--TTTjwf i iJWW" f I'lPWIWp 4SJJ 'P-- riWa SEE ikfaHi "" r W weflWft'siviifc ,. - .ad daerrr Hal JF" ZZStt&SgsOttSSSBXSSttXttSBSSSi tuttMiciyww"" w j T SlofouU alt oaff fret. epeo eJiiea ' f B)OOTlR ftHnUTO. COM- tuct, AtUsU, Ga. 01 MI ISA G, W, Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clolhicrs and Furnishers. TILB'WORKS AanufaGtures a Complete near Fair Grounds, Salem Ore. DTI 0T0 During the State Fair iM&te- Great Salem Art Center Fair Grounds store To Campers and ethers: having purchased the stock of general merchandise former ly owned by Theo. Nolf and added largely to the same, we invite you to call and examine our goods. "Our prices are rieht." X X C. J. SPITSBflRTfl, Prop. "ii p ii i i i i i i ! mm --- isvwaMw-MMW 'STEUSLOPF BROTHERS.... WHOLgSLE A,Np RETAIL Butchers and Packers Complete Cold Storage Plant EMPORIUM Stock complete. Latest styles. Udies and buyers are ii. vited to call and view our fine millineiy. LOWEST PRICES PREYAIL TJKB MISSES GOODB 309 COMMERCIAL ST.. SALEM. -' ' '-iMfTV '""' wi ' ' .i i THE HENRY B. :dU (IllOU 232 COMMERCIAL STREET. 'J he strosgett and rnoit reUnblo oomnanloajii tho World. Jt(teW anjnsuror lnterUi cajrefij HJIIVy.UUI, ;j to tot thlWitn, o4 ae borne caa bt eoraptrtely hap py vitfcoot Uaca. yet orta! Uutwjn wbkB tb et jxttant taeSJbex em p the took forward W Uk eriOeU bo jrflh PP Moffier Friena f0 SAYS his mother. It is hard Iq keep tU such boys in clothes-or rather inside of clothes. We have had some suits built to hold that "Buster" of yours and jf you will bring him here for his v - -. Fall and Winter Suits We will give you garments that will stand all the racket he can giye them. You will find our prices reasonable and it you will allow us to show you our new styles we are sureyou will count your Ume welj spent , X X , Line Tile of all. sizes. Works Display just west of Pavilion. STUDIO don't fail to visit the MILLINERY THIELSEN Husti.en nrouintlv mnirti. ImurohefaT t, fl06 IIGII IBB DAILY JQORSUL i i ii i i' mr BY HOFER BBQ iQTHEOS iiOSVA f. SEPT. 17. 1W Oailv On Year. 3.00 In Advance ' Dally Four Months $1 In Advance Vookly One Yoar SI.OO In Advance ON THE SAND-DUNES AT WEWrORT. t monk! that I might walk today Where roll Uie waters eool ami "grey. Acres thy weir J ami windy strand, Wbateriie tlHMtthatintingueapY of sand: Where winds of heaven wander free Aeros tlofl ww ta dear In m Those f amis at first so drear to me At Kevrtiort by-the Sea. 1 saw thy stalely ltghtboe tower, First in a rammer sunset Imr. And heard the merry, MitimcMnos 01 children slnzin oh tle dunes : Thoe rifting, ditting ware of sand, T1io mellow, yellow craves of s8d, So wild ami wo der fwl to me. At Newport-by-the-Sea. I Mtr thr changing harbor Heht Streaming athwart the murky night: I stood amid the breaker! dim. And Mir the pulsing tide creep in Aeroes tbote ehinimering piles of sand, Acrwa tin) glimrnerin;' Hies of sand. TIicm sands so myMkai to me, At Newport-by-tne-Sea. At twilight, where yon laurel waves' Above the loBely I rrdta craves, Melhought J taw the warriors etand Upon thedanee, a spectral hand: Among tlttse quivering nits ot rand, Among thoteshivering hills of sand, Wan and mrstertoos to me. At Newport-by-the-Sea. ( would that I were there today, 1 talnd me that Uie ikiee are grey; And yet I with that I might be Where winds of ticaven wander free, Coskl hear again the lilting tones The children sane upon the dune, Thcdan's at first too drear to me. The dunes so strangely dear to me, At Ncwport-bytbe-Sea. LET US MAKE THIS A RED YEAR FOR EUSIHESS. LETTER The state fair is a success beyond all expectation and an assured business euM. The Salem city government is seeli that this city can