ss mj ysj,Mi fi"'".(te.fc-'lJ jewt ifti"imiiMVtii(iyiiiiiijUtt6nrH'teliS5 . ft k It m 1 1 ' I 5 I- lh! fi.:Y'.i til 114 fc'jn1I '!.l !rj Sw N III m . h.'il ,-:,t 1! 'TO; Ki I, m it m m m i m 4 ew2JE2252r ' ' Xtfd . T7 wiswa " m'amm M 'tiT remedy is a God-send to women, uccnusc BREAST carries them through their most critical , ,! ' " ordeal v,-ith. perfect Bnfotv and no pain No womn uaes MoTukr'S Frikhd" need fear the suffering and danger of child-birth -ror it robs this ordeal of iU mm ,-,? 9 4& horror and insures safety to mother and child. gnOTHEmfi W OurtKWk, "Before Baby is Born," is wort BWa - W n !. j- mi,i n evenr woman, una K nffree fn plain envelope by Bradfield "Regulator Company, Atlanta, Go. Special Clearance Sale Prices.... On all wool mackintoshes nf Rnv.nnnt; in fans. L uiuwuo ..Ragla'hHiii.fcout in Tan dnd Rp'milnr SrtO values in Black Tnc6ts and PafiS' twilled guaranteed fast (DO QA c61ors-Box and Cape Goats;.. '.;;;.,...,.. vpJ.7U t"'. (Li- ,. OnHr Regular 7.50 Tan and Coat Double Breasted, colla . G, W, Johnson & Company, , , The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers THE DAILY BY HOFER BROTHERS, Fill DAY NOV. W, 1000. Dnlly Ono Yonr, $3.00 In Advnnoo Dally Four Month 91. In Advnnoo Wookly OnoYoarffil.OO In Advanoo JOURNAL fti'M THE ONLY ISSUE IN CITY ELECTION? ' As tho Roi)UlHcnti city convention - adopted no platform, it cannot bo said tliattho party as a party, (oven if t wore represented Jin this contest, wliiuli il cannot claim to bo as thoro nro,iia good iuen in tho Ropubliuan party supnortinj! tlfo Oltlzon'e ticket m thoro nron tlio other tickets,) takes any exception to .tho work dona by the Citizens' ndiuiniB .tratlon or to the platform or tho can didates thoy havo put up. No ono donlea or prclonda to dony that tho Bishop administration has dc-no its ,Vory level bcHt to eot tins affairs of this city In order, or that thoy havo succeed'. odiri'doinKHoin n veryorodlloblo man ner. So thoro can bo' no iss'uii dvor Uhat, It ' .jian. . ,bo; fnrthpr jsnid thnt if tho ontiro proposed Republican ticket bad tho record in city nllalrn of tho Bishop tlckol.orif M'ey fltood on tho Citizen's .Plfitfony pleiluftd tqtho cltjr on JLlmt pro- gram for tho next two years, thoy would iesorvoto bo lcctod, Thoro Is not ong ot'iliarn Vrotn Gonorul Odell down who If' ho examined tho facts us presented from -Jho rniblio rccordB but will admit that Mayor Bishop and IiIb colleagues havo dqm tcJI. t Wo do not beliovo that ono -'op tho "Republican nominees Is so Im- modest uh to pretend that ho could havo Vettored tho work done In our city tho pust two years. Tuts Jouunai, wishes to ijonnrocoid as sayitiK Unit 'the ontiro ' Ropublidan tickotj if elected,' could not ' put tho city back in tho holo where it ""wmTTwo years ago, booiiuso sSTiift stops ' iuivo 'been itaken'tlmtfcould- ribflbo ro. traced and thoy would havo no desire to do so. Then why should thoy-npt tyo elected next Monday? Wellwh should thoy Iw elected? If "you had' a good man working in your busings Jiogiad made your husiium accoes, bad florvoIou as faithfully as th(iiigH Itviroourwn, and you had no thought ol dlsutiarglng him, and in fact to do eo would bo a posltlvo loen to your huilnoss.uud a man .came along and eajd bo knov you bad a good man but ho wanted Mb place (or political reasons, what would you toll him? George V. Rodgaro, tho Republic an City cliairmnn Ihhuos nil address nnd tolls tho coklo by all means to discharge the compotont and faithful burvant and pt InilTo now amj untjiod