.jit.-.- . -- MiCfft3Ei3aEBsttft lM aaatmum a una PI rA r i 'i i: ; m M i M ii ,) i IHf 'J i :i in fr It JR! M ska BABY'S; BIRT$ dnlMf crittaJr avoided tjy tae it.TWnt of nrfccless value to all women. Sold by all druggists at one dollar per A booklet, Hiving all details, will be ecnt free by Bnulfield. Regulator Company, Atlanta, Oa. 3Z Special Clearance 0 :'' On all wool mackintoshes Of DUX CUilli 111 1UH5, uiuwiis Raglan ram coat in Ian and oxtord urey. : ., Regular 5.50 values in Black and blue, all-wool Trie ots and Paris twilled guaranteed fast " colors-Box and Cape 'Coats '. Regular $7.50 Coal Double collar. Tan and Breasted G, W, Johnson The Peoples Clothiers THE DAILY JOURNAL. BY UPPER BROTHERS, WEDNE6DAYDEC0, 1000. Oally.Ono Yoar, $3.00 In Advance Dally Pour Months SI. In Advanoo Woakly Ono Yoar SI. OO In Advanoo WORKING THE SCHOOLS. ,Now that Thanksgiving is over with, The JOURNAL WOUld likO tO BUff- geet that in fuluro no privileges bo granted-to non-resident oharitabltt or reformatory instutiona to take up collec tion in- Uio public Bclioole. Tho boys and girls aid society of Portlaud Is a private corporation and gotB an appro priation' from . tho stato. It no doubt does a great deal of good and is deserv ing and all that: but whuro tho utility in connection of tho growing generations with reformatories and baby homos comes in is sot easy to seo, when thero is so much opportunity for constructive and helpful work nearer homo. For instanco it all tho programs on Thanks giving day had been directed to gottlntr. a start on a library for each school room, it would havo ben fitted flftoon hundred children horo at homo, instead of a few' dozen nt Portlaud. Lot tho people of Salem bo moro genoroua and thoughtful In becoming a JJoya pud Girls Aid society right hero Rt home, whero our schools aro not too good and tho doom of opportunity not any too widoly opened for tho mfcss of growing child, hood right undor our noses. JOURNAL "X'PAYS." The B. P, Go. is booming Oregon in u new folder. , T" " ! ft "Dr. Gusiok Js still prescribing for tho tck and ttnfooblod political condition of municipality, and if uny ono wants a luroTemcdy for thatcomplMnt tho Doc tor can furnish it. ft ft Soma years ago whou Uouuoilmnn Walker was running a farm, a Ano stoor of his ono day got on tliu rullroud track, and ho chased thoanliiml novon unlet) full speed, but his friondB now wiy tho way that stoor run, was nothing compared with tho way tho hayseed uldurimin of tJio first ward run last Monday, ,1 ' . A patron of Oily Ohalrniuu Meyers', tojiBoriul parlors tells this oneonGoorgo: XJmechunio enmo in for a shavo Satur day, ilo was reminded by a bystander tjuit it would bo very iniK)rtant to votb tfio straight "llopublican" tlokot, early, o'ften and iiard, next Monduy. A mo ment later the patron sank down into tlio proprietor's own chair to bofrisseur e3 for Sunday, and in n moment tho In Junction of tho aforesaid bystander was rmiowod. After a moment's confab tho question was put point blank: "Would you voto for the Anarchist on that Citi zens' ticket?" Tho answer catno in no uncertain tone: "If thore's any Anarch iSfii on that tickot, Juat count mo one, ami rest assured that I will voto for ov eVy .mother.' eon of thorn." Guorgo dropped his rxar,aud didn't recover his breath until Tuesday morning, E. Jjrho federal ofllco-holdiug push eamo yp to Salem to holp elect tho straight Republican ticket, whero there was no pTiltlce In It. At Portland last tjme (bo federal push defeated tho Straight, Re publicans and supported a Bo-cajled (jpizene' ticket, and elected tho lpgtsla tire part of it that will havo tho United fllatea Beuntora to elect, which la all Sjlltlca. Thorois nothing qullo so con stout as Push Republicanism. , Slops the Coufl)Dd 3g( - yorkj ofMu CoU. aMifJijw9QalneXrliUUourrf4 cold lu to-a7, fw&t j-y, r vm VO' o m mlt witlt weJhta; Inakftiongagome althe OronfMt -Hludlo. 