The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 20, 1900, Image 2

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... a gJ.tMj.. "'" ijjji"!!,".!!."1!!!!.'1!1 .n.
jc - iiiriinTBBMTiinTnwMrrrBn
TwII'WnrkTs Hard Work without GOLD DUST.g
,Qf Mackintoshes, B,ox Coats-and Gape
CoaU, Black, Broyn and Tans at
greatly reduced prices
all of tnem-no Reserve,
Watch 'this space
G, W, Johnson & Company.
The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers
Tuesday. NOV. S0; 1000.
Daily Ono Ybor, $3.00 ty Advance
Dally Four Months $i. In Advanoo
VVookly Ono Yonr 8I.OO In Advanoo
Shall Salem remain at its present di
mensions na a city lor tho noxtlcn
years, or shall Salem become a city of
fifty thousand? Evoryono will say tho
latter. Even tho children. But how to
put It there?
TnuJotmNALbolleves lu certain fund
omental principled of policy that will
bring about the dosirod end. Flrat keep
up the pnwent policy of n non-partisan
city adrolnlatraUon and extend It.
Accumulate a surplus and adopt a policy
of liberal Improvements when you have
tho money to pay for them.
' Flrat, glvo Salem thq reputation of
being tho beat governed, boslllnnncod
and moat progrcealvo city In tho United
"States. This will coat you leeaout of
your Jeans than to have It tho worst In
those respects. It will cost you nothing
but an intelligent, unselfish, honest voto
onelcction day.
Second, glvo Salem tho boat public
schools in tho stato. Do not keop your
. public schools aovoral grades below Ore-
.ggnCity, Albany, EugoiiA,ttnd Corvallls.
- Thoeo'towns havo higher institutions of
learning that aro helped, not injuredby
, higher work In tho public sohools. Our
taxes for public schools aro tho highest
and our grades aro thu lowest. Tho
Urgor-boys and girls aro all driven to go
to private schools or remain out of
school at tho timo of life whon thoy
should begin to form n taste for college,
and unlroralty. Attondanco in tho
primary grades is good in thu Salem
'schools, but in tho Eighth gradowu
. vlly PliPQlrmla teaching from 18 to 20
children, wjto should bo teaching a room
lull of young inon and young womon
whose life and civic pride should becomo
tho .backbono of tho community. At
least tho 10 grados should bo taught; in
eacbfof tho largo Svlom school Imlld
togs. Thlrd, to make Salem a ojity of 60,000
fu. tho next 10 years, adopt, some plan of
giving this city more sightly streutB in
tho rosidonco parts of tho city,
Jlr. Humphrey has called u mooting
of tho farmers at different points in tho
county to agitato his plan for a" ludu
pendont wheat market and nil. u
plant at Salem. Thuru ihould bo mi In
terest in this mattor second to no other
matter in tho comity. Salem iu tho
natural wheat and grain maikot and
milling point for a largo center of rluh
farming country. Tho tendency tus
peon to reraovu all jnllllng faollitles
and drivo tho fnrinor aa far as posslblo
to haul his wheat elsewhere and this
has been douo persistently and Insldu
oualy,with tho evident intention to leave
us high and dry us u oouutry market
fprvthts kind of produpo,utit as fur as pos
sible, wipe Salem of tho slate as a cam
Voting, point.
. Willi1 tho milling business monopolized
and tho warehouse faollitles scattered to
mall 'point and entirely putlur control,
the rituasion Is an unfortunate one for
the farmer and the. businessman at Sa
lem. Our business men are oompollod
to carry large etouka of merchandise,
yet the farmer is forced to stay away
from hero with bis grain and to go oleo"
where to have his milling dono. it would
"V&8 I'pshisaouditlonyftfilis
otighlfofiiWMt'avory buinosanjaiVo'f
Iliphry who .)s. making this flgfij
' m)&nm,
This means
Sr& r'
for prices
a:, a
directly in the interest of this city in its
own struggle for self-prcaervallon. Next
year thoro will bo a ,lurge wheat crop
and Salem should not be crowded to the
wall 38 a market.
It is undoubtedly the interest and the
intention of wheat corporations and
milling interests at Portland to entirely
close down on Salem-as a center of this
Industry and tot no independent market
livo hero If it is possible to wlpo it out
Mr. Humphrey land his associates have
nooaay uik before mom. JUioy necu
tho coopcrutlon of the farmers and of
tho businessmen of this city to win. They
are on tho inside as far na knowlcdgo of
tho business and being In touch with
tho outside market is concerned. Thoy
have tho oxporlonco to handlo tho busi
ness and protect tho grain grower, and
their only Interest is to protect him und
protect our city and its business inter
cats. Let us all join in an intelligent
light for an independent wheat market
at Salem,
Tlienest Inscription Tor 'Malaria.
