The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 09, 1900, Image 3

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    1,' Jk
' Kim
. JL.
r. J8IIB"
TmTT t 1 r 1 1 lTlMinn.
within a few months.
kills the dandruff germs
that cause falling hnir
nnd finally baldness. No
other preparation but
Herplcido Kills thedan
drufigerm. Destroy the
cause, you remove the effect.
Herpicide is n delightful hair
dressing for regular toilet use.
I hKTR iud ont-tUU bottle oriltrulclde,
nnil my head ! f ro from dandruff anil mi
much enUituedoTWthe remits, and hare
rtooinmemledUto a number ofmrfrlendi.
Mill JlA!0OI.D llALUWlH.
ForSsIt at all Flnt-Ctus DrugStorti.
r.n .
LninpB with weight
Hanging Lamps with extrn
heavy r.luiln and spring 4X0.
Hanging Lamps with, beautiful
decorations, $3.60 nnd upwards.
No. 2 .Burner, Hanging 1.70.
Iloinarkublo cheap. (Lender)
Vnsn decorated Tnblo Lamps,
00, 1.25 unit upwards. : :
Yokohama Tea Slor
ijr Do not forget
fresh roastetl
tho coffees, always
and eontaiiiH 1 a
O. C. T. Go's
Dally fliovnt Humlay at 7 a, in
D.xilc lwtwe.m Btatn ami Court Ute.
M. 1 IIALDWIN, Anent.
' Il... 1..I.... I. ........... I Clll.n Alnalrn
uuilll UHUUf liiiogilliu li; Uilivu, .klll7nii
JMsb Eva CobIiow is visiting friends in
Dr. E. M. Ilurd has returned from
Ed. Croelun and (Jus Molden returned
from Portland Inst night.
W. L. Skipton nnd Otto Hedrlok havo
gone to Heattlo on business.
Mrs. Win, Itaftur returned fiom 11 few
weeks' visit in Astoria last night.
.r. It. Wyatt and E. C. Stone, of
Albany, were In the city yesterday.
1 Mlbs Ida Bronk-iy, of Woodburn, has
returned to her home after a visit here.
Hiram N. Ely and Chas. L. MoNary
returned from u business trip to Cor-
vail is.
Miss Carrie Royal has returned from
Portland and will vlelt at homo for a
few weeks.
Geo. Water, John Brooks Br., and
Henry A, Towueend weut to Portland
yesterday afternoon.
8. A. Clark, Win. Waldo, Mrs. J. P.
T.Tuthili, and Mrs. A. B. Glllla went
.to Portland this morning,
Air. and Mrs. Euceuo Broyman, Z. F.
Moody and Geo. W. Davis returned
from Portlunil last evening.
Among visitors from tho countrytownB
osterday woro N. W. Silver, of Turner,
and A. D. Hall, of Woodburn.
John O'Donnell, of tho Waldo Hills,
Ytarted this morning on a visit to his old
itfijiomn in Lost Nation, Iowa, going over
.'theO. H.J: -V lines.
Mrs. L. Campbell was.vllod' to Portv
laud by telegram ynjtrly owning
elating that her ton Clauiln was badly
hurt; but no larticulars were recoiu-d.
Buys Hctesitd 00 PifQlt.
Harry Kraomer, AUgiut hlein, euro
Nicktreon and Theodore Itolf, four in-
mates ol the reform school, Juvo ueen
released on parole, by recommeudation
'of tho BOperlnloinlunt, Another Ininatf,
Carl Locklauo, was ducliarou.
CuardUo Distbiittd.
August lliickestein, guardian of tho
tteraon and wtato ot Mary K- Costello, u
.... ... 1. ..a tun.,. Jiuilinri'eil. the
W UHl ;
mi ui,....u . .-.,-.- ,
iiavhiz reached her
InrHu nnil iifl il .
.""J ' .
.guardian having mndo
a ctlmfactory
Keep Yourself Strom,
fAnd you v ill ward uff colds, pneumonia,
Sfevora and oIIi.t Uifn.'-. on neeu 10
jjhav.t pure, rich blood and tood dlges-
tiou. Hood'a Sarsaparilia maaeB mo
Ihlood rich and uro aa uo ouier mcui
lelne can do It touoa tho stomach,
fcreatea an appelitaanil tuvigoraiea ua
mow system. .
Hood's Pill aro nofl-irrltating. Price
i cents. "
irncnrn tint t iw
vorun TT1JLL AD
tsiaie valued at Seventy
Thousand Dollars.
Hon. Tllmon Ford Named as Executor-Property
la This County and la
The Inst will nnd testament of William
Cosper, who died on October 20th,. has
been admitted to probate.
Tho petition bIiows the property
valued at $70,000 consisting of realty ami
personal property in Marlon county, nnd
in Latnh county, Idaho. Tho petition
names uvo legal hoirs, ns follews:
Mrs. Emma Johnson, daughter, aged
41 yeurs, residing nt Moscow, Idaho.
