The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 22, 1900, Image 3

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E. ,-r
R vlVWin
w yf-gWrn
A iKflfll
L. ,
Uiroopth lb umoi nw
bro'alUtpleJde, U only
jrVrtlon on "'
lttrehi unci u
nlblUto the Briu or
Mierot Out, ft pfn-
.11. Ia fn All Uftlll fll.
Mat, It thai min dun-Ar-lt
ailit fuJtliltf hi r Im
rioMlble, ana anil a, wick.
axnrUnt growth to Unlace
tha f armtr thin, brittle bfttr.
Tb gtntlemen will alio
find II a InMtlmibte boon
a Ht.m. u it wnrk. lllm fl.
rhum an bill bexlf. brlnnnr inrlh
growth of loft, thick ulr that nron
mif hi n pruuu oi.
Iin draaaUU
per tb following t
roMlitt proclaim iti Tjrta.i, m
Orric or VT. It. MtmairrKoTD,
prescription Drugglit,
SUtt;li.i. lloxi.; imi, VS.
ir(r; H?rrleketMrtolnlr a Reed
ottlcla, and will do tha work m admlti'd i
that li why wa icll It. I RurntrmT bot'
tie,anilnonobabnreiornnl, rleuetend
ma aaothtr doi.n.and oblige, Youmeipect
tully, W. U. liDiatmoTD.
For Sale at all Flnl-Clau Druj Stotti.
C. T. Go's
r kWKMm M'tKAhiifii
.mi)- -it
LKAVIM foil l'OmTiANl)
)lr njcopt Hiinilar at 7 n m.
Dock Iwtwoon HUfo nmt Octort Hta.
it. J. JMLMVIN. Aent
Come and see us. for" cheap
crockery and glassware. The
'assortment is too large to men-
tion it in a small space like
iifhis. Cups and saucers, 65c,
raet of six.
The entire line of enameled
nvare will be" cleared out at
ft cost price. Come and get
"what you need, you will find
ir cheap.
-tlbliama Tea Store
Phono 2111.
Freo Uollvery,
ftSplra. Thos. Smith
is spending a fow
ml Portland.
Delhi Porter has
returned trom
Mm. flnrnli (Iftrnssn.
of Ixibanon, is
-visiting friends hero.
Sillier (Scotch) is at Portland for
pays on buslnose.
Ming Pearl Purtch started
for Santa Ann, Gal.
L. O. Ilockult has returned from
three week's visit with friends at
AW. Mize, principal of tlio Qervals
echools, left for hia post of duty this
rJMrs. W. 11. Miller and family, ol
NortlpYamtilll aro visiting Mr. and
MreiflO. H. Jones.
jMraV Matthews of Portland was up
ioWan over Sunday visit with Mrs.
iJohnTstltos at tho asylum.
4Mr9. W. I). Mageo, and brother, Paul
MUUburg, left this morning for Gem,
r rwii&i
" fjJMIsa
y visit In
a ' fOMk
Zy laabo. wlioro Air.iMaeeo is oranioveu.
pMr.and Mrs. K. W. Dickson, and Mr.
udlMra. Clyde Van Onlen loft this
.t.Lixmmz rt i i . t 1
LHearHini; 10 una noiues lor new-mitrrieu
I(Hij4ea at Fisher, Wn.
Willa TIawloy, of Cottage Grove,
3uth last night after a fchort visit
wHRTfrieudg hero'on Jier way homo from
:Kawn Oregon where she has sp-nt the
,fHtv and Mrs Tli'M. Kooyer and
vihlliirun loft for Hot l.uke, Union coun-
are Mr. Hoover succeeds P E. K,
'W1 . i t f i. .i l I.. i. ...
eworiliy us r.inui in mq iiuici ucjiurf
of the Sanitarium.
Heed, tho Democratic chairman
rora, was at suiutn over buuaay.
JBjys tlio numlwr ol peopio wuo iear
will sell out to Mark Httti'ia is
UrQ there as it was.
' Scliulix, the miller who ju now a
rtabla rancher, was in town today.
,Wman, the M. K missionary,
bed to the boys at the reform school
tf-mutu school Sunday,
1,0, B. MoorM,of Oreg-m Pjty.was
Sinday looking alter Iho inter-
the McKiuluy ajiulninration.
all's Couxh Syruo mtt dUifwUts
rwlio use it for owuiiato cougli'.
