r I . I M 'vh; 'i n w -- f ii ! nudftmiitmimm imltitmmmiJlrn MSUaMSatSM U MMtSKSMSfll itiitnwimnrrlmiiiil ilrrfr iTrr Vftn'i liliTWrnirnrnfftnininfii HiABnin wtiiiiuii MpMre No woman happlne I U her nature to love Slid thrown which the expectant mother li no IrxitRlil Willi pnm suiicmiK ihrtiifflit of it llll Iter with horror There U no hccctmty for t lie ordeal oicmia it blitli to be either tmliifnl or danger- on. The xkc ot MOTniiR'l I'HIKVnillUIDK ieu can he complete without chlMteni . ,... li wnl them The dreadful ordral ' TPNTIIRY RFPORn jctanl mother mint pa. however u' u HUVU1AU m.rcrt..K.ndd,nBerl.ntlheer WITHOUT PARALLEL iflOlllvl S R?v'ew of Wars- Revolutions, explorations and Literature. ...... .. - 1 11 tvfttrm lorificcvcni tiint it 11 ruita w"- It ft KOdtem to w Sit Send (or free took eon WlnW information of Mine. Ad'll' M, nrliineni KCrmaioi .., aiihi, v. Friend pricrles Fqf ChHstmas buy that boy fijlitrQTtORCOHt. Either will please him, either will niake ?i flrliriore sufmnie present in; All an some nick nack. That is Good All that is new and jfp-to-date in little fellows clothing is here and .prices have never been quoted quite ,b low as hose quoted here. Regular $2.25. $2.50 and $2.75 values $1.95 Regular $3.00, $3.25 CO AC and $3.50 suits $4.40 Don't think of buying any Christmas gifts for man or buy without firM coining here we can do youJoLs-of good and we always save ypu a little money-when you trade here. G, W Johnson & Company; The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers n ' " ' ' " " - --'-- - m daily journal BV HO PER BROTHERS. "Nb'AYMcTaT.lim"" Unity Ono Yonr, $8.00 In Advance Dally Four Month $1. In Advance Weakly Ono Year Sl.OOIln Advance COMPLETE THE STATE SBWBK. Whilo thoro are innumerable sehomus nnd plaiis afloat tin to legislation that ought ti be passed nt the forthcoming session of Uio Orogou genaral awambly, measures goodi bitil nrnl fndiffuront, tltut will Im pUHhcxV for all inaimorof masons, there is ono legitimate pltwoof work that ought to he immpltited, nnil Hint is Oio sower to tlio slate institutions. It has already hutjn built front tlio rlvor to tlio etnto house, oil Cwntra stroot, hut tlio lity iBfltlfl BiifterJntj rioTu tlio ovorllow eowaae from tlio Btnto Institution!. Tho asylum ami tho penitentiary nro still lowered into tho Court street POver,vhluli i tho property of I ho' olty. Tho roKult in, Hint tvlioiiovor Uioro is n heavy ruin, ttll Uio buildingtsin tho lower part of tho city nro flooded.- Tills in n (jreat dotri menl to tho property ovriiura of tho olty whtelriowns Uo sowor, iind Blj'utjld lie Stopped. ' Tho stnto line ulrundy spoilt jiiauy thousand doilam building its uaw'or up Centre Btroot tlio greater iwtrt of tlio way to iU iititut!Qii8,l)Ut has prnaUonlly no lament from tho inonoy spent. In tho meant lino tho honvy sowngo which Is be ing sontdown through tho oity'tt mwor is lioltiK Rront dninno to city property. Tlio water which ooino from tho nsyUun roofo is nlouo onough during hunl rain to tnx tho olty euwor to ita limits, to wiy nothim; of tliu HHnitHry nownKO of that mammoth institution and tho peniten tiary. During last wook whon It ruined lieavily for twonty-four hours, tho Etalom I'lty ball wob' Hooded m tho Jlros woro put rfut, ami tho oorttpant wero com IhjIIwI (o furnish nrtllloul heat or close tijt jjioji'ho yaw Odd VqIIiiwh hall wiib iutbo fcnmo pl-ftjllcflmont. Many oC tho bireiuoftf) hout'o iuuI fine roaldoijuoa of lb oltwj-'rtra nltK) tlms nnnoyi'iT, This Is wionffriufll iho' punplo r( fttlom nro cn titledjo rtjliuf at the hand of tho forth' lomlnn wwiioii of the nlato loKlHlnturo. lljliio tell: nlx.ut tbo".ualm llo" ' ' MO BL00O, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the teat of an almost cud leai variety of dlseaxeii They are kitowu by various name, but arc all