p- r$ re '- -vtr r ffT f 'W,Pffi,i, -vcs?- MMtt4a iWaaklMUMNtMi .frtm inWTi. rflWwiii mEftfilCIDR Roliovos Dandruff ImnwtSiaioly and causes thick, glossy hair to sup plant tho farmer thln,brittogrowth, Nowhro's llorplcido perforins lis work on tho principle, " Destroy tho cause, you remove tlio ofFect," iiml consequently it reaches nhil kills oft tho over-busy microbe, which Is responsible for all scnlp diseases. It thus makes dandruff and falllnc lialr Impossible, and promotes a luxuriant growth of hair that soon becomes thoprldo of tho owner. Even on bald spots it soon produces hair as thick and luxuriant ns nnyono could wish for. 0n bottle will convince Hint It U th only lialr rtitorar tht real! j rcKorM. For Sale by ill Flrilciau Drtuj Store. sumo time, nnd to further aid com pi I. cations, a Bcotland Yard detective ap pears on tho scene, also disguised as a rcdman in search of the missing friend and tho intuldlo is made worse The piece is in the hands of an excellent cast, which Includes Beatrice Norman,-Wil Ham Iriond, Oliau. Drake, Finnic J. Uofmnn, Clias. hum, E. .T. Mock, May Anderson, Chns. Deland, Kstelln Wil mott, Ostillio DeLnno nnd others- Pop ulnr prices 25c, oOorindJBc N,o lilgjier. DALY LAW MEANS A CHANGE Three felts Ago We had ii lot of masted coffee thai was not good. We Investigated the matter, hut could find no reason tor it. The coffee ever since has been all 'right. IMcoro remeniher these particulars and when the c.otteo docs not suit yon, report it. Thia is all wo ask. Ourdu aire is to give satisfaction, freshness, quality tunl reasonable prices. Freahne-BS 1h half of the butlle. Will tiyo explanation of fresh roasted coffee in nuxt ud; l)u Hiiro and read IIuh It is fo vojirSUo'nont-iiftvu are fond" of good Yokohama Tea Store Try our 15c cofieo, what others advpr-thd.'l-tnVforBOe. O. C. T. Co's I'A&JKNOKIt fJTKASiKIt pOMONA altonA I.KAVKH KOU'll'OUTLANU Pally oxcupt HuaiUv at S a m (JUIOK Tl.MK ANll !IIKAl HATK8. Dook Ixitfrmtii HlaUi ami Conrt'titn. M. 1. IIALDWIN, AKont. SOCIAL NEWS Tl nun iicixc nu ricrro The (ooltiv editor may bo reached through teU'Phoun Mnlu ' II fmii 'J-JO a. m. to ft p m. tally. Nhwi of wk)i1 tmtiiro, purxniml i WHjfl)iona;Htium',mopi6 or vUliorn". wtl inmnj flclul lutuyxt .ollcitodj VV f i T TllE'MirsiC'LOVElH. 'Twin only 'bout n ye.tr ago The enterprise was planned An' now our town can buustof bavin' Quito a likely -band; -It's siit'in'ly su'priscn' How they play tho pieces through. Iliitit bply allows what prnelico An' inlfilfigo.rico'11 do. They've been n-givlng con certs Kv'ry. Thursday on the green. They're pop'lar; nn' on concort-ntghtH Young couples may be aeon; A-atrolliu' slowly'nrm in arm,' Or slttin' hnnii-ln hand ; An' older couples do the sumo While IlHt'ning to tho bund. ' I often go with Oynthy we until arn loini oi tunes An' heariii' them we've noun w. .jnost . A hundred honeymoons. I kinder liko the quick ottos. yiie likes the slow ouch IiomI; Hut both of uu admire Tho pieces by Request. We'vojearned to judge composers Thorp's aomu who have no ear, v mil Uilfl cliap has ,i uootl one, Ihrouuh I luV chorda. tiro koo.1 mill clear; "ftmdlolt" an' Mtohiii Hood" In fact molt nil hiu pieces We've hoard, aro purty Lft)d. t, Flt.lNK rUwi.v-llA'iifrv. ' Cood PlaytPppUr.p'rlcv j. "A Stranger- in a . "fetrango Land'' tho farce, tmt runfor pu ttekir tf tho Manhattan Theatre Now York laat aca- ton wllj be tho Ofjirlng jtt the Grand 'Optra'lloiifre tTfTe oveniiSg.' Tho play is by SfJnpyWjliutir and Wullur Vinuunt , and tells of a young man whose' fortuno was ju .the hands of nnoatimablujvvqmiui, hia'uiint, ivlio has lost sonffllenco in him lliroiigh a number of eecipados in which tie lias Indulged lie baa beeu bent to America torouglif It' id the' hope (bat the experience may cause him to settle down in life. He protends that He ia mulling ajblg cattle, ranch near Uuffulo N. Y tio haa un elderly tiiclu wiionlda in the deception, uud who, in .endeavor ing to help him out only