM, Wk'. fl 00 value, li7o. II W) valu, U 00 'J 00 valuer. II 81 M m m m a Removal Sale... Ff nmmmaHBmMmmuMumHmwwmMMMmnmumMmmnuammvnnMWXMtm OVERDUE STEAMER Seattle Athlete Has a Seiv ions Accident CANADIAN PIONEER PASSES AWAY Report That There is Almost a Food Famine on the Lower Yukon Skattlh, Wn Jan. 12. Tho following Is a eomplolo list of tho otllcor and men aboard theovorduo steamor Tillamook s Master, Captain II. M. Hughes; (list olllcer, Thomas Hogan ; second olllcer, William Saundors; pilots. W. J. Ken noyand II. J. Gillespie; chief engineer J. O. Ryan, first assistant engineer, T K. Smith ; second assistant engineer, Thomas Poloy; steward, K. F. Miller; llromaii, William Urown, Ned Malloy and J. Cooper; waiters, Frank Conners, J. llray and Klmor Cameron ; deckhonds, James Olcseu, 0. Anderson, C. Wilde, P. Johnson and U. Larcon ; cook) J. Haukertjrnited States mail clerk, W. K. Taylor. Han Fiuncisco, Juii. 12. Word wits received horo today that overdue United States Mall Steamer Tillamook has been caught In the Ico at Kodiak and wuw abandoned by the orow. Captain and crew are reported to bo on tho their way to Seal tie William P. Cooper, a young athlete of this city while peiformlng a simple at robatlo feat al. tho Y. M, 0. A, gymna sium tonight, fell accidentally ami now lies in the general hoypltal completely paralyzed from his shoulders down, lie fell on tho back of bis neck and It la thought that ho has either dislocated or broken his spine about Ihe first dorsal vorlerbra. Physicians who are attend InglhocaHO are Inclined to doubt his recovery. An npcmliou will be perform ed today. The committee appointed in Novem ber by tho Goixl Roads Club state con vention, utTacoma, met horo vestorday and drew up a bill whiuh will ho pre sented to the Htato legislature at Us coming session. It Is ptoponcd to ap point a state road commlanton, which will have entire charge of the construc tion of ronds throughout the state. A state road eommiSHloner in nNo lo bo ap pointed at a salary of f!0.)d per year. The roads thus built will be statu high ways, and one-half tho expense of building will be borne by the state. A committee hai beon appointed by the Wanhlnylon Veterans of the Spnnloh American war to take stops to secure from congress travel pay for tho journey from Manila to Hu Francisco, It Is couteiidwl that other regiments wore paid travel pny from tho points named, hut the lulu waa changed before the Washington boys were ordced home. Thu travel pay amounts to uhout $-'lod CoiitltlllC'l on Koilrlli 'tv Men's Collars All our linen tiillaro worth -"w US' and I5i- are now "lirl a' 10 cents each Ladies' Dressing Sacques... II :t-"i Miialiliw. ii.i II 00 .iiialitiiM l HI IU I- 00 iiualltltw fl IllUlittee fl juuillhw l :i 75 tuttlithw is tn Petticoats An oKteualvt pruea. Ibid at luhj Jci. zcw k Si H st Mfl H it i 34 frl Muj SENATOR CORBETf Leads For the Republican Caucus Nomination HOWE OR FULTON FOR ', PRESIDENT OF SENATE Reedei of Umatilla Leading ih ' tiie Race For the Speakership II. W. Corbett has' tho lead for canto's nominee for United States senator. (Ie Is expected at Salem tonight with Mrs. Corbett to remain until tho electron takes plaqe. ', C. W. Fulton lias the call for Presi dent of tho Senate, but tho votes will have to ho counted. Roedor of Umatilla will load ajltlm asplranla for the. speakership anifwfll be the caucus nomineo easy enougnh. Multnomah Is said to favor Iteoder. Tho Senatorial situation has not., cleared. MoHridu is making a hard fight, haa developed considerable strength, and ia going to he In the race for ov oral heats at least. Quito a sen timent against caucus has been worked up by Mcllrldo, For reading clerk of the Senate, thu race lies between J. R. Eddy, J. Hi Hunt ington and Prank Mottnr. Tho SvMiate will Imi nailed to order at eleven o'clock Monday by H. L. Moore head, Chief Clerk at (he last session and a very competent gentleman' fur his K)siliou. The Senate usually holdi a caucus topulcota President Imforo ft tem porary organization Is effected. It line liutliO members and moves morequlckly than the House. For President of thu Semite ('has. W. Fulton, tho Ahloria lawyer.aud pollttuuui, is the natural choice of quite, a number, f l!n ability al a spoakei vmd imrtlaiuoii tariau, his good-fellowchlparo proverb ial, and the senaM will be fortunate to secure snob an alumni ideal presiding of ficer. The other holdover1 senator named for ihls honor In W. A. Howe of Yamhill. Mr. Howe is a typical successful busi ness man, who suyti little but made tho finest kind of a record for voting right and lor holding down the ..legislature, to economy aqd business methods. He was a elnifl mite of VIco President Roosevelt al Harvard and Is a tjplcal western bus roulluu! mi Kimth I'ajd. Bananas 20c doz. Oranges lc each ELLIS & ZINN'S Salem 'Phone 2874 'No 154 Slite Street. Ladies' Suits, Jackets, Capes Umhu-ed from Ml wr cent. d) pr i eat. to Men's Suits 7 Wi Uw, (6kD I H BO VMlMMi, 1U 00 vahiM, ilV W vain, flit W vnluiM, fit 00 valu, ilh Ut) VMlUlM. M m iH it) valHiW, 111 fl 117 00 VHbiW. W 0 tV &o vultitti. fio n ilO oo valuw, 117 dv m m m m m m m Removal m; 17 H ll) io 'to ll HA il vu 13 V