uMMMAWtUaiMn '- til4. .'MriViYnili7iiniiri'fii. M'u i f i J ; r '41 ,b v. A Jul i 1 1 U '. r i !i? P !l ! n !' ! M fc b i j ! hi ;:i! I' M " Ii-- m ! ' BOY IS A bush T 0 SAYS his mother. It is hard to leep 'j 5ucn uoys in cioines or rawer inside of clothes. We have had some suits built to held that "Buster" of yours and if will bring him here for his XXX s you Fall and Winter Suits We will give you garments that will stand all the racket he can giye them. You will find our prices reasonable and if you will allow us to show you our new styles we are sure you will count your time well spent. X X X X , X G, W, Johnson & Company, The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers. tho dead tissues removed, and ho Is now under trcntmont, Bancroft lays Ills troublo to tlio X ray. THE INDICTMENT AGAINST THE HEPUDLICANS TUB MS JOURNAL BY HOFER BROTHERS, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1000. Dally Ono Yoar, 3 OO In Advnnoo Dolly Four Month $1. In Advnnoo Wookly QnoYonr 8I.OO In Advanoo INDEPENDENT DELIVERIES About two hundred families and per sons nro served with tlio dally Jouiinal from tho Jocn.VAb ofllco, linvlug boxes whore tlwy can get their own papor at tho rato of four months for n dollar. This satno servicco of a one cent dally paper can bo established at tho end of j any lino of street cars, Tho pooplo of Mornlngeldo ami Fair Grounds have had this sorvlco for a nutnbor of years tlio bundle of papers going out on tho first car nttor it goes ii press. Mr.' Geo. II. Jones of tfob Hill addi tion Is erecting a box to securo an oarly dollvory of tho ovenlng paper nt tlio ond of tho cetnotory lino. Others living out thero who tako tho Jouiinai. should Join lu erecting a small free dollvory post nlllco thero. Do not wait for tho govern mant, when you can have your evening paper served fresh from tho press. Good Health, The stomach Is thvfoundntlon of health. When it does Its work proiwrly dlseso cannot cuter tho body. If it Is out ol order, Hostuttor's Stomach Hitlers, the famous dyspepsia cure, will restore its vigor. It is tho most valuable medlciuu for too stomach ills known to ecicncu Try It for Indigestion, dysopflia, const!, patlon. or Malaria, Fover and Ague. Our prlvato rovenuo Btnmp covcm tho necKoitlio bottlo. The Monarch HOStettCr'S of Stomach Cnirli Remedies Bitter WHAT, 13 EXPANSION? Tho United States as n result of tho war with Spain has pojaesioii of Cuba, Por to Itico and tho Philippines. Including Hawaii our imports from those Islands amount to $300,000,000 worth of products n year. Theso products nro sugar, rlco, raw Juto, tropical fruits and tobaccos. The American people ronsumo those products, and If these islands aro our territories, why should not this tradu came to us untaxed? If wo had froo commercial Intercourse with these Islands could o got these products cheaper? If wo continue to lovv'tarlffa on them will wo not forco capital to go to those Inlands and orect factories and with their cheaper labor go into competition with our own labor? Would not frco trade with our own Islands tend to break down trusts, stlin ulatoshlpp'tig under pur Hag,, and bo truooxpinslon of American Interests? THE TEXTBOOK GRAFT IN OREGON. As the tfovornor on January 1ms to appoint a school toxlbook commission of Ave men to select tho common school toxilKxiks for this stuto for tho next four tho agents or publishers aro to Oregon to look after their Candidates for places on tho aro springing up by the A years swarming Intorostt. commission scores ken) Oregon under Its present