ImikI irrtlwtions of tliu throat and
It stands iiurivaleil as a remwiy
roat aid luni? .ureases, bout uy
iggista at 96 cenU.
tto WsdtM Kaw Wnr$Bfe
? f Gyww
A Few Plain Words With Our
Readers About Ourselves.
The Proscectus of The Journal ani the Line of'
uaiuc wnere it win Be Found Flihflof in
Front Rank for the People.
Wo wantn fow words hi prhato with
ovcry reador of Thk Journal,. The
publishers havo been nblo to maintain
an independent paper against tlio
schemes of the political ring that bought
stock and sought to overthrow the pa
per. They have appealed to tlio supremo
court, but, as they utterly failed to ea
tnbllsh a singlo ehargo thoy mado
against Hofer Rrotliora of financial mis
nianngement, we have no fear of meet
ing them in lhq highest tribunal.
In the battlo lor good government by
an independent paper tho people havo
also a duty to perfom, and wo appeal to
honest mon of all parties who lovo fair
p'ny. Wo want ycur personal Bupport
this coming winter. Wo want your ro
no wale of subscription and the names
of our neighbors who aro reading tho
paner.-vho .aro roadlng it without pay
ing for It wo want JLont to become sub
scribers. Wo offer thorn tortna that aro
positively money-savors and, no matter
what tholr politics, our clubbing offers
must suit thorn in some way.
A 4ollar for ho Dolly or Weekly
Journal now will carry ym oyer tho
national election, and over tho Orison
legislature, which will involve a redhot
fight for the Senatorshlp. Tliu position
of tho Journal on that question is un
equivocal. It will opposo sending a man
h0 lho 8onnto 'tno United states who
was a silver man when ho thought that
would got him thoofllce, and who is now
A gold man because ho thinks that will
gilt him the olilco. Oregon should scud
a man to tho Senate who is it positive
quality and as this is a ltepubllt'iiu
legislature no shall udvocato the election
of a man who will maltaln the present
standard and currency system as a mat
ter of principlo to ensure security ami
stability in our financial affairs. The
gold standard is established in theory
only. Wo still have n ere lit paper
system resting on tho fiat and proinho
of parity, with neatly four tlmeH S
much currency as thoro is gold to ro
deem It with. The monoy question whs
tho Ipsuo in 1800 and should not be dis
turbed by electing tilmmoru nuil mu
uncertainties to tho Souato.
Tho JouiiNAb publishers tiro sending
out sample copios of tho Daily und
Wockly Capital Journal. Both aro in
dependent papers nud tho cheapest
published on tho coast. We save jon
money becauso wo do not send papers
boyond tho timo ordorod. Wo givo you
tho not prico and employ no agents and
pay no commissions. Wook'ly f 1,00 a
year, Daily 30 cents a month or four
mouths $1.00.
Tho Daily at 132 days for 100 cents is
tho boat thing for tho monoy in tho way
of an associated press newspaper pub
lished fn tlio world that wo know of.
Each day ia a complete history by itself.
In politics Tub Journal behoves in
government for the pcoplo in tho broad
oat eenw. Hero aro sorco of tho reforms
it has carried out and that aro still Iks-
ing dovelopcd.
It has succeeded for two yoara with
good mon of all parties in putting tlio
city of Salem on a non-partisan busi
ness basis, saving the jwoplo thousands
of dollars and will light to continue it.
Tho Journal has introduced finance
for the peopio and helped carry out two
popular loans at four per cent when tho
bjnd syndicates wero making the people
pay from plx to ten percent. This must
be extended. It ia wrong to compel! the
poople to pay six per cent on their debts
when money can bo had at 3 to 4 per
cjnt, Tho Mariou county warrant ring
roust be overthrown and a popular loan
used to put the county on a cash basis.
In tho comiug legislature Tim Joubsal
will fight to elect an United States Sena
tor who shall not sell out the rights of
the people to the trusts, who stands for
tho freest trade with our Island posses
sions, and who favors putting them un
der territorial form of self government
by the people of the Hands instead of
military and commission rule. The
constitution provide how they shall be
governed and any other form of govern
ment will prove a burden to the taxpayer
and will not establish peaco or prosper
ity. Special CtubMnr Rates.
Weekly Journal and Weekly Oro
uonittu f I 60
Weekly Journal and tri-Weekly
Now York N orld . ........... f I W
Weeklr Journal and Weekly Paoific
Farmer " '
Weeklv Journal and Weekly Orange
Judd Farmer. ..
