The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 08, 1900, Image 2

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    aifrwcrTt1' m frvw.a
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I .
Mr. C. M. Scott, 1849 Dor
theater-Avenue, Boston, Mass.. Iclls
Low lie become n strong, hearty man :
"About two yenra nco I suffered ftvm con-
ral debility and I doubt If there wni anybody moro
utterly miserable than I wni. 1 bad no lifo or energy, nnd was as doprciced
mentally tut I waa worn out physically. Ifrra not at nil unuiunl form to
fco to Bleep over my work. My blood was thin and watery, but tbo wont of
It all was the dreadful, wearying nervousness at night. When I retired at
ten o'clock, lmteud of going to aleopl Wbuld tone and tnrn till well on Into
the mornln?, and when 1 awoke It wai without any fooling of being refreshed
or rested. I loat no much fleah that I got down to 122 pound! In weight, nnd
1 bad no desire for food.
"Last January n friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Palo
People. I had prevloualy tried many different kinds of remedies and had
conaulted three physlclnnn, but the little relief 1bey gave was very brlof, so
I waa completely discouraged. Sly friends, however, Insisted and 1 tried the
''By the time the roeond box was begun there was such evldont Improve
ment that I continued taking them till the ninth box, when I felt that I was
entirely cured. I now weigh 168 pounds. There Is no sign of nervousness, X
rest well and feol strong, nnd am able to enjoy life once moro. Mrs. Scott
was feeling a little run down a few weeks ngo, but she Immediately begra
taking Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People and sho Is experiencing .ho
same beneficial results that I did."
(Signed) a M. SCOTT.
Or. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People
How Illinois Farmers are
Constructing Systems.
Opinion of Labor Stafislici an
Dewey in the Portland
Areeeldln bom (ntrsr (n bnlfc
naa or an ai
i to cents box, or six boxes for SIM, and may be
had of all drufftiu, or direct bj uJl from Dk. William MKDici.t CourAMY,
-SCYou need ir now, the fall
season calls fora Fall hat and
when you buy you want the
correct shape. We have the
newest styles in
Soft and
Stiff Hats
at 1.50 to 3.50. We have
the exclusive agency for Benj.
J. Brown's special 3.50 hats.
If vou wear one of these hats
you will neycr again pay 5.00
tor a hat whatever is new in
hats is here.
G, W Johnson
The Peoples Clothiers
and Furnishers
SATURDAY DKO, 8, 1000.
Dally Oho Your, $3.00 In Advanoo
Dally Pour Months $, In Advanoo
Weekly Ono Year Sl.OO In Advanoo
Tho Astoria Nows, a Republican paper
exprossos ono vlow of public policy to bo
pursued toward tho Filipinos Uio vlow
of conservative men of all pur Heb:
Tho election la now ovor, tho Philip
plno quostlon la out of politics and tho
American pooplo undoubtedly oxpoct to
eoo a speedy, just nnd humane Bottle
raent of tills vexed proqlom.
If, na Blxto Lopox atatos, n direct
statement by tho administration or
congress, of a policy in tiio Philippines
similar to that in Ouba, would result in
tho Jmmcdlnto cessation of hoBtllitlos,
this courso should bo woll considered. Ho
adds also that all necessary facili
ties for coaling and naval or military
bases, could Uien bo arraugod in n friend
ly ruannor.
With our policy nmt achiovotnonta in
Ouba no ono darea find fault. Wo do
clared that Cuba was,and of right ought
to bo, free and independent, and wo had
no purpose to tako possession other than
' for its pacification. That declaration
united all Americana Irrespective of
party, and onablod us to carry out most
righteous and tho loast destructive war
of tho contury ; lu a fow weeks ousting a
European army from Cuba, and destroy
ing two stroiiR European Hoots. Moro
ovor as to Ouba horuolf, tho relief was bo
prompt, tho result oo brllliunt, our pur
pose so onlightenod and llbornl, and so
secure did eho feel in our protection,
that it is vary doubtful whether eho will
ever desiro to cutlooso entirely from our
government. Wo accompishod by a
distant declaration of unmlstakablo pur
poee juat whut military operations of tho
most aggravating character have not
done for Uio Filipinos. Vo have gained
thohoartsof tho Cubans; wo liavo not
been ublo to gain oilier than tho distrust
and enmity of tho Filipinos. Fcr Goner
id MoArthur slatos that now, whatevor
may havo boon tho fact nt first, all tho
Filipinos except tho Moros and Jobs are
nulled against us.
