ill :u . - ijiiiimwi ir 11 .ar - laMMaaartaMeMSttaafel t V i J w v We want to sell you Your Next Suit! TH.imeo wo Went Into the boat clothing markets md watched and S? ul ami toJSS .the goods that have been com log to ub dally (or the put .month . Wo have the results now to show in the , Best selected stock of Mes -Fine Suits Kiirt&&wfcwtatt $10 to $20 2J2. SSSAS moToy usually buysN Come and eco about IU a W. Johnson & Company. The Peoples Clotliicrs and STATE FAIR PREMIUMS LIST Complete Official Award of Cash Prizes Also Diplomas an4 Honorable Mention Made of Dtservlrif Exbltlls-CorapIeteiJ from Monday. Jtclow will bo fonnd tlio stato fair pre mium list completed from Monday's JouiutAL. Tho entlro llflt of awarda will bo reprinted In Tub Wjikkly Jotm- MAI DIVISION C-Cootloued. SwetMtakcVfor Lout Wool. J II Stump. Ram with 4 of his lambs, pure blood 1 I 10 Swtekstakes for Fine Wool. Win Carey, Baletn. Ram with 4 of Ills lambs, puro blood 1 $ " Sweepstakes for Middle Wool. Chas E. Ladd. Itam with 4 of Ills Jambs, pure blood 1 flO Breeder's Special for Middle Wool. R W Carer. Heat exhibit of 12 head of fine wool alioep bred In Oregon 3 C John Minto and A T Wain, Salem. 12 head of flno wool aheep 1 20 'RUHalloy. 12 head of flno wool 2 10 films K Lndd. 12 head, long wool 1 12 head, middle wool 3 J D Stump. 12 head Ionir wool 2 20 5 10 Chas Cleveland. 12 head middle wool 1 20 Schmidt Bros. Hhubel. 12 head mlddlo wool 2 10 n Scott. . 12Ji(iud long wool r 3 Ji Special Premium. Chas K Ladd Ham mlddlo wool 1 Dip Ewe middle wool 1 Dip J It Stump. Ham long wool 1 Dip It Scott. Kwo long wool 1 Dip Ten of wethers under 2 yrs, mutton Bheeii not less than 3 head, any breed 1 f B Aniora Coats. W D Claggctt. liuck 2 yrs ami over 3 2 uraig won, itiacicay. liuck over 1 yr and under 2 Kwo over 2 yr Pr buck lambs Pr ewe lambs 12 hend ;. II. Stumb. liuck over 2 yrs . Buck over 1 yr aud under 2 8 8 8 2 4 8 4 20 4 4 2 i ,H 10 .wu over 2 yrs Kwo over 2 yrs "Kwo over 1 yr and undor2 ( l'r buck lamlis Pr cwo lambs Kxhlblt 12 head Harris it Karly, Salem. liuck over 2 yr liuck over 1 and under 2 Kwo over 1 yr and under 2 ljr.buck lambs .Jintnvo lambs' ' Kxhlblt 12 head DIVISION D. Clats J()Berkblre. Slsson k Co., Los '.Angeles. : lioar 1 yr aud over Hoar 1 yrand ovor lioar 0 mos und uniler 1 yr Hoar Jess than 0 mos lioar less than 0 mos Breeding cow 2 yrs and ovor Sow lens than 1 yr 4 plus any aire from 1 sow bred by exhibitor W HJUdd catato, Hoar, 1 yr nhd'ovur Hoar less than II mos l Breeding sow 2 yrs aud ovor r Breeding sow 2 yrs nud oyer i Bow 1 yr and under 2 ,' j Sow 1 yr aud under 2 Sow 1 yr and under 2 8ow loss than 1 yr Sow loss than 1 yr Heat herd 1 boar and 3 bows bred by exhibitor , Heat boar'atiy ago i ' ', Host sow any ago J . f 2 50 6 0 3 1 50 2 50 1 10 10 U 6 10 3 0 1 50 2 4 15 Dip Dip 4 pigs any ago from one bow 2 6 6M Smith, Jefferson. I VM.HW ..... 4 pltjs from 1 sow Herd 1 boar 3 sows llaxolwood Co. Spokauo. Hoar less tiian tl mos Bow lues thnnlyr Sow less than 1 yr , .A plus from 1 bow Jflcrd, 1 hour, 3 bows Slsson & Co. , , Hoar 1 yr and over lioar 0 mos and under 1 yr Hoar under U mos Hoar uuder 0 mos Breeding sow 2 yrs and over Hrecdlug sow 2 yrs and over Bow 1 yr and under 2 Sow 1 yrand under 2 Herd 1 boar, 3 bows MO Smith, Jefferson. Hoar 1 yr and over Hoar 0 moo aud under 1 yr 3 3 o 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 o 1 2 1 10 15 10 1 0 3 10 260 (I 3 10 , 50 JBEarly. v Hoar 0 mm and Jjndor 1 yr , 1 A 0 , Brcodliig WW 2r f "85 lioar any axe wJ d Dip , Sow any ag , , 'JP ; J M mi4 A W Atkinson, Now berg. ' ' JBar J Knd'avr' '"'' 8 Furnishers Sow 1 yr and under 2 3 1 50 5 Ohio Improved Cheaters. D W Karly, Salem. Boar 0 mos and under 1 yr 2 $3 