Chilli and fovor la a bottlo at Oroya's Taatelcai
Cull Tonlci. It Ualmply Iron and quinine In a
laitolou form. No cure uo par. I'rico ooc.
6-10 0m-
Lord Roberts to Sail Today.
London, Nov. 20. Lord "Bobs" is
definitely erfpoctedto sot sail from home
Capotown today, and a rousing welcome
is in storo for him. Thoro is somo fight
ing of a dcaultory character still going
on. which anothor gonoral can oo trusicu
to tnko enro of. Lord Roberts would
hnvo had tho Boers entirely diBorgnlzcd
long ero this had not his military policy
been modified to accord with Sir Alfred
Milnor's political idoas. Tho Governor
of Capo Colony advanced tho idea that
ns Boors nnd English would havo to live
togoathorin that land it Ib necessary
that thu military operations should pro
voke as llttlu resentment 'as possible
Kitchnor is at pros-nt in command, but
ns ho has got along best whon loft on
tiroly to hlmcolf it is probably that a
guneral will bo found for tho command
who can got along with Sir Alfrod Milne r
nioro cordially than thu hero of tho
Soudan can bo expected to do.
Trea'y With Spain.
Madhid, Nov, '20, Tho session of tho
Spanish Cortes begins today, Americans
aro specialty interoatcd iu tho gathering
this year because tho extraditions, con
sular and goneral treaty with tho United
States that has beon proparod to roplaco
tho treaties 1875 and 1877 comes up for
consideration. Mr. Bellamy Sotror
United Btntos Minister oxpeots that tho
Spanish govorment will havo no dlfll
culty in persuading tho Cortes to ap
proyo, aud it is bolievod tho treaty will
1ms ratified beforo Ohristmas. Several
protests oganlst custom houso fines on
American vossols and somo sottlomontf
of tho questions arising out of tho peace
treaty of 1808, aro still undor negotlaon.
Tho Spanish Cablnot mavlfeats a con
oilatory spirit.
Practice of Turolac Worthless Stock out to Die
tr be OUpoielofat Public Expense to
be Ilrokea up la this City.
The cato iu City Recorder Jiulah'a
court Monday in which u charge of
cruelty to animals was lodged against u
party who had turned an old horse out
in the Btreets tontarvo is not likely to bo
the laBt case of the kind unless certain
practices nro discontinued.
It has becomo somewhat common for
persons owning old and worn-out horses
to turn them loose iu thu streote, to bo
Impounded, killed and buried, or other
wise ttlspoted of at the expense of tho
olty, oauh case costing the taxpayers
some seven or eight dollars for feed, ad
vertising, hauling off, killing, burying,
There arc statu laws against cruelty to
animals aud failure pit tho part of own
ers to provldo them with proper fowl
and shelter, and these laws amply cover
such cases. The city oiilcora are de
termined to break up tho practice, and
whurover the responsibility can be fixed,
tho offenders will bovlgoroualy proceed
ed agalust.
Mtt-ult Onlnr Sulieiue.
Tho iKiby tins IiIk .ntnor
huh i you imiiitr
yau t
' J!r""
iprediice that iioho than sho could ro-
a Turner uunsot" Df4rpjt
Far Western Reflection on the Newest Bopksanct Publication-Other
Literary New
Smart Bet for beoetnber,
Such ISncago and n namo
Were worthy of a better famo.
This noblo damo of high degree
Does naught but quota her podlgroo.
It is so long, of such renown,
It took a year to writo it down.
Hor ancestors gained nil their scars
, From wounds received in England's
Her grandslre was among tho hoit
'iho Mayflower brought to this fair
She'll tell you, with tho greatest pains,
What bluo blood coursos through hor
veins j
Its source dates back so long ago
She scarco recalls the tlmo, you know
She holds so high hor lofty head,
Sho scorns tho ground with haughty
In fact, hor Mood is all so bluo
Sho is most kind to speak to you.
From "A ChlM'aOanlon of Voraoa," ly Hobcrt
Loul 8toTonnn It. II: lluitcll 1'iitiUihcr,
Coprlgbt, 1U00, by Kolert Howard Huatcll
"A Child's Garden of Verfes," by
Robert Louis Stovenson, is tho most
beautiful children's quarto of tho year.
It is Illustrated by E. M. Mars and M.
