1 ! 1 f! l i M fi hi tB A ft atrAfta tXSKt ik-nXttttoziXw THE PAMlMC. L - ' ' . A GLANCE AT YH GREAT ENTER PRISE ANtMTS PURPOSES. ' JVni IJIdliire or MnHl-enth Gonlarr i)6HnimeiH ArrniiKi'il In H BcMltiir of llnnri:ipnMl tlcnnty nnd Splen-. dor alM'nn-Atnci'lcnn ICxiHxIIIon, If one may Judgo by the presence of thousands of workmen nt the grounds at tbo Pan-American Exposition nnd Iho wonderful progress thoy havo nuido (hiring the Inst Tew months, tho Imposition will bo opened In a coudl lion of completeness upon Hie 1st of Mny next For tho benefit of those who, "for tiny icflDOU, have nut boon Informed con jernltig (he plans mid purposes of ihls vust enterprise 1 will stuto that tho Exposition gt omuls nro In the northern part of the ulty of Huttnlo nnd havo au aren of 350 acres. Buffalo, with Its 100.000 population. Is preparing tho most nrtlctlc creation ever produced for the purport s f an ej: poult Ion. The rotnplcttd woilt will coat probably $10, 000,000. vXcIiihIu or exhlbltH. Tho lahdfcaiic upti wblHi the build the stnud Hit.Iui.IiK u part of one of tho most beautiful imU in HutTnlo or, In .mi to pri-xi-iii imoiiKU me inVtm.u. , mi tinny r ctuci-prlslng exhibitors u It ui- plytorv of ulut'toouth century do voliipi'iilijt. Jnhn G. Mllburn, an emi nent lawyer of Buffalo. Is president, and the director general Is William I HucliitunU. who was director of the ii'pui'diieiits of agriculture, live stock md foiVRtry at the World's Columbian MMitwIiloii nt Chicago and afterward oi wis .vats United States minister to he Argentine ltepubllc. Mahk Hennitt. BflttiLIAKT IN COLOltS PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION WILL GLOW WITH WONDERFUL RADIANGE, iiaii or mi sic fact, in the w oi Id Tho Exposition will thus hat i- the netting of trees, luwus and until reaturcs, which havo cost the city of llnlTnlo millions of dol lars. The inn In i:pogltlon buildings ure some 20 or more in number and nro arranged about system of beautiful courts some XI iieivw In extent. Tho arrangement Is stub as to permit tho most oxijulHlte decorative effects that the best trained miiImIh of tho world may bo able to piodine. (Space will permit only an enumera tion of the principal buildings. These are: The Kluetrle Tower. 375 feet high, which Is to he the centerpiece of the most hrlllltim und novel electric II liiiulnntlon ever euiieclved: the Propy he, or nrehl'teetuinl kcicoii, at thp northern end or the greunds: the Hta dluui, for spotting ami athletic yventHi the Agriculture building. Mauiiraetiires Bud Liberal Arts building. Ktbuology building, the (Javernment grouir of three great buildings, the Midway res taurant building. Electricity building, UioMachlneryandTriuisportntloii build ings and ltallroad Station, tho Tcmplo of Music, Graphic Arts, Horticulture, Mines, Forestry, Dnlry, Ordnance, Service nnd other buildings, tho Al bright Gallery of Art, costing $-100,000; tho New York Htato building, costing $178,000, besides tho Htato und foreign buildings and numerous other struc tures of beautiful and Interesting de sign or u variety of purposes. Tho Midway nt the Pau-Aincrlcuu Exposition alouo will cost more than ionic lurgo expositions, It Is estimat ed tho cost of tho Midway will bo about (3.000,000, ns It will havo more than a uillo uf frontage cloudy built with tho uiont picturesque utructuros conceiva ble and will contain botweon 30 and 40 entertainment fuuturcri of most novel Slid Interesting character. The. purposes of tho Exposition nro not merely to give tho .people n most magnificent and attractive entertain ment, but It will furnish tho opportu nity fpr every one to Inform himself upon tho progress of tho nineteenth century. The Imposition Is held for tho purpose of celebrating tho achieve ments, of tho weutorn world during a century of unparalleled progress. It Is distinctly a western World affair, all tho governments of tho western lioml pbero having been Invited to partici pate In nil departments, Oillclnl re sponses have been made by every Im portant government, statu and depend ency of tho western world, and thoy nro preparing to bo represented by most creditable exhibits. Tho exhibits are classified In tho fol lowing divisiens: Electricity and elec trical appliances; Duo arts, painting, sculpture and decoration; graphic arts, typography, lithography, steel and cop per plate printing, photo mochaulcal processes, drawing, eugtavlug and bookbinding; liberal arts, education, engineering, public works, construc tive architecture, music nud drama, saultattou and hygiene; ethnology, archaeology, progress of labor and