The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 17, 1900, Image 2

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    s ,t i nj)Tj(fiMmnji(yiflrp
House Work Is Hard Work without GOLD DUST.
..,iiT.aTtrmiM -.'." '!:
,.!. "
ijr, n; - Xf
pfecT: A suit for ynur b.- 1-t 25 oi)50 per cent. less
i llian you always paid bin. 100 1054.60
Gi W Johnson
The Peoples Clothiers
DallyOrio Yenr. S3 OO In Aclvnnoo
DallyiFour Month l In Advonoo
Weekly-Ono Yoar Sl.OO In Advnnco
. book commission
Governor Geer to Appoint In
Bat Few Applications On File Duty of Com
mission to Select School Books for the SU;
Year Foiiowlnt 1901.
Tujc Journal gives its mailers today
all that lias appeared sinco ItH last ro
view of thin 'Bunjoat. It has recolvcd
scores of lottora from promlnont citizens
all over tho stato that show a deep and
intelligent interest in tho formation of
this commission that Is to he named by
tho Governor.
Thero is a general abandonment of
eelflsh interests in this matter. All who
dieensstho situation Boom to realize that
the only object is to get a good coinmls
aion, one that will act courageously and
intelligently and then stand fearlessly
by its work, That influences nro at
work to contlnuo the present system tho
most indifferent can comprehend, Gov
rnor Geer has said that ho would not
hear petitions from persons who woro
Booking a plnco on this commission.
Still It is a duty that all citizens owe
tho schools ami futuro generationa to
coll tho Governor's, attention to stiltablo
persons who possess tho talqnta and
have the disposition to render tho pec
pie of this stato an unselfish service
Special to the Portland Oregon Inn,
Salem, Nov. 14.--Tho nppolntmont of
flveteJct;1 book.commljslpno'ni, to Bervo
for a Ijrjnrof fourw'ars, 'will he made
by Governor Geerin.January. Ah tho
tfmo for tl0 selection of this board ap
proachoa.'liUeroat Ta greatly lncroa?od.
The importance of this commission is
gonoraUy -acknowledged, It will deter
mine tho text hooka that shall bo usod
in this'' stato for a period of six years.
Tho action taken by tho board will not
only bo of glwat moment to the people
of the etato from a financial standpoint)
but will be of vital Interest to the cause
of common school education.
In an Interview on tho suhjet of tho
composition of thocnmmiwslon, (Joyornor
Geer has raid that, ho will endeavor to
appoint tho bes.t men in the state to por
form tho duties of that'body. lluwlll
make no announcement of namns prior
House worn
Booms easy to a man, hut there is n
great deal of lifting and reaching to do
a great many tiipn up and down 'rs to
wake Fxji the couri of dny'a hoiihc woil;.
Jt'a lianl where a woman is well, l'or
a womau suffering with some form of
"female trouble" it
1b daily torment.
There are thouunda
of aitcU lyomen
MnurvlUiR aloncr, day
by dayi increasing I
misery, luere are
oilier thotuauda who
haves found a com-
nlte care of their
disease in the uso of
Dr. Piece's Favorite
Prescription. It
stops iietillitftting;
drains,, cures Irregu-
janiy, ..ueaia mnaiu
matfotf" and ulcere.
tton, Mourlshes the
nerve, and glvea
vitality ana vigor.
It K.JLk.c weK
womeK strong and
tick wjsdsien well. It
sotatJM no opium,
cocailff) nor other
or'. iiumb-jr of
SMM.V freubte." writes
; IAL. Wl??
d I triwJ
iildto do Bi any permtuent piod.
MMJd it waathe- ivprrt ve, of futer.
. Ib.v ever Ilia. 1 UBOUVM w. Winn
I clddJitt ta write
WPr i .if,5!J2a,lf
ntmenced treatment at oiiec. 1
uud year 'Iwvonie rrenaiiHiua-
" . .j".'L -' .-- a ri iiir. auu. mm a
or. irc' vow'v." szTifizr rrj
5 .fei.. imLd (nr -r atawM in cjouiw
UiHCVVrVfVV m V . ... a " OlT"
Wl c-
r Al Lb& 1LB
'I i7 1
r iu,H
u2k tuA
a Lbok JQ PAP .
