ees; Read Rap Time Sketches, ff Saturday's JOURNAL. ZIXt'i'M "1 rrr"- - J - npTTTp DAILY OU ARB CORDIALLY INVITED Pont yon know that TUB DAILY TOOim U U th but p t r In tho oltyr '' TO FURNISH THE JOURNAL PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF YOUR FAMILY ANDRIENpS vol.. x SALEM, OREGON MONDAY SEPTE1VLBEI. 24 1900. V. tf " c Ntk 6 - .fltf" juunijjuA . " 4 ' .i i. II-.; . " w ' KT re ,agn - -S 'CjfBif- ' Br ' Tot 3, f I '"MM f-ym ITflTE PREMIUM LIST XBF official Awards Prizes and Diplomas THE FAIR PROBABLY MADE ENOUGH TO PAY al Receipts Exceed the Ten Thousand Dollar Mark - Warrants Ordered Paid -Business of the t.Thgi8tato Fair Treasurer reports tho totwniecoipta ol tuu etalo lair lor tliu ejarnpoo at about f 10,200. UljT prcmlnnia and billa arc ordered paidlin full and tho Board haa been in ee4on all day auditing billa and closing upfflie bualnosa of tho year. Below will bo found tho correct ofll- clMpremlum list and tho cash awarded ucccssfiil exhibitor and will bo 'Incompleted in Tim Jouhnal, Tuoeday, ' r rrnn-i i a iiiiiamiaa nai i M " 4 ,x, 9L, SHonest Values in Shoesi CLOTHING, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, HATS, SHIRTS, DUCK COATS, SLICKERS, MACK INTOSHES, RUBBERS, UMBRELLAS, ETC. End alLkinds of eoods for the whole family in nearly J THE NEW YORK RACKET 5'iKjwer than elsewher ,and BiUU quality, vvc uu a suiujr oyui ciioii uuomew, uiai a tone reason we can afford to undersell competitors. , lp SAlcm's Cheapst 0nc Prlcc csh store J tkW E,T Barnes, Proprietor. "' f Corner Corrwnorolal and Chomnkota Stroot". '' BIO STOCK BQjQTS TRUNKS DRY GOODS JSES VALISES UNDERWEAR JffilTS . OVERALLS GLASSWARE !JgBdVES PANTS TINWARE 'S8Bs SOCKS GRANITEWARE . jSSs HOSE QUEENSWARE v JmSfSS TABLETS PENCILS .jlHi' You can save 10 to 25 per cent, on u$ these goods at the - ,AIR STORE r t'T 274 COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM. OBEGON. ' i&MtfrMfrJ Exchange of News .4$r WMWyJ Tell us what you think of oyoglasfos ijkjm xf7iZ an' ,vo'" t0" you wnat wo now about ,nm .irofC ,,,om an a ood many interesting facts St t mfwaiSlaiAN ') about eyes and their treatment. What sKi" (I1 lW"rSv)M wo nav lone "" w'mt wo aro lot"K to .SS f07ytL!$Y5 ,otter tho condition of those with weak vVlftM -le fight can lie judged from our suecees. aB 'OwgYL JEfWt W ',avo the skill, etierience and facili- ! &Pf I A?QrjQiv ua 'or te8lm t'10 ey9 ,uu' 'HHHB glassoa Vlftidl A ill ' HERMAN W. BARR. . CiAllx 7 -MI 11RRtHtHt. Hcl-ntiflc Optician 'Wt--rPw--V--V, MONDAY SPECIAL vX LADIES' ) 'lM CLOTH JACKETS ( ' 7J'' InAtrchn and Ktroy. I'ricea from $7.50 up to $12.00. All go at J Sf7' 8t " ""' 'roin 32 k -VI 9?m. ear,y t0 8it your choice. . , J , iV Wo ave 'he largest stock of Corsets in the city, urrv nearly all brands. ,N ROur "leader" kid gloves at fl.00 ia a wiuuer. Our millinery department is J - 'JBB- rear ' -tore. v "THE LEADER" mm) MRS. M. B.FRASBR ) J.dM-H-HW .ai- iw . FAIR of $10,000 in Cash ALL ITS OUTSTANDING BILLS All in Full By the Management Year Closed Successfully and will appear in full in tho Jouiinal. Wkkkly DIVISION A. Class 1 Thoroughbred. i'rem Am't 8 J Jonee,, Portland. Stallion !) years and over, St Apollo 1 $20 Stallion 3 yr and over, Rim kock l iu Continued on Bocond I'aec i the rainy season. We can mi everything. You'll find prices at i the goods are of the best stand- Drunken Indians, A lot of Indlnns from Grando Rondo, camped on tho rivor bank, mado tho po lico eomo troublo Saturday and Sunday. Thoy had obtained Eomo firo-wator and