' r ft ' ' d s t: mVWIMMI hut folks licwe an e&sy time now&ddys" rilii iniiiiiii I-' rtnmM- . .. . - - . m r -va Wraftkilll SI v, H fv MMmERL mfell I M frSKal IfJ II 111 C t- Wti iST IP mmm tEMs 'i - n,tKl IjyilPlPJBtvtRvra i 41 y yiiiMmmmm WMmmgmrm&.mmi im wvw- v y- r mwiifi ttii tat BS5?IM'WiPSiWI&fl6v" tf ifEl, 1MIMI. JBIMJaMMiJaMMUiW nftrCviwisg&viJi ' ' a nm iv wmamimsmmmmmMm wmfMmrr uiorrw , i-jhi ma bbv ..' mit(MlWamaummfmmm3MfWm m&gsgmiwmMBmMwrim wmsrmsmwmmmfM .JB Up - . u.-i!iLmiii v i imiituMM ; jfetr " TrVTDAfl TDIICT "Resolved, That wo, the .County HOTEL ARRIVALS. X bt kia ! - . a . . ..-. !..... taaiis ! -kj 1 1 1 u i r raa Mnfi avava bibt amr a a -r mr am- mnttmkSA Urn- Unlniti """'S'." BIDDING FAREWELL . TO THE 19TK CENTURY Gatherings of All Denomina tions in the World i t svJI 9 fBBLBHw ra All Nationalities Pay Tiibutc lo the Flight of Father Time ' Washington", Dec. ill. Moualnnore Marlenelll will coiuluct services at t. Patrick's church at mldniitltt .tonight to conseerate Hie new century to ucmi, The solemn mass siihk nt midnight of Dic.iilwlllhe repeated tonlirltt Inuc rorrinitco with tliocotnrtinnilof the Pojm, l.coXIH. iir.T.iir.r.r.TW vkw.r.v.wj- CASTDR1A I'akii. Dec 31. I'urlslmi wily will pnrt with thoolil jrnr toiloy nmi tmilht in a HPrii t noiHhle (fitlvitlcB. Many drawing; icmiiiih will foe oerulml with thoee il'iimrihle eventi. One l lliccu will foo a foal inWiiiity In' wHUiU th Riieatg will H.rioiii()' In tlieii cohUiiiicm tho JtrikliiK evejit ami yrtat liiventlimn ol tho century. Stu YrtK, Ucc. Jll. The sislh an ItOal ballot tho lliinganan I.lt-rary 5q-I clety ot New York will he held Hmlhl j in tho 0 rami Cent i al I'alac. Thero ho A Hungarian vIIIbro. innrnr marl Mvorce jutll and jail. A tiiiinlior of na tfvoilanrora came over from Hungary e.xittAly toparttclpale.'ln thin ilatic Tor.uio, 0. Dec. Ul. X watch iiIkIiI tdr.vico unilor the chargn of Mayor Jone W(ll 1m linlil tonight in thoamlltorluiu. ASi't'clable l'rcpntnlioiti'or As -slnfllalinfi iheftwd muineguln linft HwSloinachs utvttDowls ol immmiimm. I'romolcsDificsllon.Chcoiful nea.s nndHosl.ConlUa nellltcr iiorfluwniL ic. iicnrwiiiun' ai,vuimui Opluni.Morpliitu not kotNAiicoti toitftMJ)rMM.tm'Wi JXi.yJul .tVfrf" .Ak .r.in htpitn'tl -. , ltt(Mttr-Ma ' MnfeyrwH fhlivr For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature lo. 8r fill 1- i C. T. Co's fAHMKNUKIl H't'BAftiKIt OrvlONA ALTONA I.KAVKH Mll'l I'Dltl'I.ANI) P pally except 8tilUvilKn ' t'QUICK TIMK AND CMKAf UATKB. DiKik litwU fltma ua .nri di. M.t HAliOWlN, AKant ISH One and alt u lUrpy Prosrcious Hew Year.... EriiaukliiK yon for your it.ilroiiaj;o i Rlie. nabt, wa liopu to io lavoreii win Rftfur favrtrH in tlio future nun win iry u Itreatyoii aell or better than before. 