it ? , " K m ; , A ft m ? m 4. r m , m m IS Pfflfl I 11 Uu CHILDREN'S n or i titfi 1 ,AUSE:-Topfcyfi eFECT:-A'suirf6r your PFECT: A suitlor your ,than-yyJk always i f iy .thanyou. always paid. SEE TH$T YOU i THE DAILY JOURNAL BY HOFER BROTHERS, .FRIDAY, NOV. 0, 1000. . ih.! f. ,! , Dally. Ono y.oar, SS.OO lrj.Advanoo Daily Fdur Month 91. In Advance Weekly Ono Yoar SI.OO In Advance HOPEFUL YEARS OF BUSINESS BEFORE US- Tho. presidential election has passed ,,iioyort.wHhpu.t violence or serious dia- , -turbancdo( business.' It is tho maryol ot tho ago that nearly eighty millions of L, peoplo could go through an exciting jotmpalgn, growing nioro lntonso and u bitter aa llio ondurow near onu only n few fatalities rosnlt. It is tho highost compllmout to tho rent stability of our institutions that could bo paid when tho 4oyes.of tho wholo world aro upon us. Tho Journal bellovcS thoro aro hopo- ful years of business ahead, f j It buliovou that business conditions will bo favor- ablo. for thoso who pursue tnodarn methods; who go forward in a hopeful way, behoving in tho pormanunco of things 'real and vital. Tio business Vi . 'it ' man or woman who lins a bright and hopeful way of looking nt things, who has only good will toward all classes of peoplo, .who docs not stop to quarrel with anyono about politics or religion, who is willing to livo and lot IiIb nelghf bor live, cannot but succeed in tho noxt fow years in amassing wealth. -' Thoro will bo very llttlo politics tho 4 fcrioxt four years, Tho century will open witli peace am) prosperity which each can produco for himself. Tho dangers of militarism aro passed over and a policy of commercial .dovolopmpnt at homo andtolorntion and order abroad ''ititf-fyi Jbhnson & aknp&iy, - 'fTIic"Peoplcs Clothiers ahd Fotnifihers wll) becojno,moro onilmoro prouounctHl, " Tfo tontpntloiis oijjio ojpdsjtiou for eolf-governinent of tho island popula tions will bo granted. War expenses and war taxes will bo rcducud as tlmo rolls on, In our local und stuto govern "men Is tlio! pooplo will got flquh improve mont as they compol tho olllco holdofa to give thorn, und that la all they over Kot. Anyono can see that it is a houudeu - -i!uyiAl.0 ahead and develop each man ' hls'ownl)UstneEa mid each community 'its 'own affairs. In proportion us each r '-.Is enterprising Rnd fnr-seelng in policy ' ltH!i,UiBr"ro??' 'H&'h.orQ, is no monopoly on well-doing. Speaking locally, this city should aspire to bo- ',rcomo a model 0'f4"goood goyorumont, Itglioula Improyo (ts public eohools, Tfnpubllc Bjdrit, Jta. -goyeriimout. lm- provo tho cholB and thj&Mjlty govern- moJHnd youudvnuco tjio'' valuo of lujopertyajid draw peoplo tptha city. In flvo years Salem can add thoueanda to her population if wo can give, the city tho refutation, of having the beat city govemenU-and Urn' -boa publlo Hohoolfl In tho state. Zi'.,?.I.t ' f .f' PROSPERITY IN A HAND BASKET. Do not bo deceived. It will not bo left at your door. The ptomiboaof tho politician; wil not materialize. You must ,et(ll mnko your own prospority largo or small, or produco Bqmnthlng for which . there ia a market if you want money. Having dpne that you must Hvo within whatyW to boaomo 'a.caUlUtlUt. , 'A'bewla no other wav'. What you $tat and wear and burn ie gonufbroyerj tjjp larn to got