The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 15, 1900, Image 2

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H6itoe Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST.
,.. .,.
I '? " $
USE: Too Many.
PFECTI--A suit for your
i.t . . c
f.l fLii
; .
. rlJKf1 . uuL f Jil
GrWt Johnson & Company,
,ty , Hie Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers
THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1000.
Dally Ono Yonr, S3 00 In Adynnoo.,lnnn ,M. , n.Mrin ,,,. .. Anr.iinn
nilluPnun Mnnthk SI. In AHunhnnl
Weekly Ono Year SI.OO In Adyanco
about'tiie coming city election.
Thk Journal will not bo drawn into
a partisan or personal controversy about
tho coming city election.. It has always
advocated sound business methods ap
plied to publld nffalrs as well as non
partisan administration in purely mat
ters of collecting revenues and expend
ing tho same, and will continuo to do so.
It has received no fawn front the
pretcnt citieeos administration and ox
peels none from any administration.
It is aware that theo are regarded as
Quixotic sentiments by the predatory
bawkbllled close of ward politicians who
dfecaia city affairs in tho hightoned
style of guttersnipe btllfngpgato. Hut
the betterofass of Republicans nru look
ing forward to better conditions when
the administration ofcityaud school
affairs at least shall not be mudo
perquisites of tho street-corner politi
cian. Society may degenerate to tho.
restoration of lynch law, and mankind
ma revert to tho stajjo when tljoy moved
their ears as signals to summon each
other to cannibalistic- feasts, but tho
capital city of a.tato should not-&gat)
tho procession ih those directions.
Whothor tho oily government of Ba
lera shall go back to tho old methods of
the, well-known posh Is for tho Repub
licans (o say. Two year of tho citlrens
administration has nottrmdo this any
less a Republican oity or county than it
ever was. There are as many Republic
jujsaad prosder Kepublieans in tho.cilty
of Ealein thai Uiirw wjo two yearsjigo.
If tbe Kepabllcana who headed tho
Cttiaea'a isovejuont In UiJh olty two
jesgoa&bo arlyonJfflnj oWVt.
!, eo tibbly luxfiroswlr find " so fairly
veH carried into effect, thoy are not tho
nt-n we Uke them to bo. Hut lot Is bo
rgfUd, If the Citiion'H adminisUa.lion
is io beuearrfedjor warden the mtnunnoi
paHlMtt manner as it- huh beon, It must
be.uona at the demand and iustAiice of
Republicans, and thir inter viwu pub
lulbd over their fegimttints ludloato
that it Will
bo done. If tlio pood work
is W lo overthrown it must bo
done by
th most wpojeornbtoVd
mu Piatt cooly annouitcua that two
yeani hence the UwpulilimuiH ol Now
York will not iioniiimlu llird S, Color
formayor of Ntw Yojk. flit thp. b-jis
tje in advance of any ox proa Ion by tho
rtdk and fllo of the party, in adwuigo of
anyprlnmrlMnr oonvwitUin. H hIiows
UiBjtbeoIuto control the hoi untl the
Biwhitie Ijavo over tho matter of nom
inations. The system that iUiahUw n
dlctatprsljlp to hesei up tlit BV one
maa the powor to say Jrat Uto party
shl do hi a oity, or 4at or legislature,
aneven In the uaUonal coiigrutw, is
unworthy of the further itupport or un
eourageuionl of any trna American.
SQ fight in advuuco on llird 8. Cole
m make that KuulJema! vorv.
pPBjtnlueut InK ftn'-feJ
najtoaal politios. Aa ooiuptrollor of
GiAter New York Jio refusud to do tho
lhjlpg of Hoif Crftkej1 in tho city or of
Jfa ?;kttvln tho stare. iiM omne very
mf bInjc the RepuhlltJau immlitee for
Governor, and, aa a result of his tinning
ta Mr. Odell, whoroufor Governor
ktt'Binati to euccewl IUosovelt, was
aJjgftt eighty thousand behind MoKlnley
IkMm popular vote. Th Immw Piatt
1 Ii
tMMiB dritw.tbe Jilgodn bralue of a
ettf,tf,lWJl$&e$)r8t l&nM
tl MapUon jftkhl-Ue i8rtL
e part
WOfoHl IrQlf)
to Wlgpt
. . r
t iminnimT iiri irnTiTi
boy for 25 tp 50, oe
er cent, less
v .
. 1
direct legislation law nt the coming
session of tlio legislature, and thoeo in
favor of this reform should sco to it that
tliey get the atrnight goods. When it is
apparent that such a reform is to bo
enacted the bosses always get in and
omnsclato it and render it as harmless to
their monopoly as possible. They have
ballot law and witlt tho registration law.
Direct nomination clubs should bo form
ed and a correct draft of tho law
prepared and picaented to tho legislature.