Mrs. Irene J'errlnc, daughter, 37, Sa
lem. Laura G. Thomas, granddaughter, 22,
HoBone O. Thomas, grandson, 20,
Clyde J. Thomas, eon. 10, Jefferson.
Tho will is dateilon Juno 12, 1000, and
is witnessed by Werner Broyman and
Hoy burton. Tuo text 1b aa follews: -"Know
all inon by these presents:
1 nai 1. vimam uosnor. 01 tun utv nt
Halom, Marion county, Btato of Oregon.
umug ui eutiiiu mm disposing millU onu
momory, and reallzlne tho uncertainty
of human life, do make, publish and de
clare this my last will and testament,
"First I direct that all of ray funeral
expenses nnd just debts bo paid as soon
after my death as posdbio.
'jSteond I glvo and dovlso unto W.
O. Marker, and unto his wifo, Mrs. W.
C. Ilarkor, as tennants by tho entirety,
lots five. six. seven and' eicht. in block
No. thirty, In University Addition to
tho City of Salem, Marion county, State
of Oregon, as shown by tho plat thereof
now 01 record in 1110 omco ot tne ro
I ' 1. .1. - M "...
corderofsaid Marlon county, Stato of
"l'hlrd I direct that my cemetery
lot in the 1-oonoy burial ground, near
joitersou, in iunrion comity, U recoil, be
suitably ropain-d, and that such tomb
stone be erected thereon jts is proper
and riuht considering tho character and
elreiimHtancesof my estate.
"Fourth I give, bequeath and devise
all of the remainder of my estate, of
which I may dio seized and iweosBud,
unto my daughter, Kininn Jolmeon; mv
daughtorlreno Perrine, and my granif
children, who are the children of my
deceased daughter, Margaret Thomas,
and direct that they share equal y and
nliko sal'l estate. Such grandchildren
to tako (ho sharo that my deceased
daughter would huvo received under
this will, were she now living, by right
of representation.
"LaBtlv I hereby revoke nil formor
wills ami testaments by me ever made,
and I nominate and appoint Tilmon
Ford executor of this my last will and
testament, and direct that he be allowed
to net as such executor without giving
bonds, or other security.
"In wltnesB whereof, I havo herounto
set my hand and seal to this my last
will and testament, at the City of Salem,
Oregon, on this, tho 12th day ot Juno,
Dr. Bull's Couth Syrup Is not a common every
day cough mixture. - It is a marvelous
romedy for all tho troublesome and
dangerous complications resulting from
11 cold iu tho head, throat, chest or lungs.
Sold for -'5 cents.
Bun ths y9 lha "m Hata Always B0114M
Dawson Crowlnr
Wabiii.noto.v, Nov. 0. A report re
colved from U. 8. Consul McCook, at
Dawson shows that Dawson Is growing
rapidly. It piceenU a great contrast to
tho Dawson of 1808 It no longer ap
pears like a mining town, but rather a
thriving commercial centre. Itlscrowd
ed just now, for moro como In than go
out. Eloctrlo railways aro promised by
1901, and public schools havo beeu open
ed and aro woll attended. Tho cost of
output of mines has been reduced, thus
enabling properties to bo profitably
worked now which would not have
yielded gains two years ago. Consul
McCook thinks there should bo aeon
tlnued output of from $15,000,000 to
120,000,000 worth of gold annually for
many years to come, if the 01-ponBes aro
still further reduced.
Better Prospects for Sliver.
London, Nov. 0. There aro
prospects for silver, according
Stalls, which says:
1 Hitter
to tho
Rheumatic pains arc the cries of protest
and distress from tortured muscles, aching
joints and excited nerves. The blood has
Leen p' iKued by the accumulation of
,astc matter in the system, and can uo
longer supply the pure and health sustain
ing food tlaey refjuire. The whole system
feels th- effect of this acid poison ; and
not until Uie blood has been purified and
brought back to a litalthy condition will
the aches and pains ciose.
Mil. lrae tA, ot nr Wnt'i ulrtft, N, R
Waihltigtjii. D. 0., write at lulluw; "A few
mon'hs jgo I bad an Muck of t-ci-ttc Kbeuma
lit m lit lt wont funu Tbc
I alii wus u iiitenie tul 1
Itcaine cumpUicly pro
iratcl The attack was an
unusiL.:iy severe one, and
my condition was regard
ed aa being very danger,
oua. I wai attended by
one of the ino-t able doc
tori in Wathlngtou, who 14
alto a member of tbe fac
ulty of a leadlaj; medical
college here. lie told me
to continue hit preterit
Horn ami I would get well
turlv tune without rl
After ha vine P filled
Itwclrc timet without recemna me tugnic.i
benefit, I declined to continue hit treatment any
.Itnnnrr' llavjti heatdof 8. B aiSwif t'aSPCCiui
' nfi, T HM-llnnl inrAnllaue hit treatment as
ttoommended for KhtumatUm, I decided, almo-i
I" ?Pr "ow" ,u . J' ."!."-."" ITVJ .1
....... -r.i-rr:- .- -r-i-. . .ri.i
and after I had Uka a fw bottlea I waa awe to
bobble around on crutches, and very soon there
after had DO ne for them at all, 8. fl. a. harinK
cured me aound and welt All the dittreuiiix
tJ ltei
paint bare left me, tny appetlle
and I am happy to t aala restoi
nue n inuinm.