along with llttlo until y'nu huvo '' moro and you will Imj prosperous. Ti(a political party that makeuBomo "particular claea beliovo that Jt will mako ' ' theni immoneely pronporo)i? can only do 4 jj&ky jojjblng tho tuasEoa of the oople. . It Is not the businena of govoruiQiit to maiiufactu'ro prosperity n'nd run a free delivery. Tim number of peoplo in tho bet party In fjm wrld, 1 who will never bproajwronaja largo. TJioy, lmvo not , Uwrned habile of economy aiul'induatry. They are the grat)foKper oluss,' who . jwvarUihxc it' going to bo cold until winter U all over thvin. The publlo ohoA)f do not twih , (miuetry and do mwrite vlrtuet tbn rnaWo twya and m u ; fflWTWift ti nnntnn AlTi iraWiUlw GLOTHING I? v 1 r. ;Tir v i .i '. t- VJL '... i Doy lor zb to su per ceiii, ie: Suits roo to 4:oo. GET FIRST CHOICE a willingness to work and tho willlnyiu'ea jjHto do Without luxuries hlorio leada to tho pot of gold nt tho end of tho rainbow. Tho young ninn who idles his tlmo away or whoso chief industry is rolling cigar- I cttcs ,B U, matorlal farolltlcal discon- r tont in tho futurd. Th'o young woman i wuo runs mo streets ami cnowa a uimo s worth of gum ovory day may dovplop tho rudimentary muscles that our an ccstora used wbon tlioy chewed grass instead of bcefstcuk. But alio will bo a . ... .i ., ,.., ; burden to any household and n mother of eorrowa instead of Joya. If tho Republican party has created in millions tho hopo of a prosperity found ed uon anything but labor, and abstln onco from luxuries until thero aro tho means lo indulgo has sowed tho seeds of future armies of tho discontent ed und disappointed that only platoons of cavalry and infantry can copo with. To Cure a Cold la One Day Tnko Laintlra llromo Qululoo Tablet. All tlruuRUlarcruml tho moiioy If It fulli to cure W. Grove's BlBiialuro li on cacli box. THE ELECTION IN PORTO RICO TUliSDAY, In rending of tho election which took placo in Porto HIco Tuesday, it should lio lorno In mind that tho Federals of tho Island nro generally nnti -American in policy and demand a largor measure of self-government. Tho Republicans in Porto Rice, oil tho other hand, support tho American administration and tho existing tariff measure As evidence of tho hostility cntortainod by tho Feder als towards American control of Insular affairs, it may bo remarked that a Fed eralist journal some tlmo ago, in report ing n local celebration, said tho "only discordant nolo" was tho display of an American ling among tho Porto HIco colors. In this election, which took placo un der Uio Foraker law, tho Porto Hlcaus cIiooho u dolcgaU to congress and tho 35 momberH of tho Iioubo of dolegntes, whlah is tho lowor liouso of tho legisla tive body. It has been predicted that tho Pudornls would -elect tho delegate to congress and tho Republicans u majority of tho house of delegates, Tho latter part nf tho prediction ia based upon tho circumstance that tho first act of tho Executive Council, composed of six Americans mid flvo Porto Uicana, was to gerrymander tho Island in tho inter ests oi tho Republican party. In tlu mnnlolpal elections latt spring tho Federals had a majority of tho 51,. 