THE DAILY JOURNAL. CHEAPEST ftSIB 8Ss,J,a0A,lv in oreoon., ,.m ii! '. .n,V $3.00 a year by mall erc 90 Mnt.Vn'Jf .e. :"$0c two months---so cents three months $i.oo for four months. 1 1 v- DO YOU $ff mtt? ThefJournal win .keep your trada terw w at 92 in. the shade and drive CuH tints w, '&" VOL. x SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 1900. Mt NO 802 Special Values for the Cold Weather - MEN'S OVERCOATS Iteiwfft'Ui hrfy!lr ,J?l,ftr',y?,11, WMU t0 ot n" for ,ollr I... it wi" V""1" 0l,r olotli HR coats no moro than in o llflry Wti;M,fl0U .", fl"tl hnt " POoesroa Ion! rfoht pI Jn. '"' apnrt, " ,l "''a80n '"n"9" It's n.ado M?n.V.,."lif!,.e,v"U lnr" ,lno of overcoats nml marked BISHOP Ilium toeoll at $10, $8.50, $12.50, $15, $16.50 (VnV'nUv-8 ?.i Xronl reyfl' Covort8' KorEe'8. Ulnck nil I Woolen Blankets ""0 wo offer you another opportunity to savo your dollars ! L'n,lw.,,,olr, ,u,l,!'ry. Thoy com direct, from the mill W I He, Grey Mottled, Vicunas, Uluo Giay. Prices f.1 a pair nml up. Urih ltlnii.kutB for tliu llttlo onon. : : : McCABE On the .Golden Opportunity For Methodism CHANCE FOR WORK IN THE PHILIPPINES NQ0kE.ft mx STORE WI COMMICHOIAU ST rKCil The London Stoga... A Great Farm Shoe an J for ,all kinds of Heavy Wejr. Itls-nindoof Tan Oil drain, Oiiiilini'il. CrooJmoru cut, double Volu clear llirouli. Solo-i sewed j'oguthurori ihu oil go and f.i.t iied to tho shoo with Stand 2'nl screws turned and riveted. I i 4 i ! aflNext Door tn Iluth'a Ititnb Kin, t .. .,.... .. 9 .-.. ...... n n i,i.Aihi, manage We Have Them In Buckle and Lace. THE SALEM SHOE STORE TELEGRAPHERS ASK FOR ARBITRATION Dk.nvkii, Colo. Dec. 13. Lieutenant Governor Carney, who Is noting govern or in tho nbsonco of Governor Thomas, u as waited on nt thu copitol by a com inltteo of telernpliors Inst nltdit, who desired to discuss nt length tho existing! nrlko on tho Santa F railway and to nsk tho Governor to lend his assistance In bringing about n speedy settlement. Alter tho subject had lcen thorough ly gone over, Governor Carney signilicd his willingness the oflhliala of the railway to arbitrato tho differences. A telegram was prepared and sent to Chairman Walker, of tho board of di rectors of tho Hanta Fu, and Hre.iidont Ripley, as follews: "In behalf of tho people of tho Stato of Colorado, after duo Investigation, tho locked'Oiit telegraphers of your railroad am abfolved from my complicity in ro dent outrages upon certain employes w ho liuvo taken tho places of these men in this statu. Tliu Interests of the people of the stato and tho patrons of your road would bo materially subcorvod were tha difference existing bcoweon tho man agement and tho telegraphers submit ted to arbitration and settled as speed ily as possible. FKANCIS OAUNKV, "Acting Governor of Colorado " President Ourinan of tho Stato Federa tion of Labor sent a similar request to tho ofllcors of the Santa Fo Telegraphers who heard of tho action of those two ollkers wore highly pluaped and buliaved that good would result froui tho movo mont. Governor Carney was scon at tho St. James Hotel. Ho said: 4 I anicovinced that tho telegraphers had nothing to do with tho violence offor cd non-union employes and the railroad company cannot blamo tho Order of Telegraphurs for thuo acts. The telegraphers are eminently n law abid ing dais of mill), active, alert, enorgutic, ca;mble, maintaining a high standard of citizenship and worthy of tho good will of our best people. As a workman myself my sympathy is with thowauul earner, provided bo keeps within tho limits of what Is right and lawful. sincerely hopo thin eavsu will bo fairly arbitrated and tho entire trouble quick y setttled." Prominent American Officers Are Clamoring to Come Home. Tly AiMielatcrt lTra t tha JnarnaV Nkw Yobk, Dec. 15. Bishop McCalto of tho Methodist Episcopal Church ha received a letter from tho ttcv. J. L. Mc Laughlin, presiding elder of that deno mination in tho riiilllpplue Islands, do ecrlnlng tho religious conditions and calling for men to us-ust In carrying on tho work. He said: "What wo need Is a tencher.dear-onosB or trained worker to go Into tho com mittee now and train tho people. Now is our golden opportunity. "A iuw months ago our native preach er opened sorvicos in a smull village near Manila. After tlvo weeks when on ac count of pressure of work ho was com. palled to discontinue at that place a delegation headed by the president of the village came in and pleaded with us for a preacher so wo sent one out. 