-y-; Vami rr i M f i niMimwmilmmfamadllk 4 HnHBHuanwHBHnao sasAta ,v f 2 . HlflKIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TinfliiniiniimniifiiiniifHiiiiiiiiiHiiffHiiiiiiHii'iiiiiiiiTnB New Things in. FURNITURE Do you keep yourself informed of the various new things made each year for the convenience and comfort of the home? ' ' ' If not and you could spend an hour with us it would indeed be a revela tion to you. There are many new things coming 'dally upon the market which are so useful and practical that To See' is to duo Bear in mind also that this year we have taken especial pains to meet the requirements of the frugal and con servative buyer, and that our prices will be an agreeable surptise to you. f J. Mollis & 60. FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE. kM yMyy.ymiyijyiiyiiyiiiJiiyHDHiiiifiri WEATHER. Tcntght and Friday fair. Warmer PrJday. Wheat Market, ih Fiuxcjbco, Bept. 20. Cash IK. Chicago, Ill.,8opt.20. Sept. 77H fc'alem, 60, GOLD DUST" FLOUR mads nv The Sldnov Power C). BruNicr, OlIKOON. PERSONAL. inado (or family uoo,ak yourgrocors (or It. Dran and shorts always on hand. A. T. WALN, AGENT. niosa 51. t i SHOES! "DO YOU WANT SOME THING THAT IS NEAT, AND THAT WILL WEAR IN SHOES?" IF SO SEE OUR HAMILTON DROWN SHOES, FOR WEAR AND STYLE THEY ARE X STANDARD. FOR X X FRrCES WE LEAD. X E. F. OSBURN, 8S8?i&& WVkWVt.WUVIk RATES ON ICE Tlio follo'wlng low rates on ico havo Ikhiii nurccnl upon by tho Capital Ico Works and Crystal Ico Works, ol this city beginning May 10: Confectionary stores, hotels mid fish markets, using 100 lbs or moro at a time Wo per hundred ; loss than 100 lbs 75c. Private parties uolng 100 lbs or moro, 75a; lees than 100 Iba, lo por lb, No sale bolow 10c Ico In ton lols, 7.50; half ton, $4.00, at tho works. Ico ehlpped in treks 75o per 100, sucks extra. Oahtai. Ic Wohkb fitf (Jbvhtai. T(i Wohka F. P. Norton, a Marshfleld business in in and horseman, is taking in tho (air. Geo. II. KfM'Ight of Hubbard was a statu (air visitor yesterday. W. II. O'Donald, of Mist, Or., is in the city with his family to visit bin father, Justico O'Donald. and family John F. Cordray, tho successful mnn ngor of tho North Pacific Amuscmont Company, is in tho city attending the (air. It is understood that Mr. Cordray is willing to undertake tho management of the new Salem opera houeo. Mrs. Itoundtrcc of Portland, n native of Tennessee, is thoguestof Mrs 8. C Dyer. F. S. Judah of San Franslsco cumo up from Portland last evening and mado a brlof visit with his uncle, City Recorder N.J. Judah, going south on tlio llo'clock overland, to resume his duties in tho 8, P, Co. ofllco iu 8. F. Gcorgo Owens one of Yamhill's leading stock men is a state fair visitor today. Hoy It. Willoughby of Eugene is tho guest of Coleridge McKIroy during fair. Senator and Mrs. Clem of Albany are hero visiting tho fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCully, of Joseph, Wallowa county are in tlio city visiting at tho home of Hal 1). and K. Cooke Pat ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sullivan of Port laud havo been In thn city tho guests of friend. A, K. Sauvain and wife, of Ilosoburg, aro visiting at tho homeof Mr. Hauvaln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Sauvain, and attending tho (air, Mrs. Geo, Litchfllold and daughter Gertrude havo returned from thlor sum mornt Yaquiuabay. Chas. Litchfield, tho mail clerk, camo over with them. Miss Maud Jones, of Portland and Miss Elizabeth Tongue, of Hillsboro, aro visiting Miss Agnes Gilbert. A. O. Shuto, cashier of First National Hank, and Dr. J. P. Parmleno of Hills boro aro in tho city cultivating the publ io institutions and the stuto (air races for u few days. Elite Cillery. Visitors