yr.HK'm"u '"""" ofeai . . . . -.. -. . --- - - - inn i miii MitminH'iikrrr"-f't"'!"''f ""' '"''' " j..-mm " ""'- win iiMwiiiiiiii ... - 1 11 CUU1I Work I JH Tkfc Wkn fc V 6 bbB IbbbbbbbbbV H bT MKJ'V'V,WbbNL? H M KB VMCbIHV V bB bIbD ETSP Sb7 By bbT IbbI h k w ?TkW kj I Of 1bBb4S bBb wtf tf- j '-iw-mi?' J-B s B-55Bll3SBByi3BiiB m. j f 3h il IbbH i mm m " flD bbI b bI b? ikTfcBi k jbn SJ bT -- HtH .jiHw "L-"3 bHbbI CbbmBbt bBs QBB9HHHN WHMHBa IbH utjly harmful. Just horo lh i oirtmUsloft wtll bonulto powerless to apply any nd- tlqnaje rei.jcdv. ft is probnbln also, 'that'liisl hoio inhere intore-lol and llioiutliliul parents have turned tnoir eyes. , AVr deciding "npi II,l "'holflfbc inoiifHuC h lMrfikf It tmiftt 1f eousi'leiod as n piece of mechanism. The umteiial used, (lit tyxi;rnpliiriil work in-i me binding must I to i'oiJiiJE,l. J1HU l)'" businreMpieallom. rtf J tli" l "" " ' ' ox' change nnd fnl um supply """', be deter pop lion of llio roiimi"ion. I goes witlinut iivinif that its member should k mi n ( imi-jgrlty, of hbeiitl education and pruein-ul experience It certainly iH mil incwwiry that Ihcj rhoiild be com neclcd willl t !' Jnlrt iin enueiiy; rather, (or nhviitim rcic-oiiH, thov r-hnnld not he. II tho miter wore milking hiijj ucMimis, it would bi fnt, time o.xpcr- icmed ciluentnrs, nncsneei'suni ini-nicwp kookbindet Hint wJm' nd'Cl trill I llHtlHMldMlllll. I.llt IIS llOVWUT I MXptl-l iiiin.-ribilllieHof the roniiiiisinn. .1. K. I'll I I.I.I I'S. ' V w I YOU ! I NEED i 1 NEW I I pall! I HAT I $ ; i ' . CYou need ii now, (he fall season calls for a Fall hat and when you buy you want tthe correct shape. We havethe newest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats at 1.50 to 3. 50. We have the exclusive agency for 8enj. J. Brown's special $3.50 hals. If you wear one of these hats you will neycr again pay 5.00 lor a hat whatever is new in hats is here. G, W, Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers 'THE OAILY JOURNAL. BY HOFER BROTHEHS. MONDAY l)i:C. 17, 1000. Unlly Ono Yenr, S3.00 In Aclvnnoo nlly Four Montlln $1. In Advanoo Wookly Ono Yonr ffll.OO In Advnnoo StlDSIDIDS AND POLICIES. U Ih proiod in tlm Hhippf iik Hubuiiliua bill now lioforu conRroso to jmy out '1180,000,000 In twenty yoars to fostor Ki(p ImilillilK, 'i;iio bill in to bo no jmarjlwl that no ono stuuinqliip eliould bfalilulo draw nioro than, 00,000 pur annum from tho Hulmldy (und. TIiIb would bo erjuivalont to an Inoonio uf llvo por ont on f 2,000,000 impitnl. It would In orjiiul to tiio Kovormnunt tiiriitiiK ovor to tho whip ownura in thla uuhu ol 1 2,000, (HM)tHpilul froo (or tbuir uno.for twenty yflra. TIih nrgumont ia Hint capital ihjwIh to boeucourngod to o into uhip InilldTfiK. -It iBolalnuHl tbntthu pm(Us ot run- uliiK vubsoIb wltli tills HiilMiidy will indui'o Americana to build nliiia, and Uuih tho Aiuurieau shipbuilding industry will w oxtondod. Aa mattor of ffaot not of theory, but of wild fact tho Amoriuaii shiplmildnrt can, if thoy lIiooho, already build uhipti moro uhmtply than tholr lureJun coimmtitoiH. This etntomont in inado by ono if thoir own outoinor8. Air. Jamiw J. Hill. IVt-Udunt of tho Ureal Northern Huilroul,plt iuQliionDP on Biiiumay inai, iiuviuk iiw " nui.B, ho bad oatuod liHjidrlee lg b niado, and found that ho uoujd haru them con- otruotwl berg for f-!QO,0(H) or $600,000 InsH for ouub whip than on Ujo Clyde in SeoUnnd, th neut of tin Orltlib ship- ( with our own poHeeAslnnH if) a funihiuion- talprinuiploof the Itepuhllcan party an udvooated by