'for.M UbUal H t omenta wo aro quiio uusy tins iimo oi mu yvar, 12Btf la looked forward to Willi expectations of loy and gladness, The ordeal of bringing: the little duo into the world, however, Is a critical one lor the mother-to-be, and her anticipations of the coming eVent are shadowed with gloom. Half the pain and all the danger of child-birth use of 'Mother's FiuftxaV a scientific MOTHER'S FRIEND this moljudesta 'great yariety. aim umi,ro, aiau uic -.pupuiai $3.90 Fancy with mixed Box fine velvet $5.25 & Gompany, and Furnishers A PLAIN STATEMENT. i In Answer to Certain Articles Published In tlie capital Journal. En. JocitHAL. I do not as a rulo pay any attention to nowspapcr attacks upon myself, but during tho city campaign, and sinco, articles havo appeared in your paper attacking, uy inuonuo, my character as a cltitizen, and endeavoring to creato tho impression that I nm a dishonest debtor. Tho author of these attacks, whoever he may bo, doeervce, under tho laws of Oregon, to bo on to mato of tho penitentiary. I doeire spaco In your papor for a plain Btatemont of facts. I catno to Salotn in 1802, with about 18,000, and this money I invested in n printing establishment, a homo, and a small tract of real estate. I employed men and paid them best the wagcs.Then enmo tho panic of 1803, and my littlo fortune rapidly melted. I worked hard and endeavored to Bavatnybuslnossdos' ing money all tho time, until, in March, 1899, 1 gave a bill of sale of my printing office to tho Gapital National Hank, and my investment, of fully $5,000, went o pay a note for f 1,100. Then I wont to work nt my trade in tho Stato print Ing ofllco. At tho timo I surrendered my busi ness to my principal creditor I owed about 51600 in notes and accounts. I could havo avoided tho payment of nil thoeu by taking advantogo of tho bankruptcy law; but I did not do so, nor do I intend to, I Imvo paid from money received from an ostato in tho East, to tho receipt of which Danker Gilbert can certify, and from money earned by myself and vlfo,ovor f 1,000 of my indebtedness during tho pant two years, and within tho next two yearn I expect to bo clear from debt. I do not think this Is a dishonest record, und I am willing to submit It to my neighbors who havo read tho slurs published in your paper. Tho only causa for tho porsouul attack upon mo appears to bo my conucc lion with placing in tho Hold n regular Re publican tickot for city ofllcorujbut I can not wo why Httch men as M. L, Cham berlain, Claud Gatch, Judge Hubbard, l'rof. Grnham, and others should bdox, umpt. I believe time will demoiiBtrato that wo woro right. At least, wo acted within our privilege uh American citizens and havo no disposition to opologlzo to tho holier-than-thou gang who consort with tho pops und socialists to break up tho Republican organization in this city. K, II. Im.aoo. Salem, Dec, 5, llJOJ). I)4 5, llttp. mCll, IIABY. All bnbics art nice," to their )UOtJipr$i Wenl) loWjChildren. Grent hig men, with hard hands, hnve'soft honrts for helpless nev-c6iners to earth with the smile of henvon fresh on their innocent faces. No man is too high or low, tqo.prQud orjuim ble, too busy or idlq, tpo good or bad, too great or small ex cept a few very small mean men to throw up their hats at the sight of a plump little cherub or to pity a thin ono. Plumpness and thinness are accidents. Nature is bounti ful ; parents want to be. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil cor racts theitj mistakes. Vf II upA y&'llUiltf lu try II you 1IU OOTT BOWJSffc. JWwrfW. N.'W1, tBBW far acceptable Ideas, State II patented. THE PATENT RECORD, ua.nin.ore. mo. PLENTY OF MATERIAL Out of Which to Compose the Textbook Commission. Governor Geer Asks Sugges tions from Citizens Who Are Interested in this Matter. Excellent material for tho formation of tho Oregon Textbook Commission is being brought to tho attention of Gov ernor Gcor from nil parts of tho stale. There havo been added tho last few days tho following now names: Mrn, Kva llmery