The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 25, 1900, Image 1

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    awrf xy ai. saur.: taa
Read Rag Tim StoLhes,
Saturday's JOURNAL.
Pont you know that THE DAILY
J rJaf 1 0 N tb but p t or 1 1 ttij oltff
VOh. X
NO 237
' 'I
-1 V,fi
fcf "
HoHk v
4. . 2
fc'v ''v
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r t
Strikers Marchingr Peacefully
From Mine to Mine
Kre keeping
Fewer Men at Work Than any Time Since the
Strike-One Compauy Makes Conces
sions. Bj -. ... ti - j
4; IB
A law
'J j;mL
4, e
T ? annrniivi f) C3n..4 OK Tl...n
Aiuuni'aiiriiiAi omit) kjuit w. tuuru
Ifljtnoro activity today in minor b
4ttfc Jttl
Suils suitable for school
Salem Mills Fabrics, which
Vt The. little fellows need a
!?tnat is strong, durable and won t lade. .
''flfc ur '10me manufactured goods are made to meet these
f. m Just received a large line of
chinchillas and the new-Oxford
P4 to 19.
Fft ) T Boys fancy percale shirts
t hoys hats caps, neckwear, collars and culls.
r j I he hitrh turn down co lar
oout mx sicws.
-flrOR the next ten
EP make some
- tan shoes. X A look at our north window
will convince you that we are after your
business X
k Won't it make you laugh
m To see us sell Shoes?
We are now opening the finest line of
Fall and Winter Shoes for Children,
Women and Men ever brought to Salem.
The Salem
'47 c... ctrt Firt nnor East
In,..l,n. n.,,1 K-Mitv. Price
f4 US. nil atTMB rm I.. JJ
Come rarly lo gef your clioiro . ,
Wo have tho larcet i-trvk of Corcoto In the city, carry nearly all brnmls.
rn oTn.iow'i i, i.i ..i. . i u tu u uinniir. Our mullnurv UMiiartmonl is
mtu ui diuiUi
MRS. M. J3.
Tho men are mnrclilng from mlno to
mino in the llnzel on region inducing
tho workers to qnit, bolng careful to so
conduct tliotncelvoa ns not to transgress
tho law.
Near Wilkosbarro aoveral small wash
ories are producing fuel today and
around Scrnnton operators show a dis
position to movo tilings, fl
In tho neighborhood of Shenandoah,
whoro tho soldiers nro located, every
thing is qu'ot, though tho Roading com
pany has three less mines at work today
than yesterday. Ao a wholo it may bo
said that fowor men aro at work today
than at any timo sinco strlko began.
From HaKolton rornes tho information
tlmtMarklo and Company have granted
some of tho demands of their men, leav
ing to arbitration tho main question of
reduction in tho prico charged minors
for iowder.
The Dest Prescription Tor Malaria.
Chills unit fever tia bottlonf (Irovo'sTiuitelcM
Chit Toulc. It Is almply Iron anil quinine In a
Uutcleoa form. No euro no pay, Trko H)c,
Ml) Gm-coil
O JX. J5 KP O jel X uQk. .
Boan tLo 9 Ite Kind You Have Always Booghl
wear, made from the celebrated
is an absolute guarantee of
serviceable garment. Something
boys Overcoats in cheviots,
Gray, prices the lowest, ages
stilt bosom, boys underwear,
in bovs sizes now in.
days we are going to
specially low prices on
Shoe Store,
of Ladd & Uush Bank.
from f7.M) up to 12.0Q. AH go at
To Solve Complicated Chinees
Military Unable to Secure the Return of Peace
Russian Red Cross Hospital
Or Associated Prra ta tha Jonraal.
London, Sept. 25. According to a
dispatch from Berlin, tho ltussian and
Japaneflo replios to Germany's proposal
received yesterday averted that Russia
assents in principlo, wh'lo Japan's an
swer is an emphatic approval.
Washington, Sept. 2C Directions to
Minister Conger to put himself in rela
tion with Li Hung Chang and Prince
Ching have not yot gnno forward.