12 Days SpctUl SaH on all Lett-over Parlor Lamps TEXTBOOK TRUST WAS DOWNED Every Time at the Albany State Teacher's Ass'n. Gov. Geer Sustained in His Determination to Appoint u Business Board. LSI IlKKIIKMItiU, Prop. Yokoh a in m ouii i(U t) 'J 19 Coinnert'ial St. viiok '-'III. Salem Oui. I'llliK DhUVKItV. Ar'tit s- if the tuxlhrnik triut that hiiH hail a monopoly of fiiriiihiiii Oregon with rehoolH iKMikH for elcliteen years wiirn very aelivo at tho Albany State Towliiiru Awtociution the past week but inol with Mttiitl ilofeat. fiovcrnor Ccer Sustained) Aeenidlni! in tho lopoit furnisheil to tho Salem Ktntiwinan by its eity editor, ox'Supt. JoiieH, who wan present, fmv. fieer wan iuatnluel aa follewa: There womed tn ho a divpoflitinii on the iHirt of a few toarhctra to erillcii'n tiov T. T. doer in hia axprwwed deter mination to appoint but two whool men in the Text ItCMik eiiniiilion, to ha wloeted duri n .lanurary. rroi. i. . S. Held Iwl n nioiomimt to necuro an ox nroMion of the AMia-lntlnn on Mi Ut. Ilo movtMl that a Hppuial I'om inltee bo appointed to luport a resolution .,. ti,., Vhancintlmi. demandiiiL' that iiioiu HCliiml men "HuBolvo-l, Tlmt we, the t'omity School SupcriiiteuiloittH and Ilinh Sehool principnlH, in convention aflfemniei, , iiuflt nHK'Ctfully ieiiiPHt that Ilia, Hxcolloncy llin liovernoroi iiik'i point a majority ol tho iichwil textbook commission from anionc tlio oilucatora of the mate who are actively engaged In twiehlng, in order uini urn e.uii.iuin.i. iuleroHtH eif the ntnto may be corved. Ackermaa Took no Parti Itghouldbe Htated that Slate Snpt. Ackerrnaii look no part in tho light for oragaiiiBt the textbook eominlHHlon, and the AMHOciatlon imaninioUHly adopto-l the follewing: "UecoKiiirlng the ellluient service of oiir.Siiperlntonilenlof 1'ulilio liiBtructiou lion. .1 II. Ackormair, in bin attondaiKe upon and work In the county institutea of tho Blate, be it ....... "ltoaolvcd, 'I hat woiue vouiny r.iii-i-intendents of tho Htato In convention iih sembled, oxpresn by rifling vnto our npj nreciallon of his excellent nervlce, and thniik him for IiIh careful co-operation and kindly nwiiUunco ami hiHtriictiou. Ttie liomllcst Man In Salem Ah well as Mm IiiiiiiImiuicsI., and others arc Invlied U. call on any lrggb;t and got free a trial iMittlu of Kemp's Hiilsaiu for the Throat, and LnngH, a remedy Unit. H guuranteod U eiiroaiid bollovo nil Chronic and Aouto Cough, AhUiiim. Uronohltla und Oiiwiiuiii tliiil. I'rlce 26c. and 60o. owl&w Fl THE WILLAMETTE. Wnohhurn, Kugene. n v Tnrnlov. Palem. V T Gary, San l'rancltco. Uobort A Miller, Oregon City, (loo 0 Hunter, New York. ,lnn Sargent, San Fraiicleco. (ieo A Crux, Ban Francisco. Klla Macy, Newberg. O V llarard, f)ca Moines, Iowa. lUingei'uhline, San l'rauclwo. I, 11 Howe, Hochester, N . Sam Oliver, Cliemawn lohutiill, Portland. Kola Nclf, Albany, (ieo OIIToid, Portland, .fniuna Nolan A wife, Saqulimw. MrH Smith, Portland. T () Strange, Wootlbiirn. 'VlllLAUKLPlltA, UPC. ai.-Tl.O Tl'ltcd tabor lnue. lb Alllwl lluUdlng Trades Council, and tho Allied Oermnn Trades will ItolJ awaleb night tervlco In Odd Fellows1 Templo. Tho i.rlnclpal feature will ' bsmiuet at which labor leaders will respond to toasts. hTMPi'iui, Pa. Dec. 31. The Pittsburg Red Crops Society will hold a watch night ineetlnj In Caruego Hall lonlght from 0 p. in, till midnight, to welcomo the twentieth century, it will bo of the old fashioned kind. The singing will be especially fine. