nltfllitniHiTlniiK mttMmMmmt Ul A 'l 'J i i 1 i & f 1 i I'- i I n m m 3 8 t (mriiiiii iliiii'i'iiL' ' mi "iiJ'JJ'111""1"" itfUtHHHtiHw m t t BREAST r-wbrtiiiif,fclJo'flas " WoTtfltR' Jftuitttt" child-birth -riff st bs fin ordeal ot r horror aud insures safety to tuotlicr aau cut in. Ourjxxtei "IMbre Baby is Horn," is worth Iuf?lght in gold to every woman, find will be Bt'rit free in plain envelope by KraiUloM Regulator Company, Atlanta, On f f . A. - ,1 V 1 MftaPP warn - x'.MitrTi Tip ' - - w ii ' i" '' ' ,, ,n i Ml i II 4, in muse: Too Many. - PFECT.--A suit for your boy for 25 10 !50 per ceui. less than you always pa .Stiffs JttOO to 4.60. ' , h U4 j ' . SEE THAT YOU GET FIRST CHOICE 'S G, Wv Jdhiison The Peoples Clothiers mm journal! ,'fc jfr-itoii. DY' HOFER BROTHERS. WEDNESDAY. NOV, 14, IMK). , ,,.., . . - ... . M I. - Dally Oro Yoar, $3 00 In Advnnco Daily Four Months $1 In Advance Weekly Ono Yoar SI.OO In Advanoe I1ELPTIIU LITTLE LOCAL WbUSTHItlS A well conducted hlaaUsinilh shop or little local oruntnory ie o( mora value to any toyyrl llinti nil tlio tlk altout hie ontorpr.ifiuu that nevitr inatorialixo. Lot' itS: 6ft)i) talWltK about doing hlg y i things and gut In nml do wiiih little ones. Ix)t uaatl IfQlp tho HUlo looal iiidtiHtrlos to live betoro wo Import Wk oiu-b. Wo? will hclrTourtulvoaby Irtlpiug tho man who have Industry uuii ejc)w!anno, who liavo tlidTr own tools ami ak no groat bonus, hut do nek and Jiro ontiUad to our good will, pntronnga and pruferenuo in tho way of businose. If any town or nuiidilwrliood whuto TiikJouunai. oiroulRlM need it Muck- onlth, wagonmuker. harbor, hotelkooptir vetorjnnry .rurjumtur, 'iuiimii, tiJIor, Joweldr, trillllnur, ehoamnkar, hnrnoea tnakur, umtortnkur. t'ninlatur, adjtor, lawyer, enwmlll, oruumory, stors kuop ur, or any olhur logithnata'purwilt, pro. fession or occupation, send tliU pur a postal cardslatiug your want audit will Wni'nilo known ' wjtkout XD,onHQ and paffm will bo dirwtel to such in quiries by this odlca. By helping thate loAl enttrprifcoo wo will bo hulplng todarelop Uiu llttlo In duslries. There is n plntw whoro evory ono's secvlctw aru" reqinwL; . Eujld tie tho waniaof yourtOwn And ilia pro pur person can bo found - ujid looutud in yourrnidst. Thu eoulitry.-uiul tlm in diyidud udJ.fujnv-JU ) nfj IM. MILLING PACILITIUS I'OK SAt,CM J Tho tnovamtint of A. II. llumphroy Co. to establish a lnrgr luilling plant nt Salenvwhould rejiTS fhv j)iicuhRti5Jj nieni thi 39 . k .. .. f . J U mllnng JAiHiiieAi enThnot w xiwAfully mi .j oiwrat tnansgeu, bw oxfrlitlUl nutV huiia im "! wm uieu It ought to pay good prollts. Salum tHHsli a strong indoimndvnl mill and grajtrtflim. i!huurHiJig'iVld busint'W intrttU need it. Tku m gram alone-Uuni will ba thjiuand fNIA. fui lijorw for Ujautaj.4 (4 buslidlM Of 10. nlieut, oal im1 oIiht muifiB; Tliart la u good margin o'"prtU on thl llu'in alono ud it ji (o b htvd Suleui itahsta will (tikob)d of thU luaturti dud pruparo to supply Mw ilwlnaiuU' ' Tho grain InduSfry hi agJ8Uir fr4liro of our country'ii proprity tlmu hop. ThoM who Iwndltt the hop crop Iihv no trouble in weartajt ftwr8'fjj(p1f1,flfia in placu of tho lurniem Itorrowlug indi vidually at tint banku, n HiUim rpor aliun inauugd hy a iRM&'HitUlJl. "H"i llko Mr. Ilumphrtiy or miy otlr K0 man who;hudtrwujdj6fepi.t'r,ivIi' Irado could do yds imiy j4wuuiigo, SUSTAIN TUB IIQj)B PAPOlii! K I 4 This Jj)wiii, is uv locoiving aud publishltign OOOvotU dully AtHoltad Prijsa telegraph report. All tho tolugrnphlo nw puUrtuhtid in both tho Portland didlics pttjts In Tjig Evirij;u Jouiuut, much ot H tho dyl before It cquius in Um OrauonUu. Thoxpeu rf tlnmotalrgrnt). i paid m Jot mTkit fiwmj; ieipi, aud Jmiwk ! otjwii BBWgajo or rtitf rii-UUouiee if that pyn a it g.n-, mhU u.