3s your Hair worth Ono Dollar? If so,- buy uTwltW of Nowbro'a Itcrpl fcld niul Btop that danilruff that Is slowly Hut surety rendering you bald. NEWBItO'S HEltPIOIDE li tlio only preparation on tlio mnrkct that really will stop It. for It U tlio only ono that klllt tliomlcrobo at work on tho lmlr root, thus dcatroylng tlio rauso and consequently removing tlio effect. One trial will convince you the sumo as It has this "doubting Thomas "; . ham FRAMCISOi Wlifltl I hnimhtlhftt bah Francisco, Cal., nm, 1. "09. B I bouahUhattwttloof Henilclde fcwinontiudtp.lllKl the mnjorlt icwinomua dtp, imo ine mnjorMrottncli rrypiwntloni.T thonslit it wonlil prove n, fake,bat Iain happy foitaUtUiatltaoeanll, nnrl AVAtl hinM tl.an will alllx .... 1. . nna ycn more, Uihiitou claim font. Mi Atr.lUKlUT.tlMDeTlaadorubt, Itrippcttully. S Devlaadcru For Sale at all FlrshClaJi Drug Stores THANKSGIVING specia'l sale Will mako special inducement on Dinner or Ten aotB until ThnukBgivlug dov. Throe patterns In ltnvllnnd Ghlnn, two patterns In Uermnn China, nnd throe patterns in Homl Tor, arrived mid on display. Coniti niul mil) nil tlio pallurufi wo car ry nnd take dvuntugo of tliu special salo. Wo can show n Dinner Set of 67 pieces oi white Soml I'or, for 4.70 up to n 14-1 piece iihnupaintoii uuviiuiiti set, fsu mi. Largo plattord Included in tho special Bale. Yokohama Tea Store 1'IIONK Sill. fllHi: DKLlVKItY. tST Do not forgot tlm coffees, always fresh rousted ami Contains IB Aroiiin. O. CT'Cp's pOMONA- ajltonA l.KAVI'H I'd It I'Oltri.ANO Dally oxcent Hutulay At 7 n. m QUICK TIMK AND (!IIKAI HATKH. Dock ImiIwi :.n Hinta nnd (!onrt HU. At. I BALDWIN. Aknt. IP ISRSONAL NEWS AND COMMENT John Ilolmnn camodown from Albany to glvo thanks. Mra. W. J. Irwin h.ti rotiirned from a Uvlftt In Portland. ' Jeaao Baker, of Lafaytil'to, Is visiting friends in this city. Rev John I'araoiiH has returned from - an extended trip East. Miss Mario Vandersol, of Hillshoro, Ih visiting friends hero. It M. Gllliert spent Thauksglving with (rlciuls.li) AJIrarry. " - .". .Mrs. Artl)u'rWmfinV ho returned from a virtt In Oregon City. t-S L. U. Cleor went to Hood Rivur on business yesterday afternoon.' Mrs". 11. U. lliillsriid-rcturnud- yester day from it visit at lloiso, Idaho. lenry W.,Moy6ri haH been up at Hh'eddshnnting Chfim lijieaeantfl. j , Mtia' Stella feliMjrman JomHu from rqrtlarid'itospei'idiaiillvIngjtUhoine. MissMvrtlo Marsh went to Portland yestorday morning, Jpr ;i few .nays r vhit. . , L;h ' Miss Mary Aitken canto down from Drain to spend TJionkivrng ,wiUi I'or pareutR Just'ro and Mr. O. Mlstj Edna j'ricjrrutU: El'Wolvertou' and hnw(riir)J?ortlu,ud lust evening. , , Mrs. M. II, narhhait'of tho Asylum force went to Portland yesterday morn ing for a few days visit. Miss Maude MJrs ond Miss Klla Woleh aro In Portland where thoy spent Thanksgiving with friends in that dlty. F.T. Wnghtmun has gono io Bun Diogn, where ha will j-iln Mru Wright. m:n and they will return about Chr.ist muH, J. a- t!9Ptl- nf AllMIM'- " lJ? n-witii fnnimrltf 511m Alioo Temple of this city, aro vlSitlng Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. lUdiop t ' ) Fran!; hinhh. h n'-jr (irtiUtarof Mrs. 'F. Kirkuhd Mif. 'MM iVulnilton, who waH h itc on u vUi, V'.n r a"1" J'0fc ti-riliy ovciiiiu Mrs. J. (J. mktr, thii wai(i Portland tot u (ortingut. ntt'-n Uftt,' ,aK Brn" cli.M, it?turnt. lwuw .)H evening, child iaVonvulWont, Tha Win. Uriglit is hnmofrmu Sttoramento, whi r- I e l'H J"hltlu i the S P. machi.ie'hop,tnislt hU hunily who reside iit Vpyj flJleuif f, FfRiiHM. Jidinsqaomd wife of Moww, rdtho, whipuvVhwin vUtthig Ijis hrothera limi. luVABV"" l Jcffron to spend r week at the ' homo of 8. T. Johnson. Sir. and Mrs. lf."H. Arihulr of Ilel o( Helena, on a vjffi i, Mr. and Mmitaim who OrO hurt) ' On with her father and mother Mrs. Fred Loakloy Sr. ruturnwl horn tliUmqrilnz.ri,,,! rHl erfAuu:iM8tartelor hwne yswierOdyi ...i i.i- i-i,i,'-,'M. Klav with him ....