The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 17, 1900, Image 4

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    '" "7 ' S-V-W
.ir.fc i
i- "Wo have Just received from Edwin S. deorgo (lift largest
- pt' manufacturer of fino furs tn' Amcrico) n sample linn of tlio
" .. fnibiji ,eegant furs' evpr brought to Salem. Wo will placo
these flno furs on salo for ::::.:.
O G"3EB "lTjeD3E3EB:
nt tho mnnufoeturors price". Tills Is tho greatest offor over
made, lllght In tlio midst of the fur season. : : : :
Wo mako no statements wo cannot substantiate, offor no vol
ties Wb thnnot show, quote no (trices wo nro unable to moko
good. ;:;:::: : . :' . : -
''Wntqh Ihia spaco for further announcements.'
J. J. Dalrymple & Co.
it Tf& &i
Clias. II. Hinges
Next Door ta
:Whcat Market,
Han FftANnrtco, Nov. 17 Cash 07,fi
OiiiOAoo, III., Nov. 17.-Dec. 71
olom, 60.
MA nit uw .
The SldnevPowor Co,
riiuilfcv, onuoos.
mado for family use, ask yourgrocorH for
t. Brah and shorts nlwaya on hand.
T J Calf, Chicago.
W M Welch. Ban Francisco.
George IVteona, Son Francisco.
J 0 Lindsay, Portland. !
II L Whltelock, Boston.
B W Freer, Ban FranclBco.
Arthur hi Dow, Boston.
A J Lolund, Portland,
Miss N M Ilollenbeck. Boston,
Miss 0 M Liudhoig, Hoston,
K W Montgomery, rcndloton.
K E Uobblns, McCoy.
T. F, Hovnlo. Chicago. ;
W. D. Chamberlain, Pendleton,; . '
Alias IITBouIo, Portland. .
0. L. Clark, Portland,
M. I). Wisdom, Portland.
Frank Ilobson. Btuylon.
' Mrs. Clayton wentEcnf Mutoschool,
. ,JJER0NAL. ,,
to her homo yesterday, nftor a visit with
nor etsior jurs.K. j. jionurtcica.
Mrs. II. Ouir. of Scotia Mills was in
tho city yostorday oh her way to tho
Friends' quurtorly conflrencoat Marion
Geo. 0. Will made n business trip to
Woodburn yeeteriloy
Miss Ethel Knight ia vial ing friends
lit Portland.
Mrs. Horry Winn, of Cottago Grove,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E, P. McOornaok went to Portland
yostorday a ternoon.
j. E.rHosmor,of Sllvortbn, was tit Bo
loin yestorday.
Mlsa Halllo Thomas has gono to Turn
or to Sunday witli her parents.
Prof,.J. II. Aekormuu returned from a
visit to tho svhools in Yumliill county
last evening.
M. D, Wisdom. Hecrotary of tho Oro
gou Statu Agricultural Booloty, camo up
last nigiit registered nt tho Cottago' Ho.
It. H.. Fleming went to Portland on
business yostorday evening.
Miss Grace Bruwstur of Lebanon who
washoroou a visit with tho fauuly of
W.'ft Meunett rotariienl lipmg lust oven
Mr. and Mrs. O P Ooshow, of Drowns
villo are making a visit here.
- We fir? fleadqtorfers -
For Your Breakfast Foods.
'Cream cf Wheat, Ralston Breakfast Food, Rals
ton Pancake Flour, Pillsbury's Vitus Mush.Gra
. no, Dessicated Wheat, Wheatine, Germea,
5rai.Qse Flakes, Malt Break fast food. X X
- Fivo minuto nineh Is mill our leader.
..lh backaae. '
T -A Tull Jlno,o Apme mills pro-luda.
uurry U10
JtOHetl uais J. Jus lor s, m curry
1 RerWeiritior If youV'rtyt Boo Uwi
nit eooQ broad buv
1?autart llriMrtm. '
't v
fjl... ,
PhoifU Ml. Mi
A & M f ,- -1
To see ft palisflod n an with glosses which Bult
hi uvory way, It la not a good fit simply to
lit I0118C8 to tho Bight, regardless ot tlio tramo
Thorn are two separate parte In fitting glasses,
tlio flcionllflc fitting of lenses and tho median
ical part of making fitting and bonding of
frames to suit each individual faco. Wo com
bine both of thesonnd give satisfaction which
merits tho recomondatlon of making now cui
tomcrs every day. When needing glaeses,
.camo and see us.