A declaration of purpose similar to
that in regard to Cuba wbuld bo an ox
preselon In accordance with Amorlc-au
procoeduro, ttud would ponnit .tho on
tire absorption of tbo archliwlngQ if tho
Filipinos so choso, and would; mould
wake comploto paclfllcation tho India
ponsiblo condition to aU elso. It would
beaUriumph both of American arms
and Ideas. Naval and military statlous
would giyo uo all tho assurance neces
sary, both for holding tho islands if
conditions woro wot mot by the Fili
pinos, and against alt European Inter
vention; and control of our trado in tho
Orient. We should bo nblo to form
temuorarlly acovernmont , to meet tho
exigency, leaving leaving local ivi
ment entirely to tho people themselves
with, their owm rovonuoH and defenses,
nnd Buuh trdu laws na aro just to both
us and them. If they prove lit for gron
er indopundenco and desiro, let them
havo it. Rut, if (IB may prove, tho tem
porary nrrangoinonta Ih nil the liborty
they want, and guarantees the protec
tion they need, thoy will probably pro
fur to remain as an Amorirnii toritory.
Another course bcouib one of contlu
used bloodshed, without prospect of
winning tho confidence, or 'oven tho
compensation, of tho people wo havo
Dr. Hull's Cough SyniD Is a great mcdlclue of
intrinsic worth. It removes a cough or
cold quickly and curcH severo throat and
lung nffoctions in an astonishingly short
Umo. Hold by all druggist for only li5c.
The republicans woro led mainly by
tho Governor's private secretary, Mr.
Lyon. To this unwarranted injection
of thoBtato llouno ''push" into local
politics, it is said, is largely duo tho
Waterloo of tho regulars.- Independent.
This is hardly fair, becnuso Governor
Gcor's prison physician wus a loader in
tbo Citizens' movement. The Htnto
House took no part.
Look Over
Tho lino of holiday goods at tho Now
York Racket. You will ilnd many
things to interest you and you'll llnd
tho pricos way down bolow regular
houses. d3tw2t.
8lem W. C. T. U. Notes
Tho Thanksgiving dlnnor given by tho
ladies of tbo W, 0, T. U, was n financial
At tho last session of the W. 0. T. U,,
held on December 4tb, Mrs, 0. E, Shor.
wood was appointed superintendent of
resell o work,
Miss Mabel Collins DoSomer, was np-
poinicu auperinienuout ot press, to suc
ceed Mrs. 0, E. Sherwood resigned,
Tho ladios of tho Salem V. 0. T. U.
extend to Ropresontativo Littlofleld, of
Maine, thoir congratulation and hearty
approval of Ida uoblo offort to abolish
the canteon from tbo army by pro pur
ing an ammoudmont to tha army ro-or
ganizatlon bill making absoluto prohlbi
tlon of tbo salo of liquor in onnteona or
other militury proporty.
Col. C. J. Holt, of Chicago, will com
monco a serios of lectures on temperance
in tho noar futuro, Admlselon is freo.
All aro iuvited to couto aud hear this en
tertainlng and forclblo speaker,
Col, Holt has boon lecturing on torn
peranco for tho past twenty-three ysara
and is roputod to bo one of tho moat ef
fective temperance lecturers that has
been heanl horu, and although handling
his Bubject without gloves, does it lu
mich a ploasant, yet effective manner
as to gain tho respect of those, who do
not believe na ho does. And that this
noble gentleman is sincere In Ida work
is attested by tho tweuty-throo years he
hna been in tho lecturo field,
The ttows c.iino nut from tho East tbo
other dny Hint n syndicate of fnrmerti
in Michigan were planning to OBtnblishn
system of telephones throughout the
farming illHtrlcta. It is estimated that
tho system can to niainlnltied lor about
V1 n year to each individual pnfron, tho
dispatch said:
"Tho utility of tho telcphonn In tho
country, it mny well he Imagined, is
scarcely to bo measured at this time.
It would make iolnlHl hoinus moro
attractive' and bring tho families of
farmers and thoir friends into closer
social relatione. It is evidently destined
to havo a much larger sphere of useful
ness." When Labor Statistician Rowoy was
in Portland, from Washington, eoino
timo ago, ho had a good deal to Bay
regarding his investigations into tho
modorn independent telepliouo systems
that aro gotting a foothold in the rural
districts of tho Middlo nnd Eastorn
States. Ho said thoy aro gradually
loosing tho hold of tho mighty metropolis,
and to tho expert it Bcomed as if tho near
futuro would eco tho 'phono a common
household convenience, and so cheap
that all could afford to havo it. Mr,
Dewey roforrod to the Bcherno Hint was
then on foot in Michigan and spoko of tho
fight that has been mado on tho Roll
system in Detroit for a rcductiom of
exorbitant charges.