restored to perfect
health . A .,
tne great. vegeutDie
purifier and tonic, U
the ideal remedy in all
rheumatic trouble, i
i iirre are no UDitira vi
minerals in It to disturb the digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a special book on
Rheumatism which every sufferer from
this painful dictate should read. It is the
most complete and interesting book, of
tne xinuin existence, n wm w -,
to MT one aesirmg w. wiwww a
Write ourpnyst-j
scott's -EMiiiyioif
of cod-liver, oil is the means of
life and enjoyment of life to
theusands: men women and
When appetite fails, it re
stores it. When food is a
.burden, .liftstheiburdeni
When you lose "flesh, it
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edgq ;of- the
wedge; the thick end jis. food.
But what is the usejof fopd,
when you hate ftahd 'can't di
gest it? -5
ocotts emulsion of cod
liver oil lis the food that makes
vou forget your stomach.
We'll tend jrou a little to try, If you like.
6COTT & BOWNE, 4eo Pearl itrtet, Jfew York.
"As tho silver in tho resorvo is now
at an irreduciblo minlmrmtn,',the whole
of tho further demand for rupees will
havo to bo mot by purchases of new
silver. If Indln absorbed 09.000,000
ounco of silver in the past year of famine,
what will it require In n year of prosper
ity? Tho world's production 61 silver is
noi much over 160,000,000 ounces, and
India's rcquirmonts in tho past year
havo been equal tondarly forty per cent
of tho total output. From thoploslng of
tho Indian mints until Clio current year
India's purchases of Bltvor wore not
moro than about 15,000,000 ounces por
annum. Now wo have tho prospect
that the demand may be 00,000,000
ouncen a year. It will bo ovtdont there
fore, that the Indian Govorment will be
11 constant nnd largo buyer of the
silver nnd that the price in the
future will probably rule at a much
higher level than It has done since tho
closing of the Indian mints."
Notable Success In Advenlslac,
J)s Anokleb, Cal., Nov. I). On tho
1st of January, 1808, tho Union Bank of
Sifvingsof this city had $137,000 on
deposit, In July, 1808, 2f 1,000; Janu
ary, 1800, f:K7,000; July, 1800, $421,000;
Julyl, 1900, $050,000. J. O. Nowltl,
who does tho bank's advertising, traces
this I ncronso as a direct result of
Judicious advertising.
How's This?
Wo offer 0110 hundred dollars roward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
I. J. unenov x Uo., props., Toledo, u.
We, tho undersigned, havo known V.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bo
llovo him perfectly honorable In all busi
ness .transactions, and flniinciiilly able to
carry out any obllcation made by their
West A. Truax. wholesalo druggists.
Toledo. 0.
Waldlng, Kinnnn & Marvin, wholesalo
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken int rual
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the Bystom. Prlco,
76q per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials freo.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Carter's llearinc.
LKVKNWonTH, Kansas, Nov. 9. The
hearing in tho habeas corpus caso ot
Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, ex-captain ot
engineers, against Warden McNarighoy
of tho Federal penitentiary, through
which tho ex-captain expects to regain
hia.frecdom, is in progress horo in tho
United States Court. It was postponed
until thladuto in order to avoid a curious
crowd, which Capt. Carter was reluctant
to face.
Moody's Vot of lhauka.
Possibly tho most novel respouse over
mndo to a request to return a vote of
tlinnks to a chairman was that inada
by Mr. Moody during his first visit to
He had attended a meeting at which
(lin Pnrl nt Hhnftosliupv tviih Minimum.
Tho duty or proposing a voto or thanks h
was nsslgned to him and tho announce
ment mnile:
"Our American cousin, tho Rqv. Mr.
Woody of Chicago, will now moro a
vote of thanks to the noblo earl who
lias presided on this occasion."
The whole thing was nultt out of M r
Moody' Hue. English formalities might
or might not havo come gracefully
from his lips had ho attempted them,
hut he did not. With an utter dlsre
rard of conventionality ho burst upon
the audience with the bold announce anneunce
ment: "The speaker has made two mis
takes. To begin with, I'm not the Rov.