II. Bquiro, and from tho press of It. II.
Russell, Now York. Thoro aro four col
lections of poems in this volnmo those
bearing its namo, tho child alono, gar
den days and the onvoys, Tho full pago
cartoon drawings to illutmnato tho text
are alternately ink drawings and doll
cato sepia tints or imitation of wator
colors. Tho vorsos aro past recall clas
sics of English child verso. Happy tho
child that shall bo pormitted to expand
ovor those sunny pagos, illuminntad
with tho bright redox of gonius from
pen and pencil. I'rico $2.
Trade supplied at Salem, Or., by Pat
ton Bros., booksellers.
Tho latost duvolopmont iu magazines
Is tho entrunco of the firm of John
Wanamakor into tho publisher's field.
They will tnko ovor nnd publidh, bogln
nlng with tho December isstio, Every
body's Magazine "Wo havo sot our
solves tho task. of building up in char
acter and circulation an illustrated
magazine of our own nnd of tho host
typo" says tho announcement. So rad
ical a departure seems to call for eotno
axplanution; tho statements made that
the Wanamakor Stores havo becomo the
largest sellers of books at rotail in tho
country and that thoy deal with more
readora directly than any other firm
(theaggregnto sales equalling or sur
passing tho sales of even tho largest
publishing houso) thoy think that a
popular magazine belongs naturally
to this organization. A highly attract
ive Ohristmas number is promised
with contributions from James Whit
comb Riley, Miss Mary 13. Wllkins,
Charlos Major, Author of" Whon Knight
hood was in Flower", Edwlu Asa Dix of
"Beacon Bradbury" famo and a novel
serial by n now Southern woman wrltor
of whom much Is oxpectod. Sold at
I'atton Bros. Nowa Depot.
Tho Smart Sot Magazlno
a great
collection of Smart
skotchos, jokes, .and
aIabIaa wfv a
quips of raoy
raconteurs. Ess Ess
Co., 1135
Broadway, Now Y'ork.
Bros. Nowsdeulora.
by Patton
Tub Jouknal heartily commends the
Atlantic Monthly an the boat of all
American literary publications, It
ku6wB of no hotter mugoiiuo published
any where in thu world. See prospectus
in this column.
A late no. of
Country Library
Apploton's Town and
la "King Stork of tho
Netherlands," a romauco of thu early
days of tho Dutch Republic, by Albert
Loo. The author has written several
historical novels and this ono moves
by uhaptor with the life and action of
an Anthony Hopo and the charm of
movement found in Scott. The Spanish
Inquisition comes In for rough handling
as woll ns its agents, more than ono
being stretched In cold hi od by the
horoofUio tale. The terror in which
tho inhabitants of Holland stood of the
inquisitors and nil tho ugenta of the
Spanish throno is depleted with a mas
tor hand. Price 60 cents. Trade sup
plied at Salem, Ore , by Patton Bros.,
"fuskegeo. It's Story nnd It's
Work,' by Max Bennett Thrasher
with an introduction by Book
er T, Washington. Small, -May-uard
& Co., Boston, aro tho publishers
of this unpretentious volume, which is
destined to enduring famo as ono of the
handbooks on practical results in indus
trial education of the negro. Its value
as a chronicle of what quo man has been
able to do for tho Industrial uplifting of
tho race ho represents la uooonllued to
limw. In (.ut Unyirt stum lit
for the real oduoatlon of tho fudlau an 1
r WvUm i 1
jthonegro is so much more thorough
vujiruuuu oouig uono ny tlio wlilto race
for itaclfj that wo -begin to 8ympatlibo
with tho so-called superior race. How
thsio camo to be a Booker Washington
in tho world, how ho made Tuakogeo,
nnd what Tuskegeu is doing for tho negro
of tho South is told eloquently aud wifh
great literary skill by ono of tho ben
eficiaries of that noblo Insfltutlon.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward, tho famous
author of Itobert EUmoro and Marcolla,
has brought out her chefd'oeuvre,
tho novel of tho year, In "Eleanor," pub-J
lishcil by Harper & Brothers, New York.
Tho dedication and eccno of tho story of
this master of women novelists is Italy,
and wo got many penetrating glances of
tho Btato of holy Home, the city,
and the eternal problems of lifo and re
ligion. Tho heroine is thcmibjectof the
deepest study in human motives, self
analysis and suffering too much of the
latter. Tho gloomy pechycoloi;y of the
Briton still insists we shall shnro!
hi. to tho brink of morbidity. Her, l'"5 two writers is about what wo sense
self tortur.1 and flnnl polf-i-acrillco aro, w,lt'" wo compare Aa You Llko It with
backgiound for ii beautiful study of u "'""' Shakespeare's heavier dramas.