had a good tlmo in tho regulation way, flighting and raising a diBturbancc. Tboy woro dealt with gently, and havo now Bobered up and gono homo. SALISBURY SEEKS SUPPORT For tlie British Conquest of South Africa Morley and Roscberry Cncourate the Doers to Keep Up their Resistance Atalnst England. IJr Aft.oclateit Prcaa f tka JonraaL Lo.vno.v, Sopt. 21. Lord Salisbury's manifesto's to tho olectore of tho United Kingdom in anticipation of tho parlia mentary general elections emphasizes tho necessity that tho Qucon'e govern ment should bo supportod by a strong parliamentary majority "as tho only means of convincing tho inhabitants of tho conquorcd South African territories that thcro is no hope of diverting tho government from their yolicy by per sistans or agitation." After romarking that "all tho recent troubles in South Africa havo boon duo to a shift of parlia mentary opinion at a critical momont." tho Prinio minister goes on to say. "It will depond upon tho disposition and conduct of tho Boers how long nn interval is to clapso boforo their full position an n Hritish colony is attained. Tho brilliant success of Lord Iloborts' army must not blind pa to tho imperfec tions disclosed in our own defensive armor imperfections which, but for tho war, might havo remained unnoticed. i ft will bo tho urgont duty of parliament and tho government to rcmoyo theso do feels, n duty which certainly could not bo discharged by a ministry dependent upon a broken party." John Morley, Liberal member for MontroFoburghs, in Ills manifesto do clarea that his opinion has not changed ; that everything might havo been at tained In South Africa without war. "In a singlo year," ho says, "tho work of o goneration in uniting tho tho Dutch and ICnglitth in South Africa haa boen un done, and not oven iu Ireland haa tho tho difllcult raco problem been moro miserably handled." Mr. Morloy admlta that it ia imposBlblo to remove tho proclamations of annexa tions. Tho Karl of Ilosehory, issuing a mani festo in tho form of a iettor to tho Lib oral candidato says: "In tho present situation of tho world, would voto for almost nny strong ad ministration; but tho present govern ment is strong only in votes. In other respects it is tho weakoct government I can recollect." After enumerating tho government's "failures at homo and abroad," Lord Uosohory criticised tho conduct of tho South African War,doclaring that it has "Kxposed Kugland to humiliation un paralleled in our history sinco tho Amer ican War." Ho declares that cothing can bo hoped for from tho government, either in tho way of urgent domestic reforms or tho reform cf tho War ofllco. FRESH. Oyster Cocktails FIRST OF THE SEASON AT... ELLIS & ZININPS 154 SUteiStrtct. Phone 2874. BOTANICAL X WONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the moreawfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street, ! Salem Oregon. MORE FLOODS IN TEXfl Some of the Principal Rivers Are Doing Great Damage EIGHT PERSONS ARE REPORTED KILLED IN ONE SMALL TOWN People of New York May Be Compelled to Use Soft Coal Obnoxious Mining Order in Colorado Closes a Mine. 9r AaaaelMtert Preaa ta the Jonraai, Dallas, Tkx., Sept. 24. City Marshal Deaton of Dublin, Toxas, -today tele phoned aa follows . Tho disaster at Brownwood is roportcd lioro today as being vory serious. Eight porsons navo ucondrowntHi ami part mo town is badly wrcckou by wator. Tho Uon river and ita branches have swopt over an immonfo area in tho country around Dublin. In'Brownwood section tho Colorado, Clionco, Pecan