)&,k&w4 HJ Ol i , t M .1 i ill! ill!: : i t :j h ? j .$ i ik t 11 1 v h . K i K '.. l : -,. 1 ! F'i ;. r. ; f :, House Work is Hard Work without GOLD .DUST. 7 3 YOU I NEED I NEWI ! FALL HAT THE DAILY JOURNAL. BY HOFSR BHOTHBRB. "" THURSDAY DEC. 13, 1000. Dolly Ono Yoar. 53.00 In Advance Dally Four Month 91. In Advance Woekly Ono Yoar Sl.OOIlnl Adyanoo JOURNAL 'X-RAYS." Tlio dovll keeps doublo ontry. We always tnm a cold shoulder to tlio wind. ft Roueburg has a pot atock ahow Dec. 20-22. A A 4 Flatter o man'ttnd you can uaohlm for a football. & . Baker City will open a new operhouso about Jan. IB. A A Kttlena don't have to go to ucbool to learn to catcb mice. A .-A baby born at the ioor farm at Port land haa lcon named William McKln- ley. AAA It la bo gratifying to learn that nearly all tho push leaders voted the Clth.ona ticket. AAA Ouy Powers baa developed Into a good flncancler. Ho Is also rapidly dovolop ing Into a good newspaper man. ? 9 It Is not unconstitutional (holding two offices) for tbo attorney of, tbo textbook " trust to ulso be a Regent of tbo Hlato Normal school, AAA Ijn't that a achome of I'ortlanil. to lut " Salem beat them at football, and then got In and bent Kugono and claim tlio championship? AAA Wouldn't It Jar'you for h 'town that is , financially busied, and that la running into Insolvency "Hellbent for Texan,." to talk about Salein waking up, etc. Hut it Is Partlandcfiiuo. A. A ' ' Tbo ladles who advertise onu of their "cc obrated" chicken pfo (suppers, don't mean that their cblckons are entitled by age to be called colubritioa A Balem needs woman's helpful touch on ntiblto affairs. Ilenco oiitanUe a club to do something bosldes discuss Battenberg and band out pink rainwater punch. AAA Linn county peoplo aro holding mass meetings to tell their legislators what to do. Better rrppolnt a vlgilanco com inlttoo prepared to act upon adjourn ment. A A A Balem wedding that took placo at throe o'clock Wodnosday was fully re ported ovon to tbo lace trlmmlnga and guests in Tine Jouii.val that went to press, at three o'clock tlio same tiay. Several of tbo present city Alderman aro said to bo fco economical that they live- a week on four-bits worth of sauor. kraut, spuds und apuroribs. Such niou are not lit to make public monoy fly. A A A Nobody wants a revision of tbo Salem census, The eamo gang would take it a second time and lustlfv their own work. Nearly every competent man who was recommended for enumerator waB turned down by tlio MoUrldo push. AAA The operahouao mauageinjMit should provide a luruo' block of 50 cent seats down stairs, There are a whole lot of Salotulteu who aro not two-bit people und yetdon'tfeol able to pay a dollar foi an ordinary show, AAA Who did eolect rbo Salem census Inkm-a? Wn w.ir.l irrnvnlv informed that they were the result of a civil service ex amination, There were eoino excellent faithful workers among them some who knew tho meaning of the word census. But that they wore mostly what la known ua tho Mollrido push no ono can deny. They would hardly condescend to enumerate a Balem man who wasn't. AAA ' Tho man (or maybe Its nut a man) who writes "Grafts" for tho jtlbany Demo crat get off these The greatest trouble u nlaii has in this life la keeping his neighbors straight. The friends who Will jpnak well of you at your back whatovor1p(her say, are few. - Thoro t no lieUty way of goUfng.fiye.ji with a man ttlfan by forgjvttig bliD, 3CYou need it now, the fall season calls fora Fall hat and when you buy you want the correct shape. We nave the newest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats at 5551.50 to $3. 50. We have the exclusive agency for Benj. J. Brown's special 3 50 hats. If you wear one of these hats you will never again pay $5.00 for a hat whatever is new in hats is here. G, W Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers Don't be liko an egg. too full of your aelf to bold anything else. AAA Here is a humor from a Portland papor about iUelf: "It has been boosting an Oriental Fair for Portland in 1P02, which was not Its business at nil. It has been praising a great many peoplo for their good deeds. It has been whooping it up hero forrivor improvements and for coal development. It has been turning Us grindstone for numberless