Mr Moody at nil. I'm plain Dwlght U
Moody, a Sunday school worker. And
then I'm not yonr American cousin.
My tho grace of God I'm your brother,
interested with you In our Fnther'a
vol I; for his children.
"And now about this vote 6f thnuka
,(i the 'noble enil for being our i-balr-mail
this evening.' 1 don't see why
it- should lliauk him nuy more than
iu vhutild thank uh. When nt ono time
ihv ofTVivd tp thank our Mr. Lincoln
ir pri'MliHiig over a meeting In Illlimbf.
in- Mopped It lie said he'd tried to do
tils riot and tltey'd tried to do (heirs.
He thought It was about an eten
thing all round."
That oppplng fairly took the breath
awuy from Mr.-Ajopdya harcrs. 8uuh
u talk f-ouhl not 1m gaugtd by nuy
ki'ftwn standaid. Mr. Mootly earrletl
iil Cngllsh nudlenewi with hint from
that lulling to bin latent labors.-
Youth'M Comimnlou.
A presidential elector In Sow erk
recelvt-s the sum of Sl& for I'H'-h duy
in attendance at Allwny. togeth.T with
M0 twits Kr mile riu-b way frwiv hbi
plftce ef rualilpnec by the imwtt !fptrlwt
rot4tf to tin plaw ' Bwutliij:."
.- , ..y, nWjH.rttt.
run moat irom art- apt & W hurt-
J .h-
Disastrous That Has
Occurred Between Trains
Two Were Kllltd-Englneer Sam llcndrkks Met
Instant Death-and Fireman Wtlhelm t
KMcburg!oft,Nov8 -ym;.
What la probably the mosLjdlsasJjrqiui,
Wwgt.eywtlcurrfd "in
oouthorn Oregon, took placo at seven
o'clock this morning about two miles
south of this city. It was -a head-end
collision nnd occurred on the curvo at
the south end of tho Sheridan farm, a
fqw hundred yards this sldoof Shady
Tho trains were tho regular south
bound local frolght, No. 225, with seven
cars, pulled by englno No. 1750, In
chnrgo of Engineer Sam Hendricks.
Fireman E. D. Kiddle, Conductor A. E.
IngTorock nnd Brakomon Ernest Morian,
H. W. Jackson and F. M. Galvhl. Tho
other train was a northbound extra
freight, with 14 cars, pulled by englno
No. 1708, in chnrgo of Engineer W. 11.
Dronnan, Firemau Wllholm, Conductor
Al. Cloyd and 'Brakemen 0. D. Camp
bell, Win. Wren and A. E. English.
Ascoplosof tho train orders' havo not
been secured it Is not known whother
there was a mistake in tho orders or
whother thoy woro misconstrued. In
1 -.-1, ...1. -. ..ii -1 - .,.
imvu wuviii uhiiut lib iuii divcu na uiu
weather was very foggy and tho en
gineers could eeo but a very short dls
tnnco on tho curvo, ThCi-alls were just
wet enough to bo slippery, - so nil at
tempts to stop woro vjin.
Mr. W. II. Lindsay, who lives on the
Sheridan farm, was at his barn, porhaps
S00 yards away, and heard both trains
coming and ran hoping to got near
enough to giro Bonlo signal but tho dis
tance was too far and ho was unseen.
The crash was terrific. The onglues
were almost toloecoped and thoenrs piled
upon and at each aldo of them, but
strango to say tho engines remained up
right nnd tho wheels barely loft (ho rails.
There was no rebound aa thotwohugo
machines were firmly stuck together.
Every vestige of their cabs and outer
works was swept off, tho tanks nnd ono
or two cars crushed to splinters. Ono
empty box car heft its trucks and was
thrown over tho tops of tho engines and
slipped down on ono side on its end.
Oho cylinder was broken clean off nnd
side bars and heavy irons of all kinds
were twisted Into fanastlo shapes, whilo
tho steel cabs were wrenched and twist
ed into an uurecognixnblo mass. Wreck
age was scattered far beyond tho right
of-way and two tolegraph poles woro
torn down
Engineer Hendricks was found
crushed under n car besldo his engine
nnd his neck wna broken, death being
instantaneous. Ho had evidently
jumped or been hauled from his cab by
the shock of tho collision, tho car that
crushod him ha'vlng been thrown over
tho engine. His firoman, Ei D. Kiddlo,
was picked t.p'nenr hliii, with his left
foot cut off at the lower part of tho in
stop, left leg broken at tho anklo, lef
arm criiBhod, head bruised and cut,back
Injured. Engineer Drennan was taken
out of tho gnarled and twisted remnants
of his cab, which .had beoft flashed to
tho ground besldo his ninchlno. His
skull was terribly crushed, right arm
broken in several places, lett leg badly J
broken and mangled below tho knee, be
sides other cuts and bruises. Fireman
Wilhelrn was caught by tho baeo ot tho
tender just below tho knees and Jammed
against the end of tho tiro box, plnnlnu
him there und cutting off both legs,
while tho tanks and contents were piled
upon him. IUh neck was dislocated and
bodied instantly. The body was severe
ly bruised and badly burned and scald
ed boforo It could bo rescued,
Urakeman Campbell was also in tl.o
cab and was taken out near Engineer
Drennan. Ills back and head wore se
riously injured and tho right ear nearly
cut off. Ho cannot recover.
