f I'! : yi y.n hj i ii a . wmn nmwiMii j I sMEw 1 XmkMmL.mMi WT'VSl? -m Nl j M im 1 K cated IiohdIIaI wr lienlln .'" aiuklflfrlMmilll "A treekafler I cemeetitor the fioipltal Uif regiment milled for home. arrived home a perfect wreck, reduced In weight from ITSto WOpouudi. "My HtoSe" is a iitronr belleTer In Dr. Whlloma' I'lnk PUIa for Pale am n TWriDRLCU JI1V UJ WKR ftllCIII. J UIU. HIJU QlimiCllirU dd relief by Uie time I rmatoKen wreenoxea. wnen I iiaaiaKennve t .a niiriv mirn.i. -rue The and I had rained in neh and strength. loir. Wilflama" riokl'IU. Or. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale People ar'ltr'"',,M1'or',,llb"1' POit-paM en rroiut i f uric. o mta a boa, or alx ! for nM. I lmMlii !". WiluM8 MMilcihK tXJ., Ho'iifctly. J. Y, )l Jl W1 GHllDREN'S SI' t r ,AUSE:--Too Maiiy. ffecT:'-A suit for your boy for -25 io 50. per. cent less than you always .paid. Suits ,?V00 to 460. ' 1 1 - -TTI ' SEE THAT YOU GET FIRSTGHOIGE G, Wi Johnson The Peoples Clothiers THE DAILY JOURNAL. DV HOFER DROTHLH3. 8ATUKDAY, ., r ... NOV. 10, 1U00 Dally One Your. $3.00 In Advnnoo Dally Four Months 91. In Advance Weokly One Year Sl.OO In Advance COVEHNOK CEER'SMOST important ap POINTMENT. Tlio moat important net of liia gubernatorial turm wllj w Governor Geor'a eclcclion of fivo tnun for a Soliool Textbook CommiMlon. Thoy vrlll'aervo for four yearn and as their work will go beforo every homo in tho ntnto that has children to eond to school, tho pructlunl result of'thisconlinlailon will ho lirouKht home to (ha pockets and- exposed to thu critical judgment of throo-fourths of tho people 61 tho etoto. That "tho com position of tills commission ttftnd tho policies adopted by It will iiilluouco thu eliaracter of tho vciioola mul tho minds o0hoj(rowJnKgoperatiouH in Oregon is apparent. 'JJio JpgnNAi. hastily oiuJomob tjio InJflrvKwof tho Governor prTntod xclso Where. I!s MiilinSontH arti flarand utronganditothe polnl.ftiid If"ba4kwup by a eolfutlon o( mon lit tli sutuu spirit cliinoV'uut bring bo1 rusHlts. Tho Governor doco well to invito etigsttoiiB from all sources us to tho chsratilur and kind of men to oompoeo thu hoard. lla cannot no top fllowljr or iako too ofcuo iuqury into tho (jiiallllcu'tion and Iduaa entertained by persons ho ptita on this board. Tho books sulooted ArQ lt only lorctHi njoii tno jhhjuio ipr lour y mnt but all privalo and lilgher witioots are compelled touso them niorcor loss. fhe JJlato of Oregon lias bon under am rcgluit? for about ufghleY Jt'itw io far as text, books aro cuntariiod, One company lias furnished all thu IkioIch under tlmV regime until six years ago oho language uook uotu. u uoniixuiu firm broke the oprdon of iionopolv n tr" adopted., tfhe iKKtKH'fliat tho Or jgp schools have had to uko or In fwlor in many rejKt, and U hJuliMC prJoed than other statos adnted, but they weru even liljjher prieed thun tho j5jile of othormaUss ptMd for the samo biebtt,: Jt lgt)2 a bill pasetl tho lower bww (or which tho governor, then a )pM)tor, epoko and voted to break up tifQjgpn m,$ip)o!y. By tl( efforts of USaf'then'stafu suporiutendont, MeHlroy, itMtM-m was defeated In W& It wa yoeed to ehango hooka mjilur tho wSwojK)ly systom and that wits defeated uAny changes tind.uf 9yVnyiti)u wore HuSrable. i the laht legJulatiiro a bllMreaUmj ' im'iropoitl text book couMo)tfty! VrtB ytd under tho magnificent leatler Mu of- goator John Daly' auJ 9tor ?ti0taeR who hail taken Htottmouy be ,H5IWUJwminltleo and prepared .iipr9t Jtw under wjild) U RV' gttienioii tflnwt)kf antl tf givftOrftion msMiat Qt pivYw1ri sahool ioqI boks,fH7irSS?MlMltM A Soldier's Life In one of hardship and ex posure, and the dangers from disease are as great as from shell and bullet. Here is a s.ory of a life that was saved : I enlMled in Company RFIratltegl- miL tiny York VolunlMie. at the beginning of the trarwltDHpam. While nn mrrlion duty tti uonoiuiu l ttm ritrlcken with innlarln, ti lilch mi compli with kldnoy tronlile. I wai In. the twenty-one daja, Hndwlieudlacherred wb nitiri. nam v pain wra oil roup, my appetite waa Reed j oi)f i nm a wen uiaD, iubukb Frank A. Swkezst, S7t Jlrinktrhoff Aixnut, Vffea, Jf. r. iifwiiimMw ifci " RICE lll'ilS CLOTHING & Company, and