axes of private and com munity enterprise, and IthaB been dis tributing compliments about among our enterprising movers in public under takings with excessive prodigality. For all of this it hones to bo forgiven ; and as tbo Now Year is -drawing near, wo shall hero and now record a vow that the descent into tbo role of a suggestor and jollier shall nover be ropcatcd. Iloro after lot no man be honost or woman virtuous in expectation of roward in theBO columns." Dr. Bull's Couth Syrup will prove quick anil euro cure lor croup, .uouiors, wnen your clilluren aro nttacKou wun mat dreadful disease, you can dopend on this marvelous remedy. It never falls to euro at once. Prlco 25c. SALEM SOCIETY OF CONGREGATIONALISTS Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers Is Held. At tho business mooting of tho Salem Congregational Society tho momborBhip Was reported to be 31ft, The financial condition of tlio church was found to lie much improved. Thu Improved meth ods adopted during the past yrar, re sulted bo favorably that a vote of thanks was tendered thu chairman of thu loard of trustees, Q. M, Powers, for his olll- cldiit services. After the buslueaa matterH bad been disposed of, tbo congregation adjournal to tho parlor, whoro refreshments were servod by tbo ladies. At the request ol tho pastor, Mr. J. U. T. Tuthlll acted as toast muster und as usual nerved well In that capacity. Toasts wore given as follews: "Do llghtu and Joys of Being a Trustee," G. M. Powers; "Good Ushering," John Paynoj ''Thu Missionary lntoreata,"Mrs. Morrison 5 "Tho Ladles." 1). J. Fry; "Tho Genllonion." Mrs. Dodd; "The Benovoloncos" J. 11. T. Tuthlll; "Tho Good of tho Churoh." the pastor. Tho following olllcera were elected to servo for tho coming year, in addition to tboeo who hold over: Trustees G. M. Powers, I). .1. Fry, Mrs. J. J. Murphy. Deacons It. B. Duncan, I. S. Stuinor. Joel Hewitt and I). W. Matthowa. Deaconess Mrs. K, F, Parkhurnt, Mrs. Matbows, ClerkWin. Stalger. Treasurer Miss Vlrgle Uynl. MubIc committee Mrs. Babcoak, .Mrs. Holvorsou, Mrs. W. H. Brtl. Usbors John Buyno, II, M, Branson, John Morrison, T, A. Llvoaley, It. B. Hansen. S, K. Purvluo, Joseph Kvuns, George Brown. Sunday Bobool superintendent I. B. T, Tuthlll, assistant superintendent, Prof. W. I, Staley, Secretary, Win. Stalger; first assistant seurotavy, Miss Oda Chapman ; second tiaalataut secre tary, S. Morrison. Librarian, Miss Laura ICIrk; assistant librarian ltobt. Duncan, Cliorister, Mra, Sfalger. Or ganist, Mlaa Winnie Byrd; uaeUtant or gauist, Flora Brown; organist of thu primary department, Miss Myrtle Dun can. To Cure a CoU la One Day Take Laiatlvo Ilrotno Qululuo Tablet, All drtigxUu refund tlio monoy If tt lull to euro V. Oroye,i.lulurjlon each buz. " nEMEMBRANCE. t ta a loo blfal wood a Mild row gmw, i Ko tYIT I4W II. iw WlM "- Wuw, j Out U Boitir mi iwii lb Iru a fttr Ai any tint vr brilhrl tb air. It caud up lo llm calm, wU iky 1 And budjrd to tliluk it itwn mut ill. It Unguttliid, ind 1U littrt tirtvr Uiill; TU cinu of iiliyr might wtll uUI kill, put a patilog brM gv nwurigint lad bot (r lu dtlUvIt ictnti tie brttM thut Uilto ktwed a child yrbo ilaytd In tin un4Jow md. tuing, txalltX p dtar tncbaatuifut el tuat ipat ita cUld, tbruuth a llfallui. uvr forgot. tU aoul ol tb roM, wllli ttt lut iwwt brtath, Upd fortb ta mtt approaching dtath. lad git lo tin Utom oiry cilnuon Uk TVii ill it had, Ivr uimotx' u. Ko rr iw It. ua uiltid tr guiJ rtm iwvtuM lit ll ttnl rt low cm I to kuow It r T told by tb diw How wt ! H ni(ubroiM. nod I Wll you. - it II, Dtlanj tu Uuidoa. C3dA1WIIr'03fK.XMaL RAMBLES BY THE EDITOR He Visits the Hood-River Fruit Fair and Beholds Some Aiagnificient Scenery. Tiik Journal man acrompanietl by u very competent guldo, inspiration and critic had the pleasure of boing whisked out to Hood Hirer one beautiful Indian Slimmer morning just before tlio presid ential election, It is not possible to take a prettier short trip in fall of year than a few heurs: rldo from Salem to tho cen ter of the fruit glowing region of Wasco county, tbo morning ride down the Wil lamette, through French Prairie, past the Fulls of the Willamette, formerly called Multnomah, through the great rustling port of Portland, past the ship ping of