m&mm&Bi6iSmMmmmuJkTH ilMUftifti vn ' lHilftTliiMiiillflf"HW -l , v '".' JSSUA WROMIffENT AND POPUALR PLAYERS OF THE PULSATING PRESENT l.woteyXS5 Three Beautiful Actresses Conspic uous in the Leading Theatres of New York and London.- v BUY A HOMElFfc-, riv,wiS four blocks from the toil,hw,t easy terms ir Sa 11' U $ office. '""" AM,'iejiti5i WANTED-Woirave ; niu.. "iayo a nmk, Tho Kind You IIxivo Ahvnyfl Bought, nml which has been in use I'm ovor 80 yonvH. lias bo mo tho Rltrimtiiro ol? M-'rjrna)2Con?8?B.,,0"lJ and litis boon uirwlo under 11h poc Houttl Hunorvlslon siivco Its Infancy Allow no ono totlccelvo you In tlilH. 5Za0S A I.o8T.rUotwecn th0 wTir,T-i! -,- Win ciiieni, a niack pi ueli ;,""" Hi col ar. Kliwi,, '. i ." C?P th C dfllco. " ' l"Kum 'we at tij MMfcwM'W - if ciiiiiiiM WAOT'UU-To tay -nrS -l:te..i''' 5-WS5 l i! Jl (i i AM JJL'WHk TrmliaifV' tiRVCE GE$aae.!a"ll MaJemC SARAH COWELL LE.MOIME, "la the Greatest Thlnr In the World', MAUD SANPORD, at Prince of Wales' Theater, Londsn r ' ii ii ILL'Ui'JJ L'J. '.'.J '.'" ',. -ii- '- ' "Li!.1 .' . . ' . .!' i i iu i i i i i mi i in . Unci Bob'a llnlUtune ntorf. "An old countryman 1 lined to knaw when I was living In nouth Georglu," remarked a college professor apropos of sudden changes In the weather, "wnJn at leaat ono respect a Very ro marSiblo character. To a casual lis tener lie appeared to bo n fluent and ' unconscionable liar, yet when you cauio to scrutinize any of bis stnteiucuts closely It wna Impossible to cutcti bin) Iu tho slightest deviation from tho truth." "One day In early spring we bad nn unusually severe fall of hall, and next uiornltig while driving down tbe road ivltlr A friend wo happened to eneouu ler the old fellow nt Ills gate. 'Woll, - Uncle nob,' I said, 'that was n pretty bad hailstorm wo bad yesterday.' 'I utiould say It was,' be replied. 'You Just oughter seed some of the stones (hut coiuo down In my back yard,' How big were they?' I naked "IJout aa big us small watermelons,' said he. 'Well," we've caught him In a whopper nt last,' chuckled my friend oh we drove on. 'No, we haven't,' I groaned, 'Aa usual the old rascal has seemed ' nil the advantage of u line, large lu nud at theaume time Iiiih adhered rigid . ly to the truth. Look at that vine.' "An early watermelon vine was fes tooning the bottom rail of a fence by tho roadside, and hero nud there It was studded with minute green spheres ubout tho size of gooHeberrles, My friend made no comment. I never tried to catch Uncle Bob ugalu." New Or leans Times-Democrat. An Arab's Parlor. A woman traveler In Egypt Is amax ed at tho dearth of tho natives' house bpjd. goods, says it correspondent of tho Chicago News. There Is little furniture because tho Arab needs little. Ills life Is spent out of doors, and he can sleep In any handy gutter ns peaceably and happily ns u child, while most of bin Aiuenbi are eaten In the open air. ' j, It. 'one exceptionally luxurious house, that of a cburwotinu, the trnvcler found a purlor It wns regarded an n sort of shrine by Kntlum. Blie had made It a fetich, devoting to Its embeb ,'UsUuient nil the money she couhl sparu Vand sacrificing to It even her children's jwauta. -The visitor wua shown through a broken down doorway luto n squalid jiassagc, where two roottm ut either villi feyeuled perspectives of greater eq'uaior beyond. Clilldreu teemed from uovery entrance. Arrival ut tho holy of holies, tho '- door had to be unlocked. It was n Jo and uew Illiuiliigham lock. Distant lilijiiQhester bud supplied a carpet blaz ing with roses and small cretuii cur taliiB of brllllauuy to match. Such