Lot not all our reform measures omanato
PRIfi1 -fflllfrK
from tho slum politicians of our only 5 WJ" ub Tl'! ntT,thorCon8rc88
, .. . .... ' i this yoar as u delegate. Tho Congress,
largo city. Salem and Marlon county ;aa j. nnmo impUcit, is called for tho
aro far ahead in political development purpose of discussing tho subject of irri
and in promoting good government rutd gatlon and for taking stops towards tho
should assort themselves In tills matter
(or tho welfaro of tho people
Slots the Couth and
Wnrlianff 1ti rU
Mxattre Urtimo (Julnlnotablow cur a ootd In.
""""j iiu v-iuu. nu j. ricoc. a a
Poor seed wheat will keep the fanner
Tho Alco club of Albatiydiae taken out
a license
'In God wo trust.'" Tho Oregon text
book trust.
ft e
Wheat lowor Hour hlghor, Wholesale
at Saluin fl'.OO to $3.00.
Since election buyers falk prosperity
leas and pay moro for hops.
ft ft
Regulation proo-ority weather does
all its raining at night.
ft ft ft
The Irrigation Congress and Oregon
legislature aro not to. bo'confounded.
ft ft ft
Iiulp tho little induotrles.' The big
onos ttiko care of themselves,
ft ft ft
If thuro woro many judgcB like Jlolso
thorb wourd lo little builness for tho
Supreiro court.
- ft ft ft
It Ih too early to begin to prepare
yourself for the expansion, you will have
to undergo on Thanksgiving. '
ft ft ft
The. legislature Is not made up of
(groat rgeorvo rangers, Hx. .No, but of
a less honest class as n rule.
Neither England nor Russia like Mc
Kluloy'a carrying on an anti-imperialistic
pojluy In China. Hut the people like
ft ft ft
A free pub In lllmry for Salem is with
in tho Kilt of the Odd Fellows and Ma
sons of this city. Why not fit up the
Olty Hall for It?
ft ft 6
A Salem man says tho city and state
Ijliould unite and build a tcty llbrayy
M1"1 t Urir bull.tini)e,W
eiiil of Wilton avenue. ' " "
A Salem slioenuikVr tints sImhi up the
great wisdom of tho human family : One
man has rubber heels put onto kmthur
ltoots, and another has leather heels
put on rubber bootV, ami both do it be
oaupo they will wear bottur.
ft ft ft
Tho number who want to go to war
with China is small. Or with tho Fill,
pinna for that matter. Rut aa the poo.
plo have decreed, the CQnquost of the
Filipinos must be completed, whether
wo like it or not. It is a national duty
A Christmas Gift New All the Year Uound
In ehooHlug a Christina gift vlmtcan
afford more present orS histfn'g pft-asura
than a subscription to The Youth's Com
panion? The delight with which it Is
welcomed on Christmas morning is re
iPQwrd every week in the year.
t Those who wish to present u year',!
subscription to a friend may also have
tlio uoii)utiton e iHMUtilui -iow"rurtan
Girl" inieiular for lUOl sent with It
This calendar reproduce It) lU-color
printing! an ideal ( of a Puritan
maiden of Plymouth. In addition to
this, till the issues of tho Companion for
the remaining weokaof 1000 are sent free
from the tltno subscription is received
for the new volume.
Thai's wishing to make a present of
The Companion and mentioning it when
subscribing will receive, In addition to
the glfta offered above, a beautiful
printed cortiUcato of subscription to
iriacojut'oiiK the presents on Chrmiiins
' ". -4 t. . ' . ''. (.-
i fin . 7i .
l I iv ivrii'
iMaAgijpir .
Written to; the Journal lijr Its local new rerrf
enutlro, ItttoMB. Johnson. - - -
TonriJiSDt Oregon, Nov. 14. Captalrj
Hart, of tli! United States Engineering
Corps, has Just sent to tlio war depart'
ment a completo report of the gpvom-1
ment euryoy along tho course of the'
Snako ffvor Tho survey was Completed
several weeks ago, and tho officials hero
have boen at work forsomo timo past on
(tho roport. Tho survey cxtondod from
Lowiston to Ripnria, along tho, conrso of
tho river a distance of 73 miles. At the
latter named point a connection was
made with tho survoy mndo by Capt.
Taylor and party in '07, and with 'tho
completion of tho roccrit roport with its
maps, there is on file in Washington, D.
Cmatter descriptive of, tho riverfor133
miles of Its course Tho department al
so, has definite information relative to
tlio shoots in this stretch. Tho engineers
will Boon be ready to estimates na to tho
cost of improvement of ihe waterway.
Tlio recent expedition was in charge of
Mr. Frank Gilliam ttntl a party of fifteen
men. lite party was absent on the sur
vey about three months.
