ugMLWMZBuatttmmm ronMRMa wi , h. i t i ! . i Ml ' House Work rs Hard Work without GOLD DUST. i.-.-iuir I t t t A NEW PALL HAT THE DAILY JOURNAL. DY HOFER BROTHERS. TUESDAY DK0.11, 1000. Dally Ono Yoar. $3.00 In Advnnoo Dally Four Months 91. In Advanoo Waokly Ono Yoar ffil.OO:in Advance RESULT Or A REFORM CAMPAIGN. The taxpayers of Marlon county aro netting the benefit'of a tliorough discus eion of county finances in the campaign preceding the lalt June election. The Journal compiled and scattered broad cast the expenses of the county govern ment of Marion 'and Linn for the eight years preceding In such a way as to compel the party in power to fight for its candidates and to compel the candi dates to adopt a platform and make speeific pledges of reform. The Republicans claimed that their county convention resulted in a new deal, that tho management of the party was taken entirely out of tho hands of tho old ring, and that their ticket rcpro Mntcd tho reform clement of tho party. The fight for financial reform, retrench ment and tho reduction of taxes was made Juntas hot, and while tho conven. tiou ignored these reforms, tho county central commltteo and candidates soon found that thoy had to adopt tho main reform propositions, This tboydid, and on tho campaign County Judge Scott pledged tho county court to run the county for 10,000 a year, or as nearly at that flguro for or dinary expenses as would be found practicable. This was tho figure set by tho Ilcfortn forces, aud this figure and other main planks of tho Democratic and Populist county platform, and tho refer endum were adopted by tho Republi cans as theirs. Tho Republicans virtually run a Ito form campaign, and stole tho thundor and campalgu issues of tho opposition and went into power again as a reform administration, pledged to jury reform, to JionoBt elections, to economy, to re duction of taxes, to getting the county out of dobt, to putting the county on a cash basis, and letting all public work to tbo lowest bidder. Whatovor progress is umdo in these matters, whatovor reforms aro nindo in Marion county affairs, will bo due to tho pledges that were forced upon tho ma jority party ,to tho exocutlon of promises extracted from its candidates by tho op position, It will not bo duo to any vir tues of the Republican pa.ty, but such virtues as thoy were compelled to carry" into effect from their political necessi result is program In 'good govern ment. The taxpayer will in tho courto of time experience relief. The uotinty will got out of debt, Honest Juries and nonpartisan selection of oli-ctlon olllours will result. S0MEOPTHC ORECON CENSUS TAKING. TJio rosultu of the census of,Oregon oittfslsuo ridiculous that no one cares even to clvo it oarneat dlBcusslon, Tho statu bus indued nearly a hundred thou nand population In ten years, but some of Its principal, growing, prosperous and thrifty cities huvo lost In population! Salem Is reported to huvo declined several thousand, when it Ih tho one town in the state that was not tbo rocip Joulo( a magnlficout lmckuot during .tho depression, but has held Its owti and uctuully grown in real popiilutiou. It huojost some by deportation of federal ofllce-holdurs and deollno in prlwn po illation. Eygone, tho booming university town, has lost about a thousand population, according to tho kid census, Legalise it wauiuotorlously a kid census at Kugene. College boys with a polltlaal pull ure euidito have gono out for a census-taking holiday on their bicycles and made some plrmonoy to pay football dues, Tho censuB takers bealegod tho news purar offices as usual to help take tho census. This ofllcu received appeal after appeal to assist in securing a complete census, and It learned of many citizens uudj whole neighborhoods that wore skipped, and some of thoio were picked URjjf tor they wero reported. But how inagy were not? Tl'tt truth is that while Great Urltain takes u census in one day, tho Amorlcan cepHus business has but ono merit It put4 millions iu circulation nmoungan impecunious set of political wire pullers who for reasons best kuown to their creditors proloug their;. Job for what Ojero is In it. Any old" Justice of ? tho jmm could, take a bettor census of his witHfVUm 1 3CYoiuneed ir novrthe fall season calls fora Fall hat and when you buy you want the correct shape. We have iht "newest styles in I 7 " Soft and r Stiff Hats at 51-50 to S3 50. We have the exclusive agency for Benj. J. Brown's special S3 50 hats. If you wear one of these hats you will neycr again pay $5.00 for a hat whatever is new in hats is here. G, W, Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers district than tho great (tolillral machine at Washington. Oregon has probably nearer half u million population than four hundred tbovsand. 