New England girl wjio.iu thu end mar-,1'1'0 ork ia dramatic and ontortniiiing
ries tho hero. Tho mai) Maufot cc-Jiiot but bi lav'e tho llghtor cast of the com
qul okeupu8froijthInklngpfa.manlkln. c,,y belter. Small, Maynnrd & Co.,
All he men are of a perverse, unsalis j Boston, Mass., Pubs. Sold ut Salem,
factory, distrusting cast, and this one' 0r" u Nation Bros., Booksellers,
mobt unhappy of nil. Tho Amoricaino (
is somuhow out place. There is up good ' Longmans, Green & Co., Now York,
explanation orexoute for her presence hut who also havo publishing houses in
at thii Roman villa. W wonder why London and Bombay, publish quarterly
she does not go homo. Her people Notes on Dooks, which contain uccurato
should have urdered hor liomo. But hor Information about all publications of
Pctmni and her puritanlsm aro to bo a this firm. Sent free to applicants, Ad-
foil for cosmopolitan tastos and nil
turo. We realize thut ho Is an indis
penslliloelaHO. presence, u nronortv luir -
ged Irom across tho wator to mako the
play go forward. Still, tho book is full
of tho touches of Mrs. Ward's high art.
Eleanor will live in the hearts of all who
read. Here Is hor picture: "Eloanor!0' artistic furniture nud eoII direct to
saw horsol.f always as the proud woman;
it Is a guiso In which wo nro uono of us (
too loath to masquerado. Uiuightily,
dumbaud patient during hor married
years; proud morally, socially nnd In -
tollectually; finding ju this stiffening.
of the solf her only defence ngainst tho '
ugly realities of dally lifo. Proud, too. '
in her lonliuosa nnd grief proud of her
very grief, of her very capacity for buf- J
lerlng, of all tho dclicnto shades of
thought and sorrow which furnished tho
matter of her secret lifo." Mrs. Ward
has drawn tho curtains from a pathetic
picturo of wnmnn-failuro. May sho not
sometime glvo usa sunnier mental vision
of a triumphant aucceaa? Surely thoro
are literary realms to explore besides tho
lava beds nnd scorho fiom thu land of
hoartburnlngs.Mrs Wurde greatness and
womanliness will yot riso to tho view-
point that bccs tho need of humanity for
a difforent literature of Action than any
sho has yet givon tho world.
Mrs. Ward's works on sale at Patton
Bros, book storo, Salem, Ore,
ThoTlianksgivlngNumborof Conkey's
Home Journal contains two copyrloht
ed selections of sheet music. The darky
slumber song by Julia Marion Manloy.
outUlod "J Guoss You'd Bottor Hush,
Hush, Hush," und tho "Soronade
Schottlpche," by L. M French, if bought
at rotail would coat at least one dollar.
Thl'j Isstio also contains n number of
Interesting Btorlos, tho principal ones!
being, "When a King Lived in America,"
by Charlotte L. Mawson;"And if Ho
Willa, Wo MuBt Dlo," by 8tephcu
Crane; Famous English Cathedrals, by
Prank E. Wnskn; Forgotten Celebrities,
by John Wesloy Hanson, Jr., nlao
special departments which nro both
intoratiug and instructivo, such as
Home Dressmaking, Momory and Mental
Training, Difforent Ways of Cooking
Potatoos, and A Comfortable Cottage.
A samplo copy of this handsome laeuo
will bo mailed froo upon request.
Addroap W. B. Conkoy Company,
Chicago, III.
Tho Atlantic Monthly announces thro
epeclalain 1001: Mury Johnston, tho
author of "To Have and To Hold" will
bring out hor third atory, "Audrey,"
Thia now story ia said to bo a distinct
artistic advance even ovor hor previous
remarkable successos. Sarah Orne
Jewott will contribute "Tho Tgry
Lover." This stirring American historic
al romance exhibits in a new field tho
rare qualities of Miss Jewett's art; and
her thoine, tho fortunes of tho Loyalists'
In 1877, tins not hitherto beondovoloped.
Kate Douglas W'ggin will tell "Peno
topo's Irish Experiences." The final
volume of the delightful "Peuolope"
Series will bo brought out as a slx-part
sorial in tho Atlantic, beginning with
tho November (1900) number. As a
special introductory offer, on receipt of
M) cents thu publishers will send the
Athintlo lor threo months to any now
subscriber. Send postal for new illus
trated prospectus. All new aubscrlbors
enrolled before December 20th, 1000,
will receive the November and December
Issues groo. 35 cents per copy, $1.00 a
year. Houghton, Mlfllln & Co,i Boaton,
Pubs, Tub Journal, offers a net club
bing rato of 3.20 to any subscribers wjio
wish tho Atlanta for 1001,
Tho realm in which Elisha Gray has
won hi- great fame as an Inventojr is
mado tho gonoral subject ol the third
volumo of 'his popular eclouce prlmdrs
entitled "Natnre's Miracles. It deals
with tho history, theory, and practical
development of Electricity and Magnet-
Ism.and the publishers give notice that
U will be Usuottflramedlately 'Enriched
. with accounts of many of Trof Gray
own experiences it brings to a most sat
-Ufnctorv conclusion theso threo little
voluraedU, Earth, Air, and Water; 11.
