THE DAILY JOURNAL & SIX PAGES m t VOXi. x SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 1900. 60 258 . in .i. a f? 5 SIX PAGES; mm Up Mm mmmimv &3BBm ' 3bK -vittft. X 'Sh9 CONSIDERED HOSTILE ft w; d"' ' Cr , rf Appointment of Von Buelow as Minister of Foriegn Affairs Will Revive Former State of Unpleasantness Between Rome and 'Germany. j Vy Aaaoolated l'reaa lit tha Journal Nkw Yomc, Oct. 20. It la etat-il In high church circles at Washington, says a dispatch to tlio World, Hint llio appointment of Count Von Buolow to bo minis tor of foreign affairs of Germany, promisee to rovlvo tlio controversies between tho Vatican and llio Gorman Kmperor. BILLY WESTACOTT FORM'KINLEY Democratic Leader Forsakes Cause of Bryan Reasons from Business Standpoint. Salotn special to Oregenlan: ,V. G. Westaeott, proprietor of Strong's rest aurant in this city, and ono of tho most succcbBfut business mon of Salem, who was a ptrong supporter of llryan in 1800, will vote the republican ticket this elec tion. Ho has been an ardent Domocrnt nil his life, and has served four years as a member of tho Stato Democratic Ex ocutivo Committee. Ho was a tnombor of tbo joint committee which effected ' tho union of tho sllvor forces in Miirion County four yoars ago. Ho has many btiBlneBB intorcstsoutsldo'hlB robtaurant, and is a heavy taxpayer in Marion County. When naked this evening for a statement of his reasons for giving his support to tho Itopubllcau causo, Mr. Wostacettsaid: "I conduct my indivdual buslncBB for tho money there is in it, and l beliovo tho people of this country should apply tho samo rulo to affairs of tho Govern ment. Tho past four years of Republican 'Administration havo boon years of busi ness prosperity all over tho country, and BOYS' CLOTHING Suits suitable for school wear, made from the celebrated iiSStL Salem Mills Fabrics, which ' Jraualitv. tK The little fellows need a " thnt is strontr. durable and won Our home manufactured quirements. Just received a large line Chinchillas and the new Oxford to 19. Bovs fancv nercale shirts bovs' hats' caps, neckwear, collars and cuffs. I lie nign turn aown cuimr in uuys snx: iww m. M00i TftWi STORE aOO COMMHROtAb ST, UR business is to The Salem Bank Buudln-, Next Doorto Bush's Bank. LVX, BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S SUPERIOR CAN BE FOUND Al PRAY SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM. ORE m ity and all machine. Is TO THE VATICAN in all bronchos of industry, and I do not beliovo it good policy to makoachaugo under such circumstances. When tho Democratic party had completo control of tho Govorntnent, It made, a completo failuroaud terminated its Administration in financial disaster. "So far as tho money iuobMoii is con cerned, I nm still an advocato of tho freo coinage of silver, but I do not believe this is a proper time to disturb tho fin ancial policyof thoGovornmont. I think tho freo coinago of Bllvor couldhavo been brought about satisfactorily had tho sll vor forces won four yoars ago, but now that affairs aro running smoothly under the present mouotary systom, it is my opinion that an attorn pt at readjust ment would bo unwiao. I am an expan sionist and approve McKinley's course in relation to tho Philippines. I believe tho Republican party is the best ablo to Bcttlo with tho trust iustion,and that I n tho ovont that party 1b successful in this election, it will accomplish trust control through Federal legislation." SWEEDISH KING GAINING STRENGTH fir Aaaettlatcd I'rraa ta tha Journal Stockholm, Oct. 20. King Oicar Ib gaining. is an absolute guarantee ol serviceable garment. Something t lade. goods are made to meet tnese of Boys' Overcoats in