clue to tht touie cause, acid and other jxiiwms in the, blood that irritute and interfere with tle,proper HCtion of the skin. To have u smooth, wit skin, free from all'eniptlons, the blqod tuust be kept pure nod heultliy. Tho many preparation ul onenlQ.aqd Ktakl mid the large riuuibei of facg p9wdcr and lotion jieieraU usrtl in this cluse of dUcntes cover up forfa short time, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotoliB and the red, uuwguiing piropiea. Eibpnal vfgllanoo Is tho pvJoe of .a hoautlful aompiaxlon wlleu such reiuedieaare relied uu. Sir. Jt. T Slivt. g;u4 1.uv Aveuue, bt l,ouU Maiuiya: "My Unugliirr w urtlunej (ur yit Willi tlltfiguring emplloii on iter fc,NrliUt IttUtcd at) trcaiuicul. slie nan ukt)40 vvc otlbrmc4 tiMlthtrilnc, liMt tccetvcd.ns Un Ct.-Mauy iadlJne wcie uiotcribed, lnitrith cutrtuU. vutll wc decided lo try H 8. Sjid by Iba tlina the tlrt bottle liuUhr.l tlieeTuptii,L Uitiu to dl4ijprr. A iloteu boitlr cured It el completely and lett tier kln tietlcclly t inuoin well eiionub for sport, hut tho truth is, in this case Salem has for years furnish ed tho slato a valuable privilege, not on ly free of coet.btit nt art nbsohiteloss and deteritueiit to its inhabitants. Falom'H city cmuctl, tho Odd Kcllows organization, the county court and pro perty owners generally should iimko a demand upon tho state for this just claim. Let Jlits matter bo brought to public notice by the Chamber of Com morco, by tax-payers, nuti by citizens gcnorally. It is a proper demand, and should bo pushed through. Stops the Cough sad Works off the Cold. f,aiutlB ltrouHOtf1nInuTtleicure h cold In one ilny. Ko ruru, no 1'iiy. t'rlce He. h-Ul left lirr .kin ttbeli now (evruuen ) car old, and nolo thin ol tb eiuUrrnnlinj 1Umc In ever returned " S, H. S. is a positive, unfailing cure fot thjj worst forma of skitt trouble It ii the g satefit of alt blood pun(lersand Uu oaly one guaranteed purely vegetable. MO, otoou mates rouipiexiuii. punnes ana invtgo. rates the old unit inakee new, rich blood tout uourishea tli i? active sud liealthv and in tvotiet X4U3H to perform its patt tonanii ' $Bg olf the impurities from tho body .ffii havo TJiein.i. Tettar. Aisne. Sail -"- -- "- -f i "Tri --jrxi t. '- ' or your bwh is r?11 o sss fv active mid li n " rJfiliD m iw IE mu h Mm fc rACHir ,.'. ii.lWf HH1H I Mm. I ikikUUg -n wHnrn1 ir your skdn is reugl ollioo but wyulil 111 rfourbpflik ojt Moai tt.carry.'oiU'i.Srlalii JOUHNAL 'X-HAYS." Have you soon the MclirMo uiraular? ft Tliore is a fatal dleano called indiffer ence. ' A ' There will be lulus hi tho lenlHlatnre and others. Poverty's jjowl fortune a great many children -in no danger of being kid uapped. All railroads nro ilrst built on pnimr, but we have boon building too many that way. ? Vnlo, the two moat picturesque Gov ernors since reinioyei -nntreo and ltOOFOVOlt. AAA Well, ICdmttud 0. Ulltner is more than a" sot-off for1 OfJlhtuii GIuhh mid Doc. Keene, A , , Sulum is faliiRUlarly free from holdups. Hut there's no tolliiiK what tho leulslil ture will do. AAA Mluhuul Carpenter crauks the craukcr trust today, leaving it nd uinrtiiiK an liidepeiulent factory. A A A The Jlritish in South Africa don't Heeni to be itble to i:ut away from Do Wet any more than if they wore In Oregon in winter, AAA it's no sort of coiiHCHjuence wliether Q rover Clovelaiul or Win. .1. Bryan de feated the Domocratlc pary. It was done. Probably both helped. AAA Ohoupor than hoboing 50-cont fare for the round-trip from Portland to Ah torla. Four miles for ti cent, train's crowded and making money at It, AAA Tho sage and philosopher of the Dal las ittimlaor has this: Practical charity Is what counts most in tho fiiht of heaven mid douA tlio most good on earth. AAA Australians in Haw Voikaml Sidney will dine in celebration of the federation ii f tho six