' A . lM ,t9 x Hi A H 0 ! r It L M ' i A X , , 4v & 4i BABY'S BIRTH , .. .nKrrlv IVOldcd bV liniment cf priceless value to all women Sold by alt druggists at one dollar per A booklet, Jjiving all details, will be fient free by Bradfield Regulator Cotripany, Atlsntaj Go. p lfl Kokei forwllra to ttlth expectations of Joy and gladness. The jrdcal of bringing the little one uuo mc wuriu, uuvrcver, is a cniicai uuc lor the fflothsr'lo-be, and tier anticipations of te coming event arc shadowed with gloom. Half the pain and all the danger of child-birth use of Mother's Frikxo," a scientific MOTHER'S FRIEND m wiSkt'XaiM tm out t ittfimaSSiSStAttTiiui 'adMs&ai&A y. .&-,. ' . jy.pyB? he Wants A CHANGE A ?, We want to sell you Your Next Suit! t Bourke Cochran Demolishes McKinley's Imperialism. Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase-dimes of tbe ParliesTrade and tne Raj. Longogow.o went into tho boat olothintr. markets and searched fld eiftcd and bought the gooda that have been coming to us daily for the past month. Wo have the results now to shew in tlio Best selected stock of Men's Fine Suits Kvcr placed on our clothing tables. Such n vuried choice is hero that merely a hint is possible. There are cheviots and wortteds, tweeds and easflimeres, serges rnd clay but it's the novelty of weavu and color, and the high standard of cloth and trimming that makes our Fall showing a very superior ono. For (tA A.- (lfA wearo able to show Fall and winter . n 111 III iTfcll suits that are exceptional vain we VJaV H VJrV mpan better values than that amount of money usually buys. Come and see about it. G, W, Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clothiers aod Furnishers THE DAILY JOURNAL BY HOFER BROTHERS, MONDAY, OCT. 1, 1900. Onlly Ono Year, 3 OO In Advnnoo OnllyFour Month SI. In Advance Wookly OnoYoar SI.OO In Advnnoo WOHDERinC RUFUS. a R. Dacon la New York Lift. "Yes, the white man is a mighty man; Ho spreads both far and near, An' ho beats them dirty Heathen With weather shield and spear. !'I know he is the greatest thing Tho Lord has over made, An' I know his faith's tho only ono That overcame and stayed. We convert 'cm by tho million (After killin' qnito a few.) Cut there's ono thing that I notico, An' I wonder at it, too "That 'converts ain't no numerous Nor makin' 'em such fun, When tho poor, bonighted Heathen Got aflrit-claes gun !" THE VARIOUS WARS OF CIVILIZATION. ' In South Africa the war of tbeEngllah against the Boers is advertised to be drawing to a close. The finishing touches of tbe blotdy drama will hardly bo put on before the holidays. In the Philippines, Americans at homo are startled by an occasional announcement of the capture of a detail of their sol diore, and the Filipino are playing a waiting gamo. No nation is applauding either the English or the Americans for what thoy are doing. They havo tho glory all to themselves. The afterglow, or halo of victory is not going to bo anything to brag about. If Iiryan is eUctcd, or the Conservative party defeated in England, it would be equal to a repudiation of the national policy in carrying on these wars. lint that is not likely. A nation generally stands by a war administra tion, right or wrong. Still to elect Hryan and call off the war in tho Philippines would be cheaper in the long run. It would bo a peaceful solution of the diflleulty, just as Bourke Cochran pointed out in his great speech In Chicago. Jefferson olioso to buy Louisiana in preference to going to war, because it was rnoapuit. We bonght tho Philippine islands from Spain but we did not buy the people there. We cannot olvilize (hem at long range and at tho point of tho bayonet. Whllellryan may not lo elected it would Ih) a good thing to elect a congress that .would declare a policy toward all the . islands strictly in acrordrnro with tho constitution. Still no man can read Bourko Cookran's speech and notcomu to the conclusion that thu present lo. Icy will not lead to the peaceful assimi lation and civilization' of tho Philip V ptnoo, and if we fail with them wo shall 'always havo trouble with all thu islands. X OP THE SHOOTING SEASON. i ir OPENING Tim niiAiilnv nf Hin utitntlm. Gjiuawt fllla ,.T B . ... .... ..... - the autumnal air with tho sounds of exploding sheila, and tho man who hits ', stored up his taste for killing gamo , until this tiuio wrs ut It bright and arly. All day Sunday sportsmen wore going into tho shooting grouuds to he a ready or tho slaughter. 