Master Mechanic M. C. Smith, as
soon as ttio news reactieu
him, hastily
took a wrecking train, with a force of
Who has not known the woman whose
dliotltiou is described by that one word
"sunny?" There's always a laugh lurk
ing on her lip. Her checks are ever
ready to dimple in smiles. Her houe
hold Influence is as brightening and
stimulutlng as the sunshine. Nothing
cau tie cruder than to have this sutuhine
blotted out by disease. But this is a
common cruelty. The youug wife who
was the sunshine of tbe home becomes
its shadow. V.vcty young wife should
know the value of Dr. Pierce's favorite
Prescription in the protection and pres
ervation of tbe health. It promotes
regularity, driea fhe drains which enfee
blt body and mind, and cures inflamma
tion, ulceration and female weakness
It nourishes the nervous sytem and
gives to the body the balance and buoy
ancy of perfect health. It is a strictly
temperance medicine.
"I can tay that your medicine cured tat.
write Mra. Maud Ware, of MouUvllU. fair
field Co Ohio. ! had aurTcred aUU Iwetw
yeara ftesn female weakneta aud, f had ajiquat
rivcu op. tbliiklne there waa no cure for me
Then I heard about Dr. Hen ptedkln anil
tbouaht I would try It. and fan y IImI kvc
bottlct of your Favorite Pieacrf ption 'mad ih
wJk f am nowBtlt to do royuwn heuMrwark
ru& Moat t wet re botlI W all &f l)r IWi
MHtaiaH. Ttok tome of the OiMta MetMqal
IHSevary, rawrilc I'.u&ittym' 4 ue6i
. Dr, Pierce's Pellets cure coastlpatiou,
men, to tho econo' and tho thrco Injured
men, Drennan, Illddlo nnd Campbell,
woro brought to town a't onco.
Of tho men, thrco wcro rcBldouts of
wiiaciiy, engineer urennan v Having a
wlfo and llttlo daughter. Engineer
Ilondrlcks was unmarried and lived
with with his parents, our esteemed
town-peoplo,xMr. arid .Mrs.-8. B. Hon
(Trick's-1. lIown8 a brother cl Coniluctnr
fjcdtilcndrlcks ondMIss Ela Hendrloks,
hid was born February 2, 1802, In Moro-
houso parish, iouisana. Among his
fellow workmon nnd in this city, whero
ho lvcd for many years, ho was hold
jiiHho hlphoBtfOstecni. Ho" was' quiet
Kntf IndustrVu? and hfs chnrhcloV4abovo
reproach. Tho funeral will tako. placo
frmnJhnCSthollcrchtifclt tomorrow at
The Injured Men
Woro takon to Portland on a spoclal
train leaving horo at 1 p. in. Tho train
consisted of a caboos'o,' In which woro
the vlctlms'of tho wreck with thoir at
tendants, a freight car for baggage, and
n coach for carrying a number ot pas
songers, it being tho intention to mako
fast timoanJ stop only at tho principal
Btations. Conductor Consor was In
chargo, Paulson, engineer, nnd Bowers,
fireman. Tho englno was draped with
crapo under tho direction ot Mrs. M.
Do Vanoy, while awaiting tho arrival
ot Firoman Hlddlo's parents. Tho train
was hold for bo mo titno to allow Mr.
and Mrs. J. B, Kiddle, parents of Ed.,
1 1. B. Kiddlo and Dr. Downing to reach
here, all of whom accompanied him to
Portland. Miss Mllla Kiddlo enmo down
1 but remained hero. MrB. Drounan at
tended her husband and was
i panled by Mrs. Dr. Houck and Mrs
II. Jamlcson. Dr. Houck, the com
pany's surgeon, will attend tho Injured
during tho trip.
When tho train left llosoburg, Brake
man Campbell was in a critical condi
tion, and was rallying eoniqwhat from a
sinking spell, tlo was delirious. En
gineer Drennan was unconscious, nnd
his condition vory grave. Firoman
Kiddlo is not, bought to be. In any dan
ger of losing his Hfd, but his foot will
havo to Imj amputated.
Tho wreck occurred at tho placo where
the highwaymen held up tho ovelnud
train a tow years ago. robbing and burn
ing tho mail and express car. En
gineer Hendricks was a llremau on the
train. .