Australian states at the eume hour hut HI hniirsa part In the difference of time. AAA As they did two year ago, .Mullrtilo ami nuphow will appear on the suuuo hi Kaiem in a few days and repeat their Bang: "lileot any ono but Odrliett; he's t04iod and feeble for any ttgo." AAA A Salem antbCorhutt paper has a page to prove that the Oreponlan denounced Jo Simon ns a boos, and then asks: "Do they want a senator who will be eon trolled by riimon and thoOregonlaur" AAA reoplc Who Oujlit to Swtf Off. The joutli who ttsos citfaretteo. The girl who, inastioatus Kiim. People who jrnstu Watur itm. light. . Tho fellow who blowsju your face, The milliner v, ho tellM every wtMiiitti she's so.styliih, . w Ihe eoI)eetrir wlKLcinnef lit shuiMug a two-for eigar. t Thepublleoftlalttl who is taking fees ,!.,. ,1.,'t i..,i.v...7k i.i... II.III..IUII V 1lHUllJj U Illlll. fon like llryau and Cleveland wbd want to reorganUn the DemooraUo party, each in his own wy. Thoshop-ktoor who hasn't got what you want but will have some in a few days. Tho Politician who sav&hu don't unnt oilioo but wyuld like to Ihl in a iwsltlan fj Nm York. Iec. 31. This hn truly been on eventful century. Its history is marvelous, from whatever fttnnilpolnt it is iewed. Tho record ,of even the very most important events Is a femtthv one. Hero are some of them : Wars and Revolutions. Battle of Ailslerlit, ftutalcoii defeats AtiMrtans and Russian!, lft0."5f IJattle of Trafalgar, Nelson sinkp French fleet, 1805. Moscow burned by the Russians lo entrap tfapotcou, 181i. llatlle of Waterloo, avleon van. quislied, llfi. Uattle ol Navatino. s-eeurlng (ireek lndeH)iideni!e, 182", Crimean war, Ureal Hrljain, France iuid.Sntdini.i against. Itiiwfla, 1 85:1 fift India niittiny, in which native sV illflrn tiiasHaere Kuglish men, women mid ohildrou, 18o7. Franco-Austrian war. 186)1, followed by (iiirlbuldi's campaign unifying Italv, IHrtO. - 'ihe great civil war in Aniericfl, IWH tW riiirrcnder of J.ue to Crant at Ap pomatnx, April II, Ignfi. AiiHtro-PruHsian war. Decisive battle, Sadowa, .Inly :i, lSflii Franco-Prussian war. Decisive bai to, Sctl.tn, .Septemlwr 1, 1870 j fo' o o I by federation ofOorninu slates by tho Oormttn Hmplrlt. KiiBSo-Tnrkieh war. IJaltle of Plevna, December lb, 1877. Bombardment of Alesauilrlj by the British, 1882, followed by tlio occupation of Hgypt. War between Chinese and Japanese, Ainerlcan-Bpantsli war, Manila, May 1, 1898; Hantlago, July II, 18(13. War by Great Britain against South African republics, 18WI-1000. Franco becomes an omplre, 1801 ; a re public, 1818;an cmplroagnln, 18-r2;thlrd republic, 1870. General outbreak of revolutions throughout JJiirope, 1818. Rome, seized from the popu, becomes capital of United Italy, 1870. Exploration. In the Artie: Kxpcdltlon of Sir John Franklin, 1815; Do Long, 1870; Greeley, lftSl;Pcary, 181)2; NHtieen, 1804: duke of the AbrazzI (furthest north) 1000. In theAntnrtlc: litscoe,18.i:; Ballony, 18!J8; D'UrvIlle, 1840; Boss, 1811 ;Wilkes, 1812; Borchgrcvlnk, 1808. in Africa: Livingstone, 1S10 7f);8tan' ley, 1870 87; Kwko and Grant, 18(W. In America: John C. Fremont's jour ney westward to tho Pacific 1812-10. Invention. First steamboat, tho Clermont, made a voyage from New York to Albany, 1807 ; tlio first steamboat to cross the Atlantic, tho Havannah, 1810. First railroad, Stockton &. Darlington, Knglaud, 1825; Bnltlmore & Ohio, four teen miles long, lH'iO. Lighting tho street bygns, tlrst oxperi uifliit in London, 1807. Kloctric llglit produced by Kdlson's aplilication of sub-dlvislon, 187H. IhoMcCormick reaper, invented is;t. Howe's sowing tnnchino, 181(1. The electric telegraph, Sathiiol F. li. Morse. 