-UKiy'i, And other painful and serious aitmsnU wliicil mntivr tinttirm mlffi-. PAI1 111? avoided UV eo many toothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of "MoTfiKR's Frii?nd" This remedv is a God-send to women, because It carries' them through their most critical ordeal with nerfect snfctv and no uain. No "need ir the Buffering and danger of us MOTHER'S FRIEND 4fjferri: d . a if - .' & Company, and Furnishers money but its own, and its only ninbi tion is to becomon thoroughly Indopcnd uut iiuspapor uf the laruost tiosslblo 1 unFitfln ti flll.i ttnntilft QV. 1 ...W V IIIW '.W.. On tliOBo tonne the people aro Invited to sustain their homo paper. NfiW STnnCTJJONDCT'PHEPAHINC. F. A. Hancroft,who Introduced and fo curod tho jmBPngo of what is known ns tho Ikinuroft bonding not in tho LcgiBhi turo sovural yours ago, is said to ho on gauod in thu proparatlon of nnothor law to takd tho plauo of tho present one. Mr. llmiofoft saya tho act in its pres ent form In very dlfftiront froin what it wnB when ho llrut introduced it, and all tho objttutionablo features wuru ItiBortod after it left his hands, so that when it wat Anally passed ho could hardly rec ogulKO It Tho main objection to tho law Js that In Itu present form thu city ban to pay the intercut on all tho Im provement bonds Issued under it. This, Mr. llitncroft says, was uut tho intention when tho hill was frumod, but it was to roquir thu property owner to pay thu InturtwU As hu. introduced the bill and it hears his name, ho is anxious that it should he uhanged so that nil objection abo feuturos should bo eliminated. Under thu now law, all interest on Im provements must bo paid by property owners. This cannot affect Portland bonds that havo boon ibeued, which now amount to ovur t!MO,OOQ, hut will pro vent the city being further burdened with Uiu Interoet. Mr. Bancroft in thu new net will fully protect that city. ' The Impression has been that tho law would be repealed and that it ought to bo repealed hi lis prosont form, and there has been u rush with some Kast Side property-owners to get street Improve ments started so they may uscupo tho Jutofgst. 4t jh iiUluntt"J tmv between ttOO and 1(K) Works of stroot work in Portland pro wulor wuy and con tomplataU oh thu 1'iist Bide, aud that a majority of tho property-owners will tukt ndvuntugo of thu Bancroft bonding nut.boforo it is fonealed or chnnuod. Tliuro fiinuoh jipinplnlut, Uut thuru is, nOAyuy to prav.Ont propor(yQwnor8,from from tajdug ayantago of tho provle hMlof Ultelaw, "tjtit tlm now law will throw nil lh'"butdun on tho property owner aud fully pioteet tho city. McKlhLlY'3 POLIOY IN, CIUNA. Avoording to the Shanghai oorrupoud oiiboi TJm Uiulnu TlmuV yooufnulon, illogrnniiatioUi nu ulxontfe of security are the chief fp:a'rtiuturlsliiH oi iIih ulllml Queupatioi.M . That Is preulKoly tho onudition vltali one would ojfiwot from 'Hie history u thw'cuimtlon It jiuiH-'Pu nouM-i( Krakiiwitlon to "very ruujoip.bta Amur' Uiui tUat, wu Ijuyv ua.porjt nur lot in Mut ocvuimUqii us it is now eunduuhul, and m thareis rUAwn lb ovplHit-that ( t v 1 1 1 1).j oundutitoil so long as U is malntuluLHl, ISvun Uiiow Pwklu witM riuhwl and cp fe l,rtW9',M tuiqi-junjl n Ungliit joprualist that tho Ihuamiis had 'NttltWluntioiuly bombarded qvory vl lugy" in their lino of mirgh from tho oon1t. Hlneo the arrival of Uiunt Van VrJlei9 ' pud Jis assitinjjUun pt tbo oblut command, th work of tho allied force has Ixiun a series of "punitive uxpatlitloHg," uimI we havo aomu to tin dtirsland ulnittliut meatr, "Violonco date ovun JiisUqo unjustly." Thqrohuve bn semo summary exwutlnus of what theru is imuhiu fur Imlieviug to havo been aaUantiHl jutiodouo upon Qhlnose ql. ah, uutlur HtarslMl l-vw, vhjeh Is no; WW rUtoJl lyiHlh I?T, -7 LU oSlKulUn -on Wl anfaoro,. anil titxm iTOf&ilf. ttw rti " Tl Tl BUM j Att f vitftR7ro wh6. are nol oVou I "- "MB 7T 'RCtfnscdbf anywotso olTenso Uion "har boring Boxer' and that conft?rallon of their iwjfwaslonn, under the nuked form of "Foot,' wlilcKtUefr HvernOrs '11881 been practicing under tho more-' rtrHerly form of "wiueczofl." And these outrages havo have been committed In thonamcof "Christiau olviliiatlon" tbat Is to say, of n civilization higher and purer than that in the name of which precisely tho sameoutrages had been committed upon Christian missionaries and their Chinese converts that tho allied Christian armies havo boon perpetrating upon Individual ly innocent Chinamen. Mow very lucky we are not fo bo mixed up in this dirty aud dipgraceful business at all I That mustbe the comment upon then) proceedings of an Amorinan, jeal ous for iho honor of his country, and in earnest also for tho vindication of Chris tian civilisation. Undoubtedly China owos the Western -World n great'dtono- .t?