iiM aiiwil-'r VMit THE DAILY JOURNAL. "Wanted - A Business Text-" book Commission." -gov, Geer qf ' J.t '-."V W1r,.'S rfstssumsz ll"I will gel into caucus of COUfseV' -Smith", of Marlonf'' VOIi. X SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY DECEMBER 27 1.900. NO 31 CHINESE EMPEROR Special Sale of MACKINTOSHES ,n order to clean out our entire slock of Mackintoshes before we invoice next month, we will sell them at. X X X X X . n i iiiiLr--Tr nr-riU'iz HOTTEST FIGHTING Four British Divisions En gaged With Tewet, BOERS REPULSED . ON BURGHERSDORP Kitchener Has a Tremendous Job Ahead in Cape Colony. TORTURED AND ROBBED SOCIETY JVOMAN Forms a Conspiracy to Coinv mit a Murder, DIVORCED HUSBAND SNEERED AT HER She Coolly Plans to Have Him Removed From This Vale LYNCHING DAMAGES Woman Gets a Verdict Against Bondsmen, SMASHED A CLEOPATRA Has Views on Terms of the Peace Treaty INDEPENDENT POLICY OF UNITED STATES Grandson of U. S. Gen , Miller, Attjr. A Woman -Who Has a Record i r r ONE.HALF REGULAR PRICE 10 00 Mackintoshes for 35 00. $ 8 00 Mackintoshes for 4 00. 7 50 Mackintoshes for 3 75. $ 6 00 Mackintoshes for 3 00. JUST 00 Mackintoshes for $2 50. 00 Mackintoshes for $2 00. 00 Atackintoshes for $ 00 r WQ0kE$ WUi STORE MBO COM MICRO! AT eJT. 2 f. vi.x.vxx. ! &j p. Goodwear Red Oil Wax Kips. 2 ABSO-i Brogans in Grains and OC1CUICU OlUUt HDOU-a MY Sf 1 n Itt-. Pfnll enloe olair 1im.i, ci.m ,.., .: .....,.- ..!. K ihii jutwutui uiiuuii'-ouiiu unc yici.c iiuiu mjic .uiUfi counter-combination buckle and lace-Soles fastened J jwilh Standard screws turned in and clinched. 3 A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU that they are JJ the best values to be obtained anywhere. J These shoes are made for the worker-and will stand J J hard service. 4 i - i i 2 TUP QAIPM CUnC CTAliC E NfxtDoortc Hush's Bank. State St. R. II. LEABO, ManajcrS Minister Conger Signed the Joint Peace Treaty But With Reservations. I'cki.v, Dec. 27. LI Hung Chang nnd Prince Ohlng havo heard from Kmporor Hwang Han. I'rlnco Chine called on tlio Kmporor for consultation, remaining over an hour. Tho court objects stro liously to reduco forts, and also to allow ing permanent legation guards, which It aeons to think could he made aufllclontly large nt any timo It wna dcalrod to menace thu court Itself. Aftur eon forenco It was decided to hold further communication with the court before seeing MiniaterB. St. Pktkusauimi, Dec. 27. The Novoo Vromly Vladivostok correspondent of the Standard sends n story thattlie Hua ainn Government Ib to tako over tho Manchurian railroads. Ho eaya com mander Keller has left Vladivostok to formally dolivor tho roads to tho govern mont'a leprcBontativca. London, Dec. 27. Following tecelved from Kitchener: "Knox, with Marker, Pitcher -and White Is engaged with Dowot'a forco, holding position in thu neighborhood of Leuwkop. "Dowet hopas to break through and go south again. "Uoera' eastern column In Capo Colony is apparently headed by our troops about Itoitport Spruit. Boers' western column is reported to havo gono north In two portions, ono towards Prioska, tho other through Stroydenburg. They ate being followed up." Reliable Jeweler and Watc-lunaker A Large stock cf novelties, new styles nf brooches and tho best quality of ring, d other now Jewelry for tho people to buy ntprlcea lower than ever before O. T. POMBROY Kngraving Frco, 288 Commercial St. Joweler and Diamond Setter. VICTIMS OF A MYSTERIOUS FIRE CiiiCAfio, Dec. 27. Ono woman waH burned to death and two othoraand a child wero seriously injured in a firo of mysterious orlgfn at 221 West Monroe street. Mrs. Mary Kennedy ia the doad woman, and thu injured are: Mrs. Mary Mason, face nnd body badly burned, may die; Mrs. Loulso Hannun, ovorcomn by smoke, will recover; Ilannon, 7months-old child of Harmon, overcomo by smoko. