C1 Vr-Vt 1 i if if- to J 1 Mi &ra " i .!! M H Uv :m m , p i " ' w Aboii SHAWKN1T GENUINE.:... HAIKMIT HOSE. Ui f- fc X See Window Display. The Genuine have the name on the toe. These are the genuine. Competitors cannot 76 pair I - ue ana they're sore acout it too. iney come in a pretty shade of grey and are well worth twenty-five cents. Another line of the "Middlesex Brand" made by the Shawknit company in Brown and Black, all sizes 10 1011 1-2. "We Never Misrepresent our Goods.' I J. J. Dalrymple & Co. The Quality Store SHAWKNIT ''a o Wheat Market, Hin MtAHrwo, Oct. 22. Cash 05. 'Ohkuo.0. 111., Oot. 22,-Dec. 7ltf. foleni, 60- GOLD DUST FLOUR 1 madi nv Tlio Sidney Powor Co, ' SWNKlf, 0RK0OH. made for family ute, oak yourgrocorn for t. Uran and shorts ulvuiya on hand. K X.-WALN. AGENT, "t';1 Bottled Beer Kllngcr A Ueck.Succcssois to SoutbUalcro Bottling Works. All orders for bottled beer will bo lllhid at tlio brewery. Kept on o )ld storage. Frr city delivery. TclopuoiiH 2181. IINriFR TUP 1'or t' orient 0f on ac those who are finish- fUUrM,,.. itig Inside work mo must BURgtMt that wo are prepared to furnish tt ulotin bright lath at vary reaaonablo flgurKi. Call and boo atook and KCt quotations, l'lenty of "Star A Star' shingles for nil. Get prices. D. S. BENTLEY & CO, 319 Fro.lt Si. SP esteem f FeW JlLSP'''1 ff "HMsvsSBsbsXA - Dill Pfckloa in bulk, U5 wnts gallon. Tl!nl16klwrln bulk S5eonta gallon J'laht, mlxt-Und nweet plckloa and Ohow Chow Jnoxtra largo boUh. ' .Tiilflargwt Ijottloa over niit up only S5o. Ilaln null wweet plcklea from 10c and up to Wto. M-V JUJ -J Jr. V "v. JCv. C , A very lar line of olives oltbor (ioflt to : conta. ;AUCBS WoataMliiro wuoo 15 iwnta and t MI1 Drwiiig,upa iiia ny otfr -t m Roth & f ! W JJhpn4I. Mackintoshes inti This Mason we Iwtight an exceptional lino of rain coals and bought tbctn to cheap that other dealers' special prices are not in it with our regular prieee. Girls' Coals it $2.00 and $3.00 Lailes Coats at $4.00 to $12.00 Boys Costs at $2.50 Men's Costs t $3.00 to $7.50 HOLVERSON'S C) a: . z H begin to match this val The Quality Store Children Going to School Wear glnseeo now much more frequent ly thnn'ovcr before, bocnusu parunta nro S rowing wiso in knowing that weak or elective oyosight In thu young can bo enrol or remedied by thoiiBoof proper glnssoa worn in tlmo. Wo fit all kinds ofoyoi, young and, old, nfter making a uolontlllo test of tho oyueight free of charge Our stock of optical good a of nil kinds la complete. Chas. H. Hinges ar, Next boor to llolversoo's. : .. . Jk JL HOTEL AWIVALS. X qr sr -f-vr 'x'- w v W WllUmetle. A. G. Stoll, Ban Francisco. J. H. O'Donnoll, Portland. II. G. McKlnloy, La Cross, WIh. N. L. llrlnkua, Han Francisco, II. W. Itatnllna, Sun Francisco. C. L. llrthorn, Joseph, Or. It. 1. Uurkhart, Albany, Or. I. T. Duuiu. Co. Mm. Kfllo Kgl In, Portland. It. 0. Grigaby Indepondanco. Jon fjmona, Independence. lion K. Lyator, Gardner, Or. A. 0. l'atlorson, rortlaud, Tllinon Ford, Baloin. It. W. Montaguo, Portland, H. A. Mooro, fit. I.ouIb. J. W. Htaty, Ohomawa. J. II. Fnwlo, Chemawa. J. M. WllliauiB, Ohutnawa. H. F. Poregoy.lialUinoro, Md, Hantson Uttrroh, Portland. Hob Miilmy, Dob Molna. Guo. A. Ilanvia, San Franeiaco, J. K. Kuelur, Bacratnanto. Thoa, Gollinaou. Portland. Doloa I). Neor, l'ortlniHl. Itlver Motes. Tlio Wlllmnotto now atauda at !l)(i feet ubova low wator mark, a a result ot tlte rwent ruins. Tills Ih a lair boating ataga and it It show a Indications of por manonoy tho 0. R. & N boota will ox tend their run to Corvallle. ThoO. C. T Co'g boat wont to Independence Bun day for tho first tlmo lately and will make tho trip regularly huronfter. O Ui IS jP O H. X .A. btsritbs The Kind YMlliwMsBosM eijoMwe