Dyo bf Oregon City, author of ''Mi'Loughlin and Old Oregon." Judge Flynn, the Albany bunker. aJudgo Stophon A. J-owoll, lute circuit judgo at Pendleton; Mrs. E. A. Ivanhoo, principal of La Grande, Ore, schools. Whnt tho public Is interested in is to know who is roally in favor of a reform. All tho present toxtbooks aro high . priced, many of them aro Inferior, some of them aro ruinous to the children's oyos. Those who havo lieon conducted with tho monopoly of tho textbook ImibIuoch that has oxietad in Oregon for eighteen yearn aro manifestly not tho pursotiH to put in chargo of the. reform contemplated In tho Daly textbook bill. It is a significant fact that moHt of tlioso per eons aro not prominent applicants al though many of them aro working secrutly to capturo tho commission for tho existing order of tilings. Most prominent of all tho persons mentioned in connection with tho Oregon Textbook Commission and known to havo some knowledgo of tho. monopoly to bo over thrown and the reform to bo brought about aro Harvey Scott of tho Oregon Ian, John 1). Daly, Matthow Slowart, Prof. Wilson, Kov. T. L. Elliot, Preet. Strong and Prof. Young, of Eugene, II. S. Lyman of Astoria, I), Ditiy of Lnko view, Prof, Hitchcock of Ashland, J. II. Italoy, S. A. Lowell of Pendleton, . John Gayin of Tho Dalles, and uny of tho members of tho legislature who voted for the bill. If Gov. Geer follows a strict construc tion of tho constitution it will bar from eorvico on , tho Text-book commission some of tho above, and somo of them tho ablest, best qualified and most rep- rosontativo men in tho state. Tho law also requires him to give consideration to geographical location. This will again exclude some of tho flnoHt material if it is strictly adhered to. Tho Governor has a strong fooling that locality, politics or any other petty considerations shall not cut anylguro in itho election of tho commission, and as ho expressed it, ho is justified in hunting tho stato over witli n flno-tooth comb to find tho yory best material posNlblo to servo on this commission. Tho Governor has recently Kent out a number of letters asking that people suggest to hint a list of five names suitable for place on this com mission. A number of persons aro recommend ed who nro already holding somo ofllco of trust or omolumcuL Tho caso of Watts, of Yamhill, who was declared disqualified as Presidential eleotor ho cause he held a small postofllco is re called. Dinger Hermann was found to be disqualified as a member of tho sen ato in 1870 because ho was a deputy col lector of revenue. (Senato Journal 1870, pago 32.) Tho constitution, Sec. 30, page 1)3, Vol. 1, Hill's code, forbids n citizen holding moro (liau one lucrative oillro, Tliis may exclude Senator Daly and lteprosnntatlvo Stewart from sitting on the Text-boo I; commission, but they aro most petitioned for of any two men in tho slate for tho simple reason that they woro in the legislature and secured the patwouo of tho bill and urn recognized as champions of this reform. Letter of Aa Educator. A prominent educator, a county mi petintendent, on receiving a copy of Tins Joviinai. dlsetiHuIug Textbooks writes. "Tlio subject is of tho highest im portance, and I can only oxprumi my ad miration that ono inlhioutul daily, nt least, has made, and continues to make, the free and bust use of school text books a subject of prime concern, and will not let public interest sleep. 