Tho tolophono actordiug to tho popu
lar conception of tho accommodating
and Bomotlmcs aggravating utility is n
peculiar sort of a luxury. Instead of bo
coming cheaper as it gets into widor use
and its capacity for Borvico enlarges
through tho addition of moro subscribers
and outlying towns being mado access
ible fo communication, it becomes a trifle
moro costly. In Now York, thorofore, it
la nothing out of tho ordinacy that a tol
ophouo in thohotiBO may coat $200 n year.
As tho eorvico extends, tho manipula
tion of tho exchange requires moro help
export holp at that. Yet, aa Mr.
Dewey pointed out, tlioro aro immenso
profits in ImtnonBO numbors, and tho
charges, ho thought, aro out of pro
portion to tho servico rendered.
In tho Southern part of Illinois tho
farmora havo built and aro maintaining
a tolophono system for go.iorol ueo be
tween farm houscB and the isolated
country stations and postolllcos. It
performs a great deal of eorvico, and is
extroruoly popular. Support of it is
general, At nrost of only 50 cents a
month each subscriber who is also a
stockholder has unlimited switching
prlvllegs, and tho expenses of tho ex
change aro next to nothing. Ono or two
girls attend to tho work, aud tho hues of
tho system aro being extended all ovor
the two counties for a radius of from UO
to -10 miles. In Southern Indiana the
idea of a country system of telephones is
gradually obtaining headway, and tho
progressive farmers aro willing to test
tho advantages of tho enterprise oven
when thoy havo no particular business
Interosta to serve. Tho 'phono contrib
utes to their comfort and plonsuro.
His almost unnecessary to cay that
tho homo lifo of tho farmer's sous and
daughters on tho farm is mado moro at
tractive and enjoyable by tho tolophono.
Mr. Dewey explained Hint with im
provement nnd tho grndunl Introduction
of to t tor apparatus It is possible to
havo music and other entertainment at
a long distance ovor tho wiro.
Thus, it is apparent that tho possibll
tioa of tho tolophono ns n ineaua of
ainueoinont aro dazzling, It is prom
ised by tho promotors of tho Bystom,
too, that advancement nnd extonsiou of
tho wires of tlioso rural systems will not
advance tho coat, but, on tho contrary,
tho cost will bo cheapened.
With a gonoral telepliouo system
ramifying tho country tho city trades
men will lo able to enlargo his custom,
in this respect tho country town mer
chant is an enthusiastic advocate of tho
plan of having cheap tolophouos. In tho
iustancos whore it has boon tried, it has
been demonstrated that tbo cost of ro-
pairs is not great aud the company
which if of a cooperative character In
its mako.up aims to not make a profit,
but simply havo enough money in tho
business to onablo It to make tho tele
phone of aa groat, service as is possible
Mr. Dewey, who lectin ed to tho poo
plo of this city n few times, is socialistic
iu his ideas.
Although having a good and a lasting
Federal job as an expert on labor con
ditions, tho cousin of tho famous Ad
miral freely advocates Govermout owner.
Bhip and mauagmontof utilities aud tho
making of lururles common to all classes.
Further, ho favors what may bo termed
paternalism in tho contiol of otlnr largo
public corporations such as tho railway,
tho telegraph, tho telephone, etc- Ho
enthusiastically doolares for cheap ser
vice of those utilities. Uo believes that
tho timo must come soon when ohnrgoa
for telephones aud things of tlilssoit
Acsfewmiffy mujuspjy.
Cleanses the System
Gently nnd Effectually
when bilious or costive.
Jhxtents injlio mast ntwpt.-iblefvm
tse laxathv principles ofptmts
Atotrt to act most JbtftcuciaIp:
for sar iy dnifglstj - pnte SQt ptr tot.
must come down fa r below whnt they
aro now.
Of course, in the West, thceo things
will bo n long timo reaching n porfected
state. Still, exporionce shows that in
tho larger cities ot tho thickly settled
East the tolophono in tho privnto homo
is not s gouorally in eorvico as it is in
Portland. Visitors remark It whon thoy
core hero and sco tho thousands of tines
in tho residential eoctions. No ono
would object to tho chaiges being cheap
er, probably, but time will havotoelap?o
before similar conditions will bo secured
In tho West that thoy aro bpginning to
havo in the East.
Rut tho cheap and popular Idea to bo
worked out iu connotion with tho tela
phono in the future la an automatic ex
change A scientific paper recently
contained Bono BUggostious on this scoro,
Tho automatio connection at tho ex
change will, it is said, onablo ono porson
to attend to tho duties of n largo number
of hollo girls.