Scientific Optician
296 Commercial St.
Mrs. T. Holvcrpon and Mrs. II. J
nigger went to Chemawa jeslerday lo
visit friends. ,
Mrs. W. M. Kimsov returned from a
visit with friends in McMinnvillu last
Mel. Hamilton and son Ira went to
Portland this morning.
Clark Churchill wont to Wood burn on
busineea this morning.
Lohrt. Nolllo Brown of thoBolvatlon
Army, is transferred to Portland whore
she went ttiia morning.
Mm. Thos. Caufield went to Portland
this morning on a visit with friends.
Mrs. W. II. Bathorsuy and son and
Miss Bnslo Henslov started for Ban Fran-
Cisco to join her husband who is permau
ontly located more.
G. W. Slalcy, 0110 of tho Asylum force
went toYoncalla to visit liis family for
a few days.
.1. A. Taylor wont to Marion this
morning to attend quarterly mooting of
the Friends Society.
W. 11. Wehrung, of Hllloboro, came
upon the 11 o'clock train.
Dr. 8. It. Jessup, who hai been for
ioiiHly ill, ia reported oh improving must
favorably today,
1 "l..Ts.'irV"VT&tt
All Social hews of Western Oretoa t
iteportca ror our uauy iieaaers.
(Yon are cordially invited to contribute
re-torts of social gatherings, personal
items and notices ot coming events )
Tlio pust weok has been filled with so
oral gaiety to such an extent that pop
ular society womou bavo been kept
occupied. Preparations for tho Charity
ball como along nicely. All tho conv
inittcea of ladles nro working hard. Tho
week closes with an nftornoon recoption
given by Mrs. Thos, Holman and Mrs.
Geo. II. Meyer.
Attout thirty or moro of 8nlom's so
cioty ladies wero entortained at Mrs E,
M, LuForo's Friday afternoon from two
uutll five. Mrs. LaForo has boon giv
ing n Borics of tbene charming afternoons
and oaoh succeeding tho other in now
and novel entertainments. .Friday thero
was a literary contest In which the
ladles wcro given subjects upon which a
poem was to bo written. Cards with
numbers to correspond wero passed
about and ladles iu pairs wore to match
their skill and jointly compose on ono
Tlio combined efforts of Mrs. J. B, T.
Tuthlll and Mrs. T, 0. Smith, Jr. wore
voted unanimously to bo tho beat and
for tholr brilliant Ideas thoy woro pre
Bouted with bouquets. Dainty refresh
ments mixed with sparkling convon-a
tl-jn brought tho third of this splendid
hontesB's partlos to a very successful
Those present wore: MrB, Jt, 8. Bean,
Mrs. Henry Meyers. Mrs. J. F. Cah
breath, Mrs, Paul firoat, Mrs. Win.
WcsUvcott, Mrs. Hay Gilbert, Mr. T,
0. Smith, Jr. Mrs. J no. Krousse.
Mrs. 0. D. Gabrieleon. Mrs, Claud
Catch, Mrs. J. B. T. Tuthlll, Mrs. Frank
Waters, Mrs. 8. I. Hoyden, Mrs. Geo.
Bingham, Mrs. I. L. Patterson,
Mrs. Will Gray. Mrs. F.d Edea, MrB.
Goo. Brown, Mrs. Win. Brown, Mrs.
Goo, Burnett, Mrs. Lot Poarco, Mrs. It.
Cortwright, Airs. S, W. Thompson, Mrs.
Willis Morse, Miss Hughes, Miss Ethel
Hughes. Miss F rankle Richardson, M bs
Geo. Giltner, Miss Margaret Cospor,
ILaxatlvo Uromo-Quinlno Tablets
Coqko in five minutos, lOo for n 2
Wholo wheat Hour, Bjiqkwhbat, Graham,
best rolled oats iu tho city, 5 lbs for 25c.
liver's liaelb our. mado In Pendleton,
ao St.