Energy, Sound, Heat, Light, etc.)whlch,
with tho clia-m of familiar talk, give ex
planations of tho forces and phenomooa
of nature such 08 evory lntelligentporson
should, but fow really do, understand.
Fords, Howard &Hulbort, 47 East 10th
Street, Now York,
"Freo to Servo" wai such a marked
success that(Emma Rayner was doomed
to be in .demand by the publishers, and
hor newest attempt Is a study in south
ern fiction of 25 years f go, a talo of
mountain lifo in Kentucky and Tenn
essee. Realism in dialect and action
nro its strong points nnd the occurences
are vouched for as having a foundation
ol fact. Tho period of history nfter tho
war, w th its disordered state of society,
Is the excuso for n great deal ol shooting
and death, and tho namo of tho book,
"Visiting tho Sin," explains tbo motif
that is worked out with tho faithfulness
and fuevltablo fatalism of a Grcok trag
edy. If wo are to have tho stirring
talcs of lighting for -our daily bread, it is
perhaps better that theso bo laid in our
own country aud shed light on tho folk
lore and peculiar civilizations of our
own nrtlonal lifo. In this volumo Miss
Kayuer puts hersolf Iu tho class of
I harlos Egbert Graddock, except that
her literary quality la lacking in tho
Hcbler graces. Iho difference between
- dross 91-93 Fifth Ave.
- 1
1 The catalog of tho Colonial Furniture
Co., of Grand Rapids, Mich., is worth
, having for its beautiful pictures of flno
i furniture nnd suitable surroundings for
' '" n ruauumcturo single pieces
' huyers from the factory.
stos the Comh ana
ivoBromoQu.n.MS.?!! cu?o,t .
tcneiUv No (.lire, No Fay. Prlc25c. 8'Ji
Tho state of Colorado or any other
stato disgraces itself and casts lasting
odium upon its courts of justico when
It rns a criminal allvo, If ho Is a black
ft ft ft
Of coneo, wo havo in this big country
many Royalists, but Mr. Wilcox of
Hawaii ia the flrat cent to congress.
I ft ft ft
! Ann, r"io nooda no monument
w"" mU8,c " ,n tn0 worl-
ft ft ft
Somo of the railroad managers say tho
railroads would bo gladder than any-
body to abolish the frco paeB abuso.
1 ft ft 4
j Of courre, a Republican congress can-
not refuse to soat a Royallat from
Hawaii. It's a little tough though as
tho first fruit of expansion.
ft ft ft
Tiio national good roads convention
moots at Chicago today,
ft ft ft
There are some curious peoplo in this
Rig country. For instance , tho national
Chi Phi mon meet today at Atlanta, Ga.
., .ft ft
November is Bald to bo tho moat
' popular month for weddings.
ft ft
New York City today sells $5,363,005
of city bonds. 0 course, they aro not
sold on. the 8alom popular loan plan,
but by tho big syndicates.
ft ft ft
Novomber has five Thursdays thief
year, but Oregon's Thauksglvlng day
will bo on tho same date as all the rest
of Uncle Sam's domain.
. A (
Plenty of pptBjtoes and sauerkraut
boiled with sparerlbs, and we defy any
administration to'rnako us unhappy,
ft ft ft
A college in need of a good football
coach can be accommodated by tho Sa
eom athletic club.
ft ft ft
Tho Salem Journal publishes tho
following falsehoed: "Tho Alco Club,
of Albany, has taken out a license."
Albany Democrat.
Tub Journal hastens to correct and
now publishes tho fact. It suppofed
reference was had to a bowling alloy or
billiard or pool table.
ft ft ft
A nowspapcr man hates to glo in to
anyone pporating in a field prfiillnrlv
his own, But n barber in this city can
give any newspaper man cards and
spades and beat him ut his favorite di
version. He has twice brought us a fish
dinner, even telling us how to dress and
cook andejt them and not asmell of fish
has neon In the neighborhood of that
mau except iu his, imagination. Hia
noxt story on the fish linoja awaited
with iutorest. He is the hlghline fish
llur of Marion county,
ft ft ft
A roaominondntipn from the attorney
ofjthe twc'-biiok trust for a plaa on tl.o
t'cat-book commiuloii would hardly be
worth gotting.
ft ft ft
Free public library, better streets,
better echools, the beat government,
these are the lines of progress.