51 any a business j- man who has not had, a vacation takes '' lits turn now and Is vu'tltlfU tn his ehaio of the sport. All sportsmen wULdo well to observe tho rights of others. Careless trespass tag and careless shooting toward houses should be avoidod. The truo epjrtsinan will observe tho law to tho letter and willfuvor tho enforcement of tho law (or the preservation of Iho gamo, Suqh sport I reipec! able, aiid should not bo confounded with wilful and Ignorant pothuntlng and disregard of tho law. The true sportsman will not wantonly kill birds that are not fit for food or kill mora than he can tieo or than the law allows. To go about with doc and gun shooting every bird that flics for practice or out of cruelty stamps the hunter as devoid of decent respect fur the lamLhe lives in. Tke field birds and even tho hawks anil owls are an useful part of creation and their destruction is a disaster. They live upon tho enemies of agriculturo and aro entitled to man's protection. CiiicApo. Oct. 1. W. Bourko Coch ran. ofNew York, In opening his West ern campaign itineracy here spoka to an audience that crowded the Coliseum, built to seat 12.000 persons. The speech was mado under tl.o auspices of the Anti-imperialistic Leaguo, and nttract cd thousands who were unablo to enter tho auditorium. The crush at the doors when Mr. Cochran, accompanied by Mayor Harrison and others, arrived was so gieai inaiscoroa ot wen ana women fainted, and both Mr. Cochrnn and Chi oAgo'd executive were jostled and half- suffocated. United States Senator Jones and his wifo were caught in the tliron and only by heroic efforts was Mrs. Jone3 rescued from injury. Mr Cochran was entertained by the Iroquois Club at dinner. At 8 o'clock, escorted by two bands, tho Cook County Democratic Marching Club, city and county otliciais and several hundred citi zens, ho proceeded to tho Coliseum. En route, thu speaker was cheered, his name being connected with that of Bryan. The marching club provided tiro works and other means of illumina tion along the line of parade. Mavor Harrison introduced Mr. Cochran, who Immediately began an at tack on the expansionist policy of the one side to overthrow all that has made for human progress, and on tho other an honest, enthusiastic deslro to defend It. Stated in its narrowest compass, the issue before the American people is the Lright of this Government to seine distant territory and govern it against the will of its inhabitants, not under our Con stitutional Government, but through oftlce-holdpra to he named by . the President, who will administer their functions otiUirto the Constitution, and independently of its limits. Now, I Apprehend there ran bo no difference between a He, n lican and a Democrat as to the statcim nt at issue. On the other side, the Republicans contend, in asmuch ns the extra Constitutional powers lire to bo exercised outside the United Stntos, that imperialism, bo fa'r as this country is concerned, is not an issue of litis campaign, and they go on to say that oven If it were dangerous they would still bo bound to vote for it, because to defeat it by the election" of the Democratic candidnte would bo to bring about a money panic, and that would be too great u prire for tho ie curity of democratic institutions. The Democrats' answer that such n policy would bo a violation ot the principles that government derives Its just powers fiotn tho consent of tho governed, and that it would bo infamons to repudiate. in our iiour of strength, the principle which we invoked in our hour of weak ness. They contend, further, that des potic or arbitrary powere cannot be con fided to the officers of a republican gov ernment without endangering tho integ rity of democratic institutions. And, lastly, thoy don tend that since republi can government is shown by the history of Mio world, since the establishments! To Curt a Cold la One Day Tako tazallre Ilromo Quinine Tablets. clrnrti refund tbe money If It fl!i to curr c w. urore'i mnatur ia on each vox. All 36. Late- lloora In St. Pf lerabnra. Personally 1 know of no other town where Buch late honra ore