1 remember a prominent school director in Portland, two years ago, who sought to ridicule tho text book agitation by remarking that tho ooplu of Oregon paid moro for chewing gum than for schoool books, and hence tho saving of ton or twenty percent on books could not be vital. However, a horizontal n dilation, not only In economy to parents but lu elllolcncy of education, and of teaching, not of twenty, but perhaps of fifty, per cent as the effeatof monopoly is seen lu tho teachers as well as of books. "Gov. Geer evidently roalUos that no party advantago could' bo so groat as to appoint a commission above reproach r suspicion ol oorrnpllbllity . Tho actual ridding of tho state of an of foiiBivo and unpopular hook monopoly, would do more than uny ono act to win t him approval and support. Politically it is giving him it strong card to assist I him carrying out such a reform. I know ' that I would gain nothing by helping a. Itepubllcau administration to got this thing out of tho way. Party interest WOUd dictatO that ho bo OllUOUraiied . . . , ., .. , to niao strictly partisan und cor run. tlblo app lutmbnts, and then In) trounced for It at ho mat oloctiou. Itiit T still 1.-.-.1- . Ii r..... il..v .,..., of vlow of tho cltUen, not tho ,mrtlsan, l will tio wnat i can form nftho oarliest toBooure the re momout, co mat. tof whero the orodty oos. If all tljp ..onjiulfiBion Is appointed, and soaks only tho imbHo good, 1 will help lliom." A Rerutlleaa Senator Writes. A member of fhu. Oregon Senatu writes Tiii: Jouunai. as follows i I aij) lujarUb, Iji jJliUy. wljj the notilo fight yotCnro-making in haying a )tro School JIJodR Commission ap pointed by thciiGovornor, mon In whom tho pcoplo havo full confidence, and men that the American Hook Co, or any publlshlng.hotiso, linvo noUor cannoUm. Iluenco to work for their pecuniary In terests. This is a matter in which evory citizen is interested, and it is timo that tho pcoplo awakened to tho truo status ot affairs in Oregon. I well re member what an arduous battlo wo had to fight In tlio last legislature to so euro tlio passago of tho law creating the school Hook Commission, and I hope that tho iufluonco of tlioao pocuniarly Interested will not'bo successful to ren der nugatory this salutary meaeuro. As Governor Geer has invited cor respondence and oven suggestions as to n properly composed -Textbook Com mission, and as he is required to make those appointments next month, Tin: .Touit.VAi. suggest!! that roadors tako an interest in this matter, and indicate to tho governor their preferences, and assist him in making up tlio very host, ablest, strongest, most intelligent commission that enn bo named. It will bo none too good to give Oregon the benoflt of progress and the fullest competition and get tlio ftato out -of the rut into which it has fallen in educational inattors. Dr. Bull's Couth Syrup Is still In the lead. The peopo seam to Ilko this old retkbfe cough medicine, and we don't Uame them ; it is the best remedy forUteifeup seated cough or cold, and will efrct a euro in ono day. MY FRIEND Sale of Seats Now on at the Grand Opera House Tfeursday Evening. ANTI-ENGLISH DEMONSTRATION Colounh, Dec. -I. An Anglophobo demonstration took place today in front of the British Consulate here. Tho polico disporsod tho rioters. Sorenadoj ami ovations of Kruger planned by vari ous socio ioshavo been forbidden. Tilings Made at Home. Friday evening ut tlio Maccabees ba zaar you can get homo mado candy, homo miulo oomfortorH mil fancv work. Thuro will also bo a votluir contest for the prottiost girl at 5 cents a voto. You had belter got your orders lu at once nt tlio UronUo Studio if you ox poet work for Christmas. VI 5 tf YOUNG BAMFORD PLEADS GUILTY In Justice of tlio Pence O'Dotiald's court Tuesday afternoon, Kugena Barn ford pleaded guilty to tho chargo of stealing T. II. BlundoH'n pigeons, and a lino of $f wild iiiiMJHod, ftoiitoucu being suspended during good behavior. StLF dtlNG P" WOMEN - - fk - - - Cannot afford to be sick, 3 they say J So, very often, they strug gle along and keep up, where other women go to bed. To such women the value of I)r Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is te yond computa vj Uou. It cures the common cause of ill-heultlt in woman, de rangement or dis ease of the wom anly organs. A temperance medi cine. It contains no alcohol, opi um, cocaine, nor other narcotic. I had female trouble for dent year,' wrltea Mr. I. J IeunU, of 8)8 Kt Colic laiLsoovillr. 