A mooting of the board of directors of
tho Manufacturers' Association, of this
city, was held here yesterday. Ofllcors
for tho ensuing term wero follews:
Prceidont, E. II. Killium, of IIowo,
Davis A Killinm viro-president, W. II.
Morrow, of the Pacific Metal Works;
treasurer, It. J. Holmes, of tho Portland
Canning Company; 0. II. Mcleaacs.
The following gentlomcn wero ohoton
members of tho executive cemmittee:
A. II. Devcrs, Charles Hagela, 0. E.
Uolfitt, W. B. Sluble and D. L. Povoy.
Corau II Stearns loft this evening for
Chicago. He goes there ns a delegato
from this statu to tho National Irriga
tion Congress that convenes thero nqxt
week, Wednesday (Thursday and Friday,
Mr. Stearns has attonded tho meetings
of this body for tho past 10 years, and
' wi" !t ,a tho only Oregonlan
1 AelnhllalininHi nt hU.Mii M(nM.LH ....
uotuviiniiiuuiiv ui duiuiuiu iirigtiiiua nyu-
touts throughout the arid states. At tho
present session an effort will be made
toward reaching tho congress of tho
Uuiteb States by. resolution and com
inltteo, and got aid in tho way of appro
priation towards the cost of erection of
reservoirs at tho heads of tho streams
(lowing those arid regions. Tho question
of water supply, to tltoso regions Is In
deed an Important ono and Mr. Stearns
assorts that ho will do all in his power
to got tho present congress to consider
tho resorvolr plan monttoncd. Eater he
will visit tho states on tho Atlantic sea
Tho office o! Capt. Langfltt, of tho U.
S. A. Engineers Corps, has boen visited
by many river fishermen within tho
past fow days who cotno to ontor protest
against the order which tho Captain
mused to be 08tod n fow uays ago,
ordering the owners of fishing sites in
tlio Columbia to removo tho piles that
aro so desirable to the success of their,
vocation. Tho CapUin has had no
doBlro to injure the flshltiK grounds, hut
rathor is obeying orders from the de
partment in preserving the rlvtr in this
regard. Tlio men who Imvo called at
tho office aro those who bollovothat they
are without tho jurisdiction of tho order,
and therefore protest against its enact
mont in their particular cusob. Tho
order eaya that all the piles miiBt bo
removed within thirty days from the
original date, and that length of time
has already nearly expired. All pro
tost aro Justly considered and no fisher
man or owner of tho land in tho rsglon
whoro the notices Are posted will he
treated unfairly. " "
John Duffy was senteuced to serve
term of oightoen months in the peni
tentiary at Salem for having broken into
the hardware store on the East sldo and
stealing a caso of knives valued at about
30. He was arrested while endeavor
ing to sell llit) knives on the street.
Hontotiro was paused today.
Wheat still continues to decline in
value. This afternoon at tour o'clock
the price paid was 5tJJ, a dropping off
of a half cent from yesterday's price.
The local warehouses seem to be well
filled, ami the. demutid at the present
time is not great. The Oriental ship
intuits of Hour continue, though very
small. Tho warehouses at Hong Kojg
are tilled to overflowing and the affairs
of the country are at present in euch a
condition thut there aro scarcely no
shipments inland. Tho financial condi
tion of the country is naturally bad, as
Is that of Japan, W) this has its effect
ti(xm the shipments from American
ports. ,
Onions are quoted this eveiiing as
bringing $1,16 to 1.36 when sold by the
producers to tho dealers on Front etmitf
PnlalAa. n.u vnit.a.. tt.nnt ltt.i.l ...a Kft .a
uin.vva W.W .M...V. 1.1U, .MlUKlHg uu l3J
03 coins mo vomi torMco,
itiuing mo past tew nays lias not Ihu-ii
the best and to this faut the wetik marc,
ket Ib attributed. The poultry umrkelj
nt this writing, is rather poor. Spring,
chickens bring but 2 to fit jnr doun.
and tho nricea iiaid for hens riiniti froin
f3 to $4. lluyerB say that these prices
are dnu partially to the fact that man
pounds of wild birds have been on tlte
market during the past few 'weeks, any
to mi extent is because tho fouls brought
to them lorsalaareln poor- .condition
The poor condition oj poultry is attrib
uted to the scarcity of
wheat inland, ftj
Tb Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburii drummer tells this now
yarn- I alwuvs carry a bottle of
Kemn'a Balsam in my irrin. I take cold.
easily and a few done of tho Balsam ai
wava makes me .a well man. Every!
wnjre i go i bikuis; u goon, -wemi iojj
fmr A w w 1 h
... .! " -.irl---.
iuae iiwu oi iuv euscoiners-a
I'taliUspiu uioti auu young men, and
i.u..?A..ii.itt.iii. luiint r .irF..Siru
. - r . srw
7lsf,'dsE5 At druj8t' y'S-4
en ti
At thojato ojecllqrj
trusts woro not
as ?
voted up or down. TJie
question was
not tho issuo. Tho issues was simply bus
fltnoKalaiWii.injR war )mn
istratlon and all it stood for.