Furnishers instead of holding our state down in tho clutch of a conlloes commercial mon toly thu men who pasted this bill found that tenrhurs all over tho Btnto stood in awo of tho monopoly managers. Thoco mitnngorfl hud for yoars dipped into thu polities of tho state, into county and city anil stato tchool umnagunnnt, until many leading odticitorn and school oflicluls felt they owed their places more to tho book company that had tho con tract with tho statu than they did to tho communities that employed thorn or tho peoplo who elected them.. This is Bald without reflection upon that cor poratlon, hut is simply stating a truth about tho mothods ol its maimgerfl in this statu. While Governor fleer will not hejusli ilod In appointing a textbook cotumis slon that Is packed for or against any publishing house, thu reformation con tended for hy thu champions of tho now order of things does contemplate that any monopoly system shall not further flourish in Oregon. It should bo da utroyod root and branch and forover. Lot Oregon schools bo freed from man Ipulation and domination by any text book'flrin or corporation. Tho peoplo uro in earnest nbout this and (ho lie publican platform endorses thu re form. If there does not result u malarial ehango from the pres ent system it will bo no reform. Thu onmmlsHlur.. should ho animated by a distinctive, progressive, but Intelligent ruiorm spirit In tlui direction of giving tho people tho best books publishod und iis'l in other states anil securing them tit reasonable prices. Viewed from this stundpoiuMhoro is no objection to koop iug some of thu books that aro now in iiso If they fulfil theso requirements. All that Is hero said Is for tho purpose of bringing .tho salient feutures of tho situation beforo tho publlu, Tho Jouunai. heartily supported tho reform bill beforo tho legislature It will heartily support tho work of any honest uud competent commission tho governor may apiolnt. It ha no candidates for thoso places and will have none, buliev jug It to bo the business of a public uewepaper to give Information ami help oreato sentiment for sound public policies rathor than to meddlo, with the selection for places in tho appolutlvo power. Gov. Geer rightly says politics should out no liguro in tho commission. Hut tho Kepubllcuu party has had complete control of thu public schools and has croitel ho text bmk situation as wo now find it in this tflt. Its 'Interests and its welfaro as a 'political orgsntza lion aro moro at stake In this matter than almost any other feature of Btnto government. Wo believe that Gov. Geer desires to servo tho people, and that his heart inclines him to do tho right thing. f f all tho friends of t'oxt book roform in Oregon will iutorost themselves a groat victory can bo won for tho cause of pro gross in tho common schools, tho most wyred iiiatltutloii In a Iroo country. Thk Jut HNAt Inv.tes corrcjiponduucQ ujL.dlscussiuu through Its columns of W)jct. and vvjU shortly glvty list .nereous whoso names,aroipuu!tcly or prop9f)Jyhlj4rUnd8W0r3.but buy a bottle today. ' JOURNAL X'RAYS Snlcin's woman club should noiw mn tcrlftllre. ft . l8.2IcKiuley e,ven ImperialJit.ngURh to dictate this weather? ft & Salem has only poac? and good-will for the rest of tho state. 6 Good roads and good coOkfffg lend to pf08perily ami expansion. It wouldn't bo Kentucky Without a fight over tho elect! it reluriiB. There aro three avenues of cfmrM- Soap Creek, tsalt Creekor 1'uduen Kivcr A ft We can now sec what could havo leen done had we had Dewey for a tamlldalo. Snlem Unitarians aro alive uud kick ing. They insist ho shall (( to heaven. Not to bud. . Senator retigrew's plan of orgatrziiig h political party of tho discontent! is a hacki)Uml)er. A lawyor'b feeof (I'JO for drawing an attachment on forty bales of hops is one road to prosperity. Frank Paxtou, the attorney of tho Textbook trust, ran behind as elector In nearly evory precinct. ft Heller schools, tatter roads and better city government is a program that will make baiem llio most prosperous iy on the count. It would bo cruel to say to but what ever tho reorganization of ho demo cratic party, it won't bo in the hands of Milt Miller. ft fc'omu of the Oregon politicians