things aro In Cairo called "fellah" "(vul gar), nii pone but, fellahlu are found to'lioJiurclmserH of ilium, but poor l-'u-iiniu'jf lioiTorH uio not yet quite cnta logfjed. From some common shop Iu the lUsUj, she had eaptured two or tjireoglausfvaueH, and In them tlje hut loiluh of tvliitiiph-woio nrtlttclul (low. eis. ' Cblnean HuperlUlou, W,beu Oenerul UiulU wmh vlsltjng ChJnu.chesterlIole6mbe. for muuy years nevietnry of tjle AmeNcflii fea ,t1on ut IeUlpg, nei ineq, foi him urtirlvl CgiMiPVi before I bat tlmiueitirdeil to . irfoielgner. the privilege ofeidnVsalon lillo tluatiaeivil pieeinetH urQli 'IVinpU oIh'Jyi'ii lu lekiig. j 'fJlt W eoutjury to the soiled be lief Of this Chhitfiu h admit aiue'iulK-r of the feimile Si&itfld oi young even to the temple giopiIUjI tjuder unV ilreum ojaucea. It Is unldKiimt should a Chi iichc guard yeutqre,ejaJiv. u ejiny a baby girl lu his nuns wHMu tlu forbid deyUluos he would probaiily'be puulsh ed?wlth dentil. Not kiiottltiiriof ihese eihnvltb death- Nut kiionlurful rrtttrletlyiii-f u, ipjmber of lajlt'H I ral Urai'party enturel to III Ueii- f o low jhlui wheil be yltejl the sacred edlllee. Jteullrfiig thl- C im sunuuHiiei UoleoirThv ufte hs of IhlH ue- Hon. Me Ilhlet rwiutl itiHilo- glzedjo thy tmipc&fijriepiesciilutlv Jjie conduct of blacouiitrywciiiu'U Msjfiifoi meil thill Uc Intrusion bjQuvcilooKcd. but iust be Kept iv eeict us possible, for shuuld tht populace leuiu or It an uutlfoiclgii out tmwk&'ould ie likely to folluw They or it mi out l likely lii U glw HtielTu flimukv JffwtiTiliIJnot roiglu- Htieu it pollution of w 4aiiieir I'.-JW .". . . ... a.Tll.lB v .... U1UX( tiUfUMl iUMUUU IWI1VM L.i i 'WlTnlril Tlllli... . y.Wprlvuulii0iulilAhj)t4iduCl wmU iwMHYf JU l UiiUJU Jl -- t . I t nrfTniby" ,. 'M-i VmHH,IL',t jvimii- ft,lI u ( ou t niiiiiiK trrysc r tor ?amwJ5i, . ' , - A Type. "Ethel Is the kind of a girl wl HWMkeua envy lu any other Wbiu "I e, RrUllfiut. W bmlY jwrJaJBaar, - TKOSfiE at. mviviii' nffllm MISS ALICE NORTHLANE. Cons'dered One of the Best Judges of Cattle in America si jf Bf H Miss Northlnno boliovcs In commercial pursuits lor woiuon, who s'no nssorls nro the mprid snporiorol men. Thosnys tliustnlito to tho now woman will bo o reeled not to tho woman of genius but to tlio woman of "faculty." TURN ON YOUR BACK. Wlien Uxluinated flirlminlnir, l'nt'o Uptvurd nud ou AVIIl llrlfl Aaliure, A guest at my summer place a few miles from Pablo wbllu bathing wua carried out to sea, and when almost out of eight uud all hope hud fled, to our surprise, wo suddenly- saw his body Impelled forcibly toward uu, Then wo Baw It-recede, u few feet, nnd then again, aa ft were, sbodt CO feet townul the shore. This continued uu III my son nud myself, at hist able to reach lilm, lfbro film luseuslblu to the beach. After mcovery bis story was that after losing all hope, guided by some mysterious Impulse, be had turned upon lils back, when lie YOU himself tarried rtrhldly forward. lie hud then tut nod over upon bis face to get his hearings, when he was carried out far ther from the land, and on again plac ing himself upon 1ils buck thc'suri'aco wuvea lii'uujtht him rapidly to the ihore, i rtweued nun. It l'iiu unor that the drowning man Is attached by crump except In very cold weather lie diowus from heart failure, Induced by the violent exertion and thojipwnrd pressure of tho water upon "tho abdomen diminishing tho space tinpl Impeding the action of tho hearts Jly turulug over on the back this 'pressure Is removed, tho back be ing almost entire!? a strong wall of bono nud muscle; also when on tho back Jhf euttro body la