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR OF 1905 Governors of Washington and Idaho hava informed Governor Gccr that they will favorably recommend tho Centen nial Exposition of Lewis nnd Clark at Portland In ll05. After Frastlut You may find that you can enjoy that health bread mado from tho whole wheat Hour at the Pioneer Hnkor nnd sold by Wcstcott & Co. Nuw Yoiik, Dee. 27. A special fioni Washington eaya: It dins developed that Minister Conger signed tho agree, munt drafted by tho Miniate In Pektu nnd presented to PrincoOhlng on Mon day with Important reservations. Among there reservations are tho follewing: Rejection of tho tonus agreed upon by tho powers and presented to tho Olij ncEO envoys does not bind tho United States to join tho other lowers in ro Burning hoBtiliMcH. Thu United States Ib not Ixnind to maintain iwmunent guards in China or to prevent thu importation of arms nnd ammunition. Other reservations wero made by Mr. Conger but their character will not bu made public by Secretary Hay until ho receives from the MInlstor tho text of the languago ho employed. Mr. Conger, of course, acted under in structlona in appending to tho agree ment a statement of tho position of tho United States. Tho authorities wero ap prehensive that tho powers, in case of the rofusal of China to nccedo to thu de mands, would bo under tho impression that by signing tho ngreomont tliia gov ernment was pledged to enforco compli ance with tho terniB. Tho President did not proposu to bo placed in any such po sition and ho directed Mr. Conger, thoroforo, to make clear tho attitudo of the United StatCB. Iiunoimsnoni', Dec. 27. Gronfell con tinues in touch with Krultzolngora com mand of 700 men who aro carrying off tho British prisoners. Krullzelnger has abandoned Maxims nnd carts. An at tempt of Ninth Lancers to turn Kruitr, elnger'a Hank at Platsterhouvoi Dec. 24, resulted in eight casualties among lat ter 'h, iucludlng Lord Frederick Illackt wood, wounded. ' KIDNAPPED BY HIS MOTHER Several Detectives on the Trail of the Omaha Genius. Mamktta, 0., Dec. 27. Abraham Johnson nnd wife, both over 80 years of age, wero bound, tortured nnd robbed last night at their homo nonr Marietta. Tholr assailant, a gigantic negro, loft thu victims honud, after securing all valu ables, Mrs. 'Johnson is almost totally paralyzed from tho Bhock and her hus band badly Injured. of Tears. OF A SHERIFF IN IN IANA Hi.oKsiro.vrm, Dec. 27. Thoro aro Jenowed but unconfirmed rumors horo that Genoral Dowet. President Ktoyn nnd General Hnasbrock havo had a conference and decided to offer surrend er, providing colonial robols aro not punished, and lenders, including thorn- solves, not deported. Oapk Town, Dec. 27. A small jwirty of Booro attacked Burghorstlorp on Dec. 21. Tlioy wero ropuleod after heavy fighting. Tho Doors aro active nnd skirmishes in several places have- been roiorted. .A dispatch from San Fiuncibco, Dec. 27. Rov. Fathoi John Welg, a Catholic mijsiouary who went through tho recont Hoxor troublus in China nnd escaped aftor a series of Continued on Fourth I'ko. gflMMHIf MBHBBMHBHHHKHMMMiHHHHllil a M HUE YO lie i r il M 10 FORGOT If so let us surest something for a New Year's Gift. c as Av ttjsw iork, uec. il London aays:- Littlo light is thrown upon tho mili tary situation in Capo Colony by tho of ficial and press dispatchoa. Tho fiystom of railroad and wiro communications lias evidently been thrown outof gear by thu Boor invasion, but no importaut town or station lias boon occupied nnd tho raiders are not in suflhieut forcu to accomplish any useful result. Thoro Is tho worst possiblo wcathor not only for military oporationa but also for ordinary railway traffic for tno raina aro incessant, tbo rivora aro at flood and drifts are impas sable, Ono body of raiders ia reported in Zurberg utid another is moving to ward Prioska aftor cutting a wide circuit but there in no ovidonco that all those rough riders In the oast nnd west num ber more than 2000 if they aro