Anto-olecttbti promises wero nutnor
mu that there should bo an advance in
prices should MoKlnly ho
Rnd among tho first to rcallieCtnat soclf
promises aroto bo kept aro theftneafcon-'j
Burners of Chicago. They are confronted
with n proposition that henceforth they
wilt payM)rIc4nfrmpro o t.rolrimeal
-losltion that henceforth they
wiaiy w-ev iiavo jionne. ps wnts jnewB
Is convened thlotigh ftjphjatgof AjbJocI-
atcd Press dippatch, dated November 0,
which says:
"A flat Increase of 1 cent per pound,
was putbn bee porrnm(mtlttqn today
by Chicago packers. Tho Chronicle to
tnorrow will say: In ono year tho ad-,
dltlonal 1 cont will yield to tho Chicago
packers, basing Iho estimato upon last
year's business, tho following sums:
Dressed beef -;. $10,000,000
Dressed pork and pork pro
ducts ......... , Q,OCO,000
Mutton ; '4,000,1100
Total addition to incomes. .fSO.OOO.opO
"Retailors ol moats woro thrown into
a punic by the unexpected rise tn prices.
Many who had carcasses In their coolers
declined to buy until they could flguro
out what thoy would need at tho now
rate. In the adjustment of prices to tho
consumors choice cute of beef have
gone up as m.uch as 5 cents. Pork
tenderloin jumped to 'the samo extent,
and mutton'hops went up 3 cents. Tho
advance by tho packers is moro than
10 icr cents on tho price of meat tlio
day bofore election. Tho advance by
tho retailer to tho consumer will aver-,
age 2fi per cent, for the waste In a car
cass doubles tho increased cost of tho
salable portion."
Tlio 11 vcotock market reports of Chic
ago for tlio same day do not quoto nny
chango In tho price of beot on foot, but
thoro Is a decline in the price of both
hogs and sheep amounting to an av
erago of C per cent on tho former and
10 por cent on tho latter. Ho here Is the
fulfillment of oue of the ante election
promises. Tho prico to the consumer
has beon advanced 26 per cont by the
meat triiBt and the prico paid by tho
trust to the producer has beon cut down.
This is ono of the methods of tho trusts
which tlio averago American votor could
not seo prior to November Oth. By thlsl
llttlo turn the Chicago packors will bo
able to lovy a tax of 130,000,000 upon
the consumers and probably bb much
upon tho producers of meats, since thoy
have n pretty completo monopoly of tho
bvestock market as woll as the dressod
meat inurkot.
The Best Preset Itt Ion for Malaria.
Clilllti and fovor Im bottto aUlroToVttutt-lo.-ClillTonlc.
It U -Imply Iron nm" quinine in a
tavtelcM fortn. N'o euro vo pjr. J'rleo 60c,
Dig Hop Sales la Seattle.
Skatti-k, Nov. 15. Tho hop crop of
this state, which is larger than last year's
has realized good prices. Storms in the
hop growing district of England and on
tho continent resulted in reducing tho
avalluhlo Bupply,aud Washington pro
ducers havo reaped tho benefit. Hrow
ers who made the mistake cf not buying
earlier camo to this market witli large
orders, so that growers had tho market
all their own way. The crop of tho state
amounted to about -16,000 bales. Tho
quality is bettor than It was a year ago,
owing to the oxtremoly favorabTo weathor
a vnangea jnau.
"It's funny how marrying changes a
man," said Sprlggu' caller.
"Yes," replied Sprlggs dreamily. "It
used to bo that I wna devoted to base
ba.ll and football and basket ball, and
now 1 glvo all my spare time to baby's
bawl," and he arose hurriedly and
went Into the adjolulng room. Detroit
Fri e PreBs,
Qt 15Q Orange Street, I.oa AiikcIcs, Cal
v7iites? "Si ltad been uulictcd vith my
tTyes'for over a year with such a dreadful
ttculug and liiltaiiimatiou tliat 1 could
not use them for anything. Physicians
hud given me many different remedies
which were like using uo much water ;
they mciaured mv eyes for glasses, vdilch
I got and wore for borne tune, but they
did not benefit me in the least. My
mother desired me to write to Dr. R. V.
lVrcc and explain the condition of my
eys, .ItdidjsoVttud after followlugyour
advice, atu1lusilg eight IwtUes of tht
Favorite Pa-scrlptlou ' and eight of tho
'Golden Medical Discovery,' can say my
trouble U entirely cured. I wouUl.uavUi
any one so afUicted to try these wonder
ful medicines. My health was never so
good as it is now, and I aliall never tirtj
of prat-dng I)r Pieryc's m'ellcincs,,,
hick women uro itnitedtd consult Dr.