cheviots, Gray, prices the lowest, ages , , stiff bosom. Boys underwear I make feet comfortable, I We Carry the Best Earth. Lines on New Lasts, New Patterns, New leathers, but the. same old fit and wearing qualities. ! We Challenge Comparisons. Shoe Store, t State .Street. R. II. LEABO. Muirsr. af STOVES and RANGES. BROS HE CHICAGO has been awarded the GOLD MBDAL attbu lris exposition, which fact iroeatoluruier es tablish the claims offits manufacturers for simplic 'round excellence. The purchase price is about the amount of oommUsion one pays on a f 100 not this worth your consideration? E, L KING, CLYDE BROCK, Geu'l Ag't for Or. Local Agent, Albany Oregon. Balexn Oregon, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Promptly Accepts the Latest Chinese Move. JUST IN LINE WITH THE AMERICAN POLICY OfMalntalnlntthe Intetrlty of Chinese Terrl tory and Settllnc the Massacre Claims la Some Other Way. Rr Aaaaelataa Prcaa ta tha Jnraal Washington, Oct. 20. Tho stato de partment has not yot been advised of ficially of tho terms of tho ulllanco re ported from London to havo boon reach ed between Germany and Kngland, to maintain tbo territorial integrity of China and to keep tho ports open. Whllo the movo gives general satisfaction hero, officials say it is probably a misnomer to call it an alliance. What probably has happened, thoy say, has only been the reaffirmation of tho principles already agreed upon be tween all tho great powers interested in China. The records show that all tho groat po,wors havo accepted the principle of this guuranteo of territorial intexrity. Thoir expressions on tho point of com mercial freedom were not quite as ex plicit as In tho faai of territorial in tegrity, und it appears from the British- German agreement that particular care should now bo taken to clear up any doubt on this point. Tho United States will promptly ad hero to tho principles contained in tho agreement us it is directly In lino ol our aspiration. If Russia can bo brought to accept its tonus, there can bo no doubt that a substantial move will have been achieved toward the final sottlemuet of Chtnase trouble. DESTROY AIISS10NS NEXT TUESDAY Bt AaaaeUtcfl lrcaa ta Ika JuamaX IIo.Nd Konci, Oct. 20. The Chinoso here say that Octolier 23rd is tho day appointed for the destruction of mis sions in Kwang Tmin province. YELLOW FEVER NOT STAMPED OUT r Aaaoclatol lraa ta ? JoaraoL Nkw Yokk, Oct. 20. Thoro are 02 cases of yellow fovor at Havana. A dls iatch to tho Tribune states that lo Amorlcaua are down with tho disease. Tho fever is decreasing now. BRYAN TOURING NEW YORK STATE Bw AaiaelafaA Ftm ta tk Joarnal Klmiiia, N. Y., Oct. 20. Bryan Ira gan speech-making at 0 o'clock. He was greeted by a large audience, Friends Cburch. President McGrew, of Pacific college, preaches Sunday at eleven o'clock at Highland. BOTANICAL X WONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the more awfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out oi regard lor nis Datients. vet will tfladly refer any .callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed. Consultation tree. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Stree Sa!em Oregon. GERMANY AND GREAT Form a Defensive Alliance to Protect Their Chinese Interests THEY OPPOSE THE PRINCIPLE OF TERRITORIAL And Fall in With the American Policy of Maintaining the Integrity of the. Chinese Empire Against Russia Encroachment. Br Aa-ooUtaa ITaaa ta tka JiinU London, Oct. 20. Gormany' 'ami Kngland havo formed an alliance to maintain tho territorial integrity of China and to keep tho ports open. Tlio terms of agreement wore arrived at October 10 botweon Lord Ballsburg and Count Van Hatzfosd, the German