hhui fqr to litiuol muqiiB. -' 7Mu8umUyMLM.rt Rrjilgqria tlttloi Ho runs the stato binding olllco. Tho more nol(! nnd npitllngho niakoH as city chairinnntho moropullho m n tho party for political fayns. t Ho doif not lo.' tho city loss but ho lovtw his state contmate more, and that ' hi perfectly untural nnd coneldured lugitimatot'lii tlui old way of runlntj.oily polltlca. Activity in tho oity umohine In recognlnml nmong pnrty workers ns n basis for n pull In tho county und stato distribution of patronugo. Not ono of thouu gontleuioii but is promised mutldpg "l!'L08,i,tt,1 tQ in nnu wnoopi. ijip thing. Kvtm though thoy ip rwmr. do not elect yilr.nja'yor ora in!lo otkt Hi JiromIeedlntothbr wiisc i u mw Alt Ihin-Ia said without reflection on wry of thoso gentlomon but to bilnjf out what is ti o only issue in this olaotion tq rwogijiw "&eS mvccp ?eti5jiftt: D.. it. " mm Slgaalcra MP ialtd MK1 IW1 llfllfl QQ4ffl4$mk ?r12ll.TiJ ,-. bthtr gainful and serioUihllMtmU whictt . .. ...IT-. -.i 1 iM-nlrlfvl htf the use of "MoTHrtR l'muntJ." This win FRIEND - mis incIlidesf'S' L'rt'at variety. nu umbiw) - - r-i oxford ftrey. J yX.HM.' t MI U :. miHv and blue, all-wool u i a ''! Fancy .with mu ixea Box fine velvet $5.25 JOURNAL X-RAYS "The Missiour'l Penitentiary is self-sus-tnlnlng. It does not cost a cent to tho taxpayers. . A Tim Minrttv ball was a success fin ancially. It netted $275 for tho maung. era of Salem hospital. Tlio Statesman accuses Dr. Cusick of Populism, but fonrota to add that about half of tho Salem Republicans al present' aro that same kind of Populists. & By all means, put B. II. Flngg, Frank Davoy and 1J. J. Bigger In charge of tho Unancial affalra of this city and keep all such Populists as Doc Cusick out. Salem small bosses havo often side tracked or amothored petitions but novor until now havo they been bo bold as to attack "government by petition', openly. . Frank Paxton received 102 votes lose than tho highest presidential olector on tho Republican ticket, tho lowest on tho tickot, probably because ho Is tho attor of the text book trust. ft T'jo Republican city managers ussert that oVery ono of tholr candidates will surely bo .elected. That'a what thoy said two years ago. That Is what Crokor said of Uryuu, too, but it didn't wuh, ft ft WIillo tho Qfllcoof Presidential elector lias nothing to do with tho toxtbook shows that ..the system which Mr. Paxton" roproaunlB is thoroughly detested by tbu people of Oregon. ft ft ft WIillo Dr. Cuslck's sarcasm cut to tho quick, thoro was a great truth in bis statement that modesty ought to keep tho puBh politicians who havo nothing and pay nothing on tho back soata at least part of tho time. V 9 Tho Republican city managers, who ever thoy aro, object to "government by petition," but tho American people otlll boliovo in tho right of petition, and only political bosses nnd manipulators over presumo to question. -..,.. . . Tho benefits of a press club lies in the fact that you can call youi neighbor a Socialist, h blackmal.or, or any other nnm that luippous ta,como handy and yet havo him-(eel 'that it is. all done to help blui ulong,in'a bnainesd way. It is now In prdor.'for 4hQ push to shufbad etroatiV uml Mbad. bridgos", butit should not forgft tlUt inuof the host moil in tho old regime persists in saying that our atrcots and brl Igos wore never in better shao than at prenent, ft ft ft A preacher in KatiBiia the other day delivered n very brief but beautiful funeral sermon, lleru it 1st "A word to you nil. Post-mortem