gels him into deeper troubje JJt wileu a Jotter to his iiephe a , telling him to hack up bla atoriea by bringing home u real Indian,' Of'courae the lettur iniecurriea and I ho young man returns mums thu Indian. He induces an old cliuni who is hU sis tor's, tayu&ntib dlxgnUo Iiipialf ue a sav age. Aramt this liinc an American pa tent iiieilfcliiii ilwilur happen uloi.g with h,khiiiUiio lyilmaii wlium bit mm for a.d vnrtjjjbi puqvue. The uncle, hepiut: to relievo the jmncillty. Iiorrows the Indian and then thft'rtilxup begin. Tlia bogus and lio real hpliau arriy loiit the Salem Social notes Tho Odd KellowB library will bo opon ed In its new ouartcrs on Wednesday ,!-.. i.iin. This order maintains for its mninl.nrR. or tllOBO 1'Ploilglllg to its librory iipsoclatlon, n reading room and largo collection tjf standard works of literajuie. Airs. I'red Wiggins and Mrc. Claud Gatch (let their husbands shaie their glory) have won again in a ituffalo, N, Y., ainaleur plintngrnphy prize contest, auainpt compotltorp front all over tho country. Two Governors apr.ke at the W. C. T. U. rooms Saturday night J. H.Motchcr iloliuircil one of a cour?o of lectures, and T. T. Gce'r floko in approval of the entertainment afforded. Washington1!! Birthday, Feb. 22, is to be honored at Salem by a military ball under tho ausplcios of F Co. It will -bo the military boys annual event. On Friday evening Miss Nollio Stan dish entertained fiotuo friends nt the lioir.o of Mr. atd Mrs. It. M. Thompson on Ferry and Church Ktrcots. Miss Copo'.and's dancing class Satur day niuht at Tioga hall waa well-attend-ed,and all her pupils say their teacher is at the oead of pioffession. Perry Card left Sunday for Honolulu, via San Fraiu isco. He was tliete about A year iiko and promises to send The Jouits'At. some letters. Miescs Bertb'i and Celia Goldsmith of Portland are guesta of their brother, tho wholesale and retail eigar doaler, S. S. Goldsmith and wife. Tho Saturday Night. Solo Club waa lost entertained by Bex Byars nt tho family homo of General and Mra. Byara on Commercial street. Mrs. John Stiles and Miss K. Will ainso' hi Asylum forco returned from u lew doya visit lit Portland lant eve ning. G.A. Golden, for some liino saleainnn with G. W. Johnson, has gono into tho insurance business with Homer Smith. On Wednesday this week the ICntre Nena Club give their llnal party of a series of Ave at Tipga Hull. r. II, hlinrpo, tlie old mining pros pector of tho Bohemia country, returned to Cot luge Grove today. W. W. S.ivage atarled (or Victoria B. C. tills morning in the interest of tho Oregon Nursery Co. ;F. Ti. Power, of Loliuoti, who baa been visiting life father.' W. It. 1'oHor, re turned home today. Tho Misses Hriiestlne and Horlenae Levi went to Portland for a few days vis it, this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Strang returned last night from a few days visit, at Portland. N. II. Hurley of Portland who apent Sunday here with friends returned this morning. Buy Stapleton, and George Meyers wont toMt. Angel to attend echool, this morning. Hon. Sol. Abrams, of UoHohurg, passed through the city today en route home. Fred Loose, of Polk county went lo Portland on business thin morning. K. Broytnan and It. P. Boino Jr. went to Portland this morning. Mrs. A. N. Bush uud Miss Bush went to Portland for the day. Clias. I). Min ton went to Portland on business this morning. T. II. Hubbard wont to Portland on business thin morning. J. I.. Hill, of Albany, waa in (he city today. Every Movement Hurts. When von have rheumatism. M uncles feel atitf uud eoro and Joints aro painful. iiuooHiioi. pay to suiier longirom tula In tha Method of electing Text Books. Gov. Geer Replies Effectively to the Just Opinion of Judge Lowell. a, com-declin- Gov. Geer has just received tnunlcation from Judge Lowell, ing the appointment as a memberof tho Text Book Commission, but is not yet looking for another man to appoint in tho vacancy. In speaking of Jttdgo Lowell's declination