all natlonr,up the mighty Colum bia, with itfl rocks and Caecades in pro fusion enough to almost call It a garden of the gods, until wo come to our des tination. Hood Hlver is perched on tbo shoulder of tho mountain that is formed at the junction of tboanowy leaping river flow ing directly from Oregon's most majes tic enow peak. At first you Bee but a row ol atoro buildings and warehouses A few cosy hotels and saloons that look as If they were struggling for an existence. After lunch a walk up the terraced streeta revealed a charming rcsldenco portion, with plenty of churches and school buildings, capped with a high school, and on top of the mountain spreading orchards and residences in all directions. Moat magnlficiont in effect of all on tho town site aro tlio groups of gigantic pak trees that we have nowhere aeon equalled for beauty. Ab wo turned to go down into the city again u panorama was spread out before our eyes to the west revealing tho grand outlines of Mt. Adams, tho winding canyon of the White Salmon, and in the depths nt our foot tho deep blue mirror of tho Columbia, plowed by steamers going up and down tbo rlvor. A grovo of towering firs and great plnos bido tbo town below. At our back was tlio spreading riches of tho high bencli land planted for miloa witii orchards and Iwry patches, Interspersed with cosy suburban farm homes, water run ning by tho .roadside and ready to have its fertilizing flow directed into every field. Tho roads wero excellent, of smooth sandy gravel and wide enough for sevoral fast teams to trot alongside, clattering merrily bomewurds from tbo little city nt tlio fool of tho mountain. We next gave our attention to the annual Fruit Fair, tho secretary being a former lown friend whoso, urgont Invitation had poraundod ua to visit this littlo paradise that had so many revela tions of beauty and resource in tdnro. A pavilion about 200 feet long was tilled on both sides mid witli tiers of fruit on display through the middle. The utslcs wero crowded with hundredH of farmers und nrchardittfi und town jieoplo und nearly everybody seemed to have some thing on exhibition, and the r.eul and animation on thu facet) of nil plainly told the ftory of great local pride in their Industry and enterprise, Hardly auylKidy in thu city but has it fruit tract In the country, und hardly anybody for ten mlh'ri tu the country but feelH hu Is wholly or In part a roaldentot Mood Iltvur. Nowburo have I felt the spirit of united interest between city nnd country ho strongly present aa In this little valley and Uh commercial and banking city. Hood Hlver is llku the liottom of the pocket font big healthy, procpuroua rancher, where tho results of bis labors are jingling In most courreto form. One cannot enumerate in a nbort newspaper article all the show of fruit displayed under even this small canvas pavillion. The apples predominated over all, as all Oregon seems, to bo tbo home ol the annlo. Hut there were graud displays of peaches, pears, quinces and other fruits. . Tho wonderful fact about this Industry is thut in ton years what was a soml-wildornoss in tho heart of tbo mountains, linn boon brought to a high Btato of productivity, and there are thousands of acroa In smiling or chards, lion ring wealth and producing happinness, where Nature gavo no sign that h!io intended tbeso Boml-trupical fruits to grow. Qnly laat soason 37,000 crates ol fresh strawberries wero shipped from here to the markets of tho laigo cities, and HoodUlver Btrawlwrrlos aro known from Now Orleans to Manitoba and throughout tho Hooky mountain region us tho boat berry thu world pro duces. I asked thousands of qiuslionii ol tbo fruit growers hero and it would take a book ti print their answers and ex per. lunces. But one fact shone forth und that was with thu climate, soil, moun tain air and enterprise, coupled with traiiBM)rtation -facilities, they bad a bonanza und wero aware of it. f will tell a few stories of yield: Threo acres of Baldwin!) produced 1,000 boxes. A six year old orchard yielded 200 boxes pur acre of Nuwtons and Bon Davis. A ten year old orchard this yoar brought Uh owner 2,400 boxes. A five acre crop on thu trees brought its owner $050 this fall and he had nearly f 100 worth ol leavings not considered