-. -'-ffj2Bii! J-"-'itt.ir R&ad Rag fluid Sketches; iiT Saturday's JOURNAL. y ''t K.VA,. illll TTTF1 DAILY JOURNAL. Aou Arte GdrtDiALLV invited -?Tn FURNISH THE JOURNAL Pont you knotr that THK DAILY J )'Jtmt l ttwbjtt pt ir 1 1 ttij oltr PERSONAL AND SOCIAL, tflEjys OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS iL VOL. X SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2G 19)0. NO:-88 ;( 1 -i!5wEF JSm G"W ,. 7 tt , krac m-MSP WjM JI mat Dlatlnctlona In IlelnK Kicked. The Arabs, clever horsemen ns they are, are quite ns liable to nccldent as English Brooms. Hut the Aral) likes to bo kicked by a thoroughbred horse and ptinnot endure to be put to any pain by hit animal whose pedigree in nt all de fective. An English surgeon had been .setting the broken leg of an Arab who CQtnplnlneu more or me ncciuem mat Bad befallen him than was thought be coming In one of his tribe. This the Burgeon remarked to mm. and his an swer was truly characteristic. "Do you "pilnk. doctor. I should have uttered a word of complaint If my own high bred It In a playful kick hnd broken both my legs? Hut to lmve a bone broken by a brute of a Jneknss Is too bad. and 1 will complaint" I'nrrlril the Tiirn. A lady had In her employ an excel lent girl who had one fault. Her face was always In a smudge. IJer mistress tried, without ofTendlng, to tell her to wash her face and at last resorted to r strategy. "Do you know, Bridget." she remark id In a confidential manner. "It Is Raid Wt( lunt If you wash the face every day In t (, bot, soapy water It will make you beau tiful?" "Will It?" said Hrldget. "Sure. It's i wonder ye ulver tried It. ma'nml" yur vuuiu .minims. Got tlic Clinnac. "Why were you tenlpted to steal this . ..man's purse?" ''H . "Because my doctor recommended fne to take a little change." ' ."" Tho comhlned catch of cod by all the v fisheries of the world Is estimated at '.G00.000.000 pounds annually, most of S ,)whleli Is exported to tropical countries tjjiictttnm lin.fl.nw It.w.fl lirlHjl tlft.).! Cltim III11I,1 ll'l'l, II. 1,1. IlltVU. Paymasters and commissariat of- Uncials of ttie tteimnn army receive special training In examining the quel- ; Ity of food Htipplled to the army. Slam's Wrlutitn mi it Mrnnnrrii. In Hlnm tlio Imiilil ini'iiHliri- lined In derived from a cocoauut shell which In cnrmhln of lintillnir H.1U tiimnrlnd Vec'ds, and 2U of these units equal the capacity or a wooden nueicet. in dry , measure, 8.10 tiimnrlnd heeds make one "k'nnahn," and ' "k nnnlm" make one-"sat." or bamboo basket: SO "sat" make one "kwlen." or cart. This Is ad example of the primitive origin of n , most units of weights nud measures. 1 f Honest Values in Shoes! CLOTHING, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, HATS, SHIRTS. DUCK COATS, SLICKERS, MACK INTOSHES, RUBBERS, UMBRELLAS, ETC. 1 And all kinds of goods for the rainy season. We can fit I ii t.i r-:i..:2 t.. ..-..n,:.,, v,.mi r,nA nr.Vac f lllc WIIUIC UllUU.yill licail cvciuuiijj. uu ii unu pnutj ui THE NEW YORK RACKET ' Lower than elsewher ,and the goods are of the best stand- L t 11-- 1 J - nlMil.. -..-- A.trK KltfiilAl'P 4 Urt 4 C Lower man eisewner ,ana me uij f ara quality, we ao a sincuy spin tuau uuaiuca, ui.u o w f one reason we can afford to undersell competitors. tfit S.ltm's Cheapest One E.T Bgrnes, 1 Corner Commercial nnd Chemekota Strooti. - -- - m A BiG BOOTS SHOES SHIRTS GLOVES HATS iCAPS 'TIES You can save 10 these goods at the 274 COMMERCIAL MONDAY LADIES' CLOTH In Afltr. .!... .... L'...n r,' ,$1, all sues front 32 tu 44. PA R i uuuitsiariy to gut your oholeo . , n i i. f Wo have tho largest ttock of Corteta in the city, carry noarly all brawfa. Onr "lender" kid glovua nt 1.00 is a winner. Our mllfinary department Is in iui ui Bium, THE LEADER" MR. M. B.FRA8BR ( Comamlil street. Neit Door taSiroai'i HeMiur.nt. f 271 THE STORM IN TEXAS H A.nrUId lien In lb Journal. Fuirr Woiitji, Tex., Sep. 20. A coa Borvatlvo estimalo places the. losses by storm In various eeetions of tho state nt 1,000,000 exclusive, of tho Galveston disaster. Dallal, Texas, Sept. 2(1. Tho Lowor Urastos and Colorado rivers aro falling slowly except at La Grange, where- tho water is reported to liavo riBon four fuot slnco yesterday. PUT TREASURER IN THE VAULT Dr Aaaoeiatcd I'rca la " JoaaaL Ban Fkancmco. Sept. 20. ..V