Hlaluo, Garfield nud othur throat etatoBinen of thu party. TIioro island po3boflloii8 uiyl our M)uuneruu with tlioin would Btimulnto tho hulldini; of tliouBuiulH of ahipH that would control Aninriran trado with tliom Iwttur than any subsidized nyBtein. That in what Houator Corbett ntaudH for in the l'hilip plnoti. und of all the itepitblican nnplr- ante for the Oiogon eonatorshlp lin alone biiB dcutarod for a sound policy for the oxtontiion of American comuuiice. Me- ltrldo will ba found votlnu'for the llaium flbln hubsldy iuBt a bo votw with the administration for tho AnKlo-Ainorlnan CJiniil. KuiiutoiH Corliett and Bimou aro riglit iuoppoBiue tariffri and uiihsldliM tliut uuiBt bi naid out of tho noekoU of the Amerluai: producer. Thoy are rlKht in fiivorliiu.it natural eteiuiiou of Mini' nioroo bo thflt our product! may go unvoxud to eoa and producta of Hawaii and Lnxon may come to our coiiHiimoiB untaxed, Tho program of a tariff ut txioh end of the uoliimoaciul line and a uhip mtbBldy tax on tho whole nation ought to bo bo dlstasloful to Americana thai men like Mollrldo who are voting for thorio IhitiKB Bbould be nttiro.1 forever from the national oongroM. At proMtut tlio nation ueeda hoiiihI American ki1 idea Hut wiP build up ooinmerou, and nut u brake on thu Hiiarftsfilon of triiHtf) and theeuiiohmontof cIumhh by HptHiial logiBlative privilugiM. The republican nurty neetla muuli moio to adept wiund imliclca than to promote biiIwhII tbnt Htrongthou triiBts and luimpor com mercn. Argument to Have Three Ed ucators Appointed. Aeeis With a Vigorous Reply From a Parent Who Pays and Suffers. penny for thoir mtUcob, puiiinoruto over TPYTR0QI COMMISSION attends church and who dooa not. Ttidy! IS BEING DISCUSSED took only porsond over throo years of ago, and it stands to reason that their census ia not completo or eclontillc. They did not enter tho buslncsH olllcea and haunts of roomers, nor biiIoodp. nor Blums, nor many other places. Still, thoy surpass tho salaried political np polntuos who bnd all tho tlmo they wanted and nro known to have omitted individuals, families and neighborhoods, some of which were nftorwards reported to them by newspaper ruportnrH and patriotic cltlxeiiH. The fact remains, tliat the Halom con mis was not looked after by nny ios)on sible competent authority. It was left toohanco, nnd had chance at that. If the people in this world who really are in existence were nuked tho question, where do you rosldo, wero to answer tho interlocutor, they would eay Salem, to the number of over ten thousand "by n long shot," nnd that is the true test of Hnlim imputation. Tho short census of Halein will force 11 real coumom of Halein some timo in the future. It will compel the enlargement of tho oity boundaries nnd the putting in charge of census work when a census is taken ol those who have the real interests and reputation at stake, and not ipiito mi many in-espon slide and uomrotrfdont political under strappers. The Kopuhlicun parly nor thu govern ment is to blame for tho piosent botch. Tho system la one of political rewards. Tho most competent men in tho Repub lican party locally wero turned down. The mattor was let go by default. .So no ono is to blame. Hut a really construc tive census is yot to bo had of tho cap ital city. Another census under the piee out system would not do the caro justice. Ho there you are. bulem must suffer and endure tluwe thing until our weak .and incompetent politicians are weeded out and retired, nud that may be a long timo. The Sunday ndioel census proves that tho gnvurumunt hoiihuh wns a farce nnditshould Ihi generally and universally repudiated. ;4)eWMWaiua iTiXitAtitcmiiMimXiSsyavm-irrm .,..,?