and bis rea sons therefor, Governor Geer said: "I am very much disappointed that Judge Lowell declines to boivo tho school interests of tho stato in thia capacity, but his somewhat extendod criticism of my lack of judgment in appointing him allows his misconception of the objec tions which the Daly law was intended to overcome. Tho law which it super seded provided for tho vory system of selecting text books that Judge Lowell says should ho continued. If educators should bo allowed to select books, there could bo no objection whalovor to the old law, which placed tho.mattcr directly in the handa of the county school superintendents of tho Btato and the State Board of Examiners really tho-best body of practical edu cators In the state. And ouo good fea ture of it waa that thoso men did the work absolutely without additional cost to tho state. But a change was demand ed by tho people and the legislature provided for a change in obedienco to the demand, nnd instructed me to carry it out in detail. Now, if I simply trans fer this duty from one body of men to another body of the same kind of men, against whom the protest was made, 1 fall to effect any change in tho manner of selecting text books -01111 have not fulfilled the trust reposed In mo. "Tlioro Is no better body of men nud women in this or any other atater than tho schoolteacher, nor nny class doing more for advancement 0! mankind, but since the Daly law decided that the system of allowing the selection of text books to be made by a Iwanl of tho bivt teachers in the statu was not satisfactory nnd hhould bo changed, I hnpo I will not be blamed for supposing that a changuiB intended to mean a change Ask the average echool man what is Iho best book 011 tho market, and ho will have an answer ready utonco, for his very experience has led him to a conclusion, nnd a man whoso mind ia already up on a question ia usually excluded from aid ing in Its decision. In fact, I believe the Judgu. has uniformly enforced thia well-known rule of practice himself. I( an educated butlnesa man doea not know any more about echool hooka than a lawyer tloes of medical books or n farmer of theological treatises, then no business man should ho placet! 011 (lie commls- BABY FOODS motliers;think inpre ojspetisl foods than they used to. The reasons are: (1) both mothers and babies live less naturally than ihcvrused to; (2) mother milk JjUIPI ? plenty, and not sofgood, as it used to be ; (3) Scott's emul sion of cod-liver, oil is mother .' food as well as baby food enables the mother to feed CCffiCcffiffilv her baby naturally. We'll Mtvt you a Utile lo try If you tike. SCO'IT A. HOWNU, 409 Pearl rtreel, New York. useful body of peoplo in the common wealth. It was simply nn effort to got out of tho former channel, adomand for a new deal. So, I ropeat, that I am sorry Judgo Lowell, who (s eo eminently qualified to carrv out tho intent of the law should decline to make tho pat riotln naerilloo involved in accepting n position on tho commission." Judie Lowell's Interview. Judge Stophen A.Lowcll,of Pendleton, who was appointed one of the rnombora of Oregon's text book commission by Gov. Geer do lined to nccopt tho position and glvo9 out tho following interview: "I regrot personally that tho gover nor has placed mo upon the commfseion, because; while it would bo a ploasuro, as well as an honor to bo associated in any capacity with the other gentlemen appointed, tho views I lipid upon tho matter, anil heretofore expressed in recommendations on file at Snlom, pre clude my acceptance. I have to confess that originally tho Idea of a commission composed of business inon met with my approval, but maturcr consideration ha led mo to believe that tho interests of the school require that at least n major ity of tho board shall bo educators. It would bo an anomaly (o glvo to law yers tho selection of medical looko, or farmers tho selection of thoologlcal treatises, nnd it seems to mo a grave error to assttmo that men other