v '
zrrirr::. -. z - m iKih
uiuco women nro frequently MHB
! , . J afflicted with sickness brought on flBISP H
Min1' flU'l by constant work in one position. PL m H
f 1 1 I U V Perhaps In going to the office, IIA T "rzM
1 1 1 1 i 1 ' k. they 8et thoir feet wet and sit a" yirStf V!SH
day long with damp shoos and WBSSlBtlyiZH
, ' stockings. MrailaSrH
Nothing in tho . . HMHd
world is so injurious. -jg lKSSIHIDB
& Company,
and Furnishers
ti) (hnoOlotalapimintmpiil. IfomiM that
lm stpprrt'iatcd miucMIoiih from iktmhiim
inteti'btcil in idiicitioiial iiffniri if
tl( dlote, and desired to cnefiiirucp n e
onimiiiidatiims of porH-iiH qnnliiied for
tha ositions. With fivo po'iitions to bo
fllk-il) tlimo have be leeu thus fur mx
recommendations. TIjoso wIiomj naniea
have Iwen hufii-tol to I he (Jovernor
with ri'coiiiinonilatlon fur their appoint
ment ate n fellnwa:
George If. Durham of Portland ; V
Wright, principal of the public fcIiooIp
nf Ciinyonville. and formerly of the
Douglns and Jackson County school;
0. A. Hitchcock, principal of tho pub
lie Reboots at Ashland; F. U. Hamlin,
twlco superintendent of the Douglaa
t onuty schools; W II. Hurry, ox-iires-idunt
of thoMnltnomnh Typoi?ranlilca1
Unl'ii and chairman of thu 'enlHlutivo
committee of tho Federal Trndoi Ah
sembly of Portlond.
The Inw ttiidor which the uppointmenfl
are to bo mado v,ne passed by tho Leg
ishttiyo assembly in 1800. It provides
that in tlie month of January. 1001, and
every four years thereafter, tho Govur
nor shall nppoint, from different sec
tioiiH of tho stato, tho slate board of five
toxt book commissioners, who ahall
hold their nllicos nntil their scccussora
are celncted and qualified, vacancies to
lie filled by tho governor.
In tho month ol February, 1801, and
evory six years thereafter, the Stato
Superintendent is required to mall to
all the leading school book publlshors
in the United .States a circular stating
tho namoH and residences of tho com
misslonors, thu timo and piano of their
mooting, tho gouoral form ot contract
to bo enter 'd into, the branches of study
Included in tho statu courso fur all
grades, tho provisions ot the text book
law, and such othor Information iih may
bo oxpedicnt.
It is provided that tho text hook com
mission shall meet nt thu capital on thu
aeconit Monday oi July, luoi, and evory
six years Iherealtur. and continue in
session not to exceed 15 days. Four
mombura eonntitutt a quorum and thoy
aiinii organize uy uleoiing one ol tnuir
number ehuirmnn, A secrutur, who Ih
not a member of tho board, and who Is
not a statu or comity olllcor. la ulso to
bo eloetcd. When vrgaulzou tlio board
shall proceed to adopt text hooka for
uso in all tho nubile tchoqla for a period
of six years, tlio votes of each membor
luting recorded in tho mlnutcu. At least
three, votes are necessary for n eholco,
Text bookB having been selectod from
among tho bids, tno stato board of odu
cation will enter into contracts with thu
publishers, tho latter being required to
givo satisfactory bonds for thu iKirform
anco of their contractu. Tho state
superintendent will, in Align t, 1001,
'and i)vury six years thereafter, announce
the toxt bqoka that havo been adopted,
and all school boards aro required to
causo tho text books to bo introduced
and usod n their schools within 15
months from tho date of tho adoption
Tho contract with publishers will pro
vide tho price at which tho Ixwks
adopted will bo exchanged for corres.
nondlnu booke then in uso, up to De
cember 31, of tho year of adoption; thu
Introductory price at which Ixxiks will
bo sold up to tho sumo dato. and tho re
tail prico thereafter, If any publisher
hum to pnrlorm Ills contract tlio uov
ernor may call u special sosslon of tho
commlHsion to select a now book in thu
place of tho one not furnished. In dis
tricts whero branches nro taught higher
thnu the state course of study provides,
tho school board solecta tho text books
to lid usod.
I Tlin cnmiimiHutlnn nf iniMiilinrH nf tbu
bourd is not largd. Kacli momber and
tho secretary receives flOO for attend
anco ut ortoh mooting, and 10 rents irnr
inllo for each nillo traveled in attending
the meeting.
SjHieUl to I'vrtimia.Tolifirrm., Nov. lS.Oovornor Geer has
an important ami onerous duty before
hlui In tho matter of selecting thu men
who shall constitute tho Commission to
eolect toxtbookB for the schools of Ore
gon for tho coming six yeara under the
provisions of tho Daly textbook bill,
liver since thoonnotmeut of tho law.the
Governor him been receiving applications
for uppolntmuut on theCouimlusion jitlll,
tho total number Is not as large as one
might expect in this age of olllclaliem.