Wtu-kly Journal and Weekly Ex-
aminor .,,, .,, v;:.-"
Weekly Journal and Weekly Ohio
Farmer , H W
Daily Journal four months or
Weekly one year with map of
Oregon ,...,. , ft 35
Any other paper you may wish dob
blue rate on we will glayou the lowest
vash clubbing return mail and
savo your monoy on your yoar'a roadlng
matter. No papers sont boyond tho
timo ordorcd and paid for.
Unfair Treatment.
Mrs. Ida II. Harper in tho Now York
Sun calls attention to tho Cenrus of
Porto Rice, which showa that If tho
lightest of educational qualifications is
Imposed, merely that of being ablo to
read and write, only one-fourth of tho
inalo citizens will bo able to voto. Sho
Bays' "Someway out of this dilemma
will bo found, for our govorment will
novor allow threo-fourtha of tho men
anywhoro to bo disfranchised. Tho Idea
is not entertAincd for one moment, how
over, of allowing tha fow educated
women on tho Island to cast a ballot.
Every incentlvo will booffored tho I men
to study tho eolenco of government and
nil public questions ; nono at all will be
placed beforo tho women, and thus at
tho vary beginning thoy wilt bo put at a
disadvantage and tho men will bo im
pressed with tholr own superiority. If
both could start ovon thoy could develop
togothor, but now, from year to year,
tho gulf between them will bo widened
and deepened by tlio political dredging
Fix Tuition Ctiaiteaat$5 and $7.50 Per Terra
for Outside Pupil t.
Tlio board of directors of tho Salem
school district held Its regular meeting
Saturday night, all being present oxcopt
Director Johnson.
In tho matter of tho tuition of pupils,
not rcgistoied in this district, who at
tend tho public, schools of tho city, the
foes wero fixed at $5 por term for Uio
primary grado and f7C0 for advanced
Tho following bills were ordered paid :
11. M. Wailo Co J 20
Jijn 8 ,,,,'t, 225
John U . Burr (eBtoto). . .... a 75
Ilanso't & I,nndo;i ..,',,, 2 60
,J A, Nelson , , 1 50
John HiiRhc8 , 11 55
Buren & Hamilton ;!" M
Pacific StaUs Telephone and Telo-
iimpli Co 0-15
John M. J'ayno 50 00
Bnzorlh Dioh.
50 00
Gilbert Bro W) 00
Beware of Ointment furCfltorrli fhflf Contain
in innrmrv ill mrelv destroy tho Henso I
nl hiiiiiII mid i!iiiniiliti!lv iliriiiiirtt llm .
wlmh) cyHtdiii wIumi entering It through
llm iiuo"iirt finfiiei'M. Such articles
flioiihl nev'r ln U"i'd exeepton prefcrlp
lions rum ri'pniiHilu iliynlcinn, as the
diimitgit they will do Is ten fold to tho
iiwt) you mil IK) el lily derive from them.
Hall's Culnrrli ('urt. manufactured by
F .1. Chomiy A Co , Toledo, 0 , contains
no mcri'tirv, and it lukeu inlurnnlly, not
ing ilirectlv iijxui tlio IiIoikI and mucous
MirfneeH of Dm ej sit-in In buylnt: Hall's
Catarrh Cuio be sure you get the gen
iiino It is taken iulernally, und made
in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold bv Druggist'', prico 75c per bottle.
IlallVFamily Pills are tho best.
Tuesday Cvenlm October 23rd, to Aid the
Choir Fund.
A musical concert will lie given Tues
day uvenlng ut St. Joseph's .hall by
members of the choir, ussistcd by Miss
Marguerite Alderson, Miss Helen W.
Copelaud, Miss Gertrudo Stahloy and
director, Prof. W. F, Scobio.
moan ax,
Clarlnotto Solo Selected, Mr. Chas.
Song A Song of tlio Norseman, Jor
dan, ITOl. Hcomo.
Song Bye-Low Baby, Scobio, Miss
Emma Mueller.
Song When the Mists Havo Cloarod
Away, Horsthaw, Miss PoUell.
Song Ben Bolt, KneaBS, Miss McGee.
Hong Creolo 1ivo Song, Smith, Miss
Helen W. Copoland
Bong "Little Boj Bluo," NovlnB,
Misa M, Aldorron. . . ,
Song Tho Village Blacksmith, Wotss,
Prof. Scobio.