Sow less than 1 yr 2 Ed School, Albany. Hoar less than (1 moa. 1 o Urre Wblte Cbeablret. II West, Schappootse. lioar l yr anu over f ju Hoar 0 mos and under 1 yr 1 0 Hoar less than 0 mos 2 3 Breeding aow 2 yr and ovor 1 10 Sow less than lyr 14 4 pigs from 1 sow 1 10 Herd 1 boar, 3 sows 1 15 Special Farm Exhibit Livestock, J B Stump. , JSililMl oi larm uvu stock consisting of not loss than 2 head horses, 4 head caltlo 5 head sheep, 5 head goidfl, 5 head swlno 1 l75 DIVISION J-Contlnued. Needlework, Women Over 60 Years. Mrs Jnno 0 Albert, Salem, Jeiquill, biik imujimwi., fancy not crazy Mrs F II Lacy, Salem, spec. Bilk cmb. Mrs Nancy WeBt, Salem, Drawers liedquilt, silk patchwork, fancy not crazy Beduullt, wortted patch work, fancy not crazy Mrs Kmily Wariner. Drawers Uaby'b Dress Hemstitching Silk emb. Sofa Cushion, Bilk patch work, fancy not crazy MrsM A Gill. Horoatitching Mrs J 0 Korb. Nightdress Heiiquilt, worsted patch work, fancy not crazy Crochet and Knlltlaf. Mrs L Fischer, pr Woolen Stockings pr Woolen Socks per fancy Stockings Mrs M K Mathey. 1 50 1 1 2 1 . 2 50 r 2 i i i i i i Bedspread, crochet 1 3 1 2 2 1 50 lady's Skirt, crochet Mrs K W Wllklus, Salem, Hodspread, knit Mrs J Q Korb, Bedspread, knit Er Woolen Socks ady's Skirt, crochot Set DollloH. knit Mrs A 8 Woolcock. Sulem, Siecimcn knit laco Specimen crochet laco Mrs G M Whitney, specimen knit lavo Specimen crochet laco 50 DIVISION K-MlntB Under 14. Class ("Uresd. Marguoritu Wilson, Salem, Potato Yoaat Lulah Hollo, Salem, .Potato Yeast Hacking Powdor bisjuit Laura Gill, Salem Salt Hlaing Dread Unking Powdor Biscuit 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Class 2-Cakesand Dulter. Klva MoKllmny, Whltaker. 6 pounds liuttor Loafi Hollo. Salem, Layer caku Loaf cako rjura QUI, Salem, Loaf enko Class 3-.Needlework Hesslo Frlsloy, Salem, Sofa pillow Toilet cushion IloHsIe CobIiow, ltosohurg, HKcimeu llandstltcllug Toilet cushion Specimen silk cmb Sofa pillow Ucnava Potior, Salem. Pillow slips hemstitching Klva MoKlhaney. Tidy, drawnwork Tidy, fancy Child's dress Leah Hello, Six buttonholes 8eclmoii heumtilcliiiig S)ocimon silk emb Clara, Maud Miller, Salem, Cotton patchwork 1 2 1 1 50 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 DIVISION L. poysUadeM6 A Ilaymond Parker, Axe bundle Specimen mechanism Warren Hunt. Salem, Collection birds' eggs Ernest Taylor, Salem, Carved work Specimen potatoes Qooruo Harr. Salem Collection birds' eggs 50 50 DIVISION M. Class I. Fall Apples. G. A. Kockwell, Salem. , Display not loss than tea plates Uravenstolu 2 $6 Mm. K. Dow, Shedda, Ore. DUplay not less thau ton plates 1 10 i Class 2. Winter Apples, G. W. Dlmlck, Hubbard, Ore. Display not less than ton -plates 1 10 0. F, Landing, Salem, Display not less than ten 50 plates .,, . 2 .8. . CUss 5, 0", 7, GrtcVpescaes. A MlsaJJello Wqlfe FnllsTClty. 10 ouuds -Display of Oregon growii Nil fa w rfHrt UesV'dU'play plums . CUss 8, Quinces. mJ Mrs. J, V, Taylor, Exhibit not less than one peck $ 1 Class 9, Crapes.' O. P. Laming, Salem. Each varloty, not less tbati 10 bunches 1 $ 2 C. L. Pope, Salem. Display of Oregon grown grapes 1 5 each variety, not less than ten bunches DIVISION. N. Veietafcles. Mrs. J. V. Taylor, Salern. Exhibit vegetables, from Burpee's seeds B. F. Hall, Croaton. Ore 1 Prize Onions, yellow Danvors 1 2 C H Chapman, Salem. Onions display . 