1M7. IHrst line in tlio Unl ted States, 1814. The tlrst telephone exhibited, 1870. The phonograph, 1877-88. Cable laid across the Atlantic, 1857; perfected, 1800. Kloctric railroad at Edition's homo in Monlo Park, 10S0. Plotography, llrst experiments by Daguerre, 1820. First sticcfsafnl por ttaitH by Morse, 18S0. Tho BpectroJcope llrst used, 1802; perfected, 18.10, Itoeutgeu rays found to penetrate solids, 1800, Social and Romanltarlan. Slavery nbolhhod in the British do-, minions, lSItft. Alexander II., emperor of Russia, (iiuaticlpate.fl 211,000,000 aorfs, 1801. Lincoln's emancipation proclamation 1802. Kiret International exposition in lljdo 1'juk, Indou, 18.11. First settlement of an international (ptarrel by arbitration instead of Svar (Alabama claims of tho I'nltcd States ngajnst Knglaml, 1871, . , Orgattiwttlon of tlio Bed bniislo-cloti- at Geneva, 1801, Organization of the Woman's Cliris-' tlau 't'omporaiiro union, I37n. TALL CORN dteltt comr ljr Hccident. A lertite oil mid careful cultiva tion are iiecery to produce the towering Menu anil heavy ear Vet thr fanner who under nund that he can't have a healthy corn crop without leeuini; anu weeding, seeuia to think that he can have a BUSINESS CARDS C. H. OIACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeno, of ; White Comet Salem Or. Parties desir cX'dXt wiULTZ IN lUPfrlor opmitloiiB at moderate fee in any oranen are in esieciAl rnptest. ALBERT A. JESSUP. PShnmt T7 1. 1 care or culture. But the body i uuui up just a tne corn t. by the amlraOatiau of the erernl ohetulcal element tin which vitality depend. Atnl what weed arc to the coru. dineane of the atotnacb and nutritive ytra are to the body they divert the necet ary foot supply from the proper channel, and the body become lean, sickly mid ill-tiourirhrd. The proper dieeitiou and lill H aMltailation of food i a pri- htallnjr diseases of the stom ach and oiynni of digestion and nutrition, Or Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery increase the digestive and assimilative pnwtrs, .otinntlatc the action of the blood making-'glands, ' and sends.to every organ of the body the rich red-corpusclcd blood ott which physical vigor and itality depend. "I took two bottle of Doctor Pletee' Ooldeu Medical DUcov ery, for stomach trouble." writr Clarence Crne, Kq . of Taylori town. Lottdoun Co , Va. "It did me no much good that I didn't take any more. I can eat tnct an thing now I am o well ptrnird with ft t hardly know how In thank you for jour kind lufor nutlon I tried a whole lot of thing before I wrote to. yon There was a gentleman told me about yonr medkine, how it had cured his wife. I thought I would try a bottle or It. Am now glad that I did, or 1 don t know wlit 1 would have done If It had not betn for Dr. Pierce Coldtu Md Icat Dlicoery " I)r Pierce's 1'Jeaaant Velleta regulate the bowel and curt corttjatnn. CHILDREN - - i ."! chare I '.. &- 1WIW Mi notlco.tTfe1Uild fffiteati tmiimra I (LOIajjati 1T1 IWllII.IIU IMI. Th )ts eliiireli Jtruaiftenioon. Virgins ) JJlQI:Miq withjmi tjiiu nectatTnu see theiji in ovevj "achooi-;-want S.-oU' emulsion pf eQcl-Hver oil, to Uf.jjt' op their porji little klvruuken semwny bodies. School will us of no w&v to them, Something willcairy them qiuV "' They have no play in them. There is no fun in playing, when everybody else can run faster, jump further, turn round quicker, and keep on longer, Hig hetul is do harm; let the body be hjg too. W 11 uud vuu a IliiU iu irk if win Ml . J sLOVi X DuWM, wl'culiinii, Ntw,.k I First college settlement established, ISM. Religious. Organization of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions, 1810. First missionaries pent out, 1BU. Organization of the first Sunday school union in London, 130:1. Amor lean, 1821. British and foreign Bible society founded, 1804. American Bible society organized, 1310. First Voting Men's Christian eso elation established by George Wil liams, in London, 1844. The inquisition abolished by the Spanish cortes, 