good enough for shippers, lion, K. L Smith's orehar la havo paid exponseaover since It was (our yours old, und Mr. Smith is too mod est a man and too good u politician to tell how much they have netted him. He is quietly putting all ho tutu Into apples. But all this is not fairyland. There are twino drawbuuka, It takes some yuan to get an orchard to bearing, In the mean time strawberries und small fruits must bo pushed tomako a living. But they are a sure thing. Thou there are snow fulls and some years ago a freeto that took nearly half of acme orchards. But thu valley lauot one tenth developed Tboroareatloaat fifty thousand aoreathat can bo made into orchards of tie great oat commercial valuo. Tbo west sldo only is supplied with Irrigation. Tho east aldo will bo In tho near (uturo. Thoao bench landa that make orchards are 400 to 800 and 1200 feet altitude. Snows fall two to four feet deep and the Chinook winds como and lick them into slush. Tho higher lands are altnoat unexplored but enough la known to make it certain that they aro the peachlands. One day a railroad to tbo foot of Mt Howl will open a perfect wilderness of peach orchards to the marketa of the world and such peaches as the world has not yet Been, nnd in tho presencu of which so called California fruit will take, off Us hat and blush with shame. We closed the trip to Hood Hlver with adrito up tho river, acroas tbo head of the valley and back through the orchard belt. Wo drove through miles of or chards the fruit whereof literally cover ed the ground and many of the trees covered it two and three deep. The more prolific, vatieties havo to le prop ped and braced up and nre reeling and struggling to carry Uieir load of hundred-fold Intoxication. Look down the wlnrows of apples half a mllo long and alternating red and gold. Hero and there la an untnrtunato tree broken down with Its own overflow of wealth. In tho pa villion I counted 83 varieties of named kinds of apples all dieplaysd not on plates but bushel boxes. Wc thought wo had seen soinu of tbo finest mountain aconory in tlio West. We bud crossed on nearly all tho trans continental routes, from tho Canadian Pacific through the awe-inspiring Sel kirks to tbo wonderland scenery of tho Rio Grande nnd royal canyons of the Colorado. But a half day drive up the cast side of tho Hood River canyon and back across down tho west sldo reveals now wonders of nature and discounts any previous sights in the way of moun tain scenery. Wo climb tbo toilsome, sleep promontory north of tho town until tlio rivor is a thin blue thread in the vaBt depths bolow. A turn of the road brings us out on the edgo of tho mountain wall alout2000 feetabovo tbo city. In tho foreground aro miles ujion miles olioresti checkered with squares of orchards and neat residences glittering In tboaunllght. Tho eye mounts ter race by terrace of evergreen vorduro until it meets tho skyline soutlioaat whoro stands Mt. Hood, aerono and un approachable, mistrosa nudqueon of all tbo princesses of tbo air, roaring her head above all tbo wealth of nature spread at her feet, spreading bor brida I trains of snowy garments in all directions. Wo had seen Hood from all directions, but wo hud never Been a snow mountain before. Novor before bad wo stood nt a point In a happy, smiling, fruitful valley completely surrounded by a rim of snow peaks, with Hood aa nontinol to tho.east and AilaniR to the west a panorama restful yet of biirpassing grandeur Across tbo valley wo penetrate masses of pino, fir and oak timber that is worth fortunes to the' lumber companies tiiat will clear tho laud and make it ready for the yet greater harvests of wealth that will come from tbo orcharding an it is carried on here with commercial akill and tine western grit and onterprlso. I), Homi. BpJ and Hlreplnir, A Gormun doctor bus beeu Investi gating the question of beds, and tlio re milt of his Inborn has beeu lately given to the world In the pages of a Germuu Journal. In the Hrat place, to convince mankind of the Importance of his sub ject, thu doctor reminds nil mankind that we spend from one-fourth to one third of our lives In bed, after which he proceeds to advise thu world on the healthiest kind of couch nnd tho most Hciislblc manner of reposing