ambassador to England. Both governments agroo that they'will not mako uso of tho present complication to obtain for tliomBolves any territorial advantago in tho Chlnoso dominion. HANNA'S PLATFORM Collapsed But He Hurt. Was Not I. THEY DON'T BUILD 'EM GOOD IN NEBRASKA 1 . McKlntey Will Return to Canton Monday-and the Population or Alabama Has Been Increased. Br XmmmtiB I'rcaa tm tha Jaaraal. Pawxkk, Nob., Oct , 20. Senator Hanna'a specch-muking on tho last day of his tour began at Beatrice today, Auiiukn, Neb., Oct. 20. Tho platform on which Senator Hanna was speaking hero collapsed. Ilauna was not hurt, Wabiiinuton, Oct. 20.- -Itooeovolt ar rived here this morning from tho wost. Tho Governor called at tho Whlto house accompanied by Curtis Guild, Jr. They remaiuod with tho president for an hour discussing tho political situation. Roosevelt refused to bo Intorvlowed. President and and Mrs. 4IIUMUW7 j will leave here next Monday for Canton where they will-, romaln until election day. Tho census bureau announced tho population of Alabama at 1,828,097, an increaso of 20.8 per cent. Take Dr. Bull's CoujU Syrup for all these dangerous affections sovero colds, pleu risy and grippe which fall ami winter bring along. It Is the greatest cure for bronchitis and all throat and lung affections, O wA. IS WS? O H X -A. Brs tk 0 11 KM You Har) Wwajj BougW f BULBS AND Wo are now showing some of the choicest Hyacinth, Tulip and Crocus bulbs ever seen in this city. Also W varieties ol the unest sweet varieties while assortment is SAVAGE & REID, Seedmen THE MOST IMPORTANT Pfece of jewelry in a Woman's estimation is the ring. Tlie aueleuts honored it and the moderns have many cherished memorli-H connected with Jt The dt-signers of the rings we are shoaint; have produced eomothing be yond the ordnary. Bentinunt may have aided artistic concepton, and even the artican has warmed nji to his work, Kvery part of the roak ing has ln-en carefully dona and the flninhwl article is a work of art. We have just received from the factory direct a very large assortment of stone rings. Our prices as u ualyou will find helpw others. Barr's Jewelry Store 118 8TATE STREET. BRIAN AGGRANDISEAIENT In the ease of another Powor making uso of the complications In China, in order to obtain territorial advantages, tho two contracting parties resevo to themsolvos right to como to a prelimi nary understanding regarding tho ovontunl stop tc bo taken for tho pro tection of thoir interests in China. Tbo two governments will qommu nlcato this argcomont to tlio other row ers interested and invito them to accept tho principles recorded in it. FRIGHTFUL MASSACRES Of the Eight Villages of Ar menian Christians. TURKISH SOLDIERS GIYE NO PROTECTION Aa Outrace That Throws Chinese Horrors In the Shade and May Cause Serlou Com plications for the Sultan. By Am Pauis, Oct., 20. A dispatch from Constantinople, sa7s now and frightful massacres of Armenians havo jiiBt oc curred in tlio district of Diarbokir. Tho Mussolmans, It is assorted, pillaged, out raged and killed during five days with out any intervention of tho Turkish troops. Kight villages, it is added, wore entirely destroyed and burned. SMALL FIRE AND BIG PANIC Gimcauo, Oct. 20. Five hundred men and irirls woro thrown into a panic to day by a Are in the McCormlck harvester comninv's twine wnrnlmiisn. The losn wflg ony .won. FiveUremon woroovorcoipo by emoko. One of (hem may not recover. A num ber of girls fainted and woro carried from the building. J. J. Tlssot and his famous Painting of tho Life of Christ. The greatest art achievement of the century. At tho First Prosbyterian church Octobor 23 & 21th. Tho descrip tive lecture by Itev. Kdgar