tho vogue as In St. Petersburg. Hut your St. PctersburKor does not get up early In the morning. At St Petersburg the music halls, which It Is the fashionable thing to attend after the thentor-n drlvo to them tnking hnlf nn hour In n Bwlft slelgh-do not practically begin till 12. Through the Nevn nt 4 o'clock in the morning you have to literally push your way. and the favorite trains for travclcm are thoe Htnrtlug nbout G o'clock In the morning. These tnln save tbe Hussion the trouble ol getting up early. He wishes IiIh rrlemln "good night" and drives down to the Htutluu comfortably after .supper without put ting the house to tiny Inconvenience. -Jorome IC Jerome In Saturday Even ing Post Eitlac and Slctr-lnr. . Food supplies tho substance for ro pairing tho wastes of tho loly, and gives strength. Bleep affords tho opor tunity lor tlieso repairs to bo made Both aro necesary to health. If you can't oat and sleep, tako Hood's Bursa parilla. It creates a good npputito and tones tho digestive organs, nnd it gives the sweet, restful sleep of childhood. Bosuru to got Hood's. Biliousness is cured by Hood's Pills. 05c. 0 Tlir Tnitrr of I'nnilnc. The Torre delln Fnuus or Tower of Famine, was noted for Ita urowHoine hlMory. It once Mood In PIkii. Italy, hut there are now no trucoH of It. Count Ugullno delln Oliernrdsehn. whom Dante Immortalized, wiih the horn! of the Quolphs, and beciiiiHo of Ida tyran ny and necrodltiHl nttcmptH to place hits country In bondage he wna niittiK oulzed and Dually couiuertd by the chief of the GhlbollliifH. who Imprison ed him, with Ida two koiih mid two grniulHoiiH, In thin tower, the alow method of starvation being employed ns the manner of their death. The door of the tower wlia locked and the kejH thrown Into the A mo. BAD BL00D BAD COMPLEXION. The skin Is the scat of an almost cud less variety of disease. They are kuuwi by various names, but are all due to tilt same cauae, acid and other m)imiih it the blood that irritate and interfere will the proper action of the akin. To have a smooth, toft akin, free frou all eruption, the blood iniibt be kept pur and healthy. Tho ninny preparnliuuii o arsenic uud polu&h and the large uumlwi of face powders and lotions general!) usea tn tuts clasa ot tlUcaws cover it for a short time, but cannot remove per mancntly the ugly blotchea uud the red disfiguring pimples, Etornal vlgllanoo a tho ttrloe of a boautlful oomploxlor. when such remedies aro relied on. Mr II. T Hh'jtx, M Lura Avenue, til LouL Mo, M): "ly lUuuhtcr wiallllctci (urvar Yvltli a dl.rtgurliitf eruption on her lavr. wIik-i reiltlol all treatuieut bhe wan taken to lv celebrated liralth apt tng. but received nolwiu Ih. Many meitveliiea were ttrcacritied, but wtdi out remit, uuill wedevliteil lotty b H K.antlb the time the fl' t bottle tlnl.linlt he eruellu tegan toitlMpf(r A Uaten buttle, cured he completely and left tier akin rifrlly amooth Bhe U iiumt acvenlecu year ulil. anl nut a algu a the cmbarraMiiiK vltte lua ter relunicl " S. S. U u positive, unfuiling cuto fo tho worst forms of skin troubles. It i the g'sutckt of all blood purifiers, and tin ouly ouo guaranteed purely vegetublc. Uau uloou uiuKos iwu complexions. purines una tiivigo rates the old aih makes new, rich bloot that nourishes th body and keens th tkin active and healthy and in propc condition to perform its part toward carrying off the impurities front the bod) If you huve Itczomu, Tetter, Acne, Sal Hheum, lsor asis, or your skin is rougl ami pimplv, send for our book on Dloo And Hkin 'Diseases and write our pliym clans uliout your case. No charge what ever for this Mirvicc. IWIPT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. 0A tor acceptable Idea. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD. Bsltlmcre. Nd. Bad blood mukoi mm government. Ho said: "Wo ore told by our Republican ad versaries that the issue of this campaign is tho preservation of our nationnl pros perity. I accept that issue. I to further and I say that on the results ol this election depend not morely tho prosper ity of tho American people, but the prosperity of the whole human rap. I bolicvo that Republicans nnd Democrats will concede that the establishment of this Republic was tho most imortant contribution to human progress einco the birth of Christian ty.. The benefit of this Republic to tho human race was not tho adoption of a written constltu tion. It was not tho distribution of the powers of this government into various departments. lung before thu conven tion met to deliberate; long before the Declaration of Independence had been proclaimed in Philadelphia, executives had administered governments, parlia ments had adopted and judges had in terpreted laws. But never in thu his tory of tho race until tho American peo ple camo together to framo tho system under which they intended to live wus a government established, not an Infa mous assumption of Divino intervention, but upon tho consent nnd on tho will of thu people to establish justice, to pro vide fur tho common welfare and to pre serve to tho people and their posterity tiio blossJngH of civil liberty. "The fruits of that experiment havo been visible all over tho world. They havo proved tlmtjtljo only suru pathway to prosperity Is obedience to tho moral law, thittjustlco is tho foundation of greatness, material, intellectual and moral, a fountain that Hows in uvor inoreasiug nbuudanco among tho'o who remain faithful to tho source. That lilts been ouo lesson that tills country Iiuh proved ; proved by every bunollt whiuli thu human raco Iiuh derived from It: proved by tho fact that since this Republic, was founded the pcauoof tho world has been preserved, tho well being of tills Nation lots been advuueed, industry uverywhore hits linen miulu fruitful, tl'J power of tho human hand hiBbomi. .multiplied, tho extent of human know ledgo has been wlduned and tho boundary of human hopes has been amplified. And now wo uru asked to change this system oLGoverumeut for u system such us other countries aro every day discarding. Wo aro asked to aban don tlieso Institutions, wliluh uru the supromo fruits of Christian civilization, embodying in tlietueulvesnll that has been achieved for human rights since tho dootriuu of human equality was llrst preached uu thu shores of Lake liiililee, and wu aro asked to surrendir, not because Ilium- nro any signs of Im pending failure, but beoaueo it has achieved the very plenitude of suueoss. tin rely this raises not merely tho Ihuu of American prosperity, tiut thu issue of human progress, "l'hu Republican candidate offers us professions of morality which tiro the most unexceptionable. Wu II ml him shooting down people In thu Kastern isluud uud professing thu utmost affec tion for them and tho utmost regard for their prospects. Ho tells us thut he is opposed to imperialism and yet he Is socking to establish a government of arbitrary uud unlimited powers. Ho affects to resent tho nsurtion that lie is introducing militarism into tho United Htutos, and yet wo Hud the Army has been iiuadiuplod during hit Administration, audit policy established which will lend to further armament, if it should bo successful at tho olls. "Now, I liavu no dispoaitiu to charge tho President of tho United States witb Immorality or disloyalty. I prefer to mime mat uu uas laiiun a vctim to nlgu souudlng and misguiding phrases, which havo often reconciled men of excellent disposition to very (uestiouablu trans actions In tact, I boliovu tlmt.it is u source of congratulation to thu peoplo of thu United Status uverywhore thut this campaign has been singularly tree front all manner of personalities, 1 don't think 1 have over known a politi cal contest tn bo conducted on a higher plane of thoughtful discussion. Dtth parties are deeply concerned upon the questions before them. Thoy aro bitterly divided uH)it the is no, but I think they art) both united lu conceding tho per sonal virtues of both candidates. The Two Issuts. Wow, i believe that this issue bufoi this Government, to have been tho foun tain of thu greatest prosperity that man kind has ever enjoyed, Its preservation cannot endanger prosperity, but must contribute to its permanence and to Its growth. "Imperialism is not expansion of our political system into now country. It is tho erection in distant lands by this Government of another government wholly distinct from it and radically dif ferent from it, and, therefore, irresponsi bly hostile to It. You may preceivo this is expanding tho scope of our Constltu tional system, not the authority of our Government, but Is