than teachers can wisely select school books. It Ib not a question of prico alone, orof the quality of tho mechanical work upon tho books, but Hither tho charac ter nud quality of tho matter contained In them and its adaptability to modern school methoda, which must bo of pri mary importance, and thia will require technical knowledge of hooka and authors. "It baa been It", years ainco I wua n teacher, and I do not feel that I could do justice to the educational interests of tho atatea without greater preparation tiidu I JiaVO the time to aivo. Certainlv nvurv Ion, nnd wo aimply have a continuation Y , ,'u . 1 .1 ,u,n "c,reV l? 8V"? 8UP of the old byateni. I have mado no p,!f&! l ' 1 1 bZ L'T,9 1", ft.., W4 u iu Liin uiiiii '. iim 11 yiirnuii fa tho important institution in Amorcian dlieuu when it may be cured so nromnt- ly and jwrfeetly by Hood's Barsaparilla. Tills medicine goes right to the spot, neutralize) the acidity of the blood, which causes rheumatism, and puts an t't pint an 1 aUa.vju. Biilott&nces 26c. is cured by Hood's Pills. Sam B, Goldsmith Cigar Co. uro sole-l a-jenta for Kxitorta, Creinos, Kl Cupilitn General and LaMajestica Lm&u "Will be rouwtf to its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and ooniqirwflon b cuitd it you take Hood's Pills Sold by all drueglsv 25 ccntE. Sain S. Goldsmith Cigar U iih kuh, agents for LxporU, Cretnoa, Ii CHitimn General and MMajuetica. Population of Hood (liver. Tho Weekly Hood Hivor Glacier has enumerated the peoplo within the corporot limits of the to-rn of Hood Hivor and found tho population to lie 701. This is an increase of 120 peoplo, or 20 percent, over the population laat January, whltdi was lil'J. An increase o f 2d percent show a healthy gtowth.Tho population, though, bus changed somewhat Of tint list of name hods of familioa and orsons self auppirting that was printed in the Glacier directory hut your, TShave moved from tho town, and four have died. Mot of those who Imro moved, most of thttinlKiIng families wlirMuma here with the Lottt Like Lumber company's mill, have left the Jjjfluntry, hWI aj&wjjmyu tjow in tho valley. With tho growth o( tho town thero hav Ix-eu added H new, huiauusa Hatabluhmants within the your, including a bank, grocery store, clothing boiike, tivoauloous, an eating house, tin shop, two butcher shops, racket atoro, two millinay stores, news agency, jewelry stort. Fuilurua in busiiiew liave ben liv in number including a netviair, hh meat market) and a grocery iUtn, liHrdnare hture, millinery I shop. Moony in Uuod Itirer u not over! HlHintlmit, wil Die Immihinm tranfai led hure liaa Uren axiiiiwiierait with the hoii(Jiy Slut" of KatinctM in g-iii-ral UtroptfUoHt ;Jm I'Hitoil StHtM. H oke Heiirv tli l-urtk. fcrtin (iuhiMilUi Cijar Cv. t protest against teuchorH selecting school books, but the Daly law tlid, and I nut commissioned to carry out its provisions Tho Orcgonhin anid yeslentuy. "Tho Textbook Commission was wanted be cause popular sentiment disapproved of the work of tho county suporliitondcnts In tho selection of tho hooks. This Is undoubtedly true, and yot there ia not a better liody of educators in Oregon than tho county superintendents. If they could not select books in a natisfactory manner, wjiat body of school men could'' I have simply held that the Daly law meant a change, that in all. "Tho protest Hint came up from thu common people whs not against the character nnd quality of thu muttor con tained in tho books, but waa against their cost. Of coureo, thoro aro men who aro willing to pay any prlco for achool books, but among them are not to bo found thoso who aro digging out stumps !u tho foothills, nor fiinnorn who are struggling to raise largo families. It was in their interest that the new law was enacted, and they should not bo lost sight of in its udmlnstration. And the desire to secure an impartial discredit to tho tochor, recognized by everybody lo bo tho most llfo. Whatovor will improve it 1 nm 111 lavoroi too commission nnd admire tho men whom tho iiress announces ns my associates thereof, but It sonmn in n short In technical educators, and I shall decline, nsklng tho governor to appoint I In my placo Presldont Beatty, of the I Weston normal school, or eomo other J until 01 rrco!uizciiBuinuiugu8n!cacnor." The Cottsf e, Clias Kedmond. Portland. 