AddrtKBrrt tka Jnrr.
A man who had never scon tho In
sldo of a courtroom until bo wns Intro
duccd as n witness in a cubo pending
In one of the Scottish courts, on being
qworn took a position with bis back
to tho Jury and began telling the story
to the Judge.
Tho Judge, In a bland and courteous
manner, said:
"Address yourself to tho Jury, sir."
Tho man made a short pause, but.
notwithstanding what bad been said
to blm, continued his narrative.
The Judge wns thou more explicit
and said to blm: "Speak to the Jury,
sir, the men sitting behind, you 011 tin
benches." The witness nt once turned around
and making nu nwkwnrd bow wild
with perfect gravity:
"Good morning, gcntlemcn."-hifrnl
A CntnloROP.
"Miss .Mnrv." wild the nnble maiden
"wo 'speei t have nn en'tnlnmen. ni
our clinVli iicx' week, and I got
ipenk n piece. I was lest goln to nu
you If you had n book with roiiu1 oh
horn pleeeH InV"
"Why. yen. Oorti, I linve a honk ol
recitations. What kind of a piece do
you wantY
"Well. I miis thlnkln ob nonicp'n In
do nuture nh it enti'logue."
"A whin"
"A coining'!' yon know, p pleco villi
one person n tnlk'i' and 'ttother one
answetln 'ein imek linn you cot n
piece like .In, f IM like It f'lHt ratp."
New Vint. I Hlitine.
"TCt ( Vllllttl.
One 'ili"i' hi 11 reception which Ren
I tor IVvi'iitttfe iiihI I iitteiided nonn rtff
ir Ii!h ilii'Doti the li'Mtrrts ml lil In niofl
itirpilve: "Ate yne Scti'Mer Itcverldge, tho sen
stor fni'ii I'ldiniiriV'
The 'elllltui t.cwed niod-'stly.
"It l'iuill. -.eetiH iiiKMlhle. Why. you
nie n men. l.eiialhfn vntithl"
"Mnilii ilC IViflftl.M)1HtHyeIldge.wlti
out n iinlle. "I sluivc." -Sntiirdny Even
Itm 1'oxt.
t'nrntftin'r Ten.
When the veilm mnle. or nntlve ten
fof Pn'-JiKiu-y. Is enltlvutod. the sped."
nrc tiented to un neld bath before
plnntl.iu TIiIh oorteiiH the hnrd Hhell
which Hiiri'iitindn the kernel of the
seeds ml fimhhm them to sprout In
three 'i four months, if planted In
their mintl state. It requites three
or foi venrs for the needs to germl
Jo Appear Before Next Cir
cuit Court.
Mujt Answer Charje of Assault With a Dancer-
ous Weapon-Conclusion of Testimony
on Preliminary examination.
At 1 o'clock p. in, City Hecordor
Judah brought In his decision in tho
cuHoof Willard Martin charged with as
saulting Geo. Murphy with a danger.
qiib weapon, holding tho defendant to
appear lMiforo the next Circuit Court,
in $500 bonds. Tho Hecordor had ta
ken tlio matter undor advisement when
tho presentation of tho caso was con
chtdod Friday afternoon, to which time
tho'tnattor had been continued Horn
So von witnessiH for tho defense wore
uxutultibd, including Bert Lynch and
Joo Tyler, who wero put on tho stand
Thursday by tho stato, Tho defense
ca led them to show that Urego, the
stato's witness who tostlilcd to Boeing
Martin atriko Murnhy thrco blows on
tlio head with a billy, was not iu tho
saloon at tho time the trouble occurred
Lynch aworo that Crogo wns not
in tho Baloon when tho troublo occurred.
Ho said that there wero only throe per
sons present, but when asked who thoy
worn, raised his figure to four, and
named Tyler, Murphy, Martin and him
self MoNary endeavored to cross-ox
amino tho witness iu referonco to his
toeUmony tho day before but tho do
fonso objected and was sustained.