Huron Sternberg, tho German charge,
was a caller nt tho state department to
day, but had nothing of interest to com-
Tho Navy is pushing Btoadily nhoad in
execution of orders by Secretary Long
for relnforcemont of tho Asiatic fleet.
Chaffeo reported today that conditions
wcro quiet at Pekin and indicated that
lo would romnin in command of troops
that nro to stay in Clilnoso capital.
Pkkin, Sept. 10. Diplomatic and
military authorities nro nnxiously await
ing thoarivnl of I.i Hung Chang. Tlioro
is a general deslro for tho ostapllshment
of soino semblance of Chincso authority.
Tho military is deemed unablo to secure
tho return of pence.
Tho authority of LI Ilung Chang to
treat for penco is otill doubted. Minis
ter Conger said: "Our first task is to
pass upon tho credentials of LI Hung
Chang. Boyond that wo havo no pol
icy or plan of action."
Kockhill, special commissioner of tho
United States, will probably not await
tho arrival of Kusl Li. Ho is busy In
vestigating tho situation.
Tho Itusbians aro inaugurating a lied
Cross hospital service under tho patron-
ago of tho Czarina. Tho institution
will bo oponedto soldiers of ,nll nation
Thirty British wounded in tho Tun
Choo explosion aro dead.
Stops tlie Couth ani
Works off the Coll.
li.illvn IlrmnnOtilnltin Tabled cures it rolil In
oiiotiajr. nuMiru. no i-jr. iiitvtAi o .j
Oyster Cocktails
154 StateiStreet. Phone 2874,
The marvel of (he hour is
the wonderful cure of chronic
diseases without the use of
knife or poisonous medicines.
This is what afflicted human
ity needs more than all else.
Not a week passes but Dr. J.
F. Cook, the creat botanical
specialist and original discov
erorof the botanical cure, heals
some patients who have suffer
ed tor years irom awrui ais
msp and the moreawfulelTects
of rank medical humbugs. Dr.
Cook is willing topve patients
the benefit of his life study but
declinesto publish further test
imonials out of regard for his
patients, yet will gladly refer
anv callers to their neighbors
and friends who have- been
healed, Consultation free.
If you -have any physical ail
ments it will do you good to
call and nave a nine cnai whii
the doctor.
Office 301 Liberty Street,
Sakm Orepon.
Fire at Ashland.
By Aaasclntca ir t tk Joiniu.
Ashland, 8rpt. 25. Tho buildings
and entiro contents of Coleman's Ash
land Fruit Canning and Evaporating
Company, located at tho railroad cross
ing and Ilolman streot, was totally de
stroyed by flro yesterday. Tho loss is
estimated nt $5,000 with 2,G00 ' insur
anco. Tho samo manufacturing institu
tion was entirely destroyed by flro two
years ago.
Sale of Prunes.
A carload of dried prunes was Bold nt
Corvallls last Baturday. Tho purchaser
was tho roprceentatlvo of a Nowbergfirm,
and tho seller was Henry Stono. Tho
prico was 4 cents for 40 60s. nnd 5J$
conts for 30-10s.
Drldtes With Holes .
It is reported to tho Journal that thero
nro three biidges on tho Jcfforeon road
between Salem and tho Jackson hill
dangorouB to travel. Supervisor Hatch
will please tnko notice.
From the U. S. Department
of Agriculture.
Compiled Dy A. D.Wall.iber, the Actlnt Section
IDIrector. Located at Portland
Tho week has been qulto cloudy nnd
unseasonably cool. Frequent showers
havo occurred in the lowor Willamette
valley nnd const counties, while in
southorn nnd eastern Oregon fair
weather prevailed, with tho oxcoption
of Sunday, when liuht rain (oil.
In western Oregon tho maximum, or
day, temperatures ranged between CO
degrees and 70 degreos, and tho mini
mum, or night, temperatures between
40 degrees and CO degrees. In eastern
Oregon theso variations woro for day
temperatures between 12 degrees nnd 84
degrees, nnd for night tcmpa.aturca be
tween 40 degrees nnd Ci degrees.