0 MoMtt. Portland. Bobt Smith, Portland. lMJrocket, Astoria; D C Dibble, Dakota City, Neb. John Mills, Falrtleld. Will Looney, Jefferson. The llomllest MialnSsleci As well as the Imudhomcst, and others are Invited to cull on nny druggist nnrl get rrco A trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that la guaranteed to cure and believe all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Aatlituu, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 25o. and 50c. eod&w Smoke Henry Iho Fourth. SamS. Goldsmith Cigar Co. V. J, Dryan at OmMia. On MtA, Neb.,Jan. 7. The JackBonlan Club will glvo their annual banquet to night. W. J. Bryan will be the chief gtust.and hehas announced that ho will talk about the future policy of the Dem ocratic party. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. f 8f Frank J, Cheney iuakea oath that he is senior partner of tho linn of F. J. Cheney k Co., doing busiuoes In tho City of Toledo, County and state uforo said, and that said linn will pay the Bum of Ono Hiindicd Dollars for each and ovory caso of Catarrh that cannot Iw cureil by the use of Hall 'a Catarrh C ure. Kit ink ,f. Ciiu.vkv. Sworn to bcloro mo and aiibocrihcd In my presence, this Oth day of Deceinlier, A. D. l&HO. A. W.GLKA80.N, fsKAi.' Notarv Pulill... Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, and acts directly on tho blood uud mucous surfareaof tho system. Send (Or testimonials, free. F. J. Chexkv A Co., Toledn, O. Sold by druggists, 7Bc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Sam 6. Goldsmith Cigar Co. uro uole agonta for Exports, Cromos, 121 Capitun General and LaMnjostlca. ' .. U. 9. Supreme Court Washington, Jan. 7. Tho United States Supreme Court reassembled today aftor tho holiday recess. Tho Court will heroaftor require, that in all pro cesses of the Courts and o her United States Courta tho Christian "names as well as tho surnames of persons shall bo used. This order is intended to pro vent tho use o( Initial, which often caticea confusion. A Few Pointers The recent statistics of tho number o deaths show that tho largo mujorlt.7 ill with consumption. This disease Miao commence with nn apparently bar. oy cough which can bo cured hiBtantly ss Kemp's Balaam for tho Throat aby Lungs, which Is guaranteed to cure ud relievo all cases. Prico U5i'. and and For Halo by all druggists. J fiOo. American Dowllnt Coniress. CmcAOO.Jan. 7. Tho American Bowl ing Congress met today with a large at tendance. In connection with this Congress, which extends to tho l-'lli inet.. the llrst annual tournament of the United States will iiIbo be held. This touriinment is expected to greatly stim ulate nnd increase the interest in Hie liowling game and also to increase the importance of the national organization. Tho events will consist of a livo-mitn team contest, two-men team contest and individual contests. Thu games will be played on the 8th, Dth, 10th litis and l'th. MsMMMBSsHHMHHsVsSHBHHiM ii m mr m m & m w m mm n Hi Hi I) t IHWttl IM frSTORlA ASvtfclnulc Preparation lor As slmllatlng ihcFoodniuincUtila ling iltcSluinachs nuclDowls or 1'romolcs Digcslion.Cliccrful ncssflndltest.CQntflltts neillter Ophim.Mon'liinc nor Mineral. Not "Nvitc otic . Hyv efOMtir&M Ti NIVI'1 Mx-frtuvt jbuirSfril t JttfctertaMJtita CtfnM Mimt hbttyrrm rtmvr. Apetfccl Ilcmcdv for Cons dpa lion, Sour Sloinhch.Diarrhoai Wortns.Convulsions.Fcvcrialt ncss nnd Loss or Slf.i: p. Facsimile Signnture of NEW VORK For Over Thirty Years THT. crNTtUnOOMMNT. NlWVONKCItT. 