nearer tho sur face, aud tho surface waves tend to wnrdftljo shore, tho uudorcurreut out to simr'oven tho legs when upon tho ImclrWng loss exposed to tho current that' tends towuid tho sea. Iiy floatlug gently ppon tho back tho heart, ro lloe(l of Its pressure, becomes calm and qujat, and tho swimmer cau re gain (his strength nud float for hours. The Oaflior whoso heart la weak should uhvam present, whoa standing erect, tho'rlglit side of tho body to tho wavea uud tliim avoid the Hulllvaullko blow of tho Incoming waves upon a crippled I heart.. In every bathhouse should bo pouted, tlTe Injunction. "In enso of ex- p tile lll-ll, ill list lOll k.'V hnustl ior uccldeut turn upon tme X cLsunvllto Metropolis. . r.uiMQtr Mcrt-i AMin.Ai ri?ii i ,P. Tr . , S , "- ft&t)l ltfii.se. '"T'lUWMi1 may be Ida luck of moral JflJ iiivuml originality uf Idea, tint ijutttire Uhlnee curtaluly exuela hi imiihti e )oer. umi is orteu very jihueh alhe to the oxcvllunce of meehaTjieni tovIce that he never saw befoio, In Thy American MuehbiJit Oberllu Smith ufforda an Illustration of I this fact 1 Some ycura ago Mr. Smiths sent Henry A. Janvier to China to assist In the erection and operation of coining plnuts for brass and sliver currency. One of tho tools which Mr Janvier took with him wua u micrometer cali per, made by n well known flrui In the United States, and capable of detecting differences of a thousandth of an Inch lu tho thickness of a piece of metal. The superintendent of ono of tho shops which Mr. Janvier established was named Wal, and ho proved a very In telligent fellow. During an Interval of about six weeks bo borrowed tho call per almost dally, nud wna rather tardy In returning It. Finally ho exhibited to tho Amorlcan a reproduction of the Instrument which was perfect except lu one respect Certain tables of tlgurea stamped Into the Nteel by tho Yankee maker of tho original wore omitted from the copy, uud lu their place were several Chlncso characters. Tho Imitation hod been made with tho rudest of tools, but was n marvel of accuracy. Mr. Wal pro posed an exchange to Mr. Janvier, uud tbe latter agreed to the proposition. Now York Tribune, Tho Currct Strobe Iti Hwlminluir, Tho correct stroke of the legs Is ex actly like that or a frog's hind legs. Watch one of these frogs nud copy his style. You cannot do better The legs nro drawn up together slowly not with a Jerk, until tbe are gathered lu I close under the body. Theu with a isuddeu, quick bprlug they are shot out behind, the ankles being turned so that the soles of the fee present na flat a surface ns possible to tbe water nud so offer moio teslstnuee fiom which to make progvy"- As the kick Is I made tho lugs Hlmuld be spiead nut In the shape of a letter V. but nut allowed I to sink far dowu undur the surtntte of the water. If thoy klek downward nt 1111 tun: c lustead of out stiamhl be. angle lusieiut or out jmnfglit hind much of their energy Ts waste lute'd In unnecessarily, forclug .tin body out of tne water, tijsimiu orrorwum ttiiougn it-r Harpers uazar. & ' "You've oent your hoy to college, I Jienr." remarked lbe,iiiclghlor "Well, I boner he will nCqull hlibself with .n" 5 Mil., n.m,ll nidul lA l,.l,l" l.l II. OaswtilL soiuawbjn (rrimted "I'm able to agntib him with the ctuh right Htrulgbt along," Chicago Trlbuue. liett retted, "I might hae known bettor than to trust my mouoy to that broker." "Why sot Aro uppmiraucoa against jblm?" "No, coufouud bluil It'a bis dlaap- pearauee" lirooklyu Life. I fUTTllfl KTiWftli1 TITCAWTT . nenrt oents up to seven per . ONE SIMPLE TEST THAT, IT LEQED, NEVER FAILS. A. I'lirxlclnn