an- BkV' !IbK We .? mBBmfmfWm SyrufoRgs ActrJPeajantfyandJfoiitptfy. Cleanses the System . Ucntly and Jklfectually M AltYt Itlltniftf - Mn.-t.. resents w tlte most accepfailebai the laxative principles of plants Anoirn to act most beneficially. ; TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS . BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. '"ft SAN rRANCISCO, CAL. .LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. for isle by druggists - prkt SOt per bottle. ,'Hayilai&&f Jjjlllld Tvo shapes in plam white, and three decorat : jl'ed; Ranson and Josephine de L'siens. We have now the complete line of all pieces. 8 1-2 inchplain white plates 4.00 ner dozen. Tea cuds and isaucers plain white, 53.10 per ""dozen. Also nice line in odd pieces for Daintintr. - - . Come and see the entire line, and prices. Store open un il 8 p. m. Ex cept Saturday. Yokohama Tea Store Phono 2-111. Kri'o Delivery. O. C. T. Go's I'AUUUNOKI. HTKASjKII FOJMONA X NI TT altonA I.KAVIM FOIl I'dllThAND I)IIt rixoont RimcUy t 7 . in. QUICK TIMK AND CilKAl 1IATKU. Dock botweon Bfito and Com t BU. M. r. UALDW1N. Astont. VTAKE, WATER FOR MEDICINE. A Ilcnltli Producer "Which la Avnll nble Uverytvliere, There la. no doubt that wo do not drltik enough. Our bodies consist largely of water, and tho average man needs to ilrlnl; from four to sis pints of wnter dally In order to maintain health. This Is tho amount of water eliminated from the Iwdy by means of tho kidneys, the skin and lungs. It is evident that a fresh supply Is constant '. ly needed to supply this lost aid In the process of dlaestlon and carry away '. wasto matter. '.'. If the amount of water Imbibed Is not suillclent for all this, the health must suffer. Air, water and food are the essentials of life In the order given. A persou can fast a long time ex periments have proved this but that same person could not get along with out water for that length of time. As a usual thing women arc the ones who suffer tho most from an Insuffi ciency of water. Mothers should seo to It that their children have plenty of water to drink. Thero Id u diversity of opinion re garding drinking nt meals. Some as sert that the practice Is Injurious, as it dilutes the gastric Juice. Others again claim that a glassful of pure drinking jatcr takeu during the process of .mas tication is healthful. Ou one point, however, all authorities agree namely, that Ice water Is Injurious. . Generally speaking, the theory advo cated by the best physicians nowadays Is to drink often and much. It cleanses the system, Increases circulation aud helps to make a dear complexion. Therefore, ye men and women, tho lat ter especially, drink. Take clear, pure, sterilized water and be thankful so simple a remedy of nature l near at band.-Table Talk. Fireproof Safes. "For city use In modern buildings," said a safe manufacturer, "safes are nowadays made thinner walled than formerly, thus giving them more room Inside in proportion to the space the safe occupies, Tho modern building la fireproof, or substantially so, and In case of fire tho safe does not fall down through the burned floors Into a mass or burning debris In the cellar, but It stays where it has been placed, sup ported by the steel floor beams of the room and, with less around It to burn, aubjected to comparatively less heat ''Under such conditions the thin wall ed safe La aa fireproof as the thick wall ed Bufe would be under the conditions la which It Is used in the old style buildings, for use In which the thick walled safe Is still commonly sold." New Xork Bun. ' Til Fllllnir. Mhw Gabby What la the hardest part of writing poetry, fludlug the rhymes? Ama'tenr Poet No. 1 think the great est strain La In filling up between them. Baltimore American. . t j iw - ' J,' I STATE FAIR PREMIUM LIST Concluded From Second rgD, "i " umouti. J'Unu.