a& (Mtfm OI AL bulk or bottles, Ilottlo oltvoa (rpin 10 x up. Durkeo'a Salad Urvsgltllf. My WIfo leading br.audj) too uumpjoua" to mention .G-rafe'r. 11 Statu Ht. GRIDIRON NEWS ITEMS The First Team t F.nrtne toi tbe Benefit The V. of 0. to PUy Siaaford. The University of Oregon team will on tho California trip play Stanford, No vember 10, and Berkeley, November 17. It is now proposed and arrangement are being made to play the University of Nevada, in San Francisco, possibly November J4. Berkeley's manager has agreed to at tend to tho details of the Oregon-Nevada game, so that it fa only necessary to ar range preliminary matters. Saturday Oct. 27 tho first football gamo of tho season will bo played in Oregon. It la to bo between teams from tho U 0, and Capital City Athletic Club The Eugene Guard Bay a: Coach Kaaraberg is steadily working tlio varsity boys into lorm and in another week they should bo in good condition. Tlio second team, in charge of Profceeor Ilurdon is doing fine work, giving tho 'varsity team a lively rub every day. Tho team has not been selected, in fact there is more than one capable candidate for each of several positions and a choico will bo hard to make. The Salem team is composed of ex. perienced players who havo been stars on pchool nnd club teams. Including Clarence Bishop, Spiko Young, Uault, Sanders, Olinger, Judd and others who are recognized as among tho .best in the slate. It Is very probable that this team will givo the U O. boys tho hardest game they will have dnring tho year. The gatno will be played on tho U. 0. gridiron and will bo witnoEcd by a large crowd, A car of enthusiasts is expected to accompany the Salem team. "FOR A PRACTICE CAME. Chemiw Doys Wnilsc to Stand Defore the Sa lem Claats Tomorrow, D. E. Brewer, of Cheinawa, was in tho city today to eeo if tho Capital Athlet'c club would wish to play a prac tice game of football with tho Chemawa team tomorrow. A definite answer could not bo given him today but tho Chemawa boya will bo notided in tho morning. Mr. Browor eaye tho Chemawa team Is lighter than it was last ycar.und has not practiced enough to put up tho atrongoat gamoof uhlch they are capable, but they would bo pleased to givo tho Salem team u pruetica gamo if it is desired, THREE LAWYERS ARE ON TRIAL Julie Benneiteof The Dalles DefenJIar. Them on a Serious Cbarie. Thocasoof thoatato vs' I). W. Sheo ban, Walter G. Hayes nnd J. V. Luth oril is on trial lwforo Judge Robert Eakin at Enterprise, Wallowa county, On tho executivo order of Gov. Geer, Dennis Whitmoru has been released from imprisonment and escorted to Entorprlso to givo hfa testimony against these three lawyers who nro prominent members of tho profession In Eaatern Oregon. Whitmoru la serving a term In the pen for orJiiry. On hla trial ho teatilled tho defendants aboyo named paid him to jHirJuro himself and Judgo Eakiu insued an order for their arrest in tho courtroom. Ilia statement waa that thoy paid him about fL0 to swear falsely. Judgo Bennotto of Tho Dallea la defending tho men. HE SEVERED TWO ARTERIES R. K. A lluti, onu ot tho uttondanta at tho Illlheu lmwllng alley slipped Saturday evening, falling through a pauo of glats and cuttlng'hiaarm, completely ueverlng two arteries. Tho arm wan dressed by n physician and ho now rarrles it in a sling. TOMATO AND APPLE MARKET The Salem cannery la working t Ida week on apploa and tomatoes. For tho latter fS.OO per ton la paid, llaild-pluk-ed applea brli.g f 10.00 n ton und (8.00 for tho) piaketl up. Winter applea aro uanued mostly THE POTATO MARKET SOLID ilon. Mo Klnley Mitchell of Uurvnlo la in town euiwrvlelng aome ahlpiuenifl of (lotutoea. Ho pay 'Xcenta a bualiel for good ahippera, and fiiruiuheH suckB and