-..K' ,.! tifc ni.I.AAA !. I....... 1.An. UIVI1I IUI IIIU UUvlUgl'l? -IlUb IIUVU UTJUI1 committed upon its missionaries aud its Ministers. Tho "faco of tho Chinese. Government cannot bo saved" if jus tice' is to bo done in Gliina.' But justice, when douo by raidiug parties which call themselves puutivo expeditions is no longer justice. Tho1 administration of such justice leavas behind a human and righteous rceeAtmont of injustice which not even thu allied forces of Europo can commit upon n rabbit warren of China men without subsequently suffering for having committed it. JOURNAL X-RAYS Moro prosperity weather t There are many parties, but only ono ting. . A llttlo empire goes a long way in this country. -i TIip Christian scientists of Tacoma are to build a cl u-ch. i Jo. Sibley of Pennsylvania has been returned to congress an expansionist. . A November dish that suits our poli tics Ih sauerkraut boiled with spare ribs, ft Tho Westminister confession Is a llt tlo llko tho Oregon black law a dead lotter. ft This is the prnpor season for blackbass fishing. Tho law should protect basn llshlng during their spawning season. Thu local politician who thinks he can make nnything out of party politics in this city ought to be given a chance to try. 4 Tlfe democratic mule and the republi can elephant can now Ho down In peace together with tho British Hon. They are" all on good terms, Borne of tho football teams in Oregon are not painfully anoixus to como in contact with real sport, tho way they avoid tho Salotn Athletic Club. A Let Hnlem expand in hor public policies pi god government, good schools and good streets and expansion in population and commerce will follow. ft Hosehurg Itevlow, (Dem,): Tho Sa lem republican manngere havo decided not to celebrate McKlnley'a election foi fear of offending tho democrats who voted with them. ft ft ft Tho way F, 0. Paxton was scratched for Presidential elector shows thut theru are a great many Republicans- who are sensitive when it comes t'o dealing, vwlth thu text hook trust. ft ft ft Thu American policy in China plight have been radically different but (or Bryan's campaign against military con niiust aud imperialism. Who knows? (Jive thu devil his duo. ft -ft ft ; Thoflo who in publiu prints dtjjcm-s thu busiuosH qualifications t respectable business men o ight at least sign their names and let' the people know what their business qualifications are. ft ft ft Inquirer: No; we can not ull liavo buukwheat cakes aud maplu syrup Ovory morning. It was. not promlfud In thu MoKinloy platform In fact, moet'of us eaifU IjnVtt ituy ""I ijjll wo earn them, We livu b our bloQcl.nnd m it. We tlTrivc or staryg, as ur blood is rjch or poor... Tbt'ie is ndthing else ttPlivQ m-orUy.- w f( V'ltn strength is fullMtnU pirits high, wo arc boin re tYittltatl, bone musclo and lyjiin, lu lutly and mind, with con tinual HuwofViclvblood. This is hMilth. When weak, in low spirit Ho cheer, no spring, wheiv rest is not rest and sleep is,, not hleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. H.tck of the blood, .is foqd, to keep the blood rich. When it fail, take Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, It,s,et the whole body going again man wpian child. nnmiinlili iHtl II W JWH W.'ll wu4 yuu a liitl 10 try. II you like IEL M iR IIiJ IS AUfflOST ' iiMiMiunnc " UWAWItTlUUb Citiz,ms,.,Busitiess iHeiunnd Taxpayers Endorse. - The Prrient oa-Portlsaa Administration of the Business Afftlrs of the Xly of Salem. Tho public sentiment in fit , i avorof cbn tinuing tho present oity ofllcial and board of aldermen in power Is stronger thnn.nvpr hnforo. , A largo numlWiof citl-.oifs have Imet? fund nro TinnnallfliHliiAWK favor ot the existing, order of things. It is understood tho 'men who havo served in tho citisenu' administration nro wil.lng to stand for a ro-ulectlon on Decouibei 3d provided thcy.aro nvited to d5 so by tho chitons, and tho senfltifeiil Oi far or silch" aMftni