'Wo held services two days in a coi k pit. Then wo repaired to the church whore wo have been worshipping ever since. After careful explanations and invitations 183 tinmen have been given and tho parties received into our church on probation," Nkw Yokk, Dec, lit. A dispatch to tho Herald from Washington says: If tho wishes of high ranking ofllcers in the Philippines are obsqrved many iuior taut changes will occur ut tho end of the prcpont dry season. Several of the gen eral olllcers are urging that they bo ordered homo and It is expected that when the volunteers aro returned they will accompany them. It is tliu general belief of well informed ofllcors that General MacArthur and Genoral A. K. Dates Mil return to the United Statoa within a few months ami Major-General Chaffee now In command at Pekln, will bo ordered to Manila as General Mac Arthur's successor. VANDALS ATTACK PLYMOUTH ROCK Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 13. Tho can opy ovor Plymouth Hock has been do faced by vandols. Tho act to nil ap pearances was deliberately done. This canopy It of granlto, 16 by 15 feet and 80 foot high, being built in t-o form of font plors with arched openings and surmounted by a granlto roof. Tho square stones on either side of tlio western ontranco are bruised and tho anglos broken off whllo marks of other hammering aro plain on various parts of tho baso. A reward has been offered by tho Pilgrim Society tor tho detection of tliu vandals. To make perfect ropalrs on tho canopy tliu entire structuro might have to bo rebuilt. INDICTED FOR A CRIME That Was Committed Over A Year Ago, FORTIFIED CANAL WONDERFUL FOX CHASE Senate Adopts Foreign Re lations Amendment SKELETON FOUND IN A WELL Farmer on Trial for Charge of Murder in the Second Degree. Or Aaamtlalaa? I'rrM tha Jtiar, PotHiiiKKKi'HiB, N. Y., Dec. 13. Potur Austl.t, tho HtormvlUo farmer who killed his faun hand, Gharlns Urower, 14 years ago and threw tho tody into an old well on his farm, is on trial I lore under uu indtctuiont for murder in the second degreo. I Tho crime was not discovered until ( August last when a new owner of the , farm was cleaning out tlo well and found a skdeton. It was Uontlllod and I Austin wusatrcBted. He ctufopscd that he killed Urower but said ho did so in self defense tho other man having as mulled him with a knlle while tl.ey weie returning to Ids housu Irom milk ing cows in tho evening, July 2, 188(1. , At tliu trial the protocution combatled , the clnim of self defense and tmieavored to show that Austin killed Itrnwerto gain K)scession of a sum-of .iioney that I be was known to carry. on hll person. J The defense claimed tint Itrower, uiuiougDjDU years oi two was ii'spuraieiy in love with Austin's l year old daughter, now Mrs. Kill Iriggs, uud wanted to marry her but tiu parents refused to glvo their consent Itrower was very uugry with them on that ac count and while riding In tho wagon with his employer attacked Mm with a knife, Austin, todufuud himsrif, knock td Urower out of the waou md in fall ing he struck the back of htihoad on a stone and wuikUlcd. Through Iguorancu Austin disposed of tliu body md told no one but his wife who helped Win to keep tho secret nil these year. A STRENGTH TEST RECORD BREAKER CmcAno, Dec. 15. Fred L. Dindliam mor of Northwest Acadotny yesterday biokoall tho. western collegorccords in a strength test taken at iho Kvan ston Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium under tho supervision of Director Das. Dindliam mor scored n total of 4ll32polnt. Tho best previous collego record In the wostl was 4032 made by Alfred WPIaco oi tliu tho University of Chicago on February 10 last. Tliu marks scored by Dindliamtnsr were as k follews: Arms 1139 j Icgs2805r truik (130; total 4032. Dindhainmer 1b 23 years f ngo.wolghs only 150 pounds and Is ll feet seven inches high. That Dewet is Leading British Generals HANNA SPEAKS ON SHIP SUBSIDY IIMVbfVRVtSrifUtlBMIBHMklRaHHiaHHIVHVHBIHliSiliHHIl IHBHHV u IS Ml m M M M at m m M m m m m M ? Ilnlifhv 3NI J&aI v lIUIIUtlY W, MVJ lllllovts n." Regular one-dollar Cf gloves uv M m m M m Regular one-tYen- QCp ty-five gloves 0JW Regularone-fifty (T1 OC gloves pitiJ Umbrellas Here you will find ihe prettiest handles in the most serviceable covers. 