and otlior rivers and tributaries have mado wldo-apread damago. NEW YORK COAL SUPPLX Ur Aaaoelatc Preaa Xm ' tha Joaraal. Nkw Youk, Sopt. ?. President Murphy, of tho board of health, said last night that thoro would bo no relax ation of rules against using soft coal in tliis city on account of tho striko iu tho anthracito mining region. Murphy said that tho law mado no provision for omorgonrioa of that kind. Tho moro fact that thoso who hold anthratio coal had raised tho price did not furnish adequato reason for violating the law against burning of solt coal or allowing tho health of tho public to bo ondangorod by smoko nuisance AN OBNOXIOUS MINING ORDER Ur Aaola(cA Fraaa fa tao JToaraaX VioToit, Colo., Sopt, 21. Ah tho result of obnoxious ordor designed by the man agement to stop tho theft of valu- ablo ore, Stratton'a Independence initio uas closed down, rilxotuer largo com panies issued a similar ordor., Tho or der provldos that all workmen must change clothes both going oa and off shift and pass naked boforo tho watch man, from ono dressing room to another. Tho superintovdonl of tho independence mino says tho Camp has lost f 5,000 to $15,000 per month tho npeculatious of tho workmen, NEWSPAPER MAN AND CORONER r Aaaaelatc -rea ta tka JoaraaX Botts, Mont., Sopt. 21. Phil. A. Jul lien, coronor of Silvor Bow county, and ono of tho best known old time nows pnpor men of tho country, died tills morning. REPUBLICANS FEEL MORE SECURE. tr Aaaoltt4 l'raaa ta ?aa JoaraaL Washington, Sopt. 21. The' uneasy feeling which has been prevailing among Republican leaders is giving way to ono of confidence now. Reports of most of tho states aro very satisfactory. Of the states that voted for Bryan in 1890, Kan sas, Wyoming, South Dakota and Wash ington aro believed cafo for McKinley. Kentucky is practically abandoned to tho Democrats, and doubt hovers around Indiana, Maryland .and West Virginia. The scare about New York, New Jer sey and Connecticut seems to havo sub sided. The Croker bets in New York, which ozcited so much interest, have been found to be"wash bots," for money that Croker haa put up is securely hedged. Campaign contributions have oouie in pretty freely, and the apathy to notloe- aoie up 10 vnwiin a weeic is generally disappearing. At tho tame time, there will be no relaxation of efforts upon the part of Republican managers. NEW YORK WANTS MORE OF BRYAN Or Jkasacfataal Fraaa t Janraai Nkw Youk, Kept. 21. Kx-Gownor Stone, of Missouri, Chairman of the tub committee of the National Democratic Dornmittee, having In charge the cam paign in the Kail, left for Chicago to meet Chairman JotiM and Mr. Bryan He carries with him tbe formal request of the New York HUte Democratic S loadora that Mr. Bryan 1k allowed -2 dovoto a week to tho campaign in Now York. According to prosont plans, Mr. Bryan is only allowed, four days in Now York October 10-10 inclnslvo. Tho atato lcadora want Mr. Bryan to dovoto at least throo days moro to Now York oliHtato, and thoy say that owing ton tho cpango in ino uatos assigned to Democratic candidate in tho West thov aro nopelul that arrangemontts can bo mado to oxtond Mr. Bryan's timo in Uio East long enough to cnablo lilm to visit tho southern tlor of countion in Now York Stato and also Long Island. THE GERMAN METHODISTS Assemble at Salem For Their Conference This Week. Tho North PaclQc conforonc'o of tho German Methodist 'Epispocal church will meet at Salem this weok, commen cing its business sessions at 0 a. in., Thursday. This conforonco