000 votes cast In the Island, Tho Foraker law restricts Unfranchise to persons w ho can rend nud writo, or who nro taxpayers. This has tho effect of shutting out the. mass of the negro population. From ti)l nscouuts thovconditious in tho ISlaml uro'mieorabloiu tho extreme. A largo part of tho population are in want, and many aro said to havo actu ally djed from starvation. Thero hns boon, oijly n partial 'recovery from (tho frightful losses inlllctod by the htirri oano of lust year, which loft thousands hoiMolosa und without means of support. Nearly all tho plantations aro reported to bo mortgaged heavily, with interest ut 10 pur cunt. INTEREST "IN PRESIDENT HAY, Sue memo IKe, , . Tho interest taljoiflj Jho Prouldontlal election need not obscure tho fact that California has much to hope from tho now President of the Southern Pacific. With an nblo and progressiva man nt tho head of tho great railroad carna tion, readout in California and bout upon the development of tho State, much may bo looked for In tho wuy of improvement. A liberal and far-seeing policy vlftroJatJon jiq grjqylhirnl and horticultural interests, the entourage mont of tho immigration of a deslrahU class of liomo-teekerfl, nnd other steps tending to pnmioto tho advancement of NorMierii California, aro'ofllthin tho power of President Hays, 1.0 1 us hopo also that it will not bo tho aim or policy of tho now President, If within the scope of Ids ixnvors, to bring In "Kastern methods" in&tle H8gcpl U19 .tiqilthoM. HucIQo, with a horpElghtotl vlewJto'fleoonomynd.a (oiraouQiinn oi onaraumr ox nouses The I VVAnltiA nt llm rvitl lino attvavii IwAn N ! (air In tho respect. And it iina been lo , I BE the advantage of tho company aa well ok a benefit to nil within this State. Wo want Eastern methods in some wayaj'not by any means in nil. - JOURNAL X-RAYS , Salem will stand by tho Salem aggre gation. -. Mr. Bryan Will bo heard from in some othor field. Tho steel trust Is. the first to come lo, tbol'rbnl to lovyVrlbuto. If I Of course, everybody's wages wjll not bo raised boforo March 4lh. A Tho only frost so far this year was Nov. lt( and thd pooplo wero expecting it. ; :l Tho tiuo American doctrine Ho imiAirialism but no hauling down tho llagi Turner should hustlo a creamery. That's bettor than ull thcoroti.ul prosperity. Put. Marion county on n' cash, basis and couiHl refunding of any money paid out illcgall. A A Tho old npplo orchards aro eavinaa banks. Suvo all the fruit nud bring'it (n to bo worked up at Salem. -ft 4ft A A good woodpile; a barrel of sauer kraut; plonty of apples; and n collarnil of spud8,nnd then let prosperity come. A Mc Kiuley'a Federal appointments did not weaken him aa much aa some had made themeolvea beliovo in Oregon By all means tho Republicans should celebrate. They should also reduco taxes in Marion county and rniso tho prico of wheat a little. AAA Good schools, good city government and bettor streets will make Salem the otdy thing in the way of towns ou tho Pacific coaat. Why not try for It? AAA Tiltnon Ford had an appointment at Mt Angel tho night boforo election nnd ho ran ono ahead of his ticket thorc. That precinct gave Bryan 100 majority. ' Thoro is much significance in the fact that Gov. Rogers, un out-and-out ux panaloniet, was the only luau elected ou the Bryan ticket in Washington. But ho was a good official besides. AAA The fight must still bo mudo to -take, tho tariffs off tho Islands