Invention, Isolated aud collective ex hibits; agriculture, agricultural Imple ments; machinery nnd appliances, foods aud tholr accessories, horticul ture, viticulture, agriculture, forestry find forest products, tlsb, fisheries, fish products and apparatus for fish ing; mines and metallurgy, machinery, manufactures, transportation, rail ways, vessels, vehicle, orduaucc, ex hibits from tho Halwallan Islaudfi, PortQ Rice, Qtiani, Tutulla and tue Phlllppluu Islands, Tho Expoaltlou has tho Indorsement , not only of the stato of New York. which appropriated $300,000, but of the national government, which appropriat ed fSOC.OOO for tho purpose of being suitably represented upon this great occasion. Tho Uxposftioq will con- ...tiutie six months and will furnish an opportunity such ts rarely comes for tho public to tako note, at a g)anco, of-'tho wonderful progress of tho west era worl). It will bo like n great uni versity, at which tho young and old will become for the tlmo being stu dents of western civilization. bout 4&00P people baye subscribed to.Htjogjk ofv.bb position, nuil It Is eusf tb fenntufaapri tjjeiug o pro duce fliuagnlllccWyposttcjo to delight tho artlsfiolseuso ofjeljwup fttteud MmSM M'mmm&m ivmBn "PAN-AM." RESTAURANTS, i I'lip lie.! of Spi-vlce Will De 1'ro lilctl. The iiecdH of the luuer man will be (veil ittteiuleil to nt the Pan-American t:t'.ill Inn to be held at Uuffalo from Sln I to Nov. 1, ItlOl. At some exposl luiiv ii en-lit nilstiilie has been made i. mil prin Idlng fur good restaurants, white NiitlHrnetory meals could bo ob tained at reasonable prices. Either the fond obtained hint not been of good innlltv or prices charged have been ex it bltniit or the facilities in some par i. iilnit hue been Inadequate to the M n -Ion I iiMie will lie good lestum-tint In dlf teieni pints or the grounds of the Pan Vineileiin lCxpiislttOii, so that It will mil lie iipccitMtry for visitors to go out "lib- of the grounds to secure a good in nl, well served, at a moderate price. Ml taxlcs will be suited In the services i inlei ed. for there will be places i In it- meals will be served on an ' i horn to plnii to suit the most fas im tons tnxte and where prices will be oi proportion to those charged at li'nh cIiikh leHtiiumntN In large cities ll ie will be other places where the tin-tils will be cheap, but the food appe tizing and healthful and the surround ings clean. There will be restaurants In tho beautiful building at tho en trance to the Midway, another In a similar building at the entrance to the Stadium, another fn the Electric Tow er, which will bo one of the great cen ters of Interest on the Exposition grounds, nud another on the Midway. Refreshments will also be served In tho Temple of Music, which tuny be en Joyed by visitors at the same time that they arc listening to the concerts In progress In the auditorium. Thero will also bo a New England kitchen, a Ger man restaurant, n Mexican restaurant, an Italian restaurant and oilier places where various kinds of refreshments will be served. Rlcutrlcnl Itltlnilnnllona nnd Other rcnttirea In Which DufTnin'a Pair 'Will Kxect All Former I3ittrirlea of Tli In IlPflcrlntlnn, Even the UiitTaloiilaii cannot compre hend the exiiulslte diameter of the I rent ISxposltlon he Is building. Js It my wonder, then, that the distant tin live still asks w lint It Is to beV Indeed It i to be everything that Is graceful, harmonious and beautiful. I'orin and inlor will Join their wonderful rorces to pleuse the eye and delight the sense. ' ri If r nrttncini. bonira br water Kiiowlt as tuo Mirror Lakes, from which lagoons ex tend In several directions, thickly set with aquatic plants of rare species. In addition to the sunken gardens aud other floral features of the courts will be the horticultural exhibits lu the southern part of the grounds. These will consist of several acresof beds of the finest productions of the best nurs eries nud gteenhouses of the western world. The competition for supremacy will be very keen ami the lover of tlow ers will hnve a rare opportunity to make A comparison of the merits of the productions of competing growers. Mahk Hennitt. EAGLES AT THE EXPOSITION. Itc-imrkitlle Decoration I'or Utlinnl iiur llnllitlliK at llotTnlo, The bulldlug dovoted to tho Depart ments of Ethnology nnd Archicology nt the Pan-American Exposition, which Is now approaching completion, will have sonio remarkable sculptural dec orations. Among them will bo gigantic figures of eagles nud lions, which will bo plnccd upon eight of tho 10 panels 1 "AflAt 1 Ilk A aM-HrB(MBMBw1 " BKItVICK