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 31. lhddlng farowell in the old century and welcoming lit the new century will foe done at tho moat elaborate Methodist-watch nlaht services iover held lit the Methodist churches of thin city. Ainnfccl Hcnu'dy l'oi'Cousdo UoniSmirSlomacU.UlnnlMcn Wiirins.Coiwutftioiw.rcwmh ucafimulIiOSS or Si.Kti. t.icSiimlc Sn!nalura or KVAV YOTIK Bears Hhe A. of AAJ JK. ' . . i j For WANTED Now tticlny ntlvortlpomonta four threo times tor il.oo per month. Ilnoa or less In this oolumnjlnoortit lor von. oup,tweii atnama rnto. All ovar four lines . JL.,. A RARE CHANCE dcace, i k street, four tlotksjioutli of th court fcouse will te sold st.fr.iir Its value. Good heuse: flats view In the city, fruit trees, etc Apsty Journal office. FL0WF.K8 For tho Now Year. Car nations. A nlco line in stock from which you can Meet, at the Avenue 0 roen House. 12-2aV TO HKNT First clans onioti landi- lo- catcd 2Vf miles northwest of Hropka. VM. H.EoaS,; . 12 281m Brooks,. Ore.; t. WAKTKD A boy of good address. nd imiBt lumlfli reference, to work In store. Address Jonn-NAt. office. 12-20lf. AT The old stand, with llio bcstulnw ot help the Mills barber shop.ia again prepared to offer Inducements tg per manent patrons. Finest porcelain hatha arm best all'aronnu sorvicoj up irfiRlto Hotel Willamette.' 127'lnP in Use Over Thirty Years COW FOIt BA'LK.-Oooll 06, Jersey and Purlmm atock, froali, soon,- Call oft 3. .1. Longcor, near colored cbunjb, orth satom. 12-22 (it FOR KENT Dwelling with not and cold water, and both. Also n 7 rooni Ijouno with barn Call at -124 JHftb Street, A. Schrolber. liTJf F ckact copyor wbappi Err sfTaTrtr II j?hBL8Ib m ft MARlUAGK.p.ticr for 10 centsfwTl! addieatea cl advertlK'ra, ladles nerson ids inserted freo. Tho Special Olulj, hex 2111, Ralcm, Oregon. I216'lmnj WANTKD-A lxy or trade. Imiulro nt 12 11 tt girl to learn Juoksai. ollllco. IP i' KoliiNle,s. thu Albany hop Unjor, Is in the city today. Vhov llolnnn".wro.ijtT to .Porflup.l on business thla mondjig. MlM ' lrankl'e: VaVkhurt llarf gone lo" Portland on a vfodt. - lj)'., . W. S. Waterberry went' to Ourvnis on business this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hro.it Ihvu gone to PortlandtOj spend New Year, Prof Francesco Seeley has uoue to iPortland to iln'y a grand piano for hi" ,colfegu of. nnisio. --- " .Collector Patterson retnruadt I'orl- In., iihar'.l)eillllltU "'III penit '.' lhtud this moriiiiiL' rflavwith WfC-fniOW 1 JllUB llallle Thomas, who is spending j,er vacation with her parents at Turner. was in Salem Saturday. Mrs. Cooke Patton and little daughter have on to Wondlmni o visit her parentd Dr. and Mrs. Oulia. Agent W: W. Skinner want to ""; ml Ibis ruing, and win not us " olnee again until uxtye.ir-lan. lt lwll. Mr . IJTi- and daughters, l-n ii .,. ..i i,.riiuiul. who siMiil the ttllil 1KI '" '-- llmweek visiting- Mr. D. J. Fry have ietiirno-1 home. Mrs. Unto &ull jyjd jMUl '"' N.nla, MonT.Twho weere ona vlilt with Mrv'WlJlTOlfKriiniWJiiiwTf n- tnrned hDine this morning. Major IMI. I cabo was at Woodhurn NUnidav to iiisavt tho mlllU compiny. HelliMs tliui-oinimiiy in splemlkl win- lition, upptmriug for Ihainnilioii who he it need upon tno ,.. ...lu.im, i linn tlui iiuuihttr contem i i.u ilui linvrirnor. Ii. w. .lones :.. ........ ;,,v.ul ilmi I'm motion bo laid on tho table, which shut off all dlsflnw ion on the suhjeet. The motion failed to carry. After a number ot nmenn. ments were made to the original motion, Senator II. F. Mulkey moved that a res olotlonhe presented lie adopted, as a Hiilwtituto for the original motion. I he riMKihition coimrntnlHtod (ioyernor deer on his opportunity to render a Hlunal service to the selioola of Oregon by tho apM)inlmentofacompetout and truHt ..i,..i... mniMinii. niul exnrcwi'd ialtn in hi good intention and iliMernniuiil to appoint a Inily of men that would In every 'way bo satisfactory to the best n-lerrat-nf th K-luvdi of tho state, fter a lively diM'iisslou tho resolution passed bv a decisive majonvj-. Text ot Hesoluilon. Following Is the substitute for the Kebl resolution, presented by state Son- utorMnlkey.of the faculty of tho State -..r,,...l .ehool at Monmouth, a champion .r i.a luiv bill. ( while all of lleld'a moxeuientM indicate that he Ih mi Anur- icmtbiiiiltg"iU: .in .i. ,...i,mI i lint ml. the leauliera of OroBou, in iwiivftiitleuaswiiibled, do , IwroUy cmigratulate Ills Ujwellmii-y UuyHniar I'. T. lwr Uu urn rea iMMtiinity tbat baH .-.me U. I.im o do tlie peopi ol Ho Mlt", "K""' 7, vi.-, in t it aiMKiiiuuiom n . i toxl t-ook iHmniis-'in; fuHlier .. a rat. i . 1......1 I tilk til Ft Special Sale. Wet weather goods. All of our Mack Imi,I.ih noli! at 51) per cent luduotion. viififmir l.on Cmbrollns 75 cts. .,,.,..... .---. ... .. Scrofula the Cause. F.ezomn, catarrh, hip disease, white swelling, and even consumption havo their origin in scrofulous conditions. mum. ii... uiiniiii.fli inlnt ot scrofula in the blood, thorn Is no safety. The .,i in il.ia.liReitKtiln all Its forms is llood'u Sarsaparllla, which goes to tho .,.,.. ( It.., Irniible mill OXIH'ls all im purities and disease uerms from the iilood. The foetd family cathartic Is Hood a Pills. MID POTS AND PANS And uu endless variety ol all conceivable housekeeping utensils and Implements, tho woman with agenlu for lmiuokop lug slmplylrnvels at Wade'a hardware stote. The inventors and manufacturers of lalxir saving devices for the home sol n fast pace; hut we are fully abreast of the times, as you will asueriai" u you ujve ns a visit. l-OIl BALE A saddle horns, saddle ar.d bridle. Ilroko to drhe, Apply tp )5(kmrt8t. i21Li. FAUmTTJU BAr.E-217 acres with gool buildings and fences, over half under cultivation, half mile west of Kaiser aehool-houso. Price and terms reason able. Address F. A., care Jouilsai., Salem. 1-Mn FHENOH TKsl?ONa(Tlyeii at homo or to class in any part of city. Horii and educated In Franco. I.ydla Rich. I), Street, Salem. 