Light froit occurred in eastern Oregon
on tho 10th, but nodamago tovegotation
Tho rains havo been of groat bonollt to
pastures and gardens, and wcro just
whnt wcro needed for fall plowing.
More rain is necessary, howavoi, beforo
p owing nnd seeding can bo actively
Somo fall wheat has nlrcady sown on
summer fallow in tho Willamette nnd
Columbia Itlver vnlloys, and in somo lo
calities it has appeared nbovothoground.
Hop picking is practically flnlahod.
Mold increased rapidly during tho last
wook, and, ns a result, somo of ho yards
had to bo abandoned before they woro
thoroughly picked.
A Inrgo portion of tho pruno crop lino
been gathored. Drying will continue
for somo timo.
Grapes nro riyoning fast; tho yield is
slightly below tho average, but ti.o
quality is vory fine.
Vegetables of nil kinds nro making
rapid growth.
Molons nro plentiful nnd of oxra good
slzo nnd quality.
A slight improvement has been noted
In potntooa thoeo sown early nro now
Iralng dug.
Apples continue in ovcullont condition.
Or Associated I'rm ! tfc Joaraal
Ciikynnu, Wyo., Sept. S!5. Senator
Lodge joined tho ItooEevelt party this
morning for a trip to Denver.
Fonatw Wolcottanda largo committco
of Denver citizens joined tho Itoosevelt
party horo.
Lincoln, Nob. Sep. 35 Hryan returned
today to Lincoln. Ho had no announce
ment to make as to tho result of his visit
to Chicago.
lit iuclatel 1'rraa 1m lh JoaraaL
Brit!N(irim, III., Sept. 25. Ueneral
John M. Palmer, ox-United States Sen
ator, died this morning. Ho was about
83 years of ago.
Br AaaaclaUtf Pveaa fa taa JonraaL
Wasuinoto, Sept. 26, Adjutaut-gen-
oral Cor bin has received a letter from
Secretary Hoot saying that his condition
is improving but giving no indication of
a purpose to return to Washington in
tho immediate future.
Ministers Appointed For the
Oregon Districts
Continued for Willamette Unlverslty-Not Many
Changes Since Dolnj Away With the
Old Rclllc of Moveable Pastors.
Special to the Journal.
Ashland, Sept. 21, Tho conforenco
convened this morning nt 8 :30 o'clock;
with dovotionnl oxorclsos conducted by
W, T. Kerr. At 0 o'clock tho bishop
took tho chair, and tho minutes of tho
provioiiB session were approvod. Bishop
Andrews nnd tho presiding elders thon
rotircd for n cabinet mooting, and the
chair was occupied by Dr. John Parsons.
Tho various reports of tho standing com
mittees woro read, after which Q. W.
Grannis, tho financial agent of tho
Willamette University, addressed tho
body on tho condition and needs of that
educational adjunct'of tho conforonco.
Tho following missionary appropri
ations woro mado by tho conferonco:
Eugene district, 1G00; Grants Pass,
$1505; Salem, 1)00; Chincso, fl883.
The matter of a place of meeting for
tho next conforonco was loft in tho hands
of tho presiding oldors and a member
from each district.
Tho bishop announced tho following
Salem District.
Presiding Eldor, D. A. Wattera, Salem.
Amity o. L. Leo.
Brooks O. A. Luse.
Canby 11. E, Dunlan.
Cornelius Andrew Kershaw.
Dayton T. L. Jones.
Dllloy Supplied by Low Davios.
Forest Grove L. 1. liolknap.
Hlllaboro Harold Ohom.
Lafayette Supplied by E. 11. Lockhart.
Lincoln Supplied by G. It. Morchcad.
Marquam V. U. Butler.
Mol.ama-yG. F. Round.
Nehalem and Bay City J, M, Kwoonoy.
Newberg Hiram Gonld.
North Yamhill-D. II. Leech.
Oregon City It. A. Atkins.
Salem Frst church, John Parsons and
A. W. Uagloy.
Palom Lc'slio. R. O. Blnckwoll.
Bllvorton L. II, Poderson.
Sheridan I'dward Glttlns.
Tillamook S. A. Smith.