-llCf.'. 8. 0. Brown Leghorn pullet Gilbert Scott, Milwauklo. v 11 ivi..... 60 1 50 CO 1 I 3 1 CO 1 CO 1 1 CO 3 1 CO 1 1 CO ugnt lirnlimii lien It. 0. Brown Leghorn pul 1 2 WW S. C. Brown Leghorn pul let i S. 0. Brown Leghorn cock erel i 8. 0. Brown Leghorn pen 1 A. W. Butterlleld, Canby. 3.0. Whito Leghorn pullot 1 2 B. C. Whito Leghorn pen 2 Henry Schoemakor. Salnm. Bluo Andalusian, cockerel Who Andalusian, pullet Bluo AndaluBinu pen Geo Chriemni,, Stayton. Whlto Wyandotte, rock Wl ito Wyandotte, hun Whito Wyandotte, cockorol Whito Wyandotte, pullet 1 DO 3 5 CO it mm tryuuuuiiu, poll Exhibit Wyandotto Elinor Nixon, Oregon City. B 0 Brown leghorn, cock orol J Morrow, Oregon City. B Plymouth rock, pullot Win Dixon, Oregon Oily. B 1 rock, hen J W Brown. Bilvorton. CO Buff P. rocks cock. Buff 1 rocks, cockerel Buff P rocks, hen Buff P rocks, pul lot Buff P rocks, pen F A Ball, Portland. 8 L Wyandotte, cockorol B L Wyamlotto, pen E Dow, Shedds. 8 0 Brown leghorns, hen 0 W Viufk, Albany. Buff cochin, cockerel Buff cochin, pullet Buff cochin ptn OSShedd, Shedd'a. Partrldgo cochin, cock Partririue cochin, cockorol Partridge cochin, hen Partrldgo clicliln, pullot Partridge cochin, pen Light Brahma, cockerel Light Brahma, cock Light Brahma pen 1 1 12 1 CO 12 1 CO 12 I CO 12 4 CO 1 1 2 1 CO 1 1 2 CO 12 1 CO 2 1 00 1 1 12 1 CO 12 1 CO 12 1 CO 12 l CO 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 12 1 DO 1 2 1 DO 1 1 1 2 4 CO 1 1 2 CO 12 1 CO 1 1 1 3 2 2 CO 2 CO 2 1 CO 2 1 1 2 12 1 CO 12 1 GO 12 1 CO 1 2 1 CO 1 2 4 DO 1 C 1 1 12 1 CO 1 2 3 1 60 1 CO 1 CO 1 2 76 1 1 12 1 CO 1 1 1 3' 2 CO 2 1 60 ' 1 3 1 I 1 1 2 CO 1 3 2 CO 2 1 CO 2 2C 1 60 2 26, 2 .6 1 CO Light Brhama, pullet English Hed Cap, cock English Ked cap, hen English Rrd cap, pullet English Rvd can, pen A E Aufrauce, Salem. Buff Leghorn cock Buff Leghorn hen Buff Leghorn cockerel Buff Leghorn pullet Buff Leghorn mm Display in medium clasa US Hamburg cock S'S Humborg nou Robinson Bros, Dalian. Pr Pekln ducks, old Prludiau runners W II Sellwood & Bro., Salem. Whito Langshau cock White Lungshau hen Whito Langshau cockerel White Lungahan pullet Whito Langfthan pen Display Asiatic etnas Kens & Co., Portland. Whito Klondike cockerel White Klondike pullet B Leo Paget, Portland. Pr Pekiu ducks, old A J Ed win da. Pr Pouter pigeons Pr Blue Carrier pigeons Pr lted Tumbler pigeons Pr Bed Quaker ploona B B It gumo bantam, cock Ed School. SB Hamburg, hen B 8 Hamburg, cock 8 B Humburg, pou Coahow it Keenoy, Goahon. B P Hocka, cockerel B P Hocks, pen Miss J Hay Miller, Portland. Display Belgian hares Walter West, tialeni. Pot games, cockerel Pet games, pullet Pet games, cockerel Pet guinea, pen 0 0 Pickard, Marlon. Pet games, pullot Pet gamoa, pen Clarence Blundell, Salem. Pr Carrier pigeons Pr Bluo llomor pigeons Pr Antwerp pigeon Pr Dragoon pigeons Pr Starling pigeons B B Hed Game bantam, cockerel 1 B B lted Game