thread. That JoyM FcelFnj Wlt'i thuoxhllurattug teiibuof ronewed health and atrength and Internal clean Ilneea, which follows the use of Syrup of Flga, la unknown to tho few who havo not progressed beyond tho old-timo mediulnea and tho cheap aubitlutes Bomuttnica offered but never accepted by thu well-informed, Buy tho genuine Manufactured by thu California Fig Syrup Co, I II ! Pall $10 Floe. John Yates, who went on tho war path Saturday evening while under tho Influence of strong water, plead guilty to dlaordorly com! nut beforo City Recorder Juduh and was fined J 10 which ho rustled up. J ERSONAL. R, T. Bay of Marion was In town to djy, lie ays )i cleared 000 on 1760 prune trees in bearing, tho second crop. Tvo yours ago Uiey brought him (1000. Sheriff Durbin. and Attorney Kulsor wurttat Hubbard today to conduct aomo replevin proceedings. Deputy Sheriff John Rktoa wur in Scotts Mills today on oflleial business. Mrs. Pe-tq Bocket loft toilay for a win ter.vlblt with relatives in California. Goo, Thurjton is a guest of hU grand father, GonomJ W. IlQdojl. Hoiij Ralph MpjHly, o( To'rlland, was in town today. SUDDEN DEATH IN CHINATOWN Hule On. "Very Good Honest Mio," Turns Up ; ins Toes. There was a sudden death in Salem Celestial circles Sunday night, Ilnie On passing In his checks rorou time between 7 and 10 o'clock. He was aged about -19 years and had been in this country about 25 years. Ten months ago he came to Sstem from Roee burg, where he had worked as a section hand on the railroad. Lie was Buffering f-om tho t-fTcta of an Injury received some years ago when a falling woodpilo hurt him internally and'hls death re sulted from a hemorrhage. He had been staying at tho establish. incut of Hoey Wing Yen, on Court street, and tho other Chinese had helped him. At 7 p. m. he went out, and at about 10 :30 a search was Insti tuted and ho was found dead in an out house. Tho Chinamen say ho waB'Vcry good honest man boya all like him all help him." Ac inquest is not considered neces sary, and tho remains will probably bo buried tomorrow. BROOKS EVANGELICAL . CHURCH DEDICATED Presiding Elder 0. 0. Poling of Dallas conducted dedicatory services Sunday of tho Now Evangelical church at Brooks. Rev. Lannor is the local pastor and a number of members havo been added to the church rolls. Tho structure cost $800 complete. Only (CO wore needed to pay all debts and $90 was raised.-" RAILROAD WRECKS. 'I'linmna A. Scott Unril to Handle 'I'll fin Without dlorr. , "When that wonderflal railroad gen Ilia, tho lute Tlioinurt A. Scott, waa building up the Pennsylvania Hystem, the work he did was HUpcrhuuiau, tho rexults ho accomplished marvelous," said an-old railroad man. "Hcott'waB eMsenthilly n uiau of nctlou. 'For ex uinple, at one time there occurred on tho line a freight wreck that piled up score of enrx In n confused heap lu a cutting, thus completely burring tho main lino. "The loenl authorises were beside themselves, for they could not llgnro out how the wreck could be cleared uuny nnd the line reopened In leas than two weukH. At this Juncture Scott ar rived on the scene nnd after n survey of the wieck aent for n great quantity of coal oil, with which ho had the pile thoroughly drenched. It wns then touched olT, and the god of Are boou removed all trace of It, and tnitllc was ruxmucd on the Hue In 21 bourn. "A bridge fell, nnd It wan feared a long delay must enmu but Bcott put more than 2,000 men to work on that one Htructure mid thus eliminated the lUi-Ktlon of delay. Those wero the dayH when Bitch things counted nnd were not only ponnlllc but ncccaanry. Todny railroading la reduced to such a line point tnut thu need for thuiu, no loui'?r exists, Tho rnnda nro too anfe guarded for