8aletn has ten thousand, and if all territory was in tiio city that Ixslongs to Iligger Salem as sho will one day exist on the map. Kugene is the most Nourishing of tho smaller cities in Oregon, instead of being on a decline. Nobody cares what the kid census takers report about our population, Salem should take her own census and blow her own horn as-to population. NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS Entertain Their Friends sua Listen to Speeches In the Chinook JarcoD. The first cntertainunnt given this season by the Native Sons and Daugh ters was held Monday evening in tho Woodmen's hall. It proved to boa very enjoyable event and was well attended. ilon J. I). Lee was master of core monies, and after tho rendcringjof some choice music by Evans' orchestra, ho introduced Mrs. Olive S. England, who gave tho address of welcoino in "our native tongue," tho Oiiinook Jargon. Sho spoke tho Jargon quite easily and with good expression, Sho tegrotted tho ab sence of the "hi-you ti-ccs" Gov. Geer and Judgn Bean, who had "klatawaed sl-ah you ah." Sho was glad to see "conaway close tlllirum," and hoped thoy would all havo a "hi-as closo"timo, Tho spoke encouragingly of tho "Kt latch of bias close muck-a-muck," which was to follow tho program. Thoro was to bo "close coffee, IiI-bb close pio an J hi-you goodies, wake flro-water, but bi-you chuck " ( No whiskey but plenty of water. ) Tho rosponso was mado by Hon. J. D, Leo and was also in Jargon, which ho spoke fluontly. Ho said the Native Bona and Daughters were all good and nono bad and wore working for everything that is good aud nothing that is bad. "Nosika mamook conaway close, wako maBatchoo." Ho also hoped that at tho next mooting of the cabin the attendance would bo greater. A piano solo, "Midsummer Night's Dream," wua well rendered by Mr. Rail. Master Karl Sharp pleased tho au dience with it very pretty violin solo. All regrotted the absence of soveral who should have made "hl-you wn-wa," so Mr. Leo called upon u number of thOBe present for speeches suggestive of how to make the Cabins mom useful, Instructive and interesting. Miss Gosper upoko lirlully uud Hiig Hosted tlio study of the history of Oregon and nlrto tho liulldiug of a log uahin in Mariou Houaro us u umuuiiient to tho local organization, Oapt. Hunt, Win. WoHlarott uiul olhers were called upon ami sccondtid Miss Gosper's plan. Miss Murgurite Althirpnn sang ,jho "Christmas Itosu" very Hvuietly nnd responded to n well deserved encore with "Ry Your Side lovo." The orchestra ruadured tho closing number and all wero invited to another room wheri refreshmento wero served, During legislature the Cabins propose to give uuother entertainment when there will bo present a number of pro minent members from Cabins iu nil parts of tho Htatu, There are about 2000 members in tho stato at present although tho orpauiza tion is a new one, and entirely a social . . ill t. t i one, there Doing no "iioneui couneoten with it. JOURNAL 'X-RAYa." Cottauo GrovoaiulKlinlra huvo organ ized football teams. Oiegon wants no textbook i caudal as Washington, and other Btatea havo had. Undo John Minto talks about dividing tho state. It would make a great many moioolllcos, . . Two weokn from tcxlay la yantu Glaus day. In throe weeks tho twentieth uent tury begins, Kruuk 1'axton, attorney for tho Text book trust, is not proposed as a mom- borof tho Daly textbook commission. Well, that is some progress, A. D. Stlllnmn, of Pendleton, u mem ber of of tho Legislature iu 1893 and 1899, aud champlau of texbook reform in the House, was In Salem yesterday, An thoro is to be n legiolaturoiu session soon it might bo well for tbo city coun cil to take timo tlmo by the forelock and put'on an extra jpoUemah ,u tho lower parts of tho oi(y. mimo. MARION COUNTY ASSESSAIENT 1900 Reductions Made Arel Not Large As Other Count - Should Have Been Cut About Two iMillionson the Basis of Umatilla Figures 0 IWow are gtvon comparative totals of assessments for 1S09 and 1000. Mariou county valuations are dill too high when compared to Umatilla which cut about $1,500,000 under last year. The figure for Marion should have been set at 10,1500,000 instead of S,127,781. llut Marion was always too modest. ilnrp- are the figures: Summary for 1899. 