bantam, hen 1 ! B B Hed Gnmo bantam, put lot B B Hed Game bantam, pen Mrs L L Whiteakor, Monmouth 60 Pr Uceso, old Pr Gceso, young Collection canaries Tom Gutcli, Salem, Pit Guinea, cock Pit Gamoa. hen James Patterson, Salem. Pr Tumbler Pigeons Pr Homer Pigeons Pr Dragom Pigeons Pr Antwerp Pigeons Mrs J Johnson, Liuruiico, H U Brown Leghorn, cock S 0 Brown 1-egliorn, hen K U Brown Leghorn, pen Difcj lay Hrt? lwoo.1 Co , Spokane, While P. Hock, oockorel Whito P. Hock, hen White P. Hock, pullot White P. Hook, pen A A IIiMburt, CorvulliH, S C Whito Leghorn, cock S C White Leghorn, cock erel B O Whito Leghorn, hen B C White Leghorn, jmih Dii-nlav, un-dlum olavs It C Wliito Iuhnrn. oock 1 1 70 26 25 60 50 1 1 1 1 00 50 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 (3 1 C 3 6 1 1 1 l r 4 2 1 1 1 I 1 I X 9 I 1 1 3 1 1 I 1 I 1 i S 1 1 10 H 0 Wliito Leghorn, cockerel 1 H (; Whito J,eghi-rn, hen It C White leghorn, pullut 1 It C Wliito Leghorn, ikjii 1 1 l'r louiouse getiee, oiu Pr Tiiulouso geuse, young Penwiik Ilros, Portland, Black latug'lmn rock Black ljtiigflian hou 1 Black 1-ingstian pullet 1 Black l.angHhau Km Kxinliit, A fiat io Mat-a Buff Cochin coek Buff Coi'hin lien Buff Cochin (en Itiack Mmurui cxk Minorcu hen 1 Black Minorca cockerel 1 Black Mino.oa pullet 1 Black Muorea hui Buff OriHiugtons, uttekoiel Buff Orpungtous pullot Pr Indian ltuiumr dunks young Di-play W W Green, TanaoMt. Display Btilgiau hares Liy Hcs. Albany. Whito P Wiiite P Huckr, hen While P Hunks. An F B West. Jeffixeon. II P Hooks, aoflk B P Hocks, hen ' B P Hooks, OMkjrel i 1 W ir(imtHimiwmaffiiafciitiaiirriVMiintriirirft Mount Hood Poultry Farm, Portland. Whito Wyandotto, hen 2 Wliito Wyandotto, pen 2 E A Pierce, Salem. S L Wyaadottes, cockerel 2 8 L Wyandottcs, pullet 1 2 B L Wynndottca, pen 1 60 1 CO CO 1 CO 3 rco 1 CO 3 G L WyandottB, cock 1 2 G L Wyandottcs, hen 1 2 G L Wyandott8, pen 1 A S Hulbert, Corvallls. Pr Pekln ducks, young 1 ueljlan Hares 0 D M In ton Salem, Dee 2 Portland exhibitor, namo not given Incubator display 1 II (1 SchelliouBo, Portland, Mnturo buck 1 Dee 0 months old 1 Mrs J Ray Miller, Portland. Mnturo buck 2 Immature doo 1 2 Immature buck 1 Mature doe 1 W W Green, Tangent, I" buck IMO 2" 2 does 0-10 2 60 1 1 CO 1 CO I 1 CO CO 1 CO immature buck 1 lmtnaturo doo 2 A E Aufran Balnm, Dee and litter 1 FA Welch, Salem, Buck miliar 0 months 2 Dee and littor 2 CO CO To-MfhtandTo-Morrow Mint. And each duy nna night during this week you can net at nny druggist's Kciiid'8 Balsam for tho Thrnnt and Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most successful remedy oyer sold for Coughs. Croup. Uronchllli, Asthma and Consumption. Got t txttlo to. day and keep it ulwuys In' tho house so you can check your cold at onco Price 26c and COc. Satuplobottlo free, cod&w SUCCESS AND FAILURE. The IIIkIici' ttir I'urpoup the'llnrcr (he Ai'lilvtciucnt. If by success we mean the full ac complishment of nu end. the nctual renplng of n harvest of results, then It Is iituloiilitcdly true that the higher and nobler the purpose the rarer will be the success. If we aim to relieve a mnn'H hunger, we can quickly succeed lii the easy tusk, hut If we aim to In spire him with a desire to earn his own bread the work Is more dllllcult and the success far more problematical. If we would restrain n thief from rob liecy. the prison bars aud locks Insure success, hut