1820. Beginning of the Salvation Army, 1805. Doctrine of papal infallibility for mally indorsed by tho ecumenical council, 1870. Bible Itorisien: New Testament issued 1881 ; Old Testament, 1885. Organization of tho first Yovng People's Society of Christian F.ndeav- or, 1881. Organization of tho Order of King's Daughters, 1880. Disasters. Karlhquakcs: Caracas, 1812; India, (2,000 persons killed,) 1810; Canton, China (0,000 perished,) 1830; Calabria (1,000 persons burled,) DWijRan Domln go (5,000 killed,) 1812; Southern Italy (14,000 lives lost) 1852; Calabria (10, 000 killed,) 1857; Quito (5.000 death,) 1850; Mendoza, South America (7,000 deaths,) ,1800 j Manila. (1,000 deaths,) .180:1; Mltyleno (1,000 deaths,) 1807; Arcpilpa and district (25,000 deaths,) 1808; Sail .ioso,Colonibia(l 1,000 deaths,; 1875; Selo (4,000 deaths,) 1881; Cas samleciola (1,000 deaths, 1883; Charles ton, 8. C. (proporty worth fC.OOO.OOO destroyed and 41 lives lost,) in Riviera (2,000 deaths,) 1887; Japan (4,000 deaths, 5,000 wounded,) 1801. Families: ' Ireland, 1810; Russia (Am erica contributed through the Christian Herald, a cargo of corn, sent on board tho Leo,) 1801; In Indla,1837, 1800, 1805, 1808, 1870, 1897, 1809. -The great fire in Chicago, 1871. The Conematigh flood, destroying Johnstown, Pa.. 1889. Tidal tvavo and tornado, at Galveston, Texas, 1000. Tidal wave in Japan sweeps away 50,000 houses nnd kills 2,410 persons, 18S9. Literature, Goetho publishes "Faust," 1808. Victor Hugo writes "Les Miserables" 1802. ThomaH OarlyloV "History of tho French Revolution," published 1837. Ralph Waldo Kmcrson's Kseays, 1811-71, John Buskin's "Modern Painters," published 1843-00. Harriet Beecher StowftVUnclQ Tom's Cobln," 1851-62. Darwin's "Origin of Species," 1859. Stattstnaakhlp President Monroe propounded thedx: trine that boars his name, 1823. ' Sir Robt Peel, premier of Great Britain, 1834, John Sherman, United States secro-' ryof treasury, resumes spoaio pay 'ruontB, 1870, Abraham Lincoln elected president United States, 1800. . i W. B. Gladstone becomes premier of Great Britain, 1803, msmarcK mane president of Ihe cabi net, Prussia, 1802. Count Cavour, liberator of Italy, ap pointed premier, 1852, Louis Kossuth, director of Mitnaarv, 1811). " MltttjMaeQus, , ., ,, iJoljl dlccoveml In .California. lSl8:y in Australia, lR5i-, in the Transvaal, 1SS7; in the Klondike, 1S07. Diamond mines worked In the Trans' vaalj870. . Opening of tho Mount Cenls tunntd, 1871; - -4 last spikq of tlio I'niop I'aolllc rail roatl driven, 1800, ' 7 f l tiivenlng of the Suez Canal, 1800. Alaska ceded by Russia to the United States, 1807. Maximilian executed in Mexico, 1807. Bxpulsionof thoemperor from Brazil. AtmasslnationB- l.lnnnln. RiH' 11... floW, 1881, Kmporor Alexander II., 1831 ; Carjtqt. preaident of France, 1894; Shah oflje'rsla, IfiOY, King Humbert of Italy ItiJPhlna, lOOtj, .j yi.,.,. ,X. JpBan4.Tti.l, ROOMS 1 AND 3. OKAY llt.K, Dr. Grace Albright Graduate of American School' of Osteorathy. : : : Bvory tlsy excopt hours ii to 12 a. m; I Weller's grtjt'ery. Sunday. Oinee to I p. m. over HUIE WING SANG CO. Holiday goods, Chineso and Japanese fancy and dry goodc Silks, ladies' underwear, fur nfsliing goods, mattings, orna ments, silk handkerchiefs, china ware, clc. All at low price. 