11 27 f SALEM LODGES J! Tiy the Flite for Christinas C&Affm&t All of our Toot Cmbrells now 6" ( ts. SAI.F.M VV00I.HN Ml I.I. STORK. tf 11, L .av.l Viaii llil tl.V4vQ PataajV umm ti -y) iW t,,"u '"jr: u" 8nturo o SALEM DISTRICT SCHOOL MEETING Vt a special meeting of tho board of directors of the Sn'em Hchool district, Saturday night, hi the iwrloas of I.add and Hush's Rank, it was dooldod to set Monday evening, .lanuary U8, 1001, as tho time for the sunual twxsiyers meeting. Tho romrt of the olerk will bo made nt thUt meeting, showing the financial condition of the district, oatlmatofl will he made for the exponses for running tho seboois lor ine ci.hiiiih.b year and a tax will w voted to raise Iho necessary revenue, A Mlnhtcr's Mistake A ultv miui.tor was roceiuiy ih ! i ii it ieo ti 1m read from iH.miwinv intf It was u ,-- Ibirr tha 3i;naturi Fotos. 112 OAWTOHIA. .he Kind Mw m wwmwu.i 'Mz& Wide Tires In Massachusetts. Ilosrox, Doc. HI. The wide tire law for tho protection of the streets of the cities and highways ot tho states goes into effect lo day. It pioscrlhei that all Litres of iron or stcul shall not ba lose In width than one ami a nan umoi un timiiMnr of tho axle measured at the hoiilder thereof, but in no case shall n tire of more than four inches be frw.nlr.Ht' Wooden or hollow axles must have tires not lees In width than the diameter of tho axle at tho shoulder. Kansas Citv, Dec. Ul.-Tlils city ob serves the close of tho Nineteenth Cen tury by the most elaborate ball It has overbad. It will take place tonight In the great Convention Hall, whose great dimensions make It Jnrt the place for .imb n ball. The costumes will be his torical, appropriate to the Jlrst of the century, and are not limited to this country. The ban win oe iu nnrw:pk success that Kansas I'lty nas nau .111 pisny a month. Nkw Yokc, Dee. 111. ---Frank Dam roch's People's 'Choral Union will to nlcht stand on the steps of the city hall and slna out tho old year. Old Trinity's solemn chimes will echo tlielr .strains. Any century might be content to die with such a reijulem. RoMt, Dec. ill. Highly thousand In vltatlons have been issued for the ureal paplc ceremony hi Ht. Peter's toulglit ol thechslng of the old year. Ills Holi ness, Leo Sill, will personally ealobralo at midnight the last mass oMhe century. All the pllrlins fn the city will attend, 4fc--R.- M. WADE & CO. SALtlW OREGON I- Sew YoHK,Hej.31.-The Methodists, who woro the originators of ivAtchnlghl services, and who hold them on the last neatness C.nnot t Ciued nlylitol everj- year, will onuio iiieip. hv local applications, as iney camim selves in wawiunu; iu n? Nearly every Jlelbooisi cnurcu KOHKSTlCNeJ Ol' A.MICRIOA. , oourt ttucrwoo.1 Kurort No. l. MtW ildajr nltlits In limitr liloek. John It. is, O.K. AHhlltimu fiT. ll-t7-ljr Hlds Invited. We are now ready to receive proposals for supplies to ho furnished to Uio Or egon State Reform School for the six months, ending Juno 30, 1WJ1. A list of supplies, needed will bo furnished upon application. ILK. RI0KKR8. , I j in lot. Snporlntenilent. Bottled Beer AHGood Breakfast I ..r Hie dainty appollto or for the hearty niertau be made from our tempting lamb chops Or mutton chops, beefsteak, or pork chops. Our meals aro of ex inlnllo llavor, succulent, iuley il ler. and aro cut and tiJmmed by ex ....,iu rr vuir iHhte. It von haven t ..iinnli.ll our choice meats, you have miHHod a treat