In tho city attending tho Fair, and residents, will llnd tho Klitu gallery opon uud ready to furnish llrtclas photos, Wo can always toll v, hou the olty is full of strangers by tlio irowd that are waiting for their turn at Strong's res taurant on Commercial street. Bottled Beer Kllogcr A Ueck.Succcssor to BouthSslcm Uottlnv Woiks All orders for bottled beer will bo filled at the brewory, Kopt on cold storage Free elty delivery, telephone aiai, MMIllltllwMMlllM1MMtt.l,M,MlialMlll. Byers Best Eastern Oregon Family Flour Once tried always used Every sack guaranteed to give satisfactions Wc cirryawry ctttutlve line of Armour's meats MP- DRIED SLICED BEEF VEAL ILQAF 1 'STAR HAM SLICED BACON ,. "tile Armour llsras al gey are ll. l CfHtT IB IBf BiJMJ, LUNCH 'IONGUE . LAMBS TONGUE BONED TURKEY BONED CHICKEN ARMOUR'S LARD MINCED HAM SUMMER SAUSAGE Wae jtficoniraend these goods as being strictly first-class frf mtcr the dUhes we are iIyIoi away frte. CM fa sal ite thciq, th Grber Tl$y 61 lUfsfftto St. ixo flop Yard Jackets -b. We have a lot of Jackets which I I formerly sold for 1.50 to $io V J each, but they are a little off in 31) 1C lldVC Ulg sleeves which you can change if you care for style - and any one of the lot goes at 50 cents. bO jUt serrtcatle Jackets for 50c JUL HOLVBRSON' The Big Bargain House of Salem. TSjJt J OUTING FLANNEI . NIGHT ROBES X We cm offer you the f restest possible tarrslot In Oullnf FUnntl Mint Robes. Skirts, etc WeJuve a splendl4 Use at Rock Pottom Prices. Lay la a supply and sleep warm tbls winter. I HOLYERSOiYS tmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmi The Big Bargain House of Salem. 3 -Hat iHHLiftB. CALICO AMD FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS We have Just opened a new Use or Wrappers that cannot te beat en. Our bvyer picked them up while East at a snap price, and they are certainty the best values we have ever been able to offer you. fL fMm You Must Not Think DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK That cheap drugs are always the moat expensive in tho lctig tun? Keep your eye on tho qnality before you look at tho price. Qnality first, then tho price, our motto in other words, right good at right prices. Prices with us dopend on qnality, and we positively will noteacrillco tho latter to the former. Our goods must bo as good as we say and w fay they aro as good as good can be. Tho very fou ndatlon o the ilrnrt business is and should be, QUALITY, QUALITY QUALl TY. Qualitr, first, last and all the time, is the mark on which our eves are centered. Human life, in our opinion is too serious B'matter to juggle with, therefore wo applytho Golden Rule. Our prices are reasonable, bnt they must b e sufficient for first class goods skillfully handled. DANIEL J. FRY Graduate in Pharmacy. T- We positively will not sacrifice quality to price. PORTLAND DAY Brings the Largest Fair Crowd Yet. Details of the Exhibits and Announcements of the Proframs on Other Pates of This Paper. Portland Day has brought out the largest crowd. Six carloads came up on the hxa! train, and Portland badges in evident o on all sides. Perfect weatl e preailed the second perfect day out o' four and it it looks as if there would bo two more. Notes oa the Fair, Frank Galloway has an ingenious and hnmano invention in the form of a four animal feed box for the sale of which he is selling rights. A fanning mill is shown that cleans grain and operates and sacks tho same alt at one operation. A. McNeil of Gervais presents it merits. I The Dewey washer mmlont Salem for Ambler and Young, M. Angel, and it is interesting the honeekeeer8 not a lit tl". Fifty n month aro 'being sold. Ilio StudebaLer exhibit of two rnr-1 loads is in charge of K. F. Parkhurst. lie