- iw... - juaateiJiatttmi&i&rrrnm,mKm, SALEM'S GREATEST SOCIAL EVENT That Was the Charity Ball, Costumes and All. Gentlemem Not Mentioned But of Course Salem Men Al ways Look Well. The charity ball under tho auspices of Do Mdlay cornmtuidery No. 5 Knights Templar, for tlio benefit of Salem Hospital, Wednesday evening nt tho Willamette Hotel was attended by rbout ono hundred and fifty of Salem's best peoplo who thoroughly enjoyed tho hap py occasion. The decorations under tho oblo management of Mr. Connor, pro prloterof the hotel, wero,very elaborate. Flags wore draped eo as to completely cover tho wallfl. In tho center of the floor n beautiful fountain was playing water on throe terraced stands of flowers. Hanging baskets of ferns, (minis and begonias wero prominent, nnd with nanueomo paims, n verv tropical ecciio was preronled lo these fair Northerners. Qesner's delightful orchestra of six pieces played several cholco numbers heforo tho grand march nt nino o'clock. Judge ISurnett escorted Miss McNary and her staff of nurses to a pretty little recess where refreshing punch was served. This grand march was led by Jmluo nud Mrs. Geo. II. Burnett followed by Mr. A. li. Gillls nnd wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I Chorrlngton, F. A. Moord and wife, Dr. J. A. Richardson and Miss Richardson, W. T, and MrB. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Bean, W.T. Gray and Miss Alarlan Gray, Geo. B. uray nnd wife, F. B, Perrine and MIbs ICatlo Perrlno, Mr. and Mrs. S. Friedman, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. B. Thlolson, Mr, nnd Mrs. F. A. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Patton, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Jcssiip, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, Mrs. and Mr, K. M. La tere, Dr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Albort, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brown, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Hi Sroat, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Krausso, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Gilbert, Mr. and Mr. M. 0. Huron, Mr, and Airs. Clarenco Hamilton, Mm and Mrs. A. T. Gllbeit, Dr. W. B Morse and wife, Mr. Harry Albert and Miss Carrie Hurst, Mr. Clias. MoNory and Miss Jessie Broyman, Mr. Roy Bishop and Miss Helen Calbreath, Mr. 0. D Jessupa.nd Miss Maude Mc Kay, Dr, Wilson McNary and Miss Agnes Gilbert. Mr. W. II. Chattel) and Mies Esther Collins, Mr. Geo. II. Graves nnd Miss Ethel Knight, Mr. Allen and Miss Myrtio Marsh and others. Some of tho prettioht gowns noticed wero worn by thoso who wero not in tlio march. Tho most striking waj worn by Miss Katherino Gilbert who is at all times very stunning and handsome but on this occasion was particularly attractive in an exquisite creation of dark violet foulard made with long train of accordion pleating trimmed with wido rich black lace. With a becoming hat to match she wss unquoetlomibly the hollo of tho ball room. Mrs. It. B. Sinnott of Tho Dalles Is another of Salom'B most beautiful belles nnd In gracing this occasion with her presence carried with her all that-magnetic personality sho is known to possess. .Sho was very much admired In an elegant gray silk eropo trimmed with deop ecru nil over lace sleeves and yoke. The skirt had a long graceful train of accord iau pleating An imported black toque completed this pretty costume. Mra. A. A. Jowup la another of Ha- i lem'ii new eoolal favorites and waa a pretty picture in yellow organdie, just touched up with a dash of black. Mrs. It. D. Gilbert 1b always n pretty ball room figure and lliis uvonlng was no ex ception to tho rule 8ho wore black decollette with it touuh of pink. Mrs. W.'T. Williamson was very jnuuh ad mired in a awiet ami becoming white costuuio. Miss Maud McKay looked pictureequo in white organdie over Bin Silottu pink tuffeta, and carried a big bunch of pink carnations. Mrs. Theo. Geer-Downing was olmrmlng in pink trimmed in black. Mrs. P. II. Sroat looked very sweet and lcomlni!ly dressed in n pretty all black oosume. Mra. II. K. Lonaborry of Portland was specially noticed in a I whito organdie, trimmed with pipings of ,. I..... -ll.l.i. 1 ra . very narrow scanoi vuivu nm.i. . G. II. Burnett wore n magulflcent iin ported robe of black