Accompanists Mies Lena Benolt and
Abb Gertrudo Stahloy.
Admission 15 cents. Commence at 8.
Keep Yourseir Stroar.
And you will ward off colds, pneumonia,
fevers and other diseases. You need to
have pure, rich blood and good diges
tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the
blood rich ond nttro as no other medi
cine can do. It tones the- stomach,
creates an uppetile and invigorates tho
whole system.
Hood's Pills aro non-Irrltatlng. Price
25 cents. o
President Hayes' $6,000 Dinner.
"In President Van Buren'a adminis
tration tho custom of serving eatables at
public receptions in tho White Houoe
came to an end," writea Bene Bathe,
in the September Ladle' Home Journal.
"It had been so abused that Just prior
to tho election of 1840 hungry crowds
besieged tho Kast Boom clamoring to bo
fed and threatening to vote aganist Mr.
Van Buren If thoy wore uot supplied
with food. Since that timo tho only
chief executive who baa provided 're
freshmeuts' on such occasions was Prosl
dont Hayes. Although President Hryes
offered no wino to hia guests ho spent a
largo part of his salary in entertaining.
A single enterainment coat him ffl,000.
Piesident Authur had the reputation of
giving the most costly dlnuers."
Ibo you
Dr. HuII'o Cough Syrup will core a
Cough or Cola &b once. Conquoro
Croup, Whooplng-Cough and Meaale
Cough without full. Mothers praiso
It Doctors proscribe It foe Bronchi.
Ha, Hoarseness. Grippe, Pneumonia,
and Consumption, It glvca quick,
sure results. Price, 25 cts. Itofusotbe
dealer's Bubatitnto; It is not as Reed.
Cough Syrup
Always cures when others fail.
Dr. Dulfa PtUa euro CoatUpatlM Md Uxtr
TreubUo. j plUa, iv et. Trul b, a rt.
"Who trust to Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It cures ninety
eight per cent, of all who ufce ft
Old forms of disease, obstinate
cough, weak lungs, spitting of
blood, wcaknesti and emaciation are
perfectly and permanently cured by
tills powerful remedy.
"My wife had heinorrtiare 6f the
lungs' writes W, A. Sander. Bsq., of
Hern, Manon Co., W. Va. ''She had
ten hemorrhages, and the people al)
around here aid she would never b
well airaiil. Out she began to take
Or. Flerce'a Golden Medical Placoyery
and she soon began to gain strength
and fleah. After Uklnp (C bottles aba
was entirely well. If any one douhU
this, they may enclose self-addressed
envelope with sUmp, and I will answer,"
Sick persons are invito to consult
ur. ncrce by letter fre of rtarvf.
AH correspondence strictly private.
Address Dr. &. V. Pierce,
uuumu, n. v.
A. Wliolrnome ConilitMutlnn JjJ Ftf
linil lMilloRoph)-,
'Copyright. 1W0, by Q. U. Uwls.J
Bomo peopio vhns born dot way umj
can't help It. Lfisf yppjc my briddcr
n-lnw goes oudt In Uor yvoofjs to Ull n
rabblfl He dotin' Und pq rabbits, but
lie kHs n fox und den comes homo und
Ulclcs about (lis imni JhpK,
III my time I Imf caught Home flslj
dot wolelied 20 pomidH apiece, but dot
ilonn' siitlsfy pie. I vhn nlwnys
inoiirnhig ufter doso flsh which weigh-
C1' lU"ds
npleco mid got avhiiy
ffOUl U11-.
I hnf hnd men pick my pockctni und
I huf hnd friends borrow my money,
und I can't quite figure out why dor
pickpocket should bo ncnt to Jail Und
tier odder party go free. IOvhiis till
der samo to mo I got nothing back.
If a man comes to me und doan' say
nottlngs, mebbu he gets feefty cents,
but If a man comes to me und pays
ho vhns a miliar' man und can't sleep
nights If he doan' pay his debts I shtist
wnllc off tiud lenvu him to talk tult tier
Der man who calls mo oop at mid
night to tell mo dot my henhouse door
vitas open thinks to do mo d favor,
but If ho vhas a philosopher ho would
tee dot If der door vhas open some
thief must haf takou der fowls, und of
what use to break oop my sleep? It
rhas better for all of us dot we stop a
You vhlll always find men who vhns
In troubles because of uot knowing a
rood thlug when It vhas put at dem. I
anco offered a thief f 2 In cash to keep
ivhny from my chickens, but one night
ho goes to steal au old rooster worth
feefty cents und vhas lqmed for life
mtt a charge of buckshot.