that full to us in tho war with Spain, It will bo tho isauo in electing a minator. Tho admin istration will undoubtedly support Sen ator McBrlde on that issuo. R C Thoso Japanoo section hands at Sa lem gave tho school children a fine ob ject lesson in patriotism. They built an arch of ovorgreeua and decorated It with the flags of Japan J u front of their little cabin ou tho Emperor's birthday. AAA Tho Bryan vote in tho Salem pre cincts averagea about 603 aa against 1175 in 181)0. Tho McKinley vote in tho same precincts foil off from 1011 to 12:15 butween 161)0 nud 1000, Bryan's loss was tho greater In proportion to tho total voto. AAA How tho Republicans used to sneer ut the congratulations that camo from Knglaud when tho Dfinocaatlo party won n victory. Tho shoo Is on tho othor foot now, nnd tlioy receive tho compli ments of tho hated Monarchists und Free Traders. A A A Tho Bryan forces of Marion county aro a solid army for reform nud good government. Tlioy wore terribly decimnted by tho Alaskan excitement but they stood like men for their principles, nnd against tremendous odds und overwhelming Influences. ' AAA Tho monoy that tho republican Jubilee will cost would make n good start, for n public library, or pave a blockjiof Btreots. Tho 200T paid by our uuBuosB,.mon to see tho pictures on the night of election day would havo put a good library in onu of our publlo schools. AAA The Republican fight on Tiltnon Ford did not accomplish much. Ho gets 8080 votes and must havo received a hundred votes from tho opposition for his fair treatment in not calling them hard names. Tho lowest Republican elector 'in Marion county la Furnish whon it should have been Pnx,ton, the attorney of tho text book trust, Uie Dr. Bull's Couth Syrup at once, If your oniiu nas eroun or bronchitis. WuBto no tlmo, delay may bo dangerouB. I)r, a snfo and iufiulibfo remedy, i.hiihvuii(ii tjniiii uuijif hv uuvu. gy 10 All drug' gists suit iv jqr -'o cents. UufUlo Will Stop Conctrt Saloon. , Bohkalo, N. Y., Nov. 0. Tho oliy authorities aro making a strong effort to wipe out concert suloous. Mayor Diehl has sinned tho new ordinance abolishing such saloons, but it docs not. go into effect until May 1 nf next year. Meanwhile amendments go hjto effect in 10 days that will greetly restrict the concert hall keojv r lit tlielr privileges Tup mayprWl tho poljo commlss on ers will enforce tho restriction tq tho letter. Mayor Diehl promises that law and order shall bo maintained in Buffalo, during tho Pan American Uxposltlor, und that this city shall not belong to the "wide-open' towns. ' Headache Ulllouatioas. sour stou tlon and all liver IlU Ulllouatioas. sour stotuacb, conatl In- lion aim an liver uu uro cured by HoptFs pills The uon-trtltuttng cathartic 1'rlc S3 cento or an unit a'ta or 0V mall ol 0FBHCIAL RETURNS FOR MARION COUNTY The CoWFinished 'Tliursday to Be EightHundredrPohSbitionYoteore. Jhan (!rv? Aurnavilla . . jf.T.f A'urdH .4..f,.J.i i. . 1 - ureiicnuuan .j Buusvii'Lv. .'it. aax rxi-t'. tJ.h. ix Chnmpoeg, blknorn . . . Englewood ,....,.,, Katrfleld . S!;;;x Hubbard. 81 S JefTorBon . . . , . .'l.-.f. . 4 ..., i 'a7:Wv l Marlon. ..;.r....;.;..".:.sV..W.. 41 'Vi I Meliumn. Monitor .... Mt. Angel... Prospect Salgm No. 1 , Bitlem 'No. 37, T . Um iM.Jk, ,CJCR .