140 STATE STRFET, SALEM ORE. N. W. N. COLLEGE I OF MUSIC ANb ART i A.J.Carlrnd. Prln. Literary befi'i. Z. M. Parvln. Mns. Doc. DlrcCior . in. i mitiii. niiis. uut., of Depart ratot or MUlc. J Full course in thenrlncipal branches of music iuu" att. Tim term begin Mohday Sept. '24. Send for elrrular to . M. l'XttVIN. .. . Mus. Doc, Salem Mutlr room Nn. 7, I'attuu lilk. Northwestern Normal School and Business College Salent Oregon Term opens Sept. 24. Complete course of study Normal, limine, Cominon Vcbool, High school, '.locution, MiHr and Art. Kiill Kacultr. HatlsUctory work. If end tor circulars. " A. J. GARLAND, X. M. Principal CANi ANADIAN PACIFIC And Soo Line. . FlrHt-chiss nnd Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY Gosner's urei lesira For Weddings, Receptions ami all occasions. : : : : Lelloy L Gcsnor, llanajror '203 Collate and Ferry St Salem Or. PaHengers hooked to and from ALL POINTS EAST ft, Salem law OK-F1CB, CITY HALL. I'Yir water servlco ntinly at (itlb'e Bills payable monthly In advance. Make ull uoiiiplilnts at the nine II I Atlantic Steamship Office. s For full paillculiiiH apply to H. J. COYI.K, II. II. ABBOTT, A. (I. P. A., 14(1 Third Hf. Vancouver, II. (1. Portland. J11'"" ' .1. ! -. -W . ' '10'" I'nrtUuJi, - ', tlilcaKpHalt I, it. ut;.l'.',K-- Swift Omaha? K.n"r ,; Vo7uMv .l.m Ui.U.t:hle.RoZl ' w . ku Walla Wall Klrer aixill, Mt.i'anl ih.i.'.f1"'"' Orfl I. n wViiktHi t:hV Zuh N ' Mil. Allan- tie Ki. 9 p, in ws mm aWHF F YOU want the news of the world written andpicturd the finest art and the best literature then you must read COLLIER'S WEEKLY America's Foremost Illustrated journals Hall Caine's lateat and greatest novei, "The Eternal City," begins soon. Send for free copy of the opsnino; chapters, Address Collier's Weekly, 555 West Thirteenth Street, New York City POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES THE NEW- Iikh for n-ai1v ilxtv vrar Um reroKnld a the Teople1 No tlonal I'anilly Nenappr, for raunrr und vllUser. it Kpkndlil Agrlcultutal Drpan nent. Il reliable market r porta, recosnlied authority mroucliout tho country) Its fashion note. Ita Helena- and Mechanic Department. I fn.rlnallni uhn.. .tA.l.d &. , . ....(.I I. In.ll.H.K.l.t. .'J lkllllM --. ...i . ,......., iviiauuio in I HI HUH I- Trrr lamiiy. urKuiiir suh HiHOiii. i'riii,on icr yrui- YORK WEEKLY lirlce, $1.00 puM ii. i ..ii M ,niu . W Mined la) jii i lnl.i), i ti - 'iiipl. le Up I', d.,ie ilmly newap.ip. -, tlnee da) in Hie wk. Willi all Imporittru ii-h r the uiIut four 0iia. I'ruiuely illu. trnte.l. un.l fllu.1 wiiii iniArri. WEEKLY ln" lA,,ln f"r H" uh0 "'h " Kp In ilo touch wlih nw i niDunc iii-kii lur HiiiixiTinttoik li'll'i-, ni,.,i, tii-r NEW YORK TRI- in Minn.MInn wl.k ... . .. t ,...., V....W ,..-.- ,r..r. tnusttated weeklie. and aer.cu.lur.T jX ,iV,Kn &' Zl'X1 ,n"M,nM' Willi Willi Weekly Trl Weekly l'rlluni. Tribune, ilm- Vear. One Venr ItORular nV,L,,lJ,r,,'aM.n1 ,w' " Vort City (Jf.l,"r VXWS OixWKfc: ::::::::: ! : ..u'VVr Yn?9lK ::::::: f Juiiu... ..i- vn.i; ,iii.-. .'"I .raui-'M meL v. v.v . . .... i ll.il... .,r ii.'iL.:l '". .'. !.-. v..rii:.;;." ;;:.;",'-. 'r" ' ........... n .'.mm.i.. ..r.v surL '..IMI I.OO .( Zt MISSlF Ainrrli-iiM iVrT.-ult ur'l.'i: Sew Vorkt'li,' I"" SMS, !!"r','..v.v. .'. V"v vortc city. .: v. : : : : " iisiiiiiiiiiiiiBHis la ru & . iJUr-r 'ioiwii S Si?SS : : : : -li: ?-0,;;!,.,!,,v-1r.v,v,i:f iSKri-ttttJw ti : " :: - ' 5 J WRiSss'-Wvi RMiillui: : -::::". r31l K.-..IMI 1.00 I.OO I.OO I.OO ll.OO i .:to 1. '-'.', I .!!.-. 1.IO l.'.'O ft.OO .I.OO I.OO '.."." I :t.-.o i .'-'.-. i. -'.-. i.'J.t I'.Oll I.OO .'I.OO B.an I.OO i.ur. I.OO l.tio I -,-. 1.00 I .III, 1.IMI I.OO 1.00 l.tlO I.OO I. Ill TSS,VK"5l?.,il,,l,"jvi,!.,' K ' : : : : : ' : : $ frii.M.r,"trim!;!.",uul,Si V; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ;;;. I'lea.B !,g ,n nil ordrr " Tl.n.. l.tii... a ... a,. ... . . AMrM1 y tiiiium:. .t..ru ril. vn.no i.r.u I. no i. no i ..to n.r.o i.iin l.K.-. a.tio i.7n i.?r. r..r.u r...-.u i. no n.tn :t.tn i.Mn 1 .7. 