will try to tlnd out what church Kil. Cro'nan and Frank Wrightman attend and what kind of whiskey thnv drink, Wo liavo ono hope of prosurity to fall hnok on. Tho Rryauitss can push tho Belgian hnro Industry, and while their fecundity lasts they won't In) out of meat. i. A freo library movement should, now bo taken up hy th Masonic order. It would glvaoureU a fine reputation and might ndd w- ler fine building to our city. Undo Sam will build forty warships und Immediately tho stiel trust proposes to raise the prico of strel billets from tI8.oOtoT35 n tm. Put two and two together. e A democrat who was getting trft a month In Oreuon was tolti hy his em plover hero in free Oregen: "If you tlon't vote for McKinley you lose your Job next day." Tho man did not voto at all. ft ft ft Tho wheel of fortuo has turned up In Idaho, and Fn I Dubois, Sllvur Itepub lican, will ho returned to tho scat in tho United Rta'es senato that ho lost rix years ago because of his silver views. ft ft ft Tho Salem public drinking fountain on tho court house squaro facing the now fedeiul building thould now mate rializo. The court houce would still ho tho moxt beautiful building In townthut tho old woodnn Goddess of Justice should get tho ecales off hor eyes. ft ft ft This city has a ropiiblican mayor, marshal aid 11 rJ chief j four republican aldermen; it has an Independent io cordur. doinocrntlc treasurer and popu list strcotjcommlsionor ami four demo cratic uldoruien. That's bud for hoodlers but good for taxpayers. ft ft ft Mr. 0. H.Markhutn, tho live gonoral passenger and freight agent of the South urn Pacific, has accomplished much of a lasting nature In encouraging tho es tahlNhment of creameries in this statu In time tills industry will obtain Btich a growth that it will bo ono of the lea Jlng butter producing states in tho union. ft ft ft Tho Ronublican chairmen of Marlon county live at Salem and show good Judgment in not jubilating over tho do looted opposition. Thoy know they aro an earnest, honost body of citizens' and taxpayers who aro loyal to j;ood govern ment and liavo backod tho causo of ro form in city, school and county affairs. The Best Prescription for MaUrla. Cblllaaud fever In bottlo af Oinvo'TaMeloa C'lilt Tonlo. It li limply Iron and nululno In a Uatolem form. Nit euro uo pay. Price GOc, 6-10 Sot-eod Thu Kopubllcan papers aro now say Inir that tho MoKluley vdmluistratlon will practically do all that Ilryan con tended for. The samu II ig floats, over all. All Americans want' what's right. JSut wo aro In hopes some way will bo found to restore ordor In tho Phil ippluos short of extermination. Stops the Couth and . , Works off the Cold. , TuaxallvQ llroran quinine lablola euro a cold In ono day. No Cure, No Pay. 'rice 3c S 28 Lord Mayor's Day, taor ) j.i viiv 9 Iainihi.s Nov, 10. Lord Mayor's Day was celebrated yesterday with tho usual honors. Tho streets vy ejro filled with spec tators of tho prouesslou, which was as showy as usual. Thu buildings on tho routo were elaborately and piofueoly de corated. ioiisssvg And eating Is simply perfunctory done because It mutt be. This Is the common complaint of I ha dyspeptic. If eating sparingly would euro dys pepsia, few wquW sujfer from It long. The only way to cure 'dyspepsia', which Is difficult digestion. Is to give vigor and tone to the stomach and tho whole digestive system. IIooU'm Baraapnnlla cured the niece of frank Fay. ( N. HI . Houtti Ilovton. Maaa., who wrltei that ahu had been a threat KUITeror from tlyapvpMla for kIk carm had bvvu with, put appetite and had Luni troubled with aour ttowaeh and headache. Hhe had tried many Other medicines In valu. Two bottles of Hood' Sarahparllla mado her welt. Jfoetf' Promises 7 Sarsatpxrllla to cure and keeps the promise. Hon t wait til you aro . OREGON TEXT BOOK COMMISSION Governor Geef Favorable to An Honest Body of Men. Believes They Should Be Good Easiness Men With Sufficient Educational Qual ifications. Probably ntio of tho most important am) exacting duties which Governor Oeer will bfi called upon to perform during Ida term of ofllrn will U the n piit'mc'noj the new text liook com inl?ti jppxt JnnnntgF. Thu governor 3s very feticont reisanJhiK tlie. composition id