It may bu of Interest to know what tho
applicants aro, and by whom recom
mended, which will he found In tho tub
lowing list:
Professor O. A. Hitchcock, pnnolpnl of
tho public schools at Ashland for some
years, and prior to that timo In a like
position at independence. Ho was rec
ommended without his knovvlodgu by
Hpuflker E. V. Carter, of Ashland
W. Wright, of Canyouvllle, Douglas
County .recommended by ex-Judge J. O
Fullertou, Senutor Manners and a nit'
merously signed petition from Doughu
and Jaokaon counties. Mr, Wright's let
ter ahoHS hint to Ixj tv complete muster
peninauelilp In theory and pntotlco. Hamllu.of Hobuburg.Huperinten
dent of Bchooi for Douglas countv,aud
First Lteutouant in Company It, Hocoud
Oregon Volunteers. Recommended by
Iteproseutatlvo K. A. Knunltt. of Keno,
Hon. George II. Durham, of Portland,
recommended in a strong loiter to Gov
ernor Ger by Senator William Hniitli,
of Uakor county. Tho fact of Seuntor
Smith's unswerving Domoeraey and Mr.
Durham's, unyielding Itepublicanlsm,
makes the suggestion doubly of weight.
"Unsw'efcylng J)luQbUcaiiiam" nd
lliivl..T,ll... Umnnnnil '
ng lwtnocraoy," ro not tno
ytfleor baa wlroly v declared
uiicsk) uaiu nui&i faVilaiKr,a"JJBVaJib3aKMp iS-T'SHH H
and confined posi- :jQbKs3HHK I Es.
tions havo made in- HfijflHfiB f Sv B
LUilt .AAt .tnM.f tAMl H --rfl---- i-I-BBBBBBB-BBBBBBBBBa-BBBBBS
many robust and am- T?S?SHHIi Hl
bitious young ,wo- ' iHI xHI
men. X A PKI H
Ln (ifS
A young lady from Denver, Oolo., recently wrote a lottor
to Mrs. Pinkhum, which aptly picturos tho condition of a
groat many young women. Sho says :
"This is tho first opportunity I havo found to writo and thank you for
tho good your Vegetable Compound lias done mo. I feol better than I h&YO
for years. It boo ma a ' seven days' wonder' to jut frionds. "Whero I used to
be pitied, everything is the opposite now, and thero is not a day but what
some ono wants to know what I havo done to xnoko myself look eo well.
"Before taking Lydi& E. Plnkham's Vogetablo Compound I had con
stant headaches, was constipated, bloated, oyos weak and watery, bearing
down pains, pains in tho small of my book and right side : took cold very
.easily, whion always caused intonso pain in tho ovaries, and I did not wont
to go anywhere or see any ono. I was called cross, but I could not help it,
fooling ta I did. I could not lift anything or do any hard work without
Buffering for days afterwards. Menstruation lasted for olght or ten days,
tho first throe or four days being almost constant pain day and night."
What a picturo this is. and how unnecessary 1 Road tho
lottora which follow and seo how easy it ib to overcomo
woman's suffering when you go tho right way about it.
Nothing in this wide world has rolioved so much female
suffering as has Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound; no medicine can produco such positive proof of
euros and good results ; therefore, no othor medicine can bo
"iuflt as good." Womon should insist upon gotting tho mod
icino which has tho bost record, and wliich, thoy and ovory
druggist in tho land know, has no equal.
Miss Thompson's Pains are Cured.
"Dear Mas. Pimmum: X want to toll you what Lydin, E. Pinlc
liem's Ycfrotablo Compound has dono for mo. For sovoral years I had
suffered with loos of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, palpitation of
the heart, headacho, pains in noarly nil parts of tho body. My physician
said it was only indigestion, but his modiclno did not holp me any. I began
tho uso of your Vegotablo Compound, I havo takon four bottles and now
those troubles aro cured. I cannot praiso it enough." Miss Belle S.
Thompson, Box 14, Acuslinot, Mass.
Just why Miss Thompson's physician diagnosod hor
troublo as indigestion it is hard to understand. This mistake,
howovor, is frequently mado. If you have any doubt about
your caso, writo to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for hor
freo advice. Sho will understand your symptoms at onco.