BUILDIM). of tho domes. Theso sculptures In staff will bo conspicuous features of tho architecture of this beautiful build lug. Models lu clay aro first inado of tho figures, nnd from them reproduc tions In stntr aro cast Tho model of tho eagle hns Just been completed. It Is of colossal size. In tho model nearly 10,000 pounds of clay havo been used, nnd each bird, when cast lu staff, will weigh fully two tons. Tho sculptured eagle will measure ueurly 10 feet lu height. Uaanya on I'nn-Aiuerlunu, A movement to interest the public school teachers aud public school pupils In tho Pnu-Ainorlcnu Exposition to be held nt ISuffulo next summer bus been started. It originated In some of the public schools or Pennsylvania and Is being taken up elsewhere as the wis dom of the plan becomes apparent. The Idea Is to have the teachers lu tho pub lic schools write essuys for various oc casions of au educational character on tho objects und alms of the Exposition and the bearing that such a display will have on the commerce, of the world, A similar plan regarding the Paris Exposition was found quite suc cessful and resulted lu the attendance of a large corps or teachers at that fair. The plan contemplates nlso ossuys by pupils. It Is believed that In this way much Information can be spread re garding tho benefits to be derived from cultivating closer relations with the different countries of this hemisphere nud that It would result In greuter In telligence among the public school teachers and pupils on this subject, as well as n larger attendance among this class of tho population tit the Exposi tion. Weal luillnua Will Attend, lOiils I. Ayme, United States Coiibiil to Gundoloupe, says thnt lu the West Indies tho Puu-Amerlcan Exposition Is considered much moie Impuitaut than the Centennial Exposition of 1S7H and that hundreds of (intlvos are preparing to come to It. . 111 -;1 ' , Cuuuevllout nt I'Mii-Auirrleitii, Tho state uf Connecticut Is getting together a Inrge display that will rep rosent her farm, fruit and dalqy Inter. ests ut the Pan-Atiiurleitu Kvposltlou uuxt year, lluiijaniln U. l.ou uf Hail ford Is the commissioner In charge of the work, and lie Is assisted by a com iiilituo uoinpoaud of N. tj. Phut, chair man. New Hilton; Professor O. S. I'lielps. Nocrutnry. agricultural station, Storrs; .1. A. Duhoji. Poquouock; I'ro re.Hor A. (! Uullcy. Agricultural col lege. tStnrrs; K. II. .tonkins, agricultural Million, New llnvon; J. II. Noble, dairy commissioner. Hartford; H. O. Patter kon, master of state grunge, Turlington. Tue Uovqrniiirul'a Ilulltlluji', The Govuritiueiit liulldlugs ut tho Piii-,iiiirloiiii Exposition at Iluffalo are being built by Itiisuiisscu & Strcb-tow- of Oniiibii Tho cojitmet calls for a gioup uf three, buildings connected by eiuveil nrcildoH Tho main structure Is tu In 100 y IStO feet, with a doino i!50 feel high, mul the smaller buildings fiieb mo feet square. All departments or the go ebullient will make up to dHte exhibits, 7whloJi tboj members of the Uovorniuuiit tMini-Ufm-e now busy eollurtltlg Hini gett'ug lino shape. TIIK KI MTIIlCTOWKIl 'Magnificent' Is tint too stiong n word to expiess the character of the coin pi ti d work Ue Is a man of dull Imng- bullion who, now visiting the grounds, Liiiiiiot plctute lu some degree the come liness and statelluess of the finished I'titerprlse. The Pan-American Exposition Is In tended to be In every way an artistic triumph Prom the very beginning It has been the purpose of those who have been Intrusted with the making of this Exposition to present to the world the most nttlstle creation ever iiiiieeivcd for a like purpose. The nr m element of the buildings, the style of arclllteciiire, the decorative work. In- embellishment of the grounds And the elect ilea I Illumination are some of the features that will stand nut promi nently lu the Exposition plciute. There an- :i:t ncies lu the coin is around 'vhleh stnud the principal Exposition biilhllugs. While the whole Exposi tion plot or 350 acres will be us bentitl- -I ill us untiiie, with the artistic help of man. can make It, the several courts will be Hie particular center for formal ilemiatlve work. The courts are ar Hinged lu the form of ti cross, the north nud south courts bearing the names of Court or Fountains, Pluzu, ('ore Court ami Approach und being nearly 3,000 reel In extreme length. I'l e Transverse Court Is known us the Esplanade and Is 1,700 root from east to west. Two subordinate courls open Into the Esplanade, known as the C( urt or Miles and Court or Cypresses. The combined area or these courts Is approximately