- Stops the Coiuhand Works orf UieColJ. IXNlho Wtmuotjfiliilllti 'ntliluW miro h oukI In Mile Uy. an euttt, no I'm)". I'rUm Von ut Porlo lllco And Philippines Wahiiinoton, l. 0., 17. The noted tost otuo for i'orto Ittco John II. GoeUo A Co., Now York tobacco importers, and Kmil J. Popko, a dibcdiargud soldier, for tho rhillpplnoa. are up today in the United States Supreme Court. Those casus will settle the long-disputed status of I'orto Kico and tha I'hilippluiv under tho constitution of tho I'ulUnl States. Attorney Gvmmd Griggs reprsets the Government, and Hon, John U. Curhsiu Is of coumtul of defendants. LESSONS OP THE SALUM CBNSUS. rbo rlilioulouB figures tnrneil in by the l.atl.lfkia lullllul HCJ ll.-..l...l.ll.-.l.l,M-.nnll..,.lniir !" "" WOOrilu-l MIIIr m uuv b..um... w" ... u-r Vw.r, -. . , irovernmout to euoourttgo American ship building' Should it not be thu re moval of all restriction fronj uommerco with ports under nui own. BOveroJgnty? Why should tariff and Utaui 'n,ur' veuo lmtwoen our oouutr' und tno Amurloan ialuud wso8lanB? Why should tho monoy lx drafted out of IlawjUl, i70'10 Ril' W"a ftMl1 tl10 Pnjlipplm a, nny more Abon out of Alaaka? We gnyo Spain fj-jtv, trade with tlib.lNiIUppiiibB for 10 year. Her ships ply free between our ports there and the home ppbi o( Snahtf Khali not A mortoHn Shipping 1aVo bib fftmoprn. muiiih in its favor and agulnat the ship nlnuofnU therwitof the world? Why bo Iarto.il nt our jmru ( Hon nj Saltnn ought to loach tide coin muulty some wboUomo loeMiis It was que of Longfellow's hurcw leHrned tliut whatever was wanted well done better not bft delegated to some oneeliw. The maxim Uiatlfyou have caw in court hire the Ix'st lawyers yon tan yet t- fight your battle and thou look nut (or yourself, has some henrini; on this vuse. The censu i taken by pnliiieiuns to begin with, aid at Salun one (action saw to it that tho numt ugtujtent men t j do the work wore turned dau, and it is staleil on good authority that Coif grojmmn,Twgusaiul Sanator Me HrlJe imin,eil thoir lollowere U lw tno on 1 umorators. Ho this tntn or no the city olUoiaw und CiiHinwr ol commerce HIIUKIU liut niip" ""... ...,.....- .!,,.,, .,..( in.tliM I ut 1'noi rt " ' " -"- ." on Uie' Comniiua nnu gu .0:. I" SJ . 4qHrr. -! 5j?2 .:. s . sn , szsr sz v "- -- V a z 1 " - . . " aitani-rl.. thu uruiKMitiqwiTll'orta ? -( i........ih.il hm ....m-ilbvHonator' A voluillwr unsus lKen uy minony - ,.,-, ..,...,.. ., ..v. tin- r.on that Iieo trade .. ...-.. .. MUl !) In not itH'flw n 1 lie llomllest Man la Suit m As well us the liumUnmuHt, Mint uihura art Invited to wilt on tiny driigglHt and got free 11 trial bottle of ICciupV ItiiWiui for the Throat nod htmgu, a remedy llmt Is guurtiutoed to euro and nollevu all Cbroiuo and Aoule Coughs, AsMiuiii, llrouuliltlB und t'onsump tlou. Prloe 46c. und 60o ood&w Mrs. Mcsicnhentron Trial. Uanmhai, Mo., Dtk-. 