Pk rci by letter and secure a specialist'a
advice fixe ol charge.
fWttFz) - x Lsssskksii
ltsisHstsA. i"'l IllkSSSSSW
Iff i ( ilww" wUii
K! f.l
i . . . ..X.
Citizens, Business Men and
Taxpayers Endorse.
Present Non-Portlsan Administration of
the Business Afflrsor,th(L.CIiy.or
' Salem. 'l I
' ... . A.. .-, i. t tJ
' Alio piiunc jenumenu in Mlr " ;
tinning the present city ofuciala and
board of aldermen In power is stronger
than ovpvr uetoro.
j A largo numner ot citizens nave oeon
interviewed and aro unquaimeiuy in
favor of tho existing order of things.
It is understood tho men who havo
sorved in tlio citizens' administration
aro wll.lng to stand for a ro-electlon on
December 3d provldodjhoy aro1" invited
to do eo by tho citizens,' and tho
sentiment In favor of such action Is ul-
riost unanimous.
f Some Expressions.
Dr. W. A. Cusick : Wo havo entered
into this movement as a business pro
position, and all political considerations
were eliminated. It has succeeded well,
apd all our officers have fulfilled their
pledges so faithfully that I bellovo that
overy taxpayer has received great benefit
from tho administration. I am un
qualifiedly in favor of n continuance of
tho samo regime,
l.ndd & Bush: Let us continue it by
all means. It is not a matter that ad
mits of question. When they :amo in
power we.were running in debt about
f 100Q a mouth. That hail been slopped
and thero has beon liberal saving be
sides. It would bo business madneps to
return to the old ordor of things.
H. Pohle: It's all right to date. Give
us more of the game kind of work.
Werner Ureyman: "I am well pleased
with tho whole work, and would like to
have tho same class of business moil re
turned. In addition would llko to eeea
littlo moro and bettor stroot improve
ment "
G. W. Johnsen: "Heartily In favor
of the present regimo, anil don't beltove
we could better It."
John (J. Wilson : Think our present
flnnncial management is correct and
should be sustained.
J. Q. Uarues: Tho present adminis
tration lias conducted affairs in such a
manner as to jnstify their continuance
in power. Its management of tlie city's
finances lias been unoxcelled,aiid should
be continued.
J. J. Dalrymple: Wo want to put
overy man oj them -back, and moro like
A, N. Gilbert: I approve of iho moft
favorable things thatca i do said of this
C. L, Dally: I don't see how it can
be bettered, .It is simply .a ,case of
introducing practical business sense in
plnco of politics.
W. F. Boethby: I favor keepipg tli
present set. of officers in forae long a
time as they will do as they havo the
past two years
Eugene Draymen: Tlio administra
tion has been good for the taxpayers'
and tlio welfare of the city, and I want I
to see it continued.
II. P. Beise: The record will show
that city affairs managed as a part of a
political machine has been a dismal
failuro, and managing it as at present,
with politics If ft out and hurinss put
In, haa been a decided success, 'i want .according to security no expense for
.- .1 . . 1 . .. .'examination. InRiirnnin fiffntoil nn
to see the present business method
Gilbert Bres: Lot us retain the pres
ent administration by all meaiiB. There
havo been no "jobs," and only tho host
Interests of the city havo boen con
sidered W. W. Skinner: I favor continuing
the present program of economy and
good city government.
E. 0. GroBt : Hopo it will lie contin
ued in its present efficient form, as I
believe it 1b ttie first timo in a score of
years, thut the city hasn't run behind.
Joseph Meyers: Liko the manago-
meut very much. But it is an outrago
that wedo not have nt least ono or two
more pollcemon,
IlranBon Ragan; Think it is all
rlulit and hope lo see it continued.
E. F. Oihurn: Can't speak too highly
of the men ami their work.
E. 8. Lampert: Want tilings tnstay
juntas they are.
John Savage, Jr : Think we ought to
let well enough alone. I am opposed,
ob a Republican, to the partisan ideas
oxpretued in the Telegram article In
city multers we nhould drop all political
Guy M. Pewers: The only way we, ...... ... ... .. ll.. i... ... !
iu umii (jaw tun ui uum win oo ny con
tinuing the preceiitadniinistratio .
II. A, Johnsonr The present admin-,
istratiun ban been good enough for mo.
M. Bredomeir: It suits mo very
0, W, PtUman: It has been a great
iniproveinentand. will, gladly. support it
J Is cood Midi don't.
kiipwthow wejeould impr5e.oui
rilinUf aa.k.lMllil It kin , .i ... h$ I a
ittd sieiner: "Wesliould put through
a rtrnivht ellii-eu'H ticket just as It is."