expanding tho autho rity of our ofllce-holders so far as to mako it independent of the Constitution which creates them. "Such n system can only bo enforced againbt tho resistance of tho nations. It means armies must bo put in tho field; that American lives must bo sacrificed and thu lives of helpless eoplo must bo destroyed, and If tho resistance bo sub dued now, their resentment will bo un dying. Resentment will seek opportuni ties nnd expression In tho future. As tho man who injures another expects revenue, even when uono is planned, o tho alien foreign government which has robbed thu peoplo of Its birthright of liberty constantly fears resistance, oven when nouo Is planned, nnd then mint mako preparations all the time for con flicts in tho field to ensure the vafcty of its own citizens. 'The Louisiana Purchase. "To think that such a system should ho submitted to tho American cop1onud attempted to bo justified by tho pur chase of Ixniisiana is, perhaps, the most extraordinary instance in our history. No twn transactions could havo been more dissimilar than the expansion of .lofforeon and tho imperialism of Me Ktuloy. Ho much has been said on thu question, if you will allow me, I will statu this evening, briefly as I can, the actual facts of that momentous transac tion that hureaftsr every person in tills hall who will hear tho sacred muno of 'Jefferson' used to justify the deal of McKluluy, will find tho means of re futing thu slander and of coiifouuding tho person who discredits tho most il lustrious iiamo in American his tory." Mr. Cochran then reviewed tho history of tho Louisiana purchase, maintaining that to secure thu free navigation of thu MisfiBsippl River to the Gulf, to which tho United States was entitled by treaty right, but which right had been practi cally nullified by complications botweeu Franco and Spain, to which tho United States was not a party, Jefferson was reduced to tho altoruutivo of taking Louisiana, ot taking tho whole by peace ful means or else taking New Orleans by forcible means. Ho centinued: "Ho chobo tho pathway of peace and it wiih not thu least of his contributions to tho greatness of this country or tho I civilisation oi tno world. (Applauso.) When he took it, he took it under this provision ; "Thu inhabitants of tho said territory shall lw incorporated with tho Union ol tho United States and be ad mitted, as soon as os8iblu. according to the principles of tho Federal Constitu tion, to thcoujoyment of all rights, ad vantages and immunities of chitons of the United States, and in the meantime, they shall bo in thu free en joyment of their liberty, property and tho religion thoy possess,' "My friends, you see, outside bf tho nuked fact that Jefferson took territory and that MuKinloy is trying to tako ter ritory, tlmro Is no resemblance between tho two polices. On tho contrary, in every element that distinguishes them, there is a radical and irreconcilable dif ference. Jefferson took torrllqry to avoid war. McKlnloy is making war to take territory. Jefferson took contiguous ter ritory to do justice und avoid tho pro vocation of war in the future, McKin ley is taking remote territory, which. I( ho eucoeeds in subduing, will catuo future contests without number. Jeffer ton took territory to incorporate Into tho Union of States and extend over it tho benutloent intltienco of our Constltu. tion und tho integrity ot our flag. Mo K inley is soiling territory, not to expand our Constitutional Government over i', but to turn it over to olllco-liolders to I a exploited. aud plundered by svndioateai bufoio and favorites. ' norer bant thai th Nwfnt of th goVerhfed was nwsf&rj when there wat a chanre to effect a WMuest. It w only something to be prctemled, like a tricky pciitician, when there was ad vantage to be gained by nn expression ot virtue. The Democratic party believes that Jifferson voiced a great troth, ft trnlh which has borne glorious fruits in this century for civiliintion, whicti, in operation, has eo changed the condition of .ociety that when wo contrast man hood today with manhood beforo the birth of tills Republic, it seems as if we were speaking of different races nnd be ings, and contemplating a wholly dif ferent planet. That which Jefferson has foundod on this soil cannot bo over