If we would make an hon est man of hltn our tusk Is n complex one, and success may be afar off. We undertake to teach a child to rend. If with requisite effort we follow up our task, we are successful, but If we as pire to raise the educational standnrd of our community how nrduous the task, how uncertain the result, how questionable the success! Iho low mm km ii little thine to do, St It and i!oc It; The high man, with a K"tt thing to punuo, Din ere he knoui It. Is his life, then, a failure? No; let us never Imngluc that any high pur pose, nny noblo thought, nny generous emotion, any earnest effort, Is over lost. We may nover witness Its growth, we may not live to gather Its fruit or oven to see Its blossoms, but wo may safely trust that somewhere and at some time the harvest will be abundant, aud success, long hidden, shall becomo ap parentPhiladelphia Ledger. SCOURING YOUR SCALP Will Remove the Loose Dandruff Scales But It Won't Cure Dandruff. If your hair is brittlo and thinning, you havo .dandruff. The more Bcour Ing of tho pcalp of looeo scales, won't cure dandruff j becauto dandruff is noth ing hut pcnles of rcalp boiug thrown up by n pestiferous little uerm in burrow ing its way to tho root of tho hair, whoro it saps tho vitality, causing falling hair iTiul, in time, baldness. Now you can't atop dandruff, nor falling hair, nor pro vent bald nets unless you destroy that uemi; and tho only preparation that can do it is tho new ecientiflc discovery, Newbro's Horpicide. In fact no other hair preparation claims to kill tho dan druff germ all of them wii clean tho rcalp, coapand water will do thai, but -nly Newbro's Herpiuldo cots at the root of tho trouble aud kills tho dan druff germ. Tho construction' of n clgnr box may seem to be n very simple mntte'rto tho novice, but the box nassea through It) different processes before It ! ready to receive the cigars. , Switzerland's expense for the keep lug of each Inmate In the Insane asy lums Is $18 a yonr. Bed Time take a pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is hotter. My doctor says it acts gently ou tho stomach, liver aud kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is made of herbs, and id prepared as easily Us tea. It 1b called Lano'a Medi cine. All druggists soil it at 25c. and 60 cts. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get it, send for free sample. Address, Orator F. Woodward, Loltoy, N. Y. Metallic Term. Speech Is silvern, sllonce Is gOlde", giggling Is brazen, and laughing Is o' ten Ironical. Columbian. SYatk of Omo. City of Toledo Lucas County", j ' Frank J. Ciikshy makes oath that he Is the senior parter of the firm of F. J. CiiK.vur A Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, will pay the sum of ONE HUNDHED ('ntjirrh that cannot be cured by the u of Hall's Catakrh Ci-iik. FBANFJ.UHKMiY. Sworn to before me and subtHjribed in my presence, this 5th day of Dueombei :-L. A. I). WW. hkai. A. W GLEASON, ('' Notary Public. Hall's Oatarrh Cure ia taken intenull) awl uotB directly ou th blood aud nine ouh rurtHces ot the syewm. wnu lot tttatJtnoniaU.froe. F. J, CHUNKY &CO.. Toledo, 0 Sold by L-rugUtft ?5o. Hall's Family Illlsarc thebo-t. Peace Declare U't.u iluvntn nil viiiir time rnilim tUikur War and the Gold Fields o Alaika? There are othor matters o vital importance; you may makoatrip Ettai. ami will want to know how U travel. In order to have tho bestser viu.ue the Wisconsin t;enirai ttv. K-tiK-oun tit. Paul ami Chieano. Foi SO ,j, an. I ntliAP HllINlUln. WfltO JM l. Clock, General Agnt, Porlland. On SO' 60 to for acceptable Idea. State If patented. THE PATEMT RECORD, Billla.ore, Ml LffliSLu DAfu'tilll m- Atgclable PrcpnralionrorAs slmilating ltvcFoodnmlRcula- ling Ihc Stomachs nwlDowls of Promotes Digcalion.Chccrfur ness and Rcst.Conlalns nciiltcr Opltim.Morpliino norIiiveiaI. NOX"NVWCOTIC. 