Nopody can depend upon der poobllc.
Vhen I vhas an honest aldermans, enf.
irybody believes I vhas dishonest und
aiako teu t'ousand dollars out of somo
ihobs. Vhen I goes by der legislature
and makes $20,000 In one day, de.r peo
ple hurrahed for me und called me
'Dot Honest Dootchmans."
Ono night Mrs. Dunder wakes mo
op uud says a burglar vhas In der
"Vhell, how vhas It?" I says.
"You must drlvo him out,"
"Dot vhas no policy. If I drive him,
jut, be comes back somo other night.
If I lot him look aroundt und flud not
tlngs to steal, ho not only walks avhay
jy himself, but he feels It vhas no use
jo come again."
Vhen I vhas going home in a crowd
ed street car der odder eafulags, I glf
lop my seat to a fat man.
now vhns dot?" Bald ono of jy
friends. "Haf you got somo pity for
.lot man?"
"Not a bit," says I. "I simply glf oop
ray seat to revenge on my fellow men.
poan' you see dot ho takes oop twice
my room uud squeezes twice as many
folks together?" M. Quau.
lieutenant Jones' .Nerve.
"The nerviest act I know of," said a
ICansas man while discussing tho
world's brave deeds, ''was performed
by Lieutenant Jones of the company of
marines that took John Urowu at Har
per's Ferry. Robert B. Lee had ad
aneetl bis 00 marines In a semicircle
ibout the armory In which Hrowu nud
tils men had taken refuge. Then Lieu
tenant Joues stepped out and com
menced to read the riot act to tho men
behind the armory wajls, and, though
they kept a'bootfng at him, bis voice.
aever wareretL uor did ho show any
Uher sign of trepidation, I was lu that
fompauy fif marines. Kauaas fllly
TI...-L 1 U
, x uiiTUAnji,
.Oct.' 2a.J-Wlioat
Wnlln -UTnll. RQ
normal uuc;
Flour Portfind. liont ifrn'ilro Won tk
f3.0. Graham 2.60.
Oata Ohoico Whito 42Q43o, groy 40
41o por'.buBhol.
MlllBlufr Bran, $15 50? ahottuf 1?.00
Hay Timothy 11213 por tori.
Onions 8Cc H A
Potatoes 50 to 60c por sack.t
Butter Best dairy, 25030; Jaucy
oroamory, 45 to 50c. Store 26s-3f
Eggs Oregon, fresh 25o. w
Poultry Chickens, $2 50 to3.50;Tiena
t3.50 to 4.00; turkoya, IlvO 11 to 12c.
Mutton Dressed, 0M to 7c por pound.
Hogs Heavy dressed a to 0)c.
Beef Steers, $3.504; cows, $33.50;
dressed bcof, 0 to 7c.
Veal Dressed, 8 f)c. for Bmall.
lions 2658c. for lflOO eron. 12lrf In
14kc for now crop."
wool Vajloy, I415cjfi Eastern Ore
gon, 10l3o Mohair, 2f.
Ilhlftft-nrivri. nnltnd lUl Ilia 73i0n.
under CO lbs, 78J ; ehoop pelts, JQ
Wheat 58 pounds and ovor, 60
Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 25c.
Hops II to I5c v
uatB !i7 toaac.
Hny Baled, cheat, f7j timothy, 10.
EgRS-22 25c. . ., , , ,
Flour In wholesale lota. S2.50: rnbitl
$0. ""
Millstuffs-Bran, 13; shorts, $14). '
Hogs Dressed, 4?4C. ,m
IJvocatUc Bteora,3)-roWB, 3 t6
Shoop ?.13.6b'.'
Dressed Veal 7 conta.
Butter Dairy, 150200 ; croaniW, 26
Poultry Fnthona ipr lb.,fl spring
chiokons por lb., (!o.
Potatoes now, 30o nor bnshol.
If You Wish to Travel n Comfort
Tnlrn iltn Nnrllmrn Pnnlllo PnllitnVj
Company's elegant, now and complete
train, tho North Coast Limited."
, Tho out fittings and furnishings on this
train lenvo nothing to bo desired,
If voti havo novor trnVelnl nn lliln
Bupprb trftln, it will surprise you with
us uiogniipu, qn it ;osi(( no Uiorp man
by otner trains. Loaves Pqrthinu dally
: p. m. 41; mi 'it
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Boars tho
Biguaturo of
tjaylljht Slopoyefat Majara Falls.