thrown by McKlnley." Mr. Cochran ridiculed tho vniious ar guments of the Republican orator9 upon the Philinnine question, aud said: "Trade follows the flag. that is the moU attractive phase in the whole rep ertory. It was not invented in mis conntry. It wat brought over to the custom house. It was originated for English use, and every English sympa thizer has assumed it here. When lias trade followed the lias? H trade followfl tho flag, England's trade with Canada ought to be much better than it Is with the United Slates. As a matter of fart, since the English Hag was driven out ot thn Unitpd Slates and mautaiiicd in Canada, it has increased bat little be yond tho Great Lakes. It bos grown with us until it exceeds her trade with all her colonies combined. Trade does not depend upon a Hag; trade depends on markets. If it bo profitable to take the Philippines, I would like to know what power it would not ho proper to take. Now I believe every patriot wpuid like to ;ee Canada annexed to the United States, I think everybody believes it is inevitable in the develop ment of the future. Aud the annexation of China is a more reasonable suggestion than the annexation of the Philippines would have been three years ago In fact, the reason for taking the Philip pines is that they lie so close to China that they would give us access to Chi nese markets. Well, China lies closer to itself. Moreover, we havo the same ex cuses for annexing China. China has insulted us; insulted our dignity in tho person of our Ambassador. Thu Filip inos never did anything except to aid us upon the field of battle witii their alli ance." It was nearly midnight when Mr, 'Cochran concluded. After reviewing tho efforts of thu Boer oiivovh to obtain recog nition nt tho hands of tho Govurnient, ho said, roferring to tho relations of this Administration with tho Knglifch Govern m cut: "Tliero was not nn nil lance. That would not ho the proper way to do it. It was a surrender of this Government to thu control of tho British Foieieu Off loo." Hs maintained that if tho gold standard is nt tecure. it can never ho made that way by the election id a Republican. In conclusion, lie said: "I have no doubt how this campaign will end. I see on every side thu proof that justice will triumph now, ns it has alwuyH triumphed in this country. I cannot beliuvu that n Republic is in dnngor that Is built upon all thu virtues which humanity htti developed, and which is, in itjolf, tho supremo out come of Chriitan civilization, That all men aro equal before thu law is tho natural fruit of Christianity. It will remain whilo Christnin civilization enlightens thu world nnd stimulates thu heart of man, As long as man is destin ed to justice nnd to progress, as long as his eye is fixed upon the eternal truths of heaven, tho flag of this country, typifying Justice mid tho Constituton, which secures it inseparable, indostruct ib'o and invincible, shall remain linked together forever and forever." (Prolong ed applause). SALEM HOP BUYERS, i " " Squire Farrar So ttate &. Thnne No. 1WI. Wm. Brown- Co Hifh nutkllns. OnmmercW St. (grounu ..,..i iMUee telephone .No. 1- Lilienthal Bros, it J. nitentwltner, Manager onieo over UtMABUihHank. 'Phone No !. Catlin Linil Offlceover Wcllcr' Rrocerr Unrc. No UU. 'Phono J, Carmichael omce nvr Johnson's Ciotiuni? noro, m llusn-Iltof inmi hlclg-. T, A, Livesley Co Commorclftl ' Second stair mhiIIi f M fi lluh tntnk bank; loom IS, utalni. 'Phone 1211. L D Jacks Co Hon oiilcc formerly ocuplisl hr llorrcn J.cvy Kiiilh of Nlllnmetltf Hold. WHEREJOJAJAN0SLEEP the" DENYEa wmmm BUSINESS CARDS C. H.JDACH Successor to Dr. d. M. Keeno, ol White Comer, Salem Or. Parties desir ing superior operations nt moderate fees in nny brnncli nro in especial request. ' ALBERT Ai JESSUP. Phono 1671. ItOOMS 1 AND 3, rJHAY 1H.K, B. F. JONES, Attornoy-nt-Law Toledo, Oreton Wan Klerk of Circuit Court t. in uji-to-ilRto abstractor a" conntr. I j-purn nuilhan "v it) in Lincoln t.17m The onlyplaco in tho city whore you Miiiwtn Urst-cliiPH meal fur 15 cents. Statu Street. I) 0 1m The Wilson 18 Contor Stroo. Is now under the old initnaRCinHit nnd to lotions tn tho Intnro x In Ihu xt will meet entire mtlhction in It-epliiK and talliiK. Itooius for rent, dv. week or jnonlh. CHAS. DOWN:, Plop. WHY GO