also has charge of theParlin k Or endorf exhibit of one car load, and what you can't tee here is not wortli men tioning. Rueeell & Co. outfits, one 2r horsepower compound en gine with electric light attachment of 75 lights, and 0 iioreepowcr running a small separator. Tho Kussoll Oyclono threshers aro also attracting farmers E, I M Croiran is tho Salem ngent, nnd al together six moti worn employed dur Den Bolt Wins. The Chamber of Commerce $1000 pace, which was not concluded yesterday, was called at 1 p. m. today. Three horses started, Ben Bolt, Little Billy and Umba hulls. Ben Bolt won the heat easily, with Little Billy second ; time, 2:33. Vmbahalis broke badly on tlio back strotrh and wai distanced. As lien Bell already had two heats to his credit, this gave him the raco and tho big purso. Continual from Third Page. CENERALIIOPDEPNRT. That peoplo wearing or needing glasses havo dfsctucd eyos. Such is not tho en ho. Astigmatism near, far, and old eightedness Ih not u disease, but a local troublo that bo easily corrected by Properly fitting of glasces, It is not necessary to consult specialist along these lines, but go to an optician who lias made the SIGHT a life study, and is In n position io dlngnono your caso absolutely correct, with tho astigmomeler. skiascope and Opthahnoscopo. We hnvo the latest instru ments known to optical sclenco. Willi those instruments In tin hnnda of a thor ough, competent optician, it is almost impossible to err. Wo examine tlio eyes freo of charge, and will bo frank with you as regards your needs. We Never Furnish Glasses Unless They are Needed. Wo earnestly solicit your patronage and guarantee perjo 1 1 . action Where glasses are needed our prices aro reasonable. C. II. HINGES X Scientific Optician 2V0 Commercial Street. It U daugerout to buy glautai from ixtMleri, aent, or irarellug ttuiluru. Wo aro not In any wy oounected with optical vuuduu at tlio Kalr U round. No Room at the Fair. If you wish to patronizo homo indus try and secure a first-cluBd vehicle of any kind como to the Sulem Wagon Fac tory. Wkunku Fknhbi, 0 18 St Proprietor. Water and Lliht Bonds. Woleor, Idalio, votes f 15,000 bonds for a plant under muniulpat owdorslilp. Autumn Approachlnc, And us tho weatlier grows cooler you will need moro staple groceries and pro visions. You will find everything you neod at Branson & Uagau's. i No Room for hnmomado vehicles ut tho fair grounds. 1 will not bo undersold by any Eastern concern. Buy your buggies, uauKB or spring mriii nuuuua ui uiu on loin Wagon Factory. W. Fksnki., 18 3t Proprietor. Wheat at Monmouth. Sale Is reported of 10,000 buthola ut 60 cents. The Swedish Loan. Of $10,000,000 of tonyear four percent bonds has beeu placed iu New York, Escaped to Siberia. Bt. pOTKiwuuiid.Bopt. 18. The Ameri can missionaries who escaped from Kal con.in tho northern part of the Province of PoOhll.i, have arrived here. ' At the Fair. A most nt tractive baaar in the tent In front ol the pavilion is conducted I y tho ladies of St. Joseph's church. Dinners aro served that aro hard to beat. The prosldontlal voting contest is causing great excltoiueut. Many beautiful articles aio being voted away. A. Bollerman of Pendelton is at the Fair. Ho says there Is a largo delega tion horo from hlri town . TODAY'S MARKET. IIM Portland, Sept 20. Wheat a ley 68 0$ ihi, wana walla, easier ou ($ oj. Flour Portland, best grade $'-'.85 $3.10. Graham 2 60 13.00 perbbl. OaUt Clioico Wliito 4lQt3c, groy 38 B -iOc per bushel. Millstuff Bran, $13 00; shorts, $1 .00 New York Market. Tho local market lias remained much tlio same as of late, but witli only a small volume of business, A few early seed lings havo arrived and sold at 10'centp. Loose samples of the Into crop