special from Merced, Cal., to tho Bulletin, says that County Treasurer Baubaucr was holdup last night nud forced to go to his ofllco nml open tho vault containing tho county funds. After securing $1,500 tho thieves forced Bambnncr into tho vault and sprung tho combination. Tho Im prisoned man was discovered this morn ing in an almost unconscious condition. HIGHWAYMEN IDENTIFIED II T Aplt Vwram tt tn Jaarmal Ppokank, Wash., Sept 20 A special to tho Chroniclo from Collville, sny : Tho highwayman raptured yester day near Addy after a hattlo with de puty phoriffs lins boon identified asllarry Coffeen. Tho dead robber lias been idontitlcd us Tom Downer. Both wero young men from Spokane. THE SOCIALISTS MAKE GAINS Gotiia, Sept. 20. Tho elections for members of tho specal diet resulted in tho Socialist gottlng nine out of nine teen seats. gouus ure ui me ucaisumu- t 1 Price Cash Store. Proprietor. -- . i , . . ffla STOCK TRUNKS DRY GOODS VALISES UNDERWEAR OVERALLS GLASSWARE PANTS TINWARE SOCKS ' GRANITEWARE HOSE QUEENSWARE TABLETS PENCILS to 25 per cent, on " ' ST. SALEM. OBEGOK. JACKETS frikin iT.KO till to 112.00. All CO at STORE; SPECIAL STRIKE AT A STANDSTILL OUl" Strikers Peaceful and diers Are Idle. BOTH SIDES CLAIM SIDES Goveraor Stone Still Refuses to Send Militia to Luzerne Counyt-Three Italians arc Wounded In Miners' Row. fir Aoclnte lrri ta taa JaaraaJ. Pmi.ADKt.i'iiiA, Pcnna., Sept 20. Af fairs in the striko region aro very quiet today. Soldiers aro still oncamicd near Shamokin, but have nothing to do and the men aro becoming impatient to get back to their homes. Shoriff Hnrvoy's oTort to got militiamen into Luzcrcno county on the plea that marchers aro gotling beyond his control has thus far b en denlod by Govornor Stone. President Mitchell, of tho strikers union, is making every effort to Induco tho idle mon to refrain from violence or trespass. itolli sides claim gains today but re liable reports indlcato that mattors aro at a standstill, with tho battlo of endur ance progressing steadily. Mnrklo's men at Hazcltonare idlo today by agree ment pending a vote on tho question of nccepting or rejecting tho offer of changes in working conditions. Striko leaders my that all of tho Marklo mines will bo closed tomorrow ns they do not beliovo tho oiler is sulliciently attractive to induco tho men to remain nt work. COUNT TOLSTOI EXCOMMUNICATED IjKUsvnkk, SwiUurbild, 6ept. 2tJ. A secret circular to nil Russian archbish ops virtually excommunicating Tolstoi tho HiiHsian novelist is puplishcd hero. License to Wed. A marriage license has boon issued to Kvn Compton and Joseph Potors, both of Muhanui, Win. Jlurgo acting as wit ness. CANADIAN PREMIER DEAD. Mo.STKK.u,,Sept. 20. Folir Marchand, premier of Quebec, died last night. Gov. and Mra. Geer havo gono to As toria, called thero by tho illuotH of Mr. Trullingor, father of Mrs. tieir. Kx-Bonator John Looney, of I.oonoy's Uutp) wns in town today. THREE ITALIANS SHED BLOOD. Sdiia.ntos, fenua., F-ept. 20. Tho first bloodshed in tho Lackawanna region was reported this morning from Sibley. Threo mett wero woundol in a strikers row. The participants wero all Italians. Marlon County Taxes. D Willi but five mora days in which to pay taxes before they become delinquent only a littlo over half tho taxes of .Ma rion county for 1699 have been paid. Tlio total amount duo la (178,284.53. BOTANICAL X WONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. inis is wnai amicieu Human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some oatients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease ana tne more awruienecis of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the beneiit 01 ms me stuuy out declinesto publish further test imonial out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street, Salem Oret'on. BOAR 0FFICALS LEAVE AFRICA LounKNco Maiiquks, Sept. 20. Tho German steamer llor.og which sailed I for Kuropo today had ns passengers Transvaal Attorncy-Goncral Van Alpou, i Assistant Secretary of Stato Groblor, State Treasurer Malhcrbo, and carried a largo quantity of bar gold. ROOSEVELT VISITS W0LC0TT Denver, Colo., Sept. 20. Itoosovolt resumed his rour of Colorado this morn ning aftor a night's rest nt tho country rosldenco of Senator Wolcott. Will Can Tomatoes. Tho Allen Packing Company today, bo gan