HUNGRY When you can get nil you want to eat at the TOR IIOUSB 'HESTAUIUNT Our patrons leceivo tho best the market ffordH. Open day and night. McKillop & Berkhart 10e "tale St. Old Post OfficeStables Are large nut havo rellnhlo nttund ants, your ten in bourded by thu week or day. Good teania for hire. Prices rca soniihlo. Your patronage solicited, H. M. Brown 02 Forrv Street. SSStSS,-, -....!! r,,m r"NluJ !, gljciai. Omaha, ' Ha,?," ,'(nn'- 918a.m Iiils,UlilcagoM(lWf. Btt(X 80. ..! bane Klvcr l:Wini Allan. tlo,Ex. 9 p, m waokco Chicago and $ , Wr VIA HUNT1N0T0H OUKAN v u i v , ;;..t. . . Hpm-irurHauKMirrlr0"11 Bail e?ory Qvo Uj, So. m. px. Sun ttatur. 10 v, an. U'avc Haiem' r0Wtt..)"-KH u- .wi CjU, (to Ml tlayjl'o Aalorla and wiy LanJI ut, wu IjAmkttk ntVKit (r lMrtlHi.d,Newi.rK . f lAIUllllE' f ,8a. A7C I ' ' TntausVihSV . Balunlar ai UVj'fc.. Piano SOUL E JIH)S. Tuners and 11 pares POIIThAND OUK. For Salem nnd vicinity leave orders nl Geo. Will's Music Store. Boots and Shoes Mtulc to order. Lndlos Shoos a spec lull)-. KupulrliiK uoiill) Uonr. J. M. Nccdham. 181 Com st T. J. Sullivan, State Street Tailor. KrtllSulll BJutlu. ThoOlH'mdorir tut tenia fruin L'hlcHgo. i)et ltiliicn sulU SIS. . &inli& Till son. Bartlett Grain Company Pi ones wantol. FruHtMcilorralo. 't Grass Seeds A complete block of grass und clover seeds always on hand Prices Ihe lowest possible for first-class seeds, uiye us a call oeiore buying. - tiotiiir BREWSTER & WHITE, The Feed Men. High Grade Belgian Hares We guarantee the best stock at Ihe lowest price that can 'be purchased. v x Commercial Rabbitry 510 Commercial St , Salem, Or. S. C, STONE. M. '.j I'mpr'otorof Stone's Drug Storf HALKit, ORKdtJH. Ton Moron (two lu uumlor) aro loottcd a No. S5 ud x.13 Commercial otrnrl, nd nr uell ttookod ih ncuiiipleto lluaol drugHitn meOl.uwew, iolfct artlclei, porlnwcty. hruihe ctc..eic..ctc. ' XK. BTONK llMliftd eomo J5pem experience In iho pro tlcoof m.KllolnoMxt now inakvH no cliutuo to oenntlltl"n.ewilitlftii or jinworlplloii. " ii&3a'aaBU FREE. Rora D6 iveru 'ssEzasisssMBi'ssk'SKssiesnacsss Loans and Insurance Money to loan from H to 8 per cent, according to wrurily nti expense fot examination Imuiriiucu cfTtrted on hops and other property nt lowest, rates. John Moil 290 Com, st, 7 1(1 fd.'w Wl 1.1.A SI KTTK KIV KIUuvElor IloHtu to Porttnnit nn UTP, i,' Uaet car line RiOreKon Wtr if hjlff" b lelntci llioto. I IckcN u, R r MW WMhliiploii, California or iho S!t P!". elit-ckeil throash from HSIei.i fiT'ci(. rail or river rotito to I'uriiaini ." .."?ii n mailo at Pottlnnd wild nil rnll, m,?? Ocn,Pii..A(,t,S'Sr. """Wlt 1- fl M li'J"!. City ticket ami fro1ht onico .iWoS.? SOUTH AND EAS VIA Southern Pacific THE SHASTA ROUTE n'rntnn Innl-n Knliitii tiw 1...I.... - i stations at6 MOn. in. , 7 tol a. m ,J 4 :05 p. m. Lv Portland I.v talrm .. Ar AblMii(1. Ar Hncrmciili.. Ar Han KniurlMt.. . 0 3U A M llflj a UDO A M - 50 P J 7 P M ArURilou ..-... 6:15 a m Ar Denver ... 9.10 a M Ar Kanm, city 7a6 A II Ar Olilciigo 7 ' t t Ar tM AiiKclfi... i jo ii Ar Kl Pan) .. SCO p j Ar Fori Worth . CM a 11 Ar City of Moxlco...i..9M a M Ar Ifourton -. 3 .. a M Ar Now Or)oAii... r,M P M Ar WMhluctou . 6.U a M Ar New York . M n p Pullman tun wun nan S11 jyA n-ulii ;1K Mil MIX eflim MAX IHki -.ui n ft.' and Tourists ram on Imb trains. Chair care Sacramento to Oplu and El I'ueo, nnd tourlatcarstoCbicim, St. LouIb, NowOrleniiflninl Wiulifnrtnn. CANADIAN . X PACIFIC 100 Hours Ocean to Ocean via The Imperial Limited Grand Scenery Fast Time ModcPAccomodations Toiiri-t o.id flrfit-chiHfl elccplnt; oura BOSTON, MONTREAL, TOONTO. OTTAWA ST. PAUL For full particulars npply to E.J. COYLK, 11.11. AHUOIT, A. G. 1. A., W Third St. Vancouver, H. C. Portland, Cnnnectiiii! at Han FrandliNiottiili oral (jteuiiiBhip linca for Uouololo. Jninin, China, i'liilipjiineB, Central m South Ainericit. See Mr. V. V. Skinner ngen tat Salta station, or nddroHH . C. II. MAUKHAM.G.P. A., Portland, Onv-n. POSSIBLY : Vou nro not nwnro of the fast time Vj! imperii rurviru now afforded hr the V. -HI Bl PL ' J" u 2 "Trains ' 2 CT Pi Has been established on a number of Routes in Ore gon and. you can have & rMoa m Daily Journal ffisuovoau ear vgroetGcii'waauRs Delivered to your family box four months for $1 x ACQft2arBOBKKKK8 issi