2 2 60 Squashes for tablo 2 1 J K Douglas, Albany. Jieeta for tablo, 3 varieties 1 2 Manicel'wurzel l 2 Kxhlblt carrots 1 2 Onions display 1 5 itutabagns 1 2 Squash for (able 1 2 Kohlrabi 1 1 Largest squash of any kind 1 3 Mrs F A Wolfe. Kohlrabi 1 2 Rutabagas 2 1 Six largest tomatoes 1 1 DIVISION 0. Class I, Flowers. Mrs J V Taylor Fuchsia 1 Hoses 1 Meranlums , 1 Climbing plants 1 Variegated leaved plants 1 Ferns 1 Now and raro plants 1 Begonias 2 O Heliotrope I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 50 o 3 00 1 50 1 50 3 uarnationa l Pansies 2 Hanging basket 2 Cactus , I Mrs. T. Burrows, Salem. Cactus In variety not less five 2 Mrs. J. II. Haas, Salem. Fuchiaa 2 Geraniums 2 Varegatcd leaved plants 2 Ferns 2 Begonias 1 Hclotrope 2 Carnations 2 Gladiolus 1 Paneled 1 Mrs. J. K. McCoy, Salern. Oleander 1 MrB. 0. F. Taylor. Hanging baskets 1 Climbing plants 2 Now or raro plants 2 PlumbaKO capouso 2 J,ady Washington goranl um In bloom 1 DIVISION 0. 1 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 5 1 25 1 50 4 3 2 6Q 3 2 50 2 50 1 Class 4, Slnile Plants. Mrs. J. V. Taylor. Caunn Palm Titus elaBticca Plumbago capenso Asparagus plumousmanus Arunda donnx Beat LaFranco roso in bloom Best ViBcountlcBB Folkstouo roso in bloom Best yellow rose, any vari ety, in bloom AbutitionSoveniordo Bonne Lady Washington gerani um in bloom Mrs. J. II. Unas, Titus elastlces KhynuoBpormim HanKiriK baskets mado bv 50 exhibitors 3 1 Best La b ranco roso In bloom Host ViBcountotq AbutllouSouvoiilrdollonno Best yellow roso in bloom Mrs N. P. Babcock, Salem, Ilex lioRonia Umbrella plant Mrn. K. A. Kress, Salem. 50 50 Uux Begonia 2 1 Chris Nerod, Salem. Canna 1 3 Aruuda Donax 1 3 MrH GhurloB Gllllngham. Salem. Hanging basket made by exhibitor. 2 1 50 Umbiela plant 2 1 Mrs Wiiletta Mott, Salem. Palm 2 1 50 Asparagus pluniouair.adua 1 3 Special Premium. Mrs J V Taylor. 50 Heat and most artlsticically arranged uroup of (lowers 1 $10 MruGhaa W. Gllllngham. Beat and most artistically arranged group of flowers 2 5 Sweepstakes. Mrs J V Taylor. Display ol cut llowere other than bw oot juiaa Bout display of sweet peas Floral design cut llowors Beat dUplay of rosea Heat display of astors Mrs F Hughes. Best display of sweet peas lieat dlaplay of rosea M 5 1 o 3 Mrs u W Ullltngliam, ' DiHplay of cut (lowers other than sweet peas 2 3 Foral design cut (lowers 2 3 Mra OF Taylor. Display of astors 2 1 Mrs. J. V. Taylor, of Salem, reculved tho nrizo offered by tho Hurbeu Seed Company of $10 for tho host display of uowers raiboii irom mo uiirueo seeds. DIVISION P, 4 CUss t. Natural History. 0 F Lansing, Jr., Salem, CollLvtion ofOregou noxious Insects 1 f 3 Guy M, Powers, Salem. Collection of Oregon Indian 50 relies 1 Cabinet of Molusk shells 1 Cuhlnst of Oregon MulhiBk rheils 1 Collection ofOregou fossils 1 DIVISION Q. 3 3 3 3 Class 3-011 Talntlais. IdaAdolph. Salem, Pavtol pnlntimt 1 2 Mt 0 Ballon. Salem, Still life study in oil by Art 1st 1 5 Mrs Hammett Laoy, Salem Lands-apo in oil on canvas taken from nature by Artist 2 2 50 Mrs K Hufor, ' Fruits n oil taken front na ture, by Artist . . " 3 2 50 Mrs N E Lltherland, Salem, Largest and boat collection of portraits la oil bf Artist 1 8 Figure study In oil on can vass painted directly from life bv Artist 1 8 Jessie Munkers, Auimal life iu oil on canvas by Artist 2 1 50 Pearl Carter. Salem, IjitViUit mill at illanliv nt l l " . . ' ' rSw ,; iBiiuovnpu miuun in oil three specimens by one pert son Mrs MP Brown Marine palatini; in oil on H "Put Money In Thy Purse. tr Nobody suffering fron brito-fag. lack of energy r or "that Ued fitting" ever pats money in his purse. Lassitude &rJ lisitesmess come frotn Impure, sluggish btood thai simply oozes through the vcins. Hood's SarsaparSU nvtkes the btoodpute and gives it life, vigor And von. AWGdSSaUa, canvass bv the artist Animal lifo in oil on can vass by tho artist Fruits in oil taken from na ture by tho artist Flowers painting Sn oil on canvas from nature by tho artist 3 l Paatel painting Mrs K II Barchus, Portland, landscape in oil on can'vaea taken from nature by tho artist 1 5 Largest and best display of landscape painting in oil tlfreo specimens by one per son 1 8 Marie Craig, Salem, Portrait painting in oil on canvas taken from lifo by the artist 2 4 Mrs J 11 Lunn, Salem, Marino painting in oil on canvas by tho artist 0 Still life in oil bv the artist Mrs M F Woods. Portland, Portrait naintine in oil can 2 60 vas taken from lifo and ex hibited by theartiat Mrs A J Hodgers, Portland, 1 8 r lower patuttng in oil on canvas taken from nature by tho artist Kdna Pohlo. Salem. 