Tyler, tho borkoeper, s woro that Crogu
was not iu tho saloon when tho trouble
took placo. Said that Murphy, Martin,
Lynch, Ed. Finloy and hluuoll wero the
only perrons present, Ho was severely
cross examined by McNury, who en
deavored to bring out nn nckuowlodgo
mont that Crcgo may have boon present,
and bo at ono tltno conceded that Crego
may have been tn tho other room of thn
J. C. Johnson G. W. Johnson, Carroll
Moores and N. W Clark told of tho war
01 worus on 1110 smowaiK uoioro ino
trouplo In tho saloon, giving substan
tially tho samo account as had already
been given by soveral witnesses. Iu
substance It was that Murphy was hold
iuu forth to tho crowd on politics usinir
considerable violent languairo, when
Martin camo up and offered to bet f 100
that McIClnloy would bo elected, and
that Murphy referred to Martin's debte
and a 7000 mortgage on his farm ; that
tlio controversy grew quite warm and
Murphy made warlike demonstrations
but did not attempt to strike Martin;
that Bomo one camo up and got
Murphy uwoy, going with him to
Eckerleu's faluou from whence ho soon
returned and entered tho Western sa
loon with Bert Lynch.
Clark wits standing in tho crowd im
mediately behind Murphy .(or
soveral minutes, looking for some ono
but his attention was not attracted to
the colloquy between Murphy uud Mar
tin until 110 heard tho lie passed betweon
them and saw Murphy double bis flit an
though he wero going to strike Martin,
which, however, ho did not attempt to
du: nor did Martin make any move to
defend himself.
However, J. 0. Johnson could not re
meuilior any of tho bad lauguugo ad
dressed by Murphy to Martin. Tho only
vilo expressions ho could remember
wero uttered beforn Martin chipped In.
Carroll Moores recollection of tho mat
ter was tho same ou that point,
Ed. Finloy heard tho row on tho
street and afterward went into
tho saloon with Martin and was standing
at tho east end of the bar when
Aiurpny anil Jyncu entered ana came
up to the west oud of the bar. Crego
was not in the saloon. Murphy looked
at tho barkeeper ami usod Borne vile
languago in reference to Martin. Wit
Hess anticipated troublo and started to
want tno tmcK uoor ot tno saloon, lie
heard a scramble, looked around and
saw Murphy in a falling position.
Saw him fall, then went out. Did not
seo Murphy start toward Martin. This
wltuoau was cross-examined at some
luuith by MaNary. who endeavored to
bIiow that it was uot reasonable to sup
poso Ui at this witness would go into the
saloou with Martin and thou leave him
thurrk u-vruLnr Itir Hint lis ivna ntuMif ltk ln
wl by Murphy without ettha
A United States Senator's Letter.
Hon 8. D. McEnory, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the
following in regord to Po-rn-nnt
Po-ru-no Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Oblot
Gontlomon Po-ru-n is an excellent tonlo. I have used it sufflclontly
to say that I bcllovo It to bo all that you claim for it.
Very Respectfully, S. D. MolSnory.
ft -jLTZ'hr yMiJJUfa "I 4 ' ' imm ' ,-"oa,,tWftB4s
Three Car
To moot tho domands for Fe-ru-n. as a
catarrh romody daring tho fall and win
ter throo car-loads per day la required,
row peoplo comprehend what an im-
mohso amount of l'o-rn-ua this is. It Is
eighteen hundred dozen bottles of Fe-ru-na,
each bottlo containing twenty
ounces. This amounts to twonty-one
thousand six hundred bottles, or four
hundred and thirty-two thousand
ounces, or throo million four hundred
and ilf tyslx thousand doses.
Throo car-loads of bottles of Fe-ru-na
placed end to end in a slnglo row would
oxtend over fcur and n half mllosj ar
ranged in a column ono foot squaro they
Would mako s column nearly two thou
sand foot high, four times as high as tlio
highest cathedral tower in Europe, and
nearly twice m high as tho famous Elffol
tower. Itomombor, this amount of Peru-no
Is shipped dally to moot tho enor
mous demand for th Is wondorful catarrh
Tho f aoilitlos of tho Fo-ru-na Medicine
Company aro taxod to tholr utmost to
koop up thla romarkablo output, week
after wook, and month after month.