net and taffeta. Mra. Lown.adalQ.was handsomely gowned irra rTcTfmack silk of a vory stylish cut, MisrfLuna Uroymun lojkod vry lino in black not over bluo satin. Miss Jossio Brevmau had a pretty dress of black Qvr red, Others noticed who were not nartiolnatinir In the ifanco were: Mr. and Mrs. II, P. McNary, Misa Salllo Busli, Miss Kato Bellinger of Portland, Mr.' ond Mrs, Connerond Miss Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Squire Farrar, 5Iiss Kiln E. Hirech. Mrs. II. Pap, Mr. and Mrs Wm. G.Westacott and many others. Mesdatnes Patton Entertain. Wednesday afternoon Mrs II. D. Pat .... i m-j i.' n Pnttnii L'live the Miir uu ...io. ... w. -- o second of their sertoa of parties, n.l . ,. i, . ?.... ll.lr.1 fill TlbVi I liav inviiaiione ouv w " -, Tuesday nltarnoon. The guens were highly entertained wltli a spirited game ol Progressive Hearts. Mrs. W. A. Cueiflk carried off drat honors, for which she received a bust of Demosthenes The seoond priw went to Mrs. IlollUter, a pretty calender. There were guaswh-g games for those whodlduot play cards, and in thaw Mrs, J', h. Carter received first honors. Very fijue refreshments were sarved. Those invited were: Mis, O. G. Lons .!!: 'Mrs. Rhoda Kds. Mrs. John UjiKhM, Mrs. K. E. Watwa, Mrs. S. K. Jaesun, Mrs, It. P. Boim. Mrs. CrHnter, frs.B.'GIllU)Bhaiu. Mm John HoImaH, Mi. W. A (Htk. Mr. .Mary rayum , . illllt,r.l tl;m yawrtfrrttf in imiii ii7)M.ii,rmifilTffriut. Mia. Chns. Calvert, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Friszcll, Mra. McFadden, MrB. White. Dr. "nail's Couth Syrup will cure throat and hi jg trouble without fail. For grippe, lnllueriza and n deep-ecated cough or' uuiu, u is mo oest remedy oitoreu to the public. Tho doses are small and u bottlo costs only 25 cents. Wants Nation To Take Canal Washinotok, Nov. 29. Chicago has ofllciilly ton jorod Its dralnago canal to the United States government. Tho sanitary district trustees havo memo rialized tho chief engineer of tho gov ernment, through tho deep-water way commission, and that olllclal will trans mit tlio offer to Congress next week. Tho terms of tho offor declare tho chan nel n navlgablo stream when tho flow of water therein reaches 800,000 cubic foet per minute; and whenever the gonoral government Miall Improvo tho Des Plaines nnd Illinois rivers for navigation, to connect with tlio channel of the drainage canal, it shall havo full control over tho same for navigation purposes. It is olllcially declared that there is now a depth of water in tlio channel deeper tnan tho draft of any lako vessel anJ wido enough to float three abreast When the water reaches tho Illinois Imlsn It spreads and becomes useless for navigable purKscB. Tho canal has cost Chicago $14,290 241, and Involved tho removal of 1:1,000,000 cubic yards of earth, glacial drlftand rock. Scrofula the Cause. Eczema, catarrh, hip dlseaso, whito swelling, nnd oven consumption have tneir origin in Bcroiuious conditions. With tho sliehtest taint of scrofula in tho blood, there is no snfety. Tho lomedy for this dlseaso in all its forms is Hood's Sarsapnrllla, which goes to tho root of. tho trouble and oxpels nil im jmritlea and dlseaso germs from tho blood. Tho best family cathartic is Hood's Pills. (I t3lz Inautural Dall. Wasiiinoto.v, Nov. 29. A movement has been started, among the citizens of the capital city to build, a special hall for tho second McKinley inauguration ball. The pension ofllco which Iihh heretofore been used, has bjoii. declared inadequate, ns the crowd Is expected to be much larger lhan the great corridor of the building, great ns it is, can accom modate. If a special hall is built, it is probablo that the immenso floor space of tho Census Building will be utilized, Tho expenditure for decorniton nnd re fitting will reach thousands of dollars. Tho Census Building haa two groat one story wings, nnd an arched roof of glass. By removing temporary partitions, theto two great rooms, without columns or ob structions, mako a hall tho size of a largo city block. It is estimated that tho flloor will accommodate 3,000 couples while largo corridors would he available (or promenading. The llomllcst Man la Salem As well us tlio hitudisouiest, unci others are invited to call on uuy druggist and get Irco u trial buttle of Keiup'tt Hulsum tor the Throat and Lungs, u remedy that is guuruulcud to euro utid bollavo ull Chronic and Aoulo Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 2Ao. nnd 60c. cud&w Cost of the Uocr War. London, Nov. 150. Parliament, which astembles on Dec. !!d, must vote XoO, 000,000 to continue the South African war until Jan. 1st, and then X20,000,000 more to end tho war. This makes the cost of conquering oacli Boor 2,000. In proportion to the number of tho enemy tho Boer Mar has been tho most expen sive in history. Q)l Tin) take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning 1 feel bright and my com plexion is Imtter. My doctor saya it acts gently on tho stomach, liver and kidneys, and is u pleasaut laxative, it is mado of herbs, und la prepared as easily as tea. It is called line's Modi cine. All drugglBts sell it nt 26c. and 60 cts. Lane's Family Medleino moves tho bowels each hy. H you cannot got it, send for freo sample. Address, Orator F. Woodwurd, l.oKoy, N. Y. Mew Platform. Tho friends of IMlio church, South Salem, celebrated Thanksgiving by building a now platform and stops In front of thu church. This was a much needed improvement and will lw greatly appreciated by the members of tho church BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the scat of an almost end less variety of diseases. Thev are known by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons tri the blood that irritate and interfere witu the proper actiou of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations ol arsenic and potash and the large numbet of face powders and lotions generally used In this class of diseases cover up for a short time, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vigUanoo la ma pnuu of a beautiful oomploxlon when such remedies ore relied on. Mr if T fihat. ije4 Lucm Avenue, 6t Itut Mo Mvil'Ty diukhur .fild r year. wnbV&SgurbK eroptlon on her 'Vwb Unit iVdJUappcar. A doien le eurdh erJeUlTaWleft her .kidj perfectly "Jh eopltly " ""' akd nit . itu el ,X7r.IdUe.U-hY.-;.rrux0ed. S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure foi the worst forms of skin troubles. It U the greatest of all blood purifiers, and th only one g".T"' Ainn.: Baa wooa maitw -" -,-",. Bad Wood makes punne. " -, raies tut u"? j tnaVes new, rich blood that nourishes the hoiv and keeps tbt Ala active and . Suon to perform iU part towaxdr carrying off thetmpunues ,iui.. -g- "IPloa bv Bcxema. Tetter, Acne. Ball RheuC&r-"". or j-our .Ida is rougl " , i . fnr our book oa lllooc SVs&tteM awl wnte o Pby t?!wo. No charge wfiat "YFT jfemCC&PAKT. ATUT. C. Osm AA13Y FOODS : ' ' 1 t ' it ,i clear thht 'doctors land mothers think more of special foods than they used to. The reasons are: (i) both mothers Janet babies' live less naturally than 'they used to; (5) 'mbthcr's milk 'is not so plenty, and noLsogood, as it used to be ; (3) Scott's emul- I'jw.'ft.r.t M-; . " -sioivof -cod-liver-oil is mother food as well as babyr food feed enables the mother to her baby naturally. We'll rml yuu a Utile to tiy If you like. SCOTT K lirjWNK, 409 ,1'earl street, New York. THE DISMISSAL 0F A CONSUL Causes Some Correspondence Willi a Tinge of Humor. IE. II. Flnirtr of Salem recently sent following letter to r rortmnu patcr,oi Nov. 21, and addimr a letter to himself from lils brother, tho Biiporceded vlco conenl. Both kro in n peculiar vein and rich in suggesting thought.) Salem, Or., Nov. 21. (To tho Editor.) Referring to your recent editorial paragraph, thu cause ot Dr. Ebon Flagg'a removal from his ofllco as Vice-Consul nt Asuncion, Paraguay, waa much more serious than more treason. Ho was accused of calling a colored gentleman n "nigger." Truo ho denies tho chargo, hut tho denial appears to havo had no weight as opposed to tho statoment of the aforesaid colored gontloman nnd his friends, who probnbly wero present at tho last Republican National Conven tion. You will seo by tho letter I oncloso that it any chargo of