. ft
,- Xhe.state anao,vation of county lu.lce '
aoupty cumniiaaloners nd cpuuty asses
sors meets in Fortlarul,November 20.
ft ft ft
ownership of trusts or
ijvniiieutf' 1
iruiuu WQUUL.UO worst.. L'OVril.ll..n
No ono can crltlctao Mr Bryan since
election day. Ho iian said very little.
& & &
It will bo lively at Salem this coming
wintor with five candidates for
Tho way McKinley ran iu Linn nnd
Jackson ho must have received many
Democratic votes.
ft ft &
Professors whp put spokes In the
wheels of tho milionalrea nnd trnsts had
bettor resign. Thoy nro not fit to
educate tho rising generations of
plutocrats, ,
ft ft ft
Gov. Gcor seems to havo tho good
sonso to stay out of the senatorial flgli
in Oregon. "Shoomakor, stick to your
9 9 9
McKinley's majority on popular voto
may fall below what it was in 1800, But
it's big enough nnd n great big compli
ment to the man.
ft ft ft
Why not run Mr. Flngg against Mr
9 9
Why not glvo Mr. Flagg n chance to
present his theories of economy to the
peoplo of this City ns tho Republican
candidate for City Recorder?
Sonator Pottlgrew proposes a now
political party. By all means. Sevoral
of them. Thoro were only flroat the
last election. Glvocvorybody a clianco
to be In somo party.
Alt Religions Worship.
Nkw Yohk, Nov. 20. Tho Now York
Stato Conferonco of Religion met to day
for n threo days season. It is called to
demonstrate that a common worshio
may bo shared by rt ligloiiB men widely
differing in theological doctrine nnd
ritual forms. Asub-committeo, consist
ing of Dr. Nuwton of All Souls' Episcopal
church, Dr. Gottheil, of Tomplo Em
anuel, nnd Rev. Thoinns R. Pllcer, of
tho Souls' Unitarian Church, has pro
pared a manual of common worship,
Just beforo retiring, If your liver Is
sIhkrIbIi, out of tune und you feel dull,
bilious, constipated, tako a doso of
And you'll be all right In thomornln.
Ch tease
Salt Lnko, Dcntcr Ft. Worth
Oinnha. Kaueoa City, Ut 4 0C
9-.15 A.m
ix)uu,uuicn8 ana Kaat,
Walla Wall. HnoVano. Mlnno
apous, hi. i am, uuiuwi, juh
a. m.
nnaiuc linicngo aua oam.
tio Kz,
8 pm.
For Han Frauclton,
I p. in
Ball otory live day.
8d. m.
ex. Bun
HTKAM liltri.
fo Ailorla ninl way bunding!
I n. in
top, m
x Uuu
A r Ba
For 1'ortlanU, N'wIkti; nnrl way
lAuuiuiro. inoaaay, innra
,daya ami Saturday at 0.80 a.m.
, runny
Iioata to Portland aa abOTn. Tramfon
itreet car lino at Oregon City if tho ateamen are
delayed there.
Ttckeu to all polnU lu Oregon,
Vtaihlnston. California or ihu Eait
cbecked throuKh from Balom freo. C'holco
rail or river routo ta I'ortlaml. nnniiiwiilnu
mado at I'ortland with all rail, ocean and river
Unci. W II. HOllLUtlUT,
Qen, Taw Agt , I'ortlaudOr.
, . , Q. M. I'OWKIIS,
... Amut. Trade Rtrcotdook, Salem
City ticket and freight onioo M Coramorclat at
Southern Pacific Co.
Trains leave Snlom for Portland nnd way
stations at 5 :40 a. ra.
7:54 a. in. and
4 :05 p. m.
Lv Portland
10 33 1 M
12.-05 V II
4.33 AM
Lv Salem.
.11:00 A M
.12.30 A M
Ar A ah land
Ar Bcramento..
Ar Ban FrancUco...
. 6fl0 V M
7:43 V M
8:15 A M
Ar Onion.
. B:5 A M
. 8.-00 A M
, 7S5 A M
11:45 A It
8.40 A M
7S3 A M
:30 A M
Ar Denver..
ArKansa, City.
ArLoa Augelea
Ar El Vu
7.00 A M
0-00 P H
Ar Fort Worth 6M A M
600 V M
C-.30 A 11
10:80 A M
8.35 A M
6,'JS P M
6:42 A M
12:43 P M
Ar city of Mexico...... A5 a m
Ar Houaton 3.3) A M
Ar Now Orlcau...... B-2J P U
Ar Waahlnginn, 5,42 A M
Ar Now York
ra .