170.207 arrea tillable land . . . 12,005,319 317,923 acres non-tillable I.320.S10 I tn-). on deeded lands 031,928 Town and oily lots u84,04 I, ii p. on town lots 027.-156 Imp on undeeded land 17,410 112 miles railroad bed.. MS ,70 5 Railroad rolling stock fi'.',029 1C3 miles teleg. ami telph. . . . 8,574 Merchandise .120,350 farm implemuiits eto 102,020 Money 79,612 Notes and accounts 305,88V 718 shares of stock 35.717 Household furniture eto 747.8JM) 7,250 hones nnd iimlti 1!K),H60 10,830 cattle 146,998 19,940 sheep JiO.GOl 5,257 goats 7,313 0,305 ewinn .'. 12,012 Gross valuation. KxemplioiiH ..f 8,702,74 1 . . . 775,457 Total taxnble property. . . 17,927,287 Summary for 1900. Following is tho summary as prepared by Assessor showing the valuations on the roll as appearing, when the books were transferred to the county clerk's effice: 179.207 acres tlllnblo land.... f 2.095.319 330.470 acres non-tillable 1.300.099 Imp. on deeded land 015 014 Town Lots 911.300 Imp. on town loth 870.744 Imp on undeeded lands .... 13 000 1 12.15 miles ruliroad bed 259.805 189 00 miles tolg and telepli. . . 9.477 13)6 miles of street railway. . . 8.900 Rolling atock 51,999 Merchandise 318.078 Farm implements, etc 198.418 Money 09.109 Notes and accounts 338.028 083 shares of stock 33.745 Household furnitnre, etc.. . 251.381 0008 horses aud mules 180.453 23.050 sheep 47.510 5989 goats 11.949 5Slswino 11.225 Odogs 330 Gross valuation Exemptions .f 8.350.635 . 023.617 Total taxable property 17.733.018 Summary After Reduction. 174,027 acres tillable land. . 310,0-12 acres non-tillablo. . . Imp. on deeded lauds Town and city lots Imp. on town lots Imp. on undeeded lands 112.15 miles railroad bed. . . . 189.00 mllos tolg andtelph. 13W miles street railway. . Itolllng stock Merchandise Farm implements, eto Money Notps and accounts 083 shares of stock Household furultiire, etc ... 0005 horses und mules 10,878cattlo 23,750 sheep 0 dogs 6089 Koata .12,399,572 . 1,187,794 . 579,084 . 8-10,895 778.318 13,000 . 259,805 0,477 8.900 51,999 . 318,078 . 198.418 09,109 . 338,028 . 33,745 251,388 180,543 . 160,905 47,610 330 11,949 . 11,225 6981 swine Gross valuation $7,745,298 Exemptions 023,617 Total taxable property $7,121,781 Y. M. C. A. BUILDING FOR SALEM A movement Ima been sturted that may-result in erection of a cnmniodioiiH Young Meu'a. Christian Association building at Kalem. At pretrant itcosts the businessmen alxjtit $1500 it year to maintain the association hern. The plan is to Invest thin capital say for u period of ten years in a building9, the rents of which would produce" revenues. A committee of huHluoHHinou has been named. IMPORTANT CASES IN COUNTY COURT County .ludgu Scott is putting in all his spare lime preparing opinions iu two ipilto important probate caw One is the iiiestinn of Jurisdiction of Marlon or Multnomah counties on de murrer, estate of K. M, Frederick, I). F Lane administrator. Another is In the mutter of thi guard ianship of Hridget Shioldn. UNION OF SALEM PRINTERS Capital Typographical Union No. 210 linn elected officers for tho ensuing year us follows; E, 11. Flagg, president; Ed ward Lamb, vice piesidont; James E( Godfrey, seorotary-troasuror; J. V, llaker, sergeant-at-arnm. Executive commltteo, V, J. Heekett, Nr 1). Elliott anil Ii. V. West. WITNESSES FAILED TO COfaE TO TIME J. II. Everett, arrested near Jefferson, on Thurrday, charged with obtaining mouey under false pretenses, was on Mduday discharged by City Heeonler N. J. Judah, the prosecuting witness fail ing to appear. ANOfilEif PAPER AT PORTLAND The Portland Tradeeniau Co., atouk $5000, to publish a uewpaper uud run a Job oflloe, has filed arlUles with tho Secretary of State, rt&i zSBggtfg&jti 'He That Aiy Good Would Win t'sss fC9irwm'& mM, km kefptdnuttv a trun to svec&s. Ivsidfs ghtif slrergM And courage to nttomen &&. brfvre iAkim it, covM not cvtn ste mvi omtd Hft to fob. -? "ft. O . AiCKmA &aUabu OIL WELLS IN OREGON Enthusiastic Letter .From a