Bympathy with Spain as against tho United States had been mado, my brother was unaware of It, nnd I think you will bo quick to recognize Unit a in on who so clearly tecs tho path of National honor in financial matters la not likely to bo n traitor to his country. Ebon cornea of good American Revolutionary stock, and I think a brother may bo pardoned for Baying that ho has done It no discredit. E. II. Flacki. Asuncion, March 13. Dear Brother: Have just received a letter from Geer glue, telling mo yon had been elected to tho Oregon Legislature on tho Republic an ticket. That you should have boon elected I can quite uuderztnud, hut on the Republican ticket is something I did not expect. Well, I wish you Joy. Pro bahly you thought, with mo, that It was bettor to Bee tho dofcat o( our party than to have It succeed by a scheme ol repudi ation, nnd'that a consistent protectionist who had thu courago of his delusions waa proferablo to a man who denounced protectionism on the ono hand, while on tlio other ho proposed a kind ot proteo- t'lfinlsm far more dishonest than that which the Democratic party, by the help of thu people, had twice defeated. Now.after curving seven yearn as Vice- Consul, 1 am w no longer, 'ifio coioreu gentleman whom Mr.McKlnley a iolnt ed to represent the peoplo ol tlio United Ktntliu HU UdllHIll 1(1 AHUUCIUII OIll-UTOIimi in getting mo superseded sold that I had referred to him as a "nigger." Ho was misinformed. I never have referred to him bm a "nigger." Kukn Dr. null's Couch Syrup is the safest aad surest cure for those dangerous affeotions of tho littlo ones croup, wfiooplng cougli ami measles' cough, Physicians preterit) it, ciniurcn "KU ,l """ ""'" aro small. Price 25c PetlenlehYour Wine Stock Per $6.00. Two Pis. Champagne Cresla lilaiion. Int. Burgundy. 1 qt. 8uiterni', lqt Relsllng, lqt. Zinfamlal, 1 qt. Port, I qt. Claret, 1 qt. Rnerry, 1 ijt. Tokay, 1 qt. Mubcatel, lqt. Whlfkey, 1 qt. Brandy. Total, 12qts.atffl00. ff thin assortment does not suit, ier hapswecantnakoitto suit you. Goods delivered toall parts of thu city. 11-21 If. J.P. Rookuh. O l ' C .. K m jClm Bears tk. ? hm '" " """ it w Yh mi nun &k- Ptate Declared Why devote oil your time reading tho boer War and tho Gold Fields ol Ala-la? There an other matters o vital importance; you may make a trip East, and will want to know how U travel. In order to have tho bostser i,- iisn the Wlccotisin Central Rv hotwfwn St. Paul ami Chicago. -For rutoh kin! other information, write .la A. Clock, Geoeral Agent, Portund, Or Tho Great Rock Iland Route has iimt inaugurated a weekly pewKittuy conducted tourist oar service between the Pacific coart ami jwlnts Jtaat in ron tlon with tho Rio Grande Western and Denver & Rio Grande and Illinois Cen tral Kyo. JJy leaving Portland on any Saturday mniniim 4n the O. It. & N. oonnectloii can be maue on jnis ear av ukuoh, u by leaving Portland on any jnu'suay evcning.via the Southern Paolfle.con netkn can be maje with this car at Sacramento. Ask your tiekit agent about this car or write to A. E Okjpuk, General Agent, Portland, Orfgon. CASTOR I A Jor Infant and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bough Sears the Bign&turo of ?CJsJuA4 BUSINESS DIDN'T WANT DISTURBANCE Where Bryan Lost and Where He Gained in the Ue cent Contest. From Itovlo w of the Election In tho Great Hound Werld: Without discussing tho merits or ovils of tho issuo, there Is excellent ground for thinking tho adhorenco of Mr. Bryan to tho cnueo of "(rtio silver" was princi pally rceponslblo for tho size ot tho Re publican victory. And that is not Baying that the Domocrntio candidates would havo won it they had discarded tho sil ver jbmio. Theru was a general feeling among business men throughout tho country that tho election of tho Demo cratic candidates would bring alwutscrl oushuslnisB dlBordors. Whether such disorders would or would not havo oc cur ro. I, wo nro not called upon todecldo, but tho belief that they would occur certainly Kept tho so-called "silent volo" from supporting Mr. Brvnn, it nothing elBodld. We nro inclined to think that tlio issuo of business order was