Through first class toualstaleoperfrom
Pacitlc Coast weekly for Chicago. Boston,
Now York, and other eastern points, via
Rio Grnndo Western, (Great Halt Lake
Route) Dnnvor & Rio Grande, UR1&. P
and Illinois Contral to Ohlcags, connect
ing in tho Union Depot with Michigan
Central's similar car for points east.
For particulars call on or add resa Local
Agents or,
Com'l Ag't, III. Cent. It. It.
8 Otf 142 Third St., Portland Oro
Tho Great Rock Inland Routo lias
just inaugurated a wookly personally
conducted tourist car service between
tho Pacific coast and points Kast in con-
tlon with tho Rio Grnndo Western und
Denver & Rio Grnndo and Illinois Con
tral Rys.
Ry leaving Portland on any Baturday
morning ;ia tho O. H. & N. connection
can bo mado on this car nt Ogden, or
by leaving Portland on any Thursday
evening, via tho Southern Pacific, con
nection can bo mapo with this car at
Hacramento. Ask your tlckot agent
about tliis car or write to
A. K. Cooi'Kit,
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon. 0 20 If
Wheat Sought and Stored
By tho Aurora Roller Mills
Ilranch ofllco and warohousol8Trado
at. between High and tjhurch streets.
Uuckwbcat and oats bought at highest
market price.
7-27-tf dAw
Heavy water tight "shoes for mon
und boys. High cut, best makes.
Boots and Rubbers " for La
dles and children. Cheap as
any in tlio city. Repairing neat
ly and protnptly done, ; :
Jacob logl
05 Btate Street.
In Satom and .Albany-
DR. GRACE ALBRIGHT, graduate of
American Hehool of Osteopathy.
8ALKM Jlonday, Welnes.lay and Fri
day hours, U to 12 a. m ; 1 to 4 s30 p.
pi. OIHce ovor Weller's grocery.
ALBANY Tuesday, Thursday and .Sat
urday; hour. 0 to 12 ft. ni ; 1 to b p
rn, Olilco Albany, Mcllwaliibutldlug
. Main St,
Resident Aleuts,
Five old reliable companlr.
Room 3 over Telephone utflse.
G. K.AuljtQteerjrsJiM owned tuia
new oonfwtionHryaud ojgsr store at Ko.
20 CommeroTaf street ffe,js will
carry s complete stock of ea miles and
smoking jjood.
10 10 Imo.
lues For win
Jt'i. " H
slmllaUngihcFoodandlkdula- 9
Nrcfic(alilc PrcparalioarorAs
slmllallng ihcFoodandlkfiula
llnj UicSloinachs ntulBmwls of
art'nvB Agy -tiLtivvimmm
miitxnvw ff-xf.n! wi
J'roniolca Digcaton,CltecrfuI
noBanndncat.Coalnlns ne)licr
Onliim.Morpliiiic Bof Iincral.
stop tfotdarstiwamcur.?
Apcrfccl Remedy forCori5ilva
llon , Suur StOWclhDlnrrliocn
timl Loss OF Sl.KER
A Good and Faithful Servant
In A iioni. nn xvcll nn n vnlnnliliv mvinlulllnii
to any household. You can hnvu two such
in your Kitciieu u you imvo n good cook u.:.',
ono of our stoves or ranges. It bolls, broiir
ro.iBta or bnkes equally well, Is economical
labor saving, and in ovory way satisfactory.
Aldellght to tho oyo, It finds a quick way to
man's stomach und thuro you aro I See
ono, try one, buy ono, wo close at 7
. t
1'aM.awm n " sj g bj m sjr h
S. g Thirty Years
I J ( -swaasiswsM jjj fj bsb sm jbj bj bm kj jvsjj
B i ls.fl Q Eililfl'
S exact copy or wrapped p MM H Hj IM I i lal
. . . 1 . 1 .
.Startling If True
Tho prediction of a general war to
closo out tho century may or may not
comu truo; but no ono doubts our being
nt war with dirt as applied to all aorta of
wash goods, from shirts to shoots, socks,
to skirts. Many nooplo any that our
army of climtihera always win" ami We're
Salem Steam Laundry
couoHuui, owsTKAnriionuiaon,. .