In passing, it isjUBt to say that every
body will regret tho passing of tho hollo
girls. Their musical, "lino's busy; call
again," will bo missed. Rut tolophono
servico will ho within tho reach of all.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is still In the lead
Tho peopo to like this old reliable
cougfi medicine and wo don't blame
them; It is the host remedy fortliodeop
seated cough or cold, nnd wllldfctn
euro In onodnv.
Wolff &Zvicker of Portland
in the Hands of Receivers.
Pokt'lanii, Dee. 8. C. J. Reed nnd F.
Wolff woro today appointed rccolvora for
Wolff A Zwlokor Iron Works. Action
grow out ot attachment suits nggrogating
00,000 brought by Koattlo aud Chicago
parties. Tho works will not bo shut
down. The llrm claims tlioro is still duo
them $10,000 from tho government for
building tho torpedo boat Guldhoio,
Improvement Deported
Cohvallih, Ore., Nov. SI, 1000. Jen
nie Yutea ol this plnco has been a bu(
foror from kidney troubloa and sho says
Hood's Barsuparilla has dono her moro
good than any othor medicino alio can ob
tain. Sho has not only taken tho modlelno
horeolf with great lienoflt but has civou
It to her little girl and strongly recotu
mends it. Tho people have confidence
In this modicino because so many havo
proven It's merits.
Cost of a Dane Canal.
Ami.vny, N. Y., Dee. 8. The Umpire
State is having soino big figures mado
for tho legislators and tho public to
look at. Tho state ongiueer and nil
tho Btubordlnatos ho could set to work
no less than eighty in all aro tlgur
Ing away for dear lifo at tho knotty
problom bow much it will cost to dig
tho hrio canal deep enough and brond
enough, with locks long enough, to
pass tho bargos that carry the products
of the west. Tho Empire Statu wants
thejo freight ladon bargos to pass
through her length from I.ako Erie to
tho Hudson, instead of going out by
way of the St. hnwrenco or thoir loads
being transferred to freight cars. No.
body can as yet Bay whether it will
cost $50,000,000, or tyC.OOO.OOO, or U.0(
000,000 Whatever ,tho amount, tho
stato of New York onn pay tho bill
without turning a hnlr, but it will
mako tho politicians of both parties
nervous until they learn what the vot
ers think about tho matter.
'"Brevity s the
Sout of war
License to v,Vcl,
A marriagQ license has been issued to
Johu T. Rqyorlo and MyrU" dhyK!8
1 mmmfmm
One Insane.
Mrs. Zallnda Parker, a native of Ala
bama, nged 04, was received nt the
1 n tii in 1 1 i'i fit in Morrow county.
IWf it wimlom. BtooJ it life. Inpure
blood Is tlvmtj iImIu Hc&tth dffvnds
on good btocxt. Disease is dae to
blood, The blood mil be purified,
Leglotis s,iy Hood's Sars.ipaHfla, Amer
Ica's Greatest JMood Medicine, purifies it.
A brief shrv but it tells the Ule,
3(bod'& ScVtAalailta
J ' Ml. ! II A
Testimony lo the Efficacy of tlicNew Sclen
title Dandruff Treatment.
JnmnsO. Hovvo. Mvimrston. Mont
"Herpteido cured my dandruff and
stoppop my falling halJ."
Orange McOombs, St Aulhnno,Idaho;
"Horplcido cleaned my walp of dan
druff and nmilo my Imir soft tu silk aud
W. II. Otic, harbor, Champaign, 111.:
"I used Hernioideou one uuuUuuer for
dandruff and on another fur falling hnlr
with excel lout results."
F. W. Woodv, assistant postmaster,
Champaign, III. : "Hnrnioid ecnmpleto
ly stopped my falling hair."
J. J. Ilontley. Sheridan, Wyo. ; "Her.
inoido la excullout for cleaning- ilfu
soul p."