Woodburn G. 11. Bonnott.
Nlola Supplied by II. L. Fowler.
W. P. Crow, professor; Gabrlol Sykes,
instructor; and G. W. Grannis, agont,
. of Willamette Unlvorslty, members of
Frst church, Salem quarterly confor
enco. J. J. Walter Missionary In Alaska.
W, F. MCluro Missionary in Novada.
Eucene District.
T Ji l'ord, Presiding Elder, Eugene.
Albany-M O Wire.
Brownsvlllo W II Myors.
Coquille and Bandon M O Brink.
Cottago Grove O E Craudnll.
CorVrtjlis F L Mooro.
Creswell Sumuol Hnydor.
Dallaa F L Young.
Drain O li Htroylullor.
Eugene W B Holliugshoad.
Falls City SiiDDlied by F J Long.
Gardiner II II Bucknor.
Halsey and Harrisburg h F Zimmer
man. Indonondenco Joseph .Motterhead.
Jeffornon John Nauglo.
Junction City-J II Kkldmoro.
Jeuanon u k Arnold,
Marshlleld It U l,
Monroe II N Rounds,
Mvrtlo Point James Mooro.
Philomath-Sunpllod by D L Fields,
Shedds K M Cornor,
Biletz Indian Mission E II Bryant,
Springfield and Wending -M P Dixon
nnd sunnneu uy jcbsir rianer
Toledo Supplloil by O M Brown.
Lecturer on Theology in Willamette Uni
versity I u unvor,
Conforonco Evangelist (member Eugene
tj'ly Uonlorencoj u ai Bryan,
Lelt without aptointment to attend somo
ono of schools (E Q C) W T Young.
Grant's Pass District.
D T Summorvlllo, Presiding Elder.
Grants Pass.
Althoiuo Supplied by Wlnfred Smith.
Ashland J T Abbott.
Canyon villo and Myrtle Creek Supplied
by J W Warilld.
Central point J O Gregory.
Faith Klamath Supplied by Richard
Glendale Supnlv,
Grants Pass N F Jenkins.
Jacksonville K O Giaff.
Klamath Falls Supplied by O A Stock
well. Klamath Indian Mission Donald Ma-
Lnkevlow Supplied by W J Wright.
Medford W. 15. Mooro.
Merrill B A. Briftol.
Oalkand Supplied by Israel Putnam.
Paisley Supply.
Rooeburg A. H. Mulligan.
Ten Mile Spplied by J. B. Strk
Wllbur-N. J. Ilirblt.
Wilderviho-A. F. Buobe.
Portland District
Presiding Elder, L, E. Rockewell, Port
land. Exchange of News
Tell us what you think of eye glasses
and we'll tell you what wo know about
them and a good many Interesting facts
nbout eyes and their treatment. What
wo have done and what wo aro doing to
better the condition of those with weak
sight can 1k Judged from our iucces.
Wo have the skill, experience and facili
ties for testing the eyes and lilting glasses
and frames.
118 BUte St. Scientific Opllclao
Astoria B. F. Holland.
Beaverton Supplied by W. 8. Potter.
Olatskanlo O. 0. Calmer.
ClonO nnd Brystol Valloy Supplied by
G. Groshnm M. L. Hnrillngnam.
Knappa Sunpliod by J. K. Hawkins.
Moutavllle D. G. Stephens.
Mount Tabor S. E. omlngo.
Oswego II L St. Clair.
Portland Centenary. G. W. Quo.
Portland Control, W. T. Kerr.
Portland Chinoso Mission, C. A. Lewis.
Portland Clark, B. 8. Hoadloy.
Portland First Church, II. W. Kellogg.
Portland Grnno, supply.
Portland Potter, supply by Andrew
Portland St John, 0 E Cline,
Portland Solhvood, W J Waltz,
Portland Sunnyside, II B Elwortby,
Portland Trinity, A LHawloy,
Portland Unlvorslty Park, 0 T Mc-
Portland Woodlawu, Andrew Monroe,
Ranter 8upply.
Bt Helen's A 0 Fnlrahlld.
Sen Sido E 0 Alford.