deplorable condition of high-priced monopoly In tho hands of ono gigantic trust Is numerous nud actlvo an oyer. ThoBolectlon of textbooks for u common wealth like this for four years Involves contracts aggregating a quarter of a million dollars worth of nubile school books, and as many more for nil tho colleges and private schools in tho state. It is qutto natural that the impecunious grnftors should want "on" tho text book commission. The smooth and oily lingered placo-sookcrs will demand recognltloni In tho name of education, of K)lltlcs and religion, Tlio way Oregon has Iwen swindled by theso fellows In tho nnino of odu cut Ion ought to warn tho Governor Hint tho pooplo wan! n change. Thoro is no reason why Oregon should pay moro than Washington and that for inferior books. Hut tho factH aro wo Imvo done It mid It Ih wronging our Intelligence and a blight on our progress to continue It. For once a commission Is wnnted of mon who cannot nftord to sell out thn interests of tho parentH who pay mid wliatlsnioro of tho children who go to school. A CHANCE TO BURN ORCGONIANS. Tho Oregonlan suggests that It might havo been well for somo of the papers who opposed llryon four years ago mid nro now supporting him, ifthoy had buruml their (lie's. The saino thing would probably Ihi convenient for some of tho papers that are now lauding im perialism In tho Philippines. Unfortu nately the Oregonlan is lu this elms. On May I, I8U8, (ho Oregonlan said: "Already wo aro in ono of the greatest perils of wnr tho clamor for territorial aggrandizement. Tlio fover of compiest onco in tho blood Is n raging poison hard to allay. Wo havo no further rightful uto for tho Philippines than as u base of .invent operations mid a hostage pend ing lluul Boltlomout. A coaling station l.t Mil rittrtln II. ...... I.... ... . """ mum, urn our prniertfioiiB tin this war debnr us (mm r.ii..n,... ..i 'Jhopolitlclan.oductttorwhohas ovon c..iM, ,,,,, . .. niiiiu iiiuiiruiiy within our .cohj than the PhillpplnoH." And ngaiii In its Issue of May It), 1808, it declared; "Wo do not want to keep tho Phlllppho lulaiidn, but wo should keep n naval nation thero." Perhaps the tiles of the Oregonlan of the iiImivo dates o'ght to bo burned. Life insuranoe is good for your family. Health insuranoe is gdod for both YOU and your family. You collect health Insurance by living. Yon have to die before life insurance can le collected. If you knew your health was threatened you'd insure it if you could. You can insure your health, The .stomach in the vital center of the body. The whole body is nourished from the stomach. The blood is made in the stomach. A disordered stomach means disor dered blood, disordered lxly, disor dered brain. You never heard of a sick person with a bound stomach. Make your stomach sound uud you Insure your health. How? As thousands of others liaye done by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It the one sure medicine for the stomach. It heals. It strengthens. j.Worda fall to express what I suffered for three year, with cold clillU, pulpitallon of 'heart, sbortiiru of bicatti. and tow uplr lu." writes Mrs. A C tones, of Walter boro, Colleton Co . 