'MID POTS AND PANS And nn endless variety of all conceivable housekeeping utensils nud Implements, thu woman with lUgeuiuH for hnUHckccp IngHliuply revels tit Wado'H haidwaro nlo'e. The invciitore and imiiiufacliirerri of labor Hiivlug ilevicea for the liuioe net a fiiHt pace; hut we are fully alirourft of the tlinea, as you will acortul" if you give us u vinit. R. M. WADE A CO. SALhlVl UKEGON Smoko Henry tho Fourth. Ham N. Goldsmith Cig-ir Co. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough 4&yfftfia Smoke Henry tho Fourth. Sam S. Goldsmith Cigar Co. BtAti tb IM Kind You Haw Afwars BmiRh' BjDtttI of Ilu Kind Yoj Haw Alrwrs Ilk xW -riSn V ?$&& A Good Breakfast For tho dainty nppetlte or for the hearty calrrtnu ho mado from our tempting lamb chops or mutton chopa, beefsteak, or ork chops. Our jiienli are of ox iiiinIio flavor, Hiicciiient, luicy ind ten Iit, and are cut uud trimmed by ex perts for your table. If you haven't iiiiiplod our cliolco uieatH, you have iuIhhinI a treat worth remembrrlug. E C. CROSS SALEM OR. Phone 2ll. Beara tbo Signature) Smoko Henry the Foiuth. Ham 8. Goldsmith Cigar Co. Caleb Powers' Cave. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 7 -The case of Caleb Powers, formorly Secretary of inmnnwrtalth. will ! Court of Appail lroflwl 'f, 0 to 7c. av lii.tL.., k ( ' Vel WmI, 8 e. Stfor ay, Judge h ( . Hoj)8(l7o. for 18!)1 crop, C3.AA ....!... il... r ... .. niuiu, HKuniBt me uoinmonweaiin. win jury Is no como up beforo tho wno nroiwhlch assembles todav O Konr Is now a raemlierof thu court. ilJUo for now m,i. TODAY'S MARKET. Poktlani), Jan. 7. Wheat, viilby nominal Walla Walla, 51. Flour Portland, best gradi-B '2.tK) & I3.-J0. Graham 2.tH). Oats Cholco Wh to ClOino. cmv-ll Of' i'Jc. wr bushel, AUBstuff Bran, fl5e0: shorts, 17.00 liny Timothy U!iI2 mr ton. Onions fl!.:tn Potfttoea60 to Ce per sack. Butter Best dairy, 250110 ; fntiuy creamery, 0 Oto r5n. Store ,JC.-. 3'.' per roll, Kgga-Oregon, ranch 27 c.iier do.. I'dultry-CliIckeiiB, VIM toa.W); hons $3.00 to 1.00; turkoya, livo 10 to lie. Mutton Dresped, (ijtf to 7e mr pound. im'ko uenvy tiresrieii n looi-ic. per loiinil. Heel Kteers, $H.W)QI; cows, 'J.r0; On New Year's Day Tho minutest detail fof your attirc shoiild coinmaiid your cloHtiHt attention, for formal calls require the best ilrcns, As to your linen, you aro s-ifo if it has been laundered at the Kulom Htoum Laundry. Juit the right (IiiIhIi rcpiircd by good form uud gootl taste ideiithml by the way, uhviiys to ho had hero. Wo auk as a special favor to our employeN that you amid your orders early wo liko to celebrate the day ourselves. Saiem Steam laundry coi-oNKi, i. oniaruAo cioi'itiirroit. nonoiis I). oi.MarKAO, moii. Phono 111, ) Liberty tit re. I. a rifrCAr' J iKimiiiiMiii .ii ijiiiioi iiw. small. V2H to and Us decision is expeclod to bo favor able lo powers. DRESSMAKING by thn day in families, bv r competent person. Inrjuiro at :75 High street lS-lMm Noonday Rest. Tho ladles of the W. C. T. U. demre to announce to tho publio that they have opened u Noon Beat at their rooms. L" Court street, where coffee, lea, bread, butter, sandwiches, meat, potatoes, pie or pudding will bo served dally except Sunday's, from 11 :M a. m. (o 1 MO p m at nominal charge. J :t m Special Sale. Wet weather vnnilk. All if nnr la.a iutoshos aold at 60 per cent reduction. a o onri.ou umbrellas 70 eta. Allo( our 75c( Umbrella now 50 tt HALKM WOOLKN MILL CTOBI. 12 20 tf Time of Trala Car. Mai.ki, Oregon, Jan. 1. lufll Commencing January 1, IW)1, and until further notice, tho depot tar will lm WJiliUllflilfl IlflUi ag fcll08 ' iorui overiand 0:10 a Albany I.octtl north 7:30 u South overland . ,..IO.Oa, North overland 1 :3t) p, Alluiny Ixx;al south . . . . 0:00 ii, The Oldest and Best S. S. S. is a combination of roots and herbs of great curative powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. f, S. is not only; a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens nud builds tip the constitution .while purging the blood of impuri ties. , b. t. cures ail diseases oi a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofuln, Rheumatism, Chronic Soren nnd Ulcers, ltc7.eiua, Psoriasis, Salt Klictuu, Ilerp-H and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure nud the only nntidote for that most horrible disease-, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty 3'enrs of successful cures is a record to be proud of. K. S. y. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands, Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the njstory of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have mode a 1 ife-long study of Blood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. We are doing great good to s u fl e r i n g humanity through our consulting ue nartnient. nnd invito wit tft u-rit i,u if inn iim. anvi.tnn: travel. In order to have tho beataer. or skin trouble. We make no charge ,vI UM !' JWaconin Central Ry.f whatever for thia ser-fea between HU Paul ami Chicago. For wijatevr lor mis seniee. . rate6 . other lnforinatIou tiUt j THE SWIFI SPiCIFW CO. ATUKTA. (u. A (;iok; General Agent, Portand. Orf . Wool Valley, l.'IQMc rUitatern Oro gon, U(312o;Mohttlr,2o. IiidoH Green, aaltotl (10 lbs, 7 ftBc; under 00 Iho, 7miA i sheep pelts, lfrffl vt)c BAI.KM MAUKkT. heat f8 pounds and over, W) Wool, 13 to ltlc, Mohair, 2r. Hops 11 to 16c Oats S8c. to 0e If ay Haled, cheat, 7 ; KRS ..': -ri', riour , Hk: sank. Mtllatiina-Bran, i:i; ahorta, Wi i'W Breaswl, 0- Llvecftttlo Kteera, :i,'$ ; i-owa, a J to Bheer fAigs.ftO. Dressed Veal 7 iuhiIh. Butter Dairy, lfi220o j wi-ttniery, 26 timothy, fit) -III wholtxmlo Iota, fil.OO; r)tnl .fliwsMt (SjPyiN With Our Compliments And our beat wIhIior for your continued good health and happinoxM, we prcHcnt for our New Year's, 1001 n (Inn variety of champagnes, other wines ami liipiora, iuijKirted and domiistlu, for thu aoiiHiu. It is our OHix-flal faro that no Inferior brand shall Ibid li way to our sliulves or cellar. Have you ever trMd Tom llnwiiHvhlikiiy nt fliOOa bottle. '- l.'!L,."""i4lLii WANTED New today, nttYOtln6irioht four linos or lso In thin ooiumn tnsortod throo tlmos for 3U.OO per month ai tnmo raio. aoo.. boo a wtt All over-tout-llnon For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature xT 1 $ U5S A FtAHE CHANCE JAk VTlL sfrect. four Hocks south of t he court' Iwuse win be sold at hair Its value. Good lifluTe. flaes view jn ihe cltj-, fruit trees, etc. Apply Journal office. ROOMtfTO BExVT. Fumfshwl rooma to rent within three block of tho 8tato Jloueo. ,'i2IM(ll8t. AOlinger. lGtf FOR JtKNT A alx-room modern cottage rornorARyliurrAvonuoiindJTtliatroot. Apply lo W. V. Job neon, City Unll . 1 4 Iw HOUSK FOB BEN'TrFIvo rooms, largo kitchen, with barn and cow stable, good garden spot, Jn Dopot, addi tion, some pasture. Jiy 0. W. .Hunt, Balom Oregon. ' 4 3i Mombe.-s of Sedgwick Belfof Corps No. i iiuu u. a. it. no. iu aro requested to bo at their ..halL aatiirday.nlcht fnllation, Buppur7ni LtstziKloss, I lanuarv 5 for iifa ii'.M sharp. I 'J t upjwnnL toss. I FocVctaryi FLOWKBS For tho-Notv nations. A nlco lino in which you can select, at Oreen House. Yearr-ar-stock from tho Avenue 12-20-lw TO KENT. First class Onion land, lo cated 2xi miles northwest of Brooks. Wm. U.'Eo'a.v, l-'SSlm Brooks, Ore. VA NTKD A boy of Reed address, and must furnish reference, to ' work hi store. Address JornsMLofllco. 12-Stllf. AT Tho old stand, with tbo boat class of help tbo Mills barbershop is again prepared to otfer Inducement to per manent patrons. Finest porcelain balliB and host all-around servlco, Op ponito Hotel Willamette. J2'27 1m FOB BKNT D7nUI"wmrj.(u""rtml cold Water, and both. Also n 7 room house with barn. Call nt 421 HIrIi stiect. A. Schrelbcr. 1217K MABBIAGE, parar for 10 eentn, with iitlilresses of advertisers, ladies person als Innortod frco. The Special Club, lwx 2.11, Snlom, Oregon. IS-15-Imo l'9lt, S 'CA en(il boreo, saddle and bridlo. Broko to' drive, Apply to 15 Court St. 12-1-tf KABM Y0BSALi:-2l7 acrod with Kood buildtncs and fouces, over half under cultivation, half milo west of Kaiser achool-holme. I'rlco and term reason able. Address K. A., caro Jouilvai., Salem. M lui FKFNCH LESSON S.