P. D. I), .'o llvered beforo the Cathedral class of First Presbyterian church Portland Or. will be given with these pictures. Tickets for the Course 35 cents. Slnglo Ticket 25 cents. For sale at Tho W. II. Kurghart A Co., Book Store, Commercial St. SWEET PEAS peas, uaii cany anil seject complete. : t ncfaqemeriii iJTqs ? im&tr n w nmrr fl . SB 1W STRIKERS OBSTINATE Still Refuse to Accept Terms Offered- PRESIDENT MITCHELL TALKS IT OVER Details or the Complications That Stand In the Way or a Peaceful Settlement or the Situation, Or Aaanolateol l-reaa ta tha Journal. Hazki.ton, Pa., Oct 20, Prorldont MItcholl of tho United Mine Woskors, has practically admitted today that if ovory operator in tho region woro to post noticos similar to thoeo now boiug put up, such action would In Itself probably not end tho strniko. Askod if tho companies would post scuh noticos, what tho next stop would bo, ho replied: It all tho companies post notices it would clear up matters considerably. It would romnvo such obstacles as now prosont themsolvos." Noticos similar to thoso already posted by individual operators in this region woro issued by throo more companies. SYLVESTER PENNOYER Nominated ty the Democrats for LcjIjU- ture. Br Aolt Prcaa to th Jovraal. PoitTiNi), Or., Oct. 20. At laat a man has been soloctcd to run for Uio legislature against John McOracken who is accoptablo to Iwth tho Domocrats and tho McUrido-Mitcholl Sonatorlal Candi dacy Association. His namo is Bylvos tor Ponnoyer. Tlio nomination of Mr, Ponnoyer will be lllod today af tor bis letter of accept ance has boon recolved by Chairman Adams. Ho will, it'ia understood, bo run as n "CltUon's" candldato, and tho withdrawal of tho namo of John Moil ing will loavo him practically n clear field against McCrockou, Whether or not ho will make Napoleon Davis his prlvato secretary in tho event of his election is not yet known. If You Wish to Travel n Comfort Take tlio Northern Paclflo Hallway Company's elegant, now and complete train, tho North Coast Limited." Tho outflttingsand furnishings on this train loavo nothing to bo desired. If you havo never traveled on thin super rb train, It will surnrlso you witli its elegance, and It costs no more tlinn by otner trulns. Loaves 2 p. in. Portland daily 10 1111 It KlMHaHHHMKHHBMHNHHHHHHBHHNHWHHESHNW mow we Prepare We don't wait until the mornlu- of January 1st lo id thln-s In shape to move because we have too much of a task en our lianlt . In, order to close out all or our seasonable coodt we must offer special Induce mtnts while the roods are In season, so we put : : : r I : Red Letter Prices on all Goods x Because we know that sale prices will move iUtm list, and we have lots or foods to dispose or before that tlrar, j . : i : : I : ; ; QUILTS AND; BLANKETS, WHILE YOU NEED THEfi AAEJRIQES mm IppiW M ankeis;.. Itrge grey blankets .0 pr Tan, grey and white (Mto pr Urno KM blankets ,.,.We ;'r 11-1 blankets l,ll pr 01 by 70 lnh 5 pound blanket... 11.86 pr All wool Uai.UlH f,.l to fT.SU. H H Sale Prices H miff2&j&JMv. iK.i ii i ii m m m maaaumMmmMuummummummmmmmmnmnumummmmmmmmmmnmmwi AKOTpi KENTIICKY ; Henry Youtsey, the Third Goeber Murderer, FoundGuiIt tTiui ruiiauy riAeu iu j-iiu iiiipriMJiiiueni 'a Punishment Swift and Sure. Br AaaaelAtr Pra t tha Jnanat. If GKonoETOWN, Ky., Oct. 20,-Tho jury in tiio case of Henry Youtfloy, on trialfi on tho chargo of bolng tbo principal in tho Goobel assassination, returned a verf diet of Rullty this morning and fixed tho penalty at lifo imprisonment. THAT DEAR OLD FRIEND HANNA The Defender or Republican Principles In Bryan's State Draws Very Small Crowds. Or Aaaoclatc Prcaa t tha JaittnnL LtNCOLK, Nob., Oct. 20. Small crowds, mado up mostly of farmers, woro present at Huinpjiroynndqr l'latt, Conjor, and Senator Hanna divided his timo bo tweon making short addresses and hand shaking. A moro extondod stop was mado at Columbus. In this district tho Populist voto is in largo majority and Son'ator llanna spoke nt eotno length to a largo crowd. At b'cliuylof, Son'ator Hanna was given n now namo by tho local chair man. 