Miss Scholtes Tells of Suffering Overcome;
"DnxnMns. Pinkham: I writo to lot you know that LydiaE. Pink
bom's Vegotablo Compound has cured mo of painful menstruation from
whioh I suffered torribly. I really bellovo that I would bo insane to-day if it
had not boon for your modiclno. I cannot praiso your Compound enough,
and feol that if aU who suffer from fomalo troubles would put themselves
undor your caro and follow your advico, thoy will find relief from their
BUfferlngB." MlB3 K. E, Soholtos, Mt. Oliver, Pittsburg, Pa. rr
depotlted with
wnicn win do
tettlroonlali are
that politics shall havo nothing to do
with selection of tho Oregon textbook
commission. The Daly bill was not
prepared or passod as a political
measure. If look tho firmest, must In
telligent, most incorruptible, uml most
patriotic members of tho last mglslaturo
in nil parties to pass thu Daly bill.
Unswerving Democrats, Populists, and
flnpubllcans, and unyielding Republic
ans fell Into line for the textbook trust
and voted to enable it to keep its grip on
tho etato. Thu question to bo asked oi
all who are named for places on this
commission ta not their politics, but do
they favor a reform In the Interest of thu
peoplo and tho schools?
K1III01UI lu Orvsoit Teaoher'a Monthly for K
vunib.r, 1C0 lubllthel at Haloiu hy Kx.
Couuty Supeilatoudeui Jones mid Kx-I'tliml-llO
The book commission, which Ih to bo
apolut'd by thu Guvoruor In January,
is an an iinoriani topic 01 iiiioresi 10
tlio educational forced of thu state. It
may bo a dltticiilt matter to find uuita
bio persons who aro willing to servu on
this commission, because no matter how
honest and conscientious those- pontons
may be, thoy will probably bu criticized
and accused o' being In league with hook
trusts. Thu mombore of this comuiiH
bIoii should bu above criticism und sus
picion, and should bu thoroughly coin
potent to perform thu taek before them.
We (Irmly believe that tho majority of
the commission should bo prominent
educators of tho statu, who havo made
tho reboots a d school text books a
study, It la not reasonable to think
that teachers would to bettor qualified
to select good school books than any oili
er clans of ottUuns' Not many farmers
would want tho avenue- toucher,
pioaeher, or lawyer taseleuta team of
horned for them or thoir farming imple--inentB.
and thuru aro good reasons why
they should not No physician would
want a teacher, or farmer, no mutter
how intelligent, to till his primciiptionH
or select Mb surgical instruments for
him, Nq inuulianie would allow anyone
outside Id's own tradu to select thu tools
ho Is lu work with. So it ought to bu
with the UAuhur Ho bus the interest
of the schools more at heart than any
other clusti and why should ho not haw
thu solectlou ol the hooka with whioh ho
Ib to accomplish thu most good In tlio
work of "inking honest nud Intelligent
ultiKOiis of thu children of thu statu? It
la to bo mot sincerely hoped that, at
least three of this uommiBdlou will tat
touchera In Oetuhorwo gave alUtol
names, all of whom wo believe thor
oughly competent to perform thevorko(
thu commission with honesty and Integ
rltv. Wo havo in mind others who
'would bo no less diligent and contclen
tioua In thu performance ol that duty if
anpinlod, They re: Prof. O. A.
Hitchcock, elty superintendent of tho
Ashland public sohools) Miss forgttn
bmlth, of tho training dopartmeut of
tho Btate Normsl sehuol at Monmouth;
Prof 1) A. Grout, principal of the Park
school, Portland, Airs. A. K. Ivauhou, of
the l.a-Qrandu public schools, and Hon.
L. I). Itoedor, of l'umleton, Wo eould
trust tlTu eelection of school books. Iu thp
hands ol tjioao people ami fool that only
Btich hooka as were worthy and suitable
would beseleetod,
Owing to tht fct tMt tonic tkcptlcaJ
people hy from time to tlm qocitloocd
the Kcnuineneu of tht teillroooUl letttn
Wfl Ara rnmfAntl rmhlliMnv. h.v.
the National City Hank, of Lynn, Mm., $5,000,
juia 10 any pcrton wno tan anoir mat tno aboro
not genuine, or were nubiuntd Mloreobtaloln
pirmifiion. L.VDIA L,. 1'inkiiam miuicink
Llko tho other articles above quoted,
Tho TeachorB' Monthly ovorlookH tho
fact that tho Daly commission law la
ulmod nt certain abuses connected with
tho textbook situation lu Oregon, that
tho Daly bill wuj passed to bring nbout
spee'llc reforms In tho way of better and
clioapor textbooks, and In fact to reliovo
an intolerable textbook situation.