3. C "I could not In Ids speech nt Indianapolis, Mr. Dryan made these six charges against tho Hepiibllcnn party: That It Is Controlled by the money power. With England in the wnr against the South African republics. Witli iuiMirlnl ambitions for ompioMn and n vaxt standing nriny. Wholly unfriendly to tho working classes. Aristocratic In all Its principles In favor of the wealthy few ns ngaliiHt tlio M)vertyslrlckon many. Tho first is truo undoubtedly, lint it Is it sourco of ttrength to tho party. L It gives It mi unlimited fund for legitimate mid illegitimate expenses. Only so far aB Ilryan is nhle to divide tho money Kcr does ho stand any show of win ning, lly creating n highly-favored moneyed class, tho number whonropon nl lens is increased mid their votes can bo "Influenced" in various ways, or ut least I hat was done in IHiii). Thueccond chnrgo Is true oltlm ad ministration nt Washington, but not of tho musses of tho votora in tho party. They do not sympathize with England or any other form of monarchy ns against an established republic. The third clmrgo Is overdrawn. Tho olllce-holdlng class nud tho trusts that nro being rapidly multiplic I under tho Hupubilciiu adminls'trutlou may havo such ambitions, but Republican voters do not want nu einpi re or u large stand- big army. Tho fourth charge is not truo. Tliu Kcpubllran party is not wholly un friendly to tho working classes. Every parly pretends to bo tho friend of labor. Republican policies- may bo wholly or practically Inimical (o labor, but it Is not so intended, "Arletccrntlc in all its principles" is again an 'overstatement. Thero is no confessedly arletccrntlc party lu, our country, though ollico l)oli"ng classes may tend that way. "In favor of tho wealthy few ih ugalnst the poverty-stricken many." That Is not true. There Ih more gen eral prosperity among working people than there was under tho Cleveland ad ministration, oruuder Iliiehiiiinn'H, and that is not s.iyliig much. Lastly, Ilrynu nuver formulated tho iibovo charges. Some Democratic news paier man did, ami sensible peoplokuow how to make allow niicr. Becoming a Mother Ihitllicuseof Mo rum s cy rnlia confinement of nit pain and ilangcr, and Insures ! an ordeat wrileh all women "PPrpacli with '""'IM ' frar. for notlil.i(t can compare with the horrora i af chlld-b IrU . The thought of the atifTcrlnicand claiiRer n "lo'e "" J? the expecianl mother of all pleaMiit anllclnalloii of It ie con in event, and caH over her a shadow of (loom that lannol "e sunken oil Tliomanna M of women hive found T I'KIRND diiriug pteKiian safety to mother and child. This scientific liniment Is a bn1ptul In nit t.ntn.11 At ttt lltiii. nf Ittplr inil.t rrltltfll orilpai. Not nnlv dots MoTiicn'a faiy.Nri tarr woman safely through the perlN of child-birth, but Ita use gently prepare the Mothers oreoon st ate Fair woman saieiy hh aa m but ita use gentlv prepares the B . u atl s.slcm for the coming, event, prevents ' mottling sukucs.' ami Hi" IfXITIsIl other discomforts of this period; Sold by all druggists at fi.uo per V9BIH9 bottle Send for free booklet to Tint Uraufh-ld Ukoulator Co lUllvf Atlanta, Georgia NOT A MAN IN TOWN COULD BLOW I UP TO SEVEN POUNDS. I'np I'itIIh, Hip I'lintiuilatrr of Jer li'lio, Trlla AImiiiI the Mei-thiR Whirl, DlnriKMi'il I he Aitrlanlillltr of Htni'tltiur a llriiNH llinnl, Copj right, 1900, by C. II. Lewis.) "I.eol. heie, pap," said Hriuiir John ann ns In- dropped Into the postoinco cr.e tiny wluii I wns nloiie; "I've got a win m (II IiiiihI tlint'll do moid to 'ioot the town of Jellcho to the top of tho liitldei' llinn 10 iiiIIoh of new sldo vuilk. Ye-, fir. It's n boouier, and If II'h ritfiltil ot t joti'll nee the price of I rill Ufctute Jump fill per Cent." lie twilled fur me to git my breath Mid then luwoied IiIh voice nml con cen tinued: "I'np, I've got a notice written out fur nil patriotic citizens of Jei-lcho to nsseinlile nt the poHtollIco this ovenln, nml I'll punt lief up on tho door. I wit nt tn spring It ou 'ein nil of a sud den. I -want to sou 'em turn palo and their hair Maud up. Jest Kay to all In-iliili-eiH, pap, that Jericho Is coinlu right to the from ll!;e n steer goln fur a corn field." 