111. "For three veara ,r n-iii Uu.t fvu... 111. "For Hire year I iufltrcd '. WM . X.VIIK 0lll. Btrett, rv.ntinuallv Wont canuot exurcka what I auf. feretl. uutMt tth tki mtJicat tot lion a J found noxe, until liuluceit by Uht Vf1,c.a I S laklnl medicine I weighed "Ki u ry ur nrive -a ravonie i-reacnpiion ,iim;iT'Hrv uuua niter laKing; ravoiiiv rrv- wripuon'iwa bulituD until now iweiihoue iihuuivu uu ,iiijr-Mx pouuus more inau i ever welshed before. I wa o bad I would He from day to day and long for death to come and re lieve my (uUerintr. 1 had tutcmal InaaiSma lion, a diaagrceabte drain, txartuc-dowu naln &v&kttl&iX i. ' . C ' W..M nvik auu U OAIWU , '. ' all ..... mi.... .wk.1 ana am atroos nU ueaiuiy womau i uauaa io jour meuicine. 1 consider iuelf a llviug tektlmouial of the ben efita of your ' Favorite Frecrlitlon. ' " Dr. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION MAKBS IVMA- 11'O.liaV STttW An J SICK U'ftMflrV WULL for acceptable tdeoa, btate If patented. Yn PATFMrnrnnrm., . Balllraore, Md. " NO FOOTBALL WITH PORTfcANDERS & The gamo of football between tho 8a hjmond Portland teams eooms to bo permanently off. Manager Frank Dur bin of tho O. A. A.O. went to Portland yestorday to mako final arrangements for tho gamo which was proposed for Dec. 8th, but tho Portland .aggregation madoa complete backdown, and pos itively declined to meet tho Salem boys, though Durbin offered all sorts of con cessions. It is claimed that this ac tion forfeits tlio championship which has been hold by tho Multnomah team. Deafness Cannot te Cured by local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear. Thr. onlv one wov to our deafness, land that is by constilutkMial remedies. Dealness is wuseu oy aa innaim-u con dition of the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tub. When this tube gets inflamed yot have a ruaiWing sound or imperfect aarig, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is tho result, and unlttse tbe inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; niu eases out of ten nro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will Ktv One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dw&fBeas (caused by catarrh) that can not ba eared by Hall's Catarrh Cnre. end for circulars, free. F. J Chnby A Co., Toledo, O. fold by Dmgxtats, 75o. Hail's Family Pilla are tho best. Tm "Guhlo" is becoming quite popu lar, CroBieo makes them. 125 tf FROM INDIA for Ono of tho best attractions of tho season, and one that is ail it claims to bo, really productive of an unforced laugh, is "My Friend From India," which comes to tlio Grand Gporn House, Thurs day evening, December ). Tho Company this year is exceptionally goood and is headed by MIsb May Vokcs, tho original "Tilly" in tho Bijou Theater, New York, production. Manager Myron B. Iticc has introduced a number of high-class vaude ville numbers in this year's production of "My Friend From India," making it moro nttractlvo than ever. . A Wonderful Offer to Women. ' We havo received word of u most romarlo alls olfer which Is to bo mado to women by The VMntator, of Now York, Taking tho fact that next roar begins a new century, The Dttintator odors to distri buto $17,600 nmong 1 00 1 women. Tho plan ia so cloverly arranged that a woman living In a small town or viIIk has just aa good a chanco to win ono of tlnwo 1 90 1 prima aa n womau living in a city becauso ilio prhea aro givoa for (ho number of subscription aocurod la a town In pioportion lo tho popu lation ot thai town, inKd of boing given simply to thoao who mind the largest lint of subscribers which, of courso, aro most easily obtained in big olios. Anollior clovor feature of the plan Is, thai nil tlio cities and towns of tho Unitod Stato and Canada have been ar ranged in Hovon clawos. Tho cities of lie. greatest population nro grouped In Class 1, and as tlioso cities aro not very many, tho prizes offered nro twonly.cighl; tbo high est priio boing $500, and tho lowest $6.00. Tho total