2 50 Flowers in water color Irom nature by the artist 2 2 Mios Mario Ctaig, Salem. Portrait in wator color by tho artist 1 0 Pearl Carter, Salem, Flow ore in water color from naturo by the artiBt 1 4 Hguro color iu wator color by tho artist 1 4 Mrs Frank Hughes. Marino in water color by the artist 1 3 Figure in water color by the artist 2 2 Mrs Claud Catch. Portrait in water color by artist 2 3 Landscape in wator color from nature by artist 1 4 Myra A Wiggins. LundecaiKj iu wator color from naturo by tho artist Mrs A F Holer. Animal life, from naturo Mrs Hammett Lacy, Salem. 2 2 1 3 tJrayon rortralt i Henry Jocquet, Lewiaburg. Pencil sketch from naturo 2 2 Kdna Pohlo, Salem, Crayon Drawing, 3 s peel- mens 2 2 Mauriel Scott, Salem. Animal lifo 2 1 50 Pearl Carter, Salem. Charcoal sketch from naturo 1 3 T M WrMit. Saloa. Pencil sketch from naturo Mario Craig, .Salem. Crayon Portrait Cora Griswold. Satcm, Crayon drawing3specimon8 MraTA Welceh, Salem. Sketching, sjiecimen 1 1 Aiurray, Waue, Halem. Charcoal sketch from naturo 2 1 50 K Vandersol, Salem. Sketching, sprclmon 2 2 Photocraphlc Portraits by Professionals. Chas K Daweon, Zena, Collection Photographic views by amatuur 1 $ 4 Leo Morehouse, Pendleton, Ditto 2 1 Mrs M F McLennan, Salem, 0 portraits, platiuo finish 25 cabinets, platiuo (lnish II D Trover, Salem, 3 portraits, platiuo finish (i portraits, platino finish (I Paris punols, platino Mulsh 2 -o cauiuots, piatino iinien Miscellaneous Works or Art. Frank Yoenkn, Salem, Specimen pyrography, wood cork or bone Mrs F 11 Lacy, Hammered metal, specimen Mrs M 0 Moore, China painting in Lacroix 50 iwrmjjuuu uatch, Hammered metal, specimen 1 3 Spec, pyrography on wood, cork or bono 2 2 Chemawa Indian School, Display school work 1 10 ' Mrs TT Geer. Collection China painting in lacroix 1 15 Specimen China painting in ljicroix 1 5 Mrs M F Woods, Portland, Srh5, pyrography on wood, cork, or bono 1 4 Amatuers Under Sixteen. Fanny Mulkey, Salem, Display crayon drawings 13 Geo Pettingoll, Salem, Natural history in crayon 1 3 Gieta Gill, Salem, Display crayon drawings '2 1 60 Drawing 1 2 Spec, penmanship 1 2 Olive Mitchell, Salem. Pencil sketch from naturo 12 3 Portrait in oil and canvass 1 3 Siiec. natural history Iu oil 1 3 Special Exhibits. G G Wlekson A Co., Portland. For tho Iwat working ex hibit of dairy machinery $100 B F Hall, Oroston. Itoad grador 1 Dip George L Hlckel, Portland, For tho best working ox. hlblt dairy mvchiuury 2 10 Geo I) Goodhue, 8alom. Special poultry exhibit 1 250 Goo W Weeks. Special exhibit daUy produta 1 200 Diploma and Special Mention Recommended by the Judces. J J Case, Portland, Farm machinery Huasoll it Co, Portland. Threshing machine aud engine D M Osborii. Portland. Farm maohiueiy F G Hats, Salem. Elect rie sprayer 1 K J liowoii, Portland Hood Co. Seed, incubators and brood ers Yokohama Tea no, Salem 1 Frank Gallowa, Central Point. Water proof feed box I M M Wilkius, Portland. Wilkius gate Geo W Foot, Independence, Fanning mill and Backer M K Lewis, Albany, Farm uato Goslingas Lamp Co, Portland. memo rtuoxve ulo Co, Grants Pass. DIVISION R. .