so many. Tho pursuit of thorn is difficult when they aro ready to break up into email squads whenever tlioy are monacod with ! attack. Lord Kitchener needa sinews of iron and nerves of steel in ordor to en- duro tho incessant strain of campaign lug of this kind but the forco of his will a"nd energy ia felt whenever ho goes. Whatever alarm thoro wbb in Capo Col ony was dlspolled when it was known that he was personally directing the op erations at Do Aar aud Nauwpoort Thoro ia a tendency to credit tho Cam Town report that a squadron of yeo manry haa been entrapped by the Doora in Capo Colony. Lord Kitchener in ro- lNiiAS'Ai-0Lifl, fnd., Dec. 27. Sidney Mlllor, tho 7-year-old son of Samuel D. Miller, and grandeon of former United States Attornoy-Genoral W. II. H. Mll lor, who wob kidnapped by his mother yeBtorday ovenjng, was recovered this morning. Mrs. Miller and child was foutid at Lawrence, In n house whcni tlioy obtained lodging. At 2:t50 o'clock this morning, tho hackmaii who drove Mra, Mlllor nnd her boii was located and it developed that ho had convoyod tho woman and boy to Urlghtwood, six miles cast of this city whero bIio Intends to tako the first train for Now York. Samuol Mlllor, tho husband nnd father with a corps of newspaper mon and de tectives Immediately tocurcd carriages and tho party was rapidly driven tol Urightwood. On arriving there they wero Informod that Mra. Mlllor nnd her boy had boon taken to Lawrence, I nd., thu next sta tion north. Tho parly proceeded to this place,, found tho womnn and child nsleop hi a boarding houso and the father with his son ia now on Ida way hack to In dianapolis. Mrs. Miller was left at Law-ronce. u OS a Dks Moinkh, In., Dec. 27. Detective rHiaunnessy of Omaha, arrived today looking for tracos of Pal Crowe who lived h'oro for some time. Crowe la said to havo boon Intimate with Cliarlo' Prlnco, who was shot dead while trying to rob a storo in Quincy, Ills., u year ago. Tho detective bolloveH Mrs. Prlnco will locato Crowe. DsNVkii, Dec. 27. Detectlvo Doluo of this city, who lias bcon doing criminal hunting in Denver for a number of years says ho is positive Pat Crowo la in jail nt Lnramlo, nwaillng trial on tho charge of attempting to steal a tray of diamonds from a juwolry storo, Ho knows Crowe well and declares tho description tallies exactly with that of Crowo. CoNcoiirj, N. H. Doc.27 A sensational oplsodo camo to climax last night in tho nrrest of Mra. Carrlo Slnolair Iluntoon, 20 years of ago, well known to society and nt tho timo of her mnrrlago ono of tho holloa of tho city, on tho charge of conspiracy with intent to kill hor di vorced husband, Walter 0. Huntoon, of whom it ia assorted alio haa boon ox tremoly jenloua. At tho Soptembor term of Superior Court, Mra. Iluntoon was granted a dlvorco from her husband on statutory grounda. Tho story of tho mtirdor cousaplracy ns given out by tho police Is as follews: On Monday Mrs. Iluntoon wont to Boston, nnd in tlio Union Station theio accosted a young man, William H. Hut ton, of Dorchustor, a total stranger, ask ing him ir ho was looking for work and would liko to earn a dollar. Ho said no, butahu outlined u plan to him to kill bur husband, promising a ruwnrd. Duttou gavo her no definite nnawor and ho went homo nud told his father of the conversation. His father sent him to tho K)ltco authorities in liottou aud they In turn notified City .Marshal Locko giving tho latter a description of tho wo man us Dulton romombured hor. On Tuesday tho police siiyMra. Iluntoon came back to this oily and wroto n letter to young Duttou telling him to come horo nt onco and giving directions nH to how ho wiih to do thu Job when ho got here. Duttou showed thu letter to the police and ly their directions met Mrs. Hun toon horo nt thu rear of thu statu house. Marshal Locke und Assistant Marshal Hand watched thu proceedings. Younn Duttou claims ;(hnt Mia Huntcon Huiuooii handed