.12.43 V M
Pullman and Tourists cars on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdon
aud El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago
St. LouIb, New OrleanB and Washington.
Connecting at San Frnndlsco with bov
oral steamship Hues for Honolulu
Japan, China, Philippines, Central and
South Amorlca.
800 Mr. W. W. Sklnnor agent at Salon
Station, or address
0- II. MAKKHAM, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Sliori Lino Railroad
The Direct Route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
GivC-8 nllOll-A ll -n ( -..l
the UNION PACIFIO Fast -Mail Line,
No Change of Cars.
On the Portland-Chicago Special, "th
finest in the West." '
Equipped With
Elegant ataurlard Bleupcra.
Fino New Ordinary TOurUt Blevpon.
Superb Uhrarv-lluffet car.
3ulondlp Dlnueri, Sltata a la carto.
Ireo Kecllnlng Chair Car.
Wimfurlablu Coachen ami Smokera.
Kutlxv Train Completely Vctihuled.
r ?, .'r.Hier 'nlormntion apply
Trav. Pass. Agt. Agent O. K. & N,
12 Third St, Portland Or. Salem
Unhappy Coincidence.
Grdltor-I wouldn't ask you for tho
monpy If I wasn't awfully hard up.
Debtor-Aud If I wasn't awfully
bard un vou nhniil.i iva i n...i
ron From I'ortUnd, i
tnibt ownership coincidence, Isn't ttTBoston Tran
?rPt " "
C. H.tD.AOK.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keono, of
Whlto Corno Salem Or. Parties desir
ing superior opntlons at modornto fee
in nny branch are in uspoclal request.
Toledo, Ororon.
Wa Work of Circuit Court I
an iip-to-oalo abntraot or al
a yearu amllinR
ul In Lincoln
SOULE unos.
Toners and II pares
For Salem and vicinity leave ordors at
Geo. Will's Music Store.
T J. Sullivan,
State Street Tailor.
Fall Hiillinira just In. The Oberiidorir trnt-
tarn frum Ohlcngn.
1)011 uiiMiiiw raiw jiu,
K pauu so
Express and Transfer
Meeta'nll mall and parpenger trains.
Baggage to all parts of tho city. Prompt
Borvlco. Tolonhono iS'o. 51.
For wnter service niplv at oulc.
Bill-- payable monthb in udvanco
Muko till complulnts nt. tho olllc
The German Market
Will be found nil kinds of meat
und tho host of sausage. FREE
DELIVKRY. All bills duo thu
late firm of WnltA Miescxa
must 1)0 paid.
Wolz & Zwicker
171 Commercial Ht.
Loans and Insurance
Monoy to loan from 0 to 8 por cent,
according to security no oxponso for
examination. Insurancu effected on
hops nnd other property ut lowost rntes.
John Moir 290 Com, st,
7-10-'.f d.w
Old Post
Are lnrgo niu havo roliahlo attend
ants, your team boarded by tho week or
day. Good teams for hlro. Prices rea
sonable. Your patronage solicited.
H. M. Brown
(12 Ferrv Street.
Squire Farrar
No M Stato 8t. Thono No. lttl.
Wm Brown Co
Iluih lliilldlns, Commercial .St. (ground
iloor). ODIco telepliouu .No. 130.
Lilienthal Bros
II J. nttonholtnor, Manngor Ofllco over
Ladd ii llmli Hunk. Tliono No 401,
Catlin Linn
Qtllcoover Wcllcr'a grocery Horo. 'Fhone
No 211.
J Carmichael
Ofllco oyer Johnton'n
Clothing ttoro, lu
iiusii-uroymau bklg.
A, Livesley Co
Commercial f Bocond atalr wuth of Ladd
A liuh hank baukj room 18, npst Ir.
'Phone 1211. -
Ir Salem d Albany
DR. GRACE ALBRIGHT, graduate of
American School of Osteopathy.
SALEM Holiday, Wednesday ana Fri
day ; hours, 0 to 12 a. m; 1 to 4-30 p.
m, Ofllco over Weller'a urocerv.
j ALUANY Tuesday, Thursday nnd Sat-
unmy, uours, u to ia n. m; 1 too p.
m. Olllco Albany, Mellwnin building
Main S
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany ,.,..ia.4in m
Train leaves Corvallls. Sfe. 1,60 p. w
Train arrives Yuqultm "iQl5p m
No, 1 Returning: 4
Leaves Yaautna oiOa m
Arrives Albany
No. 3 For Detreit:
.'11:30 a. m
. ..12;1C p. m.
Leavoi. Albany"
Arrives Detroit
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albnnv
. 7:00 a. in.
....11:30a. m.