This ovor-ineroaBing stream of Fo-ru-na
finds its way into thousands of homes in
evory stato in tho Union.
Fe-ru-na is as ef
ficacious to curs the
winter catarrh of
Now England as tho
summer catarrh of
Texas. Fo-ru-na is
an absoluto panacea
for tho climatic dis
eases of summer and
winter. It is tha
safo-guard of the
homo amid tho bliz
zards of Montana,
and tho ovor-pros-
Mrs. O. T. Mo
llargue, Uozeman ,
Mont., ayi I'o-ru-nn
cured mo of
a nupposod poly-
1u, caturrh and
hroat trouble.
ont, novor-falling
romody for tho ills
hold in tho sweltering heat of JUorldo.
Mrs. Magglo Turner, Holly Springs,
Miss., writes: "About fifteen years ago
X was takon with catarrh of tho head . I
triod soveral dcotora and all the patent
medicines I could hoar recommended
for catarrh. I spent sovoral hundred
dollars and found no relief. I was grad
ually growing worso and was given up
to dlo. Last Soptembor Fo-ru-na. was
recommonded to mo by a frlond and I
bogan to tako it I had no faith in any
thing any moro, as I was not ablo to sit
np, and was a moro Bkeloton. After I
had taken ono bottlo ot Fo-ru-na X began
to improve X am now taking the ninth
Household Treasures IJs'aSXS'aSSe:
bin is 1 1-2 inches deeper than on ordinary treasures. One
bin has partitions in for different kinds of flour. Each bin
holds a 50 lb sack of flour and a quart seive. Two nice clean
bread boards. Two small drawers one draw has partitions
for knives forks and spoons and are well finished at prices
that are within reach of all.
trying togethhn
mvav or stuvlni. tn
help him.
The argumont by counsel consumed
nearly an hour. McNary waived tho
opening argumont. John A. Carson
made a skillful plea for his client.
Martin, and John A. Jeffrey presented
tho enso of tho stato iu an ablo inannor.
Recorder Judah thon took tho matter
undor advlsoment until l n. m. Kntnr.
Tho undertaking of Mr. Humphrey
and othor gontlomen oporatlng with him
to establish an independent gain market
mid milling entorprlsoat Salem Ts worthy
of investigation and encouragement. It
such a thing is possible here it is to bo
brought about by a man of Mr. Hum
phrey's standing and experience.
There is a general impression that tlibre
is a complete monopoly on the milling
and warehouso business at Salem ami in
thoWillamettovalley.thatno individual
can aland np against and succeed. This
means that tho farmer must tako what
tho monopoly will pay for wheat ai.d
that tho consumer must pay what tie
monopoly charges for flour. Just at
present wheat is going lower and Hour a
going higher.
An independent miling and warehouso
enterprise at Sulom would at least keep
opm the means ' of commulcation with
tlio outside market and as far as Jt, exerts
any inlluence would baa check on tho'
two-headed monopoly. The sword of
tho wheat and flour trust ia two-edged
and cuts ice both ways. Thore ought to
be some way to dull its edge, and Mr
Humphrey and his associates know bow
to counteract the -dangerous weapon that
is raised against tho life of theso Im
portant industries.
Loads Daily.
bottle and bollevo myself to be porma-'
nently cured. I hovo discharged all my
holp, am doing my housework alone, and
weigh 155 pounds. Although I am 41
yoars old I f eol as well as 1 did at 10."
Contractor Roberta in a recent lettoi
to Dr. Hartman as to tho merits of Fe-ru-na
says: I
"Your remedy Fo-ru-na has cured my
boys entirely of catarrhal troubles and
of tho healthiest
boys in tho stato
of Iowa, which I
attribute to tho
good effect of
your medicine.
My wlfo had a
stomach trouble
which Fe-ru-na
also cured. Alto
gothor for my
wholo family wo
bavo saved 500
in doctor bills. X
am a contractor and mason by trado and
am known all over Northwestern Iowa.
X bavo had stomach troublo which has
boon greatly relieved by your romedy
Fo-m-na. We think it is tho groatest
medicine on earth."