-. . Salem No. 4 , Salem East , Salem North , , Silver Falls . .'-. . i? .npffe,!. i'.t Silverton . . . . . , Sllvorton North ..,& iZZfl.-tfi&l,'. Sivorton South..... . .TT.... Stay ton ; . . J . . . Sublimity t Turner :.'....'.... ftTHv;.. Wood burn ........ .-. .tiJ.& . . Yow Park ..;.'..:.. .. ..TV.-. .... Totals Plurality 801. uicm no. & -. -.1 .. .... .Ik . -. . . . BoDys voice she looks forward to it with indescribable fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain nnd horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of " MoTiirm's Friend." a scientific liniment. Bv its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in perfect safety value to ail women wtii oe sent free to any address by Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go pnrmnmirinmmmTTnmnmmnTinniTmifi1 W-M0NTHS-4I FREE. Rural Has been established on a number of Routes in Ore gon and you can haye 2 Tiie Daily Jom Delivered to your family box four months for $1 'ie THE JOURNAL has all the Itnportsat News. Associated' Press rektrapn Ser vice or same date as lllih Priced Moralac Dallies, and much of It twenty-four hours earlier. Correct Dally Market. An Independent Paper for the Pea Not for any Political Machine, Address HOFER BROS., PUBLISHERS Salem, Oregon. i nTnrfifn Tfinffiinnmfnnmtnnniiiiiifnimnnnniinig I-D0LLflR-1 y Trr No Flies on Nor is there any flaw or blemish on the work we do, either in plumbing, tinning or repairing. We lead on everything in the limit f lifrl.rtlncf mcts-k!. ?. n.. !.. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a T. S. BURROUGHS, PHONE 161 - WHY USE i uicciioaii tiibv cuyjt A ooo UtillT ANU AUK LONU UVKO. wk bklu Ttittkit dnAUKa; VIWKA" WKI-HUAOIt MANT1.K, Tho very latoat tblug'lu mauilm. li.uabla ana kItm ONK HUNUUKU OANDI.K tXJWKR with atWuiaptlou oT oul throw root ir hour. VrtcSwa NO, JW. ThwoMaUuUbr.of oo4 Hlln ullly ml f llwt KlUUTV OANP.LK W)NTK. ftlSi 90 CQUUI. lUKAU" Net ijult m KOOd ou , prloo, U cent. Any ot tlioto wautlo put on aq! ut gWlog and burur pni)rty DOYQUUSBWELSBACH BURNERS? &n$XVj$S&gn$ a HKTTKR LlQllT for Ua UON1SY wllhuueoji theae buruen thauSlm wVotKe"fofmor till ttm atju v MWfv WIW rum i0 U BUUW 8ALKM GAB LIGHT CO 71 Shows McKInley's Plurality le.tfte .Socialist. T McKinlcr i)0 ' - 84 Brrn 05 8 20 (10 41 It) 8 132 Woolly 4 1 1 4 5 Barker Dcb 1 1 0 7 . 01 26 147 11 20 30 .Hlirtitoa- 1 15 25 05 30 0 3 I 4 o 1 Mi ni 4 10 4 12 40 51 30 01 31 .,'107 108 258 130 188 30 114 ' (fe .-7 13 127 , -"82 ' v70 45 DO 71 "110 104 jlW 3095 40 138 ,74 '(50 ' 88 50 105 31 111 33' 40 45 47 67 110 08 "40 . 150' 04 2204 W 0 4 1 1 11 3 I 1 I X 3 7 3 8 15 14 1 3 12 5 01 189 24 Is the joy of the household, for with out it no happiness can be complete. The ordeal through which the expec tant mother must pass, however, is so full of danger and suffering that and without pain. Our book, of priceless Mother's Friend .Dellveri! r nimi m a Hot Stove specialty lul 102 STATE ST V. Wlsbacb Mai?lle? ioo,en4la power aa the No. W, an'J at half tte it Ijuttol at abora rat. UlA a jWU, ChomekeU Bt., Trrrm'rrrnrsrrtttrBiM DcBnirs cures IlaoklnK Coughs, Boro JuungB, .uruiiuw. Grippo, Pneumonia nnd nil Bovoro lunp affections. Why then rlsic consump tion, a Blow, sum denth? Tnko warning Act nt onco I Buy a hottlo of Dr. Bull's Cotigh Synip, n