two nnd a half times ihr urea or the courts ut the World's Columbian Exposltlou and for this tea- Mill gives a far greater opportunity for artistic treatment. It hns been said or this Exposition "tit it would outrival all rormer euler p. ises In ti number of Important rea lm os. The first or these Is In the court settings Just described. The second Is In the plastic ornamentation or buildings und the elaborate use or sculpture rur decorative purposes, Au a third may be mentioned the hydraul ic and fouutnlu effects. Theso are of a most elaboruto character aud aro to be seen In all of tho courts. A fourth feature is the horticultural dec orative work. Sunken gardens nnd formal tlorul ornntncntatlon will be em ployed nt every point whero tho bright colors of foliage and flowers will add to tho beauty of tbo scene. As u fifth feature may be noted the color decota lion of the buildings. This Is a very elaborate undertaking, the result or mature study upon the part or the best uiuiiil painters or the world. Consid ered a very difficult, If not embur rassliig, problem ut first, It has been worked out by patient study until re anils very pleasing and happy have been achieved. A sixth point of excel lence will be the olectrlcul llluinliia lion or all the courts. Then the bill laiiee of the gardens nud the nullum leiiiity of the buildings will be height ned by the glow or '.'00.000 electric -limps arranged with artistic coucep ilou and Illuminating with fantastic tines the numberless fountains und pools ami tinning the scenu Into one of nni haled splendor. 'I he style of architecture Is what Is li'M'ilbed as a five adaptation of the punish reualssauce. It Is particularly ippioprlatu for tho pm poses uf an Kxposltlon since It gives opportunity mi the employment of many architec tural features of a festive character. Thus the visitor tuny see many lofty mwers und lanterns, graceful domes -ml -minarets, airy pa villous nud other lecorntlve work that will produce a iky Hue five from any suggestions or nonotouy or severity. 'I he Electric Tower, standing lu a UMiid pool between the Court or Kouu iilus and the Plnza, Is to be tho conter- ilece for olectrlcul Illumination. This owcr U SO root square aud 375 feet ilgu. with circular wings curving from the east aud west sides to the south ward aud forming a bomlclrcular space in which nro to bo tnauy beautiful rountalu features. From the southern fnco of tho Tower a cascado will gush from a ulchc, 70 feet from tho grouud, ind fall upon a terraced base. At night this cascado nud tho fountains nud pools will bo Illuminated lu runtnstlc :olors Floating lights upon nil tbo pools will form an Interesting feature it the generul scheme uf Illumination. Sotnao or more American sculptors of renown nro nt work upon tbo deco ratjvo groups which uie to have a place at this Exposition. TIicsh are to bo nearly all original productions under tho master direction or Karl Hitter. It will lie the most elaborate use of decorative sculpture ever under taken at au Expcwltlon, thoro bulug more than lltt groups. Thee will adorn the fountains, bridges, entrances to buildings und other sallout points. UoslduM the pools aud fuiiutiilus. with lu the seTUUll courts will be a graud and utnbjly pnnal which will surround the, eutjro group of bulldlngf lu tin; BOUtWu roflehes of this afiual are CAY STATE AT BUFFALO. I'lne lllni-irleul Kxhllilc Will De .Mmle li- Mnaaiicliuaettft. The historic commonwealth of Mas sachusetts will have a most Interesting exhibit at the Pan-American Exposi tion at ltttffulo. It Is being collected through the co operation Of various societies, snoh nn the Hour of the Revolution, Daughters of the Revolution, Sons of the Anicrl- ' an Revolution. Daughters of the Ainer lean Revolution, the Society of the War of ISltlnnd kindled organizations. The .hiilriuaii or the Massachusetts Pnn Aiuerlcun commission, Mr. Walter Gil mini Page. Is n leading spirit tu these societies und Is anxious that the wealth or historic tiuiterlol possessed by Mas sachusetts should be adequately repre BctiU'd at the Pan-Amerlcnn Exposi tion. The tnntter or n building bus not yet been definitely decided, but It Is prob u m that the old Providence House, which was one or the historic buildings or lloston, will be reproduced as a home for Massachusetts exhibits at the Ex- 2t3ranritq. V. 4- 4 V Y7y htihu Wi&4 $ZL - Tlitti In m-Jpfflwl ' llinltf-i! tiller to the f-enliMiil'llill,npM SSKD vwTsBmvsvinSP&SiSiwiMtm 1 ULi NATIONAL MAUA.INlii AVir' A .to! .li'ArJI fc'Art'1"' "Jodi 4& sfiwim susss Asr&SjSUfi' t-asacSr -jtrrr y-rrssr vo.iv f.