Mrs. Elicaboth Orau, Now Athens, 111.,
says: "For two years I had catarrh of
the nose very bad. Sometimes it was so
bad that X could not sleep at night. I
doctored with two physicians, but they
did not holp mo. I road about Fo-ru-na
in tho paper and got a bottlo ot it. I
thon wroto to Or. Hartman and he said
X should continue to take it. I took
itnntll I was ontlroly woll. Whosoever
follows Dr. Uartman's advlco will get
Aro tho nostrils stopped upf Is first
one and then the othor nostril stopped
up 7 Is thero a discharge from tho nose 7
Is thore dropping from tho back part of
tho noso into tho throat? Is your sonso
of smell off oc ted 7 Do you have pain in
tho noso 7 Does your nose smart 7 Do
you sneozo often 7 Aro you troublod
with nose bleed? Do you blow your
nose frequently 7 Is tho discharge from
your noso thick or thin 7 Is your breath
offonslve 7 Do you snoro whilo lying on
If so, yon have chronic nasal catarrh
and should attond to tho mattor at ones,
A short courao of Fo-ru-na will cure you
now, but if you put it off it will take
longer. Besides the dlseaso is liable to
spread to tho throat and lungs.
Tree books on catarrh sent by Thi
Fe-ru-na Drng MTg Co., Columbus, 0.
An Important Difference.
To make it apparent to thousands who
think thomsolves IU, thnt thoy are not
allictod with any disnaso. but that tha
syBtom only needs cleanaing, ia to bring
comfort homo totlioirheartH.asacoetlva
j condition is easily cured by using Syrup
ui i'mo. munuiHciureu oy tno unuiornia
Syrup of Figs Co. only, und sold by all
You are requested to meot in tho
at i p. m. .iionuay, rsov. i, to arrange
for attending the funeYal of our lato es
teemed Sir Knight E. 0. Holslnger. Let
iwory Sir Knight promptly respond to
this notice By order 01 the Lieut
E. M. Huun,
W. T. RtonoK, P. K.
E. L. P. Parrot t, of Ropehurg. is reg
istered at Hotel Willomotte.
Salem Susday School Convention.
The closing session of tho Salem Dis
"trlst Sunday School Association will bo
held at the First Presbyteiian church,
tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at f?t30
'(Inflations of vital importance to tho
Sunday School work of this city will be
fsoHundijy School teacher, ot otberH
person interesteu in Sunday School
work, can afford to miss this meeting.
. Superintendents aro requested to cal
tho attention of tliolr teachers (o thta'
Headquarters for tho best meat
and lard In tha city. Give us a
cull and reo how well wo oin
please you. prompt and care
Itiha t tent ion to ull orders. J ;
.I?ione,blaokiT. s : V
O.T. Kobrti, Dent
eon, Ia.
O. C. T. Co's
1JIAVK8 von l'Oltrr.AND
lllToxrrpt8nn(lTat7 n m.
D(ick lMtwon Hlato anil Court U(.
At. P UALDWIN, Agrnt
k Ok tfBk .4W
Soys ho uoulll not keep house or
travel without a kodak. He al
ways carries onu to record tlio
scones us bo journey. If he weio
nnywboro near Salem ho would
sup ly hiuipelf with Kodak goods
as sold by I'atton llros. They
bavo a complete stock of every
thing in that lino and its always
frofh. Hove von seen I heir new
linu of "Melto'u Mounts "
Patton's Book Store,
To make room for an
: immense stock of toys
: still to come we must
: reduce our stock of boots
: and shoes, underwear,
c piece goods, trunks, vat-
fe i cs, blankcls, and cvery-
&- dt.t - -
a :
. . ,
c v
Great Bargains i
274 Commercial St.,
balem, Oregon.
Remains Will Arrive Sunday Afternoon and te
Burled Monday from Concrccatlonol-
A lob gram received tins morning
from Mrs. E. O. Holsinger who is bring
ing tlio body of her husband from
Albuquerque. N. M., was to tho effect
that tho reinalus will arrive horo on tho
-1 o'clock train Sunday, ami proportions
have been mado accordingly by tlio
Maccabeo lodge, of which deeoused was
a member.
Sir Knights Aug. Huckosteln, 11. l.