17. Mrp. Alice NeNeeuheuer's trial for murtler U set down for teday it Is probable that a motion for a change of venue will bo made. Mrs. Netfeuhener is charged with udmiuUtering morphine to her li island, canning his death, lie carried $760 life insurance fftOO in Uie Aneiout Ordei of Pyramids, nud fttO In tho Hiirlmgton oluutary Itelioi Cocpa. iiiilinuViimjUlci kwik tlicrinvpiliofllflneki'rt nut -01110 "f COIIlMliNxinll the nlll Arzumnct for Business. '-u.m. Ike. 1 1.' To The liditor. ) .1. K. IMitlllH biJtig dilllcultiesu textloi Iihno todmil with In innkiiigK'blioiis from hu larp' ariuty of n-hiMillmukrt ll.nl u 111 bo nlncod befoic lluiu The infcicnco fr.im tiisnrguuieut 1- that only pcrsoicl t-peciiiby trainol by loin cv pcrlenco " I'duealoi. are pmpoil iplid Hied to phm on toAilMMikc ( nir cliildn-n. Tho pioplo toiiorally can oritei a demurror to thin Mai nt. founded upon expensive facte, nud have it sustained in nny unprojiidicd court. The prront textbooks wore Milcctnl en tirely by the cdtic'Uioiioi expert", ho oillcd, and 11 blind man could haidly have dune now, couhidcting the largo number of really llrst-cluss publications that wero offered and are ttill, much im proved', for Felcet ion by tho comniis-inn that will sit for that purpoe next Julv Take the aritbmetics in 11 o in Oregon these many years. They nreof such bad type, nnd the fractions are prh.ted so badly, as to almost cause blindness to the children who poro over them. They seom constructed, as to content h, on tho plan of puxzling tho child into nn edu cation by a moatdtabolieftlttnd confusing sstof problema, enough so to flintier the intellects of mony adults. Many of tho anbwerH are incorrectly btmtlMIUWylddAart LoN-nos'. i)cc.l?. HoV. v)ot5Bllt l'ark or, pastor ot tho Clfy Temple, began tho editorship, today, of tho Sun, an aftoi noon half penny nowspaHirs. Hn has jnillro control of II, and will conduct it until the 22d. Ho fnllo8 tjjo plan of Uev. Choilefl.M. Sheldon, of Towkn, KniiBas. As he Is a much abler man than Sheldon hn gets out a belter paper He aim, ho says, to show Kngllidi and Irish Journalism how a pnpdr should bo conducted to effect Hie gronlcst good rsed Time taken pleasant herb drink, the next morning I (eel brluht and my com plexion Ih iH'tlor .My doctor Hays it actfi gentlv on the slomueb, liver and kHlnevs, anil Is 11 pioasiuu laxiuive. n is made of herh, ami is preparoil n easily as tea. It ih called bane's Medi cine. All druugists $ell It at S5'. and W vis. Lane's Kanlily .MiNlicino uiovcs the Isiwels each day. If you cannot got it, wnd for fri-o sample. Address, Oiator K. WiMidwnrd, I.eKoy, N V. cj jh.hi pjtTTxt 2 jo. . &mu tlm 'I K11"1 Ym I'W MW && BUSINESS CARDS C. H.JOACK Bucceseo' to Dr. J. M. Keono, of White Coipc alem Or. Partlea desir ing superior cvoi ttlona at moderate fee in any lirnnch nro in especial riuest. AUBERTA.JESSUP. Phono 1 1171. ItOOMB i AND ' OltAY Ilt.lt. b71fT JONES, Attarnoy-nt-Luw Toloclo. Oro'ron Whn Clerk of Circuit Court t itti tiiiloilnlo MhsirHcl nt l (OUllU. 1 jronm nlnlliktt ill j la Lincoln 11.17m R. pare Clilnis AMlnst N. Y.Sutc Nkm Yoiik, Hoc. l".Tlio Stale Court of Claim" is bearing a numbor of-local elaii.is inznlnsl the state today in tho General 'IV 1 111 room ot the City Cou Tho Inmost claim is that of .lu'let l.eako Perkins slid others, heirs of John Geotiro l.eako, the philanthropil, for tSit (HIS SOU LIC 111? OS. 1110 Ilium ami I'OIM'LANl) OKI:. For Salem and viclnlly leave orders ut Geo. Will's Music Store. CAPITAL t 1 1 V rtl j Express and Transfet Meets all mnii and naseenger trains. Hnggnge to oil parts of ilro city, l'rompt service. Telephone No. Hoi. Ymatr ILhr&B T, J. Sullivan, Stale Street I ailor. V, :n Ik imiiioI lo Its nritunil mitlis , lint 1.111 I.illiii-iif-4, lutitlttPtiv llliil I 'wiilnu lii-tlii. Tliutll'iiiJiH I' io.i.'iip..lli'i mini il )u iiikc iiirns from Mi sj-'i. IIM Mimiimmhiwi ' Jh.HIlln t'l Tiik Jouiix.m. prints tlm following from correspondence from tho Portland