Former Oregonian H. W. Oittie, formerly of Salem, nnd well known throughout all Oregon, has the following letter in the Tillamook Headlight, of Dec 0th: "During tho past year I have vis ited alt the oil fields of California, carefully examining tho formation and surface indications for oil. I have also passed through Tillamook an J CI itsop Counties in Oregon, and 1 nm satisfied that there is oil in both o( thoso coun ties. I find iu each of thote counties sandstones, the ehaies, tho fossils, the conglomorntos. etc, and I am Informed by most reliable partiueiu Clatsop Co., of eeeimges there. Oil in California is changing lauds from a valuation of f2.50 per acre to fl000,and iu some cases to $1000 jKjraere, and is celling nt tho latter prico. It iu making millions for California, nnd the development of good oil wells in Oregon will do as much for that state. "A good pioditcing oil well anywhere in Tillamook County would more than double tho valuation of the en tho county and caiifo an active demand for tho poorer lunds of tho county nt prices that would astonish its citizens. It would cause numerous other wells to be put down at once. Would assist in bringing a railroad, in improving the harlwr or causing it to ho improved and in general development. "The const portion of Alaska, Wiuh iiigtou, California and Mexico eaoli his valuable underground wealth. Is it reiisamible to suppose Unit state lines, established by men long after tills coast was formed, has barred out underground wealth from the coast portion of the statu of Oregon? The idea is absurd. There is underground wenltn there. It simply awaits enterprise to develop ft. Now a company could easily bo formed in your County, each citizen taking a tow shares, a piece of ground obtained and a well put down, and if either oil or coal was found in good quantities it would return to the stock-holder many dollars for each dollar invested." II PESTIFEROUS GERM Burrows Up the Scalp Into Dandruff anc Hips the Hair's Vitality. People who complain of falling hair us a rulu do not know that it is the result of dandruff, which is caused by n pestif erous parasite burrowing up tho scalp as it digs down to tho sheath in which the hair 1b fed in tho scalp. Before long tho hair root is shrivolod up and tho hulr drops out. If the work of the germ la not destroyed tho hair keeps thinning till baldness comes. Tho only way to cure dandruff ia to kill tho germ, and until now there baa been no hair prepa ration that would do it; but today dan druff is easily eradicated by Newbro's Herpicide, which makes hair glossy and soft as silk. Aji Abrupt Proposal, The teported fashlou of tho famous Dr, Abernethy'a courtship and mar riage Is very characteristic. It is told that while attending a lady for several woekH bo observed theso admirable qualifications In her daughter which ho truly esteemed to render the married state happy. Accordingly on a Satur day, tukltig leave of his patient, he ad dressed her to the following purpert: "You aro now so well that I need not tee you after Monday next, when I thitll come and pay you a farewell vis It. Hut In the meantime I wish you und your daughter to seriously consid er the proposal I nm nbout to make. It la abrupt and unceremonious, I am aware, but the excosalve occupation of my time by my professional duties af ford me no leisure to accomplish whut I desire by the more ordinary course of attention uud solicitation. My annual leeolptH amount to , uud I can set tle on my wife. My character Is gtiiiernlly known to the public, so that j on may readily uncertain what It Is. I have seen In your daughter a tender and nffeetlunate child, tin assiduous aud careful nurse uud a gentle und ladylike member of a family. Such u perhou must he nil thut a husband could covet, uud I offer my hand nnd fortune for her ncceptancw. On Mon ilny when I cull I shall expect your de termination, for 1 really have not time for the routine of courtship." Iu thin manner the lady wur wooed and won, und It may he added the union was felicitous In every respect. I low h "Worked" Two Muuhtnea, With n seeming Innocence that would have done justice to Ah Sin, tho Hea then Chinee. LI Hung Chang appeared to display the greatest lutoioht In the sewing machines nt an exhibition In Edinburgh ho Ultcd when In Or eat Urltain sovernl yenrs ago. Ills excellency's first nnoution was how long It would take for the sowing machine nt which ho had mt down to do ii certain distance seemingly con fusing the mochaulcal flltdicr witli u ludy'u safety at the ne.Nt Htnnd. Without waiting for any reply to Ills query or further ceremony 1 1 started sowing a little seam. Ncr did he do It badly, u rnct which mado him sec.ui de lighted as u I'hlld. For souio time the viceroy continued his hemming uud, though got uwiiy nt length by his at tendants. Immediately mit down at the naxt machine nnd Insl.ted on working It.' 