amount of prizes given away in this class is $1,000. Tho remaining amallor lowna and vlllau'e full Into six oilier elusion, and as the number of towns in a clans Incronscs, bo causo, of course, thoro nro moro small towns than largo ones, tho amount of prizes given away to n class iiicronsu?, ho Hint in Class 7, thuro will bo $1,000 dutubultd nmong G01 winners. Furthcrmoro, to evorynne who falls to win ono of the 1901 prUurt there will be paid aa extra commission on subscriptions, provided they equal ono out of every two hundred In habitants of tho towu from which tho con testant lends them. This is altogothor a very liberal offor, and ono which tho famous old JMmtctor la well able to mako good. From our point of view, we do not seo why such an oiler needs to bo made by tho Publishers of The Dtlintator, for wo bolioTe it already has nearly half a million subscribers. Its strong hold upon the affec tions of American womeu has como in tho past gousration, from its practical advice bout dreta details and homo maWori. . SALEM LODGES i ' IfOKMS'I'KSl'oiT-'ArU ICHloX Court Uherwood Vont Hn m iiun v.i.i. nlshti lu Turner block. Johu M. ChaM.iO.K. A u Jlrown Hccy 1 1 -17-t t r - Galvanized Iron Work - We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds of work in galvanized iron. XC ZC ?C ? 3E SLi' IT 33aE KI W 3r-- Work and maerial always the prices are always he lowest. A PHONE iat T, S. BURROUGHS SOlNtflXmNG KEHN INCANDESCENT QAS BURNER No Ohltunev, no blaoVonel Mantlos. Gives 36 onndlo nowar nor rw of lumedr Severa sum. Wn l,vft i.. 0,.i'Vi: m , " ,' ",owar )9F fot of ens con Bum and Klvins a & n.l!a nowar llcht or 3-ffi giving 70 candio jxwer at a cosTof 6-10 o( -INVBSTIQTE TH5M- ajm Gfe .1 . Chamoot sl. BUSINESS CARDS O. H.JHACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Keono, ol White Corner, Salem Or. Parties desir ing superior oinar.itions nt modernto fee in any branch aro in especial request. 'ALBERT A. JESSUP. 3T33ES BbTOe0 aCSOTE8 Phonu. 1071, KOOMS 1 AtfU 3, (J HAY ULK, B. R. JONES. Attornoy-nt-Lnw Toledo, OroTon Was Clork of Circuit Court t n up-to-dato abstract ot aI county. x years midline i itylu Uncoil! 11.17m SOTTXiE J3HOS, Timers and lliiaro Piano PORTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity leave ordors at Geo. Will's Music Store. CAPITAL cm Express and Transfer " Meotsjnll tnnlt and pasroiigor traiim. liaggago to all parts of the city, prompt service. Telopliotm No. 851. DISO.UK A'HOMYKK T J, Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Kail SulliiiKS lust In. Tlio Oburlidorll' pnt- torus rrnin CMlc 88 pants 15. 0FF1CE,G1TY HALL. For water service apply at olllcc. Dills payable monthly In uclvaueo. Make nil complaints at the otllc Loans and Insurance Money to loan from 0 to 8 per cent, according to security no expense for examination. Insurance effected on hops ntd other property at lowest rates. John Moil 290 Com, st, 7-luV.f diw Wheat Bought and Stored By the Aurora Roller Mills Branch ofllco and warelioueo 181 Trado st. between High and Church streets. Buckwheat and oats bought at highest market prico. FRED P. HURST. 7-27-tf d&w The German Market Will be found all kinds of meat and the best of sauBage. Fit HE DELIVERY. Ail bills duo tbo lato firm of Wolt Jc Mieecko must bo paid, Wols; & Son 171 Commercial fit. Dr. Grace Albright Graduate of American School bf Obltopatliy. : : Every day oxcopt Sundav'. Olllce nours u to l- a. m Wellor's grocery. 1 to -I p. m. ovnr HDIE WING SANG CO. Holiday uoods. Chinese and Japantfo fancy and dry goods. Silks, ladies' underwear, fur- iiisiiing goons, mattings, orirn merits, silk handkerchiefs, cliina wnro,.otc. All at low prices. MO STATE CTRFET, SALEM. ORE. LADIBS" Furnishing: goods made to order. i Silk and satin waists to $4.00. Fancy waists, anv cnlnr $3.50 flannel home made, $1.50 to $2.25. Lacues' underwear at low prices. Call and examine stock. Chiing Lee Co 820 Commercial Pi. bes, and the I OS STATE ST NEW! aVl nf V,T tZ ' "L,r,n"!? 