doctor's proscription, used ovor 50 yearn. Prico, only 20 cents. Inalst on having it. Don't bo im posed upon. Keftiso tho doalor'B HulwtiluUi: lb Is not tta gpod na Dr. Bull's. Salvation Oil cure Uhcuiiwtlam Achca nnd I'm ns. ui)n. Final Account Filed. Ida B. Bennett, administratrix of llio estatoof Elizabeth M. Prescott,decen8cd, has filed herllnnl nccount In thoprobalo court, and Saturday Dee. 22d is the lime Bet for hearing tho same. BUSINESS CARDS O. JHL OlACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Keone, of White Come. Salem Or. Parties desir ing Buporior optutlons at modorato fees in any branch nre in especial request. ALBERTAJESSUP. Phono1071. ROOMS 1 AND , OKAY ULK. JB. IB. JONES, Attornoy-at-Lnw Toledo, OroTon. Was Clerk of Circuit Court ' an up-UMlato atMtrnct 01 ft) county. x Junra aildhM uiylu Lincoln ll-17in SOULE 15I?OS, Piano Tuners and 11 pares PORTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity leave orders nt Geo. Will's Music Store. T , Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Kail BuUIori Just in. Tho Oborndorir pat torna from Chicago. Hot tuMiies sulw Jlo. IS jiauU 85. Tillson, Bartlett Grain Coiiipany rnitici wanted. Fruit bags for ealo. Loans and Insurance Monev to loan from 0 to 8 nor cent. according to security no expense for examination. Insurance effected on hopa and othor property at loweBt rates. John Moil 290 Com, st, 7-1G-M if'V OJW1U1S, OITY UAL.L. I'or water bervlce uoply ut olllco. Bills payable monthly in advance. Mako all complaints at tho olllc ,, Old Post OfficeStables Are largo ant havo reliable attend ants, your team boarded by tho week or day. Good tcamB for hire. Pricea ren uonable. Your patronage solicited. H. M. Brown 02 Ferrv Street. SALEM HOP BUYERS, Squire Farrar No 65 Slate St. 'Phono No. 1051. Win Brown Co Itunh Ualldlng, Commercial St, (grouuil door). Oftlce telephone No. ISO. IT 'At a.1 -I TZ Lauciiuicii urub II. J. Ottcnhclmcr, MftDngor. Ofllco Aror Ladd St Buili Hank. 'J'hono No. 401, Catlin Linn oaicoorcr Weller'a ifrocery toro. I'i'hone Ko aiir Noilllf J Carmichael OQlco over Johnaou'a Clothing itoro, In liush.Droyman bldg. T, A, Livesley Co Commercial if Socond atalr couth of Ladd Ai Huh)) bauk bank, fuoin IS, npttalni. 1'houe 1211. WHITE IIODSB RRSTADRANT First class cook, First class service, Enjoyable meals. George Bros. Prop's, The German Market Will bo found all kinds of meat and tho beat of raiiEago. FREE DELIVERY. All bills due the late Arm of Welt & Micscie must lw paid. Wolz & Zwicker 171 GomraoicUl Bt, KT.!0?TUKV UEOCIATOU It? kkrvlu asd nt ra JUi Wtt K. Salem Waier Co., c ANADIAN 2C PACIFIC " "WnSTSoo Line, FirBt-clossond-Tourlgt.' j SLEEPERS' DAILYi Pa8sengerB booked to and front ALL POINTS EAST AtiahticAStcamship Office, x ' For full particulars npplyv A f r K.JJ. COYLE, II. II. AU MO IT. t m Third Bt. A. . P. A Vancouver, H. (3. Portland, WHEN YOU PAY . YOUR GOOD MONEY For a. ticket Eat, you naturally nnd, very properly want to go ovor tno ruiuw that will givo you tho very best nccomo datlbns at tho lowest possible rato Honco, you should ask your ticket ogeut to make your ticket read via the ? A rr ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Our popular personally conducted tourist excursions in modem Pullman tourist sleeping cars loaVo