of which I a few people havo come in, show better : quality than last year. For the 1809 hops full former prices aro asksd but thcro is nothing at prepent to indicnto further improvement. Most of the remaining lots will seem inferior iu com parison with this year's crop, nndtholdeB nro selling -t current rates "hen op portunity offers. Weather conditions havo been favornblo for picking hop i in una state nnu nnrvesiiug is wen , under way in nit sections About all tlio seedlings are in tlio I drying houses; some Humphreys have I been bought at 160 10c. Vory littlo has i .. .. .1 it ucon done in the way of snioa of tho havo two threshing ' . . ' . . (. mvu iivia sji lui ltd tu vii iivtti ik crop is coming down rattier bettor than was expected, and somo estimates of the yield nro (15,000 to 70,000 bales. Cables from Europe this week lint o been unuliang-d, but it is stated that tho very beat of weather must be bad nutil i...i i i i n .i i i r 'thoondof picking to reach n tied of Ing the fair showing off this mach nery i ,nnnnn ..,-., , , . .....,.,, n " . ... ,-100,000 cwt iu Kng nnd Last year tho day and night. Ono engine and thresh-' ., ... rvv. J nr lo u-r..tl. ,,1,,. flOftn .! ll... B,-1I... I . "I' " " "-,vw v. l wi in "Vim if. in iifrvw IIIIVI VHV( Clll Mil I one $1600. IlavTimothv J12Q13 nor ton. - r . r . . .r - . 1.35 for Kilvor- skins. Onions 1.26 for roil Potatoes 10 to -15c per sack. Butter Best dairy. 25030; fancy creamery, 45 to 65o. btoro 25c. 30. KKKfl Oregon, 22,o. Poultry Chickens, $3.00 to 5.00; lions, $3 to 3.60; turkeys, live 14 to 10c. .Mutton Dressed, 7 to 74c per pound. Hogs Heavy dressed 5 to Oc. Beef Steers, iti.050; cows, $3.60 Q4; dressed hoof, Q)i to 7?io. Veal Dressed, 0 & tic. for small. Hops 28c, for 1800 crop, 8 to 10c for now crop. Wool Valley, 12(313c; Eastern Ore gon, 1013o; Mohair, 25. Hides tlreen. saltod 60 lbs, 8Q0o; under CO lbs, 7M8 ; shoep elts, 159 20c BALKU UAHKIT. Wheat 68 tounda and over, 60. Wool, 13 to 16c, Mohair, 26e. Hops 11 to 15c Oats 35 to3dc. liny Baled, cheat, $7; timothy, $10. a-.KXO vi iu -)i:. $3. Ffbttr In w holenalo lots, $2.60; retail Mr, and Mrs. Geo. I. ton urn In tho dry. Brown of Btny- MUlstuffs Bran, $13; shorts, $14& nogs Lirossoii, Ac. Llvo cattle Bteers, 3 ; cows, 2i lo Bhoop $33.60. Dresanl Veal 7 cents. ButtWT-Dalry, 1620c; creamery ,2J Poultry tat hens per lb.,8; spri cuioKeuc per id., bc. Potntoea new, 30c er bushel. Apples o. 25c "S OREGON STATE FAIR Salem, Orccon. September. 17 to 22, 1900. OFFICIAL PROGRAM FOR FIRDAY. Oatos will ta onenod at 8 o'clock a. m. Good music liy Brown's baud during tho forenoon. icucomyui start promptly at:; p. m. Friday tboio w ill bo grand band contest s The Race Proirara. IVottluj; For 3-year olds anduudor, 2 lu 3 .l.iw...$300 Pacing 236 class, 3 lu 0 :,., 400 Trotttlig Consolidated puree tor beaten horwi at th lueVliug. 'tVomUtiona to be postetl Thursday, September 10..,.., .,....., , .,,..,, , 2 Runninr-3Xwlo , v.. ? ,.UI 3 llunutiiK-S uillo for I'J.year olds..., , . .,;J'.,. II BjHHilal amtiboinent program In the evening. W. IL WeilRUWC. Pre. yHy M.D. WISDOM, Sec. 200 200 150 Wnlttr Morh-y t-hows hi patent gravity prune graders, for ilrii.il or green fruit. It will.lte grade rmcIici Tr HitntofH nnd is iu practical use. R. M. Wado Si Co. havo a large ppaco filled with vehicles and farm ma chlncry. They seem to havo anything from n cidor press to a panrio schooner. Tho Osborne Co. has an exhibit under a fifty foot tent of all they mnntifacturo and four heavy-weights to toll tho farm ers nbout it. Tlieso double breasted Unquiets can entertain you with tho latest improved cultivaotra and har vesters. PorllandDay brought tho largest crowd that has visited tho fair for years. A