thereon. A hard bed appears to be the beat, ml It Ih laid down that children from thu earliest yearn should bo trained to sleep on tlicrfe bard beds. Soft beds are too warm and do not admit aulll clout a I r. Kven In the case of tho hard bed tlio sleeper Is warned to hoc thut his covering, whether woolen or cotton, Ih not so heavy that tho body Is kept overwnrin und fresh ulr Is excluded. This ventilation, a ceo rdlng to our au thority, Is all Important. But what will middle nged peoplo say when tho man of fjelenco bids them dispense with their pillows? Pillows, ho de clares, nre evils, and It Is right that wo should sleep with limbs uncramped on a perfectly horizontal piano. Knowing the weakness of human flesh, however, thu doctor declares that If pillows ure retained they should be neither too soft nor too thick. A point on which most people will ngree with this authority Is the neces sity for constant (tho doctor links for dully) airing and minnlng of the bed ding, 'Much 111 health may be attribut ed to carelessness In this matter. I-on-don Globe. A Htorjr of Whlatler. The Boston Transcript sayH: "A di verting anecdote Is told of tho boyhood of Mr. Whistler, tho greatest modern Impressionist. He wax apprenticed to Home oiiglneeiH w ho were etching elab orate maps on eopjier. One day his employer usked him If ho also c,ould utch niupu-wn copper. 'Oh, yes, I can etch,' promptly unswered young Whis tler. "Ah a mutter of fact he bad never used an etching needle In his life. However, they gave blm the copper, nnd be Bet to work, making a very Hue und bountiful map. Hut round the edges of the plutc, which when bitten In with acM are alwuys stopped out, he etched some characteristic little sketch es of the d liferent members of the linn. Including u very humorous ono of the chief himself. "Shortly ufter be happened to go away for n week or two for his holi day. Meantime the plate bud been bitten In and printed with all of the dreadful little caricatures that be hud forgotten to atop out appearing In utar tllng prominence, the sketch of the chief be I n especially remarkable be cause of Uh great resemblauco to thut gentleinuu. who was so enraged at the Indignity of tho thing thut Immediately on Whistler's return he dismissed blm." Tho Gold llrlclc Swiudlo. "The gold brick uxyludle," auld a buslnuHs man quoted lu thu New Or Ikjuw Tlniwl)yuiogiat. "la one of .be "Hit the Nail On the Head' If wu hxit erupt "xns, pns n ih? htal or fu'Jrt, stottuch trouUt And ftelings of Acas, "Hit the Mil on the htjd." Hoofs SvsAptrtt is the hammer to iisr. ll wJl purify your blood. The mutes ,-r..jj it for doing this und making the tvhde body healthy. most plnifilble puiposltlotis ever nil vuiiccd und litis lauded aouio of the cleverest bt,v.i'.s men In the country. A number of years ago It used to be n common thing for banks In the west to buy gold brlcka I menu real ones and frequently there were the best of reusons for keeping the transaction quiet. "It often happened that the owner of some partly developed mine would make an unexpected strike and wish to buy the adjneent property. Nntu rally be would wunt to hold back the news of his discovery until ho secured the land and If be had any bullloli to dispose of would make the- sale ns quietly as possible. The banks bo enme accustomed to deals of that kind and were consequently pretty env prey for the gold brick swindler who turned up with a precisely similar sto ry. "1 don't believe I exaggerate when I say tlmt fully one-third of all the bunk ing Ileuses In the western mineral belt were ut Rome time victimized by tbW gume." A noKtlftlit In Church. The Westminster Budget sn.VB that It was oii'i' usual for highland shepherds to take their dogs to church and leave them outside' the pows. Two shop Herds nt enmity sat on opposite sides of the aisle one Suudny. Soon after the KTinou began the dogs, one a collie and the other not, seemed to enter Into thcif musters' quarrel. One tender of the flock und then the other egged on his inlmnl. mid each faithful dog obcy cd Ills master. Tho people at Inst cran ed tielr necks over the pews, and when the dogs actually fought not u few of the congregation were standing up. Tie minister's patience was ultimate ly exhausted, and so he called