Unit. "The Inst ItiHtunco I remember of Much railroad work iih that was nt the JohiiHtown Hood lu 1881), 1 think It wan. Frank TlioniHon, by great work nnd the uhc of aide linos, was one of tho first to arrive upon tho scen. Oneo there, ho took full control, the division HUperlntendentH from nil over tho Hue wero summoned, and u particular task was given to ench one to do Instantly. They one nnd all responded as beajt they could to the spur, nnd the lino was reopened with luci'edlblo swift ni'HS, Thero wero one or two failures, however, nnd those men, whllo they vcro kept on ns superintendents of un important mountain divisions, wero never ngnlu promoted," New York Tribune. "I WIN" AND "I LOSE." 8ortluir. Sic a Iiruore Their rennet nnU Meeiu I'lriuted, "Hnvo you over noticed the satisfied inuuncr of gamblers whllo twisting their tenses into the 'I win' nnd M lose' common to the fraternity?" romurked It man wlio Ims n fondness for Investi gating tho peculiarities, of his fellows, "I hnvo thought of that for a long time ever since that form of expres nIoii came Into common use among gninblerM. Wutch the llrst sport you hear talking In thnt style and uotlco tho pleasure he seems to tuko In roll ing his method of expression, Tho tcuae he usch evidently curries him back, nnd he enjoys again In the pres ent tho pleasures of the act when ho apeuks of It. Kvon If he says he 'loso' It gives htm grutltlcatlou, according to the philosophy of Charles Fox. who la authority for the stutement that tho greatest pleasure It) the world, next tq Winning money, is to loeo It. The iiiigriimmattcal fashion nmoug gamblers dates buck about 15 years. It seeiiis Impossible to conceive any reason for tho custom other than tho una I hnvo mentioned. That form of Bpeech Is still growing In popularity. Tho so called 'sporting men' have ex tended tho cope of the present tense to all their verbs. It Jars on me some times, but oven then I find consolation n (he knowledge that 1? tho 'sports' tl lil not affect thnt particular stylo of speech 05 In 100 of thorn would do oven, worse, and their presplit ptctutvaquo dcutuice of grummtir Is "n relief from thu possibilities of such expressions as 'I seen' and 'I done "New York Times. How Ha Knerr, A ragman who was gathering up wornout clothing In the country pur chased a pair of discarded trousers at a furmhouae aud remarked to tho man of tho house as he puld for tho BtutT he had beught: "I see, sir, that yoii ure about to loso your land on n mortgage." "Guess you aro right," said the dis couraged looking furmer, "but will you tell me how the Sum Hill you founi) that out?" "Busy enough." enld the cheerful' ragman as ho settled back vu the seat of his peddling wagon. "I uotlco that these old punts tire completely ployed out ho fnr an the part of 'em you sat down on Is concornod, but they show tj " - 3WW.J01I1 THE SILENT CASHIER 1 ii m " -r-c Is what the busy business ister. As is sometimes eaiU ot uns marveioua pneo oi uirvniwuu. i .nnn t.ib n- niv hn nlnnn. but to the busv man it can and does IhinPi of vastlv more rare thing by tho way a eeven day wonder. o press the button mm ti.Ai.ranV in.t it Mf tliR rest" iiftmelv: rcuistcr the kind andamountof rour purchase, prints, dates and issues a tickotj containing tlieeo facts, and tho further information that tho holder thereof Is entitled to a rebate of 5 per cent, on cash purchases, and this is a point careful buyers do not and others shou Id not loeo sight of. We were tho llret to Introduce thla system in Salem, but all good things havo imitators, and which we nro told is tlie stneor Ml inrm nf ilnttnrv. Ilnwnmr thin mnv bo. WO lead and nrO COn- tnt tn Imrn ntlipre follow. line, always go the reliaMo, leading drugstore