string of peoplo continuously filed through the gates. At 10 a. in. today fully 3000 peoplo wituessed tho stock parade. Horses from tho thoroughbred track horso to tho heavy tuim and draft horso wore in tho parado not only tho prize winners but all horees entered for premiums. Following tho abovo was tho cattlo parado which wua ou" of tho finest feat urea of tho day. Tho World's Champion Cow Sallio Girl was admired by all who witnessed tho parado. Denton & Company's Bicycle Display, Tho bicycle display near tho pavilion of Donton & Company, of 130 Sixth street, Portland, Or., is pronounced by visitors as well as tho state fair officers as being tho finest display of the kind yet shown at any Oroecn statu fair. Tlio exhibit can be found near tho main en trance door of tho pavilion and contains many "Orient" and Olive bicycloa bo sides tho hundreds of littlo sundries that bolong to tho bicycle. Hero thoBo who havo never had an oppotunity of seeing the bicycle nnd all Its parts can seo it in their display. Liberality, fair dealing and tho progressive methods uted by this buslnoss firm hnvo gained them a wido reputation through tho Pacific coast, nnd all those who aro vis iting tho fair are earnestly invited to call and visit their Immense displa. 11 G513 ''late. ISO!), choice, ner lb State, 1899, good to prime, per lb. 12 Slate, 1899. inmmr.n 10 PhcHIc co.im, IS09. pr lb . ....1jgl4 i'licnic coait, lsuu, choice, per lb 11&12K Pacific coast, 18510, common to prime, per lb 7 flfcll MARRIED. EMBKBK SAUVAIN-At tho homo of tho briilo, at Hoseburg, Or. Sept. 10, 1900. Miss Kva M. Embreo to Alfred E. Sauvuln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sauvnin arrived in tho city this morning on their wedding tour and incidentally remain for tho State Fair. Mr. Sauvnlnisono of tho Southern Pacific's trusted employes and is lo caieu ni uosouurg, wnero tnoy will re side. The Massachusetts Walcott, Boston, Mass., Sept. 20. Tho Jouunrl announces that former Governor Rodger Walcott will not accept tho post of Am bassador to Italy. Motlce. Wo are overstocked on street lints nnd are hnvinc n special snlo this week. Nonpariel Millinery Parlors, Mu. Hookkish. Hops la Polk. Advices from Polk county aro that owing to the continued heavy rains of tlio past threo days pickers, that la camping, hnvo been leaving tho hop yards by tho wagon load, going homo whore they can got dry again. The rainfall has (boon something se rious, nnd tho damage to the hop crop, which has not yet been nil gathored, is going to prove serious. All tho smaller yards havo been finlshod, but tho larger ones aro only about one-half picked. In tho Meeker ynrds thero is said to bo about two weeks' picking yet. Tlio hops in this yard aro of excellent quality and quantity. Experts eay that they aro tho richest hops ever grown here. VftT iJ7-fc"-lfc V-m No Room for Home Enterprise at the Fair Grounds. I will tako your orders for any kind of n vehicle for a reasonable prico. The bestm aterial and woikmanship guaran IpwI hy W. Fennel, 0 18 3t at tho Salem Wagon Factory. i ' Jar A rat. M Ft Our riistnmers nnd visitors to State Fair ;n nj store crammed with bright new goods that are both hat? snmp nnH Humble. Schoo suits at Drices to suit iU .. na all. Men's clothing and furnishing goods all new and stvl ish. Ladies' dress skirts in all leading colors and stvlV Golf capes and jackets, golf caps in plaids and oxford gfavs umorenas, umoreuas. an 01 uie aoove ana inuci more. Fifiinaii's New Racket Store. Cor. State and Com. Sts. Salem Or. L x Save from 25 to 40 per cent, by pur chasing your dry goods of us This is no bluff come and see tor youri M akintoshes Ladies' or Gents' at a tu4 wholesale cost Fine dress goods at a tual wholesale