the main Issuo of thu cauipaiKii. Tho table shows that several states that wont for Bryan In 1890 changed their nlleglanco this year. Tlio popular ity of tlio polloy of "expansion" had something to do with tho reduction ot Democratic strength in tho Middle nnd Far West. In tho East tho anti-Imperialists Boomed to bo in numbers euflk dent to cauao Democratic gains. In all tho New England states except Ver mont, in nil tho Central status, nud In Maryland, MinnosoUi niul Illinois, the Republican majorities of 1890 wero re duced. Tho total volo of tho country was largor than oror before In our his tory. The duo woathor on election day drew out a groat many voters, especially in tho rural districts, who might other wise havo remained at homo. Tho votos of tho largo titles aro ot ospcclal interest. In Boston Bryan ro cotved -12,139 votes; McKlnloy, 30,177; n not gain over 1890 ot nearly 27,000 for Brynil. In Philadelphia McKinluy'a plurality was 125,110, n not gain for him of 11,071 over 1890. In Chicago McKlnloy received 180,970 votes and Bryan 172,621, a loss for McKinley ot about 68,000 since 180S. Tho voto of Now York Btato was cngor ly nwaitod. Thoru was little doubt that tho Republicans would pllo up n largo plurality "up tlio state," but Richard Crokor, tho "Boss" of Tammany,? had declared that Now York City would glvo such a heavy vote 'to Bryan that tho Republican strength in other part of tho stata would bo neutralized, Crokor proved a false prdphot. Tho Democrats did carry Now York, hut, instead of tho 80,000 promised by Crokor, the plurality ot Bryan in tho city was only 27,021, In 1890 Now York City gave McKinley a plurality ot 69,880, but Tammany at that tlmo waa only lukewarm In Its sup port of Bryan. Tho voto of Now York City by horoughB was this year ah fol lows i Manhattan and tho Bronx Mc Klnloy, 153,112; Bryan, 180,017. Brook-lyn-MoKInley, 109,159; Bryan, 100,116; Queona McKlnloy, 12,055; Bry.tn, II,- 220. Richmond McKlnloy, 0,038; Bryan, 0,733. Totals McKinley, 280, 301; Ilrynti, 308,016. How's This? Wo offer ono hundred dollars reword (or any caso of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., props. , Toledo, 0. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known I". J. Cheney for the last 16 years, nnd be lieve him perfectly honorable In nil busi ness transactions, nnd financially ahlu to curry out any obllcntlon made by their linn. West & Truax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0 Walding, Kinuan ft Marvin, wholesale druuglsts, Toledo, (). Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iut rnal I), noting directly upon the blood nud mucous surfaces of the pyvtom. Price, 76c pur (Kittle. Sold by all druggist. TestlinnnialH free. Hull's I'liinily Pills urn tint bust Mammoth Urldte Plant. BPlTTrtiiomi, Pa., Nov. 33. The Ameri can Bridge Company Is making exluus slvo arrangements for the erection of thu largest ami most complete bridge building and structural plant hi tlo world. Thu erection will oust f I 1X10.000 And the plant will oinplov 2,000 men, Tho mammoth wrks will cover a tract of forty iicnw. with a rier froii'ag" f hall a mile, Br. iCOUQH SYRUPl euros Tfackbg Coughs, Boro LungH, Bronchitis, (irlnno. Pneumonia mid all Hovcro IunfrnfToet!onn. wiiy men nan consump tion, a slow, sro death 1 Tnko warning I Act nfc once-1 J'uy a bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough 5yrup, a t'ot-tor'a prwiTrji'ori, i.v-UovurGOyeoi.i. J.ico, only a6 cents. Iiim t n hiving- It Don't U !.-.-poscl upon, llftfatw t;' tlealer'H snlMtltutot It id not aa nood aa Dr. Jlt'I" . Salvation Oil cures RhKiwilt 'nt Afilim J1 l'ln, IS&JfaU. inMcn56aQrafOi w Bids lor Fire Hose Notice is heteby given thai sr aled bid will he received at the "fllce "I tliu uu dersigned, up to 6 o'cWiek p. in of Tues day, Decemiwr UU, ISO), (or funikbiuK tha City of 8a,lem. Orogon, with Wx Ilundreil (3O0) frfetoi first claw rubier, fire hose and ooupMsir. All mk mu be accompanied by a trtiflil hJc the sum of t J) per sent o( bid otlBre and tho Common Counell rowrvn th right to rejectany arul all biUMibuiltt, in this behalf. Done ,y oriier vl t! Comuton Council, thin Sfth, day al Jurr ember, 1000. N. J. Jooiii, 11.21-td City Rucflfder. BullrS mi for occepUblo dAav State ff paicaieo. THE PATENT REC0P.r siSssBp Mxzmfssnnssxamm Tho KIiul Yoti Hnvo Always hi uho for over 0 years, nnd rjLKr7llj77x7J notim r rr. , All Countorfoils, Iinitntlons nnd" Just-as-frood" nro Inib ISxpurluioutH tltnt trlflo iVlth and endnnpror tlio hciUlt o2 JniUnts nnd Children Experience ngriliist Kxporlmcnt. What is CASTORIA Cnstorht Is a harmless mihstUuto for Castor Oil, Pnro gorlc, Di-opH nnd Soothiitfjr Hyrnps. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Oplnni, Morphlno nor other Knrcotlo HiihHtiinco. Its npro Is Its fninrnutco. It destroy "Wornirt nnd nllays Voverishness. It cures DInrrhoou and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation -nnd Flatulency. Jt nsshnllatos tho Food, regulates tho StomiK-h and llowels, riving- healthy and natural sloop, Tlio Children') Pnuncca Tho mother's Friend GENUONE. CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho (a&ficUc&M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For4 Over 30 Years. THC CINTAUR eoMMNT, TT MUBP, TMCT. NCW VOKK CITY. frEJEZEKMB 'AUD POTS AND PANS And nn endless varloty of ollconcolvnblo housekeeping utunslls niul implements, thu woman with a genius for houtckoep ing simply revels nt Wndd'a hatdwaro sto-o. Tho inventors and manufacturers of labor-saving devlcos for thu homo net a fast pace; hut we are fully abreast ot tho limes, oh you will ai-cortal If you glvo ub a vleit. M WADE & CO. SALEM OREGON Open Sanitary Phi muing otimlod onsclonlill"! prlnclphm, has ron errex; on hiimaiiilv iiim of lift greatest bluwiluga. It Is tho Hafcvminl of hmtlth by banishing wtwer una from your dwell ing, nwtilling from had sewerage imper fect tlralmigit Our wnk In llils hue Ik above coiiiHitl Inn. Wo fit tip Jour tinmii with p umblntr In nnv lino, ns well as stiHiii an I gas fitting and hot witter. Our prutes give einliii nt witlrftictlon. BAHR&PETZEL 214 COMMKRCIAL HTRKET. Trlephone 2371. When Thanksgiving Comes Among idlier things for which io be thankful, don't fort the Kalum Mleam laundry, uhieh keeM your llnwi eUtan ami MHkcajiMi pretHUiUhU nitg your fellow hipii. HtAM lilMKI at a Thank aiving dmitair is ahaululaly iuMcuaabJ when you eaii hae it thorHHMr eltwiud oeliMiplyat k Salem StRam Laundry dowwm it. uurrtuit, Huu. i'lMUie 411, w Liberty ilrm t . - THE SINCLAIR HAlfl A Ham , J .DrfW)HtJ!il baLkMaL UtUtt ar frv. PHk rffrWgiw' tjrbUi te only 'Hawitt k OIO HQaOKKtaK Botiglit, mid ivLlch Lns boca ltns borno tho BlRimtiiro of ltns been mado under IiIh tier- stipcrviflinu sinco lis itimncy it . i Siguaturo of AGood Breakfast For tho dainty appotlto or for tho heart cater can bo mado from our tumiitln lamb chops or mutton chops, beefsteak or pork chops, Our mcnU nro Of ox" (iiilslto flavor, succulent, juicy tiul ten tier, mid ore cut and trimmed by ex perts for your table. If yott haven't snmplutl our cholco meats, you havo missed a treat worth remumhoring, E G CROSS SALEM OR. Phone 3U. OT5 'feul'tMH.Hl LIQUORS FOR TIIANKSQIVINQ should Ihi of tho very mt, or elso you Ixillttle yourMtlt nud mako small ot your uuttsbi. When In search nt the very Intel whiskltM. brandiss, wIuim niul all the rest 'ion t wmi our door. You cannot , thu ohtmpeat hern, hut you're sure ol ottlu t thu best. We want your custom I .ii ore a discriminating buyer, for . en wuknow wu ean satisfy you. t P, Rogers 91841 Commttrolu! Htrwt gjtP Whtiluifllo mid Retail. Yot Can Eat B mw& 6 $ wVwJJjraW J& SSjSSSpjE "2 Tha mt teow In Salcu sar m. Jtif t right to tadwilaiul bwitflavflrad arOole on tit markl. slartt tlwt keops lite (we Qrum Ham. . LaVirericQ " - W -.W flKOJHK iaaarrsraf'p7itilftTii;.vli.iiiiiiTi .. imi WANTED . now today advertisements rour linos or. less In this column Inserted three- times for 20c Goo a week ttiroo times for aoo., ooo nww 31. oo por month. All over! four linen at sntrio rate A RARE CHANCE eft ffij street, four tlocks south of the court house will tie sold at half Its value. Good home, finest view In the city, fruit frees, elc Aptly at Journal office. . ii i FRENCH LESSONS.