Warrenton Supplied by T J Ferguson.
A N Elshor, editor of Pacific Christian
Advocato, mombor of Grace, Portland,
quarterly conforonco.
Fight a Desperate Battle With
Sensational Reports About the Sweeping Away
of Two Texas Towns Has Deen Denied
Dut Crops Were Darnatcd
II r Aaaaclatca I'rcaa ta tfca Jonraal.
Spokank, Wash. 8opt 25. A spocial
to tho Chronlclo from Addy, CO mtlos
north of Spokane, eays:
"A dosporato battle botweon ofllcers
nnd two highwaymen took placo last
night. At tho end of tho fuillado ono
robber was dond and tlloothor will
probably die. Tho robbers hold up two
citizons of Addy lat night.
Deputy Shorlffs Dudley nnd Halvado
pursued nnd overtook them. The olll
cors ordered thorn to holdup tholr hands
and tho robbers oponcd flro, Noithor
has boon identified, but tt is Buspcctod
ono may bo tho highwayman who hold
up tho Northorn l'nclllc train nonr
Austin, Texas, Sopt 25. According to
advices received bore, the reports that
tows of Mnrblo Falls and San Saba woro
both destroyed aro erroneous. Both
towns nro intact, but crops nnd much
forming property had been swept away.
No Iosj of llfo reported.
Vr Aaaoelatcd Prcaa 1a taa Jonraal
Nkw Yohk, Sept. 25. Ivvortt V. Ab
bott, Secretary of tho NaMonal (Third
Ticket) party, gave out today nu ollloinl
declaration by Sonator Caffery, of tho
Presidential nomination of tin national
u. &. a. mcLiunocn uapiurca insurgent aieanmrs i
On Wednesday wo will offer n
vory good lino of ladies' liuon ini
tial handkorohhtfn, uulaundered.
Thoy aro certalidy worth twleo
what wo auk for them, but the
prico will bo
10c Wednesday
The Raglan
S Coat....
A very fanhionablo garmont,
shown in Oxford gray. It Is
handsome and dresny, and of a
material that will stand hard
knocks. This samo quality of a
coat sells In tho cities for (80,
but our red lotter price Is
$17.50 Special
47c Steel Rod
Commands Li Hung Chang to
Recapture Pekin
In Terms Identical With Ours-.Twenty Thous
and Triads Threaten to Attack
VI r AaaonlatcA rrcaa t taa Jonraal.
Shanghai, Sept. 25. It is reported
from Chincso sources that tho dowagor
Empress has issued n secret edict com
manding LI Hung Chang to ralso nn
nrmy nnd recapture Pekin.
Washington, Sopt. 25. Tho following
has boon posted nt tho wnr department :
"Tho instructions of tho Secretary or
War woro cabled to Gonoral Chaffeo to
day, that tho legation guard of a regi
ment Infantry, four troops cnvnlry nnd
n light Imttory romnin in Pekin for tho
protection of our minister nnd tho Am
erican interests and that tho remainder
Ghaffco'd force, stores, nnd material bo
sent to Manila."
London, Sept. 25. Lord Bnllsburg haB
replied to tho German noto in terms
idontical with tljoso of tho United
Bkhlin, Sopt. 25. Tho Gorman naval
division loft Shanghai today for Taku.
London, Sopt. 2 1. A dispatch from
Hangkong eays says 20,000 triads hnvo
'congregratcd in' tho nolgborhood of
Chung Ghuln aiub threatened to attack
The rather ot the Tile Industry.
J. E. Murphy is tho daddy of tho tilo
Industry in this part of Oregon. Ho be
gan in n Binnll way 11 years ago and to
day has tho InrgoBt plant in Oregon. Ho
ships to all parts ot Western Oregon,
Wnshlnuton nnd California.
Tho tilo ho makes nro from three to
ton Inches In dlamqtor and aro iiBed for
n great many purposes besides draining
land. Mr. Murphy has built n inrgu
water-tank this year and has nddod now
mnchlnory. At tlmos ho employs ih
high ns slxtoou hands.