- k Poultry and Pet stock, is. L. B, WItxell, Tangent, bwaua M IJ.IIJ lljll Jf r WIWUUIL'' ' 1 In mifwihtiiiJi iT 7f7B5 Buff Leghorn Cock 2 W Buff Leghorn hrn 1 1 . Boff Leghorn pullet 2 , pO Buff Leghorn pen 3 1 w 8. O. Brown Leehorn cock 2 60 R. O Brown Leghorn cock 1 1 It C. Brown Leghorn cock erel 11 R. C. Brown Lochornhon 12 1 50 R. C. Brown Leghorn pul let 1 1 R. C. Brown Leghorn pen 1 3 Trio Guina fowls 1 2 White crested black Polish cock 1 1 White created black Polish hen 1 1 White created black Polish pullet 1 1 Wallace nurlburt, Corvallle. White Plymouthrock cock 2 60 Mrs. Frank Barrows, Fairgrounds. Amr Dominlnuo cockerel 2 50 Amr Domininue pullet 2 60 Amr Dominlnuo hen 2 50 Amr Dominique pen 2 50 Continued on Third Cage. THE COAL STRIKE HELPING BRYAN New York Special: Staff CorrwponJeut Oregolan There is tho ever uncertain labor vote. Probably there would have been no dan ger from their vote had it not been for tho striko in tho anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. As the Homestead Btriko in 1892 was the principal factor in the defeat of Mr. Harrison, it is possiblo that the effect of tho present striko will be tho defeat of tho Republican candidate this year. It certainly will harm him and help Bryan. This Btriko will be talked ovor where ever laboring men congregate. Tho coal trust will bo primarily blamed for the etrike,andthe trust is llkley to bo credit ed to tho Republican party. Notwith standing this is unjust, for tho coal trust is not protected, there being no duty on anthracite coal, yet we may ns well face the fact thatin tho general consider ationof tho caseby the average working man, tho party in power will bo help responsible, and thero will be a feeling of revengo against some ono and that one is most always the man who is seek ing relcction. Tho ramifications of tho Btriko aro opt to go fartlierjthan among tho laboring men. Thoadyancein the prlco of coal hits many people and hits them hard. Not many men will under take to reason out all tho subtleties of a question when he is obliged to pay much higher prices for coal. He may rail at the strikers, but he is more likley to rail at the trust, nud to vent his spite on tho party in power, which is unjustly held responsible for tho trust. The Health Problem Is much Bimplor than is sometimes sup posed. Health depends chieilv unon perfect digestion and pure blood, nud tuo problem is eolvotl very readily by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Yon mav keen well by tnkinir it nromntlv for unv ntrm- ach or blood disordor. Its cures of scro fula, salt rheum, catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism nnd other diseases num bered by tho thousands. Tho favorite family cathartic is Hood's Pills. 1 Satemltes Will Wed. Cards aro out announcing tho wedding of Mr, Henry Papo and Miss Addlo Scott Plamondon at tho home of tho brido's mother, Mrs. M. K. Palmondon, corner of Winter and center streets, Thursday at 8 o'clock, Rov. O. J. Scovell of tho Episcopal church ofllci- ating. hi i Stops the Couth and Works off the'.Cold. Laxfttlra IlromnOiilnlno Tabled rnrn a. mill In ono lay. No Cure. No Pay. l'r ico JJc 8 2J . New Suit. Tho Bank of Woodburn has com menced suit in tho circuit court against John Sins to collect balanco alleged to be lino on two notes given last year, with interest, attorney's fcos and costs, amounting to boiiio $400. The Best Prescription for Malaria. fll Ills till fA & I a a tin I tin .. I I a..! Mi. .! I Will Tonto. It I ilmpty Iron nnd iiulnlno In a tavtelctia form. No euro uo pity. 1'rlro Wc, a-iu em-cm Mrs. Win, Lee's Funeral Tho funeral of Mrs. Wm. Loo. form ally of this city was hold yesterday at her homo near Lebanon nud tho remains laid to rest in the burial grounds abovo Lebanon. Sho