receive no back tats. Kew buildings are going up and property is coming into demand. Ho city government in the fature can piango this city in debt or increase taxes. With sb1i safe conditions before him it behooves eyery basiiiege roan in the Capital City to put his best foot forward ami let us all unite to mnke tills year a red letter year. Let each Individual business man push his butine to the utmost and let us tee if the year 1MX3 in spile of the pret identkti campaign oan not bo made the Wg,'eit year for bus! tiows in tho history of lite city. While the grain crop has been n ar tial failure, and many of the grain farm ers are going to be left short handed, in mo aggregate tlie crops will bring more money, and there will be more money dls tributed among the masses of the ople thou ever before. The working people have been employed in tho hop yards and orchards, by reason of large crops and fair prices, at good wages, ami they are the people who mnko tho dlffemneu between good business conditions and bad. Thu bunIiiMs conditions nre goinu to ho good for the next four months. There can be no doubt nltout it. What are yon going to do, tnaku the best of these favorable conditions? You 'lire in mis'noM in Haluin. You havo a slock of goods- It is your duty to meet the people half way. Tell them what you have. Make tooplu within thirty miles of Salem feel that you want them to couio here ami trail. Make it an object to them. Make it pleasant for thurn after they nrti here. Offer them bargains. IX not bo afraid to bait your hook with a herring for fear you will not catah u whale. Tull people m hat you have in the way of a big stock, excellence of ciiality, or bargains in tho way of prkos. The imjo Ae appreciate those things. They study the newspaper! closely to see what in duuements aru offered at Sialoin to eomo and trodit. If every huslntwi man will offer his specialties and close bargains (rum now until New Year it will prove such a magnet that thu circle of balum trade will be extended fifty per cent, ami everyone will get tho benefit of it. There Is one thing all merchant should de. (Jo over your stock nnd pick out ull stock that ought In your opinion bo worked off before tho end of tho year, and whleh it will not pay to cary over as dead stock into next year and per haps for years. Pull it out of its hiding places and sell it at oost or below cost. Give the pwtplu tho benefit of thusaeri iko nnd turn it into money instead of having it UKCiiinulalolng and growing more and maru unsalablo. If vou havo dead stock get rid of it, and thuru Jfl no wsy to do that but to push it off 6u the iMrgalneotiiilur. Many a merchant Ims boHi ruined by the accumulation of dead stuff. Policies like these pursued hy uvery ImuMhoss man in the city will make this a rod" letter yewr and will (Hit life, and ginger lute our community and iWiiso everjr uiiersi 10 iurgeaueau us u sivouui. , With thu heat and richest farming coun try in the statu ail around us, we have only ourtelvtja to hlume if hu lag behind In the rao of prosintrity. w vui TtO UXftllTt) I To Cure a Coli la Oat Day NftHou oululu TsaloU. Al. ism wimtj ii ii huh hi Ufe wMun- m ntu isx. HEASOhSFOR ROOSEVELrs COOL HECEP. TIOW IN CHICAGO. Thu ltepublleun leaders do not know what to fay or think about tho cool reception Uovurnor HoooMilt got in Chkugo on Ijtlor Pay. It is a complete Instilloatloii of the petition which uvury ndmUiUlratiou leader from Ilaun.dowu, held at the Philadelphia vonvontlonr Or tlUcouifort. no Irritation ot ta la- rrf?7 twy. 1WUW W htimhfUt c4iibjj, whi iv mm HovtFv mils Boldojr ali drurfsltta. ' Scoau. The beit mcd. icine to take for Ixweosnox, PrsrH-su, BtU.tODSJ.ES, or