him n loaded revolver and an envelope, which fche nU con tained a (5 bill aa p.trl payment for thu job, and another envelope us a decoy letter, which was to bu given to Hun- Victim of a Mob Violence She Had to Flee For Her Life. Chicago, Doc 27. Mrs. Lulu 0. Jenkins, now of Chicago,- lias Just been awarded $1000 for thu lynching of her husband in Rfpluy County, Indiana, threo years ago. Tho monoy will bo paid over by tho eight houdsiuoti nt ox Sheriff Henry BuHliIng and Is tho ro ault of a private settlement of tho indemnity suit Instituted by thu widow threo months after tho murder. Thla puts an end to a case thnt has aroused attention all overtho United Statos. William Jonkenss was ono of five mon lynched In September 1807 for alleged complicity hi thu stealing of a iiorso from Llslo Lovl, of Osgood, Intl. Lovl also wna a victim of tho mob. Tho men killed wero Hubert Amlrmva, Hulno Kchiilor, William Jouklus, Clifford Gordon, -i 17 year old boy, and Lido. Levi an aged soldlor. There wna a llitht In which shots wero nied.ntndeputyshoriff. JoiiUns with the others aa arrested and taken to lall nt Versailles, I nil , Mra. Jenkins Hiispocted that mob violence wna brnwlug, walked from Origami to tyrpallloa at night nnd pneod tho streets till dawn armed with revolver. For eoveral bourn ftliu united ttrtdur tho window of hor hushnnd'a cull ready to challenge any ono who camo to do him hnrni. Hor fears being finally allayed Mro. Jenkins started for home. No sooner wan alio out of sight than n mob gathored. Dragging out tho flvo men thu mumburs of thu mob killed them In succession by boating them over the head with n mitskut atoek. Mra. Jenkins wna compelled to fleo to puvo hor own life, coming to Chicago. Here alio hi ought suit for fftXX) datnagoA against Hhorlft Ilushlng'a bondsmen Co lo ro Jtiilgu iiakur in thu United Stutua UirciillUourt. Thu suit men tlccldi Mra. Jenkins when MASONIC GRAND SECRETARY KILLED St. Louis Hardware Man Found With His Head Cut Off. Wichita, Kas., Dec. 27. Mrs. Carrie Nation, preeidonUof tho Barber Coupty W. 0. T. U,, ontored tho Carey lfotel barroom, nnd withaslono emashoda f.100 painting of Cleopatra nt her Bath and a mirror valued at 105. Sho In tin dor nrrest. Sho broke mlrrora nt Kiowa, Kas., in two saloons months ago. some iNntANAi-ous, Doc. 27. Wm. H. Smytho, grand rccreUry of tho Mnaonlo order of Indiana, was shot nnd probably fatally wounded today In his ofTlco. Shooting Ian mystery. Bakiik, Vt. Doc. 27. Aftor quelling a disturbance that had orison alnmeoting hold by Italian nuarchists today. Oliiol of Police Brown was shot as ho was leav ing tho hall, nnd probably mortally woundetl. Otto Bornncclo and Lului flassl hnvo heon arroatcd nnd indontlflod as being connected with nttomptod as saeinntiou. St. LootH, Dee. 27. 1L 0. Pnyno, propriotor of a hardware ntoro in thla city, was found today near tho Missouri Pacific tracks at Webster Grove with Ida head noarly sovorod. Whether tho cut wnB mado by tho wheels of n train or.by a knifo In tho hands of an assailant haa not boon determined. for three yeara mid finally the bonds ed to settle outside of court. dragged alone (.'oiillliiusl ,u Fourth I'mc comiHillod yuveral inoulha nito to ao to Ulnluv Conn tv to attend tho t Ini of tho casu waa pro tected Dy u body guard of government tieu-ciivns. hiio will go to Versnllloa next wccK to get tho f 1000. Un A Pair of. IKId G 0V6S S $ .00 gloves at 65c. 1,25 gloves at 85c. 1.50 gloves at 1.25. These are the prices that made for us the greatest glove season in our his tory, which means the greatest glove season in the history of Salem. Oper a Mis We are showing a beautiful line. 'Ihev'll make a very acceptable New Years Gift. Golf Shawls The Regular 10.00 yalues for $7.25 KEEP YOUR S EYES ON US Mr KEEP EYES YOUR ON US 09 Bf K M n u m B a a m a m m K m m aa M Continued oa Fourth !'