is ul-' most unanimous. SomeExerWslorts. ' J II. F. TntlifuY Vofel tar'it before; and will do it again. D. .1. Fry: This administration ought to suit anybody. Especially tax payers. "Ilopetoseu it continued. ly W. Uollis A Ce: It has been nil rlghti4 fnr as I can seo. A. M Humphrey: Fully satisfied and feel that for onto wo aru working on safe lines t J. I. Thompsen: It's first rato Don't want changed as long as I live, W. II. Helmes: Best city govern ment wo havo had In twenty years, and' we hud better stick to it t m. urown : Am wen pleased witli tho present administration. O P. Dabney: Don't think it could be bettered,. It should by all means bo con I in nod. Lacy & Sen's: Beoins to bo running nil right, but taxes nro still too high. E 0. Crost : Hopo it "wUl bo contin ued in its presont ofllcient form, as I believe it is tho first timo in a score of years thut the city hasn't run behind. Joseph Meyers: Liko tho manage ment very much. But it is an outrage that wodo not havo nt least ono or two more policuinou. Branson A. Hagau: is all riiiht and hope to ecu it continued E. F. Oahtirn : Can't speak too highly of tho men and their work, E. 8. Lampert: Want things- to Btay jutas thoy aro. John Savugo, Jr : Think wo ought to lot woll enough alone. I am opposed, ns a Republican, to tho partisan ideas expressed hi thu Telegram artlcio. In city nmttora wo should dcop all political considerations. fluy M. Pewers: Tho only way wo will, ever get out ol debt will bo by con timiiiig the present udmfnlstratlo '. II. A. Johnsonr Thu present admin htrutioti has been good enough for me, M. Bredcmt'lr: It suits mo very well. G. W. Putman; It has been a great Improvement and will gladly support it again. J., I'urvlne: Lt Is good ind I don't know how we could improve on it. J. Q. llarnes: Tho present adminis tration bus conducted affairs in such a munner ns to justify their continuance In power. Its management of the city's finances has been unexcelled, and should bo continued. J. J. Dairy mple: Wo want to put every man of them back, and moro llko thorn. A. N. Gilbert: I approve of tho most favorable things thalcu i do suld of this administration. C. U Dally: I don't seo how it can be bettered. It is simply a case of introducing practical business sonso In' place of politics, GId Steluer: "We should put through a straight citizen's ticket just ns it Is," J.Cenner: "I want to see the wholo thing continued with one ndditipn better streets." Thomas, Watt & Co.: (,Well satisfied. Reduction of exponses, care nothing about party." J. M. Wallace: "Should bo continued without contest." S, L. Hayden : "Continue tho present policies." John Grayt ''This council has been too economical." M. Klinger: "Wo cannot well do bettor." Squlro Parrar: "Let them all try It ugalu If they will servo." - J, M. Pay tin: ''Most decidedly; every one of them," John Kruufjt-Q- nw , set o( men cqiiHt not uo any hetler." i John liayne: "They have douu very ii-.,ii i P. U. Haas: ".Sath-fled ; see no reason wliy a chaiigo should bo made." ..m..v in ; Mitus continue u oy la mado- of w' and is prcpaml as allmeuns. It Is not a matter that ad easily as tea. ifc called LanoV Meili mlts o( question. Whcii they canio In ' elno. All druggjs sell it at 25c. ami 50 power wo weru running in dobt abollt ?'a .L,U1U'B l;'y, Medicine moves tho $1000 n month. That haj boon stopped and there bus been liberal saving bu Bides. It would 1m hnsineas madness to return U tho old order of things. I J.K. A. 'lurnor:' I helped, put them there and ( am not sorry 'forJIti ' Walter Merley: I am thoroughly In favor of (ho prefect methods. .v. WW., 1. 