-Glvon.at homo or to class in any part of a-ity. JJorrt and educated in Franco. Lydla Rich, D, Street, Salem. ' ' 11 27 t( FOIt 8ALE-A thoroughbred English polntor, young dog. Also n second hand double bariokd shot sun, good as pew. , Will sell vory cheap. In qulro at corner of 18th nnd TrndCvSts. LAItSBN THE PALMIST AHsky Bldg. Cor. 3rd & Morrison Sts. Portland, will rend when all leading events, in Ufa tnko plnco far gain nnd loss. His work. Readings 60 cots. "Prac tical Hand Reading" fJr sals by all dealers. Prlco 70. 11 12 23tt Robinson Thormnl bath cabinet, tho .mi t known hcnlth protector ntit; f: Vrr eiiiriiniVs.rAsoii ntid restorer, woodnnd Mrs. T. U. Fntrbank, 38: routstteot, Halotn,,i)r4, Phono, IMnh PABTUKAGK-Fbr gOdd wlhterTTasturo Inquire of R. Crnyton, ono block west ot north Bulom school. 10 2! tf SALEM LODGES, POHKOTBHSIOlr AMUttlOA Court Bhorwood Forcct No IS. Meets Friday uixiiw in turner uiucz. jonu fll. i.iiilw, u.'ji. A u, 1 i Drown Hooy. )U17.)Tr SALEM HOP BUYERS, Squire Farrar No 55 Btato St. Tliono No. 163). i Wm Brown Coi lluh Miillillnc, Oommeratal flu (ground Boor), omca tclepbouo No. 180. J Lilicnthal Bros It. J. Otteuholmcr, Manacor. Onloo over Udil A lluth llaub. 'I'liotio No. l, Catlin Linn Ofllco oror Wollor'a grocorr itnro. No. ail. Tliono , Carmichael i OffleA over Johrmon'a ClolhliiK ttoro, Umti-Jlrojuian bltlg. ln -sr Ta Ai Livesley ,.o Commercial t- Hoonnit ntalr aotith of taild A Ittuh bank bank; foom""lrnpBi Ira. 'I'Jiotio tun. Old Post ! OfficeStables, Aro largo mu havo rellahlo attend ants, your team boarded by thu week or day. Good teams for hlro. Prices rea sonable. Your patronage eolioited. H. M. Brown 1)2 Ferrv Btreot. American Laundry Owneil nnd operatod by Americans Work firstclass. Ulvo It your patron age. Main ofllco and laundry nt 10 Church stroot. Telephone Main S8A4 Branch olllcea, Wlffrut Cigar Rtoro FalrUrouud Htoro, Yew Park Grocery Allen A Boversox, KtatuKtreet. DEAFNESS GUREP or no cay. C. II. IIOWAM, Milwaukee .Wis ROCKY (MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT DayllthtStowYcrat Mtacara Palls. 1 Through first class toualstsleeiwrlrom Paclflu Coast weekly for Chicago. Boston, Now York, and other eastern" paints, via Rio Qratitlo Western, (Croat Halt Lake Koutij) Dunver & Rio Urande, UJt I A P and Illinois Central to Chicags.onncct lug in tho Unloi1 Doo,t with Michigan Central's similar car for points cast. For parttunlars call on or address Local Aiwntacr, II. II. TltUMllULt, Cou.'l Ax't. HI. Cent. R. It. 8 (Jtf 1-12 Third st Portland Ore NOTICE OF ELECTION- Notice Is hereby given that an election will txi hold ?nlhuCUv of Bulom. Oreuon. on Monday, December 8, 1000, and that the m)1Im therefor will be oikmi from 10 o'eJpqka. m. until t o'clock p. in on said day, for tha purpose of voting (or tint lounwing city omcern lor me terms specified i A Mayor, (or tho term o( two years; a Recorder, (or thu term of two years; n Marshal, (or the term of two ytarsja Treasurer, (or the term ol two years ; one Alderman (rout tho Firit word, (or tho tarin o( two years, Iff succeed h. P. Walker; one Alderman from Second ward, for the term ol two years, to sue oamdJtAi )thg oriei luerman from the Th lid ward for thejsfm of two years, to inet'eVd Aluii2oGener;ono Alderman lrm 'third ward, for tho term of ono year, to fill the unexpired term of I. K. Mien, reigned i ono Alderman for thu Fourth ward, (or the term of two years, to mu coed George (Jrlswold. Thu Mlling plaveti (or said elootlon ahsll be ill the following places, ro .pectfvely : Fiaar WaUD.wAt No, ii'a engine-house, North Liberty street. Skouno Wahii. At J. A. BImpson'a itabUs, on Court Btruet. Tmau Waau. At J. L. I'reoland's itore-reom, Btato street. Fouktu YfAup."A Page & Stavons' stable, Coinmurolal anil Trado streets. Done by tho order of tho Common Couutfil of said city. Witness my liand, and flip seal ol ailld lty, (liTsSOtu day of Novomher, 10C0. ' . N. J. J unit, Cit) tleoorder. U 21 td ftWll I for c5tl Mhi, tatti ih. THgPAYENJRECMB, Bwitt4ne, rw. wlm hen. nt aht; 11 drs. AnJ TjSjfl Siw. S- O. Adams, i Bahtaiarft, Md. 1 .