'toy afOMtirSAMVELnTaiFa HtmJun Seetl" sflx-Senna DtSriaialfSitCa MnpSre' CtmAfJ.fUegr hbitntm tlarer. Apctfccl Itcmctly forConsdpn llon.SourStoinacli.DlniThoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss nnd Loss of Sleep. FacSimilo Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. 1'. BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S QHDPPIHP 5T0UE5 and pl I I I 1 I I CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORB STOVBS STB1NBR Si BBR0BR JQO SJTA.TI5 STRBrr TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Sept. 21 Wheat a ley 0 (10, Walla Walla, 6fl 57. Flour -Portland, beat Kradw f'M & $3.10. Graham 2.50 ($13.00 perbbl. Oats Choice Whito il4:Jc, grey 30 -iOc per bushel. Millstufl Bran, $13.00; shorts, 1 .00 Hnv Timothy -f 1213 (er ton. Onions 1.25 for rixl 1.35 for Kllvoi skins. Potatoes 40 to -15c per saok. Butter Beet dairy, 25030; fancy croaniery, -16 to 55c. rftoro 25c, 30i KgKS-OrijUon, 22jiC4l5o. Poultry Chickens, !i 00 to 6 00; hens, $3 to 3.50; turkeys. live 14 to 10c. Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7)c por pound. lloj-s Heavy dressed 5 to Oc. Beef Steers, fl.50; cows,$3.50 Ql i Uressod leef, UK to 7?4C. Veal Dressed, 0 & Oc. for small. Hops 28c. for 18W crop, 8 to 10c for now crop. Wool Valley, 1213o; Eatorn Ore Kon, 1013o; Mohair, 25, Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 80c; under GO lbs, 1Si4 i heep pelts, 150 .Oc BALKM MAUKHT. Wheat 68 pounds and 6vr,50." Wool, 13 to 10c, MohiirKj. Hops 11 to 15c Oats 35 to'JOe. Hay Baled, cheat, $7; timothy, $10. Kw-s 20 to 22J&. . " i Flour In wholesale lots, $2.50; rehill 3- Millatuffs-Bran, $13 tdi0rtst$14 Hoj,'s DreseetL' 4 J4C. ' Live eattlo-fifeers, 3 i rows, 2 to f3. Klieep 83.60. Dreeod Veal7 cenl?, , Butter Dalrv. 15&20c: creamery ,c. Poultry ratliMis ier lb.,H; spring eliiakeus per lb., He. Potatoes now, SUc (er bushel. Apples 25c. OyvTftS "X" O JtrZ. 2 V. . Saloon for Sale. A good saloon business, bar and fix ture, stock ol liquors, lease on Uuildlii, -)tc,intown of Wooilburn, for sale cheap' MuULe sokl to wattle up estate of H, Beck, deceased. Addresi or call on Klinxer & LVk. telem, Oregon. 8, 2f. am for acceptable Ideox. State lr patented. THE PATENT HECORf BiJtJhjore. HI m CASTORIA For Infanta and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty-Years TMt CIHTAUnaOMPANT. NC TOSH Cm. I u RANGES. Bears the Signature jfiw BPvO Prepare for Winter By buying a new slove or having the old one relined. We have a large assort ment of Heaters and Steel Ranges which we offer at low prices. Repairs made, pipes sup plied and stoves set up on short notice. Your pat roiv age solicited. WASHING MADE EASY The Dewey Washing Machine This machino is a new one made ou scientific principle-it. It la guaran teed to iivo absoluto satisfaction After a thorough trial 110 family would ilimxiiiHo with one. With the use of tho