1 wnutel lo know what the scheme was, but the sipnir winked nud nodded nml liiolsil inyslerlotis And went off Can You Tell Why. Von havo coiiHlaut headaches, nro nerv ous mid sleepless at night and feel tired in tho morning? Your bl.wid Isn't car rying tho right materials to your nerves and other organs, llegin taking Hood's .SnrHOparllla. the great blood enricher, nml you will soon realize a chnngo. Vou will feel better mid stronger, will rellshyour food mid enjoy refreshing sleep. Nausea, indigestion aiu cured by llood'Bl'iils. 7 A CiirlsittN rnoil Cnrlii'-, i'nli ill. Me. a.. In the heme of the East India Mni'lue hull, which eniiinlim col lei'tloiiH of the Itott'N liiNtltute mid i f the ICnst lliilln Mmlne Noelety The Ncleutllle ctililnetri or the INhox lustl lute lire extetiNlvo mid well iirrmiged, nml the collfclloiiM of the .Murine Noel ety Include many ciiHonHIoh fiom oil entiil eoiinlrleM nud oilier dlNtaut mi- tlllllH, Among the tiumciotiH etirlotiltleH Is a piece of wucil emvlng III the form of two liemUphereH l'j lueheti lu illmue tor, lu the eoiienvlth'H of which ore carved rcpicKcututloiiM on the one hem isphere of heuveii mill on the other of hell. Thi'io are 110 full length llgures hi the carving, and tho whole lu very skillfully oM'cutVd. It Ik mild to be the woik of mi Indian monk of tho fotiiteeuth century. sleep and leally thought I would soon die Had a peculiar roarirur throueh my beau all the time Was so emaciated and weak I could sot feed myself. My auut induced mtto try Dr. Pierce's, Goldcu Medical Ills coycry, which I did, only to please her, and tiJrt boltlti cure J utt. To-day am sound the three years i was Una," ti well, uurlnar iefc I had fivo different physic 'CmmH Or, Pierce by letter, free. Aw correspondence private. Ad- drtttDr.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. ' . """ ' 'burglcal operutlons SUIT ON ACCOUNT OH X-HAYS. A. I,. lUnctoft, of Haii I'rmuihou, who forsoino time past lint Ihhhi recidlng in Los Angeles has n strango story to tell of a burn from X rnys which covern a sp.ioi of nbout vlglit inches on hlsehmt. He is now under treatment mid has brought suit against Doctors Wellborno uud l'erco of Long Bench for $5,000 damages, I'ereo being tho one w ho manipulated tlio limtrumoiit. According to lliincroft'ti story, he Ml on his right arm by tripping over ntreo Ikix wire on August ', MW, nud for mouths tried various diHttora mid ineth odsof tieatiiient, lie behoving the iKmoa IIkIi (vittvl, mid finally U mouths ago at Uing llcaeh, Poetor l'erco made tho tlrst exposure to tho X-ray. Somn faults piviutil In tlio plate, mid linn croft went through tho process four dif ferent times, the iigregatu tlino ol tho uxMisiiria U-Ing seveuty llvo inlliuttw, AlKiut ten days later he felt pain In his kneo, w litch pread until it boojuno id. moat too paliifuj lo uso tho foot, About half Ids beard on tho right stdo of his fuce camo off, and a bright red spot op loared on tho right side of Ids chest, width soon broke into unopou sore. wore performed and Ttio cna thing that quali fies a parson to glvo nd viao on any subject Is oxftarionno - axparienca c j' antes knowlctlejOi No othor parson has so wtfo M oxporfouoa with foniato Si Is ttoi such a rovotvj of succass as Mrs i'Zahham has ;aA Ovov a hiwttroil