Hon. L. It. Ileoder voted and spoke
agahiflt tho bill under which Tho
Teacher's Monthly saya ho could be
trusted with tho selection. Files of Tin:
Jouunai, show that Mr. lloeder's nrgu.
meuts were on thu lino that tho commis
sion would result in "practical politics."
The argument of thu school Journal falls
short on thu point that educators alone
are coiripotent to solcct textbooks. Tho
Orogou monopoly was tho work of
educators in tho person of State Hupt.
MoKlrny and the county superintend
ents and statu board of examiners ap
poiutod by him,
Tho feeling is not against true educat
ors, hut politician cduujtort who are
susceptible to tho influences that have
given Oregon inferior textbooks nt high
prlcoa. Of tho persons abovo " named
only one, Prof, Hitchcock, ia known to
have positive convictions that there is a
radical reform needed In tho Oregon
textbook business.
Thu Jouunai-, bullovea tho peoplo have
a right to know, and that the Governor
tins a right to know, that the persona
appointed aro not indifferent to reform.
TIiq prnbtfhcu o( SonatorDaly, the author
of tho textbook hill, on the Commission
v rxmftn a I nstr
. - T
Care a Burden
There is failure of the strength to
do and the pi.'er to ndurs, there Is
vahJui-js -all ovr' that is persistent
and constant
Ths vital f Motions ara impaired
food dttes nofc nourish, and the whole
system Is run (Jown.
A tnsdtclnf that strengthens the
stomach, porfocts digestion. Invigor
ates and toftts Is needed.
Whnt HuvO'i Krmarlllai!M for Mrs. U B.
Uarltixl. SLuUy. Tepn. It hu tlona fur others,
She took It tahvii aim waa run down with
out appetite loslkir lleah, and unabla to do
her work. It rtoml her appttlte. Increased
her weight, atid matle her veil ami 11 our.
TIiIh U her owu uuullHd atitteraeut.
Mood's SxrsstpaHiis
Promises to cura and fepc lh prom
ise. The earlltr treatment Is begun
the better begin It today.
Citizens, Business Aen and
Tax PayersEndorse.
Thi rrtstnt Nca-Pcrtlssn Administration of
tht ButlncsiAfUlrsoftht City of
The public enlinent In favor of con
tinuing the present Hy ofil-laW and
board of iiMcrin 111 hi jhiwit Im Htrnngttr
than cvr bfnrtv
A larno numlwr of Hti-en luv, I een
Interviewed and me unqualifiedly In
favor of Hit ixMhu order nf Ihings.
It is un-lr-i -ii th" men who have
aorved In the cHiron-i ndmlnlstrnllon
ore wilting tortaud fora r. elect inn nn
Decemb! 3.1 provide I llit'.vaii' nvilml
to do so b the iiitlens. aiiil the
Bentlmeut In favor of Midi miionl-inl
most unanimnii".
Some Expressions.
Dr. W. A. Cusiuk : We have i-Mered
Into this muvnmeiit ai a IhiMim-Hi pro
position, and all political riiildenitliu
weroellminnt(i). It ba aucc-ediil well
and all our oMcm h.u-o fulfilled I heir
plcdjjcHpo faiihlully lijtt iAiofio'ife thiiC
ftVerv tnxpayer hnireieivcd ureal bent'lll
from I lie adinlnlstralloii. I am un
qualiliedly in favor of a continuance of
tin fame regime.
.ndd & Hush- lt us e.mtl melt bv
all motn-. ll if not a netller llml ad
tnitaof qiieftieu. When llu-y .'aim' in
power we woro running in debt it bout
flOOO a mouth. That. Iuu bceii Hloppeil
nud there hai been lilierul saving le
sidec. 1 1 would be busluesi uiadnefH to
return to the old order of llilngw.
Werner Ureyman: "I am well pleased
with the whole work, and would like to
have the Minn cIhm of buiuos m.n re
turned. In addition would like to tee a
litllo more and butter street Improve
ment "
G. W. Johnsen: 'Heartily In favnr
of the prefcnl regime, and don't believe
we culd liotler it."
John Q Wilsen: Think our pieseut
financial management is comet and
("liould no sustained,
J Q llarnes: Tho prcHint adinlnli
tration has conducted affairs in such a
manner as to justify their continuance
in power. Its management of the city's
finances has been unexcelled, and should
bo continued.
Gilbert Ures: Let us retain tlio pres
ent administration by all means. There
havo been no "jobs," and only tho lest
interests of the city havo been con
A, N. Gilbert: I approve of the mo&t
favorable things tbatco 1 do said of this
O. L. Daily: I don't see how it can
be bettered. It la simply a case of
introducing practical IiuHuosh sense in
place of politics.