0fl? .'".N Jour a cont per hour. ' "" 8, Light Qq, em te Co., i CANADIAN' ? PACIFIC And Soo Line, Kirst-clnBS and Tourist SLEEPERS' DAILY PasHengura booked to and from ALL PblNTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office, For full pailictilara apply to 13. .1. COYLli, ' 11.11. AUIJOIT, A.O. P. A., 11(1 Third St. Vancouver, It. (1. Portland. WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For a tickot ICa t, you naturally and very projnirly want to go ovor tho route lliatnvlll give you tho vury bestnecomo datlons at tlio lowest possible rate. Hence, yon should ask your tickot agent to make your tickot read via tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND Our popular personally conducted tourist excursions in modern Pullman -tourist sleeping qars leavo Salem every iiionuay evening ami Timrsuay ovening via Sacramento and every Tuesday oven ing nnd .Saturday morning via Portland and run through to Chicago without change via tlio world's most scenic Lino connecting at Chicago witli all morning trains East, also with tho Rock Island personally conducted tourist car for lioston. Those tourist sleeping cars uro broad vostibuled, lighted with Plntcli Gas and provided witli all weekly illus trated periodicals and magazines for tho free use ot our patrons nnd nro accom panied through to destination by a rep resentative of tlio Great Rock Island Route. Wo also havo a daily first-class elceping car service to Chicago via tho Scenic Line, and the best (lining car service in tlio world. For full information, maps etc., call on or writo to, A. K. Cooi-ek, Gon. Agt or W. W. Sk-INNKIt, Agent S. P. Co. Salem Or. Portland Oregon, G. M. Powkiih Agent OBAN Co Salem Or. NEW STORE. f G. E. Montgomery, has opened up a new confectionary and cigar toro at No. 289 Commercial street who'ro ho will carry a completo stock of candies and smoking goods. 10 15 WASHING MADE EASY The Dewey Washing Machine This iniicliino is it now ono madu on scientific principles. It is guurun teed to kivo absolutn satisfaction. Aftor a thorough trial no family would dispeiiRo with ono. Witli tho uo of tlio Dewey, tho horrors of wash day will disappear. This ma chine will Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean No hard work about it. Easy to op erute. Tlio mniiuiuctiirerB will back up every claim mado for tlio inn chine. The Dewey Washer lias won two first premiums at Stato Fairs; at Lincoln, Nob., 18!K), nnd at falein, Ore., 11100. Hold at Balem by R. M. Wndo & Co. .Correspond with or call on Ambler Young Manufacturers and Salesmen, ilt. Angol, Oregon. Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of tlio Salem Soap V orkn has theco operntion of the dealers Consumers who dosiro a ilrst-class soap will Encourage Home Industry Hy ordurinjT, Salom-mado Foap S, C, STONE. M. D I'ronrlotoror Stone's Druse Stop BALlJir, OltKOON. Tne itorei (two la number) aro located a ?,',? ;? m Co"'e"" atrcct. and ar ollitoake4wltliacoinpleto Une.Bl drug an medlelnji, toilet Hrtlolea. irluinory. brmhei tc., eta, eta DR. BTONK HaahadiOTrtoiWyeaM oxparlence lu the prao- v'""im now makes no chargo fo )Bllatlnri. OTmlnatlnn orprwcriptlon. aAlBM STEAM CLEANING AND Ladies' and Gents' clothes gleaned and dyed without rip ping.. Gent's alothes pressed by tho month, also portion cleanoil and dy, Hats aud Kid gloves cleaned. Gents' ulothes rollned, rebound, re paired, buttons op. All work "eat, cheap and prpmRtly ......, , , ; ; - . . . ffllS. t II, WALKER, Proprietor 105 Commercial St. 'T i I, I &3?&?.!&"&aJL ft Doll m ih TB jfmppj Depart ior 'n J'ortUnl8 cortUod, llft fHilcasp Special -If k- .!HnTcr"irtf.L V:10 a.m Bpo." kann i"?!,.,""s . Wt,"Hr' 1'icaKoanaEi, B?i -luuiuurn unil ..! w Walla Walla, hw.. wTT ntet rV" B.-OOpm IHiis, Hi, l'nl iiniL'.fnMs oatAcaSSi0 VU HUNT1N0TON " fcv 'n l Allan .( tla Kz. P, m ItJ 8 pm. WSssr nnu OTUry flvo Uy,, IH 8 1). in, ox. Bun 10 v, iu. ,:0,!;A.''vki, to Astoria i,i.,r:':.'