Who Say He Una Tried Itj.Iii Morr Tltnn it Tliuimuiid Caaea lbxitlnlna IIU Alellioil of Preventing i-reinniiire lliirlnl. ',The question of nn absolutely sura llgn of dentb bus troubled mankind from ancient times. It has been most variously answered, but never to en tire satisfaction. The dllllcultles wc meet with me: rim. that uot nil or i;nna of the bodj die lu one moment, nut second, thut the action of some of the vital organs may be so 'diminished (but b) ordinary menus It nppeai.s al 1 liost linpustfililc to decide whether tho 1 life In them ! ' fact eAtluet or uot. ' 'the ait. nil uiUHes of physiological death iik thiec First, cessation of brain fuiHtu.n. ieeoud. cessation of rehplriitloii or lailurc of the luugs; third luiluie of the heart The llrst. Itivohlug Immediate death of the ti'iittal 01 annual nervous sys tem 011b is not nt once followed by the liimth It) of the peripheral nervous sj stein nml Its Npeelul so culled vegeta the ceuieih as long ago was demon strated by Itiow'ti-tttqutird, Schlff and others So the lungs may continue to contract nnd expand the heart may outluue to bent, even If with grently diminished power. We know further that the life of the skin Is uot extinct Ilalr and mills continue to grow, tho ktomneh continues to digest, the liver to tieciele bile, etc ltespectlug the eec aiid ciitihc of death, we well know that rtuplriillnti tuny cense for quite uwhllo If the brain Is uot uffected and tbe cir culation not Interrupted. And of tho (bird cause, by heart failure, the'eamo may be said. So we see that wo may ipeak of true, absolute physiological death only after the cessation of func tion or the tbiee organs together or at least of two of them, the lungs and tho heart, without the life action of which tbo brain certainly cannot operate. Now, ns regards respiration, we hnvo very simple means to demonstrate Its cessation. Bo remains, In fact, as tho ouly one to show Its true death tho heart This to prove Indeed with abso lute certainty Is quite a dltllcult prob lem. Upon the absence therefore, of Buy and all traces of circulation lu tho body have been concentrated most ex periments. And ns regards the snmo we have to take Into consideration that by disease tho heart beats might be dl oilulshed to but so fow faint pulsations per minute, might become so Impercep tible, that without tbe aid of special In itruments nud long continued observa tions nothing of their existence may bo detected. Iu tho following I shall give tho sim ple menus by which any person easily enough may convince himself of the ab sence or presence oven of tho slightest trncea of circulatien: If wo llgnte tight a member of the body best, for example, a Auger be tweon the flrst and second Joint lu tho living we will booh notice, beginning al most at ouce.a reddish coloration of tho portion above the ligature. It becomes darker nnd darker ted nnd Dually as lumes a dark bluish red color. The entire upper portion will be thus af fected, and only directly nround the llg ituro thero will bo a small, colourless, white ring. Now, as sure as this dis coloration will be observed In tho living being, as sure will all trncea of It be absent lu tbe dead. The bluish discolor ation occasionally observed t of uud around the linger nails In some corpses la of no Influence upon, nor does It In terfere In t,he slightest with, tile plio lopienon and Its correct Interpretation. Tho phenomenon Qf course Is easily ouougb explained in tho living by tbe stagnation or the blood In the veins I nnd the capillaries when a new supply through the arteries and tbe Imckflow through