thou nnft(i cases voiuc boforc bar oiwi'f yoar Sotno p sr stmttUy, othors hy u;7. Ami tfsls hus hcon gohi( oh fat' SO yoars, iuy after iiay mtdtlay after clay. Txvanfy ynars of oca staxt success tfrfrtk of cbo kaowJasJpo Uns 0ImS? Saroly wvmon nro wlao tn stektn& inl vho from a woman w.'th sclt an oxpvriuncOf es pecially when It Is froa If yas aro III jot u boiilo of Lytlia E. Phikham's Voffoiahlo Compound at onoo than writo Mrs Plnhhant, Lynn, Mass "a TT cnrrvnrn rir -TTrrvrrk In his humble way, "If he expects that ALL bllOJiT OF WIND, band to meet him nt tho depot when , ho comes home?" "Itcln I hold the poslshun I do," an swered tho sijunr, "belli I'm referred to as tho lendln man In Jericho, If tho band wnnted to go down nud seo me oft or wanted to bo there to welcomo me homo I don't reckon nuybody would And fault." "Hut I'd want the same thing," sold Kbeiiezer Scott. "I nlu't no Justlco of tho pence, but my dairy Is mllkln 23 cows this summer, nml I reel l m as big ns anybody. I go over to Dobbs Ferry once In two weeks, and I should want thnt band to toot mo oft nud toot mo homo ng'ln." "There tuny bo a p'lnt," said the dea con ns ho scrntclicd his car, "but I don't sknssly nee It. Mcbbo tho equar wants to Bay sunthln further about liberty ond Hunker 111117" "I'm snyln," replied tho squnr as ho heaved n long sigh, "that patriotism nnd lovo of country seems to bo dead cr'n a doornail In theso United States. Mobbo there's a man In this crowd nsldo from mo who'd bo wllllu to shed his blood that our glorious republic might bo saved from ruin and desola- shun, but If thnr bo I can't name him. You might ns well dlsporso to your homes nnd tell your wives nnd chil dren that Jericho Is doomed." "lly John, but what n p'lnt what a p'lnt!" whispered tho deacon. "Uo fore wo bust up and go to ruin, how ever, I'd like to hear from Itcubcn Whlto. Ucubcn's bin ns far west ns Detroit, nud ho ought to know whnt In fluence n brass bnnd has ou a town." "Tho Influence of a brass band Is nc cordln to tho leader," snld Itcubcn. "I've seen 'em where they Jumped u town right to tho front In four weeks, nnd 1'vo seen 'em whero they killed things (lend In two. Tho lender wants to be a pccoollnr sort of a man. Ho wants to bo bom fur tho place, snuio as Washington was. Ho wants to bo ready to die at two inlults' notice or to live fur n hundred years." "And mobbo you think you'ro thnt man)" queried the squnr aa ho pound ed on the counter with his list. "I do, I know I am, I'm tho only man In Jericho ns kin lend n baud to success mid maku tho town hump her self. I'm a self sncrlllclu critter, ns you nil know, nnd If this mcetlu thinks best" Hut the mectln shouted him llown, mid It was llvo inlults before Deacon Spooucr could inako Ids voice heard, nnd then ho said: "There's moro p'lnta bobbin up hero than you kin shako a stick at, but wo might as well hev one more. S'posln wo hear from I.lsh Hillings. IIo'h the only man In Jericho who kin play on nu accordion. What d'you say, r.lsh?" "Xliero's mighty little to bo snld uud mithln to bust up tho country," an Hwcrcd I.lsli. "Do any of you sous of Hunker Hill know how much wind It takes to blow a brass horn?" Nobody did, nud a hush fell upon tho crowd. "It takes ten pounds, reckoned by a lung tester," said I.lsh, "and you'd wnnt an extra pound fur walkln up hill. Thero wns a lung tester man In town two weeks ago, ami every son of us handed over a nickel and took a blow. Wo blowed and stmlucd and blowed, nnd Hubo Whlto wnH ono ot 'cm who blowed n solo off his boot, and ylt no man