W. F. lloethhy: I favor keeping 1I1
present set of olllcers In for as log a
time as they will do as they havo tho
past two yt'ars
Fugene llreymen: Tho administra
tion has been good for tho taxpayers
and tho welfaro of tho city, and 1 want
to eco it continued.
It. P. Bolse: Tho record will show
that city affairs managed naa part of a
political machine has been a dismal
failuro, and managing it na at present,
with politics left out and bu'lnoss put
in, has boena decided success. I want
to seo the present business method
W, W. Skinner: I favor continuing
tho presont program nf economy and
good city government,.
K, O. Croit : Ilopo It will be contin
ued in its present eflicient form, as I
believe it is tho first timo in n score of
years that tho city hasn't run bohind.
Joseph Meyers; Like the manogo
mont very much. Ihit it is an outrago
that wodo not have at least one or two
moro policemen,
Stops the Cough and m .
Works of f the Cold.,
IjizAtlvo Dromn Gulnlno fdUluu euro a void In
onaday No Cure. No Pay. ''rice 45c. 8-23
would .go far to convinre the peoplo that
the spirit of tho fearless invoatiga Uon
that led up to the paseitgu of the Dal y
law, waa to be carried Int6 successful re
alization. Senator Daly's term aa sen
ator will have expired before tho Toxt
book Commission outers iion its ser
vice, In Statos llko Now York, lows, Illinois
the projoctor of such an Important ro
form would certainly carry it into ef
fect. Wo cannot conceive that the
Governor of Oregon will put any kind
of bloodless' indifference Into the com
position of this Commission. The pres
ence of' Senator Daly , would convince
peoplo regardless of party that the
textbook adoption lu Oregon w tultl at
least bo olevatcdabovo the plane of com
mercial politics,
uire Farrar
NoM 8uto St. '1'houe Na 1631.
Wm. Br own Co.
mull Biilldloi commercial 8t. (around
Boor). Offlco telephone No. ISO.
Lilienthal Bros.
- - i ' 'v
Catlin Linn
Offlceover feller's' gfocerr itore.
No. 'ill.
J, Carmichael
2,?.,,o';?...', Q" .
aHfi'nwfiaiu imii,
T, At Iiveslcy Co
A ButU tMt
, fhoolJlV
Commercial at-Second stahvaouth of Udd
A Butu Unk taukt foora Ui. iid.1 lia
irfrtiijjTwiirfi ' 'lfl.'''"J'l'T.".r !'l ' '-'
(1 . XK I h-i
Comoarative Statement
. , r '
ilBFor 1897 ...
For 189a.
S Total. 1897-98'
J Deducting- from this toial
tf expense, as an item vi,tn
' , k.. :....n..
a tolal'tmlexpouse for '9" 7-8'" 38.89 S 59 f
rr i cin.
I I'l I vw .
Total, 1899 1900
Slduclne Iroin this totnL
tetxpcnse f 1899, as an
to with which 1 us council
III I ! -.....-
lu L.llalwtl ....,..... ...... . -
M Leaves .i lolul warrant expense lor 99 oo .. 9 v.oi 1 3 m
nftOr :i duvet savins incurunl expense in
lis favor of llie presen't administration ol
jjj Floating IndcbtQdness.
J? Wnriiinls out when this council tool; hold
J'ot the cilv government, approximately $ 23,000 00 (fj.i
is W;irrants out and uncalled
uo to Dec 1 . 1 900
r .
ih Cash Revenues.
a For 1897 1
3 For 1898
Total 1897-8 .w..i....w .)? 14,392 37
For 1899 .
For 1900..
Total 1899-1 900
Excess of cash receipts to
Hnmr nf MAiiAiir CitnA
nprr'icA in urnrrnnt PYnPiiKP S
Increase in casli receipts
TOiiueieat untiles iitvcu uy
i per cent to 4 per cent on
for 15 months, by the issuance of home-
" lUull UIILJO
w) npcrpncp m fpp; nf AA.irshn
"at s-G
Cin the matter of criminal
w-w w ia as a i wa fc
gHrom County Court...
Jr Total of moneys sa
lPi--rtl rtf mnnnnc cntrarl
dirctly, in the past two years
$537 95
634 55
$955 65
1323 85
STotuls.352 $2279 50 5J51172 50
vh Ono iQ on. On a a
tnnn on OO
M i
8 Totals. 57 $384 8o
1897-98 total fees drawn by
wf) v-vo toiai lines ana loneitures returned
' '97-98 net cost.