J Conner: "I want to see the whole
tiling continued with onu addition
better streets."
F. A. Turner: I helrx-d put them
there and I am not sorry for it.
, Walter Mor)oy: I amYthorcjughly In
faor?of the pfeeent methods. ? "j -'
V, A. Wiggins t ItfIs"bytar tlio blst
adttiinlst ration the c'tyhaa had to my
knowledge.' By"all "ifieaiffet ub coi?:
titme lt
l Damon Brga. ttfWould bo the height
ot folly to ruakea chauge. We are
doing well enough.
1). F. Wagnort Ills all right In all
respects and there are no Objections to a
continuation ot the same. ;
T. Holyeraon; I aii8rongy in favor
oi KiviiiK yio jirveiin HummwrRuon .n
secoitu term, iWe couldn't better
l. -iT,
ovorv man of tho prcsont nonfrartlsof
city admlnistratlonicopthtncd, and tllfiJrJ
methods as well. '
J. H. Albert: Woll satisfied with tho
present administration anil favor a con-J
tlnuonce of Their iioti-Tntrtisan tonlllicn
of city affairs.
J B. F. Tuthlllt Voted for it bofore,
and will do It again.
D. J. Fry: This administration ought'
to suit anybody. Especially tax
pavers. Hope to seo it continued.
F. W. Hollis A Ce: It has boen nil
right as far as I can see. v
A". M.Hiimphrey: Fully satisfied titnl
feel that for onto wo aro working on
safo lines
J. I. Thompsen: Its first rate. Don't
want chnngqd as long as I live.
W. 11. Helmes: Best city govern
ment wo havo had in twenty years, and
wo had bettor stick to It.
How Arc Youretves.
If thov aro weak and you feol nervous
id easfly "llttstrated, " can't deep, and
rise in tho morning unrclreshed, your
blood Is poor. Strong nerves depend up
on rich, nourishing blood. Hood's Sars
aparilla makes tlio nerves strong by en
riching and vitalizing tho blood. It gives
sweet, refreshing sleep and completely
cures nervous troubles
Nausea, indigestion aro cured by
Hood's Pills 2
Successo- to Dr. J. M, Kcono, of
WMto Coinr Salem Or. Parties desir
ing superior op i Miotis nt moderate fee
in any branch aro in especial request.
Toledo, Ora-'on.
Wan Clerk of Circuit Court i voati lUidhKH
an up-tOHlate abstract ot at i it tn Lincoln
county 11.17io
Tuners and' R pares
For Salem and vicinity leave orders at
Geo. Will's Music Store.
T , Sullivan,
State Street Tailor.
Fall Bullions Init In. Tun Ohcrmlprir jtt
toru. from ClilcaKO. Utkt IjuvIiicbs unit" SIS.
capital urn
Express and Transfet
Meots'nll mall and passenger trains.
Baggage to all parte of the city. Prompt
service. Telephone No. 851.
Sab Water Co.,
For water borvlec apply at (ifller
Bills payable monthly In .ndvunco.
Mako ull complulntd ul the utile
Loans and Insurance
Money to loan from 0 to B ner cont.
hopB and other property at lowest rates.
John Moir 290 Com, st,
The German Market
Will be fonud all klndB of ment
and the best of sausage. FREE
DELIVERY. All bills due the
late firm ot Wolt & Mlearke
must lie paid.
ll n -.,.
171 Commercial Rt
Old Post
Are large am havo rellablo nttnnd
antB, 'your team boarded by the weck'or
day'. Good toarad for liire.jPrTceB' roa-
sonable... Your patronage BviroTted. '
H,M. Brown
02 Ferry Street.
Xini?.V,f,Y "EOCWTon Utkeo.tro.
MUM. M. noWAW. II Ih Mllwaukpe.AYlT;
Squire Farrar
No M fitAto 81. "I'bono No, 1061.
Wm, Brown Co
Lilienthal Bros
.it m ii 1.. tr' """Ber onie over
,.,., ,.,.. nam, uone f,o -Uil.
Catlin Linn
9Wt?,?ver Waller's grocer)-
J. Carmichad
SK;rmaJn00?dT' ' l0
A, Livesley Co
CV)raineroUl U- Bocond italr south of tadd
tor aecept&feia.idM4,
State ir.ptif tUd,
ri,. t haarrnl WnllM Hk6 to
For a ticket Eaut, you naturally and
very pro'njrly want to go over the routo
that will ulvo vou tho very bent necoino
fdntiotiB at tho lowost poesible rntq
uence, you eiiuuni uhk j-uui .n;nut. .'bv'v
lo make your ticket read via the
f . -1. 1.1 1. ..... .(..l.r.t IIIHIIlf
- ' f .