Bed Time
tako a pleasant herb drink, Hie next
morning I feel, bright and my com
plexion is bettor. My doctor says It
nets gently on tho stomach, liver and
kldnoys, and is n pleasant laxative. It
is made ot herbs, and la prepared ns
easily as tea. It Is culled Lano'B Medi
cine. All druggists sell it nt 25c. and 50
cts. Lane's tninily Medicine moves tho
bowels each duy. If you cannot gut it,
send for freo sample. Address, Orator
F. Woodward, Loltoy, N. Y.
For Infants nnd CJiildron.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Boars tho
Signature of 1
Proeresaof Rducsllonsl Work at Y. M
C. A.
Tho progress of tho educational
at the Y. M.O. A. this winter le
encouraging. Tho ulass - room
equlpmont provided by tho association
for tills dpartmont havo givon tho best
satisfaction. Tho interest taken by tho
students In their studois is tho best ev
idence ot tliu value of tho instruction
rccolvcd und tho elliclonuv' of tho in
structors. vSovoral now students havo
entered this month and others will enter
during the mouth.
Tho Instruction is largely individ
ual .and therefore students aro not
handicap ed who onder nt this time or
a little later.
Tho class room will accomodate from
lOto 14 moro students and it Is hoped
that this number will outer within tho
next month.
Tim sending room it again itptioJ
with the lateit and best magaxlubfi and
pupnrs nnd Is open to the young men
ot tho city.
John Fkciituk, Jn
Oen'l Hecy.
Tbe llomlkst Man In Salem
As well as the handsomest, and others
are Invited lu cull on any druggist
und uet free a trial bnttla of Kctnp'A
Ilulsam for the Throat, and Lungs, u
remedy that Is gun run teed to curo and
believe all Chronic and Acuto Coughs,
Asthma, Jlroncliltls and Consump
tion,. Price 25c. and 60c. oikI&w
I'oKTLANn, Nrtv,
nominal f8 A 69c,
(I Wheat valley
Walla Walla, fill
to 64.
Flour PortlBJid, Ihi1 grade- 4!.lK) ($
to sn j--i., i, ui
OatsCholce White 4l(Jl2o, grey H
(a, 41r- per bushel.
Millstuff Hran, tW.M. shurls, f 17.00
Hay Timothy 112013 jr ton.
wuion boo ft
Potatoes UO to G0o er sack.
Uuttorv-IJest dairy. 260110;
creamery, 45 to 60c. HI ore 2lki. 'M.
Bggs Oregon, fresh 80o. jh r th
Poultry Chicken, T--M lo) hmis
1.1.60 to 4.00; turkeys, live II to I'Jc.
Mutton Drescvd, 0j to 7c xr oiind.
Hogs -Heavy drtsninl 6; to tic.
IJoef Kteers, ft.604 cows, f'JiyS 60.
dresiel boef, 6 to 7c.
Veal Drewed, 8 0 r. 8.1 for small.
Uopa fl7c. for IKUti aJop, MX, to
U'ac for new crop.
Wool Valley, &&i ,lUtern Oro
gon. IQQlScj Mohair, $J&.
Hldea flreon, saltod GO lbs. 7 &b,
amor 60 lbs, 7b! heep pvll 163
Wheat 68 pounds and over, 60.
Wool, 13 to IGo, Mohair, 3&u.
Hops 11 to 16o
OatSr-37 to33a.
Hay Uftlel. oheat, 7; tlmpthy,' I0.
TiKga 2c us ,jg,
Jj whohaIe Its, 2,6j igtaJL
Millstuffa Uran, 13; shorts, H.
Hogs Dressed, 6Jfo ' r
LI vo cattle Steers, 3i rcowi, 'ii to
)rcet(LVialn7 con fa
HutterrlJalfy, 1520cj creamery, 86
&Jc. " ' " e1
PonHry -'FAl hens, per J"4Tl pHng
ehTckemf i&r Ibo Cc, JoTjf
Potatooa' newt o per buiiiel,
App'leiiaoo'tdafic '' '
M -
AVbgcfable I'rcpnrAltonrorAa
sMlaUng IhcFoodnnclItethtla
ling ihcStoinnchs ami Dowels of
Promotes Digc3lion.Checrful
ncss and Itest.Conlalns neither
Onium.Morpliinc nor Mineral.
.ww onxda-sAKVEtmai'
Amyilut Seed-
Ctintui Sunnr
Apctfccl Homed forConsilpo
llon, Sour Stomach, Dlarrlnca
ncss nnil Loss OF
Facsimile Signature or
exact copy or WRAPPrn
A Good and Faithful Servant woll 111 a valuable ncqiilHlllon
to uny household. You cuu havo(two such
In your kitchen it you huvo 11 good cook u.V,
ono ot our stoves or ranges It IkiIIh, broil
roasts or bakes equally well, Is economical
labor'BaIng, and In orv way HatlBfaolory.