MUEU Feevbis AXD ACE Isti.e Bitters. It means health ferevry cofferer from tiHHcIl UN. itters " I fall to give it a trial that IUseteJt would rove a danger. ooly meak eandifa((. It Is too tato to f"'e foldyoa so," ami the man agers hate to dt the best they can. Bat it is safe to say that Kootevelt will not be permitted to speak befnre any more labor aadienees. Chieago labo nnhms hare long mem orkfs and they dug down ImIow all of of Governor RwHireU'u reent Htter nBcee for a. gem of six years ago Soon after the fierce lalwr strikes of 1SGI were crttlied by military forc, Theo'loro Ilootevelt and Colonel Tamer of the rir4Kegimerit,Illluois Votanteers, were speakers at a mate meeting held at the Auditorium. Daring his speeeh llooto velt mM : "Any man who engagos in a strike or any man who goes where a strike U on should be shot." When Theodore Itoosevelt uttered the words qaoied above he emote the heart of every working man in Chicago. Tli ttioMnds of tollers wlio marched through the streets on Labor Djy IkuI not forgotten his unprovoked assault at the Anditortom. That ?J! why the Hepabliean candidate for Vice President was the figure aroand which a whirl wind of indignation swept in Klectric Park. Stops the Costb tni Works off the CoU. I.tiaHre HremoQQloinelaMrU tme a ioM om lr- So Carr. No 1'iy. J'Kt He h it- "tHE IDEAS OF HAMILTON. Hpeaker Henderson's cry for a revival of Ilarniltonlanlsra Is not likely to be echoed by men like Senator Lodge, who know from their hlstosloal studies what Hamilton's ideal on government were. SpMker Henderson declares that he wants a man elected to the presidency who believes in thote doctrines. Does he inelnde Hamilton's aristocratln theories in his approbation? Does he know what kind of a government it was that Alexander Hamilton wished the 13 American colonies to set np after the war of independence? In Mr. Lodge's biography of Hamilton our Mas sachusetts senator describes the "repub lic" which tho great revolutionary states man advocated in this message: Tho epublie of Hamilton was to be an ariVj.ratie as destluiMiished from a democratic republk, and the Kerof the eJxrute states wai to be effectually crippled. The first object was to be at lained by committing the choice of the preskleil and sonatorc, who wore to held otflee during good behavior, to a class of the community qualified to vote by the possession of n certain amount of real projtorty. The second was to be secured by giving to t'te president of the United Stales the appointment of thu governors of the various states, who were to have n votn on all slate legislation. Theso provisions, ns may bo seen at n glance, involved tlio essiintiat character of the government, snd although purely repul Iknii, came much nearer to the British model than any other by their recognition of classes and of the olltlcal rights of property. There you Iiavh Alexander Hamilton's l)itical philosophy stripped and ux loed. Hamilton was a remarkable man, lint his ideas wero not in tho least democratic. They will not make a irood issue in this campaign. "Take llted WU1 Surtly Seeta" He sure to heed thu first symptonsof indigestion, nurvoumiwe ami impure blood, and thus avoid chronic dyspepsia, nervous prostration und all evils tiro d 11 rod hy bad blooiL Hood's Barsapa- rllla Is your safeguard. It quickly sets the stomach rlnht. strengthens and quiets thu uervos, iHiriflee. enriches und Mtallsea Win blool ami keens no the health tone All liver Ills aru oared by Hood's Pills S6c. STEYN AND DE VET. Nor York Tribune. We might apply to the Iloer leaders in the South African war tho saying, "The last shall be tint ' That would be no nnru than simple Justice to the two