Our nomiliir nereonallv. conducted
tourist excursions In modern Pullman
tourist sloenlmr cars leavo Salem every
Monday Evening nnd Thursday ovonlng
via Sncrninento and evorv Tuosdav oven
ing and Saturday, morning yia Portland
and riltf IhrouirU to OhlpagO wlthpijt
chnngo via the World'B most pcenlo litno
connecting nt utiicaco witn an morning
trains East, also with tho Rock Island
personally conducted tourist car for
DoBton Those tourist elcoping cars nre
broad vestibuled. Iiclited witn rtnicu
Una and nrovided with all weekly illus
trutcd eriodicalB and magnzliiea for tho
free upo ol our patrotiB and aro accom
panied through to destlnaMon by a rep
resenlativo of tho Groat Rock Island
Routo. Wo also havo n daily flrst-clnes
sloeplng car Borvico to ChlcaKO via tho
Sconic Line, and the best dining enr
scn'ico in the world.
For full information, maps etc, call
on or writo to, A.'K. Cooi'Bit, Gen. Agt
or Portland Oregon.
W. W. Skinnkii, G. ij Poweiiu
Agent S. P Co. Agent 0 R A N Co
Salem Or. Salem Or.
And Soo Line.
First-class and Tourist
Passengers booked to and from
Atlantic Steamship
UHiCC. s
t .x
For full partlculnrB apply to
A. G. P. A., HU Third Ht.
Vancouver, B. C. Portland,
The Dewey
Washing Machine
This iiiitchiiie is a new one made on
scientific principles. It Ih guaran
teed to give absolute Kiuisfiiotioii
After a thorough I rial no family
would dlnpotiKO witli olio. Wjth the
use of the Dewey, tliu honors of
wash day will disappear. This ma,
chine will
Wash Clothes
Perfectly Clean
No hard work about it. Easy to op
orate. Tlio inantilacturoro will back
up every claim made for tho ma
chine. The Dewey Washer
Has won two llrit promiums nt State
Fairs: at Lincoln, Nob, 18W, and
nt Salem, Oro , 1900. Sold at Salem
by R. M. Wade & Co. (Correspond
with or call on
Ambler Young
Manufacturers and Salesmen,
21 1. Angel, Oregon.
Salem Soap
The proprietor of tho Salem Soap
Works baa thoco ojHsration of the doalorB
Consumors who desire a IliBt-elasa
EllCOUra&e HblllG IttdllStrV
l cJ. .7 .. vT irY
soap win
By ordering Salem'mado Boap
s, c;sTONEivirM-
t'niu' o orol
Sine's Drug Stor
Tne steroa (two tn anwbe'rj uro lu atkl a
No. 235 aiut Kf3 Ccmn:i iei , lc, (, ,ud ,
well stocked with a toinploto lluo'ot drugxau
medlctnes, tollot artlcloa, perfumery, trunlui
ITaa ba4 soma M years experience in tho prao
tlcoof medlolaeand now makes no obaigo To
curnniutlon. nmlntlnn orproierliitlou,
AN IVtflBn w
Indies' Jand Gents' clothes
churned mid dywi without rip
ning. Gent's clothes pressed
by the month, alto iwrtierB
cleanojl and dyW, Huts and
kid gloves cleaned Gentb'
olothos reliued, rebound, re
paired, buttons on. All work
neat, cheap and promptly
done. : : : ;. w ' J ' : : .
IKS.- f II. WALKER, Pmrietor
lOtCommerclal fct.
for acceptable Idea.
State If patented.
for acceptable Idea,
SUte if patented. I
Baltimore. Ml
'on "Turn Portland .tH
aSSffnLM". .Ponw
9.13 a.m
.Uhleano ana KaJl; 8t'4
e.-tt)Dm ' twankoa cjfnVi.ll '."'."''.Mil.
lie Kx
9 p, m
V n
Fur Bun FraucUro. "U1J-
BMl CTory live day..
) i. -,,
Xn tn
xi Bun
p. in
To AatorlaaiiUway lanain,,
iun. m
W'II.I.AIIfTT-lf tl. ......
At 8
Poftljmianu-, NoT-berJ Vn .,
v.W.'Kln'?:. . ThW-i.t U!
vjr xiiii oMonia at D.lo aw,
iitrect car lino nt Oregon City ti fim ..i"!''" In
uoaia to l-ortlaua aa twi.
uiuiiiiiKiuii, i.uiunr
checked ttiroatth fr
ran or river routo lo IVirtlaua cw. 2S?
made at J-ortlaud with .11 Vir.S"?"
V ." .'' ana nVb
Aicfiit.TraaoBtrectdwk HtSs.
Hly ticket ami fr0K,i omwatflcS?!n,SBM
Trains leavo Salem for Portland and wa
atatlQnsntOMOa. m. , 7:6t a. xu. lli
-t ;uo w, hi.