TheUuido at "Crouiao" is new. 12 5 ff
London, Dec 8, Tho Illness oi the
Crnr, with Its possible fatal ending, has
caused n deep fooling of serious alarm in
Great Rrltniu. Thnt dolicnto matter
the peace of Europe hsa for mnuy years
beon held to rest moro with tho present
occupantof tho thronoof all the Russlas
than with nil tho othor potentntes of
Enropo combined. Tho Emperor of Ittis
sin hns been moro than ncountorpoiso
for tho erratic, hysterical and disturbing
Emperor of Germany. So also hns it
beon with Franco. Had it not been for
the ruler of Russia, nothing would have
been moro probablo than a colllson bo
tween Franco nnd Eiglnnd nnont the
visit of President Krtigor. As it is, tho
French Government hns ncted with nd
mlrnblo conservatism. While the
French people havo been allowed to
express their feelings, thoy havo at
tho same timo been kept from doing
anything nt which Grent Britain could
riahtly tnko offenco. Tho infliionco of
the Crnr, although on account of his ill
ness it hns iyit been exerted ns to this
particular instance, hns beon used in
tempering tho excitnblcncBS of tho
French into n moro sensiblo habit of
thought nnd notion, so that a modus Vi
vendi line been found by Franco and
England that adjusts itself easily to tho
progress of events. As to tho personal
qunlltie? of tho Czar, they nro held in
high repute. Uo is considered sincere
in his expressed desiro for tho penco
not only ot Russtn, but of Europe, It
is not surprising, therefore, that tho bul
letins from Lovidia aro watched with
keen interest, oven with lively anxiety,
as apnrt from tbo morerotnoval of a man
of penco from tho throno of Russia, thero
would also bo the gravo danger thnt
would follow in Russia iteolf from tho
desiro ot tho Anarchists to innko tho
most of tho possibilities in tho wnyof
diBturbnnco that would bo prosontcd by
a change of rulors.
A statistician, from sources wnlch ho
does not discloso, calculates that tlioro
havo been already exported to Australia,
in preparation for tho Duko of York's
visit, 50,000 Union Jnckn, a million
roundB of crnckora inB woll ua quick
firing rockets 0,700 reams of red, whito
nnd bluo ribbon, 1,300 gross of buttons,
If you seo a man or a women wearing
a banglo of dull gold color, of many links
nnd consequently na flexiblons if it woro
woven mnterini, you mny conclude thnt
tho wearer has acquaintance in South
Africa. For tho bangles aro Kafllr
women's anklota and scores of thorn
havo been brought from tho Eafllre by
soldiors on their way homo. Ono 0. I.
V. brought homo nearly a dozen of them
as souvenirs for distribution among his
How the value of land has gono up
in tho Highlands of Scotland, as well us
olsowhoro, Is evidenced from Bomo
extracts that havo been given to tho
press from tho Mss. of tho late Rev.
Donald Kolly, a Kmtyro dlvinb, vvhb
hud observed tho changing conditions
nnd who did in tho interest of local
history, wl at many parish minlttera
might vory woll do without seriously
overtaxing either thoir time or their
talents. Somo rontals lu Klntyro. aa
compared with tfloso of tho latter half
ot last contury, havo gono up a thous-
and-fold, and that without taking Into
consideration tho value of tho shootings
and fishings. Thero aro four farms in
Klntyro today that aro moro valuable
than tho wholo of Klntyro in 1772, their
rent-roll standing atX2,-I00, ns compared
with a valuation for all Klntyro of
X2'025 a hundred and thirty years ago.
When Edna May, the "Rollo of Now
York," camo to London sho sot a fash
ion In hairdrossing that 'ew women
couiu ioiiow wun advantage to tliolr ap
pcaranco. Sho woro hor beautiful wavy
hair parted In tho middle, and brought
vory low ovor tho ears, and coiled at tho
back of tho neck. Today sho sets a
stylo still more dlfllcult for tho average
young woman to follow. Sho has taken
to wearing her hair In glassy silk plaits,
coilod into a coronet abovo hor Biiowy
brow, just as pretty heroinoa in novels
do, To Edna May this stylo of hair.
dressihg is very becoming; but it would
not bo so for many girls. To look woll
under tho "coronot coIl,"tho face should
bo perfect in feature and soft aud uirlish
in outline, with uot too much of thn
broad brow which tho Intellectual aro
endowed with. For tho coronet coll,
bowevor, It can bo said that It is neat
and comfortable, and, whon becoming,
looks very well indeod.
Paris claims a woman play-broker and
sho is an American. MIsa Maybury, tho
lady referred to, lives in a quaint old
cottago at tho park gates of Versailles,
and hero tho Froucb dramatists gather.
It was Miss Maybury who took MUs
Maybury 'a plays to America, and thus
gavo her a fortune, and this clover llttfo
lady has an enviable reputation aa.a
judgo of dramatio efforts.
"You nro aware," said a dontist, "that
many people aro very particular con
corning tho plate to which artificial
teeth aro Eot. Somo want gold, others
silver, vulcanlto and what not. Rut did
you ovor hoar of patients wearing their
! own initials inside tho mouth? Wo re
cently propared an upper Bet for a gen
tleman woll known in thoatrlcal oiroles,
and In the platinum roof wore sot in
wlroa of gold the wearer's initials."