man above all others have been at the fore in theso lat weeks und months. Kx-President Stuyn, of the former Orange IMver Free State, is one. When ho negotiated the union between tho Orange Statennd the Transvaal it looked as though the little state wai to lose its individuality in the big one. and President Steyu would bo quite over-shadowed by Presl ilont Kruger. lhit Steyu has managed to keep at the fore. While Mr. Kruger remained in Pretoria ho wont to the front ami fought. When Mr Kruger Had from Pretoria with his gold in a pri vate oar, Mr. Stoyn was marching ami raiding ami ngliUug in the field. (No dlttredit to Mr. Kruger need bo Implied lu this outupariMii, tor there is a gredt different? In the ages of the two men untl In their litttow (or astivo work in tliotleld.) And (or weeks pist, when no one has known or greatly oured upon what "pari iuular siding Mr. Krugor'acar Has shunted, thu chief interest in the whole oampaiun has Until centered Un Mr. Sieyn's rooureotil endeavors to sUveoff the inevitable. l'pou Mr Steyu and (ieaeral He Wet. Lit that latter name In tp..keii with rwpcct. oven by Tommy Atkius, for I it one of the fo v naimM m either side that h vo risen in this war to a Hue eminence. with a promUe of lasting distinct on, Joubort wus a brave und knightly war rior. Qroaje, at bay, was soiuo one to be reminLH(ivd long in the annali o( de. pj,Mlt alor. Hut Christian IWet is. alter alf, the Roer hero of the war. A J:ratfo tho world had never hoard of him. Tie was anob.Hirofanuer,livingat laOSTETTER ' CttCBRATCO M DENTON & 60. 130 SIXTH PORTLAND, mmu Olive Bicycles and i r. S Exhibit Near Pavillion, Just Inside Door. The Largest Ex clusive Bicyle House in the Northwest not controlled by a trust. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL! ELLIS Wholesale and Candy Manufacturers, Stand Opposite Pavillion. Full Stock ut Poifland Prices. Roodeval, Hooking his pipeaud probably ' walloping his niggers" in natriaehnl Afrikander fashion. When the war broke out ho shouldered thgun he had carried at Majuba Hill and went to the front as a private, h'tep by step he roe, until now, he is the general commanding the only Iloer army of furious import ance remaining in the Held. And with only two or three regimonts at his Itoela he has for weeks been bulling Lord Ro berta and Lord Kitchener and all thti' lieutenants, with their tons of thouwmds of men: raiding their linen one day nnd tho next leadlr.g them on a wild goote chase across tho veldt t catch him whoro he is not. The end must came at last, and prob ably will come soon, liut when all is done tho men whom Great Ilrilian will remember as her most stubliorn und troublesome foes wi'l be not tlioeo wlio led their armies into Natal and the Capo "todrivo the Itoolneks into iIiohV nnd besieged Ladysrnlth and Kimberiey, but rather thono who took up the rnnning whon the race seemed lost, and by their skill and daring und endurance held an overwhelming foe, long at buy and main talned their indepondonceaiter the tause elbowhero seemed hoolesily lost. We miy not love Steyn, theoolJ, unsmiling, Machiavellian schemer, bnt at least we iust admire his telf-sacritlce and his it Sawed My fe Fxtreme cases of dis com.' tot tla real value of a medicine Many "tonic" ami " stimulant " preparations, whwh have uo real mcdkuiAl value, ecui to brace up the users when they arc feeling "played out." Au sumulaut will do thu whether bought at the liquor store or drug store. The true tcot of a med icine is when life itself u staked on its remedial power. In hundred of such oases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery lias been the means of saving ufe when even the "family tloctor" luul pronounced sentence of death. nJ mv Uaillv UvKtur aoid I -'' aot U- inu nctn grrai uiHtrer Mr Knl ), in man In twv yMiv but, tbanV llui I am MU1 a nv- uviug.