50ct0$6.00. ' Fancy Hose Support- OCcup. ersfortheholldays Dainty I Handkerchiefs 1 For the holidays. We g are showing some very 5 attractive things from S3 5cup. Resolution Introduced for Ab rogation of the Clayton Bulwer Taeaty. flv (aiixUlfl Itni til Joarakl Wadiiinoton, Dec. 13. Tho Senato has adopted tho Foroign Relations com mittee amendment to tho Hay-Pauncc- foto treaty by a largo majority Fairbanks offered a joint resolution directing tho appointment of a joint commission to ascertain a feasible loca tion for, and probabla cost of a hall of records. Tho resolution wae adopted at conclusion of routine business. Hnnna began a speech on tho ship subsidy bill At 2 o'rlook Haiiua concluded his speech, and tbu senate went Into exec ilive ses sion to consider tbu Hay-Paunculoto treaty. A treaty has been concluded between United States and Great Britain amend atory of tho oxlstlng extradition treaty, Intended tocorrect certain Imperfections In that instrument. The clinngos do not materially affect tho scope or principles of existing treaty. .It was agreed In the House that gen eral debate upon tho war revenue reduction I 111 should close tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Debate on tho revenue re duction bill was resumed today. Mr. McClellau of Now York was tho first speaker. FLYING COLUMN ON HIS FLANK Dismal Speeches in Parliament Advocating Peace With . the Boers. When tho House mot today It adopted a 'resolution for n holiday recess from Dec. 21st tn.Inn. 3d. Tho Tuft Commission at Manila has passed an act authorising General Man Arthur to establish police- In cltte8and towns. Commissioner Wright (aid tliu establishment of a local pollco force was a neccessary feature of civil government. It was approved by tho war dcparttnu'il, Heuator Money tod ad Introduced resolution providing authority for tho abrogation of tho Claytou.llulwer treaty by diplomatic negotiation. Indian head cushion OCc each tops Sterling Silver.... Tooth brushes, cuticle knives, curling irons slinf hnnis. erasers. seals, nail brushes, blot ters, letter openers etc. M g M c each I Taffeta Ribbons No. 5, 7. 9, 12. Warranted all silk. S All colors. Curb Chain Bracelets each 6c yard s - M ma 2& I 65c- Jfmfnrmbtm 85c . filmic qm fLMM Sfcff.r y Gloves LiHKiiiiii uniiDaiiaHiiiiiii """" ,,""""li SALEM CARPENTEI! HURT BV A FALL Joseph Ilenolt, a stugocanentur at tho Grand Opera Housu, full fmn a scaffold Wednesday, breaking senral ribs and brulsimr his faco and bodv badly. Tho accident was caused by thebreaklng of a Iward upon which ho was sanding. PIONEER CALlFMlAN HAS PASSED AWAY Kackamknm, Cab, Dee &. Ilenjamin P. Crocker thu first purcbalng agent of tho Central Pacific Hailroxl is dead at bis homo in this city. lb disposed ol his railroad interests suveal years ago, The President today nominated John W. Yurkes, Into Republican candid. do for governor of Kuntuukoy, to he com. uiieslonerof internal revenue. BOTANICAL X BONDERS The marvel ol tie hour is Ihe wonderful cure of chronic diseases without tie use ot knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afilictal human ity needs more thin all else. Not a week passes uit Dr. J. F. Cook, the grea botanical specialist and origiial discov erorol the botanicalcure, heals some patients who lave suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the more avfuleffects ol rank medical hunbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to jve patients the benefit of nishh study but .ieclinesto publish lirther test imonials out of regtrd for his patients, yet will ladly refer any callers to