the cbmmtssinn.' In jepohse to re cent inquiries ho gave tho following in terview In tho Portland Oregon Ian: ' 1 have, f courpi. no Announcements to 'i.akai to urn nllvhlttnls to bo ap II 'nwnr ii iii" u niiiitnig Miinted."nnd hqll not make names of llio members of lb known ln io commis mon to any perron until tlio appoint ipi'iit bus been officially anootim-cd. 1 havo not vet mado up my mind whom I shall appoint, and shall not until !m mediately beloro tho timu arrives for notion. I consider the naming of thin commission ono of tho mo it important dutiea I havo to perform as governor ol the stato, and tho appointments will not bo made until after tho most careful consideration of tho requirements of tho positions and tho qualification! of the most availublo citizens of the stato who will consent to servo in that capacity. "I realize that It will bo a difficult matter Io erfoim the duties of Iho com mlsMom-rs In away lhat will not subject them Io eotno sortol puui.c criticism, and for that reason there may be some dlfllculiy in finding gocl men willing to makotho necessary sacrifice for tho wel furo of tho stato and its relied children, therefore. 1 shall probably not ask tho contontof any man beforo appoiulin,; him a member of Iho textbook commis slon. 'The appointees will probably bo men, who, ftom their positions us prominent citizens, ciutiot well rufu&o to nuko u; rlfices reulrelof tho men woo mny servo the public in lint cipacity. "1 have h d numerotin appllcutluns. both In person and by letter forposiliuus on that commisHion, but 1 can see no reason why any man can really wish to servo in that capacity, and am not in cllnedtnlook with favor upon the ap plication ol any man who is anxious for such an appointment. "riuggOHtions and recommendations from any person interested in tho wel faro of our public schools havo been and will bo thaukftillyrtzcivud and carefully considered. "Politics shall not havo tho slightest influcncoin thopulection of tho members of tho commission. Tho best men avail able will bo chosen regardless of party affiliations. I beliuo this commsssiou should 1.3 conio(ud of men from different sections of tho state, and this will bo considered though not us a con trolling foaturo. S3 far as personal qualities aro concerned, I am inclined to tho opinion that tho majority of the commissioners should no bo tchool men, I believo tills commission should be composed of good business men, who also have sulilcient educational qtiAlifica tiona to make them good judge of text books. They shoujil bo men in whopo honor and integrity tho people of Oregon have tho utmost contld-uca and whono motives will never bo questioned " The Teacher's Monthly Names i List. Oregon Teacher' Monthly, Halem. Or., for Oc. tooer. Ctiav II. Jones and Uco. M. Jnuu, fcjl llort. Gov.T.T.Gcorwdl appoint the text book lommirsiou in January, und it will meet in Julv and neleet tlm b'ok for our sob. oil for thu fol owin sk ye.irs. It i rumored that tlit-ie are many uii plicants alreudy for apiKilutmont on this commission, but tho Governor has civen out that ho will not ap, o nt anyone who ann.ies for tlie place. iiioworKoi tins cotnmUsion is a very impo'tunt matter Mint thero suouid bo appointed lor it mu very boitinoa mon who have resided for many years in tho state iand under stand tho needs and wants of the peon'o In regard to school torft bookH. Wo havo in mind fivo such men who, if ap pointed on this commission, would so- lii.t tnr nn linnlru urnrlliv nnd flllitnlllo In all respects. Thoy a e: bunt. Prink Ululer, oi Portland; Pres. P. L. Camp bell, of Moumetttli: Prof. D. V. S. Held, of Heppner; Hon. 0. A. Johns, of Da korCity, and Judge J. 0. Fullortou, of Itosoburg. So fur as wo know, these men havo never beforo been m.ntloned In connection with the toxt book com mission, und possibly nono of thorn would accept if offered tho appoint ment. Those men wou.d givo general satisfaction to all parts of tho state, and If tho G' vernor would appoint thorn and thoy could bo induced to accept, tho people would need four no fraud or dis honesty in th selection of books, but could rust ussurud that tho very best se lections would bo made, The peoplo and thu best Interests