worth remembering- E C CROSS SALEM OR. Phone Jul. KllngerA Ucck .Successors to Boutb&alero Uottlmg Works, All orders (or bottled beer will bo tlUt.1 at tho brewery. Kept ou cold storage. ereeelty unlivery, teiepnonu ii. CAPITAL. Ul Express and Transfct "Meela nil mall and passenger tralnsP Itaggngo to alt parts of tho city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 861. .,- DISQUB.x UOMYKIt his pulpit. Ac reach tho diseased portion urn enr. There is only one way to euro dealr.wis, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is enueod by an Inflamed con dition ol the mucous lining of the Knstachlan Tnlw. When His. tulm gets inllamed you have a iinpbllng sound or imperfect hearing, mid whin it is en tirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the Inllammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal n.i.. i.i.trinif u III In. deslrovitl lor- ever; nh.e cases out of Imi an- earned hy ping from a ,.at,irrh, winch U nothing but fin inttam- cl i . - . .. - l.....at(...lllalll I lift II III L III T. I It" ., I MltlUIITIlin (ii IltK IIIIIUllllV OlMinivr. S: 7ta" -1 U. read Vhe extract "v will We One Hundred Dollarsfo IlinUrll'"'.' r . . ..,.'.. I .. I. ...r...u .1 l..l..,... ..nnxwl I.V I'Hlairn I ud found thai it nogaii; ",;" ,'.m anyaeui i-.i...m i ii..ii'i V'-irVi i!.:. ... .i... 1.....1 r.n,..l, (Jme." Ihw ,i.t mi, net be cured hv Hall s ( atarrn Cure country will hold It large or small. wstch in the miotlmr, be On New .Year's Day Tho minutest de'ail ( vn"' ""' should command your cloet allention. for formal calls re.iiire ibe best, dress, As to vour linen, you me safe II it lew heen laundcie.1 at the Knlum hieaiij Lanndiy. Just the rlhl llnish mpihisl by good fm in and uol taste -IdenthMl. hy the way, always to he bml hsre ask bb a special favor to our employe that you send your orders eurly e ilko lo eclebrate the day onrMdvi-e. Saiem Steam -laundry COMlNKL I I'l.VATKAII I'llOl'ltlKIOtt. fiouoiia ii oi-MsfKAp, ntH. Phone til. 2Kii Liberty MriH I. .... a....... ii.ji .iiniaLai HMiilrMl. TIM.I wna' iww i, "-." ". 7n w,ut.l and. faith in t ieiioveriior-8iiisiiiierii"- . uunny " ""'.,' .,'.,, aMlaouddiscerMiiient u serve his fier a moments hwiUiUu . " MJ hi tl -behalf, aialllwt we await with aoV-r and found on thu other wde llw MnfldHHM this rult " t''i lll, ,Bt' ' iimM id"iHll for the reeding. - IhsiK experiment HeM ot In I'avsr .r. Olio ShiiluW the Imn farmer, sofai . . . ., .1.. t.,,. .1. luHaraiill UWVIHW ifiiivw H.t lher.- AfcNHimuu.. .,- "-" ib uofttruui i im v... . iu.,. i-utiiii; siwrcrnix, imiwiii-" .1 ... .a L.1..I I I atV rutimi Wfore otlmr g.KMl umit - "' " ' -i for Hm-ral lu-- pas The .ir-.i,. ..! in interfere with .1.,'. .k ,J namius; a coniuiiioH uni - t.--' 'i'. u.i... u I rullKltl MP iOJl i hv ...- - - , ..... th, close ol the se-H" ' "" "","' :.....l.,..l u ruaoltllioil hkkii'K has and Send for circulars, free, F. .1. Oiibnky it Co., Toledo. O. ild by Druggists, 7fe. Hall's Family Pill are the 1L Blnalurs y" jCZ-ftf "-?" 'CV7rfV. Ut W wlei i-Iht Rrown ol Qrwfi AfcH'i mty, and h. II. tltfuWn.ot rA men and thiwe ulhuera, CL F. M herinan ci.n uigrui, Clackamas euiuily here to viit thu toiler s. W. Mintou, ruturhoi riiorniug. 