reached seven pounds. Whnr you goln to git your wind to blow them horns?" Thero was a painful sllcuco while you could count a hundred, nud then Deacon Spoonor said: "Hy John, but I'm goln homo nnd tell tho old woman that I don't know bonus when tho bag's untied, and tho rest of you'd better do tho samo thing!" m. Quad. SALEM, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17 TO 22, 1900. Bigger and Better Than Ever Before (".rounds Greatly Improved, nulldlnts Hcpitlrcd and Hcnovaicd.AIIStock llulldlius Thoroujhly Disinfected Everything In Flrstclass Condition for the Lartcst and Best"' ' Live Slock Show and Agricultural Exposition Ever Held on the Coast r.ood Racine Every Aflcrnoon Music and I uu at Might. .... roui '"ftuila. ui Chicago Halt lAko TiT,''il"T. .. Hweli. Omaha?' &' ft. SS ' Hno- "" .. kano F rcr C.OUpm $20,000, IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES $20,000 Aui'llcm enlo of llui Mock will he mnden lending feature. All llvo stock nnd other exhibits hnuled free ovor tho Southern l'acille railroad. Reduced passenger rntoH on nil railroads. For premium HbI and other Information, address W. II. WEHRUNG, Prcs.. Hillsboro, Oregon. M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland, Oregon. 1 1II.KW OrF nifl bOLK. without Rlvln his secret away. Thero was a great ileal of curiosity durln tho day. Some thought the squnr had a balloon iiKceiiNleii lu view lu order to attract public attention to our new cooper shop, and othern had It that ho had found n wny to dodco the state tax, but It was all guesswork. There wns n tiemendoiis crowd on limit when ovenln enme, nud tho squnr went around rtibblu his hands together nnd biiiIIIii nil over his face. When he had got tho crowd worked up to the pitch whero everybody wanted to die fur liberty, he culled the meetlu to order and snld; "Feller freemen of Jericho, wo hov hero u beautiful town, a milubrlous cli mate and a populasliuii to bu proud of. Wo hev the best of water, tho lowest of taxes and nl;nssly nuy use fur doc tors. Wo hov tho telephone, electric doorbellH nud a town pump. A Btraii ger would look around him nud say wo needed utithlii else. Hut wu do, nud that Ih why 1 hov called you together hero tonight. We need Jest ono thing moro to put Jericho on the pinnacle, uud that Is n hrnsa baud." "Hy John, but he's made a p'lntl" said Deacon Spooucr ns ho whackl-d on tho counter with his cane. "Yes, sir, Jericho needs a brasa band to boost her, nud I'm with the squnr. Let us hear what Moses Hopkins has to nay about It." "Ah I tako It," said Moses, "a brass baud plays tunes, nud I'd like to know In advance what sort of tunes this baud Is goln to piny. If It's goln to piny 'Tho Sweet Hy and Hy,' then I'm In fur a baud. If It's goln to play hi-dlddle-dlddlo tunes, then I'm og'lu It." "Tlmt'8 a p'lnt as fur as It goes," said tho deacon, "but It don't go fur 'nuff. Kuos Williams, you was In tho hog buyln blzness fur 20 years, and you ought to know about brass bands. What d'you tliluk of tho Idea?" "That depends," Bald Knos. "I don't go much ou a brass band thnt toots Its wind all over town and wastes It ou tho air. If wo had n band that would come down to tho depot to meet uio as I coiuo In from Tnrrytown, I think I'd kind of like It." "Hy John, but he's right, nnd bo's made a p'lntl" shouted tho deacon. "I don't seo tho p'lnt," snld Squar Johnson ns ho colored up. "Why should our brass bnnd go down to tho depot to welcome a man who uuln't never douo anything In particular fur Jericho? Duos Is n good 'nutt man In his way, but