rccoiving tomatood. nud will begin canning Thursday morning, Tho com pany pays 41 cents por 100 pounds for good tomatoes. Manager O. V. Allen says that his company will run on toma toes until tho supply is exhausted or tho frost epoiifl tho vegetables. Convicted of Manslaughter. Condon, Sept. 27. Lafayette L. Cook was yesterday sentenced to flvo years' in tho penitentiary for tho killing of James CoIIIub, near Arlington, on Juno 8. Tho jury was out several hours. A vordict of manslaughter was returned and tho prisoner commended to the mercy of tho court. Cffcct of Flghtlnc Whiskey. Ohas. Voruon was arrested last even ing on a charge of assault and battery on complaint of D. S. Richards, tho junK dcalor, and was arraigned before Justico O'Donald nt 10 a. m. today, when ho waived jury trial nnd his caso was sot for 8 p. m- It Booms that Vernon is an hon est, hardworking man, but wbon under tho iniluenco of liquor, Is quarrelsome Ho had been drinking when 'to commit ted a savago assault upon Richards and would hnvo dono him serious harm but for tho interference of other parties. DOW PALMER DEAD. A Well Known Western Tele grapher Passes Away. Dow F. Palmer, boij of Mr. nnd Mra. A. 1). Palmer, died nt tho family homo on Chcmeketn street, nt 8:15 Tuesday ovouing, nt tho ago of 2:t. Ho was a woll'knovtn telegrapher of this city, nnd hnd been declining for about a year. After finishing tho public schools lie took a position as tnossonger boy for tho Western Union Telegraph Co., nnd soon lonrncd tho business of telegraphy suf llicontly to tako a position nt tho key, under Win. Dumnrs, who was then manngcr. Almut flvo years nuo ho ac cepted the position of manager of tho Western Union olllco at The Dalles, which ho filled with success for u couple of years. Preferring to bo nearer home, however, ho secured n transfer to the position of night oerator In this city, which ho filled until III health compelled him to relinquish it. Several months ago lie was taken to tho Siakljou moun tains, in tho hopo that a higher altitude would bo of benefit, hut tho hopo was not realized. Mo leaves to murn his early death his parents, Mr. and Mra. A. D. Palmer, of this city; three sisters, Mra. Ora Gos per, of Dallas; Mra. A. K, Oroslty, of Tho Dalles; and Miss Zaideo Palmer, of this city, and ono brother, Ifrod Palmer, clerk in tho local 0. It. & N. office; bo sides a vory largo circlo of friend s. Tho funeral will lo hold from tho residence at 10 a. m. Thursday, ltcv. Ketchum, of tho Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will bo In City View cemetery. ONE KILLED EIGHT INJURED . FortT Woutii, Tex., Kept. 20. A pas aenger train ran into a washout near Rook Creek today. Ono person waa kil led anp eight badly injured. TO KEEP OUT OUR MEAT. JIkjimx, Sept. 20. Semi officially an nounced with reforenco to the Impend ing enforcement of tho meat inspection bill, (hat tho prohibition of the Import ation of satiBagoa and tinned meats will bo enforced October t. Senator Joseph rJImon caino up on tho 1 1 o'clock train from Portland. i rW tea 4 A WAR IS CERTAIN But Uncle Sam Will Take No Hand. STATE OF WAR DOES NOT EXIST And the Government at Washington Will Re fuse to De Involved la Conflict Unless Such a Conflict Docs Exist. Br Auoclate Ira ta th Jonrnal Washington, Sept.- 20. It Is bollovod that General Chnffeo has by this timo rccolvod instructions relative to roduo. ing his force In China. Tho rapid trond of events' in China toward actual nnd formal war, which la regarded ns cer tain in vlow of tho refusal on tho part of Gormany nnd somo othor powers to enter into negotiations for a aottlomont with China, ia regarded hero ns Justifying tho decision of tho state dopnrtmont to withdraw tho Amorlcan troops. Tho dopartmont has hold from tho first that that a Btnto of war did not exist with tho Chinese government, nnd it socurod tho assont of ovcry ono of tho powers to that proposition. It still does does not boliovo thoro la sufficient ground for changing its positions and refuses to bo drawn into war'without such ground. What effect this declaration of war upon China by Germany alons, or iu nn nlllnnco with othor powers would hnvo upon tho negotiations which Min ister Congor has in hand can only bo conjectuted. If a belligoront power or powers bcIco upon Peklrr, tho American minister