the olnu ts cut off by 'the liga ture The whlto ring around tV latter Is prdjli'd JjyVthuipiijtlal arterial, par tial venous mliunuit . In plncc of a tlugefvJf, us Itjit times may happen, the Nkln Eccms too thick uud horny to show tne phefiomeuou (flnluly, thougli this will but seldom oc jCUr. ono yiny use the toej tlnfenrlaps, I even the tlpif the nose, Tf desfred. The , myinber must be only thin enough In order to make the ligature tt tigb'i apd. l0ifeot as possible- 4 j I have used this menus. Uj about 1,080 ' , to JvOiO eases pruvlouMo post inortpm ( examinations. j In ono cuso Q): I obred the men- .ttoued djscolurutlon. though It w.as I Impossible to notice .any hourt nation by any means. I ut oneo resorted, to ttiuesvotlou, uud, auiv uuougb,T "ilii blood flowed, uud after a abort time mint neart bents up to seven per minute could be distinguished Kery thing was done to start respiration. Yet It was too Into, nnd the heart beats within half an hour gradually dimin ished. Tho corpso had been lying for dead for over two hours. Pr Theq doro Deecko In Dtlca Press A Iieaaon. At n lesson In n medical college the ether day ono of the students, who was by no meaus a dullard, was nuked by tho professor, "How much Is n dtise of ?" (giving the technical mime of a strong poison). "A tenspoonful," wns the reply The professor mndo no comment, but the student, n quarter of an hour later, realized that he Ifnd made n mistake, and atrnlghtway said: "Professor, I want to change my answer to that question." "It's too Into, sir." responded the professor curtly, looking nt his watch '"Your patient line been dead 14 mluutes." London Teleginph No matter bow, bright nnd sensible a man Is, If the gossips dlscoicr he Is going crazy, the world remarks that he will not have far to go. Atchison Globe. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Daylight Stopover at Niagara Palls. Through first c'a is toualst sleeper Irom Paclllc Const weikly for Chicago Itoston, Now York nud other eastern olntH, via UioUrnnilo Western, ((Jreat Halt Lake Honte) Denver A Itio (Jrnndo, C 11 1 & P and Illinois Central to Ghicnga, connect ing in tho Union Depot with Michigan Central's similar ear for points east. For particulars call on or nililrusa Local Agents, or, H. II. Titu.Miiui.1,, n Com'! Ag't. III. Cent. It. It. antf 1 1'J Third 8t. Portland Ore The Great Itock I eland Houto has Just inaugurated a weekly personally conducted tourist car rorvico between tho Paeillo coast and points Kant iu con Hon with tho Itio Uriindu Western and Denver A KioUrnndu and Illinois Cen tral Hys. hy leaving Portland on nnv Saturday morning ln tho 0. It. A N. connection can be made on this car at Ogdcn. or by leaving Portland en nny Thursday ovoninir.vin the Southern PnelnV nnn. neation cau bo map6 with this car nt Sacramento. Ask your ticket agent nnout tins car or write to A. JO. Cooi'cn, . General Agent, Portland, Oregon. 0 20 tf Loans and Insurance Money to loan from G to 8 per cent, according to security no expense for examination. Insurnnco effected on hops nnd other property at lowest rates. John Moil 290 Com, st. SI Heavy water tight shoes for men uud l)oys. High cut, best ninkos. Hoots and Rubbers for La dies and children. Cheap as any iu tho city. Repairing noHt ly nnd promptly dono. : : ; Jacob IfogI 05 Stato Street. NEW STORE. O. B. .M'liilu'omory, has 0ned up a new cuuftvtioiiHrv ami cigar Mtoro ut No. 269Commetoial slreot where ho will carry a complete clock of minima nud a inking good. 10 ft o. OSTEOPATHY In Sulam a Albuny- DR. tilUOK ALURIGIIT. graduata ol Aiurnuaii puiiooi 01 