did tlK outsldo world ever hear of him? Was be consulted nbout bulldln tho now Bower or pnliitln tho towu hall? Has ho over laid awako nights thluklu how this towu could bo boosted to tho top?" "Enos, he's kuoeked your p'lnt out nud made ono ng'ln you," said tlio dea con, "but wo'll henr from eonio of tho reat. How Is It with you, Jnbex Fow ler?" "I can't exnetly say till I know what I tho band Is goln to do," replied Jnbez. f "Mv n1,1 n'.iMin.i lu!... n..l n -. w,. ,v..i., is iuifclllj 4UIIU U4 brass baud times which lift up tho heels, and If the bnud'll come over to my house three times n week and glvo us Bimthlii lively I'll chip In." "Mebbe I'm mistaken lu this crowd," wild the squar us lip, looked around In a serious way "Mebbe this Is a crowd composed of freeborn Americana whoso forefathers fought at Hunker Hill, and mebbo It's mnde up of meu w ho'd steal tho stntuo of Liberty and sell It fur old Juuk. To Bny that I am astonished doea not half express my felln's." That 6ellln tho statue of Liberty la a p'lnt, nnd a stroug ono," snld tho deacon, "but what wo want Is a freo cxpreshun of oplulou. Jube Hornbcck vr looks aa It bo wanted to say sun thln." "I'd like to ask the squar," snld Jub Smart Alex. A man being About to dlo summoned his four Suns to bin sldo nud said: 'My sous, 1 will leave to John one- third of my estate, to Alex one-fifth, to Jiiines one-half and to Thomiis one fourth, nud thus you will all Share Equally." John nud Jnmcs niKl Thomns took Paper and Pencil nnd began tlgurlug, but Alex took his flat mid started out. "Whero mo you going?" tho other Three asked. "Do you not Intend llg urlng out the Problem?" "Not much," said Alex. "I am Going for a Lawyer to break the Will." Moral Sometimes tho liwyer can nellevo the Heirs of Much of tho Fig uring. Hnltlmoro American. CANADIAN X PACIFIC EASE AND DISEASE1 A Short Lesson On the iMcanlng of a TamlMar Word. DlsenmUs the oppoilto of enso. Web ster defines dlfcnpons "Inek of enso, tin oiisiiicpn, trouble, trouble, vexation, dis muct," It is a condition due to some derangement of the physical organlcm A vast majority of the "ilis-eiiNu" from which people suffer is duo to impure moon, iiiccamoi this Kind is cured hy Hood's Sarsapnrillii, whli-h purities, en riches nml vltitlics the blood lloodV f-nrfsipnrilln cures ec rofuln, salt rheum, pimples and all uruptions, It tones the stomach and creates a good appetite, and it gives vigor nnd vitality to the whole liody. It rovorfces the condition of thlm-H, tivlug health, eomforlh nml "eneo" in piaco of "disease." ONLY ONE TAHE. 100 Hours Ocean (o Ocean via The Imperial Limited Grand Scenery Fast Time Model Accomodations For the Pound Trip One Fare On the Southern Pacific to the State r.ilr. For tho Oregon .Statu Fair, to bo hold Sept. 17 to 'J:., tho Southern l'acille Company will sell tickets to tho Fair UrounilH and return nt one faro for the round trip. Dates ol sale r-eptcmher 1(1 to 22, IncliiHive; llual limit of ticketN September 1(1 tn !H. Tho present Fair promices to bo tho h'Rt in tlio history of the State, mid nil hniihl lino their best efforts to promte Mils enteriirito, which isa groat imncllt tothoentlrostnto. II 10 dw BSaSMaL.BSSB mi h for acceptable Ideas. btate If patented. Sloes the Couth and Woiis srr the rnn THE PATENT MECOPD. UiiWRroiniiJuliiiiiiliii rurearoU Baltimore. Md. Jr x iiir. Ko ir J'ncso s - s-in-a rinstlmo lu tlio Semite, Scnntor Hutlcr otico had a bill appro priating $5,000 to build n monument on tho Moore's Creek bnttleileld, North Carolina, which was nu especial