Bulent every Monday Evening and Thursday evening via Bacramonto and every Tuesday oven inu nnd Butnrdnv mornlmr via Portland and run through to Chicago without change via tho V onus most scenic connecting at Chicago with nil morning trains East, also with tho Itock Island perponnlly conducted tourist car for Boston. Thceo tourist sleeping cara nro brood vestlbuled, lighted with Pintch Gas and provided with all weekly illus trated periodicals nnd magnzluoa for tho freo UFO of our patrons and aro accom panied through to dostlniiMon by it rep resontntivo of tho Groat Hook Island ttouto. Wo also havo tt daily llrst-class sleeping car service to Chicago via tho Scenic Line, and the best dining car service In tho world. For full information, maps etc,, on or writo to, A. E, Cooi'Kii, Gen. call Agt or rnrtlnmt Oregon. W. W. Skinnhk, CI. M. Powkiih Agent S. P Co. Agent O R & N Co Salem Or. Piilvm Or. WASHING MADE EASY The Dewey Washing Machine This muchino ia a now ono mado on scientific principles. It is guaran teed to give abeoluto satisfaction, After it thorough trial no family would dispense with one, With tho iieo of tho Dewey, tho horrors of wash day wifl disappear. TIi!h ma chine will Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean No hnrd work about it. Easy to op erate Tho manulnctttrora will back urupvury claim nuulo for tho ma chine. Th&Dewcy Washer Haa won two first premiums nt Ktnto Fteirs: ut Lincoln, Nob, IBUi), and nt Salem, Ore., 1000. Sold at Salem by It. M. Wtulo A Co. Correspond with or cull on Ambler Young .Mnnufacturora nnd Salesmen, Alt. Angel, Oregjiii. " Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of tho Salem Soap Works has thoco-uperation of the dealers Consumor8 who desiro a iirst-clasa soap will Encourage Home Industry By ordoring Salom-mado soap S, C, STONE. M. D I'rotiiietor ot Stone's Drue: Stor UALKM, OHKflON. Tno iterea (two in number) aro located a No. 234 und 333 Ccmrccwa) mcrt, and er well tooket with a complete lino ot dniga an meUIcinsa, totlot article,' prJutno?y, bruahei etc., oU)., eto, DR. BTONR HaabadMmoMjreaucxperleuco In tho prao llto of medicine ami now makca no charge fo rmullMlnn, fTnmlnllon or tirnncrlptloil. Wheat Bought and Stored By the Aurora Roller Mills Branch ofllco and warehouse, 181 Trade st. between High and Church' streets. Uuokwhcat and oats bought at highest market price, h FRED P. HURST. 7-27-tf dAw SALEM STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING Wi'RKs Ladies' :and Genta' clotliea cleaned nnd dyed without rip ping. Gent'a clothes pressed by the. month, .also iortlern cleaned and dyed, Hats and kid glovoa cleaned Gents' clothes rollned, rebound, ro pairrtl, bultons on. All work Jiofti, vheitp and prginptly iloun. is::::-. BIIS, 6 B WLKEB, Projirjetor lD.'a'uininoroiBlt. 31 i5 Sll k?, prr-AHT 'ron KS."SS rtim p.,1"?. ... ' 'rip t,i?v. pJt P Bpo- -iLK a. UNTlriTiu'. k AtlAll- tlu Ki. 0 p, in VIA lltlNTlNtntJj,', Ik fifHfAM"uV:vrv . . i 8 p tn, KorHan"Kram S.-.MH"llflT1- JJalUvory Ave AK I , , S. tn. hx. Bun 10 1, m. ToA.,ot,arUnJlIlM ..X";!"!: nun 5i: U'ave I'or .