(. BOTANICAL X BONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical snecialist and original discov- erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed lor years irom awiui dis ease and the more awfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor, Ofiice 301 Liberty Street Salem Oregon. Claiik, Mich., Dec. 27. Tho man whoso murdor wna confessed in Sacra mento waa Owen Feonoy. Foeney wob in Clare on January 8th, 1808, and dis played consldorablo money. Following Soptomber Fcenoy's body waa found in the lake with tho throat cut nud skull fractured. This tallica with thu confes sion to tho Sacramento polico. Haciiaiiknto, Cal., Dec. 27, Mr (Jrion tho man who entered the polico station aud r-urrenilored himself for the murder of Bill Feonoy which liu said hu commit ted in Michigan denies that ho 1h guilty of that crime. He claims that ho was under the influence of opium when ho confessed, Tho police however are inclined to hollo vo Ida original story and aro investigating thu matter, PRINCE OF WALES MAY COME TO AMERICA Guard Your Sight how that tho Christmas null la ovor wo will give more attention to thu eyo business. We aro iroparcd to text your oven In a Folentlllo manner nud to give you llm right glaNtes. Many of our patrons can testify to our ability to relieve headaches nnd eyo nchos with glaum-, whom medicine failed. Call and havo your eyes tested free of charge. Htvtltfnrli'ni guaranteed In all eases where wo furnish glasses. Hiokank, Wash., Doc. 27. Kdward Klco who murdurod MnttMnlloy at Wat laco, Idaho, was Bontencod to bo hanged Dec. HI, but n stay of execution haa been granted because of an appoal to the nu p rum o court. Pitthto.v, Pa., Dec. 27. Twenty-flvo hundred employes o( the Lehigh Vnlloy Coal Company nt tho Holdolburg, Dor ranoo, Prospect and Franklin collerfea. wont back to work today nftor twins; on striko since last Friday. Grape Fruit Oranges, Lemons and x Bananas x Barr's Jewelry Store, Leader in Low Prices. 118 State Street n5suustr. s.nm-Fbon.as? at ELLIS & ZINN'S caiwMiaacDuracSHt3iiucr3rSHMHrtaranaiiii r M m&S ZWBtOiSf5ZFa Nuw Yoiik, Dee. 27. Tho i:nglih people will bo delighted If thu Prlnco of Wales can seo his way to accept the in vitation which la reported to bo extended to him by tho New York Ynoht Olub to bo proncut at thu races for the America's cup, saya thu 1indon oorritupondont of tiio Tribune. Tho Prlnco ia an aiiMiuslaalic yachts mnu and ho has more than onco ex. pressed a desiru to sou one of tho great yachting matches between Htiglund and America hue circumstances may ariso to prevent him leaving this country next autumn. The Queen will not allow lilm to visit Australia for tho commonwealth celebration! and notwithstanding that New ork is onlv a week's voyngo from London. JlerMaJetty may on account of her great age and Increasing Inllrml ties consider it not udlable that he should again cross tho Atlantic Ocuau luring Iter lifetime. SUITABLE PRESENTS A Plnno Ao Organ A Sawing machine A Violin A Guitar A Minilolln A Columbia Zither An Autotmrp A Miiio Hell A Harp. A t uluti aimrf fUu ef sktrt nutK wTbook tnUy tat if nU. titttiti!. Geo. C. Will's : m m a H H H m m M HI " JJ,tJ' ' " "-' ,' B --"' iimi. rHIMTTa:afcaa"tgrj There Will Be Lively Shopping at the Big Store... Our New Electric Elevator Will not be in operation for two weeks, The engineer says he pirpppses to build it right and it will lake some time to do it. The machinery was delayed in .the first place which threw the work behind, so we are now obliged to reman; where ye are for about two weeks longer. M m n While We Stay Our Great Sale Will Go Merrily On. And our ensrgies will be strained to the below cost mark in our effort to close out more of our goods, RIPE BARGAINS READY TO PICK-COME TO THE PICKING. M H m m m Removal Sale... Qrt. ifyyety k smmm cJonAg aciSliSB"" Removal Sillc... - t ifVUtVV;! 2iHxsiKMmttnxwH&uwiiMmmmMKaMUMUMMnnmwv '"1IMI " ' wwwmpimwtiMA JBgyWJBfB 'tj atfttfc' , j. -. iw t