'What Is th prlceV" asked 1.1 nt length. "Your excellency shall have It us a gift." wus the reply of the exhibitors. -Then I don't want It In tjint case." observed the simple nnd bland LI, "he ouuse I i en u Ire two, onu for myself ailu" the Qtbor tyr the empress " And he hud them UOa SiSM3U!!iMW MtMhs ON TliE DOMAIN OF THE COURTS Jumle iSfte is holding a term of Cotirt stMcMlnnrllle. He will hold ennrt at Imtlnn rVfVtnalil nn rnmnlhnpilteil on his fairness and toleration in conduc ting ihe preliminary hearing of tlw Sil erton arson cases Monday. Ho showed tact, pood humor and yet dignity and great deliberation in condneting the pro ceedings. He was aln ays matter of the itna'ilnn nml hid decision was rendered (with great pronptne8. Ho received many compliments at the cke. Stops the Couth tat Works off the CoU. Laxttlre Bromo ulnluTUel cure uottl la oneJy. No eure, w l'f. fTKe. 8 i i fcjrtlt .? im m ki ii Ain op-- rr(2ymz& ZfiU DORK. CASTLEM AN. Friday, December 7, 1900. to Mr. and Mrs. Le.'i Castleman, at Marion, Or., a son. H ONT.-Kriday, December, 7, 1900, to Mr. aud Mrs. A. II. Hunt, a daughter. LIKED WITH FOLLY, ThU 1 a rtory Utt belong lo the olden tine icitam lotd pud with th sulll of hi j-ter j.ttiit-d him Hlth a nrw twuMe tuifr Keep thin un til yuu mid a (crenter fool ltan yonr-lf to bestow it on One day the nobleman lay a dying, ami w ith hi houfeliold went Archi to look hi. Ut Mpon his master', face and hi ar hi voice once more. The jcter i.opl above bis lord and sctld "Mier, wnvdo you ay good-by?" "I am guitig journey Archie" u the feeble antwer "How Ion a Journey?" the jester aiked "Nay Archil 1 do not know " "Whitliei then doe thy journey lead'" "Neither do I know that Archie' " What provision hat thou made for thin journev'" 'None at hII " igbcd the nobleman. Archie looked hns mid hard in hit mnstcr'n face, then he placed his tumble iu his lords hand. Take it" he raid "for I have found a greater fool than myself " There is no greater folly tlmn ignorance where knowledge in potable and vitally neccsnary to safety and liaepittc-s, and yet tens of thousands of people walk this world linked willi folly. Tiny are ignorant of the conditions of life, ignorant of the con Htitution of their own hguies. Children grow to manhood and wouuoihood ignorant of the conditions under which nature Kovcrns. They break her laws recklessly. They themselves in the mlstnken effort to -'havc a good time" while they are youni;- Somc day comes the shock when nature presents her overdraft account and de mands pigment Sometimes it's heart trouble, sometimes the stomach fails of its functions, sometime the liver refuses to tug tny lonpi r nt its load, or the kidneys balk at their burden Sometimes, very often in deed, a red spot begins to burn on the sheeks, a hacking Cough develops, the breath crows short the strength ooteti out at iiiqlit iu iliiptihitf sweat, and every day tne dally wilic i shortened by h few steps as the HtsiiiRth fmls. That's con sumption. The theory U Mutt iun"umption cannot be cured nn I it' ,t thft.ry so deeply rooted that lime i. wrntud ,., oclImUiiz it. Hut what Nn cui' in muh a met' Suppose a man (or woman) ni'b hM the symptoms of consumption takes u thousands and thousands have taken In Pierce's Golden Medical Dincovrv. mt Uvea on to a healthy, liapi. leartv old m;e as tliesc same thousand anil tiitkanils have done. 4nd dies iu ilif altotl' d time of a ripened fife Two iMMition" ate posfcible You can say " it w not rjlv consumption he had " Or It e.m lie said "he u-ally died of consumption after all ' llut the unanswer able fact is ibi.t Uu mitu lived out hi. three score yeara and ten What is a care any way? Isn't it ll"!