Phono 411, 2U0 Liberty SlreeJ.
It would bo for you to neglect a leaking
gas fixture knowingly. If your gaa fix
ture are old and need repairing, wo
will put them In uotnpete order far you
or put In now fixtures, in elaborate
or plain ai.d artistic patterns at a
reasonable exist. Now Is th time to
have your plumbing anil gas flllljigs
looked after, Iwfore ehod doors and
windows cause damage to your health.
Telephone 2871.
SJS-' " rtfTW.'.j
A Ham You
Moat DeltslQii'l ham ivut up. The lMt
Vila no Rlghw ail ethwrj, TJijn wiy
Harritt &
OI.B HO rorwoK
ii - . " ' '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
lnt no ino 'need worry about mutton
this tiuifi ofitho yonr, if thoy can ; I
'aluty nud dolicioiu wnrlnir lamb 'o
aiiDotlsiuir and iioiirishlua Siimm
meal, s havo ovorytlilug in ohoico
meats, an in'i tho delicacies ol tho son
son in both -ulh Mid smoked meat
that will i.o most critical aplcura.
Found at Last
f. This an lustauco of whorsyoit "jjuqd
Millie Ho furlhor" hi yoilr ftqjmui for gootl
ruiiamo, painio iiCKiing wjlip and lln
uors. Rverv tiiutt who lias stiiaofeod liii
lips over n glass of tho drinkablaa sold
over mo counter at Honors' wl 1 tfil
hi same story. You'll J6fii lb tliu clio
-tn after tint first sample ,
J. P'-Rogers
r.1.?'2.2- QtHnrflJol Street
J&bF" Wholosafq nud Rotnll.
Can Eat
eopis In finlsm ty fl.
.Jmt rruliL In
sitt on ike market.
sUhs that hl hu Hlue Crws Ham.
of AKf
lii $' use
SVA Fnr flvp.r
Now today &clyertlsomentrfeuH
linen or loss In thlo column Inaorted
throe times Tor 2Go., 6O0 weak
l.OO por month. All over fow-t-ln ctht. - "IS
nIV i nnur
Odd of the shM
uui a uumc z.L.L:Lrzii?'
lem; tood slaeTobtn house wtt fesrk mm fi
Jnilt trees j small earten smi fcrs I ,(?
finest view la the1 city, wlthost csctlM7k
four clocks from the court hes&e. Low w'1 k
jMjftermjlfdtjIred. AeplyattfceJ'tHIRNAL -s
0fncc- . $
DEB-I rnako big wages at horn1 '
and wont nil to havo tho,sftmo 'bppdt-.
tunlty. Tho work is vory ploasant,8nl
tvill easily pay $18 weekly! This irrio"
deception. I want no monoy Hfadflll
Kindly sond full particulars to nll.seifdi,
iDg o stamp Airs. II, A. Wiggins,"
Ronton Harbor, Mich. 10 H3.t
IVlnniDnn "i
i., 1 1. .. rn
'uu"0' io years, young, noln
ncumbrnncos, nico liomo. ncomejtt4
""' , ey, property j;,uoo.- .wants?'
w,' W'o will appreciate kindness;?!1
nH?nkf0,r,?ncB9- MrVwn. ?lMt
-...-..r,v,, .i. way xa.iv, i
FOR BALK. 24 wntiin Ain ZkSift'
forsnln. Wit ii ltwS.
10.10-tL '"""'rTrcoka
WANTED.-Qirl or woman to do jiousc-
worjc in a bmall faraiH;. All
toucos. Apply Journal Ofllco.
WANIEDA good steady man that
understands the care of liorsoa and do
outside -work around hotel; good homo
nnd light work. Call at once, Wll
lnmotto hotel. in 18 tf
RJSMOVfibVm. Long, v otorfnai
, surgeon, has removed from Cbomek
o' J 'tteoMo the Strong proporty.'Na
IV liolviow stroot, just wost of Com
mercial, . io 17ml''
WANTED Experienced applo pnokorB
tTngni uo-s. unoxporioncod
honda need not apply. 10 15 if
GIRL WANTED.-Famlly ol two. Ay
. ply at 022 Pront Btroet. 10 33 tf.
W.l).IU?TTENGltL-Tho upholster nnd
"fnll'iro ropalr man is now'locatcd at
147 Court etroot first door oaat of
' Busoy stablo.grlnda aclasora, 'toola and
razors, mends furnlturo ol nil klnda
and does n general repair business.