. . i ""J LnaiDfaj lljg. WII.LAMKTTK mutf,. , lato tifiiein Uay.lldHatn1rdT;i',.M',a2. fcr ? rid!, .''" ". ITtlanrt m .bn.. !H trcct rarlliioatOnWiiriiVir.i "'"'en u lolayct) Ihoro. T Ickcli n IVi ! ISmin v. WaifilURtoii. fMirornU Z ilfffl.'" gIH checked through rrorn HaieVi tScZ mil nr r rnr ,,.ni .'" ,V 'e." N, ChniK waita ai l-ortlami Hu,, ,iid,fBi, ln,l'aWAgt 14 .... .. L AKmit1Tra.loHtrMtdIViff.l!?S' City ticket an.) ftvlnhi omwbum; POSSIBLY You nro not nwaro of tho fast tiin. lf , Biiperb service now affordeil by Uie 02 T- ' r5rr7ivv 2v t E "AVE A "Daily Fast Trains, 9 TO THE EAST. U If you cannot tako tho morning bin "Our Specialties" FnBt Timo. Throueh Sorvlr pnii.. P 'alaco Bloopers, Pullman Tourist Sleen. era Ji " """! i.iorary iuarir ii.ii.rt. r:. t m . .'"i and 1-roo Reclining Chair cars Hours In timo Baved to ' i.ni Chic ago, Kansas City, Bt ..iB, New York Boflton, and oth - eastern tioints. Tickets good to Halt Lake City anil Denver. It is toyour interest to ueo Tub 0m. land Limitkd. Tickets and elrtpior car berths can bo secured from W. W. Skimib, n n n Agent 8.1'. Co. Or Guy Powers, Ag't. 0- It. k N. r , .. BalemOre. J. II. Ixminor. Gen'l Agent, No. 135 Third Bt. PortlanaOr. SOUTH AND EASV VIA Southern Pacific Cc, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leavo Salem for Portland and wr stations at 5 :10 a m. , 7:54 a. m. and 4:05 p. m. I.v Porilmd. Lv Halera , s3o a W JJOrM lOiJPM nSAYU 115 A K 1:15 AM "iTSTTB t.MAM 73) AH 8:30 AM JUUAM MOPM CJOAM 10 JO AM JiiAM 833 I'M I:U1K 12.UPM .11:00 A M .12:30 A M Ar AllihUKl. Ar Hacramento. ArBan FrancUoo. ArOeclou.. Ar lienvcr Ar Kanta, t1ty Ar Cli IcajfO.. . 610 V M - Til LL "8:45 A it , 9.00 A M 736 A M . 7:15 A M Ar Ijo AugoiM 120 ! M Ar ni iatq. ....... Ar Fort WortU Ar City of Mexico. Ar Houston .. Ar New Orlcaiu. Ar Waahlnetou Ar Now York , 6.00 P M . CH0 A at J.MA It . 3.35 A M , W 1' M . CAi A M W;43 V M Pullman and Tourists cars on botK trains. Oliair cars Bacraniouto to OitJeii nnd El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago; Bt. Louis, Now Orleans ami WaahlugtgCv ConVecting nt San Krandlsco with eV; oral Btoamship lines for Honolulu. Japun, China, Philippines, Central and South America. . Boo "Mr. W. W. Skinner aseiit at fiiCw Station, or address O. II. MAKKIIAM.G.P. A., Portland, Oregon. Oregon Slion Line llaiin Tho Direct Houte to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points- Ulves choice of two favorite route;, vi tho UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail LK or tho WO GRANDE Scenic Liu. No Change of Cars. On tho Portlaud-OhicnKO Special, "W Quest in tlio West." Equlppod'WIthl KteKauttiUinilardilleeera. I'lno New Ordinary Tuurlal Slwpeit. Hujierb Librarv-UuiTel far. Bpieualp Ulunen, ileal a la carle. f Kruo Hecllnlng Chair l'r. i j.nf.l.l.lj. tfVu.tli.. afiil HmOEen. r Kutlro Train Completelr VetlihuliKl Rnr fitrtriiir Infnrmatlcn apPI further J. It, NAGEL, Trav. Pass. Act. w. vw -.----- .- - HIIV l'OWB Agent O.K. &N. 112 Third St. Portland Or. tjaltm CorvaHis k Eastern Railroad TOI1S CARD. No. 2 For Yaqulna; Train leaves Albany 15 p. ni Train leaves Uorvallls.... lP-"' Train arrives Yaqulna . 0:15 p- w No. J Returning a ,. . m Leaves Yaqulna ,?'i2!'m Leaves Oorvallls ." Arrives Albany: ttllFW- No. 3 For Detreit: , Leaves Albany .ISfta Arrives Detroit :WT No. 4 Rnr.nrnlno- A Leaves Detroit 'r'IrSHa! Arrlvru Alhtinv OiWPvK One and two connect at AIMnj Corvallls with Southern faclflcti""; iylng direct service tiand from x" port and adjacent bescbes. . ',B,ti Trains for the mountains "JyJ: Detroit at noon, kIvIdk WVil to reach camplntr nrounda i on J"J Rreltenbush and Santlam rivets same day. KUW1N jW H L WALDHN, . T. V. A P. A J. TUBNEU, Ag ut Albany CURE V0UJ?g Vi i lit! iiu.!k:ssm . I lv 4 4J. .. .uutu,. " " -.i nut mr ,W-..ok aew""T ln7.uM.Mi. r?-JZZu llHjCHtUWlto Sr.rbV irOJf wm ii '" ' "W Talophone, 803 i-y nfrvifur? I ai. r ."iTrW fliiiular ut ' MVANJBJM Minrankee.AVIa: I "