nralsuH nnd lovo nro In the nir. People kiss tho dead who never stoop to kiss the living : they cover over ino eacKol in hysterical sobs, but they (nil to throw their unuB wbout tljolr loved ones vJio ifru lighting tho steni baltleollifu, A wtfrd of cheor to tho' Btrfiuullnu soul in life Is worth nioro tlian'nll tho rosea of Ghristeiidoin nlied hiuh on the casket cover. Tho ilentl can't ainell the llowura, but tho living crin. Scatter tli'Mii broadimst in tho pathwav, thuie fore, and pluck out the thorns noforu It is too lain". . ? Under old methods it oust 07 00 tor grabs mini enough to eoed ilown ono half pf Wilson ayeiup, TUu lahqr was , a)so paui tor ny warrant, ana no roiuniB are known to tho city to havo been roport od. The past year the Imlaiu-o of tlio aveuuo wau suedml ilowu at an outlay of $5.'Jo forgrtua 1 nnd, tho labor wpa done by road tus? wqrx 1 lnIH fttxi ql hay wuh sold front it and tho cash do- in o,lty'a ortMlil-xiU) qxCA'pt 13-0.0 vlilch tlui qlly bus boon mpibfo a collect, and that from one of tho so-called runiibllcan nolitluiatm whohaa boon the JjoudojiUnillUUewaiuls (r " cl'BOto a partisan government. 9 9 9 Thoreis anguicb and suffering for the virgin fame of a homo mode product that la it unfumlliur to lmtoiiaitfthoso JiibyjulioiiB next door to 1uaveii,lta)leT) WanllngTuses. A Portland Packing Company will apinmr in the courts s'hoAlv..onfa charge of soiling Impure nMaMiterateil uilnoo niuat. The $fl!P3 "A iSfHS'l'a; iJ8i -to"ih)sV i . . .. ... . .. .i . ... . i, ni ... ... tbu i'oii cotirtnn fchurjrea profori'w iy$ atntfibrtlfyrtiufthjt'oodCofninissionol iiailoy. It U noxVfbr Iho ihannijer qP tho caiininn I'oliipany to dcfoml tho from WasliTnuton counry"wmTTmi(rH -ANO-GQUNt.Y- Umo npo, in which tlio stnttfindrit tail mndo thnt tho pio was not what it should bo. Tho denier inado complaint thnt tho so called famous inlnco meat had mndo several of liis cualomorfi sick, nnd when tho company Mas notified o( this Tact, thoy issued an ordur roqucstiii him to return tho unsold cans. Tills, lib did and Food Conimlssioncr Balloy secured n can of it. Mr. ttniloy caused a portion of it to bo examined byn chemist, nnd tho export prququueed it adidteratcd and daiiKcrqus to health. What tho ultimate outcome o( Oio matter will lie is not known at tho present' time. Ssi Affliction. Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Shanks, formerly of Mt. Angol, but riow 6f. Arlington, Oregon, met with n great Iohb in tho death of their only child, littlo Kenneth, which occurred last Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. On tho 11th tho littlo ono complained of not feeling well and soon symptoms of illness dovolopcd, which proved to bo a eovoro enso of measles. The littlo follow soomed to bo animated by n heroic- determination to conquer tho di8cnBO and with careful treatment nnd nursing succeeded, but before health was restored ho waa stricken with Bphml moningitlB. Slowly and sadly hope for the littlo one's recovery grow Iobs,' until almost midday, when tho sun was filling tho world about him with bright radianco, in which ho had been wont to play with glad hoart and happy, mind, ho quietly ceased to breathe, and tho light of hia young lifo went out from tho homo and tlio hearts of his fond parents. Though' his days numbered not quito tho brief Bpaco of four years, yet the nnmo nnd memory of littlo Kenneth, ahull not bo forgotten, for thoy nro n pnrtoflho life of ovoryono who knew him Gifted With rare Intellectual powers for ono so young, hia