A delight to tho eye, it llmls 11 tptflik way to
! it kll Alkllkillfe . . . II ll.l Ihi.aii lull. .! 4f k
1111111 d oiuiiimiu 111111 iiiijiii ti iirui ciMi
out), try
ono, buy mm. Wo olnso at 7
Properly Equipped
tory In a Hotel.
Is mi attraction to guests, both tran
sient and reuular, that should not be
overlooked by an up to-dato landlord,
Wo aro prepurtd to equip anything from
tho Rtiinllost dwelling to tho largest
hotel or public buildings, or olllci build
ings with tho host sanitary opgn plumb
nig that ItiMiros comfort, cleannnessaud
good hculth to Its natrons. Our work is
the acmo of Hclmitllic perfection,
Chem(iials may insko linen look whiter
for tho tlniii luliiir.
but WKJif ruin iu-
i nn
a. .. ... ",
Wa.urit nut I'liillnri
caiiulbals, m-rilo hh gnt a coiinnlwiJLiiii
from shlit or miliar inaiiufiietiirnr fur
InortMttiliig (liMiiitiiil fur llmlr pnalntin.
OiiroiiMtoinerH Intoi'M iminurHj t we
mako clolhett clean hihI help In make
thorn last.
Salem Stfan Laundry
ooixjHsi, j. ciMHT'teuKaofAiirreu.
t'lionofll, aSlIjTn
iBrty Mftoti.
-a .i
A; Ham You
ltfeuj Mit iwt up. Tlio lwt
tx.ll. fi
TrVI elJ
I'rwe nu
ke or iry. it' is UW juMwt
i- -. '
irml. lut
i" r
r ivan oure i lip only stero
an otlrerA
Harritt &4aWii0.nee
Ql,u ioT;avinQr.
M B H HbH Bf vft H H H H B fl aaH
1 friv 1 y liin
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought-
THerNTunoMMNr xcw vonk orrr.
A Good Breakfast
For tho tluinty nppntito or for tho hearty
eater can ho ininlo from our Uimptlng
hiinb chops or mutton chops, beefsteaks
or pork chops. Our meats aro ot ex-
tiiiislto flavor, suceulont, Juicy mil tun
derrniid aro -cut and
trim n
unetl by ex-
your,. tuDio, u yqii haven t
missel iijrt
nr cnuicu
meats. 'vou havu
ryatjvocfli romomberlng.
'tired Languid People
WhosuffHr from oxh.tustlon, anaemia,
(that's only tint doctors' term tor linpov
MriNhud hlood) require mi occasional
sttmulriiit to keep tho w(iees ol life
n riiuiilng ufnoothly. Wy know ot no
bettor placo to procure thin "lubricating
vtl" good, honest liquors, than right
htiro. ktilqOAiiyQi try n Ixiltle of llorm
1 1 ago nnd nolo Ita excellent results.
J.'P, Rogers
m-m (Joiiiiuimiial Mlmnt
gjT vTiultisilu ami Ittttall.
Bears the i t
Signature m
KJh Use
W tnv Awns
Thirty Years
MaflSBJBMSSeB t jMM J j Oo-v,
SimiOAIVi -
Can, Eat.
,an,t!a,t. , rk
ohs ill Bajatii say so. Just rjght tp
bt'St (lavofsl arflol on Tho irfflrkef;
tliut keeps lliti lihiuOfow, Hum,
.. Now today adyorttsements fouf
linos or. loss In thin column inserted
threa tlmoa for 2 Bo., BOo a weak
9JI.OO par month. All over four tinea
at tamo rata.
-- I ' Minn.
Oae of the most dest
rable lecttloas la Ss
lemjood nine-room home with tath rooa
fruit trees; small fsrdta seof ; fcaraj so dust
finest view la the city, without exception
four blocks front the court house. Low srke
easy terms If desired. Apply at the JOURNAL
HOY- WAITED-To carry Dally Orcgo
nlan. Inquire at Waters' cigar store.
11 HU
l'OIlHNIl-Bi room faoura In Bouth
Salem, cellar and barn' Inquire DO
Liberty street. , ... H8 8t
.i l I.' II, li.t
Itobinson Thermal bath .cablnotj tho
greatest known health protector and
restorer. For salo by Mr?. J. A. Boll
wood and Mrs. T, 1). Falrbank, 88.1
Front Btreot, Salem, Or., Phono, Main
Fon Balk. At half Its tost, having no
tlmo to uso it. A new StocVton In
cubator with two brooders, 400 egg
capacity. Also Belgian Hares, good
stot!k at rcasouableiprlces.
ll-2-10t,, Hubbard.
WANTED. Big Fir wood. If you want
t: to contract for largo lots ot wood for
next season, call at.thrf.ofllco ot Balem
Light and Traction Co. 10-24-tf.