Oregoninn, which has been widely read and commented upon : Argument for Educators. PoitTt-AXi), Dec. 10. (To the Kditor.) Tho Oregonian has rightly sought to arouse interest in the matter of text books for tho public .schools, and has given some good counsel concerning the commission to bo nppointcd to (elect the books which shall bo used. This commission may remedy some ot tho evils herctoforo existing, but too much should not be expected of it. Act carefully as it may, it cannot at once accomplish all that needs to bo done in this connection. Its duties arogravo nnd perplexing. From scores of books which treat upon the same subject, it must select at least one book generally a sorloa of from three to six books upon each, subject required to bo taught in the public schools. Our commissioner must detormino such questions as those, vlx: Does this book pieseut the subject ill such a man ner that it may bo readily grasped by tho mind of tho average child or youth into whose hands it may be nut? Aro its definitions accurate, concise and comprehensive? Aro its rules and di rections for the application of principles nud the solution of problems few in number, simple nud clear in expression? Does one simple and direct solution and analysis for each class of problems np pear, or are there as many differing so lutioiisjns the ingenuity of the author could discover? Is tho whole subject unfolded nud its various applications probonttd in a natural and logical se quence? These nro a few of tho man.y and similar questions that will come up for consideration, There are text-books and toxt-books, and there aro comparatively few of umnarrcd oxlclleuco. I)y far thogreater number of text-books designed for public school use proseut a mass of mutter that should he excluded from them, Fre quently several definitions of one tiling no given, varltnn rnlos for tho same op eratioii are set forth, nnd these are often followed by various "explanations, ox uoptions observations nnd remarks, until tho child is thoroughly liemazed nud utterly discouraged. Thiaoftou involves the teacher, for there are many engaged in teaching who are not enough skilled and perlect iu knowledge of the subject to avoid the errors and supply tho de ficiencies of the text book. It boots not that these books are tho product of ex perienced teachers, for they nro usually prepared to sot forth "a now1 method of instruction," ami incidentally lo parade tho uxlmustivo knowledge of tho author Sometimes a whole series may be found, which are "careful compilations of the best authorities," prepared for or b some ambitious publishing house. Figm long connection with public schools, as teacher and othoi ieo, 1 am satilled that tho multiplicity and imper (ootlonaof the text -books placed in the bauds of kchool children are immeasur- RISING BREAST Ami other painful und serjous ailments which so many mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of " Motiikr'k Fiiin.Nn." TJds remedy is a God-M?iul to women, because it carries them through their most critical ordeal with tcrfect safetv and no lvim No MoTHUKS 1'KIKNI)" nfd teor the MilTciuig ml danet-r of rob. tins onlenl ot its wonwn who umm chilil-birth for it honor ami insures safety to mother and child Our book, ltofore Hhy is Hern," is wrth IU weight iu gold to every woman, ami wit I be vnT fret- in plain euvciotw by llrndrtolil UfKiilabA- Comnw.v, AtUutu. f dangci MOTHER'S FRIEND stated in different terms from the pmb leme, so that a child novor knows whether it baa to follow the