mind waa daily tojrnitiL' something new, ami hia questions and conversation nffordod unfailing entertainment to ids friends. Ho wob constantly doing littlo deeds, thinking thoughts and uttering word B( that gave prophesy to n nohlq manhood. Tho largo circle of friends whom tho littlo boy had drawn unto himself can but leave a feoling of warmoat sympathy for tho father and mother, to whom ho wns tho Joy of life. And a trust that time may lighten the sorrow which they now suffer, by this great logs, hy giving them tho ro- membranco of his beautiful character, and by tho ever prcsenco of hie life witli them. Tho remains were brough' to Mncleay for burial. Weep not for littlo Kenneth, Though lonely bo your homo; Wo know our Father called him To sit upon the throne. Wc op not, wo soon shall see him In manainuH of the blest, In uhlnliig robes we'll gieet him In heaven, whore all is blest. 'Twas God who gave him Iff you, A littlo while to stay: You loved him but too strongly, And he called him bunco uwuy. Weep not; lie's with the nuges, And to tho angels dear, They love him up in heaven Far more than wodid bore. Mas, W. N, Savagk. Tlmnksglvlne Union Service. The Bvaiigolloal church waa crowded with tho host pooplo of Salem. Thursday, at 10:i!0a. m.' waacarri'd nut with the omission of tho eolo by Mr Ilakor who win unable to sing. Tho sermon by Rev. Ronald MoKlllop was able, instructive and altogether ap propriato to tho occasion. Tqbr'ng vivflly tothoiujjid how much wo have to bo tlmnkJol for ho contrasted tho present with conditions of one throo and live hundred years ago. In ape'iking of Jho present century he quoted William Gladstone a saying in 1S50 that nioro advancement had been made lit 5 years than iusthu preceding 1800 years and again in IB70 ho said the 1 nt 20 yeara had seen as much advance ment ns tho preceding 50, nt this rate what is tlio world to see during iho new century about to open? One hundred years ago there were no Btuaiuboats, no railroad?, nn telegraphs, no telephone, no cnokatovo, no towing machines, no matches, no ooal oil, no gas, no eleetrlo lights or streot-oarH Churches Were not warmed, pooplo sa and shivered with heavy wraps o anil preauhers stood in the pulpit in overcoats and mittens and offered up prayerHiumr ly an hour long and tfiuu preached sor moiis from an hour and ono half to three hours lojig. Our country hasnovor Brtjjii such pros perity as no.v. Tlio wealth of the nation has never l(een so groat nj.iiow, Our ox porta surpass anything previous mid whether you believe hi expansion or not the (act remains that wo are oxdandiiig. The collection taken at this service will go toward tho purchase of a wheol chair for tho Saluin Hospital. Tho ohnir williHist about JftfO. Vat Uuadulterjted Focd. Nhw Youk, Nov. !I0 Tho dQinos,tia soionco department of tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union is injiking! a Btroiiuoua elTorl to ntvurn the tasngo ot the PuraFoihl bill, which la tg come bfcfhro CongroiS-noxt ' ntniith. lijorder Ui svouro aa much hacking lo the up pori.qfitip,blll aa Ms4lldo, each wuuan liitoroniod liaa been akm to eoml a pos tul curd, with name and address, to Marion A. Mellrlde, Hiparinlondoiit of tfo department, Arlington Heights, Mara. The bill has (or Ita object tlio protection of fotMla, drugs and confections. IIeadache,bniouBnoss.henrttumV, Indl i cation junJ all ftvir Uls.uro eared by rs WtfJ9rAl,MJTW!lti '$WS- 3'.... 