Dewey, tho horrors of wasn day will illHappoar. mis ma chino will Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean Mo hard work about it. Kasy to op eruto. The manutactururs will b.vik up every claim mudo for tho ma chine. We Will Contest.... With any family washing mauhliie on tho three essential oiiits time, eao und good work for a $60 nurte. This offer Includes washing, rinsluv ami bluing. Hold at Hulum by It, M, Wude & Co. Correspond with or call ou Ambler 51 Young Manu'aoturers and Salenmsn, Mt. Angel, Oregon, Salem Soap Works Tho proprietor of the Salem Heap iTurfcn iias iiiuoo ojierauun 01 inn uuiiur signed dealers. Consumers' who desire u flrst-clas soap will Encourage Home Industry By ordering Salem-made soap from Mrs. II. Huffman, L. A, Deraglsh, B. Macuire. Allan AUowursox, F. X. Albrliiht. J. Hewitt, Savage & Beld, M. T. Itiiieman, O. M. Kppley, Tho Folr Store, I Golden Huloktore Ktelner A Co, II. Neiigebauer, iJatnei fihantz, Alex, uatio, W. L. Wade, Yokohama Tea Store Dsujon Bros Kameaof other merchants will le aude 1 as arrangements are made. OASTOXlXi.. BMntU wJ M Yw Hiit Alwrt BJ mtutx,bxixsKncnmmt.-tii&'rl KtmuriH&totsviUtirtr Washington's Example iCads US to toll tlm (ruth nlinnt nttr Wo didn't cut ilntvn n rluirrv rm wllli them, but anyone can do Bo. Weil made, of good steel, carefully tumpored, they will CUt and CUt n Ion if thnn wltlimit. alinriuitilnn thpit sharpen easily. Handles of equal iiuumy a inai oi mo aieei, R .M. WADE k CO. Sgi """" SALEM. S. Shirts That Talkl And collars and cuffs that speak, not only for thouiBolves, but for their wear ors and tho laundry whoro they wore cleansed nnd ironed for their wearers becauso thoy dlnplay tanto and careful soloction ot n laundry; for the laundry becauso tho work is woll done. Our talking friends comu frosh. sweet and clean from the Salem Steam Laundry, Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL J. OTMBTBAP ritOPlUKTOR. DOrtOUfl D. OLMSTEAI), Mtllt. Phono 411, 230 Liberty Street. How About Your Heater Is it all right and ready for the winter? II w.t tliln In lltn iat tltnn tn tinvn It cleaned and put In repair boforo you start your wintur's flro. Or possibly you neuii u uun uuui in uny uueu ji. will find our work in this lino of tho beat. Wo will put in steam boating np paratus hot air furnacu or hot wctor lieating at a reaBcunblu cost. BARR&PETZEL 214 COMMKROIAL STItBKT. Toloiihono 2371. WHY USE M(fp2copvniOM-T nitoiiDHR Titar oivk a oood MOIIT AND AUK LO-VO LlVUt), WK HSLI, TIIUKU (IIIADKS: "VUHKA" WKIIIAOIt MANTLK, Tho vorr Utet lliliitf lu inii.tlrti, Duublo ana slroa ONK 1I1KSDUK1) OANlll.K I'UWKIt wild awiHiiniittuu ofontr IhrtKi foil por hour, l'rlco Wc. nu, is. TlieoKiiiHuaii', oi BouaiAiiiiiK qiidiir 80 cent., IDKAIj." NctViiltoaKl)(l a' lit glylou itrlnn. lAfMitj,. Any o( tliuwj mtntlM put on ruiil ltiru' pr p irlr Aljmto I nt tbtta rttoi. DO YOU USE WGLSBACM BURNERS? wW Wto'i tift rS SnSSi a llliTTKU MUI1T for 1,194a MONKY with ono nt thono buniom thu wlUi mj othor form ot art), tidal light, Wo Iito km Motm !. tat tu how thorn to you, HALICM GAB LIGHT CO No Flies on a Hot Stove Nor is there any flaw or blemish on the work we do, either in plumbing, tinning or repairing. We lead on everything in the way of first-class work in our line. Fruit and Mop Dryer work a specialty T. S BUllRpTjasUl ) 2 3tat9 Phone I5H THOS.MILNB HUCOKHHOH