- writes r vrurgc w inutow, at Ubm ooraU Auriuta Co.. Va. Dr. WcrWa OotSa MtJtcal DiMwvcry (a wtmt uvl m lifc I tu4 heart treul)e to tuj that 1 cuuU not He an my left aide Hitbout a sreat deal of Ml, t wm uearly paat wark wIwa I twinirBcwt yaw m4. Idue, tut t can d aliout aa muck wort bom u any nan. I cauos uy tou muck lor tfte lM t ojt rvwiTtu.- Man my uiscjses, nantcu tor the wnmm affoctcd, as "heart dihca&c ." sal i T Mwg iu , eaie, "itver coMtpMiut." etc., ate par- (cctly cured by Dr Pierce's CoUesi Med ical Discovery, which cures through tit stonuch ducaca which original ut the stomach. ALWAYS HCLP5. ALMOST ALMAY5 HEMS. STREET, ORE. Automobiles & ZINN, Retail ,i. tinrlinchlng courage. We may not, on . luwthetk; grounds, admire the uncouth 'and unkempt DoU'it.butno countrvman cf Francis Marion and Philip Sheridan can withhold a tribute of praise to hie skill in strategy, his celerity in opera tion and hie indomitable valor in all things. His nnme will bo the brightest in the hut chapter of Doer military his tory. A Few Peintcrs The recent etaUetiee of Uie number of deaths show that the utqe majorit.v die with consumption. This disease uay commence with an apparoiilly bar We oough whieii can be cured instantly by Kemp's liaiMin for tho Throat and Lunge, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve nil cases. Price 36c. ami 50c. For sale hy all druggists. 1 In the llopysris. Camp Herren is rather doerted now, businees called nil the men away and the rainy weather has driven the few hop pickers homeward. It isabeautiful spot, hut very lonly on a rainy day. Camp No. 2 at the llorren Imp yard begins to look as i' a Texas cyclone had struck it. Mr. Mimbers came for his family on Friday morning, Mrs. Clturlton rustled around and got a man with a woodrack to take herself, family and oainping outfit to Salem, Mrs. Chaileton as well as all the pickers at thia yard have done remurkably well ticking hops, and have only words of praiie for the management. The rains of the last few days haw made it rather disagreeable for the many people ramped in the numerous Imp yards throughout the country. A few- nays ot nne wwatner -woum nave seen most of the smaller yards finished; the Lop are proumui:od a good quality but th y are rather eruullsr than imutl which make picking slower, awl pickers are not doing so woll a they expucted to. The llomllest Man la Sjlem As well as thr handboiuuBi, and otlier arc invited to call on any druggist, and uet freo n tnal bottle of Kemp's I(h1iii for II Throat and Lum.'-. a remedy that I guaranteed to cure and ranuwa w cure aou uuvlniT - oi court Street and Acuta C-ughB,uuynis phoae 1781. uoiieve tut Chronic Asthma, HrncriitU nud Oonsutup nun. rrti'e aoc. ami mm. eoavw Domiteas Seat Free. Under Uie direclkms of Mr. Chrieten mui. of San l'ntnci, Kufettc Shelly, asuutHt Htiierintitdwia of the Wells haigii Company, has notiReil th local agent here, 'lltomas-Heynoki. authoris ing him to phip free of cbargt.'hipmeiiti o( money ami other donation m reoH able qnaiititkM to Um Galveton suffer. ms. farm who have donation eau leaire Uiem with Sir. Reynolds or Mavor Hlfchop. f The Latest Ysrn. A PilUbwrg druwmer telln this new yarn: I always oarrv a bnufo of emp's Hnismui in my n'rtp. I take cold leaailv aiwl rt .ul.j u vui. i . "m m r" w ssw n ways uwVtw uie a well man. Kywtv wlirr I ko I aVMnk Kl wxwd for ' Kemp I tak h4d of mY cMtennors I Uke old men and young men, and tell , llwsu cosiAiieutially what I tki wle,i 1 lake cold. At lrwKite. 96c ami 50. . 