4 MZT!T'rTrI ' a ml f jb, 1 I I . f . t. I HE CI1 Y -l ' RECORDS .' tM PROVE THESE mm 1AfU1 IV jn Has Saved tf WvaWuuA iHaSaved Has Saved in r Was Sayj?.djs iift'ND Was kept Aiij I ) '. Miaim j i4 r i II, hi I .. .1 i(H4 1 y.n ., ...' .1. , -j m fjti t i . nil .i iw nwrtwi VOTE TO REWARn I' kfvMMir t '' ' ".iJ in. -1 -j.itj.j, !tnltut VOI ID t '" '"" HONEST'i -.!., i '"""SERVANTS'. j. ( 4i,i.i f 'i ii im T ATTEMPTED TO ! SHUFFLE OFF i Local Bootblack Ahkes Jan Abortive Start for trie L Other' Shore. Ono of Salom'a bootblacks wiio lias his stand at the Wilson barbershop got tired of life Thursday evening wjiiio under tho iutluoiico of Thanksgiving liquid cheer, and went down to tho river and jumped in. He was fished outand drained and appeared none, tho worse for his adventure, this morning, na ho was full again. i To Cure a Coll In One Day TrtkO l.iuntlvu Ilromo Qiilntno TnbleU: All clrnia:lW U'rmiil tlio money If It fulls to euro W. (Irilvu'n HlcDAIiin) Im on eauli box. Six From Douglas. Six prisoners were received at the pen yesterday from Douglaii county, ns fol fel fol eows: Bert Rice to Borvo 1 year 'for liorsc-etenllng; Frank Crogan, C years, burglary; John Kelly, 2)4 years, burg- llary; Patrick Murphy, Patrick Qulnn ,' and Tiios. Bronnan, ono yonr cacli for burglary. A PEEP future would sadden many a liappy woman. The mis ery of marriage often results front ailments which maidenly mod esty kept hidden. When doctors are at last consulted they frequently fail to help. They do not un derstand the root of the trouble. Df. Pierce's Fa- ft VU1HC litM.IIr x&J tiou has cured i in thousands of cases where uoc " tors entirely inweu. "I had been a great sufferer from female weakness, " write Mrs. M. B. Wallace, of Mueneter, Cook Co., Texns. " tried our doctors and none did me any good, I suffered six years, but nt last I Ibiiiid relief. I fol lowed your advice, und took eight bottles of 'l'avoritc Prescrip tion ' and four of the 'Golden Medical Dis covery.' I now feel 115 n ricrc tcvwu1. I have alried eighteen pounds," favorite PjtscrjpKoir MAKUS WIWC WOAtBN STKONQ AA'O SICK foAim WU i i' EAY 'WAY 'TO EARN 2 5.00 Vo will- pay this to adyouc scikIIiik' u& JO new yearly aiib Kcrlpllnns, uccoiii pnulcil ly the full yearly price for each subscription. .. ., ., Send two cent stump for prospectus, sam ple copleii and par-' tlculurs .. nff' ' : " ' ' ' '' 8B Into the EH US 1 Km idS K"MM t PL H 4 IdjLJsffSv''ir ptutWbllshlC,4.j Facts Facts Facts! Just to remind you that the present city administration. $9,084.02 - 6,32.02 - 3,250.00 - 3,173.70 - $21,836.74 - THE CITY WITHIN ' on on on on of ITS AND ALL IN TWO YEARS. The Warrant Debt Reduced To $4380.00 And Interest Paid on all Debts to December 1, 1900 TO IMPROVE WILSON AVENUE John Farrar Jr. baa been for several 'Ihvh circulating a Bubscaip'.ion list ntuuiig tho bicycle riders of tho city to raise fuiidtj fur tlio purpohe of having tho Wilson avauuo bicycle patha covered with granito sand. Hois meoting with ipiite a liberal response. HeUeeous Census or Salem. Tills city baa beon divided into fifty districts and by u united action of nil tho Sunday Schools a house to canvas was mpdo on Wednesday to ascertain tho religious preferences of tho pooplo and also to aeo how many attend Sunday School. Thoso no in attoiulonco will lie re ported to the various schools of their parents preleronco and an effort will ho made to bring them Into schools. This canvaa ia buing made annually and it is hoped that no family will be over looked In order that tho report POPULAR PJBL!CAT59S-POPULAR PRICES l,a-. f. " i.i.uly fl.tty jt'Hi I,.