of our schools would ho served with hone ty und abil ity. (The first of tho gentlemen above mimed is thu President of thu Bt-ito lioard of Kxuminers appointed by State Sunt. Ackormann.of this state as follews: I' rank ltlgler, Portland ; J, 8. Landers, Tho Dalles I). W. Yoder, 8alem : Thorn as M. Gatch, Corvallls; U H. Baker, f.obanou; N. L. Narregan, Medford; 0 A. Hitchcock, Ashland : J. A. Church Ill, HakerCity; K. IS. Conklin, Pendle ton. P. L. Campcll is President of tho State Normal School. Prof, Held of Heppner was former City Sunt, at Eugene, and was Democratic candidate for Stato Supt. in 1804. .Mr. Johns Is a young lawyer und grad uate of Willamette UiiiversUvat Salem J. C. Fullortou is a lawyer at Itosoburg and Republican Presidential elector. ut tno above two nave tu tno past boon connected with tho present order of things educational in Oregon, Not over one of tho above five was at all a sup porter of the Duly bill, tho others beins either indifferent or hostile to reform Thk Jouunal will publish tho names of all persons suggested for places on tho text book commission and so far as possible ascertain their views and whether they are committed to keeping tilings as they aro or favorable to the real spirit of reform as embodied in tho Daly bill.) Use Dr. Bull's Couth Syrup at once, If your ajiild has qrdup'or bronchitis, Ytft0 nntiuin, delav may bo dangerous. Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup cures ut onco. It Is a safe arid infallible remedy, All drug gists sell it for 25 cents. Historian of the Sioux. CiiiCAtio, Nov. 10 Ztttala sa, "Bed Bird" an Ogalalla Sioux girl with the manners and speech of the Back Bay, Boston, has been in Chicago on her way iicngo on nor way llOr yacatlon in tho' i A ., n . I In South Dakota, d, and began hor I mavK-.nl Vt.Anl- Kast, after spending tepeoa of hor tribe Sho is 28 vears old, and began hor schooling in tho Pennsylvania schools .. .....,, ,.. -. en Blie was ten years old. ned nUlbutor totlie A-, , , ararV vtolInstry.n fig lor I nutans wnen sue was ten one is an uauieuiecj ihiiiic, jiuuwiiy iiinMu'witji'Maitini'ianrxi iwnn torf. iivvi"iTC; 1 press! vo mOtulwr of lio-tdn's Uterary wn. nud-iVet an inuion in nyu;i7t blood, and in appearance. She con.W Orsjher mlMlon to t)0 to wnte tho stoo of her raT- and to voh-o the heart of her Koplf w.thout regard to whr . Up; woild .as alrcadvrsld or written. She-s tho braves of hor race have been depriv ed of their hunting tltelr cAmping and their free ramro of the plains, and now they ate confined to barren corrals. Spanish-American Congress. arADMD, Nov. 10, Marquis Agnilur Camp," the minister of Fdrergn Aff-tlrs, announces that the chief South American republics have iiii(icd their Intention of r-artlciwtlng in the"pinl8h A. encan Congress which meets hero tomorrow, delegates from troit of thes countries are in tho city. Marquirf Camn-i he Heves that tho C ngr ssw I' r itilt in the establishment of clos-r am advan tageous rolati ns b'twren Spain ind t- e South Amermu coiinlrio Iho question o' c m erfla rolHttons, ho wiyn, will be a dillicult one, as Spain hn to rtrognle nganict h powerful o poncnt In the U ltel Slates, where union ingaolivity nlnis to oontrol Iho whole tmdo of the American con incut Spiln, ho enjp, cannot mail tain this contest with any hope of sttcces' so long as the ndhe-en to Bitch a protectionist polcy as she main tains for Cat Ionia. Avowedly tho purpose of t e Coi gros is to bring tho Spanish-speaking iv-oplo of thu world inloclorcr common:!..! and litora y relation. It has been hinted hovever, that the roal purpose Is much moro important and Io ks t closer political reution" na well, and the inittua' support- f 1 1 'pan h eoplcs hy each other in iut ruational diffii-ultios in which oMier r.cei aro involved It ! even sal I that (he p-opMul d a ving to t her of Hits bpantsli-HpeaKing people n aimml ni'ti ul.uly at tho twj reut Kuglioh sH!iikiui! nations of lh world lie Unit- d 8ttloi on ' Gf nt Brlllun und tha Iho Immedato object to be Hiing t s io prove"t Anglo Shxoii control or p mi Icnl iiKureclon u Cental r -oitlh Anierict. l'lio United Males h.io not men invited tu send rjpr sentalivs 10 th Coigres. The Co urt-fB ui I