ot DAN'L J. FRY, 310 Commercial St. Spend a few Looking over Furniture The Right Prices yours for bargains. P. D.HOLJJS Si CO. FIRST DOOR NORTH A PRESBYTERIAN FOR BRYAN One Preacher Who Will Hot Stop at the Prohi bition llair-Way House. Rev. Joseph Jlrown Tnrncr, pastor of the Dover Presbyterian church, Dover, Del,, who has announced his intention to forsako tho Republican party and support the Democratic ticket, said in an interview on Wednesday: "I shall voto for Mr. Dryan in Novem ber, though I never beforo voted tho Democratic ticket. While I nm some what reluctant to talk about my political relations, I see-no reaaou why I should not candidly state aomo of tho reasons for my personal convictions and my change of politicah alignment at this time. "Thu ax ia laid at tho root of tho treo under whose shadow wo havo sat with rtlellght. It is a tlmo for every man who loves frco institutions and truo demo cratic principles to speak and kcop on speaking. No more precious legacy ever came to any peopli than that lMMiiicathcd by our forofathcrs to all succeeding generations of Americans. This generation is lu dnngurof belittling thnt legacy and of casting it wholly aside. " Wu havo outgrown the principles of our fathers,' wo nro told, 'and we may safely discard thorn,' Wo cannot keep to tho dd linos and continuo to expand . We cannot keep ineido of constitutional limitations and bo a world power. Then wo had better not be a world powor. "I am a constitutionalist. Until wo change our constitution In tho orderly way provided in the constitution itself, I can eoo nothing but overwhelming disaster in a rofusalor a neglect to abide by Its guarantee and restrictions. Wo havo goao outside of thoso restrictions and guarantees under tlio leadership ( f tho present administration, nrd what tho end may bo under such leadership it is not difficult to foresee. "Mr. McKlnloy declares, with hands uplifted to heaven, that moral reasons force us to stay in thu Philippines for if wo wero to withdraw our nrmios tl o people would notboablo to govern them selves. These are the vlcloua stages by 1 havo soino good Iwnwlns in ai'oond hand machines now, have sout out several li the last few duva too, Thero rvtuaiiiB a Hone at t, a good old Davia vortical feed, at f5. a spleuded Crown for $10, a New Home Sn excellent con dition, and a Wheeler & WiUon at 120. These machines havo all been put iu re pair and will do good work; aomo of tho better ones almost aa good aa now. I havo sold all of my second hand organs and piauos, and several customers got big snaps in them. 1 may havo another ono or two in very shortly, Thero aro still twino big bargains ro maiulug in now pianoa aud organa. It's wliolelot bettor to buy at the prices we are naming than to pay rent for aomo old piano. Come and Beo for yourself. There's a saving of from 25 to S3 1-3 per cent. All on 'standard mal-oj ot pianos and organa too. Kq "Btenoil" goods iu the houbo. F'A.OtfTQQlNS 307 Commercial SUeet. piijzxr - - - SOI mum mau terms the latest improved Cash Reg importance. It is an infallible cashier a Hut when von want the beat ill the drug , tho progressive, tho up-lo date, tho Minutes our line of and our pricesvvill convince you that we have the right jjoods at OF POSTOFFICE. which wo havo been led to an ambitious leadership, lusting for powor and hid. ing its purposes belling a wordy fog ot pio'us and patriotic cant. ''This is why I am willing to siieak. This is why I shall cast my ballot for William J. Dryan ns against William McKlnloy. 'They say that Mr. Hryan ia not n safe man. Possibly ho is not. Dut whon I find ono mau oiigagcd iu break ing tho furniture of my hoiiBO, while another la setting firo to thu house itaolf, I will attend to tho firobng first. 