will Btlll romain thoro and Ohaffoo's logation guard will stay with him, but taking no part in tho war. LoNnox, Sopt. 20. Tho news from China indicates that events uro rapidly drifting in tho direction of war between China and Germamy. Thoro la tho best reason for believing that Count Von Waldorseo, on arriving at Tnku, will prosont nu ultimntum de manding tho surrender of five leaders of tho antl foreign uprising. Aftor u few hours' grace will formally declnro war, and, taking advantage of Germany's position as a belligoront, ho will proceed to sclzo everything available with tho Gorman forces and floot. It is expected that Germany will take tho Wu Sung forta nud tho Kiangnn ar senal, thus dominating Shanghai. It is also believed that alio will attack the Kl ang Win forts, ou the Yangste, liom tho land slde.and endeavor to aeizo the Chi nese lloet, including tho valuable now cruisers. Failing this, she will at least occupy all tho provinces of Kiang Bu J north of the Ynnste. The French will support Gormany. Tliis is no rumor, but reliable informa tion, and will probably bo confirmed at tho Foreign Office Prompt action is necessary to provont a coup which will constituton serious menace to Ilritish In tereeets. Russia has handed over the Taku-Pe-kin Railway In Germany. Pahih, Sept., 20. It la assorted from exiellent diplomatic sourres that Italy and Austria are tho only Powers which replied favorably nnd unconditionally to Germany's note to China, CHINA HONORS .THE REBELS Wahiiinoton, Bept, 20. Ufa elated in diplomatic quarters that definite and official information has been received that Prince Tuan has been (appointed President of the Privy council of China, and that number of other officials prom inent In the rocnt nprisiuv have been similarly honored. JAMES HOWARD FOUND GUILTY. FuAMKroirr, Ky., Hept. 20. Tho Jury Exchange of News Tell us what you think of eye glasses and we'll tell you what we know about them nnd a good many Interesting facts about eyes and their treatment. What we have done and what we are doing to butter the condition of those with weak aight can be Judged from our success. We have the skill, experience and facili ties for testing tho eyes and filtliitfglotses nnd frames. HERMAN W. BARR, llfigUtegt. v,. Beientlflc OplUlau In tho caeo 61 James Howard, on trial for alleged complicity in the Gocblo as sassin Uton, rendered a verdict of guilty witti tho penalty fixed nt death. IOWA TOWN IS DESTROYED Maiisaamjiown, In. Sept. 20: Fer guson, nino mllo Southeast of this city, was nlmost entirely destroyod by a cy clone last night. Four persons aro re ported killed. FREE DELIVERY AT SUYER Hural froo delivery has been estab lished nt Suver, Polk county, nnd a numbor oi Daily Journals nro going thoro. At four months for n dollar Titu JouiiNAL gives tho farmer tolo graphic news of tho snmo dato as tho high-prlrod oxponsivo morning dailies. Ihoio who rccolvo copies of tliis paper aro invited to give it n trial. Ono month 30 cents Two motliH (10 contB. Four monts $1. WANTS ANOTHER THOUSAND DOLLARS. Tho Btnto Land llonrd henrd argu ments nil Tussday aftornbon by Chester V. Dolph, who claims another (1,000 fco in nn escheat case. Ho has had $1,000 and oxponeos. Tho case of Itebeccn Williams vs. Clark, to get titlo to -10 acres in Union caunty waa alsonrgucd. Both cases wore taken under adviso mont. Your hrtir is older than you arc. We should say you were thirty-five. Your hair looks sixty. You want to get the telltale of age cut of that hair of yours. Aycr's Hair .Vigor will do it. J. C. Avi:r Company, Practical ChemUti, lJI, Mm A)tr'i SirufurilU A)ti'i I'ilU A)et'i Ague Cure Ayer'i IWrYlfo A)fr' Ciicrtjr I'dl.i, A)cr'i Conuloiu Don't Want Cue. It is publlsohcd that two-thirds of the tlio members of ContennaryM.IC.church, I'ortland,nro up in arms at tho return of Dr. H. F. Guo. FOlt HKNT. On Ferry street, betweon Cottage nnd Winter Sts. fix rooms and bath. Also for snlu or rout five room cottnuu with hath on Twolfh St. ono block south of Yew Park grocery store. Knqulro 211 Cottngo fit. u '-'U at" yWAWWAWVAW UJl" ""'"'"'""f ' Towel Sale Friday Friday mo will offer forty doen pure lliiou huck towels at IK. lidCll They nro the best values in towels wu have ever had tho fortuun to own. Come Friday, don't mind the rush plenty of lmji. I Calicoes at