usieopatby. ALUM Monday, Wetlneaday and Frl. lui;hQur8,0tQl2a. m; I to U50 u, in. Oflice ovor Wllur'a g,riory. AMUNY Tuesvlay, Thursday and Sat unlay t lioaw.9 to 12 a. tu j I to ft p K't lrlw Aly,ly.Mllwaiii building Milu at, 7 1fd Winter iocs " All (Joitntrrt'cltH, Imitations mid " JiiHt-ns-prood" nro but; 13iorinuiils Unit; trlllo with nml cmlntijror tho lioultli ox? Iuiiuits nnd (Jhlldven-Uxporlenco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorlu Is n Imrmlcss substitute i'or Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing1 Syrups. It Is Plcrumnfc. . It; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ngo Is Its rjuarauteo. It destroyp AVonim nnd iillayj Fcvcrl.slmess. It cures Dliirrliwu and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mnther'H Frlond. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CINTAUB COMPANr, TT MURRAY TRCIT, NCW YORK CITY. A Good and Faithful Servant la n gem, as woll ns a valuablo acquisition to any household. You enn hnvo two such in your kitchen if you have n good cook nnd ono of our stoves or ranges. It boils, broin; roasts or bakes equnlly well, is economical labor saving, and in every wny satisfactory. A delight to tho eyo, it Amis a quirk wny to man's Btoinach and there you nro I Sen one, try ono, buy ono. Wo close nt 7 o'clock. WweMSm R. M. WADE A CO. 3 SALEMIOREGON' Up-to-Date Plumbing1 in Your Kitchen Will foIvo tlio pcrvaut girl problem nn I enable you to keep n linn hold on tho best of them, Sanitary nnd ootn plumb ing through your Iioufo will koIvo tho problem of how to envo doctor's bills and keep a ilrm hold on your health. Anything in tlio lino of plumbing, ens fitting, Htenin fitting, fnmaeo work or rooting wo will do at fair prices iu the very best manner. BARR&PETZEL J Ui I 2X4 COMMERCIAL HTRRKT. Tolopbono 2IS71. ' Which Way Will Jump the Cat Is tho burning question that Interests both imlitmal parties just now; but tho question that intcroptB the man who wants his linen done up with that snowy whiteness nnd exquitite beauty of finish that will only sutb-y lite man of refined ante, is where ho will find the heht laundry in town to do il The majority f voters iu Salem will vU that it is ut the Salem Steam Laundry. Saiem Stp.am Launday COIONKl. J. OMMTKAII I'KOrUtKTOU, IHIROUH I). OI.MS1KVI), Udll. IMimiull. km Liberty Strett. - THE SINCLAIR- HAM - A Ham You Can Eat Sloji Dultolous Imni put up wiwjLrmusiwkqQriry. u t PrJiB uo Jitelmrjtn others. Harritt & OLD POBTOmOE Siguaturo of frlilJLl&lifit liK6'3H'B LITTLE BO.PEEP LOST HER SHEEP Slut no .ino!(nec(l worryrnlout .to; ton this time of tho year, if thoy can got lalnty and delicioin Spring lamb o nn pHit)ziug and nouriHliing Kumrrnr meal. V liavo nverytliing in choice nieata, nn I a'l.the delicacies of tlio sea on iu Ik th l-eih nud smoked menb Hint will ii' u o most critical opicuio. E. C;CROSSgSALEM OP. A TOAST, UNCLE! For family reunions 'and family occa sions gonornlly-wodding anniversaries, birthdays, Thanksgiving and the. rest w-o hno on linnd sonio excellent brnnda of wine chnmpaigno is not tlio onlv oiHwaiitorno, claret, mobile, ovory ilea rnhlo kind in fact, It gnoi wltliont saving that wo roll uUo Al grades of whiskey-, brand , liquors and cordials. Uivo us a trial order-you will order morn. J Pr Rogers -,.218 222 Commercial Street KMT Wholesale nnd Retail. ri. .KJIFdajfei, mmtinSSM, Lawrence QROOBK-X ........ kuuub ior sate nt 210 (w "" Btrcot. "tu OttftercH WANTJ5D.-llg l.ir wocnT to contract for laro loi', $ next aenBon, cnll nt ilm I WoJ lot Light nnd TJncttonrtW&ie! ! MMZJ If inquire of R. Cray oonl' nf liiirl i H..I,.... .:i.. ..,' wMoAw - .,.w. -h. FOR HALE. A l ..i17 salo cheap. Enquire at No 8ticot. "' lim - - a ,, 105 j FOUND.