tS9i " t m MfnnrTi nnrrnr ' TIIE JOURNAL haf all tbe liatortant News. Associated Press Teletraph Ser- ,. v. ,c u.,c s ,iB n-icea morulm Dallies, and much of It twenty-four vn .nm, voiTr.r uairy Market. Not for any Political Machtae. Addresa .0 An IniepeuJcnt Paper for the People. HOFER BROS., PUBLISHERS Salem, Oregon. T A " 1 3?Ry lhi'TriMrV JSX'EESiS8 I the peoplo ropreeentt tho attempt on "Wo havo lieen told that Jefferu WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY For n ticket Ha t, you naturally and very properly want to go over tho roulo thut will fdvo you thu very host accomo. datioiid nt the lowest posxihto into. Iluuco, you should ask your tlckut oenl to mako your ticket read via tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND . ROUTE Our ixipular personally conducted tourist cxfiirfioiiH in modorii I'lilluiuii tmirlBt Bloopinj; cars loavo .Salem uvery Moiulnv Kveniiii: and Tliurstlav ovonhiL' via Sacramento and every Tues'day ovi'ii iiiir ami Saiurdav- morniiin via I'orllaud nnd run through In Chiciigo without change via thu World's most scenic I.inu coiiiit'ctinpnt C'iIiwko with nil inorninjr trains Kust, nlso with the Hock lalaml poreomilly conducted tourist car for Huston Thoio tourist elcepiim cars aro broad vostibuled, lighted with Pinlcli Oab und providetl with nil weekly illus trutoil eriotlU!al8 and magazines for the free use of our patmne and are ncconi. nuiied tlirouch to dostinu ion liy a rep reeiilatio of tho d'rllat Ituk lehiud Houto U'o uIfo Jmve a daily flret-claie leepiut! cur service lo Chicago via t te Scenic l.in, and the best dining car cervico in the world. For full informal! 'ii, maps olc, cal' un or writa to, A. K 1'ooi-im (Jen. Agt or Portland Oren. V. W. Skixxbh. ti. M. Powmm Agent H. 1 Co. Agent O It A N Co Sultfin Or. Sn'ein Or. PICTO WE HAVE "Da v Fast TO THE EAST. If you cannot tako tho moriiln train travel via thu opening train, llotli flnulyiHiuippetl. ur.. o l,!..n Fast Timo, Tlirough Service, Pnllou jg V Piilnro Sh-oiHjrH, Pullman Tourist Sleep- jg er8, 1'ullmnn Dineru, Library (.Cafe) Cu 4v anil Free HecliningChiilr cars, JC ' Hours InMme saved to Omaha M fv ago, Kniims City. Kt. I-onia, New i Hoatou, nnd other Eastern polnU. Tickets ood to Salt I-ako City u4 Dfliiwr It is toyour interest to uso Till Otb- j LAND LIMITED. TICK01S Onu till car berths can bo secured from W. W. riKiK. Agenvo. " Or Guy TowetB, Agt. 0' K. Salem 0- J. II. Ixyriiuop, Gon'l Agent, ,n No. 1H5 Third St. 1'ortlanilO On gun ShoTTDiiclS The Direct Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and ail Eastern Points Gives choice of two favor.toroat'M tho UNION PACIFIC raat laH U or tho RIO GRANDE Fcenlc unw. No Change of Cars. On the Portland-Chicago iWi finest in the West." Equipped With KU'KMUt utamlarJ SlecjiC" , ,J, Kino New Ordinary lout -. Sleet!" Suncrtj Ubrarv-Unflet 1 1 -8j)lewlli Uliincr,Wt ltn "Kree KicIIiiIhk Chair i .... (mfiirlablu (clie anl -nipieni Kutlru Train Complctel Uuwaj For ftnther informal on wr J. R.NAGhl., (ill'ff Trav. Viips. Agl. A?ei ' 0 " ' 1JTl.lr,IKt tnrtl,tnd (-. PlfP .( tf -' - M Corvallis k Eastern llai TIME CAlfP. No 2 For Vaqulnns 1M,,., Tritln leaves Albany... ... If ; VTEMVI WOOD SAW ' J Two Machlnos Work Don" Uidckly Tolophoue 8M block, I.odve orders a ri'sidonco riii JStli at rent, or Bteiner utnrket, M. VmiFi.KkT, VitwPAmc. fvGt Salem Water f i), Train leuves Corvulhs Tialn ar.ivea Yuqulmi No.I noturnleu: Leuves Yuciuiua ... Leaves COrvallls..... Arrives AlbariF No. 3 Fo'r Detrert: Leaves Albany, ... Arrives Detroit No. 4 Reluming: Leuvca Detroit Atrlves Albany. liWP- . 0:15P. Cib .IlifJ I ffltf . TSDJ-'-' Hi?''1 .l2:10 , 8WP-.3 " : Ono and two connect J ftjn uorvailis Willi KJUiiieni ;- :vtr illVlnf direct service t) and from ? j port and adjucotit doocih-. ,rti Trains for the mountains ""J,, I Detroit at noon, Klvlntf 8jup ; to reach camuloir irn-UDd e" U , Preltenbusli and yantiaui u- tanje day. K u WALDEN, t f. r. a J. TL'RNEIt. 8 ut, Albany. HiiHMnnMVi EBffKl OPHCR. CITY HALL. For water brvlce aDDly at ortlup HIIIC nivulllll ...n.. ,1.1.. In ., J .. Huie Wing Saffii nms w' y Ornament. Silk iww - Cblniwr, etc wllini cneap. All tCQh A.fl r" T y f Saltan r "jwiw im 1.111 III UUXll'IA; M iko all complaints at tho utile 110 STATE STREET, Wlk j 4L &