1 do not bolieve, though, that Mr. Bryan is an unsafe unn. Ilia utterances duriiur tho wholo of thla oampatgu have been titatcsmanliko nnd every won! baa rung truo. Ills Indianapolis epscch ia tho noblest utterance this nation has ever heard slnco Lincoln spoko at Gottya burg. If ho is elected wo will bo spared tho repetition of tlio shameful spectacle of an administration endeavoring in au oflleial capacity to porpotuate itself. IIo saya be will not accept a second nomina tion, nnd I believe him. IIo speaks like an lionest, straightforward," God-fearing man. THEY PREFER OLD WEBFOOT Mr. and Mrs. John Craig of Maeleay who rented a pieco of property In Call fornia and paid 5100 cash rent down havo returned to Oregon. They havo concluded not to go back to California for tho present. THE HIGH STANDARD HOUSE Hotter monla and for loss monoy oan bo had at 8tron'a than at any other place in tho city. """""""Ml NEW TODAY. FOR KU.R good onler. street. A Wahburn Guitar in Can Ik) Mien at 473 Front 10 22 3t FOR PALE. A pond saddlo ponv for salnohenp. Enquire nt No, 15 Court streot. 10 22 tf FOR BALE Well-matched span ofblark mares and a now Rain wairon. nlao range nearlv now, hoallnRRtove, fnrni turn etc. Inquire Christ Horn. 1 milo northeast of asvlum. 10 22 3t STHAYED.-Liifl.t brow,, l,oro. lino backed, rnnehed fnrcfnp. tar in fore head, welitlit 1000 pounds. Itewanl Address W. R Now, Salem. 10 22 3tt TOTRTDE-lfi0 "m-ren oMamMn Sou I horn Kaii'aa to trade for a atook ronoh or fruit farm. A eood pat t of it i river lmttnm hind. Apply to J. O Mills, Salem, Or. Q 22 lw Have Your Piano Tuned. Mr. Souleof Hnulo Hroa Piano tunora arrived todny. Anv ono wanting their piano tnnrd leave their order immedia tely at Geo. 0. Will's music and sowing mauhlne store. Quinces la Market. And all othor fruit, groceries and pro- V1HOUB that VOIl rcinlr fm- ....... t.,l.l can bo bought Ht fair prices from "Od IlEANSNN .t MxnxK Th Pioneer .Bakery Has been enlarged, has a now oven, and wo are serviiiL, nnr i.nui. .. ...:n. n. oet of bread. I. cultn. nto ..,! !,. baked fresh rarh dav, Whhtu'ott tt Stolz. Don't Forjet When von am twlna Pnoi in ii... beat road. That menus lo go via tho tho .iviiuurii lucmc. , This company ruua two through vea tlbuled tnilna dally between Portland and St. Paul. I.pavo Pn,i...,i no and 11 :30 p.m. 10 1(1 14 Cider Barrels. I havo a lot of luirmlu ami b..a ...tt able for cider, wlno or vineear. Call on 1". Rogers. 213-222 Com., St. 10 9 1m For Sale. 10Q cords ash wood detlveretl I.. Works. 19th and Slntn str.w t..i.. phono 20?1. ' 10I12 tf New MUllnery Derirtment. Mrs. X). L. PI on tor lina ni.,,,wl .... . millinery department in Greenbauln's Ury Gotxla Store, whee site ivIU bo pleajed to eeo all her old friends and na Our Specials SotSaiSftKa? ' itinti'e litftct riiilac nf Rnv Pnitc fer CI tl .VJ1mC- Serge suits $8.50 and up x A splendid line of suits J $b.uu. so.uu ana ao.u' we are neaaauartftrs nnc nnA riti rrlun lifttti n luuio uuu vuu 6rw 1111,111 iu juu nuiii pt.3j i) A IX (in Ask to see them -tJust finishing our lot of Campaign HitV are offering them at extra low prices and the way thev h going it will be hard to judge which way the election win turn x We are now offering the remains of our capes ma jackets at prices that will pay you to investigate x a swpii line of skirts in all the latest colors. Some nice one? fS $1.50, $1.75 and up x You will find a splendid assortment of dry goods, furnishing goods, etc.. at ,u friiiaii's New Racket Store. : Cor. State and Com. Sts. Salem Or. flRF i ilL High grade dry goods at low grade prices. The store is being rapidly depleted. ' - We have good all wool dress goods. Fine Silks, rich velvets, good