-Gontleniau'sgolTu, faa onion day of liitiKlttK A qulro at this olllp.. ,? . ! -.... lUfflV UUAIKTIIINa NEW.. A ilieeirr- Hontliat downs any KSr SlirV PA nllll linnnlo .'.I A,.M ' na tlio cheapest light wela ht ISS? self of tho fact. A, J. IIanilWT 140 Court street oiiMritaffi?? O. F. tomploand opera liouee.10 27-' REMOVED.-Wm. InB7f3 Burgeon, tinB removed from OW, ela street to tho Strong proMrl.it. ilODolviowBtreot, JuitWfi mcrcial. in ,H 3Efhr$n& 147 Court street flrat door etat ri linsoy Btablo.grinds eciBsors, tooli ud rnzpra, monds furmturo of all kioda and does a goncrnl repair bnniei Having had years exponenca in thi arv to do your work I can gnjiutt, all work dono in my shop. lMia MRS. W. D. PETTKNGILL minnf turor of hnir Bwitclios and all klnditt hair work, makes a specialty ol djiti Bwitchcs. She is now located at til Mnrlon st. io-0 1 mo. WANTED-A lot of green applet fa drying, by look Sang A (Jo. M pay cash GOo pur hundred for Lui picked nnd 40o per hundred for states down fruit. Apply nt the old Vineuu Works on Cottngo ami Trade ilrteti just across the Mill race on leltlial side. 10 8 la WANTED Girls to write your duciip tion for n first-class marriage jum free, Gentlemen's "ad" free irltb i llireo months' Biibucriptlon at2Scecu. Address, Bpocinl Club, Box 231,fc loin. 10 81m FOUND. A Lady's cajMJ, Loeercillil this olllcu nud prove owneralilp. IW-U FOR RENT. Ten ncros garden M lxA uiileseastofaHyhim. Goal bows, barn and well for irrigation. Thitlj thousand Hufstntur smllln-blffai l)orry iu Salem market. v. D. liil stater, Salem. 10 5 law FOR RENT. A goodfnnuof80cra reasonablo terms. ForparliculiriM- ' qulro of R. Creighton, I block weit d North Salem School. KM 1 DRESS OUTTINQ SOIIOOL-Opewl at room 7 Gray lllock. A iHufwtijf tern of dross cutting will be Uaghlw satisfaction guaranteed. Lsaioniwl limitwl. W JtaJ yt WANTED Woman to cook at GooJiIi lioarding liouso, corner of 'fweldhMd Oak streets. FOUND On. Chomeketa street, bW -Iiiirri'd Inwn linntlliL' wailt. V oil H.v......vn .nl... .. SALEM LODGES .A-w.w.t,.irt. mivm tun i nu, no. w,m 'YIT'i h Die, 7:o. m A. O. U. W. hall. " B I'. D, l'runty, O. C. W. A. Moo ew room in, Mooreii mi -f Oourt Bhenrood Kore.l No 1. 'uJt' iiitfUU la Turner diock. juuu m, w-i.tji. A L. llroWu Becy. ""J! r-APl'l-Ai. l.eix Express and Transfei Moeta all mall and passenger Ii Boggago to all parts of tho city, VkV service. Telephone So 851. UAOVUW "-' wua i ihi ' j. SVlion you are going Kaat to U" l.r. mini. That means to go 11 ; ....., -n.t Northern Pacitic. A, , . I llilB company runs two thwjgJS .u...i,..i i:.o .i.iiu )itueen ruf'l' viuuilu io ""y. ",:,.-,! ,i t, and Bt. i'aui. weaves i on- , .. ami 11:30 p.m. wx The Rivtr Servke. Tho O. R. & N. Co'BVnujeWJ steamers have resumou u '" J teteen t'ortianit aim ?""" l6worfl has reopened the "? mo puuuo can ueiwiiu vu joju 1 .A, taria Slgcataxa of Peace DcclirM wi Why dovoto all y? 'TjVl tho Bier War and UielftW53, Alaska? There are other J"".! vital imp East, an ! travel, lu order to lmvoju,J vlco.ueo the Wisconsin Cg ,t botwoen St. raul an.1 tftWft w , rates an4 other iiiloruuUoUi , v ivtco, ubo me "'', rn.tcart, ' 5 I botwoen St. Tuul W'1, Sl W rates an4 other lutoruuUou, j A. Clock, General AgeirtJT M Take tho Northern Ff?Zp Company's elegant, ,? train, tbo North Coaa U$gLV train lenvo nothing to & & If you. have neer trtw siinerl. train, it will nnjL .oSSks?? i rMKPi yri5?5i ""! J7 a4- ffft ft6U .iaKrLrf,- yJ-Arfy Wi jfm V' K2&j :: . ...fiaJUBi