ost, Silks satins velvets and plushes at actual wholesale cost, Ribbons and Laces at actual wholesale cost Hosiery underwear corsets and gloves at actual wholesale cost Shoes at cost and some for less than wholesale cost Do not forget the store the first south ol the Postoffice. ISADORE GREENBAUM i 'tn OVER 5,000 7.ii t t 'UV PRESCRIPTIONS :iJ FILLED AT STEINER DRUG CO'S fW LAST YEAR. rs . J: ... r a The Central Oregon State Normal Schoo -i$y k . ' " i ijPtsei Opens Monday September I7th, 1900, The entire Facultv are Soecialists. AH work is thorough, practical Favorable Points for consideratien: l. Thin In n Klntn lnut..ttnn 2, Its course of etudy conforma to tho statutory requirements for certificate -county and Btate. . 3. Tho school recognizes cerllflcatea secured by tho "'uniform eighth grade exam , lnatlona;" I'lvlnir bhpIi i."rnpiimo.. ..ino.ti".t: 4. Coilntv tonclinr'u nnrtiflnntna nn..ln,l . .1 l.!l. I I .lfl . 5. Drain Is a highly moral town. . r.sponsea are llgnt. 7. Our graduates nro prepared to take examination for sUo certificate. a M8eN 0f81 brunc"es a".v Kol text book may bo used. w. Al students are received nnd treated as ladles and genUemen, consequently p? ' long codo of rules is needed. it. Correspondence Invited. J. II. 0RCUTT, Pres., Drain, Ore. When you work with a machine that runs heavy and low you loose more time than you think. STANDARD ROTARY Speed "two In one" Machines bow ono Ihlnl fftntnr than nt)mr hv arlnl ...-. ""-- .., .j imiuut iniii much lighter and with less noise, be anies maKing a neriPci eiitcix aud hold ing more thread. Then in a minute's time you change it from lock to chain stitch if you desire, at no cost to you. R.A.WIOQINS 307 Commercial St, BSTSewlng niaeUlues. Pianoa, Organs uicycies. Baroalns Sly business In Sumpter having Iurrea3el beyond my expecta tion, I hao decided to diEcon tinue business at Balem. : : : : As i the now building at Sumpter will not bo ready for ocenpanoy for a month. I will for that timo offer my whole stock at reduced prices I prefer to give buyers bargains and eavo the cost of packing aud freight. This is REALLY A CLOSING SALE and the stock is new staple .roods, Inst what yon need and can bo had at a bargain. : : : W. fl. HOBSON 207 Commercial Street. MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. The Ideal Place for Your Boys. WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 ' "7r. FrSTyTir t7- " As an investment, pays subatntlp ( yJb.yjS. NE!i3 y - dividends. This fact is demonstrated r sss S Sy Ss srr?sj continunlly by our graduates, toarol -'CCssCStu6C'C'CSCS our students nave cone from school to- profitable employment during the laii two weeks. Picn now to take courw AT THE CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. SALEM. OREGON. Tho present year. You will find hero skillful teachers, correct methods and modern equipments Students admitted at any time. Visitors welcome. For illustrated! catalogue address, v. 1. Stalky. Prluclpal, Salem, Oregon. Northwestern Normal School and Business College Salem Oreton Terra opens Si pt. 24. CompUteoouriHMof tudy N-nmtl. BiutntM. A. J. OAKLAND. A. M. PrlflClMl. N. W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART of Dewrtment of Music V"7,0 Nu4,bcWdfrc,f:rR,J8,, " 8H Muucroom No 7. PatB' 6t' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON1 Tultloa Free WW On Wednesdsy. Sept. 19. 1900 . ,. llo. for ear.ilngrU let partof pneseipeiw Tbe only Sckool of MUcs anamuiuc u ibc siw- .mi' enttajdiaoJern lnriie wU NPffe- caUIokus and rurlher ln(onntUn ? v-imi rres. rraa. aires. --- - TLASSbS will be resumed (L at the Sacred Heart Academy.TuesdaySepl- 4th. For further information apply to Sister Supers V) A ,1 ,1 t -i . w vrrnrntnf rtaf-'