Ilavltighad years experience In the
business nud having tho tools nocoea
nry to do your work I can gnnrnnto
nil work dono In my ahop.
MRB.W. D. I'ETTENGU.L manupT- 7.
tiiror of Jinir awltchea and nil klnda o( .. j
hair work, makes a specially of dyln '
awltchea, 8jm Is now located at 451 '
M 10.0 1 mo... .
ltWATeT-6no maro. 1260 lba.. tlG :
' .MJ I
horse, 1100, $30; now shoo pressdrlll
fOS;fnuningmlll,Uolman,$15;hlndoJr, ,t
inowor nnu pulley rnko iugood cnn-r
ultion.flSO. IfenryJasman, Hiibbardi
farm on Gnrdon road. 10-U-2w '
WANTKD-A lot of groon annlca for
drying, by Fook Bang & Go. Will
Bpny cubIi oOo por hunurod for hand
picked and 40opor hundred for shaken
down fruit. Apply at tho old Vinegar
Works on Cottago and Trade streets
I (just across, tho Mill raco on loft band -sldo.
10. 8 lm
WANTED Girls to writo your descrip
tion for n first-class iriarrlago papor1" '
freo, Qentlompn'a "ad" froowilha- .
three months' subscription at 25 cents.
Address, 8j)0c!nl Club, Box 231, 8a-.
loin. 1084m -
FOUND. A Lady's capo. I.osor callt
this olilco and prove ownership.
FOR RENT. Ton acroa garden land .
lmiloa cast of asylum. Good houso,,
barn and woll for irrigation, Thlrfy
thousand Hufstator aeedllng biggest
borry in Salem market. W. D. lXtif
stater, Salem, 10 5 lino
FOR RENT. A goal farm of 80 aoros on
reasonable terms. For particulars on-
itilro of R. Crelghton, 1 block west of
O North Bulotit School. 10-4 lm
Hat room 7 Gray Ulook. A perfect eys-'
torn of dross cutting will bo taught and
satisfaction guaranteed, Lessons not
limited. 10 3 lino
WANTED-Woman tacook at Goodalo
boarding house, corner of Twelfth nnd
Oak streets. 10 2 tf
FOR RENT A neat five-room cottage
with basemunt. Good well water'.
Apply to A. Bcbrlobor, 424 Hfgli St. ' '
RUUGIES AT COST.-Wo buvo rft 'fovr
top buggies loft which wo will for the
next 16 dnyit Bellas follows, ' Regular
JOS buggies for $15, 2 rogular lb bug'
glos for $55, 1 regular iSO buggy for
100, Pohlo it Bishop, tl-28-if
FOUND On Chomokettt street, a black, 'i
. barred lawn bunting waist. 00ft '
tUUctn (Jwap
Blt7i30. in A.
i'. I. i'rtmtr, q. o.
room IS, Moorva Llk
a, woutiw, ciaia
irOHltaTltRS Ol' WMrCKIOA.
Umrt BUertrood Korot No. t, UkU Vitdty
nlbU lu Turner block, Johu U, Chut, O. it. ,
A I. Jirotm BWJT. ILWrr
ress and Transfe
. J. W. W. ? -r
No. IIS. Mctlaurerr Krldar arer; . Ji;
O U. Wi hall, 8Uto luatia(r.,fc-!
ffu'td nil mnll nnd naflKnistr trafnii. '" '
UfSSnge to all parts of the city. Prompt ',
service, Telepliouo No. 851. .
niin iinirici .?
ownt iuurocr
I'm. UU(1 Tur ill)
F ia ,i a an toiMniLHiiiAA
l'ialM4, U. bat'tUIU
r it it vkuWwh
ftt-x curit
Why devote all your time reading .
the Boor War ami the Gold Fields.of ,
Alaska? There, are other matters ,o
vital Importance yptt may rnako a trip
East, and will want to know liow to,
travel. In order to have the bast sex
vice, use tho Wisconsin Central Ry..
between St. Paul anil Chicago. -For
rates and other information , write" Jss
A. Clock, Geuorul Agent, Fartand, Qrf , ,
o -ol m it? e an. x -tv. .
for 8ceitaiioSS
auta ir (
for uccsfftsklf 9MMf
Stat If INltStrtsd.
BaHr-we, MM.
Ifl k.1 M UWM
usJLtiMNMt j-aCa
L. - JET
i '
wt'- -iai