(V. rci hes us on or Ivfote January 1. 1001. Think wlmt this means I II pLv lite cleverest, bright est ,' tu Mp to-tttc matculne In your hands every I'loniuforave.trt' t Iinlf the regular price! mitf It If i t'nut it costs to publish It. The "NATIONAL" h thorrmt-li'v Anterli-an, now In Its lath voltttne, full of Just the lading you want from cover to cover. 2'ifffuL.-'"-plc--'- W"3ll,"gton Affairs, Wright Stories, Clever Illustrations. Over 1P0 p.vr. eath numlh t'lelnil Mfltlnloy hi nlicrtt)it for andrrn-IIlM- "N'AtlimL' Tor rnt, S.iuHmir Wv. tiHilav while j mi tlilnk l Ii Milm riplliin price !. n ) r nrr Jan. 1. AdilreM TIio National Magazine, HI Dedford St , B9ston. RJp3 3FaWtv4aV!0atalfe)6B" Si POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES NEW-YORK THO i r ii iv .xo ,111-fJ .t tll 1 ' . ii-i 1 m H n iNa ij rcn i'i r, v ltir.-'H unl vlliiitrt Its iitniil Amliultur.' lkpnri infill, ) ttliulili' uiarkci r p 'TK ii'LUfiilF.I ..uihorit) thr unhniu tii iciuntry Us f lahhiii'ihitei. It Silrnce nnJ Uf Crl1 V iI'"1 hn' ' Uvpallinont, IM WCClVLT fwllinlillB hhort alurlea, Ut.' , " " elf, rKiultr It liiinaiibte In TDIDIIUC every family llwulur unli- InillUriC aerlplloti. price, ml. OO per ) iriii-. rut.liflicj on Mondii), WeJnci- lay and Friday, Ii u comiitel up to dale dally newspaper, three day In Hie week, with all Important nens of the uther four days Profusely illus trated, arid ailed with Interval Ing leading for all who wish to keep In close touch Willi news TQinilUC f II nation nnd world I lilUUrib H e K ii liir Miili-iorlmlon lll'll'", Ifl.OW Jii-r )i'iiri TRIWEEKLY Tfltt rnorviBA. poHltloh lu nufrnlo. TIiIh building was typical In Itn Htylc of the old fashioned Hoston architecture nnd, In addition, I posscHscd a ftpcclnl Interest from ItH I historic nrwocliitloun. It formerly utood on the Washington street end of Prov-1 Idcncc court, partly on the site of wlint ' lu now Clink's Tavern. i One of the members of the Massa chiiRcttn (onitnlssluii to the Paris Ex- j position, who recently returned from tho French fnlr, secured there about ' ISO valuable exhibits, which will be transferred to tho Pan-Ainorlcnn nt liuffnlo. Ex-Muyor Frederick Fosdlck of Fltclilnifg nnd City Treasurer E. T. i Tlfft of Springfield returned recently from a visit of it few days In liuffnlo very enthusiastic over the prospects for the success of the Exposition and are anxious to hnve the good old Hny State well represented there. In connection with The Tilbune we nffer to those who desire to secure the bst mauailnet, Illustrated weeklies und agricultural Joutiiuli, the following splendid Inducements; NeiruUr Willi Weekly Trl-Weekly l'rlce One Year North Anierli-nii ltevleu", New York City yn.tio Hnrprr'M MiiKitxIue. !New Vork City 1.0(1 lluriirr'n llitKiir, ,Mt nk t-'lty .,UO llnrner'M Ui'i'kh. Ai-w York Llty ..lo Century 1ltiKitlnt'. Nvv ork I'lly 1.00 HI. Mt'liuIiiH IIiikiicIiii', . lurk t-ll Alc( lure'N MnuaifliH-, .New Virk I'll) Frank l.i'Hilf m .Monthly, yew York City MuiiNes'a MiikiicIiic, .New lurk CUy ........ . .SiiecenN, .New Y urk City. l.eilRi-r Molilhlj, ,Netv loi'k City I'uek, New rk City .Imlire, .Nciv rk Lily . . I.enllcS ei'Ll), Netr Vork City let lew of lliMlewiti . York City Sorll.lur'M .IIiiriibIiic, .Nt'iv York City Amerli'iiii AifrlctilturlMt. .Now York City..... It ii ml Sew oi-ker, .New York City. ......... Coamoiiollliin Iimailnr-, IrvliiKton, ,. Y.... Country (ipiitlvinun, Allmny, A. Y........... I'Virin .loiirntil, I'lilfailoliihlii, l'enii I.lliplneott'M .Mii(riirlin-. I'lillailoliilila, l'enii.. touth'n Companion, lloaton, .Mumn, ........ . I'd nil mill Home, 4ii IiikIIi'IiI, Iiimn JVcw IiirIiiiiiI lloineHteiicl. .SlirliiKllelil, .MilMft,. Ciooil HoiiMekccplnK. .SprlnKllelil. .Mnmi 1'nnii, Field mill Flreitlile, Chlcafro, III OrmiKC .IikIiI Fariuer. ( IiIciiko, 111 ,,, IpllonilMt, liiillniuiiiolln, lint. ........ Ohio Fnrtiier, Clevvlnuil, Ohio , IIcIiIkihi Farmer, Detroit. .Mich..... , Fnrni mill Flrenlile, SlirliiKllelil, Ohio Farm ,Newn, SprliiRllelil, Ohio Home unit Farm, l.oiilNrllle, Ky. .......... . The Farmer, Nl. l'anl, .lllnn.. Trlhiiiu Almanac, 11)01 .,., 1'ieare pern casn wun onier. Those -Alihln to subscribe fc-more tlian one of the nboo publications In connection with The Tribune inayrcmlt at publishers' regular prices Address T11U TIIIIIIM:, Xcu-Yiirk City. SALEM LODGES jrokliSTltriS OK -A.MKRi&.A. Court HhcrrrcKHt Forest No. IV. Hoot Frltta nlphU In Turner block. John M. t'hMO, O. II. A I.. Urnwu Hooy tl I7jtt Money to Loan On Improved farm and city prop erty at lowest cur rout rates. T, K. FORD li'a Hank. Loans and Insurance Monoy to loan from 0 to 8 per cent, according to' security no oxpuneo for oxiunitiHtlnu. ItiBurnnco uffeeted on hops nnd other prnpurty at lowest rnttie, John Moil 290 Corn. si. 7HI'fd.'