a Low Price We are colling all the standard 6 a yard fsoine stores will cay "they can't do It, thoy cost more." Hut you know we can do It became we buy in such large quantities. mmmmmm TRADE RUSTLERS kXMa&XAXAUitti.MtAtAUTAMlAXA True Economy The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking; powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors' bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can, but it insures periegt, wholesome food. In fact, it isjifore economical in the end, because if goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used .always, in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. , , i V-s riOYAL DAKItIO POWDCn CO., SCLUMG TOBACCO TO UOYS. Many inquiries nro mndo of Tint Journal by parents on this subject. Fathers andmothors call and Inquire: What can I do to koop my boy from UBlng tobacco? You can enforce tho law by calling on any Justico of Ptaco in Oregon if you cannot o'iforco tho law of parental authority by preventing him yourself. If parents aro caroful not to uso to bacco, tho children will not bo hard to koop from It. Hut tho children in every family nro entitled to the protection of tho law, whothortho parents uso it or not. bo hero It Is In lull. Bee, 1. It shall bo unlawful to roll, bartor.tradu, glvo or in any manner fur nish to any minor, under the ngo of eighteen yenrs, niiy tobacco, cigars or rlgarottaB In any form.or any compound in which tobacco forms n componont part, without the written consent or or dor of such mlnors's parents or guar dian, nnd whan such minor has no par outs or uuardiau thou, in that case. consent may bu given by tho County Court sitting for tho transaction of county InisiuuKS, upon proper nppllcn uon in uiu county in which bucii minor may hnvo his residence. Hoc. '2. Any person violating thu pro visions of this act shall upon conviction, bu lined in any sum nut less than f'.'O nor more than (50. Heo. .'1. Justice of the Peace shall havu concurrent Jurisdiction with thu Cir cuit Court for nil offences arising tinder huh aui. Fugol0r2, Alduudn, Vol, 1, Hill's Laws of Oregon, NONPARTISAN DISCUSSION OP CHUAT QUESTIONS. Tho National Clvlo Pedoratlon meet in "c "uy ttn.in.c uctwccn nussia, Ausiria ana Prussia. Big Outing Flannel Deal Wo havo Just received 2000 yards of twilled outings In short lengths solid colors blue, pink and cream which wu offer at 96 a yd They aro the regular 12 qualitios but wo bought them In short lengths .') to JO yards each at a snap. Outing Flannels Again We also offer 8000 yards of bluu and pink checks and stripes In remnant lengths at 76 a ud Ilegtilur 10c uualltles but you know tho mills always sell short lengths at reduced pricos, so wo bought em. makes ut in calicoes "' '' '"""'" JMMM.M " Tjii i )m a. np$su a &onAp r You cannot, II you value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum bakinrr pow ders. They arc npt to spoil the food ; they do endanger tho health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food Is polsonou 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Chicago this morning. Four days will bo glvon ovor to tho discussion of imperialism, monoy nnd trusts. This is tho first annual mooting of the association, which was orgnlzod somo t me ago for n non-partisan discussion of public questions. Thoro is a largo attendance. Tho subjoct for today's consideration is. "Our Now Possessions and Their Problems," Tho speakers for tho administration flido aro Jacob Q. Bchurman, lato Prosldont of tho Phlllppino Commission; John Barrett' ox-Mlnlster to 8ium: William Dudloy Foulko, of Indiana; 8. II. Donnelly, of tho International Typographical Union, nnd Senator J. O. tipoonor. Tho anti Imperial bUIo is in the hands of Carl Bchurz, llourku Cockran, rJatnuot Gompers, President of tho American Federation of Labor, nnd I'd win Durritt Smith. Chairman of tho oxocutlvo committee ol the National Anti-Imperial League Tlio entire program lain charge of n bi-partisan commlttoo and no resolution or action savoring ot a polltioal nnturo will bo permitted. Tho second conference of tho federation will bo held in January and will includo tho subjects of "Taxation," "Industrial Arbitration" nnd "Municipal ownor ship." FRESH. Oyster Cocktails FIRST OF THE SEASON AT... ELLIS & ZINN'S I54 Ststt Street. Plicae 2874. TRADE RUSTLERS