covors Oregon and Washington, and about 20 mluiitora aro oxpoctod to bo prosout. Bomo will bo hero Tuesday, and commencing Tuesday evening thero will bo proaching in tho German languago each ovoning this weok except Saturday at tho Gorman Methodist church on tho cornor of Union and Church streota. Tho business sosslons of tho conforonco will bo hold from 0 to 11 :S0 a. m. at tho above church, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and will bo presided over by Bishop Androwa, ol Now York. Coin mittoo mooting will bo hold iu tho after noon. On next Sunday morning Bishop An drowa will preach in English at Iho First M. E church. All are iuvltod to coino and hear him, and also to attend tho meetings of the conforonco. SHORTHAND WRITING. Accuracy la of JIuoli Mora Impor tattoo Tli it n Speed. "Speed In by no means Uio most necessary thing In shorthand writing," explained nn experienced stenogra pher, '"'but with some tenchorn It 1 mado tho great consideration, often nt tho expense of everything else. Tho big thing In shorthand Is legibility, for there nro many who enn write fast cjiough, hut who nro tinablo to tell what It menus after It him grown cold. I have been a stenographer, de pending entirely on it for my living, for 25 yearn. During that tlmo I have, of course, picked up noma knowledge on tho subject. I havo liecn the stenographer for two cnhlnot olIlcerH, four assistant secretaries and throo or four nouatorx. Incidentally I hnvo worked for a year ns tho prlvnto hcc rotary of ouo of tho big bank presi dents In Now York city. "All of thin experience haa proven ono thing very conclusively, and that Ih that thero In no necessity for any Ntenogrnphcr who docs niiinnticimlH work to write over 120 wird u min ute mid In W ciiHfri out of 100 no ne cessity to write over I0O wonln n min ute. Indeed. I know of at least 25 stenographer) who aro drawing the large! kind of unladen as private hcc rcliiili'H who have nsMiired me that they linvi never been required to river nve nx much nn 00 words. Under thexe clri'iiiiiHiuiK-eM It Keeiim atriiuge that ionic triidieiH pf Monograph)' will ex--iti pupllrt to write l.Vi to '.'(H) words per niliMitf mid endeavor to make tliwu iicllovc (lint Much ii rallrmid apeed Is h iiiH't-MHlty. Hiit-li ii practice does ictunl Injury, for It illmiiurHgeH many from own h-unilug a uioilcrate Mpenl "There hiiw been liintHiuet here it may lum Imm-ii ue-oHT.v for Ntenug rnplH'r to U' iihle In ttrltt over 200 mid mure word u minute, and Ihere Ih a Intend hunglng hImmiI the wimti' vluunber that Ueiienil Mum ley for 10 or 12 mlnutPH In n cpewli. once njxiUe J5 whuU n minute. The aver age speed of xeimtorn In xpeeclie does not reach UU word and In dU-tntlng letterri randy reaohca 100 word." Washington Star. " Ilrahra, Hand brakes, to assist in tho stop plug of trains, were Introduced as ear ly as 1W0. Twenty yearn later the air brako waa patented, which enabled power from tho locomotive to be trans-mltU-d through' bono simultaneously to tbe brake of all the cam In a train a onderful Invention. In 1803 the coaches were connected by patent fouplors, another meosuro of atrengtit and safety. rfr ?. Pianos Mlthty Cheap. i 1 F. A Wiggins la cutting prices on tils pianos now, to clean up stock. Read his big ad, pago four. TIiub from $75 to $150 saved for you on ovory deal. To the Asylum. A. M. Glffprd has been brought from Clackamas county. A CENTER SHOT McKinley Fired in Reply to Germany. And the German Government Considers Our HC' ply as Helping to Solve