wnstho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnio of McMlnvillo and n sister of Wm Ronnio and James Renuio of this city. WPIERCE'S Favorite I Prescription " I am SO L'rilteful tr vnil for vnnr n.1 vice," says Mrs. Sidney II. Oakes, of Whituiell, Pittsylvania Co., Va. " When 1 commenced your medicines I had been treated by different doctors for three months or more, but would only receive partial relief for a short while und then would be worse than before. Was con fined to my bed moot of the time. At the time I commenced your treatment my icu siue was completely jxiralyzeU. Had no desire to eat un thing; bowels costive all the time. Nerves were all unstrung, so I could not bear the least noise. I also suffered from diseased ovaries aud female weakness. But thanks to my Maker and you, after following your advice, I am able to do all my wash UiK.'sewliig and house work in general. I haven't had a spasm iu two months. icik uu uicuiiuiui auoui one ..moniti u - ---- --... vv wv w " ta LUUe them loni'er. I Ihvk tnl-Ar, nlvn..t jjuin-i inmK it necessary to con seven bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite x-reacrrpuon, seven of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,1 and two vials of Pleasant Pellets.' I heartily recommend those medicines to all suffering as I was." makes weak women STRONG. sick women WELL. BUSINESS CARDS O. JHL Til A OK Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeno, ol Whito Corner, Sntem Or. Parties desir ing superior operations at moderate fees in any branch aro In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1071.1 ROOMS 1 AND 3, OKAY ULK. B. P. JONES, Attornoy-at-Lav Toledo, Orovon Wm Cleric of Circuit Court ; I year amlhiis an up-to-dato abstract oi al1 -J'tujla Lincoln county. 11 .17 m Old Post OfficeStables Aro largo am have reliable attend ants, your tepin boarded by the week or day. Good teams for hire. Prices rea sonable. Your patronage solicited. H. M. Brown (12 Ferrv Street. SOULE BItOS. Piano Tuners and ll1 pares PORTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity leave ordora at Geo. Will's Music Store. Boots and Shoes Mtilo to order. Ladlos Shoos a spec ialty. KeiatrltiK neatly done. J. M. Needham. 181 Com st T.J.Sillivin, State Street Tailor. Fall Suiting Jut In. Tho ObemdorlT pat U'rnH (rum Chicago, llct IjUsIiimi nulls 15. (3 pants V. Tillson, Bartlctt Grain Co, Prunes wanted. Fruit bans for wile. Loans and Insurance Monuv to loan from fl to 8 por cent. "according to security no oxitenee for examination, lusurancu ellected on hops and other property at lowest rates. John SVloir 290 Com, st. 7-lfl.'fdi-w High Grade Belgian Hares We guarantee the best stock at the lowest price that can be purchased.- 2 I x . Commercial Rabbitry 510 Commercial St., Salem, Or. S, C, STONE. M. H Pmprlc-torot Stone's Drue: Stor r 8ALKM, ORKGON. Tue stores (two lu uumber) aro lotattnl a No. 236 aud 513 Commorelal strce., nud ar h till ato"ked with a coinplota lino of drug an modlclnia, toilet article, pertuiaury, bruihes etc., c to., etc, 1)11. HTONK lla had tome 25 years experience In tho prac t'coolmedloluoaud now makes no oliarco fo ncnrultatlnn, ftiamlnatlnn or proscription. Important to Contractors TIioho rfuulring cemout will do well to heed tho advice that cements are bound to ndvttnco in prlco beforo long. Two carloads of tho celebrated Giant Cement In etoro at our watehoiiEO and on salo at tho old prices. D. S. BENTLEY & CO. 319 Front st. Wheat Bought and Stored By tho Aurora Roller Mills Branch ollleo and warehouse 181 Trado at. betweon llluti and Church streets, liuckwheat and oats bought ut hiRhost markot price. FRED P. HURST. 