'99-00 total fees drawn by
M '99-oo total fines andforfeicurers returned.
Vi W 'On"-i nil nnrl J.
13 vvou uci v-uoi
flKniiiiaivuviiuvi picocui uuuiuiiaililllUll ) J,W J ' " Ali
j ? Tho total foes from Marlon county which woro formerly absorbed by !'
M J the ofllclals, havo been tnrned Into tho city treasury. fJj
Dranson ft Itagan: Think it
rieht and hope to see it continued.
is all
E. F. 08burn: Can't speak too highly
of the men and their work,
E, 8. Lampert: Wantthiuga to stay
juitas they aro.
John 8avage, Jr. : Think we ought to
lei well 6nough alono. I am opposed,
as a Republican, to the partisan ideas
expressed in tlio Telegram article. In
city matters wo should drop all political
Guy M, Pewers: Tho only way wo
will ever got out ol debt will bu by con
tinuing the present administration.
II. A. Johnsour The present admin
istratlon has beou good enough for mo.
M. liredeumir: If suits me very
G. W, Putmun: It has beou a great
improvement nud will gladly support it
J. Purvine: It is good ind I don't
know how we could Improve on it,
GUI 8telnori "Woshould put through
u straight citizen's ticket just as it is "
J, Connor; "I waut to see the whole
thlug continued with one addition
better streets." '
F. A. Turner: I helped put them
there and I am not sorry fort.
Walter Morloy; lam thoroughly in
favor of the present methods.
F. A. Wiggins: It ia by far the best
administration tho c'ty has had to my
knowledge. By all means lot us con.
tlnue it.
Damon Bros. : It would be tho height
of folly to mako a change. Wo are
doing well enough.
D, F. Wagner: It Is all right in all
respects and there are no objections to a
continuation of tho same.
The Btst Prestrlfitloa for Malaria.
Chill and few U a holds af droTo'a TautlvM J
Ob 1 Tonlo, It U limply Iron and quinine In a '
tasteless form. Uo cure no pay, frioe Mc, ' 2
M BM S V rf-k I i
of Warrant Expense.
iii "5
- ..-- """ 'l
9 4B.699 72
llie City Liiill
vnicn uiu inc-n
j:. l '9.804 1.?
i'3 ',' . ,r-
15,124 57 j 8
fi ir.
. $32,111
C 7 HT
J illN
the Mnaii-pix
item of expense
cannot oe iisuy
. ...
. 2,00 Ol'O
- . .. - .. '. un
fc - ,. - - i,U
9,084 02 Qj
bv the lieamrer,
. 4,380 00
Recorder's Office.
:'. -738 30 M!
7,05 v
...... . f
--- 8,908 00
11,813 39
'. ......$ 2 0,7 2 1 3 9
credit of present
6,329 02 ft
in ihn TiYniimrc ht ihnh
9,084 02
6,329 02 g
icuuliium iiuiii u
tne noaung cieoi,
I . I1i
3,250 00,
:inn Rprnrner
cost bills drawn
iwwv m(
3,173 70
Atrnrit on1 ill
$21,836 74
$1463 60 ?j
1911 20 OB
$77 20
270 00
35 oo
$3474 80 n
, W
no a
49 50
251 4o,
70 1U
1o $3o5 oo $3oo 9o
Recorder and
3,552 oo
77 2o
3,474 8o
6o5 9o
3o5 oo
said officeis &
jft joo VOV
3oo 9o
II. Pohle: It'a all right to date. Give
I tie more of tlio samo kind of work.
Geo. J. Pearce: Would like to see
every man of tho present non partisan
city administration continued, und thoir
methods aa well,
J. II. Albert: Well satisfied with the
present administration and favor a eon
tlnuance ol.their non-partisan conduct
ui city niiuirs,
J. B. F. Tuthill: Voted for it before,
and will do it again.
D, J; Fry: This administration ought
to suit anybody. Especially tax
payers. Hopotosoo It contiuued.'
F. W. Hollia & Go- It haa' been all
rlght-ns far aa I can see.
A.M. Humphrey: FullysaHsfled and
feel that for onto wo are working on
safe lines
J. I. Ihompsen: Its lirstrate. Don't
want clianged as long as I live.
W. II. Helmes: Best city govern
mont wo have had in twenty years, and
we, had better stick to it.
II. Stapleton : Am in favor of imitlni,.
, ing tho present administration.
A.Ji. Moeres: Exceedingly well sat
isfied, with the present order of things.
Hope to see the same lines pursued in
tlio future, as we nuw begin to see day
light from tho slough of despond luto
which we were plunged in tlio past.