Taylor, N. J. Jndah, Hilaa Howard,
Edward Ellisand J. O. Itoed, have boon
detailed to ineot tho liody nt tho train,
it will bo takon to the residence of tlio
bereaved wife's, Mr. und Mrs. J. P.
Veatch, whero Sir, Knight X. J. Judah,
0, W. Htump and W. II. Squlro will bo
in attendance.
Tho funeral will tako placo from tho
First Congregational church ut2p. m.
Monday. Rev. W. 0. Knntnor will con
duct tho sorvlcos, after which tlio Mac
cabees will take charge of tlio remains
and inter them in Kural cemetery with
tho ritualistic seivicoof tho order.
Advertisements under this
bead 5c a line each issue
LADIE8 When docsors nnd others fail
to roliovo you, try our romody. Pack
age freo, P. 0. Drawer, 1587, Mil
waukee, Wis. 11 17 ltf
H. Rowan, Milwaukee. Wis.
pay. 0.
11 17 Hi
WANTED An edutated, refined young
woman, worth f20.000, wants husband
who would bo good business partner.
Address 0, Mox 83, Bt. Louis, Mo.
11-17 31
FOR BALE. A linn hnil driving mare
nrlco no object if bought i-oon C.
Marsh, 35'High street. 1M7 ai
Farmer's Meetln at Maclcay.
On Tuesday Nov. 20th at 1;S0 p. in.
at Macley thero will Ik a public meeting
m tho interstof the Farmers Warehouse
........, vi.. ui uuinui iu miiuu uvory one
iu that section will be interested.
11 10 3t
A Harmless DIjic.
A chimney lire at the residence of
Richard Oarey, on East Stato street,
caused tho ,flro department to take a
run out there this forenoon, but no ma
terial damage was done.
For the tired womau, wlio has to bow.
That's the way they all talk of the
Staudard Ilolary. Come to tho store
and try. ono. iwia...
- -- m- -s .?". v..
1 )-; .
H07 Commroll St.
Carbide for your gas lamp, 2 pounds I
j CIN'Gfe
And (0 sell rapidly , tlicro must bo somo)
induiomont to the purehasor, THIb
thoy aro anro to have. Wo- start tho
great ilestriictinn of the prices on aur
stock immediately, -and will tnku about
00 doyfl. It will ennblo you to" buy a $15
suit of clothes for (I), a 12 suit for $7.G0,
a 10 RTt forJd.DO. an 8 auit for f5. In
children's clothing' you will get the
Hiimn nrOnnrtion.
Men's rubbru worth 7ro. for50c uniV
OOo rubber's for '40c. Ladles'' rubbers
worth OOo for-a8iv Children's rubbors
tho samo urupof.tlqn utd tliQ tanio.'JU
Rubber boots, n discount of 25 per
Mackintoshes for men and ladles nt
05e on the dollar. 1
Spool cotton, best brandx, at 25c per
dor.en. Ten cent spool silk for live conls.
A puckriko of,iil!Oiiillo.iOr.,nr,rntoiioJti h(j1,
for 3c, wrrlffls)k 4uammmxm
Embroideries at 05c on tho dollar ;
Ioi'ch ditto.
Passameiitry tilmminusnt halt price
Indies' shoes worlh $5 for 75c; al la
, diet shoos cost $2, $2.Ctl. $3, f 1.50 to be
Isold fnrCOc. Childien's shoos just hiilf
1 Overalls worth 50o for .'18c.
I All our men's under weiir at (!0c oil the
, dollar,
I Men s ovorsblrlH iu OOo 011 the dollar.
Men's collars, tho 20e and 15c grade.
at 8c, the 12'(jU grade for 7c, tho 10c for
5 cents.
I lilankotH, ((iilllH, counterpanes will be
Bold at a dificouut or 25 per cent.
This will give consumers un opportunity to pui
chase the best grade of goods at a lower price
than has been heard of m Salem before. 'I hose
who know the value of money, and have sense
enough to know a good thing when, it h of
fered to them will come and partake of this
great sale at. A. X X X X
Cor. State and Com. Sts. Sal-.m Or.