1 1 Attorney W. II. ParWirl W T( turned t his borne !ii8?oeiihi4.1ntf acumpaiiu-d by bw soiu ilr.fl rutff4 )HillUc. ... t X a t . , j.I- in mii'iii tor me n..vrur (ier to apiMiim m-.j m m rnmnOmUm, rt.l.uw was promraly lawl on tiw w'e. Th Tfsst w Dswssd for the Hrl lime m lh hist.-ry of aUli iwcbers' a-atiou lo H'- - ;" - ,-iziioii ha- huen a rf'll "'"' "-. . ... ,,...,., i... ii,,. in lis uaiiuM. ." - ,4 whixtla ami , m W sl,. ere iglder, Mr. home thW ItllMIlt tsil w...... U.ii limit-Ill ! r-w . . .......j ilJ, Ming Mtueiat H -""- loAioH of its own hMUiouka. All pa-t iMlaiHtcMW. of hitfi wm -- " . 'v.. ..u.. ian Om work ol the I rust L....-.i- Lh.OMtk Uwtst edWWHI poi- Shsli ird .(..,. h mckullug t majority of in.- L'uXUiiaul Biovitii ol Hall, (Ik. i li.vl . I la in u,ljill' I, IM l wiii.iu U I tuians, ! Count wnvKirUnwiaVMts. mni-ite- "' i...i !... fait. m - .a Ml1' ' ' A ifcalmi'i Htr,,,Jt- ' """!'. Z?lX?,s "ilia " . ". ::Tukn,ii. ri"i" has ln-eii Weeks in whi h he the iiilerect ih pnhlikhiti);. of a pstst two law hookri After Dismiss. To nulst iliwialloo, rrlirvn .liarr niter t'ttluiK ..r ilriiikliue l. trrtil. I., . ret fol i ,,n,li4illiii. takv Hood's Piiis &oid every wbwe. 36 ccait. TM MlnllM """ iir..,- ll... AlUuy AssMCialiun 1 1 list iin'i v.k.. J tut in lie Dm- . i .... ..Li.rir lWIIu " ' t-tU-l I HiMrlnitt 1 ot .ouii- ..I .i.-.rilltulldllt'e," CHIl " i .. .. .111 I la ill ... .... I ..., .,,irinlIKlelllii. """" I u .... ...I....I...I Mulorsiotl tbem.elve - ... ..!. Jlltt. iliUlC Ht'' uOopt lxUuk, a Wlo lb.-11 ; Jiif Umj ft J"'" '"" ' ".' ''. - LJS KsTiadruft i Wl ,iui'w,,rr,o,:..!.?u , ,.i Dart .. j"T.3 Skra or I-"-" -I iwr'iErmS rSalU.-'." ' uvrjnsjiiii ... na.ai (tafrA. ror 5u t twn-v" -. ;;jij NEW YEARS DAY FOOTBALL EXCUH5IUN aMaaMiiaaM To see the great game lad ween Salem and Portland on New Years day. rickets can b had al U aters' cigar b.re. Meyers barlier shop. iprut s cit-r store and Ration's and llurglisriit tl.kulorMS. ii.. ... ii... loom!, ut 7:15. Return, o u.g Portlaml at :W. f S IJ tor Uw round trip. '- ' " peace neclartd Why devote all your time resiling tlw liner War and the Hold Fields of Ala-taT Tbure an oiner iii vital imiKirtaiue'; yon may make a trip Kast. and will want to know how t I l..r.r.Ur in llHVB tllO IMJSt SSr- vliM iUe the Wiseoiisin Central Ry., J.r.': -. PmuI and CIiimku. For .... M...I ..ttier information, write J A. CU-k, (isnersl Agent, Porland, Or( CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bougb mmwt 6ixitiffljp&( Ni:w Yokv, Dec HI -Tho Re.1 Orom AiMorlatloti. of which lh vennraiilo Clara Ikirton Is president, has ariiu'd. for watch night scrvlre all over the Culled Slatey. It Is vstlmnlad tint at hnist 10,000 Mich meetings will foe held, ri.. oiuii nnimiufeiit one will lie at Madison S'l'iare. wl kh will U aliemK'.i hy Mls llarlon herself. Soiisa' band will ben prominent featnrn ol the e"ii' Ing. There will be an allegorical .r-. a j siou representing the progress made during the century. Telegrams of iiii gratulatlon will be received from all over Dm world. Nearly' every Kuropwan nil er has lent a gie.