T. Ilolverson : I am strongly In favor
of gmng the present administration a
eecoud term. We couldn't bolter our
solves. J. J. Dalrymple: Wo want to put
eory man of them back, and more like
them, f ' ""
used for many yoarsf-uud atflt in public
Iftvor., it is "without daubt tlio bost
medicinal far nil .,nin,nn..... ...,
It alw avs euros . All imi.i,i. ..n i. ' '
ft ceuta. - -ea ... uiur
lug .aiMirlu. v;. tlo.18 nt n,SSt
In any brnneh ura in enpoclal roquojt.
Phone, tmi.i "
itilUMMJ aHiI a, tJUAV nut
Attomoy-at-Law '
lolodp, Or on,
l)ii .-r nr l.'lruolt 1- '
fn njtn 'llf nlntfOM pt 41
anitit -t
TimMS- liliii II nans
- v VoillUKD OUK.
n F"rtono"V.U,, VlV'"lly lr.lwBt
(Jeo. Will's JIiihIii Store.
T. J. Sullivan,
State Street Tailor.
l-.ll i!llll( ..M lt..t Ii. ft....t. . .
..'i. rr..,., ci.1..n,.,. n., i. ...... ."""!! I''
rttt lilisliuss aulti 11,
ii (IrtllH ti.
' A
BKjpres md Transfci
Meets, nil mull and pitsneugur trauii
lhtj;dgu to till pnrts of the city. I'romii
ptnu", i i-ii7i'!iiiip ou o-i
Na oi
(ii-,i',icic,;c,iTy iiAi.L.
For wntor Mtrvlcc imply at oilic.
Hills pnynblo monthly in ndvamfc.
Make all complaints ah the ofllc
Ln ips and Insurance
Money to loan from 0 to 8 per cent,
according to security no expense (or
examination. Insurance effected on
hops and othor. property nt lowest rates.
John Moil 290 Com, st,
7-10 .f J ?
Tho German Market
Will bu found nil kinds of meat
and tho best of Hnusogu. KUEE
DELIVERY. All bills duo the
Into firm of Welt A Mlesr.xo
must lo paid.
Wolz '& Zwicker
171 (Inmmnreinl Ht.
Old Post
Aru large an, havo ruliablo attend
ants, your toe tn hoarded by thu week or
day. Good teams fur biro. Prices rea
mmiiblu, Your piiiionave fulicited.
H. M. Brown
02 Ferrv Htreot.
The Dewey
Washing Machine
Ibis machine ia a new one made on
scientific principlop. It ia guaran
teed to glvo nbsoluto eatirfactlon,
Aftur a thorough trial no family
would dispense with ono. With the
uso of tho Dewey, tho horrors of
wash day will disappear. This ma
chine will
Wash Clothes
Perfectly Clean
No hard work ubout it. Eusy to op
onto. Tho manulactiirurs will back
up ovory claim mado for the ma
chine. The Dewey Washer
Hob won two first premiums at State
Fairs: at Lincoln, Nob. 1809, and
at Balom, Oro , 1000. Sold at Baleni
by U. M. Wado & Co. JCorrespond
with or call on
Ambler Young
Manufacturers and Salesmen,
.Mt. Angel, Oregon.
Salem Soap
The proprietor of tho Salem Spap
Worka haa thoco operation of thedoaers
Consumers who desire a first-class
soap will
Encourage Home Industry
By ordering Salom-mado soap
-- - . . -M-.'-aa-a-ata-as
t'ropr'etor of
tone's Drue Stor
H.U.KM, OR 3(11 N.
Tne kU'iea (two lu uumberj are located
No Wi and 8SJ Cltnnitrclal ilietl, al
vell ktontced with a tompleto line ol drug n
rawllctn, toilet Httlelcs, perluiaor-', broahrt
Uo.. eto ,u.
Utt-bideiiint)23yeon experience in the F
tlou ol tiKxllouia and now makes no charge to
cot.niilnllMi. othiii luatton or proscription.
Ladiea Jand Gents' clothes
cleaned and dyed without rip
iilng. Gent's clothee prebsed
by thu month, also portiera
cleaned and dyed, Ilata andj
kid gloves cleaned. Gents
clothes rellned, rebound, re
paired, buttons on, AH work
neat,' cheap and promptly
tlontu ::;":.
1IRS. ft- M, WALKER, ProjHetor
. "195 Commercial-fit.
x - .flWRTTT ' T
mu qm-ea
f . -- "Wiiiit r iT-fa fijtti .3atViTi.'