rules ot the book or invent n now ono. It must solve both tho problem and the answer. I'ncortainty conipota it to look first in tho back, part of tho book and see what the answer ia, and then work thooMini pie accordingly. Needless to take space to point out j further defects in other textbooks now iu j use iu Oiegon. Pad printing, errors in 1 history and geography, improper matter to place before children in readers, all these defects aro familiar to the dis criminating and progressive teacher. Maxwell's language books, notorious for thoir repetitions and varying definitions, have boon discarded to the waste basket in other ( states, but retalued m Oregon, weakening and sapping the very founda tions of public echoul work in in moit important feature that of teaching English. By whom wero such toxtbooka selected nnd kept selected for tho people of this state for nearly two generations? by tho educators, or rathor by tho profes sional educator in politics, by bur Comi ty Superintcudontri and state superin tendents. Tho system of adoption now. 8Uer8eled by the Daly Textbook Coin mission bill was carried on by the vote of the 31 County Superintendents, tho stale Superintendent, nnd a state hoard ot nine examiners appointed by him, or -10 persons, ostensibly selected because of their prominence as educators. -Educators have given Oregon nil that the pcoplo revolted against. When tho Daly bill was drawn up it contained a clause that was intended to disqualify tho whola Oregon educational machine from ever having anything to do in future with selection of textbooks; but it was found that it would reflect un justly on members of a vory worthy profession who deplored the misrepre sentation forced upon'them by a gaug whose operations in our educational affairs smacked strongly of cheap com mercialism, Mr. Philips complains of tho muUi plicity nnd imperfections of our toxt booka. Yet ho thinks the Daly com mission should bo composed of nt least throe educators ex penenced educators one business man and a bookbinder. There aro so many first-class textbooks published by so many largo publishing houses that any changes will lie nn im provomont nu what we have. Any good business man with a little educational acumen cannot fail to discover among them both quality ami chonpnesa, if that is desirable, and the people do want a material reduction in price Gov ernor Geer will do well to adhere to ids declaration and put a majority of good business men on the textbook commis sion, PunuiSi iiom.. MlllO II 0m?p& Pills Hold hy all drujujisU W Lcutt. nids Are lnlted I'or suimllei foV- the who'd for deaf fro liinimrv lt to March lllsl, ldOI. A list of Mipplioo needed will bo furnished up on application In the sucrtiiteudont, CLAYTON WHNI7., Superintendent Deaf-Mulo School, Sa lem, Oregon. 12 II nt ROCKY MOUNTAIN "" SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Daylight Stopover at Niagara Palls. Through first class toualst sleeper from Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago. Iloston, New York, and other eastern points, via Klo Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake ltoute) Denver .V llio Gmulo. C It I & I1 and Illinois Central to Chiiuius. conncct- 1 ini In tho Ifn'or Mcnol. with Michigan I ---- -"- . - - . - . I. -.