-- Wheat Bought and Stored By tho Aurora Hollar llriiiuili olllcn and wnroliotihu 181 Trndti et. boUeen Hlt-li nnd Chnrcli Htrtuts. llunltwlieiit tun) outs luiuf-lit at liilieal inurl.ot price. DapRH Tillis sciir hfiK5 i;iiic.iro Speola.1 u:tn .tn Hno-"" ks.no rircr owp ra AtlMl. tlO KX. 8 pm. 8n m nx. Hun Hat ti r day iu 1. m. wn?K. tl n.T.r-' .ii'-o'er ri, yuanim. nSIlUfll Im WonSl Loulshlrsgosna-yf. . Wall, n winkoo IXR VIA HONTlNoiON FRED P HURSl. 727-11 tlAw lavc Haiern L S&ff-S- HMlt-icry flveilif,, 'In in a , 18TFAMir-UB .tr. 1 VI B.R n oa :t.ui i. oi 1.IM) t.oo l.OO 1.IM) n.oo r..oo i. i iu u.r.tt :i.(m I .(Ml l.tHI 1.IMI j.110 .nt tt.lMl 1.75 .r.o i.oo l.tMt I.OO l.OO .no .no .110 .no .no ..-,( .no TrllHiiie. One Year. J5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.OO II.OII I.IIO i.'-ir. i.un 1.10 i.uo n.oo n.oo 1.00 i:.r.o :t.r,o !.-:.-. i. '-.-. l.itn L'.OO 1.IH) ll.oo a.as i.oo i.un i.oo i.oo i.m 1.00 i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo 1.00 i.oo l.io Tribune. Oiii- Year. ijin.no i.no i .no i.no i.no :i.ro i. tin j. H.- U.I 10 1.7B i.7n n.no n.no i.no n.in n.no 1.85 i.?n 1.1)0 I'.no i.no n.no .MIO i.no 1 .H. 1.05 1.05 1.N5 i.no i.un f.115 i.no i.no i.no i.no i.iiu !The German Market Will Im loiind all kimlH of moat mid tho lituit of saiiBHito. I'KHK DKI.IVHUY. All hills due the Into i. mi of W't'lt iV MlfflfVH in Jt hi; paid Wol "& Son 171 (Vn-.tm-rHnl Ht Dr Grace Albright Grnduatc of American School ut Osteopathy. : : : Hvorv d iv tixrupt hours I) to 12 n. in; 1 Wcllcr'H grocery. Siinilny. Olllcn lo I ). in. oir HUIE WING SANG CO. Holiday poods, Chinese and JatmuvFo fancy nnd tlry goods. Silku, Indies' iiiidcrw.CHr, fur niehitiK kockIp. innttintrs, ornn tiiunts, silk lutndkurcliiofB, cliiiui warn, etc. All nt low prices. HO STATE STRFET, SALEM ORE. ..,-M WILtiAMKITK KlVKIi Kor hittUiiU, NfwbrriV;1 UikIIiib. ' -i " 7" ' M m ilays ami Hirir.li7iii f rv..n, inr imvi anil ,, .". Wll.l)AMKT1KlUVMiv,f.()v -Il4)t lo Porllutitl us r,u,B ,, ' lrjt car lino at Or.Knn fiiy ihl n i WanfiliiKton. tlaltrnmu or ,1 kH.'"!' oliecktuf tliraraili fn.m nalwn fr.V'M rail or rlttr mule tu 1'otiiami '"' tnal at l-ottmnd will, in ,lU L.'."? 'n.lluaA-,1 1. .ity ticket ana n.ihii,mti.b2i,S5 POSSIBLY Von aro not nwnru of t(() fan lllf ln! iuiicrl) Nurvirc now Hffonleil hy tl,e ' THE Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of tho .Huluin Soap Works lias thoco operation of tlin tltmlora Coi8iiinur8 mIio dcHlro a llrsM'labs roup will 'Encourage Home Industry I By ordering Salcm-mndo soap llullillnira CIoIiik Up. The inaKUlllcciit hulldliips which arc to house the exhibits of the Pnu-Ainerl- ciiii Kxposltluu ut ItulYiilo next sum tner are fn,st pio-xitsmIiik toward com pletion and will soon he reudy for the collections which are on the wny from nil tiuartcrs of the American continent The scene upon the prounds of tho Ex position, In the northern part of the city, liicludlni- pntt of the famous Dela ware I'nrls, Is a busy one, and every day sees some dellulte progress made In the construction work. Conditions have heeiu very fnvoruble to rapid work, mul the Pun-American Exposi tion hlils fair to break the record In the mutter of nwlft construction of Ex position I'lirhliiiK' nnd their entire com pletion before the time urrlves to open 1 1st trtites to the ueiieral public. 'I'lu- ituiiu' Ilpfurrr. Thete Im uiie corner of Contrnl Amer leu that Is ut present a perfect paradise for iiiiii who have committed any crime. It N a place where the outcasts or the world', society rule tho laud of their adoption nud where tho otllcluls of the kv eminent protect nil thieves that come to thuin ami make it danger ous for any detective to molest them. This Is the republic of Honduras, one of the least ad winced of the states of Koiith or (Viitrul Ainerlea. llcmlurus tiideed lit n curliitis mixture of Jungle mul (Ij'iiiitic forest, of cocoa and of rubber tieei, of Iiiu-h. vmaplics, snakeu mid crm-odllcit of nil milliner of UiIiikh that eiiM'p mid einwl und stliiK mid bite: ti reurloii uheie life in the dii.Wliue U a iimcUiij nud ut iiIkIU one feels as thiiUKli sleeplni; in led pepper. llete. In every .hiitnlet and city, are to be found men fiom dltfereiit iHtids. uiiMtly iiiilhiHrfroiii their own coun try, rideiigo. Itostotij Now York ami Philadelphia all furnish their iiiuttt. ICiikIiiuiI. I'liiiice, Italy