-' Vou don't care what diseate you m.iy Ih- said to have if you are enjoy in i: Ii- Mill ,n! live out your Ions life in comfort and i-ont. nl One fact, at least, Is well estab.iiihpd Tltut the " Coldeu Medical Ui-'.(! d , cure weak lungs, bleeding fiom luni". i stiuate, lingering coughs, laryimitic. 1." Mtliitis, throat dis ease, aud kindled 4 i. .nils of the air-passages, which if ucun-tt. .! ,r badly treated, lead up to consumption, can no longer be doubtid iu viiw of tin- uiuiiy thousands of well cstabli-dicd cute, of stu n casts report ed by the most trustworthy citizens. Many of these cases have been pronouueed consumption and incurable by the best local physicians before the suut-rira com menced the use of Dr l'kice's Uoldcu Medical Discovery Whether the doctors have erred iu their judgement in these numerous or not is not for us to decide. " I had very had cough. alo night-sweats and wn.Imoit fu tuygrac with cotiHimptlon,'1 writes Mrs Clara Mcfutyre, of Ashland, Middle. sex, Co., Mats, Box pi. "A friend of mine who had died of consumption came to me in a dre.imand told tne to take Or Pierce's Golden Meilicttl Discovery, and, thank the I.ord, I did so. Uy the time I had taken hair of the first bottle I felt much better 1 kept on till I had taken three bottles, That was alt I needed. I got well and strong again ' "I had the grip, which left me feeling miser able no strength aud a cough," writes Mrs. O Mayuard, of RoM I.yrae. New London Co, Couu. "As some of my family died of consump tion. I feared that I began taking Or 1'lcTceS Golden Medical Discovery After takiug the second bottle I felt much better, and am now weU for one of my age iilxty-turec years;." - Galvanized We make a specialty of work in galvanized tStff Vir' aid al.viys thi bj, md (he prices are always he lowest. XXX A ays he lowest. A T, S. BURROUGHS PHONE 151 SOMETHING -KERN INCANDESCENT QAS BURNER No Chimney, no blaukenetl Mantles. Glvtw 35 candle power per foot of gas consumed. Severn sizes. We have iu stock the Nt, 1. burning one foot per hour ;und giving a 5 caudle power light for 3-10 ofone cent per hour. Also the No giving 70 candlo jowor at a cost of 0-10 of a oant per hour. INVESTIGATE THRM- Salem Gats Liglt Co, Chomokota St, Sfc- BUSINESS CARDS C. H.jnACK Successo- to Dr. J. M. Keeno, of White Coin. siom Or. Parties desir ing superior ,).. ttions at moderate fee in any branch are in especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1 71.1 ROOMS 1 AND I OKAY ULK. B. F. JONES, Attornoy-at-Lrtw Toledo. Oroton Was lSa of Ctroalt Coart i x years axidhas an oio-dste abuactot al trtjin Uncotti i-ottntr. H'1"" SOU LE BROS, Piano Tuners ami K pare PORTLAND OHK. For Salem nml vicinity leave orders at Geo. Will's Music Store. fAl'ITAi. Express and Transfei Meets all mall nnd pasHeuxur trains, UngKnKU 1 'l l,urte ' tnu c'ly ,r,,l,1ld servicti. Telephone No. 851. DIKQUK A HOMYKH T J. Sullivani State Street Tailor. Pall Hulling- lust In. l he OlK-rnilorll pat turns from Chicago. IteM buslnuns suits lift. 14 ihiiiLh !fi. Salem Waior Co., OFFICE, (J1TY UALL For water hcrvlco uoply nt tnilc1. HIIIh puyuble uionthry In mlvitucq. Mukc till coiuplalnls ut the olllt Dissolution Notice. To Whom it may Concern : Notice is hereby given thut tho part nership heretofore existing between F. S Thompson und Mury 11. Unas, under the tlrm namu of F. S 'Thompson & Co., is dissolved by mutual con so ut this Hlth day of December, 1000. Accounts due the linn and ng.iinst the ilrm will be receipted nnd paid, respec tively, by Mary II. linns. V S. TnoMrsov, l-. 11 tM 2w MuyII. IIaah. Travelling is an easy nnd pleasant undertaking uow-n-duys, eepecially if you ure ho' fortunate as to take the Northern Pacific, tho rond that ascer taius the wants of p.ASfcngers nnd sup plits lliom. Tho Northern Pad flu's crack train is Ihe North Coast Limited, which leaves Portland daily at 1:15 p. in. For rates nnd other information apply to any Northern Pttcitlc ngunt, or write to A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A.. 255 Morrison htreet, corner Third, Portland. 