- 1i. r . J ai the I'eople'n N. Mri i-inmy rPHMn-r, ii. i.r NEW YORK WEEKLY liirri' vllliixert. l.j f). iyi 1 Arrioullunil l)"i)ivr innr,. hi roiKiwo nn nniiKot i I" .'ogiiUcJ author in. i "t the roiiniry, i .1 . 'If". IIm tk-leniu niul w i-i . UiVLtliint, 1 i .i ,; kIii, 1 1 sturliii, etc . r 'ur It In J nut'tMall i l TDIDIIUCfv.''mmirj mlly. ltivtiiliir hhIi I ItlUUIlj i.i)n;U 1)11 IH'U'l!, h'l.Ul Ii ui- I'. iiii..?.1S??n,ot! " """ Th fW? y if"' Illustrated wctkuwi and . gnvuliunii .uu.ui-, North AtntM-lcnn.ilnrlc-'vr. ?.'v.- Yo-' llliriMTjF. .llllj'IZHU-. ,V Vlll'li I'llV lluriicr'N icliiy, N-u Viol; III. irP"i!,r.' '"i.'"i"v i' !! r 1 J. NIclioliiH Uiivii illiot .it-, .n.w J-'rnuk 1.0Mlln .iioiiCIiI; , , Vi-, Miuino'h .Muki . t e, i , .ii.;;Li iMMlirer Mo.i-!il , .Vou- v.i. &i , .Iinl ire, tvx m-.t I.chMi-'n Wfi-klv. f Itrvli-w nf iiovii im, Mcrlbiier'N .11 n .Im Aiiivrli'iiu .'vi . t.ltm Ml- I .. v 111 -' vr JH'Jf I f i ) ill-!. , . .Il" tfi?l siurni m-iv i. !i-, V 1 1-. l'u r in, FJpiti in-il Kirwu'o, IiIciijco. Oriinuu .IihIiI in rin t-r. i lilciiao .:.::.:.. .: .-; - II1U .lllllll I 'lll-tlll.t-. L fllf-n-r.t 11.. i;in llfll ..p..w..i,ni, nil, iiii.iiii,,-.. lllll. illnr. Iiitllitiiimult-.. Hut.. ,.-,-,"". -- - - :""." ,f"V:I -. . iln liiFiii.,-. t 'livi-ltiiil- mil.. . i-...-,,,l4,,ii riirinrr, i-mmi-ok, ,lllfi 'riu iiiiii i' irt-Nliie, lrllit IK-IU, Variii Nrv, SprliiKtlrlil, Ohio., lloint. mill 1'iiriii. I.imiImi III., i.'v fThei Kiiruii-r. Ht, 1-iuil. Mini,.... Trllmnu Alminiiu', 11)01. t'leasa end esah with i,rdi - ,..... t;ouiiir- jucy tl 'linn, ... -j j - j.? v . ... ... . . i'oo I-'nrsu, Joiirifiti VniflicA ill ffl.J:, ... " -j Jiili, iiiii.-i.f.n. .,. M.iV.rt.., i-5 Knrm nnil llM;i'. Sin ;; hi. Mi-hh ..!..'..., no Jieiv i:nliin( JIonus:; . . SnrliiRllt K', . . j.oo r . k i.ina . -inose wumiiR to suuscilLf fi- mnrc tl ui of the above mihiinntinna i.. ,..,....., ... Sho Tribune roayiremlt nt pubhsliets" rwular ww. . "",lon" " nnellon with Aouresu - Galvanized We make a specialty of work jn galvanized - 3E X TJ DsMC Woik and material always the best, and prices are always the t, s. burreughs: PHONE 161 ' ruii &MWteJZMPPG :jim i-jwum KERN INCANDESCENT QAS BURNER - OS OJilmnoXvlioliliioiQiicil Mantlos, d coosu in Wl SvoraAlxs5 J We have i n shvk ii PyJiH w ,J l-f "lU9 lowgriigiii lor h-iq nf KIViuk ' cunoio power nvrost ot 0-10 of INVESTIQATK THRM :iv I I l WW as Ue&JUQd dRer ..r.:....--i-. . -- 4 it, ' t J. EVERY ,.PKQMISE,.. .... HAS BEEN FAITHFULLY ( 5 iA PARRIED, OUT .. j j.jiVTrl Curreut Expense, Excess Revenue.1, v Interest Charges, Criminal Costs, Your Money, zc , INCOME BY OYER :li ii! VOTE "fO , CONTINUE THESE ' "'ARD-WpN ... ADVANTAGES may bo correct and no ono can say: "No ono cares for my soul". Ah soon as tho report is completed wo will give It to tho public, DIED. SHANKS. At Arlington. Gilliam coun ty, Oregon, Sunday, November, 25th, littlo Kenneth Leroy, pon of Fernando and .losio Shanks, of meningitis of the brain, aged :i years, 8 months and 10 days. Tho funeral wna held at the Mncleay cemetery, on tho 27th inat, Miss Frances Lauo went to Port land this morning to visit her brother, who ia attonding school nnd will spend somo time visiting friends in Oregon Oity. Miaa Agnes Dodge, of Hubbard, who ia employed in Mrs. McAllister's dross making parlors, wont homo yesterday to spend Thanksgiving. Pros. W. O. Hawloy of Wlllamotte do Hverod tho Thanksgiving sermon nt Taylor St. Portland. KEW YGBK TRI- published on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, lit