Nkw York, Dec. l.In St. Paul's
chapol, In which Washington onco wor
shipped, Bishop Potter, of tho Protestant
Episcopal dloceeo of Now York, ad
drossed n largo audience of a romarkably
representative character, 011 "God nnd
tho City." Reforo tho nddiesB tho fol
lowing stately-stepping hymn was Bung:
"Tho Son of God goes forth lo war, a
kingly crown to gain,
His blood-red banner atrenmn afar.
Who follows lu Ilia train?
Who best can drink bin cup of woo
triumphant over pnlti,
Who patient hears his croiti holow ; iiu
followain Ilia train."
Tho nndionco considered tho hymn
significant; that tho Church had declared
that a battlo Is on mid thnt all tho
forces for good nro being rallied against
tho forces of evil. Ulshop Potter deep
ened that impression, With "Christ
weeping over Jerusalem" aa a text, ho
indicated tho corruptions and ovila of
tho city, and tlion called for a vigilance
committee of "5,000 to redeem tho me
tropolis. Tho little chn)cl Is far too
email to hold Biich weighty utterances,
and Bishop Potter tod prominent, and
in title instance, too ropresontativo a
man for such n pent-up Utica to confine
Ilia powers. Tho wholo city indeed tho
wholo country was llatoning for his
words, aud thoy havo heard them.
When Roderick Dim Biirvoyeil tho silent
heather, not it single warrior was lo bo
scon, but tho echoes of li is buglo blast
hid not faded away ere thero sprang
from every side a host of fighting men,
armed cap-a-pio. So are. tho people of
Now York rallying around Bishop Pot
tor. Ho has by common consent beon
acclaimed lender, aud a rightcoiiB,
mighty leader ho is. Solid aa a rock,
fearless as a Spartan, gifted with a fac
ulty of terse, clear, forcoful expression,
of pure, unambitious motives and far
seeing prescience, bo will wield botli the
thunderbolt of Tlior and tho rapier of
D'Artngnnn. Ho cannot bo assailed, as
was Dr. Parkhurst, and has behind him
an innumerable army of such com pro
honsivo Catholicity that it embraces
men and women of all creeds aud all
complexions, of ali occupations and all
grades in lifo, rich, poor, fasliionablo
and hardworking, mechanic and profos
Blonal nil onger to bo united with every
othor soul of the same purpose for tho
trampling Into tho mire, from which it
sprang, of tho horrifying idea that the
officials Itdo whoso hands thocommunity
commits for safe-keeping its prosperity,
ita lifo, its morals, ahall longor bo
allowed to fatten upon tho looting of the
dons of vice.
Mr. Croker sailed across the eon, ev
idently thinking that ho had dono n
smart thing, when ho sot "Cholly
Knickerbocker" and tho rost to shouting
"stop thief;" but ho has decoived no
body. Tho righteous portion of tho
community has taken as a challenge to
itself Crokor's appearance upon tho
political field as a national leader, and
it lias accepted the challenge and
moans to down him, and break up tho
unholly alliance !otweon tho city gov
ernment and organized vice. There
appears to lm abundant faith among nil
classes that this will bo done,
The city is hard at work. Ten, llf
teen, twenty, twonty-six Btorles of
lights in. he Bkyscrapora ahino far into
tho night. If ono wanders throuuh tho
financial district after nightfall ho sees
Hundreds of clerks busy totalling up tho
uays woin, which no longor ends with
twilight. If ho continues his ramblo
into thodry.goods district ho finds all
hard at work, with trucks still loading
at tho stores. When ho roacho8 tho
atroota leading to tho wharvea ho finds
long linos of trucka awaiting their turns
for unloading. Tho sales of atocka now
being mado in Wall street havo novor
boforo been equalled. OiUbIiIo of Wall
street also ovorbodv is huav. U'lmf a
bettor, nearly ovorybody is full of faith
tho futuro. Evon that confirmed boar,
James It. Krone, confessos nimself a
And yet thero are failures on a bull
market. Tho lntost is that of C. B.
Lawronco, Jr., who advertised Inruolv.
and got his speculative business from all
sections of tho country. Tho firm turns
up without any assets worth speaking
Consult Mrs. Pinkham
No Other Person Has So Wide An
Experience with Woman's m,
Nor Such a Record of Success.J
"A Woman Best Understands a
W Woman's Ills." Her Advice Led
Miss Farrell to Health.
Examination by a male physician is a hard trial to a delicately organlztd
woman. She dreads tho humiliation of it nil.
Site therefore puta It off as long aa alio dare, and is only driven to It by tttt
of cancer, polypus, or some dreadful alcknoss.
Most frequently such a woman leuvos a physician's office, where BhehM un
dergone n crltlcnl examination, moro or leas discouraged.