then neighbors and friends who have been healed. ConsulfUion free. If vuu have any physical ail me'nb it will ifo w good to call and have a litte chat with Ofiice 301 Liljrty Street Salem Oregon, Representative Hilt, of UllnolH, to-'ny made formal nnnouncomont of his can didacy for tho United States Ho nle. NEW COMMANDER FOR THE OREGON San Fiiancisco, Doc. Ill Captain F. W. Dickens, U. H. N., will sail tomor- row tor tho Astatie Station on thu steam or Hlo do Janeiro to tuko cominatid of tha Oregon. Uuux)ects to soon bring mo uaiueiuip to hum Hjri mr iturmau-j out ropatra to uur nun which was nor iously injuroil when sho struck it sub. merged rock iu Chinese waters Tho Kentucky will replace tho Oregon In tho Orient. A FAMOUS GANS MEETS M'GOVERN Cimoaiio, Dec. la. When feather weight McOoveru and lightweight tlaus step into tbu ring tonight to do battle for six rounds, probably the biggest crowil that over gathered around the ring sldu iu Urn west will ho prosuut Today it was Impossible to secure u gonl S)at, except from ticket wlM'ni, some of whom reaped a harvust. NO CONFERENCE ON THE STRIKE Toi'KKA, Hans., Dii. I.I.- While Proa klent Itipley of thu fantu F Hallway, and Natiouul President Dolphin of tbu Order Hallway Telegrapher, aru both in ToKika. no uouferoiioti on tho strike question will trautpire. Neltlitr sldu will ask for oiio. flr AniMrlatt - t h joitam. Nkw Yonie, Dee. 13. A dlspatoh to fho Tribune from Ixindon says: Dowot, "Tho Fox," is slill afield and running to cover at Kcddrrsburg with his pursuors close ixminri. Geuural Dowot, instead of following tho direct road from Houx vlllu to Wepcuor, where bo would have boon headed off by tho column sent to Intercept him, has circled around Knox's forces, recrossed tho Caledon river abend of them, regained the Kmitliflulil road and doubled back iiwn ills first track. It lias boon a wonderful (ox hunt and has not yet ended. Knox's troopitlinva. not lost sight of tho brush during tho long circuit and aro riding hard. Tho persistency with whjch the Brit ish Hying column liaug upon Dowel's Hank and keep up n routining fight is better proof of ultimate success than tliu assumption of saugniuo experts that tho wary guerrilla will ho entrappod nt Uedersburg bv tho column 'waiting for him. Dewet has thu advantage of know ing every foot of thu country but there will hu limitH to his powers of endur ance If Knox's troopers uh Is generally hefleved In military circles aro well sup plied with ralayu of horses, keep ,:p tho chase. Several petty affairs am reported Contlutieil on Fourth I'nko. HONG KONG PLACARDED With Incitements to Rebels lion- BRITISH TROOPS AFTER TREASURE Mark Twain Pokes Fun at Anglo-American Diplom acy in New York. Mr .aaUtd !!- t th JoanuiL Hono Keno, Dec. 13! Tiro city was placarded today with statements inciting thu pooplu and tho momberB of tho secret societies to unite riso during tho month of January and drivo out all the foreigners. Crowds gathered around thu placards but no actual outhreak is re port ed. Reports have been received from Can ton to tho effect that Young Sung Po, tho reformer has been horribly tortured. Though ho was strung up by tho thumbs and the toes hu would confess nothing. NOT FOR CONVICTION Twelve Kansas Men Were Again Sent toBed, JESSIE MORRISON JURY DON'T AGREE ' Pkkik, Dec. 13. A few days agj tin Urltlsh troops wore notified of thu ex istence ot a largo amount ot treasuro 20 miles northwcBt. Colonol Tullock and 100 men left today to investigate thu truth of thu report. Colonel Tullock rupiowled howeVor that f0 extra myii bo ddailid. It is bellecd that u laruu amount of gold and valuableii weru bur ied at that point by ptrsoua connected with tho Chinese court ituilug the re cent (light. Thu Information retarding tliu treasnio was iccoi veil from nfoimer court olllolal. Began the. Third Day's Delib erations With No Pros pect of Settlement. r Aiaoelateci Prtas tt a JonraiU. Emiokado, Knn., Dec. 1:t. At 10 o'clock last night Judgo Sbinn again sont tho Morrison jury to bed, directing them to resume-deliberation On tho case nt 8:30 o'clock In tho morning. Kansas