,8 nttVL
The Osburn Racket Store at 60c on the
dollar, and have moved the goods into
my store, first south of the Postoftice, ' I
' . will give my customers the benefit of
my purchase by sacrificing the goods
some at wholesale cost, some for less
than wholesale cost, The stock con-'
sists of Ladies' and gents' furnishing
goods, shoes, umbrellas, mackintoshes,
rubbers, notions and hats Come early
andget first choice,
Location First Door South of the Postoflice,
New MilMnfery Ste
"""0F ms-D-L F1ESTER
Our entire new line of hats received this morning.
First Store South of Post Office.
The , presont year. You will flmt hero skillful toaohera, correct methods and woJro .
equipments. Students admitted at any time. V sltbrs. welcome For illaetnUN
..i.ivuu,jrrai, mil will mill lieru BK1I
equipments. Students admitted at any i
catalogue nddress, yf
Bottled Beer
Klingor & Beck Successors to SJootbBalera
Bottling Works,
All orders for liottlodlwr will bo HlleJ
at tlio brewery. Kept ou cold storage.
Free ultv delivury. Thlonhnnh 2181,
Wheat Bought and Stored
By the Aurora Roller Mills
Branch otllco ond warobpuso 181 Trade
at. between High and Church streets,
lluckwheat and oats bought at highest
market price.
7-27-tf d&w
( mn
:IIii!heSt oah nrlai .nf.l -l rjii...j..
?. lk: opposite Gray Bro',. Hold
government license
OO itAnl... S . ,,
a utoidio iu un
. . .. '
II ft II II ft ' 1 I
p jfc.t styles of ladles' Jtkel,
Latest Btyles of Indies'
tho dollar.
enpes RtCf0B
A our silks, and dH,
worth finm l to $2 pr yM7 li't.
so d for 60a, all otl'or volveeona J ,
A $2, 12 50 and $3 corset for t, t,A
corset for 75c. fl.26, l cornt org
7Co corset for 40o. Ht
Men's worklnu ulovcs. n ,.i......
30 per cent. Tho same on ladle i Z i
Tho best kid gloves nt half ?& K,ont J
leathers, tins and pinnies wnrlh &
to tt) to bo sold for 10c each w
Towels at two-thirds tlu-ir value.
Table clolheB,25 kt ci-nl. dltcouul.
yfcAlNjees. g.Kdp, 30 per cent discount
Oura'm is to rcnlizo nlmut trie on lh.
dollar average, on nhont f 10,000 Jl
if goods, and imifit be done wltliln r,i
days ffom tho 15th ol November.
Ncckliea, 3rM: guide for 20o, 50. r.u
for S60, the 25c bows W ICc. in
Sox that will weor tho prices cm u I
felling n 50o pair for 38c. 35c ii, d i9
nr... A ir... ...'1. 1.. n. . . "l"'.iw
lie, mid 11 ha pair for 3c.
A fountain pan worth 25c fnr8 ,
A box of paper and envolont-s oitl,
IGo for 4c.
, Tnhlu cutlery nt 00c on tho ttolUr.
Knzors. BtropH. and knives, siiHm
worlh n dollar lor 00c.
As nn Investment, poys suhstan l
dividends. This fact Is demontlr!
continually by our graduates. rour
our students bavo gono from school w
two weeks. Plan now to take a court
,V. I. STAf,BYSPPJlncipal, Bolenr, un (
Weildings. Reception -,
all occasions, ; : J
.Mny..L. Gesnerjianajtf
- 2 0 3 Cottate aad Perry r a - . -,
A.J.CurlraJ. Pfln.
Z. M. Parvld. fnus. uoc . u" -.
of uepsrtmeat of Muiic . it
Full MUM In the nrlnclp! """"glj,.
aud art. Pint terra l!ln Moh1r -JftyK
Bcua for circular to xSe., &
Mulcmora Ko 7. Htwu Hi
NortJiw8stern Normal
a1CIH UIl"J ., ml
Term opeas SPt- 2
r i. -K..S."?r ZmA NmL.''ii
K? -ffi&t?51SS27 "
.,. w. ....-" j-
Bduil lor clroularn.
kinds of securities
11 10 t(