PASTURAQK For good winter pasture
inquiro of It. Crayton. ono block wost
ofnorth Salem schoel: ' 10 21 tf
FO;t- HALIriPgoodBiildlo' vxmj for
fi salp chcnii. Enqulro at'No. 16 Court
HOAIKTTilNTlWArBhoelstoel air
tight heating Btovo aud eoli.1 by A. J,
Hamilton A Son ot their own Inven
tion that downs nily ptoyo mado for
Biirvtco and beauty and eoldas cheap
as tho cheapest light weight Btovo of
fered In tho city. Call ando.xamlno
before purchasing nml'convlnco your
self ot tho fact. A, Jj Hamilton A Son.
141) Court stroot qpjwslto tho now I.O.
O. F. tern pie and opora housoc10-?7-12t
REMOVKD.-Wm. Jng, votorlnary
surgeon, has reiuoved from Chcmok
oln street to tho Strong property. No.
iv uorviow 8iruot. lust wee t, oi uom-
UO 17ml'
FOUND. A Lady's cajw. Iisor call at
this olllcu ami provn'ownorslilp.
j - f 10-6-tl
FotN lH-On TJliomekeUTHTrtBtraldaT-V
burred lawn bunting waist, j 0 OK
t ,ii .
Dstl(ht Stopover at NUfsfa Palls.
Through first class touo'stsleoporfrom
I'aclflu Coast weekly for Chicago. Boston,
New York, nnd othor easlom points, via
HloGrando Western, (Great Bait Itko
Jlouto) Denver & Itio Grando, 0 It I A P
and Illinois Central to Chlcags, connect
ing in the Union Depot with Michigan.
Central's similar car for points east.
For particulars call on or nddrosa Loral
Agents or,
Com'l Ag't. Ill, Oont. It. It.
8 (lit 143 Third at.. Portland Oro
Peace Declared,
Why dovoto all your tlmo reading
tho Hoar War nnd tho Gold Fields o7
Aluaku? There an other maltoro o
vital lmiurtaneo; you may mako a trip
liaut. und will want to know how to
travel, In order to have tho best ser
vice, uso the Wisconsin Central Uy.,
between St. Paul and 'Chicago. -For
rates and other Information, writo Jan
A. Clock, Geueral Agent, Portand, Ore.
The Great Hock Island Itouto has
just inaugurated a weekly personally
conducted tourist car servfeo between
thuPaollla coast and points East in con
Hon with the Itlo Grande Western ami
Denver A HloUrando and Illinois Cen
tral Hys.
By leaving Portland on nlty Saturday
morning ;hi tho O. II. A N. connection
can bo mado on this car at Ogden, or
by leaving Portlaml on any Thursday
evenliig.vla tho Southern Pacific, con
nection can bo tnapo with this carat
Bacramonto. Ask your ticket agont
alwut this car or wrlto to
A. E. Cooi-un,
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon. 0 20 tl
For Ssle. x
100 rords ash wood dollvered In
quantities to suit. Apply to, Crystal Ico
Works, lUtlf und Stutu streuto. Telo
phono 2071. 10-12 tf
i i, i nTiilfUHr
or no pay. C. II. U0WAN, Milwaukee .Wis
-. j. w. -w.
Halm ('a
I'. I), I'ri.n
am ti Nd,
8. UoUcv)r
runlv. d. U.
A. U. U
VV liU. BtaU lua. l
W. A. Uoortia,
room is, Mooroa lk
OMilt Hlitirwood Kunut No, IS. UwU Krlday
iilliwlirirutr block. John M. Cbaae, 0. it.
A 1- Hrtiwu Boor-
Express. and Ttansfci
IIMcets all mall aud passenger trains,
laggagu to nU parts of tho city. Prompt
service. Telephono No. 8ftl. ,
Gcsncr's Orchestra
For Weddings, Receptions
ami all occasions. t i :
-Ultoy I
Gesiicr, Manager
303 Collate sod Ferry St Salem or.
i iim iiimtmMmmm imi
.Montifoiuorv. has onenod un .
toW couteotiouary and cigar store at K0
2$) Coinuiurclat street
wnoro un w,,
carry 4 complete stock of candio4
Ing gootls.
10 16 oand
- f c. SafMrn d Altmny
Dlt. It ACE ALUItiailT, graduate oi
1 American Bchool of Osteopathy.
BALEM Monday, Wednesday ana Frl
nt. uiiieo
Main St,
w day 5 hours, 0 to 13 a, ml to 4:80, p.
, in. Olllca ovar Wellar'a groaery.
-s ALUANiY Tnwjlay, Tlur4y!n. Si
Jt J iirdayS hours. 0 to Pi auitA to 5
SV " "S-. i 1 m "!
Aluauy, aiqiiwajivl