TO L. M. KIUK Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, and Land Plaster. Grain, Hay and Straw stored. Wagon Scales. Prompt and careful attention given to the delivery of goods to any part of tho city, 54to 58 State St. Phone871. HEAT COOLERS The warm season has come, but we are here ahead of it with a heavy supply of coolers in the way of the choicest line of groceries, salads, meats and everything for a cold lunch or refreshing summer meal. Harritt & Lawrence, OMI t'O TOKKICK !,. (. KIUK. FIVP. OLD AND THIUU COMPANIES INSURANCE Farmers insure your Grain and Hos in WarcliotiHt-ri tlio cost is small about one-halt cunt a bushul ou wheat for six mouths. KIRK & LISTON, RESIDENT AGENTS Suueuor to Geo, M, Deelct J. Co. 388 Commercial Stn'ot, fialem, Oregon. irSfeayi jum iff' inaciiint.. is E. L. KING, Gwt'l Ag't for Or, Albany Orvgotu 'I . - fKrrp, mm!aMwnnr.m(mmm7iarxr. jj2TOri OREGON? m,-ntrcm I LITTLE BCvPEEP LOST HER SHEEP .Jut no ono need worry' about mutton this tltnn nfithn vnnr. If tlmv ,. -. I'lainty nnd doliciott. Bpring lamb io- an appotlzliii nnd nourishing Sinnrp moal. Wa havo everything in choice tnoats, and a' tho delicacies of tho bob pn in both l-olh and smoked mealt iimv win i inq moat critical epicure B C, CROSS SALEM OR. Look Close You'll eco not a sign of a sediment or any otliur Imnuritv In tho whiskies nml brandios purchasanlu here nothing hut th? nuto uld stuff, But whliky nnd brandy nro not tho only thing wo soil wines ami liquors and cordials of every namo and description worthy tho namo oi -goou goous" wot gooiis ot courpo, J. P' Rogers 218-222 Commercial Stroot gW Wholesalo and Hotall, ufJW i S.V-"-- V.i "V"" " ' C'""-"'10" l';"""ii i. , . . , fry yC. . trr'Wt ! u; ffl I x.t i r afcMtikttWun r iferfiPiw jVvf Wlsbacb Maitfle? nnagiTiiig kiijutt UAnniic tunnit. rrioa moou1lo power ai tho No, 197, nt nt hlf tho 71 Ghomokota St.. Telophono 003. QUO 'KUV W. A, j.lHTO.V, . V IVP. OLD AND TlllliD COMI'AMUS T H K CHICAGO has Imhui awarded tho GOLD ME DAL at tho Paris exposition, whieh foot eoestoturlheree lablfdh the claims of its mantifaelarers for elmpllo itv nnd all 'round tixcellenae. The purchase price Is about tho amount of ooniinInjun ono nays on a 1 100 not Ui-lW-rH' y..ur cnusjdorattonr CLYDE BROCK, ( IcaJ Attejit, A . Mow Oregon, mmMStSmimiUkit i WANTBD Now today adyortlpomonts four linos or loan In thlo oolumn InaorTott three tlmos for 20o., BOo a-wpok. I.OO por month. All ovor four linasi nt enmo rato. FOR SALE. Top buggy and Cwo-seated Bprlng hack, nearly no. PPly t Kucf place on Garden Koad. 9 24 3t FOB RENT A noat Ovo-room cottago with bascmont. Good well water. Apply to A. Bchriebor, 424 High St. WANTED Girl to -do housework In a email family. Coll at OroniBo gallery. ' 0-2411 LOST. Friday on Fair Grounds or between State house and.Falr grounds Lady's Black Aatrachan, collarott. Ro ward nt Wlcdmor & Roigolmau'a black Binltli Bhop, No. 100 Cliemekota. St. 0 22 Ot WANTED A girl from 13 to IGyoara old to assifit h light liouso kcoping. Apply Mrs. WiUon 80, Sixth Btrcot, l'ortland, Oro. 0-22-Of LOST OR STOLEN Largo bIzo, brown leather valise, worn some, with ono Btrap broken and sowed again. Con talned clothing nnd valuablo papers. Libornl roward for return. R. A. Wilton, Nowmnn, Cal. 0-22tl FOR SALE OR TRADE. For good land. A six room cottago and two lots on Asylum avonuo, at tho storo. Apply to J. O. G. Wimer. 