the Chinese Problem Corectly. ttr AaaooUtee Vttf la (ha JonraaL WabhiKciton, Sopt. 21 Tho position of tho United States on China ia receiv ing tho earnest consideration of tho powors and tlioir representatives hero. It Is looked upon as a sort of turning point in tho ncjjotlutlona on which tho alignment of several countrios will bo determined and programs framed. Thoro haa boon no word, howovor," from any of the governments concern ing their view of tho American position and it ia expected that soino days will elapse boforo a now movo is mado. Hamiiuiio, Guiimany, Sept. 21. Leon Bard, former United Stotos vlco-consul hero, waa sontonccd today to fifteen months impnsonmont for misapproprl atlng part of tho inheritance which ho recotvod for two Amorlcau women. Coloonr, Sopt. 21. Tho Koolnlscho Zoituug publishes an Inspired telegram from Berlin, in which tho Washington Government's reply to tho Gorman note Is characterized as a manifesto to assist tho Chinese Government to accept tho proposals with regard to tho punish ment of tho loadora in tho Chincao troublo. SPARROWS SUICIDE This morning tvhoit tho janitor of tho Stato IIouso opened tho doors of tho West portico ho picked up throo dozen dead English sparrows on tho stairway. Thoy had dashod thomselvos to death against tho walla and ceilings illuminat ed by tho brilliant electric light, and woro probably driven from their roost in tho doing tiy tho owls that haunt tho Capitol. Politics at Clymer. Tho cltizons of Clymor hold n political mooting on tho evening of Sopt. 22, 1000, at tho school houso. It was addressed by Jojin A. Jeffrey of Salem on behalf of Bryan and Stevenson. A good audieuco and consldorablo enthusiasm nro reported At tho close of tho meeting, a Bryan club wns organized with Hon. John A. IIuut,a life long Republican, chairman. This Is only ono of tho many Instanced where tho patriotic, consorvattvo members of tlin Republican party havo grown sick and tired of tho influences surrounding President MuKlnloy and havo declared thoinolvoa in favor of Bryan. A Joint mooting waa set for two weeks hence, when tho Republicans will bo asked to present a speaker to meet tho opposit'on. '-t?'WriWiVJrir4w .The Great Industrial Our Red Fur Boas, $1.40 Ladles' fur boas trimmed with six tails, offered merely to Intro duco our fur valuos. Ladies' Capes, $1.45 Black capos, fur trimmed uiil pralded collaretto effect. Ladles' Jackets $4.68 Tan covert with largo rovers, fanuy colored linings. Ladies' Jackets $6.85 A great lino of tans, blacks, nuts, blues, and browns, tho vory lat est cuts worth ftt.OO, Blankets, 58c A largo grey, cotton blanket that others ask 76 cents for this sea ton, S Mackintoshes $1.98 FiTit-class quality with double capo, an excellent ruin excluder for ladies. New Plaids 35c We show a swell lino of Fall plaids at 3fi cents, spvqlal. Outing Shirts 50c r A new lino of new things jiut what j ou jieod for winter. a 47c Steel Umbrellas... s i I J, ,, ' T 'ft EQUINOXInL Prostrates Nearly all the Telegraph ' Wires Leading East .-; ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS SCARCE STORMS PROBABLY DID GREAT DAMAGE It Burst In Fury Over the Sound Between Vancouver Island and British Columbia - Many Lives are Reported as Being Lost 0r"-,AaoelMUaIr ta tka Joaraal. VanCouveh, B. C Sopt. 21. Four mon at least mot their death In thoEqa iuoxal storm that burst ovor tho Gulf of Georgia. A fUliing boat was seen to cap sizo and four occupants woro thrown into tho wator. Great anxiety ia felt (or oth er flshcrmon. OUR ACTION CAUSES BLOODSHED Or Aaaoclatea1 Preaa tm tka Joaraal. BitRMN, Sept. 2t. Dlaciisslng tho an Bvor of tho United States Government to Germany's propojal regarding tho Chlncso sottlomont,tho Vossischo Zoit ungeayfl teday: "America's abandonment of tho con cort of tho powors will not havo Borloua couscquonces for thoir diplomatic negotiations but it will rendor their tiuk moro dlllcult inasmuch as nothing no increases Chlneso presumption and indolenco as tho knowledge that harmony In tho ranks of thoir opponents husbeon disturbed, Tho action of tho UnltodStatos Is oqulvalent to an abandonment of tho common IntorcBta of Occidental civil ntlon and probably will lead to prolongation of bloodshed." A Cowardly Deed, Tho police arc looking for Jack Garri son, tho jockoy who was flnod f 10 on tho raco track for pulling his horso. J. It. Crooks, tho ownor of tho horso which Garrison was riding, was assaulted on Saturday night by soino unknown party an ho was passing tho stalls, and Garri son has disappeared. Mr. Crooks will struck with soino blunt Instrument and waa found lying on tho groond uncon scious, being quitu severely injured. Awarded Dlcloms. B. F. Ilnll, of Ilall'a Ferry was award, cd a diploma for tho most practical road Grader, mado iu the state, also first pro inium for tho best matured and best liooplug onions shown at tho Stato talr. A marriage liconso has boon Issued to MiflH Faith Mendcnhall nud Win L. Cnvaun, both of Cliampoeg. Exhibition at Ottowa Canada Letter DRAW BIG CROWDS I Kpn Vnnr AlaVVU UW1 On Our Sale Days Wednesday... We will offer a fine line of ladies' pure linen em broidered initial iinlauii dered handkerchief at 10c each This fs a great snap as they would be a bar gain at 15 cents. jjoieScn WEATHER rUnos Mighty Chenp.'l F. A. WlgginB in cutting prices on kid pianoa now, to clean up Btock. Read his big ad., pago four. Thus from 75 to 150 baved for you on every deal. If sarsnparilla and the other vegetable ingredients that go into the best are good a3 a medicine, then Ayer's Sarsa parilla is good. If not, we are humbugs. Your doctor will teu you which, because he can have the formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla any time for the asking. If you arc tired, half sick, half well, if one day's work causes six days' sickness, get a bottle of the old Sarsaparilla. Get Ayer's, and insist on Ayer's when you want Sarsaparilla. J. C. Ayer Company, Practical Cliemliti, Lowell, Maw Ayet'-t SimpjiilU Ayrr'i I'illi Ayer't yigue Curt Ayer'iIUIrVlr.or Ayer'i CUn ry I'otnril Aycr'i Conutuiu Trocress atSllvertoo. . Tho Hllvorton schools open today with W, J- Crawford, principal. Tho board of education has established tho Ninth und Tenth grado. Began 21 Years Ago. specials Man's Mackintosh $1.60 A good substantial -value- that will shod tho rain. Box Rain Coat $ 6. d 5 tflnt-olata quality of tan covorts, velvot collar, strapped und ce mented Beams, vory swell styles, absolutely rain proof. Youth's Suit $5 A very heavy fancy chock oil can slmoro stylish, good and wear well. Fancy Shirts $1 A very nwoll lino of regular tl.26 valuos ia our third window see thorn. Alen's Underwear 45c Tan Vicuna, derby ribbed, and natural wool. Gordon Hats $3 Good substantial contract goods never fall to ploauo purchaser. Ties 50c Wo are showing the swello.t lino of tie eyor brought to Baleui In all styles at 60c, White Shirts 50c. Avery flno line that wllHwear well and look well, Campaign Hats for Botk Parties ,., nflMUMt -&i IWHaU -l-.ft-..-i-ra-.-.-.t-- :.