to his "belrcrs" and said, "Ah, weel. my brluierln, I set' ye are more Interested In tiie dogfight than In my sermon, and so HI close the bulke and I'll bet hulf a ciown on the collie!" Una K lonf-d, Sr Augustus Harris once settled the pltdi question lu hlu own offhand lush Ion, A famous prima donna of his op ero,coiupany cnuie to him complaining that the piano used for vocal rehears als was too high nnd asking thut It might be lowered. "Certainly," replied DriirlolunuH, with u bow. "Here, Forsyth, have u couple of Inches Hawed off the legs of Uili piano." Oriiptu thn Ai'tor. $ome English lnvestlgutor has dis colored that actors have a patron saint wlo was an actor lu the days of Dlo cldlau and won his place by proclaim lno before a heathen audience his be lle! In Christianity. Ho was put to deuth und for iiiiiuy yours afterward was considered by Christian uctorH as their patron saint. 11 U name wus Qetetus. Feace.Uectared W(y dovoto all your ilmo reading thu loer War and the Gold Fields ol Ahi'lft? There an other matters o vital Importance; you may make a trip Kust. und will want to know how to travel, In order to have the boatsor vice, mo the Wisconsin Central Ry., botwien St. Paul and Chicago. For ratei nnd other Information, write ,la- A. Cljck, General Agent, Portand, Or. Tnvollng Is an easy undertaking and a pleisant pastime now u days especial ly If pu take tho Northern Pacific for your lastern trip. They know how tho preaejtday rallyway passenger likes to traveland what ho wants and thoy Biipplf him with tbo comforts of a homo. Tho torthorn Pacific runs tbroub trulne dally ,o St. Paul and Minneapolis and bIho his through cur service to Kansas City, Omaha, and St, Louia. 12 0 lot .4 Football SATURDAY, t cbz'Round VIII leave for Portland on tho 8 nlvit California express. rJ Jm i niSir0.i t,0kfl8 J""81 ',0 n,,u, h' TlmratUy ovoning, or tlio t rati will bo 3.15 tho rogular fare. (all on Burghardt's or Pattern's Book Btores, or Water's Cigar atoro and Fuflfi7f tKoxcTaffiir IPI fr U, m0,U,y' A" ",0" be I thffi nwT.i rSiS SSI!: ,i8i hy T,mr8t,,,y avan,nB-40 otherwiao i ! - Galvanized We make a specialty of of work in galvanized :e XiTcj 3ML :ra -x jsr oh- - .Work and maerial always the prices are always he lowest. A T. S. BURROUGHS. PHOrE 161 SOfvlBTI-IING NEW! X X KERN INCANDESCENT CIAS BURNER-- No (himney, no blacrened Mantloa. Gives 3!i candle power m.r foot nf , conBUUid. 8evera bIs. We- havo in stock the No 1 bur nil g "on LTxl , and glvtg a 36 caudle power light for il-10 of one rent 'par hour Also tl'. " , giving 7U-andlo power at a cost of 0-10 of cent per hour - INVESTIGATE THSM Salem Gas Light Co, T V Telephone BUSINESS CARDS C. JHL Q5ACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeno, of Whito Come, "alem Or. Parties desir ing superior opurttlons nt moderate fee in any branch aro in esecial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1071.1 ROOMS 1 AND 3 OKAY 1IL.K. B. P. JONES, Attornoy-ttt-Law Toledo, Oro?on, Waa Clerk of Circuit Court t an ii-to-lato abstract ot al roti uly. t 'ix yours mulhas itiyin ijuroiu 11.17m Piano Tuners and 11 pare PORTLAND ORK. For Salem and vicinity leave orders at Geo. Will's Music Store. CAPITAL Liiv Express and Transfei Meets all matt and passenger trains. Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 851. DISQUK & HOMYKR Ta . Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Fall Suiting luit In. Tlio Oberndorn" pat lurua from Chicago, lint bmlnrn Httlta (IS. 8 panU 25, OFFK'E.OITY HALL For wutcr service uunly at oillce. Bills payable monthly In advance. Mtikc nil complaints nt the otllc White House Restaurant First class cook, First class service, Enjoyable meals. GLORGE BROS. Props Travelling is an easy and pleasant undertaking now-a-duys, especially If you aro so fortunate as to take thu Northern Pacific, the road that ascer tains tho wants of passengers and sup plies them, Tho Northern Pacific's crack tram is the Nortli Coast Limited, which leaves Portland dally at 1:15 p.m. For rates and other information apply to any Northern Pacific agent, or write to A. I). Charlton, A. G. P. A., 255 Morrison street, corner Third, Portland. 