-- r- given, or ontrnl'M Nlinlliii car lor points east 1 JSalcm Wnier Co. SALEM LDdisp. Court Sherwood &?.? AjBSafca Money to LoarT On Improw,! futm in, ,. """"wwrnirenOTrt ,,r:.K- D Loans and Insurant Money u, ,m ,rn, fl " according to security," M H oxaminatlou. IiiBiif.llL "J1 h hopaad(,therpro8STat5 fuimmuH UUmi9 11 Tho German Hiiarbi yiWMXISL tm :t be pmil. Woh Mini, S Oil Dr. G 171 Cmi.tni-rrisl Hi ace Alb igfo Graduate of AmerKiashool of Osteopathy. Kverv tUy excrpt Hours : 10 iL'a. in Weller'w grocery. LI , -11 Ml IV lit.. I 1 M I'- n. iu. HUIE WING SANG ft M.iK.l.t.. 1 triiiiii v .lapaueto i'or particulars call on oruddrc'al.qai) Agents or, II. II. TltDMIIUM., Com'l Ag't. III. Cent. U. II. 8 (tf 1 12 Third St.. Portland Ore OKIMCK.dlTY HALL. For witter servlco imply at ottlc Hills piiynblc murillily In udvimn Make all cotupliilnu nt the ofllt g""'ls, (IlillPK, ,n) llllici' niiil ,l,u ..i cirt.u 1... 1 ." ' i"V"- nishing gi-isls. minting. ,.. inenlH,slk li.indkeh-lih.fi.., j,!,,, ware, etc. All at lew srim 140 STATESMAN, SALEM QU Salem Soap WhitSHouseRestaurant'Works 1 Tho propriet First class cook, First class service, Enjoyable meals. GEORGE BROS, Props, Japaoes ? f BanRboo FiirrtWP? proprietor 01 tlm Rlm c. .Works liaB tbeco oeratloii nf th42n Consumers who desire a (lrit-ein soap win Encourage Home Industry ily ordering Snlein inailefoap S, C, STONB.M.U lmirloUrnt Store ...LOWEST PRICES... NAKANO, PROF3.. Near WllUmctte Hotel. 204 Commercial Street. Salem Off tun. Vi 17 :r - Galvanized Iron Work - We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds of work in galvanized iron. X TC TC X, 3E X-11T 33WC 3S I3XTO-- Work and material always the best, and the - prices are always Ihe lowest. X XXX PHONE 151 T, S. BURROUGHS, 1 03 8TATE ST SOMETHING NEW! 2C Deafness Cannot tc Cured hv local applluatious. ai they cunnoi renoh tho diseawfl portion nt the ear. Thero is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness jh caused hy an inllamed con dition of the mucous lining uf the Knatachlan Tube. When this tubo geta inflamed you have i rumbling sound or imperfect healing, and when it is en tiroly doted deafness Is tho result, and unless the iuilammatlou can bo taken out and tin tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will m destroyed for ever; nli.e ,'iim) out of ton are caused by catarrh, winch i nothiuu but nn milam ed condition of the mucous surfm-M. We will vivo Ono Hundred Doltitrsfo aiij- who 111 I'caiuewi icaiiKCi n muairlo that can not ho cured by Hall's Guiurrli lOunu Siul (prc4runlar, frHi. F. J. Qiiwby sk Co., Tobnln, Q. Sold liy Ilruih!ihtL?flo. Hall's FamiQf mis ar tb beat. KERN INCANDESCENT CAS BUHNER NoChimnQV, nphbwhined Mantles. Gives !W candlo power per ftxit of ens consumed, govern sii-.es. Wo have in stock the No 1. burning one foot per hour and giving a .15 candlo' power light for 3.J0 of one cent por hour. Also (lie No 2. giving (0 candle iowor at a cost of -10of 0 cent por hour. p-dNVESTiaATE THrvt Salem Gas Light Co. Chomakota St " Tolephono BQ3 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES THE NEW- i 1 for 11. ury aty Jfar)i bMn rn.iKnu.. an the Iv, tile .Na lli.nal I'anulj Nfwsnarer. ti,r und f..r.... , ,.r .--.-,., ur ;.:...;. .",...'''" In-"i. ... itl.Atile market r Pn- roi,nlt buthonn .... .ukuuui mo eouniry. iu ''" 11 lnae, lu HUen..e anU Hi, lll.llllie all,, it atnrUa .. .1. . - . --"-..--. 1. , IllUUItU Nii,tou price, si.oo - - - f - . YORK WEEKLY In -otuirti,.n wit publithtj on MonJaj, Wednet day and I rlday, I a complei, up to date dally rirwapaper, thcee da a in the ,ek, with all Important new i the other four 0ui I'robisely lllus- frnt.l nn.l fliui n...u l. .. B1M . --" ....U 111111 llllCIV.l- WccKLY lD rca,llne ,or "" Wh Wilt! tO .,, k!1 In e)oi toueh with newi TRIRIIMF?.f "" na,lon anJ world. ItlUUni. It r k 11 lur Hubaurlnttou NEW YORK TBI- hi ronntrt ,.n win, tii Tril,ni. w. . ... L irn-c, 71,1111 ycr vrur, Itrieular rriie Year With i,''. '.."''