-ting lotho Amerluon oaoiiIu throuuh Ibe Red Cioss Tlie governors of several states Inn Bordered .i, i.ui uiai ifimni Wi nein mane mr meetings l,n all the lies siiwesses Mark Twain will (ueslde al Madison Hiuare tlsrden. V K Sbi4s TA ff AS6Mat 1 . liyfcJjLiaSaiaKtaISl iaaSMWaaBaSSW"al," Ts J. Sullivan, Stale Street Tailor. , HallfiuUlnipiJuil In. nieOUcinlotlPMp fiu 1 1 r I lAllU iS loilMinmi i'tilfSRi) Hil liutlnsaysitlu 8LV B. P. JONES. Attornoy-at-Lnw Toledo, Oro'rort Wat ilerk'of Circuit Oourt h li tut mlJ.f4 u um I(m!iu alMirsci or si county. Mitr In Macula ii-imi HOU K JIHOS. Piano Tuners and llpte PORTLAND ORIL For baiem and vicinity leave orders at (bo. Will's Mnslo Btoro, Ho! For Christmas Cheer. . m.itier Imw abstemious vai may -1 lie imi of the year, Ut jr be im . .ii(fiiel liirbw ' Christina Imlklays tuvUau'xxl l,"k of liquid reiiwili i.iiirs lot- y.,nrtll and onr (rlemls at ,t..i..r IrfM Hiiula Clans lie Urn bearer ..I tfno-l l(.lon-aiwl Hsny will "Tat?, tv mii and Hhim-w l UM v' ( l.rUtma . White House Restaurant" Easy of access. Courteous reception. Pirst'clas? cooking-. Von enjoy what you order at 1 06 State St. lr J, P.Jogcrs K 'fit C.MHItluM-lal Xlft'iM Wlii4sih and ftlail s-w- hy the jmrs'in DHCSSMAKIMC dsy In families, Inr aioms'teul friipilre al r,", iTlgh strwi. VI 11 In." DrBuirs icouaH SYRUPj An Up-to date Plumber .will lb up miir ImIIi ! thai wtikt lliak,l I IplMlOSIUMlHUii. M'ai limsw KlllW'ror green with cm), ll tie v iOMd sH) the luxury hh! uiveHisnr IIms Is eomhlnnl in 'ir llw "l-t" ' phimldHg, wiili i-orcsilstti hned iniaiel Uhlns. We will III Vsi up a Iwth "" with shuwsir Iwlh. e Iwib tab, nk k.-i plalcd idmWiirfsn. ililniv al n I iUe fiml. IBARRA PETZEL jltCOMMKItCtVL J.IIIKIT. rle.l.ttrw"i:tl. n r ' &giF GEORGE BROS. Props, Unliaiv Pine Chinaware HOIlOtty Silk llnndker-- pAArr chiefs, all colors. UOOUb Toys afitl Pancy 1 joud.s. Call and sec out large vaiiety. altered at low prices Beloi you buy your Christ mas presents- ' 1 Chang Lee co 3i Commercial Ht. JfaaVInir. OoiibIw, iironuiiu" :i enrea Bore Iiucs, (i.i,. liw..iitiniii.L um fill seve'rp lunif affotilons. Why tlwn riss; coiisump lion, ft Mow. sure dealh Take warblnif I Act at once I my ft lottlo or l)rfDnlPCoMli5rw. a doctor preserlptlpii, used over 60 years, rrui, only 23 rents. Insist on WlnjjIU lon,V,M,'"t txtA ujon. Ileluso tho ilealer'B auWUtutej It U not as good m Dr. BuRV sjaplb' foods .. kml. licun ml Hisakrssl. N.w. om. Isrsoni isl a full aiaurfniciil .il iiuIj. ciiuiy nnil umer iuin ,.i i ' Harrttt 4 Uwrenqe, . riw-ajis ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLI0HT DsylilbtSloiwvirst MUfSrsFsHs. Through fl 1 su ! toualst lepr Utm Paslllo Coast weekly for Chicago. RosAw, New Yrfcai)d other eastern polU. vi RwOranUo Western, tureai m RoHtuJ Denver A Rio Urando, u h ; andJirjKOia yaotrttt to i iiieaft, (DK In J GSntrs; Wl A4!tnt4Br. I C9!L 8HH 4 un'or ITslmllai ear for rtwilaravali - . Ill SallSI I 'TP, .- HVkaVaHlll dKM&Wvv''' ISBHsaaaHtBlKm' " "PHBsaHHPK? tfr mm: rmm "HfcaaJST'