bo opened in tho Grand Hall of the Nation tl L brarv. ly llm Qi om Ho ent and he young king, Al oiiso XIII , In gr at state. The prom hum SpduiMliHiip nrters of (he Congress number 'J.COO. They are tin olit of all parlies, oven including the IiopuhliraiiH FOR A COLD INTHE HEAD Laxntlvo Dromo-Qulnlno Tablets Peace Monu-nent at ChaWancoga. Ciiatta.s'oooa, Teiiu., Nov. 10 Vn important ehango ban Icon .mado in tho erection of tl e New York peace monu ment upon Lookout Mountain. Thu principal ehango will bo in tho main shaft, which, in order to facilitate the transportation of the heavy parts up the mountain, will bo mado in niuo pieces instead o' fivo. The railway upon the mountain passed into u private iudhtd util'rj hands, who sold tho steel rails for more than ho paltl for the railroad. Thus the only means of transporting thu monument up tha mountain weru re moved. As the only a-out of thu dilll cully itwas concluded to divide thu jdiuft into smnl.or parts. An effort will bo mado io got nn appropriation of $100, 000, fnslealof $75,000, from thu New York Icgtidiuuru. 'tho moiiiimuut will he 2.C00 feet abovo tho city, and will bo fo placed as to bo teen 100 miles in somo directions. How's This? Wot ffer ono hundred dollars reword for any cnBoof Catarr.h tluft cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. Cheney oc Co., props , Toledo, 0. We, tho umlerH'gned, huvo known l' .1 Cheney for the last 15 vears nd ho lieve him perfectly honorable in all bum iiefi transactions, and financially able to carry out any oblication niado'by then firm. Went & Trttax. wholusalo drttgi'lBts, Toledo, 0 Wulding, Kinnnn & Marvin, wliolcsa'e druirgists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken int rmtl I, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho syatem. Price, 76c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials freo. Hall's Family Pills aro (ho host. CASTOR I A Fdr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Boars tho Looff7? Biguatur Buddhists to Proselytize. Tacoma, Wil.Nov. 10. Tlio Buddhists of Japan intend to begin active mission ary work on tlio beginning of tho next century. Sumo sacred reilcs from Siam wore lately recelvod In Yokohama, and most extraordinary demonstrations were made The roads over which tho relics weru born wero covered with cloth, which was afterwards sold in small pieces nt over tan times its values, real ixlnir over 30l000. Tiiev nronoso to ; ralso a million yen for a fine building. SUNNY WOMEN. Who has not known the woman whose disposition is described by that one word "sunny?" There's a'wajs a laugh lurk ing on her lips. Her cheeks are ever ready to dimple in smiles. Her house hold influence is as brightening and stimulating us the sunshine. Nothing can lie cruder than to have this sunshine blotted out by disease. But this is a common cruelty. The young wife who was the sunshine of the home becomes its sludow. Uvcry young wife should know the value of Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription in the protection and pres. ervation of the health. It promotes regularity, dries the drains which eufee ble body and mind, and cures inflamma tion, ulceration and female weakness. It nourishes the nervous system and gives to the body the balance and buoy ancy of perfect health. It is a strictly temperance medicine. JX cau aay that your tutdldne cured me" rWi Mn ud Fearce, of 6touUllle. Pair Held Co.. Ohio, M had auffcrtd 'about twthe year from female utaVncu and I had almut g,Ttl uf, thjukla there wiiiwiTiT Ahe,ul1.,,J ! J lletWs medicine ami "8bt l would try it. and an aay that tiu bottlcaof out 'PavoilieXTeitlptlouTaadeiu" ? '," t!?Vbl? ,?.dW-v9.wu, houxwork .,.?,k. boU'iw . bOtlleftWatl of Dr. Vieree1- BicuiKinea. iook aome ol llie 'Golden Medical UUcovery, favorite Prtacilptloo" aad nunc ol g VtMgfc"-, ". DjIJ.eir-e'yefcvcurc coustipatiou. BBsV " MilBBBP1HflRBTM ai"el THANKFUL TO Mils. PINKHAM Letters Proving Positively thau there is No Medicine for Woman's IUs Equal to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. wawm. ANMIti THOMP50Rm $m) (all urrrxiis abs punusttED wr srxciAi. PEnMtssioK.) I cannot say enough in regard to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound. It