-(liyeiV at li7mu or to china In any part of city. Born and educated In France. Lydla Blch, l, Htreet, Hulom. II 27 tf Smoke Henry the Fourth. Sam H. Uolilmnlth Oixar Co. SALEM LODGES KOKKBTllMS OK A.MKMOJT Ooiirl Shorn oq1 Forvl No 1 JlecU PiltUr nlgliU lit Turner lilock. John M CIium, (J. K. A U Ilrown Hpoy, ll-U-lrr Rlds-lavltrii. We are now ready to receive proposals for Huptillea to be furnished to the Or egon htate Beform Kohool tor the" alx months, endln Jurio 30, IttOl. A llwt of supplies, neoded Mill be furiilahed upon application. II. K. BIOKEBS. i" '-ifi 101. iJiiperiiitetident. Bottled Beer KtlnjjerA Ueck.Huccesson to Soutbym Duttlir. Works. All ordera for bottled btwr will be tilled at the brewery. Kent on cold atoraxu, Frwwilty delivery. Telephoiin2ltll. (At'ITAL LIIV Express and Transfet Meets all man and passenger trains. BiiKKaKe to all purta of thu city. I'rouipt servfue. 'IVIeiiliono No. Sol. DlSCiUK A HOMVKB T. J, Sullivan, State Strct Tailor. Kall'Miil turiu nV) ih inu M, nil In. Tlio O!;onu!6rtr iil. blcs0. Hwt Itllnni4 suit tlft. ir Soutii overland J. I. . .10:05 p. m. LAMBIBTll, tiueral Hupt Peace rxcUred . by devote all your ilmo resdin the Boer War and tho Hold Fields o Aia-ar mere an otuer matters o vital importance; you may makeatrli tMi. ana win want to know how to ?l iiCki. Poultry HeiiM wr lb..(l t 7; uptinu clilnkena por lb (in. to 7 I'otatoea 26e irer biihliel. Applean0eto40,. Bo you Cough? l)r. Hull's CotiL'h Byrup will cure n Ooucll or Cold at mir l,nw.n..M Oroun.Whpopinrj-Coiichnml M(4l Courfj without foil. Mot bom pruUto, "i. juviuiu iirciicririn il ihp iirmwu.i. tls, IIoarscnoHa. ariiino, Pneumonia ana uonsurantlon. It kJv quick, BUrorcHulte. I'rico,2flct. Jtoftiselliu dealor'fl substitute t It Js not kixmI, '' JLMmMwJ.M.M 7 !P'ces. Cough Syrup Alway cured when olhei fail. ?. Bull't PUl cur CntlMllii nj l.lv.r reuU. ao"j4Uil, i CU. TTil WS, h lU To Your Ilcnlth for the New Year the Kinilurj plumber Ih very nectvwry. Ii the health of your family ia rtilUnint! have your plnmbim; overhauled mij i iui nroiiNl oee lfmhini; put In. that U baaed on nHimary cifiiiillc princiiilew. Wo arn ncl(iiiA'lcdtsl iiiiixlitrM of Ibla trado, unit itill doaiiythiui; In the Imn of plumhiuK. vita uud siemii fitting nt riwiHoiialiln pricoH BARRAPETZEL 214 COMMF.BCIAL KTIIKKT f Tilcil'(iiHt7l. J. P, Rogers SI8M2 Commercial Street Wholimlo and Itntail liquor iliatlv , . . i , . - B. R. JONES. Attornoy-ftt-Law Toloito, Oro'ron. lt'lik tit Otrutilt Ooitfl i i '.s run aiiiUia an iii lo (!to Htmtraai m )' rij InM.jucoln rou il I). tt.J7ui White House Restaurant 4m I;;iiy ol access. Cuurtegus reception. I'irclnss cookinjj. You enjoy what you order at too State st. - in, n in. m. . m. i STAPLE POQDS livervlhiiiif neeJal to slock up your pantry from a sack of Iwst flour to ji yeu cuke, and for a relish, pijs feet, sail mackerel, bacon nnd saueikraut. New Qnyijrex ,lniQii and a full assortment of mils, candy and oilier. Itux tints, nt lowest , t ' . . lanr-itt & Lawrenea OWI HVHWVVm OHOOHIIV G10RGEBR0S. Rrops mat: llUi far Pukllcstloa st-alt-d ImU for tha pJihlU-atidH of tho dfliiMiHtfiil bis roll twliiio H'ill WrtH'lv rd hi tlw tWlkw of iIm almriff of Marion Co or, OUT ftjuiiwi en tho Stlnlayof Jau., HJQl. , Tha privUst to roUtot any Hlul till lrtl W lnsf T6U. PusA W, I)hjh.n Whrll!Muri)iiCoi'r. fROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY OAXLIGHT Diyllcht Stowvtr at UlUtti Pa'tts. Tbiuiiub llrst cliisa toiiaitslui!t)r front t'llinuv uMi. wm'tiy lun iimjik". ikiowi, Nuw York, ami other tuistaru points, via Riodmuilti Woatern, (Urt Salt Lake Itotitoj (Mmvor A Itio Uramjh. C HIA V and Illinois Cuntral U CUm&, couuevt iiitfln tho I'n'or UMit with MiuhlRan (Jwitrl'a aimlUi esir for iwlnts dst. For ptfrVtolllrtra nail oh onWilnva Loiwl Agtnt or, r. iVirftariil flro Oil (Vtii I A' n. ridrd it v. f " trtmtitlUj-a