.'roiilleTfw. Xcu- VorL- n. " 1 rmik l.flu( MuiitliU ,V. !' ;. 1.00 AIhum,., .M MMIII..IMJ'' VeVv'N "'rk ClK n, ' K ;"' nun tiit, 5r-;v" OP,v i' 1:00 --.., (,,IHf With Weekly Trl-WeeWiy 1 rlbune. Tribune. una vear. .- i.n;i, w'-ViSr ""r :.:.l- .....,-,, ,,, uf,,.,.,. v.,... -v-z;f ;,-.;. (.naliiiiliolliiiii Mnuuli.i. lUtV.. '.,. . :-..... ."iiiiii-i , , ,..., ..,,: hi n, .. n.00 1,00 a.."H) n.iH) 1.00 1.01 .00 u,oo o .00 ! '. "'.. "'?!. I'liiiimvi Ti.f ;.. i.i:.: s s :.nl!i!:':''-!VM;sM;u:: :; MIII llilll llillmt ... .. . "-"-vta..... 1- in nu, riviii mm rip.., , i-i.l.'1 ' n.M." 1 .tut 1 ! i" w . .-. J'"'".'!i.iul.i..: ': .V.1: ::: -ft wiV.i.i..:.. ..' ' '"iiii. Ohio. t' uielilKiin I'lirn.iT, Deli-,it ! ', lit) In rm iiu.l l'l.....i.i" 'V '?."" lt-l ': 'irr Vu r.it ..V. J -i: '-."r. ."B'nmili-lil. ftl.l., : : " K iib Year. 93.00 1.00 -I.OO 1,00 -I.OO :i.m i.no l.-J.'l i.:i5 1.10 I.VO n.00 n.oo 1.00 u.no .'i-".o 1.HB i.ur. .00 1.00 :i.m) a,as 1.00 l.(M I.OO 1.U.1 l.OO I.OO r.iMi J,OT i;on i,or ,IH f-5 4AU 4.60 4JiO I .SO :i.qo 1.05 1.85 y.oo K Stone's Drug HALKM, OHKOON, Tno tier (two Iu number) are locitd 1 No, 'ix aiirt 3SS CoroinerUil Umtulil welt itooknt with a roinplele lint ot to(io I inedlclnjK, Uil let artldea, parfaincir, Vatal etc, etc., etc. UK. HTONK HMhut omo 'iSjwui experleLee laiiil tlcoof mcdlclnoaud now diUm do ciirr ! cuimiitliitlf.il. tiiaintnatlnn or prfrlr4lo. c ANADIAN PAW And Soo Line. Kirfit-clnss and Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY I'lispotigers booknl to and from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office. i For full .particulars apply to K.J.COYL1 II. H. ABBOTT- A. G. J. A., Vancouver, H. t I4fi Thlrirl PortW w WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD! For a ticket Ka t, jon "1r.gJ2 very nrororly want to go o that will give you the verjrw .!..... P. .1.. I... nol tfll oaiions at ui" i""' ' rt,k.tiil II I. ,...1.1 ual- VAftrtK'"''"! to inako your ticket read vl ' GREAT ROCK ISLAP ROUTE pewonally ,K 111 modern,! tourist sleeninu cars leae vr" iiiorisi, oice nun "", "li.PitM Mondav livening and TWffi via yacinmento and evertl ii, ...T.i, i,ir mrvduniij . .. u-j tourist excursions m. nRLvSj it ift ,'" "" ": r : " .r.rnin vi rvni ing ami nuurum ...";- iV, anil run through to UiW "j change via the Wo. Id's connecting at Cbicug.; JI?"k i trains Kast, ajeo with '?-. V Powonally.wnUBP -.-j. broad vestihuled, hgnt tetopKu jl.tcl vti'n.r,- uniiiu imuiiiiv-i -. .,, .tf - Gas and piovidi-U wit - ' -rfatt lmtl neriodicals and "'"P,"" free in-e of our pairoiw " . , pnnlcd Ihrougl. to leiiw '1 reseniauvo 01 in" ,ii sr 1" Itoutu. We also na o 7 tf y. ?! , BloBnlin? car service to t HJ,, . e r.:S5 Hcenic Line, mill'. l"""" fl.BO RArvlpA In the worm . ,ia. H:?S tor full informal.-n J,0e.a n.gg on or write to, A- rfd0ft l-o W. W. SKlNNkB. ' Jl ?TniW -.no : .. ;; ,v. Aueiu"".: niP.i.w halemr -illCIH Ul. ff Plratr .aial ,ak, wllh ,u; . , , i- 'nut l..i.. ... ..-. r. -. -TT" t-Wl ui HUMCrib fr hvd. -. Tt m,.m M vuMTaaMldUP mmim ta MntMioa run Tiuiii.ve ..w.vuru city. iy 1.00 n.no u.no . i.no 1.NS l.OK 1.05 1.8S I l.BO 1 m lilHI l.SO l.BO i.no 1.00 Willi NEW STORE. H, B . Atd " M.,..l..niiierV, llBO "IT.-Ui ..'.:: 't..riinnrv and CWf Tki P , JM.rnr.n..nl.l street "!P. i m a complete h - "' H i Bui&Viiig gomla.