1 .1111 u.r.o i. no l.nii a.no i. no I.HJS i.e. inr. i ..sr. I .no i. on t.ur, i. no i .no i, no i .no i.ihi WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For a ticket iCu t, you nivturitllv and ery properly want to go over tho route that will give you the very liest accomo dations at tho lowest posslblu rate. Hence, you should nsk your ticket agent to mak" your ticket read via tho B S V Arfi ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Our popular personally conducted tourist excursions in modern Pullman tourist sleeping cars leavo Salrtm overy Monday Kvenitig and Thursday evening via Sacramento and every Tuesday even ing uud Saturday morning viu Portland and run through to Chicago vithout chnngo via tho World's most scenic Lino connecting nt Chicago with ull morning trains Kant, also with tho Bock Island nurponally conducted tourist ear for Boston. These tourist sleeping cars arw broad vestlhuled, lighted with Pintclt OtiH ami provideil with all weekly illus trated periodicals and magazines for tlio free use of our patrons and aro accom panied through to destination by a rep resentative of tho Groat Bock Island Bouto. Wo also have a daily llrst-class sleeping car service to Chicago via tho Kconlc Lino, nnd the best timing car service in tho world. i'or full information, maps etc,, call on or write to, A. K. Cooi'tit, Con. Agt or Portland Oregon. W. W. Kkinnkr, II. M. Powuiih Agent S. P Co. Agent O U it N' Co Salem Or. Salem Or. VIA lUINTINOTON p.-yu:,suT,H nu evuy ll(;jta,. s t . t . uLi i ... ....u 1.UI.I l I IIICVII ioi,.Kn,AMo""IM,,,"siin.M . IVII.I.AM"1-TL. ,'teW2'rt'&Wi.VaK.J.. I.eav.. .i.,:,.,.S,'u.. ."..". HwftK. ... I .. - :vt .'.tfniaT ! i.-fm .. i-" rinr iUtiuiiay. w,.,i11..1l.- ".'"' .mou t. Ilia in. '"' rrKUjiloii i or t'orvallls tt w ,..,.... Ml u"i!i,M,"-'"''f 1 llillU street del a; Was cliecko rail 1 : ... i ! -1 ; "aim i Ev H?. ' ' WII,I.AMKT1K KIVI.li .a.. . in i . miu, m t i VIUHIIIl mm !..... n. car line at Oreimn imi 7.... ' "n !L yet Uiuro. t inkct in .ii .' ' S.M"'aft ituatun. t!lir..ri.i. ." """ Or l l throui. from ,;" ,"-. I'Miii: or rlVtr riiuii, i. .i"..,.,lBi. '-nolct v l.nniAa & mado at l'ortlan.1 nllh au rail, .i.'i"" "e. w. H'niv.r."..: "tn ""Mwa AvhuL. 1' Hty tlrkiamiil rrtlvti r'.ieHn;t,!cTLK?;fc ht..m,'" Pfi.RSIRIV Vou are not aware of ll, ait tiIM .;. superb service now afforded by tu i M S, C, STONE, M. D. t'niprletoriuf Stone's Drug Store UA.I.KM, OKKllDN. The irtcrnt (tnn In n umber; are totaled at No. 'its and .133 Commercial street, and aio wcIUtocked with a complete lino ot triiKauil inedlclnss, toilet article, perlinnery, liritMius etc., etc., etc. I)lt. HTONK riaa had some M yea'ts eipetlencc In Ihe prac tlcoof int'llcliiemiil now umkca no charK" (or Conaiillatlnu.eismlnslinn nrprrirlption. Get a Premium on MltMSisr Highest cash pi.Vo j.atd at Olllwrt Bros. Bank, oiiosito Gray Bros. Hold government license as denlers in all kinds of securities. Il-Kltf Ox B H I flj KtwJ 1 2 If you cannot take tlm innn.t... ik travel via thp evening train, llojh finely eiilppHL ' Picron VE HAVE "" Dally Fast Trains l I UK KAST. "Uur Soeca r es" I ri J'"1'!""'"! 4 lllliriSl DIMD, ers, Pullman Diners. Library (Csfe) Ca? and Free Reclining Chair cars, f Hours In Salem Soap , Works The nronrletnr n( n... y..i...,. Works has thei-o operation of the dealers Consumers who desire a llrst-class soap will Encourage Home Industry By ordering Paleminado soap Soap Kayt TImo, Through Berylce, Pnllmin' Palaco SleejMirs, Pullman Tourist Slots, tflrii Unvrtil it f . H.iiftj uiu.ii Lii - itiia i.ii if ago, Kansas (Jity, Ht ,..ig, New Yort Boston, and oth.. eastern itointi. Tickets good to Salt Lake City and Denver. It is toyour Interest to ute Tin: Oukj i-ni LtMiTki). Tickets and eleepInJ car berths can be securel from ' " W. W. 8KIN.NKR. Agents. P. Co. I Or Guy I'owers, AgY 0' lt.A.N. . .. , 'SalemjOre. J. II. I.0TIH0C, Oen'l Agent,- No. Blfj Third St. PorUmd 0. SOUTH AND El Co. Southern Pacific THE SHASTA ROUTE, i Galvanized Iron Work We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds of work in galvanized! iron. X$ X X X - 3E XTX 3MC IB X 2XT 3h Work and material always the best, and the prices are always the lowest. A X X A PHONE 151 T, S. BURROUGHS. IOS STATEJ.ST iij i !