has done mo moro good than all tho doctors. I liavo been troubled with female weakness in Its worst form for about ten years. I had leucorrhoca and was so weak that I could not do my housework. I also had falling of tho womb and inflammation of tho womb, and ovaries, and at menstrual periods I suffered terribly. At times my back would ache very hard. I could not lift anything or do any heavy work 5 was not ablo to stajnd on my feet long at a timo. My husband Bpent hundreds of dollars for doctors but they did mo no good. My husband's sister wrote what the Vege table Compound had done for her, and wanted mo to try it, but I did not then think it would do mo any good. After a time, I conoluded to try It, and I can truly say it docs all that is claimed for it. Ton bottlos of tho Vegctablo Com and seven packages of Sanative Wash havo mado a new woman of me, I have had no womb troublo slnco taking the fifth bottle. I weigh moro than I have in wars ; can do all my own housework, slsep well, havo a jgood appetite, and now feel that llfo is worth living. I owo all to Iiydln E. Plnklmm's Vcir etnblo Compound. I feel that it has Bavcd my llfo and would not bo with out it for any tiling. I am always glad to recommend It to all my sex, for I know if they will follow Mrs. Pinkham's directions, thoy will be cured.',' Gratefully yours, Mrs. Annie Thompson, South Hot Springs, Ark. CHANQE OP LIFE. ' I was taken sick 11 vo years ago with 1 Tho Qrippo,' ami had a relapse and was given up by tho doctor and my friouds. Change of Lata began to work? on mo. I flowed very badly until a year ago, then iny utomach and lunirs trot so bod, I milTered terribly; the blood wentrup In my lungs nnd Htomuch, and I vomited it up. I could not cat Bcarfccly anything1. I cannot tell what I suffered with my head. My hus band got mo a bottle of Lydia . Plnk humr'n Vegetable Compound, and before I had taken half of it I began to itn prova,and to-day I am another woman. Mrs. Pinlcham'H medicine has odvod my life. I cannot praiso It enough." M. A. Demso, Millport, N.Y. $5000 ItKWAItl). Wo have depoaltod with the National City Hank of Lynn, XX, which will bo paid to any nercon who ean find that the abore teatlmonlal letters are not genuine, or wero nubltahod beforo obtaining the wrlter'i pedal tor mlaaion. LYDIA K. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. Galvanized We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds " of work in galvanized iron. -. Z C X Work and material always the best, and our prices are always the lowest. A X X X T. S. BURROUGHS, PHONE IBI vynY USE fA iit'citcau tiiky aivu a aoo LIOIIT ANl Aim LONO LIVED. 1VK BULL TllltEK URAlkst "VlHKA" 4WttLHUACII . MANTLK. The very labial thlnijllu uai.lle. U.irahlu aua vlvea )NK Nr iHlPirJaKIi,i N?k''K ?wh V.ib tt n"n'Pllou of only threo feet per hour, l'rl.io tu o. soW u "K'' ' K'aa'"' CANOLK l'Ort'Kll. I'rloe ''DK'Vrie Sceala 800l qU utslvlnifiameeandle powar as the Hi. 1W, and at half tho Auy Ot H.G80 inanttfii mil nit and lmmr. nr.i.k jrl. Ajln.tl at .,.....,. DJU USE WELSBACH BUHNERS? WfuyiTZ SALEM QAH LIGHT CO BmjM cure rnuRSEir: I UliaVert . l'" Uisl fur uuuk.uri II 1 1. j.iji ui.jnargv . inuuiuiion. n. u .uLiitir. if luuoullk lUtfrobrauLA i-rancu tonutioo. I'lUnll'M, aud not rttrlu THEEunsCHtwiCtlCo. ' polionoua. ssaKwmo.KSK naia "'ugniaw. U. B. a. Mm ? Kal 'u Plain wrpper ).C" .or s wttl, tJ.76. . Silver Jutllee of Methodism In Spokane, m'ok ink, wasli., Nov. 10-Tlie Method - ists of jaiscty are ei,thiisl over thesil- ,v. j-uwtoui viuwiutiiBiu uurunilicil Will occur tomorrow. All tho churches will iinlto lu exercises uppropriato for thooc casion, aimiy old Methodists will par ticipate In tho rejoicing at Methodism reaohing'sueli a ripo oldauo. ThoMelh odlst cluirehes of this city and statu aro in a pnmperous condition. The Excitement not Over Thenjehto tho drug storo still con- tllltlftM nilll llnllv IM1 nl .uin.On ....II -. a bottle of Kemp's Buleam for the Throat ami .uungs mr inecure oi cougiis, CqIUb, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. KOmiVH ltAlwam tlui ntnml.ir.l f.. .,!!.. lemedy, is sold on a guarauteo anil novor " u kivu e uiro s.tiifiiui'tiiin. i'ri... 5c. and fiOo. J UAir