'Follow-cltlecns, I wont to introduce to you tlio man who commands the sun Bomotlmcs, if ho wants to," said hu. , "Well, I wish I could command every, sen of a gun of a Populist in thjs stato," saldSonator llanna,amld laughter,"aud that of ovory good Democrat, too, bo- causo, my friends, I want tho people of this state and this count to fully appro elate and understand tho importance of this election." Morn rapid running time was mado bo tween Bchuyler and North Bend. Horo tho train runs through tlio fertile vnlley of the Platte Hivor, part of (lie time along itH flat banks, and a speed of bo tweon 00 and G5 miles an hour wan reached. ? f ( r V "' ' At North Ilendfc Mr. Ilauna waH "pro-, scntpd a big bunch of (lowers by nr dologatlbn of llttlo glrlB" " ' , . An enormous crowd turned out to hoar Mr. Hanna at Fremont, where tho speak ing took place from tho front. Htups of tlio Courllioueo, nearly overy window of which displayed a Inge lithograph of Mr. Uryan. Iu hlsnddrers here, Mr. Hunua was freiiuuntly interrupted by the blow ing of n near-by whistle, and finally, witli a twinkle in ills eye, hu wild : "It mtiBt ho that Mr. llryuu has hold of that valvo and is trying to shut mo off." Wuboo, the last;trl .bijforo encjijiig Lincoln, gave Senator II n una -the kinl reception of llio day. Kxcurslon trains from near-by towns and villages brought mqQfif f-fPf nmlni3!,: VI1H yXVJ. iiJJlQ K QJUftfrp I M J A M m M y. . j l K V - At mjlk M 1 .ffini' -f ASSASSIN SENTENCED! , V a In Bovoral hundred peoplo,'and the Sona- tor waa given an ovation as ho stopped from tho trains A unlquo fcoTnro of tho procession from tho dopot to tho speak lug stand was three womon's uniformed clubs, the Ida McKinley Club, of WahooJ tho Edith Roosevelt Club, of Mead, nnd tho Ashland Marching Club, all of tho momberB being dressed in the National'; 'colors, m - . JWfc' About fl o'clock tho special train arriv ed in Lincoln, whoro tho party was to spend tho night, and whoro throo moot iriga haiTboon arranged for. ' , J SPAIN HONORS " BUTCHER WEYLER ' Or Aaee!atA Vrtma tm tan-Joarnai. MAUiiin, Oct. 20. General Woylor, . former Captaln-Gonoral of Cuba has been appointed Captain-General of Madrid. SALEM POST ; OFFICE BUILDING Bids and Specifications for the Federal Structure are Received. The plans and specifications for tho now fotloralpoBtolllco building woro ro Colvcd todoy. Thoy call for a btuMdirig 50 by 100 foot on the ground, with tlio main entrance on Church street op poBlto thocourthouso. Thoro will bo a stdo ontrauco on Court street and a. dr(vo way on Stato street for tho mail wagons. Thoro will bo no ontranco from Cottage street, It ,Is to bo a- three ' story structure of rod, prosswl brick, v and g'tanito with caps and f)ll of copproto and tor fazzo a kind of red ceihoht and marblo chips... The govorument Is now.- ready -torecervo bids from contractors. Temperance. Prof, Kolsoy of Paclflo College will locturo tonight at Highland at 7:30. . New Today Custard Chocolate Creams at... ELLIS & ZINN'S IS4 State Street. Phone 2874, tO M0V6I K M m V?" VI VVtM A very fair comfort for f 70 A better ono for , t)5 , A good heavy comfort, 1 15 line uottou filled , ... 135 Ifectra good ootjoii oomforta , , a 03 8npwllko llrrinda are the best. M nm Sale Prices s Mk anfc.