underwear, hosiery, corsets and gloves, nice lines of ribbons and laces, umbrellas and mackintoshes. Hats, caps and shoes. '', ISflDORE SREEHBnOM First Door South of the Postofilce, s TO 4t&, - .1 -ir :, - V ' clSln&g I ....?. - i&zLx ' ' STB1NER & BBRGBR mo sTArrc a a o MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY- Conducted by tho Benedictine Fathers, the Ideal Place lor Your Boys, WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 C n JsiNUi; a &66&tZ't6y AT THE CAPITAL HUSINESS I h prorata year. You will find hero skillful teachers, correct mothodsand modem I'liiiimiit-iiiH. oiuuents numiiieu nt anv catalogue uililnips, 4. gSlioesI "Wo hnyo thuin und for winter wear thoy cannot bo beat." Our prices will suit you. Comu mid examine our stock, ; : : 7i e; f. osburn. gasa P.O. Oregon VVVt.xvwxVk,k J. J. Tlssot and h is fumniia Paintings of thoLlfoof Ohriat. Tho greatest urt achievement of the century. At tho Firet PresbyteiJan ohuroh October 23 & 21th. The descrip tive locluro by Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D. ellvored before tho Cathedral class of Firet Presbytorian church Portland Or, will be given with theso platurea. Tickets for tho Course 35 cents. Single Tinket 25uenti. For sale at The W. H. Durghart & Co , Rook Store. Commorolal St. Dissolution Notice. Tho firm of Ot rdnor & White (making a specialty of bleyolo re(uiring) baa dis eolvetliwith mutual consent aud i suc cewletl by White & Mooro who will con tliiue tho biuiness at tho old Bland 228 Liberty St. L. K Ganlner haa relafned thtt unibrella stock and removed tho same tni3 State street. (2 doors west of Stolner Drug Co.) where he will be found ,v"mWW repair or cover ywrold umbrellas. i,ntffin nqw,ft? umw Indeblsd to sjtl with either metiiber. L. It. Gahrxhh R- I Whitk. Sulem, Oct. 17, 1000. 10t fnr .- tttt frnm C A Cf .i.yir - '-,. - 5tN VBS - mtMmjl. iuS Prepare for Winter By buying a new stove or ffcil Iiavintr the old one relink. ,7fil,a We have a large assort ment of Heaters and Steel Ranges which we offer at low prices. Repairs made, p,i pes sup plied and stoves set up on .! I? . i Miun nonce iourpaiiiiii age solicited. Aa nu investment, pays substantial dividends. This fact is demonstrated continually by our graduates. Fourof our students hnvo gone from school to profitable employment during tholiit two weeks. Plan now to take a count. COLLEGE. SALEM, OREGON. tlmo. visitors wolcomo. for hiusiihum y( itrated , II ! f W. I. Stai.kv, Principal, Salem, Orego MISS EVA IT. COX Teuohsr of PIANO AND ORGAN ., Also clnsses in siuht readlmr- Studio No 333 Front Streot, Salem, Oregon- , MISS BEATRICE SILTIlN Taaoliar of- PIANO AND ORGAN Also clnssea in sight reading. Studio. 47t Frout street, Salem. Oregon. t Wlm Ikrllii II. t;: PIANIST Puplla ncci)ted nt any time. Kft-i-denco 1 block west of North School, bi lem, Oregon. N. W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART A.J. Garlrnd. Prln. Literary Dep't. Z. M. parvln. Mus. Doc, Director of Department of Music. : ; Futl courtca In the Principal branchciof mo1' . ana art. KIrt term begin Mobly Bert R Bna for circular to Z. M. VWWa Mu loc , sale"1 Music room No. 7, Patloa Illk. Northwestern Normal tt School and Business College Salem Oregon Term opens Sept. 24. Complete eourws or atudjr Norm' BomwS and Art. Full' Scully. 8turPtory wort. oena tor clreular. A, J. GARLAND. A. M- Prwclpat American Laundry- a AiuerN,. fl uwnea antl oporatmt ty ,uc"t- am. ftf.l.. .IIIA .l IrtMnilrv HI alr T'. ,, Vl.f -.--' J" ' " . ...wVV.MHJ.. -..-' -- rf". - , 1UM s". j i tun uuiuu biiu iuh-) -j lM. , I Jiurch street. To enhone aam Ui-nnl. tinnr. aim OAvmr Stor?' Fair Ground Store, Yaw Park Urocrfji Allen & Bovorsox, State Street Swi, -.7 W