and oven fur nway Kiirwln hnve their share. They make no attempt at concealment, hear the uninex tl.ey weje born to boar and go iihiiiK about their IiuhIiiusm us If the law, of tholr own country had not de clined them outcasts. London Kx prcx. .VhiiiIiik the C'lilnrat llnby, lu China Kills are culled Instead of Mury Ann or Mariruorlto ".Spring I'ent'h," "Cloudy Moon," "Coloatlal IlappliieN-" or what may tf be con sldered so uU-e, Come aloiipa-llttlo brother" or Addu-yoiinger-lirother" or "I.eiM-everhistlUK-youuger-broth ors." The latter menus that a hon would have been more welcome than a little "go uway child," us thoy call the girl. They belong to the family of tho husbands tu bo and do not count lu tho fundi of their birth, so that when a Chinaman Is uskod. "How ninny chll dioii havo you'" lto mukas no count uf th" girls, nltliough .Ije may havo ton. Tho loya Qnly,ljowunt8, i?bd his reply will Indlcnto onlyt tho nunibrf boys. Ho gives his sons Bitch ,liutnos ns yvnccstrnl Piety." "AiicostraTrKnowl edge," "Practical Industry," AVblo to Slug Out." "Second God of .Learning' "Exclto tho Clouds," "HegTnnlng of Joy," "AU Virtue' Complete." The lit tlo sliivea who bogln llfo as household drudgos boforo tlwy graduate lowur answer to such nunies an "As Vou Ploasc," "Sparrows Crumbs," "Joy to oryu," "Your Happlue.ss," "Not "i'or Me."-.ICfl!t!HB City Journal. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS Is the one Important magazine in the world giving In its p Ictures, its text, in Its contributed articles, editorials and departments, a comprehensive, timely record of the world's current history. Not the enumeration oi mere bare facts, but a comprehensive picture ol the month, its activities, IU notable personalities, and notable utterances. The best Informed men and women fn Ibe world lind It indispensable. There are many readers In your locality who have yet lo learn of lis usefulness. We wish to establish active agents In every city and township In the country. We will pay liberally for ener getlc elfort In Ihe subscription Held. Leisure moments can be ulllixed with substantial Increase of Income. Make a list of the persons In your locality who should have the " Review of Reviews," and send to us lor agent's terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then solicit their subscriptions. It is a compliment to approach a person with a subscription proposition for Ihe " Review of Reviews," and consequently orders are easily secured. This Is the active subscrlp tlon season. Make application at once, naming your references, I'lce, 23 cents number, S2.50 tx -.ear. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANV. 13 Astor Placd. Naw Yo,h City. I w 2 Picrwv 2 WE HAVE Daily Fast Trains IU OIL EAST. If you ennnot tako the mnrnlni ir.it, travel via tho evcnlnj train, ioi, lrt, finely equipped. "Our Special iW Fart Time, Tlirouxli N-rvlrtj, I'nlhntr. Palitco Slfi'iMira, I'lilliimu Tourint Slwi,. ern. Pullman Diners, Library (Cafetdu and Free Hcclinlnx Chair van lloiira in tlmo unveil to " n CLIe KO, KanBas City, Bt .ih, New york Dee ton, and oth . j'.tiHtern point. Tickote -oil to Halt .aku City iml Denver. It is toy our intenot to tine Ti)k 0t. mnii Limitki). Tickets mul eleeplni car bortliH can Im ucuurcd from W. W. Hkinnib. Agents P.Co. Or Gay Powers, Ag't. 0- It. A N. Salem Or J. II. IxrriiHor, Gen'l Agent, No. 1.15 Third St. I'ortlanil Or S, C, STONE. M. rdrrleiornf 'Stone's Drug Store I HM,KM, OIlKdll-J, j Tne mu'ioh (two lu number) nre lotnted a. ! No. VS6 nnd MS t'omiortclr-l UmiI, mul at I ell utikixl wltli ft eoinplutu lino of drugs mi I motllcliiss, toilet Brtlclvs. norfinnoiy, briuliei iOtc,'to ,(k: , UK. HTONK llntliml coino'iSjrcitis oiK:rletii-- In the prac j ll oof imxtlclno mul nor toukoa no rharRu to jrolinillnlli.ii fidmliMlinn nr iricrlitloil. CANADIAN X PACIFIC And Soo Line, Our feo returned if wo fail. Any ouo seniling sketcli and description of any invention will promptly recoivo our opinion free concerning tlto patent ability of Bamo. "How to obtain n patent" sent upon reouest. Patenta eecuretl through nn advertised for wilo at our ejpenso. Patents taken out through us reccivo special notice, without charge, in Tub Patknt Rkcoui), an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS '& CO., Patent Attorneys,) Evans BuiSeUng, - WASHINGTON, D. Cm Klnd-i'lara and Tniiriril ! SLEEPERS DAILY I'liSHimnorH hooked to and from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office. x I'or full p.trtii!ularH'npply lo K. J. GOYLK, II. II. AIIIIOIT, A. G. I. A., H(J Third Ht. Viineouver, It. (5. Portland SOUTH AND m VIA Co, Southern Pacific THE SHASTA ROUTE Tralnti leave tfnlem for Portland ami wr Btatlonn at 5:40 a. in. , 7:61 n. m. tod 4 :05 p. iu. U'VoTirimnZL 35 a H TFK Lr Hlem . 