12 0 lOt CASTOR 5 A For Infants nnd Children. Tfio Kind You Have Always Bough Boars tho iM&4 Signaturo ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Diylljht Stopover at Nliuara Palis. Through first class touaistsleeperfrom Pacific Coast weokly for Chicago. Hoaton, Now York, and othor eastorn points, via Hlo Grnndo Western, (Great Salt Lake Route) Denver Hio Grande, O It I ii P and Illinois Central to Chicags, connect ing In tho Un'or Depot with Michigan Central's slmllai oar for pointnenst For particulars call on or addros Local Agents or, II. 11. TltUMIHH.I., Com'l Ag't. III. Cent. ft. R- 8 9tf 112 Third St., Portland Ore Peace, Declared Why devote all your time reading the Hour War and the Gold Fields ol Alaln? There an other "101111001 o vital importance; you muy makontrlp East, ami will want to know how to travel. In order to have the best ser vice, list) the Wisconsin Cmitral Uv between St. Paul ami Chicago. For rates und other Information, writo .la A. Clock, General Agent, Port.tnd, Ore. Traveling is nn cut-y undertaking and n pleavaut pastime now u days OBpeciui ly if you tukw the Northern Pad lie for your Kastern trip. They know how the presont day rnilywny passenger likes to travel and what ho wants nnd thoy supply him with tho comfortBof a homo. The Northern Pncillc runs tlirouh trains daily to St. Paul and Mtnnoupolis and nlco hai through car sorv co to Kansas City, Omaha, ami St, Ixniis. 12 (1 lot Iron Work - of cornices and all kinds iron. X X X ?C 103 STATE ST NEW! V s Tolephona BtiB SALEM LODGES PORBSTItRS OPT AMBR16a" Court hnrwood ForcH Nit. 19. Meets ftldaj li I h U.t it. Turner block. John M. Chase, (Ml. t, IV. ll-17-tft A I nnwn Peer Money to Loan On Improved farm and city prop erty nt lowest current rales. T, K. FORD O r l.mhl it Hush's Dank, Loans and Insurance Money to loan from 0 to 8 per cent, according to security no expense for examination, insurance citectoa on hops and other property nt lowest rntos. John Moir 290 Com, si 7.10.fdt-w Wheat Bought and Stored By the Aurora Roller Mills ltnuich olllcn and warehouse 184 Trade Bt. between lliuh and Church streets. Buckwheat anil outs ImiiKht at hiKhest mnrkot price, FRED P. HURST. 7-27-tI dAw The German Market Will tm found all kinds of meat uud tho best of enuRitgo. FUEK KL VKKY. All bills duo the . Into i nn of Wolt tic Miest Jte up :l Ik puid VVolss & Son 171 Couiiuitrplnl St Dr. Grace Albright Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. : : :' Kvery day except hours II to 12 a. m ; 1 Weller's grocery. m .Siiudiiy. Ollico lo p.. in. over HUIE WING SANG CO. i Monday goods, Chinese and Japnuelro fancy nnd dry goods. I Silks, Indies' underwear, fur- IIIPHIIIK tiiHnts. iiiiiiiiK uiim- ments, fll'k hiindkercbiefs, china ware. elc. All at low prices. 140 STATE STRFET, SALEM ORE. Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of tho Salem Sonp Worlds tuts tho co operation of the dcnlers Consumers who desiro a flrst-cluss soap will Encourage Home Industry By ordering Snleni-mndo soap S, C, STONE. M. I) Proprietor rf Stone's Drue Stop lUVOt. OHYr,()-i 'J no .ior (two In number) ro lotntctl No. Uj unJ ,U3 C'oinrmrflnl Irttl, mid ui trcll s'.o,w.el with s coiiiileto lluo of tlrugs an inidljn'i, toilet nrtlclos. per'amcty, brushvi etc., eto , otc DR. HTONK Ilanhitil HOino'iSyosrs cxporlttun' in the prar ttco ol lacilliilnc auiI now makes no charge lo ttupsilllstlrni. rjsmliistlnn or proxcrlptlotl. Canadian w x pacific And Soo Line. First-class uud Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY Paesoiigurs hooked to und from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office, i t For full particulars apply to K. J. COY1.K, II. H.AHUOTT. A. G. P. A HII Thiol Ht. Vancouver, II. O. Portland, wsBlfc WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For a tickot Ea t, you naturally and very properly want to go over the route tllllt. It. Ill nil... .... II. .. 1 L 1 ii b,,u J"" tu very uuui uuuuniu- uittlons ut tho lowest possible rate. Ill.nni ifntt ol.n..l.l nnl. .- .1.1.... . "1 " milium no your iickoi ugeiu to make your ticket read via the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Our popular porsonnlly conducted ..... -..u.oiuiin 111 mouern ruiunan tourist sloeping cars leave Halem every Monday hvenlng and Tliursdav evening via bacramonto und ovnrv Tnniln v. Ing and .Saturday morning via Portland nnd run through lo GhicBo'0 without change via the World's most scenic Lino connecting nt Chicago with all morning trains hast, also wfth tho Itock Island personally conducted tourist car for uoBton. Theso tourist sleeping cars urn broad veatlbuled, lighted with Pintch Gas and provided with all weekly