4 OASTOHIA. Bttnti. lMKMTNrlmJUsMnsssk rr-c&A i sjafx ' i PEtt. Grand Promenade "NONPARSll ; 317 Com. Street, ' - The ladles of Salem will be deeply interested in the Paris hats which SI Hooker will dfeptay. A large shipment to arrive on Saturday. All will be !' coca?. "" Onr trimmer Miw Mae Cromwell, has spent tho summer in the most ttibto aWe centers of New York arid Chicago, and has rUI the new and up-to-dtc Ha2" CANDY We are Wholesale Agents For the Sweet Candy Company of Portland YOU CAN ORDER YOUR CANDY AND CONFECTIONERS LY OF US AND SAVE CARTAGE. X X A A X SUPPLY J. G, Wright & Company 207 Commercial St. Salem. TUB WONDERi ...RESTAURANT Lunches 5c upward. Regular meals 20c. Turner Block next 10 Harritt & LawrenceT FORWARD Si. HYDE BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S 50PERI0R CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM. ORE SALEM HOP BUYERS, Squire Farrar No M Bute St. Tbnne No. I Jit. Wra. Brown Co Both Rtflldlai. CxniBretftt SL (cround auorl. uflke ilba o. ). Lilienthal Bros. II. J. OUenhelmer, Marajrer. Office ever i.aiM & nun nauK. wboho .no. mi. Catlin Linn Osee over Weller! grocerr Ure. .No Sit. 'Pbene J, Carmichael oiBee over Johaaoa's Ctethlo; itere, In Butta-tkeaiaa Mlg. T, A, Livesley Co Coromerelal Bcead italr muth of Ladd X Bit'b Ubk bank, (uom IS, opuatrt. I'bone 1211. L D Jacks Co lloftooleefornerlroocapleit by Herren i Lery KHilh of Wllfamette HoleL SALEM LODGES c'alera Camp No. o."lTg. w w. Ueetl eTerr Frldmr pc. 7:80, la A. O. U. W- haJl. Bute Ins. evet. bide. f. V. PrnntT. f. C. W, A. ileattx. clerk rot,m 16, Uoorwa blk KCRKSTBRS OK AMBRIOA Court bberwood Forest No. 1. Meu Frldaj nlgbu lu Tamer Wock. John M. Chase, C. It. A L. Browu re?y ll-17-lrr rjrnoo A complete stock vll (Too of grass and clover VDOiic seeas always on k II V 1 1 ." I j n - hand. Prices the lowest possible for first-class seeds. Give us a call before i BREWSTER & WHITE, The Feed Men. . Salem Soap Works The tiroprietor of the Salem Soap A orks has theco oeretton of the under eiyneu uewrs. Consumers wlto desire a first-class soap will Encourage Home Industry By ordering SaWmewmde soap from Mrs. II. Huffman, II. Maguin, K. X Albright. Goi.len Rule slort Sleiwr A On, H. NtmtMtMtuer. Jasn Shunts, Ah"x. Dam Yok- haaia T. i" I. A. IXjragisb, Mhtnifc thtwera, J. Hewitt, AivHkceA (teed, M. T Rineman, C. M. Kwrfey, TIm. Fat Star.., W. L Wwl-. Damon Hme aii.ee of other mareliants will added aj arrangements an. made. Ike Millinery Opening CANDY OF SALEM..-. "V 5T01E5 and RANGES. CANADIAN 2C PACIHC 100 Hours Ocean to Ocean via The Imperial Limited Grand Scenery - Fast Time Model Accomodations Tourist and firat-clses sleeping curs BOSTON. MONTREAL, TO ONTO, OTTAWA ST. PAUL For full particulars apply to E. J. COVLE, H. H. ABBOTT. A. G. P. A., 146 Third St. Vancouver, B. 0. Portland. More Cheap Excursions to the East Itound trip tickets from Denver, Colo rado Springs, and Pueblo to Chicago, Peoria and intermediate points, will oe sold August 10, and September 7 and 21, by the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE JIT KATK ( One llrgolu FareJ'lu3.JiOOft)r;ll308(.Trip Return fjtn'lt October Si) 1000 One fare to Chicago and return Aug. 23 4, 25, Stl.Tor tho G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT With liberal return limit. SPECIAL TRAINS Oxe Niht Otrr to Chioaoo, will lcve IVnver 3:45 p m., Colorado PB. 365 p. m and PueWo 2.45 p. ta. curaions of Aug. 10 and 24, and Kept 7 and 21. Tickets alto good on rejuiar traine For full information apply to A. E Coopkk. Gen. agU Portland Or. E. W. Tnonpsox, A. G. P. A.. Topek, San. Jouk FsBAirruw. G. P. A., Chi;so BROS TO iU mUTSsniISi I 1 1' II mm aiMMi