1. hr iv .!... m iilnhdratlon the o'ty has had to my F udm knowledge. uy an means let us con tluuu it Damon Uros It would bu thu u height of folly Ji, iiittko a changes) W'a ore are - 1 .!',. dblng wejl ououglj, D.TF.' Warner: ttisi f m i 1 : uglier t It la all right In all r...W. .....I lliar., ..... .. l.l .t Assiprtu- ,. myiw hu v-iiwuuiic u continuation ol thu same, T. Ilolvorson : I am. strongly in favor of irlvliur tho nr.Kaiit iln.llirln' ". V 7 ... .7 f i U" ' gwuiiu iviiii. nw ruuiiin uouurour telvus. Geo. J Peaivo; Would llko to seo every man of tho present non partisan ' city administration continued, and their, IllOthodsaBWoll. J. H. Albert Well satlstiudwltli the. present administration and favor a con tlnuauco of tlielr. .non-part lean t W. F. Bodlhby? I fAyokccplng tho preseut soC!of Oflicersf In for as long a limoBB thejllwill do as., thoy havo tho 2t two years Euireuo II rev in en: The admlnlstra tlOrr hns-becn good (or -the-taxpaycrs and tho wclfaro of the, and I want to see it continued. B. P. Beise: Tim record will show itlmtjclty affairs, managod.itsa part of a fbiitlca'l maclilnellUtbcerl a dismal failure; and managing it as nt present, vylth politics left out and bu'Infja 'put In, lias been a decided success, t want to seo the present business method Continued. Gilbert Bros Lot us retain the pres ent administration by nil means. There havo'been no "jobs," and only tho best interests of the city havo been con aldered W, W. Skinner: I favor continuing tho present program df fccon0iny and goodcltygovernnient. Dr. W. A. Cusick- Wo have entored into.fhis movement ns a business pro Ksition, and all political considerations werfeliminaU'd. It has succcedod well, and all our ofllcers havo (ullllled their pledges bo faithfully that I believe that overy taxpayer has received great benefit from the administration. I am un qualifiedly In favor of a continunnco of tho flmo regime. ILPehle: It's all right to date. Give us mora of tho same kind of work. - Werner Breym'an: "I ntn well pleased with tho wholo work, and would like to havo'.ho same class of business iiin ro turnej. In addition would llko to ecu a little more and bettor street Improve ment" G. IV. Johnsen: "Heaitlly in favor of the present regime, and don't boliuvu wo could hotter jt'." John Q Wilsen: Think our present financial management is correct and should dc sustained. To Cure a Cold in Dee Day Take Uutlve tlromd Qululuu TntileU, All drngxiiarofuad tbo money tr It fttlb to cure W. (IroTl't slcimtiirii U on cacti box. REPORT OF PRESIDENT GATCH To tic Bourd of Ratals of thcOrttoa Aerlcul tursl Colteie, Giptlemen: Herewith I prosent my report for the collegiate year 1801) 1000. Du'ing tho year there havo been en rolled the namos of 405 studontfl, lieing 07 mere than woco enrollexl last year. We cainot always estimate thu worth of a echo-1 by tho number or students, still, the iirreaso (or tho year is encouraging. Whet) wo consider tho largo expenditure the lJturd has made (or buildings and othorlacilities it may bo doubted wheth er thcjncreaso is as largo as it should be. Durln) tlio coming year wo ought to uu roll COt students. Indeed, we confident ly oxpet to .reach that number. At tend bjcountios is as follows- Bentci IBS; Marlon 37; Polk 2i); Claekatut 21 ; Linn 20; Washington 17: Vamliill 10; Lane 12; Multnomah 12; JosephlrH; Lincaln 4; Crook 3; Lake 3; Tilln-iook 2; Wallowa 2; Baker 1; Jackson 1; Douglas 11; Malheur 10; UlutHopS; Waco 7; Gilliam 0; Union (1 n a uu . .... . ., vuwipiieraHn i; umnuiia I ; stale of lUDiuiiKuii -ijoiuiu oi tjaiiioiuin i; 8tuto o( Sniifi Dakota I ; Alaska 1. To tal -105. Tho largi lumber from Huiton is ac counted (ori part by tho (net that many families urn, hero to rducato their chil dren and Hereafter consider Corvalils their homo. ' Cauthorn jlall, for men, has had a prosperous yfcr under tho management ot I'rof. J. U.Horner Tho aVorago cost oi living loriph student bus boon $2.28 ft weok. Ththouse. though sadly In need o( p.ilnl,8 In much bettor repair than It win- a Mr ago. Accompanying will bo found i full rojiorl (rom tho Pro fessor In clrge. It is desirable that the same juuiagement bo continued through th coming year. To-ritu and To-Morrow Nljht. Atideaehuuua night during this weok you uu eot at any druggist's Kemp's Iltsani for tho Throutand Lungs, ucnowledged to le the miwt, BMccessful roniody ever sold for Coughs. Oiup. Uronchltl-., Asthuiu una Lxmsupunu. et. a u ttlo to, day and km It always In the house so you caiuhock your cold til oneo Price 25 rt fiOo. Samplolxiil lu free, cod&w One lataoe. Muttlu Mis. iigml HI, was brought to thu asylum 8t night from Pine, Union county, filiefl b, y, k. Doerinc brlntr , Ing her (rom h placo. Bed Time " iYm taken pleaiaiherb drink, tho next muuiiug i iLTipriKiu ami mv com plexion is IwtM My tloctor'eays it acta gently on io Btonmch, liver and r it i i Kiuneys, ami is i pleasant laxaUvo. It bowols each dn If you cannot net it. wind (or (rH wiplu. Addrets, Orator F. Woodward, Uoy, N Y. The oft quotedfle, 'Thoiigli lost to 8lht,.to memorcwr ' originated with lltutlp-ei! Jonkyiiaiuij wob' Oral pub Irshed in tlio Grjiwhih iafaxliiu fur , Planners, in i,uir 1702. BSia-t,.,B ssrssr And romi lwfoio farth'ing gale I oiy snip siiuii nml upon tho s Perohancu all dethe and forlorn, Thesn-oyeashalmisa thee mi iiumv a vear: Hut niilnirfMiii.kii !. MiibM vn."" v:. : '. v1)1 I -iiuubi lonno in, 10 memory clear. Rtt-Hn,Mri lnwi 1 nnuL.,., A "" '. - .' V"" WHIUmCOI yu, eruei iaio, i souls to sever! tot in thts heart (iost secret placo . T,0M,i ;,,u10u .alu'letmlt dwell forever; " " ? -:ciioii trace ,.,11 wncy 0 mirrcever near, f.aci h smile, each tar, that form, that IHHJ Though lost to at, to memory dear. j -- Tl,, tlonauTail stomach, conatlp- r Ills are cured b KMaviK3SMt T, 1 1 mm IHO non-lrrlthi- ratharll n.t. l15Tbwita ot ulliKtcIata or by mall oil one M SwaO From a wreck will attract the world's attention to the life-saver Yet let the life-saving be continued cverv day, and nun U nttrnrta no nubile attention. If the scene of the saving of one life by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Pierce s i-.oiucn wcuicai Discovery, could be made to stand out alone, like u picture on a screen, it would attract the notice of the whole na tion. By n curi ous contradiction the very frequen cy with which the "Discovery" saves life, robs the fact of general inter est. Por obstinate coughs! bronchitis, weak lungs, and other diseases of the rcspinitory or alis, "uonien Medical DibCOV cry' is the one medicine which ofTers certain help, aud almost certain cure, lt contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. "Only for Doctor Mercc'd Ooldeti Med- Iful lllviir-n' f lllltlk I would foe In my grove to-day," writes Mr. Moms Miles, of, I'lnla Co., Wyoming. "I had nthina kj bad I could not uleeri pud wai mmnlliNl tn utvi. i work Kt It mm ected my a ... .a.- v .. . f- S tt 4l A I .m lil !. hitios mn that I l lias cvuicnm i unit, lAiiii .y uotn nnv lind cnu mid nlf-lit, My friend nil tliougiu mimntluti. Mv wife ItnilstCd on "IV I lUB T.oldcu Medical Ulncovery 1 have taken fi,ir bottle nnd nm now n well man, wclf-liiiiK ihs pound-) thank to l)r 1'lerce " The People's Common Sense- Medical Adviser in paper covers, Is scut free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, BufTnlo, V, Y tammmaammmmimmMmmmsmmmmmmmsmmma BUSINESS CARDS C. H.JCI1AOK Sliccesso to Dr. J. M. Kccno, of Wliito Corns Salem Or. Partios doslr Ing Biiperior up , -tions at moderate fee in nny branch aro in especial request. ALBERTA.JESSUP. 303E2 3JfiT8C3CgIll? Phono. 1071.1 kooms 1 And 3, OHAY IILIC. B. F. JONES, Attornoy-nt-Toledo. On- Wan (Murk of Circuit Court ' an ll-to datu abatracl 01 at lonnty Law on, 1 yi-arx huiIIihh ill) 111 Lincoln tl-17m SOUL 12 Jilt OS. Piano Tuners ami II pares PORTLAND ORE. For Salem nnd vicinity leave oiders tit Geo. WIII'h Muslu Store. T . J. Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Knit fliiltl r lint In. Tho Obermlonr put loins fnnii CIiIcoko. llt't bmluetM .11IU 314, 18 panu (A. CAPITAL HIV Express and Transfei I u.w uu until twiu iiaoiuiiKU Meets nil mail and pasponizor trains. ; Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telopliono iSo. 851, DIr-QUB A HO.M KH k fo. OFFICE, CITY HALL. For wutcr borvlco nuply at cjiUc. Bills payublc monthly In iidvanco. Make all com plaints ut the olllc Loans and Insurance Money to loan (rom 0 to 8 per cent. Becoming to securityno expense for examination. Insurance effected on hops nnd other property at lowest ratos. John Moii 290 Com, s. 7KVfd.-Tf The German Market Will be (ound all kinds o( meat aud tho best o( sausago. FUEK DELIVKBY. All bllTa duo the lato Arm of Wnlt & MlescXe must bo paid. Wolz & Zwicker 171 Coriiinnrclal HI. Old Post OfffceStables I I Aro large urn have reliabln niiii,.l antB, j-our tonm boarded by the week or , .uw",w mr litre, frtces rea nuunmt. jour patronagu eollcited. H.' iVI. Brown 112 Ferrv Strtvat.,.