12 0 lOt CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Boars thu Slgnuturo of !W ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Daylight Stocover at Niagara Falls. Through first class toualBt sleeper Irom Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago. Boston, New York, and other eastorn points, via Rio Grando Western, (Great Salt Lake Route) Denver & Rio Grando, 0 R I & V and Illinois Central to Chlcags, connect ing in tho Un'or Depot with Michigan Central's similai car for pointaeiiBt. For particulars call on oraddro-s Local Agents or,. B. II. TnuMiiuu,, n C0111M Ag't, III. Cent. It. R 8 (HI 1 12 Third st., Portland Ore ,f Excursion , DECEMBER 15th TriDv$2i o'clock a. m. locuhind return on tho m Iron Work - cornices and all kinds iron. X X ?C X bes, and the , tOB STATE ST Salem water Ik, SALEM LODGES rronrcFiTrrma on- A.MIDI110A. Court nticrwooU Foreat No, 19. Meeta Friday nlghU In Turner block. John M, Ohaao, 0. It. A U Brown Broy. 1H7-Ur Money to Loan On improved farm nnd city prop erty nt lowest current ra.os. T, K. FORD Lathi & BiiBh'a Bank. Loans and Insurance Money to loan from (I to 8 pur cent, according to ucoiirlty no oxpciiBo for examination. Insurance effected on liopn and other property at lowest rates. John Moir 290 Com, sr. 7-lll-.fdcw Wheat Bought and Stored By tho Aurora Roller Mills ltrunr.li ulllco and warehouse 181 Trade 8t. Imtween High and Church streets. Buckwheat ami nuts Imiighl at highest market price. FRED P. HURST. 7-27-tf d&w The German Market Will bo found al) kinds of meat ami tlio best of sniiBugo. FRKK DELIVERY. All bills duo tho late iirm of Wolt & Mlescke mi.dt be paid. W0I2; & Soil 171 Commercial Pt Dr. Grace Albright Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. : : : Every day except hours I) to 12 a. m; 1 Wellcr's grocery. Sunday, to t p. m, Ollico ovor HUIE WING SANG CO. Holiday goods, Chinofo Hlid Japane'so fancy and dry goods. Silks, ladies' underwear, fur nishing goods, mattings, orna ments, alk handkerchiefs, china ware, etc. All at low prides. 1-10 STATE STRFET, SALEM ORE. Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of tho Salem Soap Works has theco operation of thedoulura Consumers who desire a llrflt-class Boap will Encourage Home Industry By ordoring Salem-mndo soup C. STONE. M. I) I'rnnrlotor nf Stone's Drug Store rjAf.KM, UllKOOS Tne kUtub (two lu liunitwr) nro lix mIikI a No, ZJ5 mul 833 Cominerelel Hint, end i ttelt tc2kC(l with n complete lluo of tltuatm nKxllclusn, toll.it HrtldM, porfiiMury, bruiuei otc., ota., etc, UK. HTONK llmliail toinolii yei exiK'rleuif In the prnc tltttof inctllcllioaml now makes no churice to roiiMiltHtlun, iimmliDUlnu nr prAMcrlptlon, CANADIAN Z PACIFIC And Soo Line. Firat-cluss and Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY Passengers booked to and from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office, x x x For full particulars apply to E. J. COVLE, ll, If. ABBOTT, A. G. P. A., HO Third St; Vancouver, B. C. Portland. WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For a ticket F.at, you naturally and y.01? Pro.iwly want to go ovor tho route tnat win give you tho very best accomo dations at the lowost posslblu rate. Uenco, you should ask your ticket ngont to make your ticket read via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Our popular personally condncted tour at excursions in modem Pullman tourist Bleeping tara leavo Salem every Monday Lvening nnd Tbnrsdav ovoning .... ....v,,,,lu u awry luesuay even ing ami Saturday morning via Portland and run through lo Chicago without change yia the Woild's most scenic Lino connecting at Chicago with all moving trains Laat, ulao with tbo Hock Island personally conducted tourist car for XJoston These tourist Bleeping cars art broad vostibuled liK,tetl witti Plntcb Gas and prov ded with all weekly illus tnited periodicals an'd magazines for tho !,rf.?i "f n0f ou.r l"ltro8 and are accom panied through to dostlnaMon by a ren ikT. " u 0. U,. (Jroat Koelc Wand Houte. o aleo huve a dally firflt-claea Bleeping car service lo Chicago via tl.e Scenic Line, and tbo best dining car Borneo in the world B For full information,. maps etc., call on or v, rite tp, A. R. Coowat. Gen. Ag . ,.. i'ortlarid Oregon. 