, A M
Lt Balem.
-.llflO a M
Ar Aahlaoil.
1 4.. A
.M A U
10 TO All
0(1 A M
.u:m a m
Ar H-crivmouto
. B0 I' M
- 7.ta i' m
ro:4A a r
. 9tM A M
. 7.23 A M
. 7.15 A M
at nan irraiinifiod..
Ar henver.. ......
ArKaimi, Cltjr..
Ar Chicago.. .......
aF'Iw Aiikv7oh.I
Ar Kl I'ao. .... sue l' M
Ar rim woiui. .... 0.33 AM
Ar crtty of Mexico ..9) A M
Ar HoiiMon 3JJ a M
Ar Now Orleans. 6l V M
Ar WMhlUKlou. . 0 13 A M
Ar Now Y)rjk... .12,13 l' M
f..ll. "' '" i" rrr t .
ruiimnn mid loiiriHtu ini on
trnitiB. Chair cars Sacrnmenln In flmlan
nnd El Paso, nnd tourist cats to Chicago,
St. IxhiIb, New Orleans and Wasliington.
Connecting tit San FraiuTlHco witli wv
Oral fltniiliiHliIti llnun ,r I In. mini,.
Japan, Cliitui, Plilllppliiea, Central and
notiin Atiierica.
See Mr. W. W. Skhitior intent at Haleni
tiitlon, or address
Portlaud, Oregon,
You in e not uware ot tho fast time a.d
superb service now afforded by theJI
r we iiavc
Da iv Fast
Trains -
If you cannot take the morning train
travel via tho evening train. Both am
tinely equipped.
"Our Specialties"
Fast Time, Through Service, Pullman
Palace Sleepers. Pullman Tourist Bleep
era, Pullman Diners, Library (Cafe Car
and Froo Reclining Chair cars.
Hours in timo saved to Omaha Chic
ago, Kansas City.JjBfc. Lot Is, New York.
Boston, nndotherlSastern points.
Tickets good" toSalt Lab City auJ
It is toy our interest to use Tut Ovwi
land LtuiTui). Tickets and aleeplug
car iMirtha can be eecurod from
W. W. Skinnkh.
AgontS. P. Co.
Or Guy PoworB, Ag't. 0' It. N.
Salem Ore.
J. II. Lotiiuoi', Gen'l Agent,
No, lxrj Third St. Pprtland Or.
Qivgon Shoil Una Railroad
Tho Direct Routo to
Montana. Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points-
Glvea choice of two favorite routes, via
the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mall Line,
or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Linos.
No Change of Cars
On the .Portland'Ghlcaga Special, ''i
finest DUbe West." '
Equipped With
fcliKiuu aun'iuril tiloepor.
Fluo Now Ordinary Tuurlil Blcepera,
tiuporb I.ttirarv-UulTot Can.
- - 'BpIondipDlnuera.Jiluaia.aUcailo
Kreo IteellntiitfCbairl'ani.
Coinfortablo Ooauhcs nut Smoker.
Kntlr Tratli Utiinplotel) Voatlbiited.
. For further information applv W
Trav. Push AbI. Agent O. R. A N.
M2 Third Stt Portland vOr. Salem
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
No 2 FerYaqulua:
Train leavcJs Albany..,.. 155:16 p iu
Train leaves fjorvallla.... l:lp n
Train arrives, yaqtilna , CM5 p. m
No. L Heturnlnit .
. Leaves Yaqul im 010. m.
Loa ves Corvallis...,..... 11:30 a. w,
Arrives Albauy...,, :..12:lr p. .
No, 3 For DotrolU
Lcuvei. Albany .,. llM 7;00.u'.
Arrives Detroit.. ..,. .11:20 ii. m.
No. 4, ReturnlnR'i, i
Leaves Detroit.. .. -12:10 p. m.
Ai rives Albany, .. .f. g !6:45 p iw.
One and twoMjpeotfa?AlT3any aod
CorvalllH with Kdutlie'rn&aofhV tiains,
wlylng direct eervice ts arid from New
port and adjacent beaches.
Trains for the mountain arrive at
Detroit at noon, giving ample time
tp reaolt campini Rrounds on the
BreltenbusU and Hantlaru river the
same day.
T V AV A Msus
t Albany.
liiiKS.. lnWmatum
IrrlUtluoa or Bl".'"'"
rurnii J.uif.s rIuli, ana not mwi
iTsiEcwjOnauiuOd. i cr..v4ii?u.'LJ.(.
l r-ryr? .. ...Mttf
or'iatTa ptaln "f?f
K Ii
rif- ' l a
jsWi i ii I'lTiSB
Jf ll 1 U 4.'.B
'ulr.fcwt -
SF 4! " SIH- H
flf H &a m?
e V '