a compute up to date dally newspaper, thrco days In tlio wttk, with all Important news of the othr (our days. I'rofusely llluy trated. and tilled with Interwtt Vj EFKLY ine reodln8 for ttU w!l w, V L.Ibl jc(,p jn ci0M touch wl(ll n,wg TRin!!ME' " nation and world.. & SlUUbL. II u ii Inr MUliHiTliilliiu nrltM'. Ml. no in-r 5 I'll r. to It Off wl'o desire to wcurn the best magaxlnw, t .a tullowliiu splendid inducements: With ' RdKuUr With Weekly Trl-Weekly 1'rl.e Tilbunu. Tribune. Hy to"f.oiiUr' On Year. On Veur. -l.r.o i. no i .no i .no i.nn a.oo i.rn i.7n i. no il.tIO i.Kn 1.7.1 t.oo a.n .i.nn y.DO 1.8.1 i.or. i.on 1.N.1 t.rtn I. no 1.00 ,,.. ..0( 1,45.00 -1.00 1.00 I.OO l.OO n.oo I.IIO l.u,-. i.nn I. 'JO n.oo n.iHi l.oo :i,no i.u.t IJ5 I.S!5 .0(1 1.00 :i.ih i.oo 1.IHI 1.00 J.l!5 l.OO 3.INI l.(M) MM) l.OO l.OO 1.IM) I.IO it ,,, I. 01) 1.00 I.OO it, 00 l.OO l.OO 1. 01) I.OO 1.0(1 r.,oi) I.OO ....... ' J . . ...... ..,.., ... I ..... . . . . 1.00 I.OO l .. . . 1.00 l.oo .r.o ,(K) .00 .no .no .r.o .no . . ....... o Wl.ltir. ...... ............ ........... ........... -j-IIH Tltllll'NK, Sew -York City, Iron Work- of cornices and all kinds iron. BI1TC3-- r STATE ST lowest. A v . ,1 ..' 108 NBWI a " -' ii9 9?,),f, IWP IVor Coot of bos ino JSi, I. burninir bn.i font . i,n. OHO rent par hour. Alsn ti,.. v p cunt per liQiir. Tolnhonn p8 BUSINESS CARDS 4-- --" -ir ir i II.MIIL ui.- i i- i ........ t 171. UZMV-n, Succofleo'1 to J)r. J. M, Kcono, of WIillo Comer, aloni Or. Partiea dcalr lug miporlor tj e: -xtiotip nt moderate foo in any hriuich aro in odnoolnl rttioit. ALBERT AJESSUP. . Phono. 1071.1 ItOOMH 1 AND a, OUAY HMC, B. R. JONESj Attornoy-at-Law Toledo, Oro'ron, Was Work of Circuit Rourl.t. an iip-tmlati) abstrnotoi nv rouaty. ii yoam nmlliiiH irli in Lincoln lM7m soule lmos, Tuners aini '11 pares Pi PORTLAND OltK. Kor Snlom und vicinity leavo orders nt Geo. Will's Mtmlo Storo. T J. Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Krtll SnltlnRti Just lu. Tlio Otiorndorrt' pat torus from c'lilcngo. lleol btl&liii'si silIU f lo, IKS pnnts J5. CAt'iTAL urn Express and Transfei ipieotR'nll mail nnd pnnsongor trail) b, Bnfjgngo to nil pnrtp of tho city. Prompt eorvico. Tolonhono No. 851. DISQUH A IIOMYEK OFFJCE"01TY HALL, For water borvlco imply at ofllc.'. Bills payublo monthly In udvuuoo. Make nil cotuplulntH nt tho olllc Loans and Insurance Monoy to loan from (I to 8 por cent, ncoordniR to'uoenrity no ejcnmmo for uxnmiimtion. IiiHuriuioo effectod on hopa nnd other property itt lowest" liitoa. John Moir 290 Com, st, 7-lfl- ',f iMw Wheat Bought and Stored By tho Aurora Roller Mills Jliiiuch odieo und wnrolioiiHi) 181 Trade at. hulwoon IIIl'Ii mid Church Htreetc. Ihiekwheat nnd oats bought at highon) market )rice. FRED P. HURST. . 7-27-tfdAv The German Market Will ho found nil kitida of meat and tin heat of uiuiiaiso. KHEE DKI.rVKUY, All hills duo tho Into firm of Well A Mitwdre must ho paid, Wol;s & Son 171 Commercial St. Dr. Grace Albright J , ; c j , Graduate of American School f of Osteopathy. : :' : l-.vory day oxiept Sunday. Olllco hours It to 12 a. m; 1 to I p. m. over Wollcr's grocery, taurant First class cook, First class service, Enjoyable meals. GEORGE BROS, Props SLflDIES' Furnishing: goods made to order. Silk and satin waists $3.50 to $4.00. Fancv flannel waists, any color, home made, $1.50 to $2.25. Ladies' underwear at low prices. Call and examine stock. 