Took In Thirty
Silver Bell Clrclo closed n season of In
vltation Inst weok, taking in thirty now
mnmlwirH. This Is one of tho moat popu
lar nnd nourishing ladioa lodges In tho
Btara tb s9 ' Mna w nm ""
BlgaatoM ,
r ' -tsts3
Wlir Khr Mfitifclil It nnil Whr Alao,
Mtu Will Not l.rtnl It.
A Piirthuiil woinnii tells thin story,
which nmy hnve n iiiiirit):
Seveinl yetifs ngo her littstinnd mndo
lior n iiritiilit nt n trilvellns tinC'llinde
of blnek IttiRMln leather, hnndabuicly
mounud nnd Htroni; nnd ervk-enble.
She linil had It only n few ilnys wnen
tin- pluter-ln-lnw of her lioimlhiR mis
tresH borrowed It to take with her to
the White niotiutnlni It looked no
much nicer tlmn her t)wh wan her
apology. It linil only been returned
n few ilnyn when n friend who wns
colnc In take n little Journey up
iitiuiiur Hut IiIIIh of osfmil county Dec
ged the loan of It. nnd njrnln It was
tnltrn down from "tin upper Biieir.
Then nnother friend wns to make n
vlnif n r ii tmv vi-rt;q In Montreal.
Could she tnke.ltV She could nnd did.
By thin time the now- look nnd van
ished, nnd still ItH owner had had no
occasion to enrry It.
One evening n fnvorlte cousin cnneu.
He wns cnptnln of n brli? which waa
to sail for the const of Africa the next
day, but he himself wna going on a
steamer vln Huglnnd. Did his cousin
linro n tnllm she wnlllA't need for
six mouttm or so7 Itelnetuntly the
trnvi'llng bng wns produced, nnd tunc
vnn the Inst time the huly saw It for
two yenrx. when It reached her by tho
hnnd of n anllor from the brig, nut It
wns In such n buttered nnd forlorn
condition that ulie consigned It to tho
waste barrel
In the menntlme she linil bought n
new vnllse. which alii' declined to lend.
Lowlstnii (Me.) Journal.
A TlioiiKlitfnl Utile Wife.
Young Wife My denr. thero In n
ccntlcmnu wnltlug In the other room,
lie wnntM to apeak to you.
Ho Do you Unow4hlin?
She-You must forgive me. darling,
hut of lute you have been troubled
with n cough, hesliles, you tnke so lit
tle care of yeurself: nud-oh, If you
only knew how anxious I nm nbout
you. Suppose I wero to lose you, love."
(She bursU Into sobbing nnd throws
herself on hi lirenst.)
He Come, my dear, nllly child; do bo
cnlm, do be cnlin. People don't dlo
of n slight cold. Still. If It wl.ll pacify
you. show the doctor In. Who Is It?
Dr. Pnllot. ch7
She-It Isn't n doctor. It Is-lt Is
a life Insurance ngcntl
1 1 was Voltnirc who said :
" People who3c boweln arc
freed by an easy, regular move
ment every morning arc mild,
affable, gracious, kind. A No'
from their mouth comesrwith
more grace than a cYc3' from
the mouth of one who is con
Such i3 Voltaire's testimonial
:o the value of Ayer's Pills.
J, C. Ayer Company,
W''-V Clinii!, lnralU v,
- a
Am'. imvwIUa
Ay-r'a lijf VV"
A)'i Cimtf IWiwrJ
A r't ion. is
jer'i .
v t Ac ui Cure
One License.
A marrlngo has been isauod to Zoo. L.
Brown and J. L. Bhoroy, W. " P. Hall
yyu it-aia abu muty.
The Automobile
For Ladies
An ultra fashionablo garment
brought on by us to show that
tho highest standard of stylos
can always bo found at our store.
Price Same as
Illustration $35
Red Letter
Special $2485 1
We also show somo
lino show somo vory hand
i styles in Box Coats, Eton
some i
Jackets, otu.
Our Golf Canes for' ladioa and
children ore simply superb.
Campaign tfats
for Both Parties
'ftffiTfy ffir
271 ConmercUI Street.
Next Door to Strom's Resuurast-