7-27-tf dAw ROCKY A10UNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT DayllfhtStopoYcrat Majara Falls. Through first claB ti I'acille Coast weekly f Now York, and othor i touaist eluoner from for Chicago. Boston, urK, una otuor eastorn points, via Hio Grundu Western, (Great Suit Ijike HoiltO) DdllViir it ltirt llrimlu n 1? T .(- 1 and IlliliOia Contrnl in ("!ln'vurj MimiAi. lug in the Union Depot with Michigan Central's similar car for points wist. For particulars call on or address T.ocal Agents or, H. II. TniuinpiA, Com'l Ag't. III. Cent. U. K. 8 Otf H3 Third et Portland Oro O JZ 3 Tf C3 XV. X A. . Btiritks 11)3 Kind ww Hate Alnars BoafiM am Lnsilatc. tor the latest improved machinery for snsllage cutting seo Mitchell, Iaiwiu & staver Co's branch, F. F. Carov, man. en Stav ager, 8 30 A & w tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Blsuaturo of ZfS&C &$ SALEM HOP BUYERS, Squire Farrar No 65 State 8t. Phono No. 1221. Wm. Brown Co liu.ih Diilldlng, Commorolnl St. (ground lioorj. uinco icicpnonu no. i. Lilienthal Bros, II. J. OUenhofmcr, Manager. OITlco ovor btuiUiV liuan iiuiik. iiionu no. 101, Catlin Linn Ofllccovcr Wcllor' grocery toro. 'Phono no uu. , Carmichael omce over Jnlinxon'a Clothing ttoro, In Iluali.IlroniMU blUK Ta A, Livesley Co Commercial at' Hcond stair wuth or Ladd ,1 llu.h tMnk bank; from IS, upstairs. n Thonc 1211. L D Jacks Co Hop ollleo formerly occupied by Herrcn A Ijvy foulli of Wlllamcllo Hotol. SAIEM LODGES r j w. w. Halem Camp No. 118. JU-eU ovcrr Friday over. r, 70, in A. O. U. W ball, Stale Ins. bide. P. I), l'runty, O. C. W. A. Jtoorca, clerk room 16, Moorcrblk KOKKSTBKS OX AMISRIOA Court Blicrwood Fored No 10. Mccta trlday nlghta In Turner block. John M. (;tiao, C. It. A U Prown S;y 1M7'1ti WHERE TO EAT AN OSLEEP Tilli DENVER RBTaORANr The onlv nlacn in tho oifv whero vou ! pirn n II rot.f.tiioa (tT 1R milllu Slnto Street. 9 0 1m The Wilson 18 Cantor Strcot. Is now tindor tho old managamoitt nnd to pAtions In the llituro as in the past will meet uiitlro witlfrtutluii lit klwuln? nnd cnlltiR. Kooms Tor runt, dy, wiek or month. CIIAH. DOWNS, 1'iop. WHY GO HUNGRY When you can got all yon want to eat at tho WHITE HOUSE RESTAUIUNT Our patrons tecelvu tho best tho market affords. 0en day und night. McKillop & Berkhart 100 tnto St. CANADIAN X PACIFIC 100 Hours Ocean to Ocean VIA The Imperial Limited Grand Scenery Fast Time Modcl'Accomodattons Tourist nnd first-class sleeping uirs BOSTON, MONTREAL, TOONTO, OTTAWA ST. PAUL For full particulars apply to E.J.COYLB, H. 11. A1SROTT, A. G. I. A., HO Third St. Vancouver, It. C. Portland. More Cheap Excursions to the East Hound trip tickets from Denver, Colo rado Springs, and Pueblo to Chicago, Peoria and intermediate points, will bo sold August 10, and September 7 and 21, by tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE -AT BATE OV Ono ltfgular Faro 1'Ius $2.00 Tor Hound Trip Iteturn Limit Octobor 31, 1000 One fare to Chicago and return Aug. 23 24, 25, 20, for the GvA-,R-, ENCAMPMENT , With liberal return limit. SPECIAL TRAINS OnkNiciht OutJto Chicago, will leavo Denver 3M5 p. m., Colorado .Springs, d:o5 p. m. and Pueblo 2.45 p. in. for ox- CIlmOllH of Anu 10 nn.t oi .,.,.1 c... 7 and 21. Tickets alto good on regular itiiie. ror iuii intormatlon apply to , Poopkk. Con. nut. Portland Or. h. AV. TnoMiso.s, A. G. P. A., t Toptika, Xan. Joit.NSjiiiAbTiAN G. P. A., Chicago OTEM WOOD SAW O Two Machines Work Don Quickly. Telophono 268S black. Leavo orders at reMileiu-e on 13th atreet. or Stelner' market, M. VanFtuCT, Vkw Park. f-6t Salem Water Co., oppicb, my HALL. For wator service aoply at ofllc. Illl U payable mouthly In advaoco. Make all complaints ut the otllc UiciLyi nwAUT ron KroKT aTTrn'nTw-. U..u kanc liver o.