Citv, Mo., Dec. 13. A spec to the Star from Eldorado Kans., fcnys This morning thu Jury n tho Jooaio Mor rison mnrdor coeo began the third day's deliberations. At 11 o'clock Judeo lteddon, consel for Miss Morrison, 8Td ho bcllovrd tho jury would novor agree, and that If it did, thu verdict would not bo for conviction. Nkw Yoiik, Dee. 13 Winston Chur chill, M. P., Wjir Correspondent, guvo uonltuiied on Fiiuiili ivko. Ji jAiSfflut. ftttt' 54 mtSaWiim r.iiW1 cM vr YmwAjtm w wmmyii u iwZsmi SaKWBMar l I,MX'l)!yU tf l NAiaiSFsr W. -v OlMRtUO aifir ns Merc afihes And so are we with a big slock of pretty presents suitabl e for everyone. Diamonds We hsvt loose anb mount ed I rlnts. sthik pint ttu'is.lockttt and trtxxhe In rold. silver sod filled. t trices sod In styles to suit me most unwious. ritilttc No end to them for "ulldlllo 'Ladles icnilemen and boys. Rrnnrtinc Stick tins, link tuff buttons, lockets, studs, eraceltts, hearts and many other lirUUCUCb thim, in treat quantities. Sterling Silver lVrtMw' Hawk's Cut Glass I.ail.WWMJS!' ltiitr' CiftAr Dlifnrl Wirn !" acoons, knives and forks, staple and faticp cletes. also 'a ollVCr riaiCQ WarC Une stock of Imlluw ware, suited to tracheal purposes or oruamencai. Do You? Come, now, tell the tiojiest truth. You don't like those uray hiirs in your heid, do you? And your husband don't like them, either I Then please him by buying a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor. It restores color to gray hair every time. It takes out all dandruff, too, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. It you do not obtain tha bantdt too datlr in i tha i Aiidrat., Ilr. J. U. AYBH, Lowull. rrum about It. Ha liniiKluuo. ui or Ilia Vlcor. wrtta in lan juu juti Im Doctor Hi ri!it TOTAL KLONDIKE AND ALASIUG0LD YIELD 8am Fiiancisco, Doc. 13. A caroful approximation of tho total yield of goM front tliu Kloudlko and Alaska,lneluding Nome for thu present year has been co.nplotod by tho Hoi by Smelting Com pany, acting in conjunction with tho statistician of tho mint. Tho amount aggregates 2G,7!2t ,223.81 divided ah fol lows; Klondike, $31,358,b29 17, Nome, Jt,.Tl,6tll.01. ) Picture frames. f,nW.?.fyr.,,1,ht,,vy Mti Leaders In Low Prices, Auytlilof we sell will be enjravtd free Barr's Jewelry Store. f Pop Corn Balls For Christinas Trees At Special Prices At ELLIS & ZINN'S J ho 154 Statertrect, Salem 'Phone 2874 ;B8NHnMMfi&DEanHMHNHMaHHHBHH BOERS HAVE SOME FRIENDS Ukiimn, 1m. 13. HauibuTU friends of the llmrs have sunt thu luiporltil chtriPBllor, Cuunt Von lluulow.a kIioiik ly worded disavowal of thu Ourinan O V erniiiitnt's Transvaal ollay. .. ' Suitable : CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A Piano An Orcan A tiwliii: tiiscbiiiu A Violin A Guitar A Mandolin A Columbia 'Aihr An Aiiioiiarp A Mh; lioll A Harp, A sultatie aaatd etece of sheet music or took eamy seat by m a El M H a u m a w c. H M M ta M M - a M H as M H u H H B as B Looking to Christmas Onlv a few days more in which to make uptyour mind what to buy the dear wife or daughter jfor tv CJiristmas present, Examine their wardrobe and see what's lacking. X 3C J ZC Perhaps a Suggestion From us Would Help You M m m m A NViv hrtvu. , Mm J 1 1., i , A Hilk Waist, I'dlow Shams, White fipnmdr, l.aeu Curtains. I'laiiiiHl Wal.t, I'ai o( OoraulN, An Diuhrulla, ttosol llandteidliluM JnQket or Oape, 'iSiblo Cuvor. 'afr of Ulaiikf In. IWrof Par Mora, iJtoeHnJ? HHisiit, A TLitiliHim, Talr of (lloves, fcHxuu Underwear, Now Wrapper, Taulo Mtiens, nllow Slips, HnsoatuppotterH, tmiu Towels, Kaseiiinlor, l.lo Ml M iii.m am --T- AND LAST. BUT NOT LEAT The Fur Collarettes and Boas You will only have until Satui J.iya to pick from that Sample lino Irom Detroit, which was sent tp us on 10 day memorandum. A A C COMPARE THE PRIQES WITH PQRTLAND PRICES And you will find.& diflferencii of, one-fourth 'in our i a or. oo come 10 us. X X Removal Sale... JfO$kGfal Removal Sale... ty mill. ill'A. Geo. C. Will's r the Uttit. ske aad new. U ailll8HaHVll1BBHHaMHIiHVHHNi1HIMHHM itWWJiliiWaWi '"" liiWijfcyiiiaipssplijii W P"""" KJU " H'lfflalMI la.ailaf IT . I "-- -- - wmmwm V tfj