- SOMETHING NEW! X KERN INCANDESCENT' CAS BURNER. s No-Chimney, no hlaohmcd .Mantles, consumed, (several sixes, uud giving a 35 ijaniUe pow !( iu vminiri Pfl aol-ouMl Mant es. Givoa Wi aaiulle powr pr foot of uas :. Wo have la strxik Ihe X.. 1 hi. ruing one (o. u ,kj, hour jwwur ight for .'l-lft ol -ono cent per hour. Also tl e v.. t t a coi? of fi.10 of u ufj,t nr hour. AUO U,e N" J- cfljit ptr hour. INVESTIGATE THRM .- K alrn Q Jvight Qq, Ohorjiukta at. The German Market Will be found all kinds of meat DEUVKUY. All bills duo the late firm of Welt A MiesckM hi'. at oo pant, WoIjs & Son 171 Commercial Nt. NEW FEEDSTORE Op)ollo Court House on High 'nT,'-, A full lino of flour and all kinds of feed carried. Hay and grain bought and sold, heed chopping done at lowest rates, (let our quotation bo foro you buy. :::;: Tillson, Bartlctt Grain Co, Loans and Insurance Money to loan from fl to 8 per cent according to setmrity-no expense or Mannnation. Inmtrance eflWted on Imps and other nroivurtv .it inwli . John Moil 290 Com, st.: . 7-l(!.'fd.'w Old Post OfficeStables &i,i?0,-""m" "" lllr- ''"" ' H. M. Brown , . '- r'errv f-'ireet. Money to Loan Qiljimprnvedfaryraml ,itv. lr0I. rly "Unwmllret ratSs. ' - K FORD Over Wit A HusliMnijk. k" Trains leave Salem for J'ortlftnd iid way stations at 0:40 a. m. , 7:64 a. in. and 4jt)6p. m. by T'ortlandTZT sloTU i.TS l.T Halom .11.1)0 XU KUIfU Ar Ashland-... UX AH USA I M Ar Hacramouto 6.00 ! M lii A 11 Ar Han Francisco.- 7.i V U I.UAM ArOgden 6. A it luTT'il Ar DoiiTOr .. .0 AM I.W A Ar Kausa, Cltr I'M AM TJiXU Ar Chlcao.... .. 7.i A M WHAM ATI Angeles....J- iiX) f U WlU Ar KI raw... .. 000 e il tsaru Ar Hon worm. .... dajam t. a u Ar City of Mexico 9.M AM IDS A M Ar Umutou . S3IJ A M IJ1 A M Ar New Orleans o.-i) I'll wm Ar Washington S U A M e U A it Ar New York ;- M;iS I U J1U ?U Pnllniair and -Tourists cars oaTotli trains. Chair cars Sacntmento to OjJtti and KI Paso, and tottrlstcarstoCblcsfo, Bt. IxjuIb, New Orleans ami Washington. Connecting at Fan ftamfiiico vmttT' oral steamship lines for Ifonolala. Japan, China, Philippines, Central mj, South America. SetTMr. W. V. Bklnner agent at Salin. Station, or address O. II. MARKHAM. O. P. A., ; Portland, Oregon. t Oregon Slion Lice Railroad ". Tho Direct Boute to f Montana, Utah, Colorado ; and all Eastern Points I Gives choice of two favorite roulw, ii the UNION PACIFIC Fast MallLlwf or the BIO GRANDE Beanie Liiwi. No Change of Cars. On the Portland-Ohicago Special, "li finest in the Wont." Equipped Wlthl Klegsui Utandard Hl;oKr Klnu New Ordlunry Tourlat Slcei. Biiperh Mhrawilurret t'-ai. Hpfendlp Dinners, Meal a la carl Free eclliilniri;liairi.'tr. t'-omfuriabla Coaches aud Smokers. Entire Tralu i.'ouipieieu ve """ t1 For ftirtlmr Information HP I n. Hinvi. lil'Y POW "' " ' -i. . --- - ,. Irav. Pass. Agl. Ageni u. ". ' ; 143 Third 8t. Portland Or. Balsw t a. Corvallis k Eastern Hail TOIE CAltO. No 2 For Yaqultia: . . Train leaves Albany.... HJ J-" ' Train leaves" Corvallis.... UWP Tfuluarrtves Yaqulna . 6H5p.w. V. 1 D.I....I.,.. ". I lllKUllllliK. ,rt . Leaves Yaqulna .iSr'm" Leaves Corvallis .MM?!? Arrives Albany 12:i6P-BI', No. 3 For Dotrelt: ,iM, . Leaves Albauy 't'l Arrives Detroit il:20.'.c No. 4 Returning: ...... , f Leaves Detroit vi:ml Arrives Albany ..Siodt Ono and two connect at Albany f Corvailla with Kouthern Pacific ti'n,tj lylriK direct service taautl from Pf g port and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains a"'"'! Detroit at noon, fjlvloit 'P'ertH,f Ifl reach catnnlnif urounds on t-fj ! Breltenbush and b'aotlam riven "v Tl'TblKS' KLVSIN ..Ttt, V e it lhny . $M n m 0 " -r t e i r 4-1 StatolPtj5 iaitloior. ;. "R wtrR WV -tUttta . S" "TolefUuina 8H8 ta "