-V "KOl'WTOIt ailCX. 11. KOWAN. D SKiSmwault.vl." Squire Farrar so swaat. q'liouo Na wn. Wm. Brown Co Lilienthal Bros, II J Oitwihalnier. Miger. Offiaa ov.r Catlin X Linn Oaiooo?er Welter1 grocerr loro. 'PUoiit J Carmichael USMC orrr Uutlilii) man ' qolhtai ,tore, tu ue. A,' Li7esley Co ; w aie Slem hop buyers! m raw WHEN YOU PAY YOUR' GOOD MONEY For n lickot Entt, you naturally and vorv nrnuerlv want to uo over tho routo j that will give you tho yorvbgst nccomg nations ni mo iowobh mwsbiiiiu rmu Iloncn, yon should nsk yountlOkot.ngitid to make your ticket read via tlio ROCK- ISLAND Our popular personally conducted tourist excursions in modern Pullman louriBt sleeping inrs lcuvo Salem every Monday Evening und Thursday evening via Sacramento anil every Tttemlay even ing and Saturday mornltm via Portland and run through to Ohlcngb wit bout change via tho World's mostsoenlo Lino ronncctlngnt Chicago with all morning trains KaBt, also with the itock Island perponally conducted tourist ear for iJoslou Theso tourist sleeping cars nio broad vcstibuled, lighted with Pititch bits and provided with all weekly illus trated periodicals and magazines (or tho free use of our patrons nnd aro iiccom panted through to dustina'lou hy a rep resentativo of the Great Hock Island Route, Wo also have a daily Urst-cluea Bleeping car Bervice to Clticago via the Scenic Line, and the bust dining car service in tho world. For full information, maps etc, call oh or writo to, A. E. CoOi'Uii. Gen. Agt or Portland Oregon, V. W. Skinkkh,' G. M.tPownis Agent S. P Co. Agent 0 It & N Co Suleni Or. Salem Or. Canadian VU x pacific And Soo Line. First-clnes and Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY Passengers booked to and from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office, v . 0 For lull particulars apply to U.J. COYLE, II. II. AHII01T, A. G. P. A., IIIJ Tlilnl St. Vancouver, H. (1. Portland. The Dewey Washing Alachine This niHchino is a new one made nu Bcientillc iniucipleH. It is guaran teed to give nbsplutu intirfiiutimi After a tlioroniili trial uo family would diHpenco with ono Willi the iim of the Dewey, the hnrrtirs nf wash day will ihaappt.ur. 1'li.t ma chino will Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean No hard work about It. Kasy to op orato. The mauulactiirors will back up overy claim mudo (or the .ma chino. The Dewey Washer Has won two Urst premiums all State .airs: nt Lincoln, Neb, IKM), nnd at Salem, Oro , 1900. Sold it Salem byR.M. Wade Co. Correspond with or call on Ambler Young Manufacturers nnd Balosmon, -It. Angol, Oregon. Salem Soap Works nio proprietor of tho fialem Soap Works has thoco operation oi tho dealers Consumers who deslro a llrst-elass soap will Tho proprietor of thu I Encourage Home Industry uy ordering Salom-made soap S. C STONE. M. :) I'rnprlotor ol jStohe's DrugnStor- HLKM. OHKilliV tf .!,.n('ro (two ,n number) nrp imatcl a well stookeU WtU a v),UplIlin(v of ?mi m me. .Uns., toilet alcl., imlmwy.UuHh etoto ,eto. Wl. HTONK IIiliM()m023,f(,uexp0r,mic( u (h( 'JoioIwciUulneaua now roakw no oh,K lo "oMnillMInn ,Mln.tlon r priori t ion Wheat Bought and SioTfiH-"" By the Aurora Rollur Mills Mu.4i.tati,SSS FRED P. HURST. 7-27-1 fiMm m snuji mmm ANI) DHING- ffiRKS I-adies' and Gents' olothos - - oloaued and dyed without rip. mug. Gout's elm bus pressed by tho month, aho -KirUum HeamHl and dyed. Hata and Md gloves cleaned Geuti' 4otbf rollned, rubonndV ru halrvd, bntt,ons on. All work SSk, "p ,U,J Pro,PtJ E M ST , & rv,5 JK Va. l-Kl'AUT, ron "mm PortUnT Clilrarp Hpottai di. 1....: .... """A..'.'.-"-0' I'onvof Ki. wV.T r-"- ?;ia B.m Sdfiir.w8 h, Bpo... -.. -. rfj?.n nMR.tWaflHf.Hnokiin.. aesf? in. o-Oopra "i .j.i. S rtiinu tlo Kx. VIA IIJUNTtNorON Hnllnvery avAitj(, )U)MltlA ItlVKIl 'if ' 9 p, in aTt'ni. tJ xt Unn Hhtur iii ll) ui IP, M l" ANleria mtaj i,u,,M otUai) ............ ..... .., Will. MI-TIL- Kor I'orUmiil. MnUiJI'.' "! "alom jL I.. uiiiinw. "T,7.;r.. ".?. iii)niiltHn'nnlt'b.'w7 WlI.liAMKTTK ItlVKIl MVIsiom" I to llvttaud at .,U,.a nv :"' Duals atrwt er;iliiOfltOreKori City If iteVj" l delajod tlioio. 