2r s "P?jnu it Depart for T1MR BOHPIil'i p" "" Vtom 1'ortUuil'. ,It (,'hlcas Snnela Bait !:IS a.ro """HIUH.KU nu H,ll; .. v Rtx- kano llV Hta,p?i,Pl.V,,, Minn, waakoo Ohlcmro ami m2."' sr- Firer 14. Bioopra hlcao ami Mit N. Atlan tlo Rz. VIA HUHT1NOTON !. m OIUCAN HTi7riTT.V.-.rr 8 pm. vmnTimasranH- Ball CYOly llVn day,. P.IJ Hp, m, ax. Bun 10 ii, ra. COUIMI1IA 111 y ll it. IB in Aaioria ami y Hnrti. !8mi H WII.LAMKTTK UlVKll r'i' A .T. ""u.wflHTii ami .J I.euve Halom I .tti:ssi.-.jr?-i. Tbnsr At lit. ,.:..-: t. "i". " . o.,i.m.'h .r Ira ...,.. nvu,,,.,,,. Krla,,.,- For torvalll? ami way tn'miiV W1M.AMKTTK ItfvKK III VISION." atroet car UnoatOreRou Oily If ihB JX?""! dohiyed thore. 1 leketa to all i, , u u, ne." " WM&liiRton, CAIIfornla or hi V.il iu"10"' iH.itu m juruauu ai abu.1 t ,. checkcil thromrli frnm u.ln, t '..."I"I rail or rWor routu to l'ortlaml V zSSSI made atVuitlaml wu, all riu Wa. ffi ll"". h W'H.'llUtlltuuY'' Ocn, I'Mt AKt l'wianad, Agent, Trado Blrwi uirkiffi. City ticket anil freight pUwmiSSbbSS,, POSSIBLY You are not awaro of the fust time at il Biiperh Bervice now afforded by tht. ' Ti "- 'aTrivkV' - l-Ci"' 2 WU HAVE rt "Daily Fast Trains-9 TO TIIE EAST. If you cannot take the morning train travel via the ovoning train, both re finely eiiulppetl. u0ur Specialties" FttBt Time, Through Service, Piillmin Pulaco Bloopers. Pullman Tourist Sleep ore, Pullman Dinora, Library (CnfulCar anil Free Heclining Chair cara Hours in timu saved to ' .im (!hlc ago, Kuneiia City, Bt ' ,.,is, New York Boston, and otb.. r.astern points. Tickets good to Halt Lake City and Denver. It is toy our interest to tio Tim Ovkx. land LimiTku. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be secured from W. W. Skinnee. Agent 8. P. Co. Or Guy Powera, Ag't. 0 It. A N. Salem Ore. J. II. liTiiitOf, Gen'l Agutit, No. Lt5 Third St. l'ortlaml Or SOUTH AND EAfn VIA Southern Pacific Co. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Salem for Portland and way stations at 5:40 a. in. , 7:54 a. in. auJ 4 :06 p. tu. Lv'l'orilmua TSUiTA M 'iSTi Uy Balem 11:00 A M 10JJ f M Ar Aihland ..l'i:ao am l!FU Ar Hcramonto..... 6.-00 I' M Ar Han Krnnco 7:45 1' M ArUKden -"6:i A M uita a.U A M TTtiTTi iiOXU VIA A U mn "7DUA U 10 II A M IMK'A t'il f M CUA U UM V M Ar Denver.., . 9.eo a M Ar Kanta, Cllr - 75 A M Ar C'UloaKO ..... .. 7:45 A M zrnari'it" Ar IO aukuU Ar Kl l'ako Ar Kort Worm (1:30 A M Ar City of Mexico 9M A M Ar Houiton SJi A M Ar Now OrluaiM tll V M Ar Waxhtilirlou t.Kl A M Ar Now York.;- . W;4 V M PiiTlmnii and Tourists curs Oil hotli trains. Chair cara Sacramento to Ugden and EI Paao, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louie, NowOrleaiisand Washington. Connecting at San Franilioco with w oral ateniushlp lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central ami South America. See MrT'W. W. Skinner ngont al fcM-w Station, or addross 0. II. MARKHAM.O.l'. A Portland, Oregon. "Oregon Short Line Kiiiroad Tho Direct Houte to Montana, Utah,, Colorado and all Eastern Points Glvoa choice ol two favontoroulej, i tho UNION PACIFIC Faat .Mail LInt, or tho RIO GRANDE Scenic Liuw. No Change of Cars, On tho Portland-Chicago htnai, III flnoat iu tho West." Equipped Wlthl Klegaut standard Blooper. Klue New Ordinary TonrUt Slevpef Superb I.lbrary-Ilunet Cam Spleadlii Dinner, Meals a lirl Kroo ItecllnlUK Chair Cara. . Comfbrialjlu Ooache au l.mokert. KnUro Train Cumpletolr Velilulei. For further information i apply w I R.NAGEL, OUY,gWifcK Trav. Pass. Aut. Agent 0. It. 14'? Tlilr.l Ht. Portland Or. SalfUl Mb & Eastern Railroait TIME GAUD, No 2 For Yaqulrm: . Trulu IcavesAlbany IJMSP "J Trulu leaves Curvnllls, .- L?P " Train ariivea Ynqnlmt . e,P'ro no. Return I nt:; Leaves Yaqulna Leuveu Corvallls Arilvos Albany 0-IOa ui .. 11:30 8. ni ,,7:00a "'- 11:20a. " 2 1trp t. vis n ui No. a For Detreit: Leaveh Albany Arrives Detroit, No. 4 Kuturulng: Leaven Detroit.. A.rlvAa Alhfmv Uneitiid iwn connect HtAliJ"" OcirvalllH with Knutlieru IaclUc tiio. Klylng dlivct8orvlc tViand from ie port und udjucont beaches. , , Trains for the mountains arHf" rv......i, ... ........ iuiiHi Minnie nu" to reach camping ground t' Hrolton'jtish unil Siintlam rlt'i III i Hiimo day. II L WA1.I1KN. t a v. A J. TUDMJ K. (it lbny KiiNajff tot acceptable Atu rt&. fia a iw.:?r,v nitantt lBiWliltJifrAWiiB k.JW$ S$z 500 'Baltiaiore.MJ-