This condition of mind destroys the effect of advice, nnd she grows viont
rather than better.
In consulting Mrs. PlnUhnin, In person or by letter, no hcaltntlon need U
felt. The story In told to a woman, and is entirely confidential to a womtn
who h:ib listened to thoiihnnds of similar stories and who la so competent to
advise women becauae of vast experience, and because she ia n woman. Iltr
advice la absolutely free, to till siok women, and bcfoildrcRs ia Lynn, Mau.
Rend MIsa Farrell'a account of how alio waa alclt, aud waa lead to health
by .Mrs. l'inkham. She In only one of thousands whom Mra. Plnklicm bu
cured this year
Femala Woaknoss Relieved by FJIrs. Plnkham.
" I take pleasure In wrltliiir you a few lines thanking you for your advice. I
did Just 11a you told mo in taking your medicino, and owe my life to you. Yon
ai-o like a mother to your aex. I was awful alelc, was (ill run down, nnd felt
blelc all over. I looked like a person brought out of thu grave. My fnee wu
aa wldtu ua tho driven anew. I was alvvaya tired after doing a little work, ind
would have to alt down. I hud terrible palna and headaches, and my appetite
waa not good ; aluo, troubled with shortness of breath. I could not go up ooe
flight ot Htalrs without being tired and having to atop to get my breath. I mi
feeling Just aa mlaerablo as could be. I took two bottles of your Vegetable
Compound, and cannot express my thanks to you for what your medicine hu
dono for me." Mihs M. S. Fjuhiell, 35 Devon St, Orovo Hall, Reston, Mass.
JlKVVAKIh Wo UTDlepOilted with thu National Cltr Hank of I.jnD.IMCO,
wiiicuwiu ue pmu 1
nro nut KOiiulnu, or
uftTauepoiiieaimn inoiionii;ii7iiii ui i,j,f,
i to Miyperionwboean And thnt the boroteitlmon!ll;lltl
r wetu publUhod before- obtaining tho writer! ipeelaltu
of and there !b great wailing nnd gnash
ing of teeth, especially nuinug thn
women snrulatora. Somo of these have
faho teeth, and whon these aro gnashed
tho grading of nerves aro torriblo.
Experienced brokers won't tako
women's accounts or orders for stocks.
Thoy nro known as vory bad losers, and
somo of them cum talk vory fast whon
thoy got a chanco at n broker who has
failed to roturn them a profit. Ah Mr,
Lawrence hears what hia women
customess aro saying he must, liko Jeff.
Davis, concludo that it would havo beon
money In hia pocket if ho had
been born.
Ilofor; Senior Readlo, Lee Abbey, Jun
ior Readlo, Roy Hentloy j Senior wood'
ward, Goo. Stanley; Junior woodward,
J 00 Adolph; Trustees for three yean
R. R. Wlllard, two years 11 Colgan,
Janitor, O. A. Parinenter,
Lnxntlvo Oromo-Qulnlno Tableti
Stops the Couth and
Works off the Cold.
LuXUllVU llromn OlllnlllA TnM.f. .n,n a !.! I.
one tiny. .No euro, no l'ay, Price 25o. 8 'a
1 iu - -1-. ,", I. - tC
To-NljbtandTo-Morrow Night.
Aud cucli duy ana night during this
week you can uot at any druggist's
Kemp's Rilsam for tho Throat and
Lungs, uokuowiedged to bo the most
successful remedy oyer old for
Coughs, Croup, Uronohltls. Asthma
nnd Consumption. (lot .v Kttlo to
dny and keep It always In tho house
tniyauaau check your cold at onco
Price 2fio aud 60o, Sample bottle free,
codtew T
O uBl. JS "CP o 3St 3C jrx. .
Dunxu j? lh Khd Yw Haw h Bi
You believe thnt
statement. But you
only realize In part the
obturations imnliVH 1...
K- . D? you keep that temple
of the body clean? If not, the
defilement attaches to every
service of the temple. Dis
ease of the stomach and other
organs of digestion nnd nutri
tion, nffectsthe mind ns well
ns the body The dull mind
stupified by poisonous gasses,
enters on its service without
desire, and nccomplishes it
without delight. A healthy
body and a clear mind result
from tho use of I)r. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
It removes the clogging and
poisonous impurities from the
stomach, stimulates the flow
of the juices necessary to
digestion and Increases the
blood supply in quality ami
quantity. The "Discovery"
is strictly a temperance uiedi
ciue and contains no alcohol
or whisky, neither opium,
vwvaiui, nur uiuer narcotic.