'lli-kctw tiialliV, ri.""""'!! olicekod t irnnir 1 rr..m u-i ... '".''"t. Ultras ZuV,,JZn olicckod tlirougti rroru Halom fri-c ri?.tt rail or river mtiio to l'ortlMi. lfoler -5S8P" lino. 1 iwui ni i-mmtnu with all mil. y-?, don, l'a ,Bt , lN,retuy ii .A..uiL'JVVfiia.' City ticket and i,t,;nAVy.l!mB.!iffl. "WincrcUli' SOUTH AND EAS1 VIA Southern Pacific Co, THE SHflSTfl ROUTE 4 :05 p. m. ' m I.vl'OrilaiHl - asm a m -11) A M -12.S0 A M saTFjT 1033 m 12SPM 4UAM 8:14 iM TTUTa tM A 7aJA i:A 7)A U SKI 1' H li:1U A U IU-IIA M .tt A X wpii CO A H 12.11 H H liV Hulom. Ar Ashland.. Ar Kacraructito......... 0o l' M Ar Han Franclwo. - -- 7:1", p j Arosdon .lu am" Ar Denver .. . tito a M ArKnima, City 7S A M Ar ChlCBiro-......::.7-iSA m Af MM1.,'I80M T-A) l'"l Ar Kl HiM) O-oo 1 M at rori. una.. .. c,:i,l A M Ar City of Moxlco.... 9 to m Ar Houston ..... 3;n a m Ar Now UrlomiK ... r,i m Ar Wasliliiaiou C.u a M Ar Now Wk .....12,13 P m Pullman and TouristH Vllftt fill both Ifaliis. Chair cars Bncmmonto toOnlen nun iii niHo.anil tourist cars to Clilr-aeo St. IxiuiB.Now OrluaiiBaud aHliingloD. Connecting" oTBan jfranillsco with sVv oinl stenmBhin lines for Honolulu Jupnii, China, Philippines, Central and South America. Sou Mr. W. W. SkiiiiuVngeiit at Baleui station, or uddruus (J. II. MAHKHAM.G. P. A., Portland, Oregon, POSSIBLY You aro not ivwnro of tho fast timu ar.J Hiiperbsei vicu now afforded by tho pic- 2 WE HAVE ft Daily Fast Trains TO THE EAST. w WE HAVE ..V If 'yen cannot take tho morning train travel via tliU'Ovotiius; train. Both aro finely equipped. "Our Specialties Past Timo, Through Service, Pullman Paluco Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleep ers. Pullinuti Diners, Library (Cafe) Car aud Free HcHlnlng Chair oars. Hours In timo saved to Omaha Ohio ago, Kaunas City, St. Louis, New York Boston, and other Eaatern points. Ticket good to Snlt Lake City nnJ Denver., , .-, . It Is toy our intercut to use Tut. Ovik- LAND I.IMITKl). TicketB tUld BlOtiplIlg cur IxirliiK citn bu secured (rom W. W. Hxissna. Agent S. P. Co. Or Guy Powers, Ag't. 0' K. &H. rialem Or. J. II. 1xtiiiiui', Gon'l Agent, No. lKfi Tliird St. 1'ortlanil ur Oregon Sliou Line Itaiiroail The DIroct Kouto to Montana, Utah, Colorado . and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, vw tho UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail Lins, or tho HIO GRANDE Scenic I.liwn No Change of Cars. On tho Portland-Chicago Spuial, ' 'h uuest tu thu West." Equipped With hleuuut HUiKlnrJ aiLvpern. Fine NoW Ordinary Tourlit biwpora. Suporh Ltbrarv-lluOut Cara. Bpfooillp Dinners, Mui'n a lacarui Kroo Hcclluliirf Chair C't. (Vniiroriatilo Ooaolios aal Smoker cutlru Truln lymplctolj VobIibiuvj. For further rTifhnnation apply to J. R. NAGKL, GUY PO KRH I'rav. 1'ans. Aal. Aent O. It " N-l-)2 Tlijrd St, Portland .Or. aleiu mmimmtntfriwiKimt.tmntmmautmmaimcmmM M-u.ti MU Uorvallis &,Easlorii Kailraad 1 Nu. 2 Fur Vuq'tiina: Train loavwAlbnuy 12: W p. u Train leaves Uorvullis... 10 P '" Truln araives No. I RflLirfitliiif: Yiiqillna- . u:wp. '" UV08 Yaqulmi Loavaw Our villi Ik .. o 10 a. tu, . ..ll:J0tt. in 12:16 P. "' . 7:00.1- ' . . 1 1.20 a. nu .,.12. ion. a.. 6:41 P lu- Arrives Allmny . No. a For Detnijt: Leaves. Albnpy ... Arrives Dfltjroij . . , . No. A KettirnyTrajL . Lenvus Dctmn. Tf. Airlvn AIRrtfiw. l. .. ' Que and tw3ffinhnhi in iTnrl ruMSSrTniiltRf. ill. AlllllllV HUH CJMU& wlItlf.nlSrn PaclUc ll3in, gllim'dlivctseT7lwJtfeund fnun ne" .i-c's: i' 'MritH.'Mv,i ' -.. Pri aucl adjacent iKMrties , Trains for tho nioiinUlns arrive hetroilat tuHn. giving ample Um hi reach Kumplut? ifinundt. m j Hreltenbush and Santlutu rive's tw same day. .- J TLItM.n. 8 ul. Ubin. 'eukVYOUBSEir: tiiaai g w'wujoo. ..js DEItulTnitM air lll"" . nact . . -. . IMInli. tua uvn - WW mmmmimKmmmm " - - ' W .'Pte ww a M El tM 3 lrtftiiiiuCo. " TW V i P""T" ""'i, . 1 ltWtTl8l4 JS.W0tf,ISSSJlfefe' fw 14 WALKER, ffyrhbr hsfruct ton of villages. thn tun & uownk 4091'Krl Mrt, Nk- .xk, 'Of City ttfTttl -.. yuu o.ucu, Atass. i'toutimi, - i" is a"tIri. iKB UftV - - J iw Ui mmerolal St. I'DDUl.r -v --