IIAI ATJ1 (TtaM tM btaninu tti hili: rtsuun a lataafcat twtk. Nf .lJa to ft to re Qray Hail. In Jta VnfiiW.t .L.T.7f ltfl "vmP" KM t IH'v FiftU PROFUSE PERIODS T nnmtnnnnpd taking1 Lydia E. Plnlcham's Vcgo tablo Compound about 3 months ago, and cannot express tho won derful good it has done mo. Men struations wero so prof uso as to leave mo very weak for somo timo after. Was also troubled with leucorrhoca, tired fooling1, bearing down sensation, pain across the back and thighs. I felt as though thoro was a heavy weight In my Btomoch all tho time. I havo taken two bottles of tho medi cine, and now havo Letter health than I havo had for four years. " Mus. Lizzik Dicksox HonoR, Avalon, Ohio. Iron Work I03 STATE ST i VJV I W?lsba(b Mantle? 71 Chemekota St.. Telephone 603. Loans and Insurance Money to lqan from 0 to 8 per cent, according to security no extiense for examination. InBurauco eflectoil oti hops and other property nt lowoet rates. John Moir 290 Com, st, 7-Jrt-'.fd' . T-f r n - . . 1110 UeflTian mSTKBT Will be found all kinds of meat ana tne Dost of sausage. FP.EK DELIVERY. All bills duo tho late firm of "Wolt & Mlesrite must be paid. & Zwicker 171 Corumeiciai St Qld Post OfficeStables Are large ani have reliable attend ants, your team boarded by tho week or Uy. Good teams. lor hire. Prices roa eonable. Yotjr patronage solioited. H, M. Brown 02 Ferrv Street. C' HaJDACK. XsltelB&Jpp3Qlrj) buivisw- tu Dr. J. t . WMluCt.i Salem Or. Vflta' ci ngettpprioiH Mlo,, ,,2'ir- In any branch uro hmKcggttIeci ALBERT A. JESSlTp Phone. Jfl7l ttUOMll 1 ANU a, (JitAY Ili.K. B. F. JONES Atlornoy-nt-Law Toledo, Or i-on. WuUlerauf Circuit Conn t , , ..... ati ti-to ilttto atixtraet 01 al . .'.. "Ai'lbM lonniy. Uiieoi,, . lH7n . SOU LIU 1MOS, Piano lunm aim hm I'OItTI.ANI) OKI , Kor Sulein and vicinity U,iu ni.,. . Oeo. WIII'h Music Slon-; UWOo,,,i T, ) Sullivan, State Street Tailor RillSiiltlKJat in -Xh.' iiuri'rtm ... w'iilu'.W,lM"a ih,llu '"'" Salem I'aicr IL OFKICIO, CJITY HALL For wutor service atjpiy at t,niw Hills payable monthly In advance' Mnku nil complaints ut the olllc tlmt I harmlr and rannnt rail, lloi rliV I BXItS. II. ItOWAN. II IMaillwaukfe.wir CANADIAN X PACIFir And Soo Line, lMrfit-clnea and Tourist SLEEPERS DAILY I'liBEongors booked to nnd from ALL POINTS EAST Atlantic Steamship Office. t 0 For full particulars apply to K. J. COYLE, II. II. ABH0TT, A. G. P. A., 1 10 Third St. Vanrouvo, II. C. Portland. The Dewey Washing Machine 1 his imtchiiio is 11 new nit mado on ccientiflu principles. It is guaran teed to glvo ubeoluto eutiefactlou. After a thorough trial tin family would dispense with one With the iifco of tho Dovrcy, tho horrors of washday will disappear. Tins ma chino will Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean No hard work nbout It. Kasy to'op orate. Tho manulacttirors will back tip ovcry claim mado for the ms chine. The Dewey Washer Has won two first premiums at State Fairs: at Lincoln, Nob, 1809, and at Salem, Oro., 1900. Sold at Salem byR.M. WodoA Co. JCorreepoud with or call on Ambler Young, Manufacturers and salesmen, lit. Angel, Oregon. Salem Soap Works The proprietor of thu Sulom Soap Vorks has the Co ooratloii of the ilea era Consumers who desire a first-data soap will Encourage Home Industry Uy ordering Salem-made soap S, C STONE. M. Proprietor of im o HrilfT tfir' . . ,': " 1(yed No, 535 and S33 Coiru'titil '"! ,B0 well sto ikcl with a complcto line ol dros as medloloM, toilet articles, rr(tiwrjr brn' etc. etc, etc. m s HMhdsom25yean experience 'U "e p llroof mediolnsaud now ojatt-s no chats . ......r 'i.... j...... . i.rrrllloU. ' riiTiMllljtunn. ninin..". " 1 WhearBought and Stored By the.Aurora Roller Mills Brui)()li ofllco-and wTeh,ouse118il'!&! rt, between High and Church tree Buckwheat andoaU bought at HW1 market price. , , fred-Thursl, MmWtmmmVmmmimamBammmmmmimMmm1'0 CUMSfiWl mm m DYEING VOBR . AND Indies' anl (leiitH clothe -cleaned and dyed without P alOBB,' eenfsclothes prc-jj E MADE ES r iy tno mniiiti, ,B".,T' 'allj cleanetl and dyed, "g kid glovea gleaned Uw clpthes rellned, rebontul. rj paired, hmtons on. All wo peat, clpp and pruinptw done. rS.'A; ! : " ,. ps, c i;,i.KEii, for - 105 Oommaroial St r-tf