k I had sufTrl fr.i L..11
KetIou and only those who
luve suffered from it know
...... ti icuny is, wrucj Mrs
rin, 01 ion
"i iiaa bad Mvptruiiu
O Uk. iS 37 O 3K. 3C 2u
Boara tho s? Tha Kind Vw Haw Always GougM
fSft Vfit r.n.u o-
Svracuse. NY I had had ..,..... ....'
of headache and dUiineu with cold hands
and feet . everything! ate distressed inT
"" """upateu auu i was growing
very thin and nervous I cannot Half ex
"" l,h.e .l?a f" I aJ wheu lco.
fti"1 Uh'? D.r l'"' Q01 Medical
UlKoiety.OI took nlut bottles of the 'Uls
ff'.'. fowiueuceU reeling Utter wilh
the fitat bottle aud kept on Itu waving. Now
!." greatly lproed fa health my
ftleuds olfeu sueak of It." '
New Divorce Suit.
Lena Hammer haB commenced action
for divorce in Dopt. No. 2 of tho circuit
court, against 8amuol Hammer, alleging
cruel amltohuman tratment and failuro
to provide.
Deafness Gannot be Cured
by local annlicatlonB. aa tbnv nnnnnt
iunv.ii liiu uiBeasoa nortinnnt ihnmir
mi . - -- v....
inure is oniy ono way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional romedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
illtion of tho mucous lining of "tho
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed you hove a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is on
tlroly closed deafness is tho result, and
unless the inflammation can bo taken
out and tills tubo restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nluo cases out of ten aro caused by
catarrh, vv-hich is nothiug but nn inflam
od condition ol the mucous surfacoa.
VVewill BtvO Ono Hundred nnllnm fnr
any caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
-.... uuiiiu uo uureu uy nail's Catarrh
v,u,. nouu ior circulars, iree.
r.i 1 i' Jn0",, Co., Toledo, O.
Hall's I-aiiiily Illla aro tho best. V
The Wlmrdor the Ulack Art Af Kr k
Urand Opera House This Evealaj.
Hermann mystified and delighted t
houseful of spectators at the Loa Angele
theator. Tho act of tho prestidigitation
Is always now, for it is protpnn in ita
ture. The program offered by Hermann
includes some of tho beat illuiioaiol
modorn stage necromancy.
Tho cremation of the vouiik woman in
tho paper cylinder was moat blood curd
ling in its incoption.and tho Boft-beanXl
ones in tho gallory cheered entlnuiaatic
ally when it was discovered that "ul
by mngio" tho fair damsel had dlaap
pearod from hor pyrotechnic environ
ment. "Waor is the opposite of fire," "
tho wizard, and ho proceeded to thro
half a dozen eggs into a tubful of wW
and producod six live ducks from the Ui
an instant later ly merely firing P
tol. Tho dark mystery of the procr
was deepened by the fact that the eg
iinnnnrmt n linvn Iwwn li(l bV S 1'""
white hen right there on the ata?e. Tb
little hen. by tho way, was one cf IM
star performers, for a'tor doing hertnra
shoBtrolIed about among thefilea W"
wingi, singing os cheerily as if abewert
sho woro in hor nntlvo barnyard.
Tho flvo NosBes are really refined ma
sical artiBts. Thoy added much to U
ovoning'a entertainment and wera hear
tily applauded,
On Friday oyoninir. Salem Lmlim No.
1. A. F. and A.M. eleetod ofl'lcers for
the onstiing your as follows; R. Cart
wright, worshipful master; F. A. Loeg,
senior warden; O. II. Cuslek, junior
warden; J. H. Albert, treasurer; John
Rnyne secretary.
Court ShorwQo.1 Forest No. 10, F. of
A.-Chlof Ranger, Wm. Uuok; Sub
Pbief Rajiger, Harry Prior; Recording
Secretary, A, A. Sillier; Ilnancjal Sec
retary, A, L. Rrownj Treasurar, F. X,
"Do vou
Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup will cure
Cough or Cole? ab once, Oowgg
Oroup.'Whooplnir-Coiigh and JW
OouffhwiUioubfall. Moiaenrr;
scribe it iF"Za.
tis, Iloarsenosa, Grippo, PeuiUnt
i. "B'vr
If Yrtr,wwM-IhnItfortfn7,
uonsumpuon. "B'irvs.ihi
euro results. lrlco,5cw. r'rni.
nnit nnnanmntlnn. It ClVOH UTI
euro results. Price, 25 eta. J.""1"
dealer's substltuto 5 it la not m
Cough Syrup
Always cures when olhewj
Dr. Bull'. PIIU cure ConsUtjiat,
Trouble, flo pWa, io eta. TrW W.