010. 1 mos. WANTED Good Gorinnn girl. Tor manont plnco nnd good wages to right person. 370 Highlit. 0-15tl FOR SALE. 60 head flno hoifor calves, also 6 flno cows. John O. Kates, nt -Sheriff's ofllco. 0 17 lm BUGGIES AT COST. Wo hnvo a few top bugglos loft which wo will for tho next 16 days Bell as follows. 2 Regular f 05 bugglos for f 15,, 2 regular $75 bug gios for f&5, 1 regular $80 buggy for f 00. rolilo & Bishop. - 0-28-tf WANTED To buy King apples, now Is tho tlmo to Bell, also to sell fruit grow ers tliclr eacks for dried fruit, olthor into or cotton. II. S. Gilo & Co. OOtf 1-0 UND Ou Ohomokot street, n black barred lawn bunting waist. 0 fltf WANTED Wood, fallow nnd straw in oxchango for soap" nt tho Salem Soap Works. 0-5-lm FOR BALK OR TRADE A farm of 135 acres '2& miles south of Philomath. Inquire of 0. Homyor nt tho Red Front barn, Salem, Pro. 8JJU1 ffOARD WANTKDTl'orsona who wish to board studonts with or without rooms, please leavo thoir names and addresses with S. T. Richardson, Dean of tho Law Department. 0-10-dt FOR BALE Tho McCoy Btago nnd mall lino. Addross box3S2, Salem, Oregon. 813ti. HOUSE CLEANERS Romombot that tho best and chcanoat carpot paper la tho heavy foil paper Bold at Tub Journal ollico. 20tf Cb?ap Farms AND CITY PROPERTY. Land from f2.50 to 125 por cro. WC have to trade for largo or Bmall HOniOS 'anc-"'0' Bomo Small to oxchango for Stock Ranches Places Bomo Larp'c to BU" nm ta na imrt Pn el.!, mc B,nn'l tracts or good town rarmS proporty. Wo Loan Money at 0 and 7 por co SCll ot all kinds on ommlasion, StOCk ltont 'louao8 l,ni fnrtns, M flk ' a' k'111'8 ot property, ni.!.M lvo a largo list of landa EXCliangeS to select from. It you Want tO Sell, Rent or Exchange any JJjjy kind of proporty, or want liKiirnnrp 0,c-t -n Bt, us nt I none ' - Commercial atreot, LUauS, Snlotn, Oregon. Bozoptb,RyanX:Co Eucloso stamp for roply When writing. OSTEOPATH Y In Solum nrtd Albnny DR. GRACE ALBRIGHT, graduato ot American School of Osteopathy. . 8ALE.M Monday, Wednesday and Fri day ; hours, 0 to 12 a. m; 1 to 4:30 p. in. Ollico over Woller'a grocery, ALBANY Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday; hours. 0 to l'J a. in; 1 to 6 p. in. Ollico Albany, Mcllwitln building. Main Kt, 00 YEAI1B' EXPEniENCE Trade Marks Dcsiqnb CopvniaHTa Ac, AnronOMtidln ckoteh and dMOlpitmi tr UIHI7 aavr,iur uur uitmiuu irvo wu l'ltlentJ takuu throuiU Munu ftUa, xxxklit (voiicr tf4M nott4, without cliaruo, lu tho Scieiililic Jlmerlcait. A hindiunialr IlluttnUt Irntnt rlr- wltln of nr .cldlillD Ctiltkn ul nr .ciciiiIIDO lournai. -jeran. u tn fuurmuiiih,tl. ouMtijrtUI niiHleler. 1c CAPITAL, W1Y Express and Transfet Meets all malt and passenger trains. Baggage to all parts ot iho city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 851. DI8QUE & HOMYER CURE YUURSELFJ Uh lll(j. (or uunuutut liueht'K., lrlUuiiuluri : .rnuiloii. wr uloitiw it UlUOOUk UHlul)(fcO., 1- t!irt. - -1.1 .at .atolllk ltHiOMiMitutOo. a1-' r -iuii-. kUWiKmTi.o.BOl " " "H't-t -or miii in r-iilD wrappuT uv .mivu. Brubtfclii- fu Iflal .ir ftmttl.. fTA. 7 f,pnw, prvpttta. um (IrrtiUr null o nwiiwt Ii ii ijmrra ri'iiKiNial m l,lutui ml aHiV atfcitbu. i t !lrW utflfMII.Ll b i Ml I bV.v-'''JV i! tor acceptable Idea. State If patented. THE PATENT BEC08B, Balllawre.Kd. i it r u(mjk, part 1 Display Am. brad n r iuxik, nan cz&mt .