1 1 ;0U a it 10JTI F M Ar AsaUuul .l'i.S0 AM WAY Ar Sacramento . fi.Wi 1' M tliiX Ar Ban Francisco 7 S V M lit A H AMlKitun .6:11 A SI iTSTi M Ar llMnvvr MOO AM Ittl'll 73 H totru D-.tlAK 1411)1 C:ll A X liu r Oil U)ll 9 JO A M Ar Kaiiu, l.'lly.....-.. Tib A W Ar CtileaHO . 7.16 A M aD-os ADRelea 7--. fa P M" Ar KI Paw -. 6twl' M Ar Korl Worto CWA M Ar nty of Mexico.... VM A M Ar Houtou . 8 3J A M Ar New Orleans. ........ C"i I' X Ar WmIiIdkioii oil A M Ar New Vort .....U.tl P M Pntluiiin iiiiTI TourlntH mra trains. Chair cars Bacrntnento o Ogdew and KI Pimo, and tourint earn to Clilcuo. 8t. 1-otiiB, Noiv()rIeaiifl mul WnahfoKloo. ConnectiiiK at Han Krniidlnco wltITw oral bteamnlilj) linen fur llonololw. .Inpaii, China, Pliillpplnei. (Jem'"' '' utli Ainorira. rtTMr'W. W. Hklnner mrenfrTt KVu 'liition, or adilroH) , (1 U. MIKKIIAM.U.P A.. Porllnml. Or'. 481111 tf M Kted Yi Hiw Ahwrs BaW - Galvanized Iron Work - We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds of work in galvanized iron. X re TC X 3E X-XJ 33WC 3S JC 2W CSS- Work and miterial always the best, and the prices are always the lowest. A X .. J, PHONE 1B1 T. S. BURROUGHS, 1 ,- m I03 STATE ST SOMETHINCt NEW! X sr -KERN INCANDESCENT CAS BURNER NoClilmnov. no lilrtckeiitHl riintlna. OU-o & ...ii.. ., .... . consumed.' Several rt. Wo have in atoak tho K. 1 i,T, 1. A ' T01.0 F"8 for 3-10 of 0110 ront'ner hotir. Also II Nn o -t- . ..w ... mt and giving a ,tf eandlo power light for ! givlngt 70 catiillo jiower at a cost of (110 of a cent per hour. r 1NVESTIQATE THWI J. -1 : ; Sali-p. Gas Ligrlit Co. WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For a ticket Ea t, you naturnlly and ivicri' ,ri01iH3,ry wnt t K" over the route inatwlll eivoyoit the very lient acconio nation) at tho lowest pogHiblo rate. Hence, you ehotild aak your ticket auont to make your ticket rend via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE 0l!r. l,0I'ulr personally conducted !.! 7c""io,,a ' modern Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Salem every Monday Kvening and Tliuradav evoninu Vlil MlnMlnnnln ...! ny . . v.H..,Ui,,uMliu fvvry uiusiiuy even- nif and baturday morniiiu via Portland .. ..in inrouKii to u 1 caco w t lout change via the World1 mostTenlc Line trains East, also with the Hock Island wnRllyanCOnda,:,ed tonrlst car for Boston . These touri. t sleopim car8 ar hroa.1 voatlbu led lifted 'with I'lnfch S, f-fi,,d ,,idell witl' " weekly illua iS.!Jf0d,calH and 'na8'i"es'for the rani, I tl iUir Pa,r.0"8, Bnd are ncc("" S.nl . .,,hrou',, l0 letination by a rep lffiB"w f. th.e Grt'at "wklsia,!!! tt;.. e al8 ,avo u ,,a,,y Hrst-claes ;'"i',,"I"1 ourvice 10 uiiicauo v u the bcenic Line, and the best diniui- car service- in tho world B r Ar f,l!' nto-".ftti'n, maps etc,, call on or write to, A. K. Coopkr Geu, Ah" , ,,,J, " Portland Oregon. i VVt ?$& G- M pow88 AM !J 8. J' to- Awnt 0 R A -N Ca Sh3m tr. . 8alein Or. 'Ih'gon'Slio 1 Line Kaiirmid The Dirwt Route to Montana Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. . ivea clioii-o o( two favor.te route, i the UNION I'AOIKIO Fast Mall Un. or tho RIO tiKANIIti Bttnlc l.liw. No Change of Cars. Oiithtt lortlHiid-OlileK !-l'il.",h llnest in U16 West." Equipped With, KieKHiit rtumUrU 8lej-ar , , Kluo New Ordinary Toiirlt Hli. Kuiorb LlUrarv-llutret Cm Mcinllpll"iiei Mett,i'ai,rt Kreo KtclliiluuCLiurfr. (X)inrorUtjIu (iMdit ui H-Jiokers. KullrttTralulJouiplewlr VesllWUM For further information 1 Mfo,fl w J R.NAGBL. UUYIW Trav. Paw. Ab. Auent 0 B- 149 -1'lilnl HI. I'nrtland l'r. m Corvallis k Mm Rallwi TIMIBCAUI). No 2 For Yaqulnn: Train leaves A I ban v Train leaves Corvalll . Train urrlveH Yattilna No. I Rettirnjnu: leaven Yuqulua... Leaven Corvallis Arrives Albany No. 3 For Detreit: Leave Albany . Arrlveu Detroit. No. 4 Returning: Leaves Detiolt Ai rives Albany. . 12-I5P "" . iWp li.-tS p w flWa in ' u-tta iu 1216 p 7rM.i". III20I.B1- 12:10 p- " .V.45 p r"; ..j ... '.... .it. a hjny" u'ib unit two ciiiiiuKi. "'"1vr, :,iB. Cor-allls with Southern Paclflotiwoj u lying rllroet. service t taiitl from ne port and adjacent beaches. ......1 Trains for the uiountalps arrlje Detroit at rioin. tflvlnif nJun,cn h to reach eaiiipluu trrountl- 'n Ilrelteit'jiish and Santlaiu rlea U" sariio day. VIN gnp. It I. WAI.nxN. rnwi" "ir... T A V. J. TURNER. B tl. HUlDJf tor acccptat)lfWff Stuto If Ptefltl THEPATENTHE rfia..frt.'- ..