-oopm Walla Walla, 8tokart ti. apol a. Ut. Viol livftiP1?'' -"-oiun. Allan. Ito Kz 9 p, m a. VU HUNTINGTON 8 pm. 8 p. m. ax. Hun 10p,m rorPanTrau;MBUU COLUMHIA ltiHti I , , bTKAMKRS. To Aatorla nnd wy UaA i.. ; '"ti, WII.tjAMETTR RIVEII ? I-eave rialom wWW2K WILLAMETTE lllVEn i.TTr nkli; Iloala to 1-ortland aa aboTfc rni't pnr linn At (Irnmn i i!. irWlUfn a. dcluyod there. 1 toketa to nil MMi,ft?pi'i WaafrlURtou, California or ihafiJjSioa, rail or river routo to rortlani iJ mado at Portland with all ralLjL??W "UC1- w ". Ute?rnr' ' Mif Apsnt, Trado BtrtftilSi U City ticket and freight office 2oXg SOUTH AND VIA THE SHaSTA ROUTE Trnins.leavo Salem for Portland mdu, stations at 6:40 a. m. , 7:54 a. m. i-l 4:05 p. in. w Lt rortlnd.. . j ait Lv Balem. -110 AM ion 1 1 i jin Ar AUilaurt. Ar 8acramcnto. Ar San Kranclftco.. u:,w a M . bXOPU . 7.iS P M ArUKdon.. Ar UoiiTcr... Ar Kanta, Ulty . S.i'i A M info .9-00 AM i . 7aSAM vz,. at uniouni. -7.15 AM UJli Ar Ixm Angeloa . Ar Kl Paw Ar Kort Worth Ar city ofMozlto-- .1WVU . IPM . S30AM -SA A M IMAM . 625 I M', .WAX .12.43 H M tan inri (All ItJOll tJiii an IU1 uuri AT ilOllilOU . Ar Noir Orloani. .. Ar Waahingion Ar Now York Pullman and Tourists ran on foi trains. Chair cars Sacramento to OjJ and El Paso, nnd tourist cars to 0hlot, St. Louis, New Orleans and Wainltnttt, Connecting nt San Frandlsco with ki oral steamship lines for Ilonolsk Japan, China, Philippines, Central d South America. 8eo Mr. W. W. Sktnnorairantttbilu Station, or address O. II. MARKHAM, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. POSSIBLY You aro not nwaro of tho fast time ul ' stierb sorvico now afforded bj tie nav&' 2 WE HAVE . A Daily Fast Trains d tO THE EAST. " If you cannot take tho morning tru travel via me ovoning tram. mu n 4 finely equipped, "Our Snfifiia lios" Fast Timo, Through Service, Msii Palaco Sleepers. Pullman Touriit w ers, Pullman Diners, Library (Ca7e)( aud Froo Reclining Chair cars. Hours in timo saved to Omsbij ( ago, Kansas City, St. LouisKeSrncrl Boston, and othor Eastern poinU.' Tickota gool to Salt UVo City v Denver. . It is toyour interest to use Tus 0n land Limitki). Tickets and tlwpaj car bortliB can bo secured from ' ' W. W. Btvtva. AgontB.P.C& Or Guy Powers, Ag't.O B. & x J. II. lxmiBOi, Gcn'l Agent, No. 186 Third St. Portland Or Oregon Shou Lino til Ail It F Tho Direct Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives cholco of two favorite ronW.' tho UNION PACIFIC Fat M"1""' or the RIO GRANDE Scenic UM. No Change of Cars. On the Portland-Ohlcago Special,. finest in the West." Equlppod With, KlegmuHUudard81cieri. Kino New Ordinary lourUi 8Ilrt Superb IJbran-liuffet Car. 8nlondlpDInneri, Meaia a la cart Free KecllnluuCLairCira. Comfortable Coachca and Smoieri , Kutlrw Train Completely V""1" For further information PK,, J. R.NAGEL, QUYPOWf Trav. Paas. Act. Agent O. B. &? 149 TMrtl B PArMand Or. B1 mm iiitt -! - Corvallis & Eastern Hi TIME CARD! No 2 For Yaqulna: Tralu leaves Albany, Train leaves Cotvallls.... Tiain arrives Vaqulna . No. Returning: weaves xaquinu.... r Leaves Corvallis Mrs Arrlvna AlbauV 'o. 3 For Detreit: d. , Leaves Albany JS. a, Arrives Detroit ,,,!y No. 4 Rfiturnlng: 2..a. u Leavkb Uetioit !j?b.' Airlvec Albany.... . , ."''',,11 One and two connect at Ajtan , j Corvallla with Southern Vm?, AM Kir'K umruu ovt "" "' port and adjacent beaches. .rt, Trains for the mountains w Detroit at, noon, giving ml'5 $ to reach carnnifi ""'"nVlw."i Breltenbuab and antUm pr p II L virKN. BDwW T. V, A P. A H M, .Y.W.... HnifiWinff M Chto?ieaiJmJSJi ury Gooas. ? ifcv47 MittlaP yj;i? svr iu icois s.ini u scltlxic Cheap, caL Oft 110 STATE STREET, Southern Pacific W mL 015?" 15H ft-ii)i . jm h kjgnp