illus. . . ,...,.,,n ,lu muaKiiiat) lur 1110 ireo uto of our patrons and aro accom paniiHl through to destination by a rep resentatiyo of the Great Hock Island Ijecping car service to Clilcago via tbo iconic Line, aud the best dining car service in tho world. For full information, maps etc,, call on or write to, A. E. Cooh.ii. Gen. Agt or Portland Oregon. W. W, Ski&skb, G. M, Powbus BOiU 5. P. Co. Agent O R STJ Co Salem Qn, Salem On ufcrfmaffiT-rtlW"--!!! SzR! pM-att TIME cnRDPiT- RtiA. Flrcr e.upra n.nkw ChlcsosaTaj fi AlUn llo Kr, P, m 8 pm. 8 p. "ST x. Bun VIA HUNT1NOTOM it - --- COLVMIllA HIVfIt tlAJ To Astoria and w.y 'u,,, iu ii, m Kor IorUand,Niwhtri Jni w Wllt.ltlVru ... hU- lre Hull-in' Mruday, Wnl.1,'?, For Lorrallls ami .......', urtlaj, at 4 p. :n, ' --OBtt-' W11.I.AMKTTK IllVKIl Mviflmv Itnnls In IWll.,,,1 .. ... """"Ml. stiwl car lluo at Orciton Cltt fftii.AJ!?" ,t r.. ii,,n .;7. "".'?. Trtatiu, u i&,xwziw&W!!&; ,,uikiuii, niuoniia or Ibe Kul HJr olieckcif tbrongh from Balem fw riSSW rail or rlrcr inula to l'ortlsmt niS01? msitn 11 i'iih .,i,t .1,1, n..r.""- onnwtt. Was itiiniiton. (;a foniii n. ik' "sr. '"wtros. IIiim. "" iCW" AKWit, Trade Hlrwt do?kWf.'ii City ticket aud frolgl.t ..mreVtoofm, POS BLY You are not nwaro of the funt tme .., superb service now afforded hy the zarani 7? WLf Wrorv 2 WE HAVE "" Daily Fast Trains -9 TO THE EAST. , H If you cannot tako the mornlDjc tn'u travel via tlie evening train. Both in finoly equipped. "Our Specialties" Fast Timo, Through Feryito, Pullmtn Palace SloeiHsrs. Pullman Tourist SIwd- ,.u ll.,lt.nn.. Ilf...n 1 It m.iv.n' u.a, a MMtMui utiiuio, A.iuiuijr St0lt nml Free Reclining Chair cars Hours in time saved to " ,. .nt Chle ago, Kansas City, St, New York J Jos ton, anu otn . ivaetcrn points. Tickets good to Halt Uko City idJ Denver. It ifl toy our interest to usv I'm: din. land .Limitkd. Tickets A. Ill rMwt car burtliB can be secured from W. W. OKINN.R. Agent 8. P. Co. Or Guy Powers, Ag't. 0 tt. AN. Salem On, J. II. lxjTiiuop, Gen'l Agent, Wo. 130 Tiura wt. rortund or SOUTH AND EAS VIA Southern Pacific Co. THE SHftSTA ROUTE Tralnu leave Salem for Portland and ww sUtlonsHt6:40a. uu, 7:51 a. m. tM 4 :oop. m. Lv l-ortliiud ZZZ.-Z.tJ a Lv Bftlem !) A M TSTFrt wiiru Ar Ashlana . "-5 Ar Bacramcnto 9 K S Ar Han Kranclsco 7.ii f M ArOsdon! it "."ii rnrrs Ar llniivr.. s-oo am iui. ArKausa, Ulty.- Ar Chicago. Ar Im AngeloiC 'Z- 7i A M 7.15 A M zzzznwm 63 P M 735 AH fcSUH i3T Ar ki raso.. imn Ar Kort Worm ??A M CJOiX 10.30 A X liiin tri !A. uurx Ar city or Mexico j a a"?"?,;t-t: til $ m Ar VnlilliL'toll 64JAM ... ;.. -'. i. m;.7 v1' IKIO rk. U.4Jl'MttU rullman and Tourists cars on mij trains. Chair cars Bacrouiento W and Kl Paso, and touri-tcar-toCLlo, Bt. Louis, New Orleans and W ashingtM, CntiectTng nt San Frandlsco wTtt i w oral steamshit) lines for Ilonolult. Japan, Cliinu, Philippines, (X;uiral IK f-'uuth America. , SoeAlr"."W. W. Skinner agent at ba.w Station, or address O! II. MABKHAM.a.P. A., t'ortianu, wrr. Oregon Short Line RaiiroaJ Tlio Direct Houto to Montana Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. GIvch choice of two favorite routM, tho UNION PAOIF O Fb Ma" L-" or.the KIO GHANDE Scenic Un. No Change of Cars. On the Portland-Clilcas'o h-"i. finest in tho West." Baulppod With . ?noNowHd.uK,yT8Uvl,r, n k ST It . .. tllltllW I Nil, SupirbLlbrarvinirtctrHt.. Bpleudln Dluuers, Measali Meaisslcr Uouifortahlt. t'ti-ctif. iu4 $$&. Kutlre Train Completelir Vfuu" .... i. i. ...llrtn Bl'Ul. U) J.R.NAGEL,4 !;Vnj. Wnr IlirlllHr iiuuiiu""-- .i,y,ic irav. rato. nm. ..--...,,.,1 Or. BAW-1 1-1. llliru m. .'"'""" Corvallis St Eastern Railroad T1MR OARI. No. 2 For Yaquluu: pj;45p.l-IOp- w 0:15 f- Tram leaves au- m.nln lauvnn (OrVU Ulna Train arrives Yaqulua No. I ReturnlUr?: r VmlllillU ftlOa & .lliSO--1 ..tMV- 7.0Qa-a- .; 11:0 Leaves CtirvallU Arrives Albanv No. 3 For Detreit: Leave:. Albauy Arrives Detroit No. 4 Returnlnc: Leaves Detroit.. Arrives Albany -tAlMBj-w Ono and two connect iJZMth CorvalllR with Kouttocw rge'to V U'lViug direct service tJandiiw" port and adjacent beacliej. e)t Trains for the uiountoloi w , Detroit at noon, JJlvJig1" i to reach camping Kroumw rn...,v.,,li unrt KanllttUl " ' b:w r zi UICIICUJUSU."" in") " u "TTif. a. J.TUPNKR. . i.t.'lbny -n .....MUi1 State If Pai THEPATENTBjf 1 BiWait'4' : ia