820 Uomnieroial St. Prepare for Thanksgiving V. Sab Water Co., white House Res CMrogLeeCo Buy ydyr; Qakes, Pies, Pastries and Bread at the Home Bakery 3- Commercial Sinvr, T ANADIAN' ' L --. . I Sms SK, PAClFir And Soo Line, ' i-1 rBv-cinHajnmi Wttrlat ,, SLEEPERS tm PaaflonKora hooked to and from 'ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Stcamshlo For full'iiarticnlnrH nnntu i E.J.COYJ.E, II. II. ABIttm Van,.nv.;r. H. n ,"1 k .- .-.., .-, -j9 1'ortfin.l, m WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD I I'or n tickot Kn t, you naturally UJ VHjry properly wont to go over there" that will give you tho very bcrticwX datioiiH at ho lowest ioialbIe 2 Honco, you should ask your ticket eni to make your tickot rend via tlio mr ROOK ISLAND ROUTE Our popular porBonally conducted tourist cxctiralotiB in modern Pullnuj tourist Bloopini; cara leavo Salcin even AJonday Evening and Thursday evenlni via Sacramento and every TuceaayeTcii lni nnd Saturday morning via I'orllwl and run throuuh to Chicago wlthoct chniiKO via tho World's most tccnlc Line connecting at Chicago with all mornini traina JJitBt, also with the Itwk UUnJ norsonally conducted tourist car lot lloHton. These tourist sleeping carum hroad vestlhuled, liehted with l'intch Gaa and provided with all weekly iliac trated K)riodioalfl and mairinea fortlit freo iipo of our patrons and are accom panied through to destination by a rep Toflontntivo of tho (Jreat Hock Island Itonto. Wo also havo a daily flnt-dm sleeping car service to Chtcno vis tl Scenic idiie,. and the best dining car florvicn in tho world. Kor full information, nnins etc. call on or write? to, A. E. t'ooi-Kii, Gen. Agt or Portland Oregon, W. W. Sk-innkii, (1. M. Powiuw Aent 8. P. Co. Agent 0 It A;N Co Salem Or. Halein Or' NEW STOlT 3 C G. :. Moutfiorucry, has oenetlkitpi now confectioiinry and cigar store ft So, 281) Cotnmorcial street whom lie, will carry, n complolo stock of candlei; and anioklng goods. 1Q 1$ The Dewey Washing Machine , Phis' tnttchino ia a new ono made on BClontjuV principles. It is guaran. teed to give nhtoluto ratlefattlon. After a thorough trial no imily would disiionso with one. Wiiji m ueo of tlio Dewey, tho liorrpri of wash day will disappear. TliTama clilno wUI . Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean i No hard work about it. Kanyiloop orato. Tlio manulacturors wly up every clulm mado for tl chino. The "Dewey Washer ? Has won two first premiums aiSlite Fairs: at Lincoln, Noli ,1899, m at Salem, Ore., 1000. Sold allien hy R. M. Wado A Co. kCorrcipond with or call on i Ambler Youiig Manii'actiirora and Salesmen S . ill. Angel, Oregon. Salem Soap j Works : Tho proprietor of tho Salem, SW Works has tho co operation of the dea e CoiiBiunors who desire a rci soap will a. Encourage Home Industry By ordoring Balenwntulo eojP tt S, C, STONE. M. ' Pniprlotor ' Sto4'iDruff Stor- "-.'bJOI?WK'0N-ThettorPtwaJa pvuMr) Mra lijfW J No. 235 andem ffiamerfUl 'J'l '" well stookeUttjU Complete lino ol IJ" taodtcinei, totlot wttcJcs, ytluw. 6ru etcatote, nMhadaomeOSiSuji eJcpertence IP ' ' h tll-n nl niA.llr.lnn unit unir mSj(CS tW JOlSir! eonsnJUtlon. eiBlnlV or Qr; "2Zr- -. w. .vu.v.HV.n.:zx2T-. , i Ladies, -and- Owits' tMh icjeaned and dywl wilhotit P Ping." Gent's clothes prewwl by tho month, flW-P""' cleaned anil dyed. Ha J? " kid. BLQVjfflcJeaned. clothesTelfried, rehonidi paired, huttons on. A w' itdat, cheap and prompts uono. : : : MRS. C. 11, WALKED, l'ro" i 1Q5 Commercial fit. Jl j MONTHLY KIATr3l U r"t UlUJ. II. It O WAN, u aw MjlWSOgS WASHING IDE tl SALEM STlUM'miG AND DfftHC ' WIIB