-hiciii': ViiiiiY. " "XX w sm .... J V WrainTlfainrfif 'WBm " wtiuMifn'K iuvKumv,;lnJw" lluata hi l'ottlalld a alHi.i LX attycl r-nrllnoatOreRoil fiity ifik.t! k wjmvuii uiuro. t ckc in .li ."b,.. Wan flH-ukcJ tluuiiKli Irom Halctn lit&V ililiijttoji, fallfornla ot i H, a, ... , m,ncK,.',;ffig,f,!ag.. SOUTH AND VIA THE SHftSTfl ROUTE Triilna leavn Hulum fnp p.i..i..r Btotlon8utB:40n.m.,7:6j773 4:05 n. m. u, L't I'nrllnllil .! T IiV Bitipra. HKM A K Ar Ashland . A M Ar Bacramento..... 6:00 P M JD. iosm iiari Ar Hau Kranclaeo... 7. p u all ArOR3on 6; AirIFff7l Ar Donrnr i.. o it 'SU'l ArKauiia. city 75 a M jSi! Ar Chicago 7 li A U in I Ar IjO Antrolcv Ar Kl I'afo.. .. . 6tt) V M ia r m IlU II JOJfl 0-10H Mtl an t2-r Ar rori norm. ... asMA M Ar City of Mexico ...v.! a m Ar lioimtnti ...M 3 M A M Ar Nuw Orlcan.. fiSJ i jf Ar Wnshtngiun 6A1 A M Ar New York ...12 13 p n I'tiuniau una Tourists cars on Ixx trains. Chair cars Hucramento IoOIm and El Paso, and tourist cars to Cblcio Ht. Louis, Now Orleans undJVMhinjioj; Connecting at Kan Krandisco with hi oral Btenmshiii lines for Honolulu Japan, China, Philippines, Central ui tiouth Amurlca. 8eo JIr."W. W. Hktnnor ugent ut Iilun Station, or nddress C. II. MARKHAM.Q.P. A., PortlanJ, Orcfm POSSIBLY You nro not nwnro of tho fait time ul Rtiperb aorvlco now nfforded by the J PICTP' 2 WB HAVE Daiy Fast Trains l 1CT TO THE EAST. If you cannot tako tho morning trus travel via the ovonlng train. Both tn finely equipped, . "Our Specialties" Fast Timo, Through Bervlce, Tallnu Palaco Sleepers. Pullman Tourfit Sleep ore. Pullman Diners, Library (CafetCu and Freo Reclining Chair cars. Houra in tlmo saved to Omalu Uie ago, ICunsas City, Ht. Louis, New York Boston, and other Eastern poinU. Tickotfl good to Holt I-ake City l Denver. . It is toyour Interest to use Tin Ofu wNnl.iMiTKi). Tickets and rietpicj cn'r lrerTlTB can bo uccured from .. , . W. W.BKism AgeutB.P.Ca Or Guy PowetH, Ag't. 0 H-"-Salem 0r. J. II. Utiihop, Gen'l Agent, No. ISO Third Kt. Portland Or, Oregon Slioit Lice Railroad The Direct Route to Montana, Utah, Coloado and all Eastern Points. Glvea choice of two favorite rtateU" the, UNION PACIFIC " Mi,IM or tho RIO GRANDE Scenic Ita No Change of Cars, On tho Portland-Chicago SpecWi finest In tho West." Equipped With. EleKiut ritandarU 81ei-ia Klne Now ordinary lourut sietpen. Superb Llhrarv-Uuffut "s,.,, Bplendlp Dinner. MeaKalacarw. rteo Ileclliiln Chair I'lrn. Comfortable Ouaelipa "J hmofflS Kntiro Train Completely VUWK For further Information eH" J.R.NAGEL, W IVbv. Pass. At. Agent O. u. i ,o nu.t.,1 C Irllniwl Or. b"s MA J.IUIU v. v Corvallis & Eastern RaiW TIAIE CARD. No. 2 For Yaqulua: ,j B Train leaves Albany ; :S f t Train leavea Oorval la. .. w Train anlvea Yaqulna P- No. 1 Returning: .,. Lepveu Yaqu tia, ,r,t- Cevjja,Corva lis U'ftp. Arrlvoa -Albany... ' No. 3 Fof Detreit: ,( "iPeavei. Albany Aut No 4 Returning: itioiv rnveg Detroit 'r:iB.1 7 Si'". TiiS.n. . OWr:.!' Ono and two contiect , at ,A ( 'W Corvalllfl with Soutliern W m giving airecoserviwj "---port and adjacent heacUes. TralnBfor the inounttlP i "J" letro tan noon. k"" -i.-oa if to reach camping Wf Breltenbush and Santlatu m same day. vDwj $ II I. ALl)iin. T V. 6. V. A. i 'riiltNKIt 'iK ut,Albnr. I J I WO" IIUtU-M !- .'"'- aiS ZHram a T .i.i iWC j twttmrzrr m m-, '" Southern Pacific nr u .... ,r- rBS?3 7lllY3,7T', CI. HOOd & l ell, Mas. Telephone 663, "'" . umiAfii ii JiinTauuee.tvu. r v v w. m u'il l IJT "wi-wfts, -i im, aWi.