-...iJiihJ ii. n
.. 5:15 p, m
fit. Alhinu n xA
One and twcnonue-i
Cot vallls with Routliern Paolflotiains.
giving dinict sorvi-p tiand from Now-
vi u iiuu uujueuni oonciius
Trains for tho luuuulalns arrive at
lotroltat nojn. giving uoiplo thai
to roach cninnjng uniuitdi. on ti,f
Hroitenljush and flantluiu nveis the
Jg ut, Albiny.
kdwik srost
The Coltaetot,Hre , ,8 TlIM(Jo,
watoh. w promlsod to have th.
money for mo Saturday.
day by the watch, it a that much
8low,-.Indlanapol!s Press,
Waier k
And Soo Line,
Klrst-clasa ntu! TouruT
oictirtJKs daily
PassngoVs booked t aa ,rom
c, X
H. J, iJOYLE, it it .
A. G. P. A.', "' "jlT.
Vancouver, It. O, Wk
Y'ou nro not aware nf i, ... ..
Buperb Dorvlco now afforded bj if
wn iiivr
If you cannot tnku tho mornlnjia,
travel via the evening train. 4
finely equipped. ""
"Our Speciahies"
Fast Time. Throuuh Ro.t n.n
Palace Sleepors
nra n..ii...nn n
rs. l'ullrnriu Touriit BW
Diners, Library (,Cilei(i
lllll!! inrn.N
uio, i.iiiiiiiii ayiuuin, J.1UI
and Froo Reclining Chair
Hours in tlmo saved to Ctrili n.
I1LTII. 1M1I1PI1H 1.1IV. Ml. 1 All f. X-. t
. i- ..-- ri. . --
IIAotstn ...! ,.ll.l IS... . '. :" ,UI I
Tickets good to Salt Lake City ta
Denvor. '
It ia toyour intorcst to uso Tin Om
land I.iMiTKD. Tickets nd ilfewn '
ftftt lwrllta rtnn lira nmd.u1 ! r !
v -"' a.i i tit in; uf-isiin-u i rum
W. W. SxiKun.
Or Guy Powetf, Ag't. 0' R, AH,
, Tr i -,.,. Salem On
J. II. LoTHitop, Gen'l Agent,
No. 135 Third St. Portland Or
The Dewey
Washing Machine
1'hts inachlno is n new ono aiit ot
ecientiflu nrincinles. It ii muno.
teed to give nbpolnto Fntfeliction.
After a thorough trial no fimil;
would dispense with ono. With tti
u so of the Dewey, thn horrori d
wash day will disappear, This mi-
chino will
Wash Clothes
Perfectly Clean
No hard work about it. Easy loop
unite. Tho manufacturers will Uck
up every claim mado for the mi
dline. The Dewey Washer
Has won two first premiums at Sliti
Fairs: at Lincoln, Neb, 1899,11
nt Salem, Oro , 1000. Sold at Sales
byli. M. WadoA Co. ICorrespood
with or cull on
Ambler Young
Manufacturers and Salesmen,
ilt. Angel, Orecoti.
Salem Soap
Tho proprietor of tho Salem Sotp
Works has tho co-operation of the dealer!
Consumers who dosire a first-clasi
soap will
Encourage Home Industry
By ordering Snlom-mado soap
S, C, STONE. M, -
ftonr'etor ol
Stone's Drue: Stor
Too atoro (two in nunibo I are lotatw I
No. 236 and 888 Corornfieiil 'iut. w
well stocked vrltli a complete Hue of dtupw
mcdlclnea, toilet attlclea, rwrloiaeiy, lrM'
eto., cto , etc
iuihailomo2Syeaia oxpenenei In U !"
ttceof roetUolnowid nor map no charj
poniinllaMnii fiMnhmtlnn nr nncrlptlon.
Ladies nnd dents' clothe
cleaned nnd dyed without rlp
ping. Gont's clothes pressed,
by the month, aleo portler
cleaned and dyed. Hats ami
kid gloves cleaned liontt
clothes rolined, rebound, ro.
paired, buttons on. All worit
neat, cheap nnd promptly
. . ; I 1
YLKER, hfik
V)H Commercial bt.
BlltS. . KOWAN, B n.MlllHrttuket!iyj
CuKE yuuBsttir;
t ..I i I 1 - .1 m
" tmWiUtUiV'"
lu u ' irtca
- R "J'TVVrMMh
I " ".... J.fl"
t-mmau."-' rV,n,SwaiM
a, ...
l -----"- fcrBTw ftfkl.l UT J .m
r.asm rr- ; iaid r
for luweptA!,"
-Stato P"TSk
, ""'Ml.
'i A"Vr 4
f HCT fr. 1
WrH k W ;
kk K