object of Senutor Wolcott's fun. "Can tho senator tell mo tho date of tho battle?" ho asked Mr. Hutlcr. "It wus tho llrst battle of tho Revo lution, 20 days before tho battlo of Lexington," wns the reply. "Hut cannot tho senator tell mo tho day and tho year?" persisted Mr. Wol cott. Mr. Butler was stumped. "I can tell tho senator tomorrow," ho finally re marked. "Then," replied Mr. Wolcott. "I will let my objection stniid until tomorrow also." A few minutes later Seuator Wolcott relented, and Mr. Hutler made another effort to get tho appropriation ugreed to. This tlino It was Seuator Lodge who objected. "Oh, don't object, Lodge," Bald Wol cott In a stage whisper; "he'll put tho dato of the battlo forward a year if you are Jealous ou account of Lexing ton." Hut Mr. Lodgo continued to object, ami tho monument bill rcmulued ou tho calendar. Washington Post. THE PARACHUTE. A Miuik'a i:iHTlniriita In Air PIlKht In lln- i:ii-wutli Onttirs-, Credible aecouniH exist of nn nngllsli fleiiedlctlne monk. Oliver or MiiIiuoh bury, In the eleventh century hnvlng tried to lly by iirccliiltntliu: himself from the height of a tower with the nH Blstaucoof wings iittnchcd to bin nriim and IiIh feet It Ih Mild that having gone iilong n little wny he Ml nml broke his legH. He attributed IiIh acci dent to failure to provide IiIh uppmntiH with a tall, which would have helped preserve IiIh equilibrium mid miiile Ids duxceiit a gentler one. In the sixteenth century Leonardo da Vluel lliMt ilemoiiNtiiited that u bird, which Ih heavier tliiin the ulr. aiiHtaliiH Itself, iidvunccH In the ulr, "by render ing the lliild deiiHer where It paxsoH tliiin where It iIohm not pass." In order to lly It linn to II x Its point of Hiipport on the ulr. Its wlngn in the descend ing stioke exeit a preiwure from above down, the reaction of which from be low up forces the center of gravity of ItH body to ascend at each Instant to tho height at which the bird wishes to mnlutnln It. Some sketches which hnve come down to us prove thnt Loo nnrdo occupied himself, like Ollvor of Molniesbury. with giving man the pow er to lly by the assistance of wings suitably fixed to the body. We owe to Leonardo nlso the Inven tion of the parachute, which ho de Fciibed lu the following terms: "If n man had a pavilion each side of which was 1.1 braces wide and IS braces high, he might enst himself from nny height whntoier without fear of danger." It may be wild, too, of Leoiinrdo da Vlncl that ho was the first lo suggest tho Idea of the bcicw propeller. Apple tons' popular Mngiulne. Tourist a.ul Ilrsl-clnss Bleeping curs BOSTON, MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA ST. PAUL For full particulars apply tn K.J. COYI.H, II. II. AliHOTT, A. U. P. A 11(1 Third St. Vancouver, II. O. Portland. MoreCheap Excursions lo the East Hound trip tickets from Denver, Co'o ratio Springs, mid Pueblo tn Chicago, Peoria nml intermediate points, will bo fold August 10, and September 7 ami 21, by tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE AT llTKOK One Faro Nus $2.00 liir lloum! Trip Keturu Limit October .'II, llliKI Allan tie Kx. V p, m H p in 811. 111. nx. Hun iu p, ni I mvo Valcin1 WallaWalla, Hih.U,,. v.. upon, til. I'aul liiii. if"?"- i.. waakwcWcCSi'U- VIA HUNTINGTON for Ban Brunei,, n"U ball cterj nva day,. COMJMHIA IHVEII HritAiif i.Va To Astoria, ami wy UndlBil tt'll.l.AMiriHf 1,., Ki.r Portland. NnWiVJiVL 1 mmimp. Trie, lax, Tn' day aoif Saturday at 4.80 2 id. Il P. ibuJ; AlC u h. & TlMi; WILLAMKTTK IlIVKll iinTr- IloaU to Portland aa aim.. UJ(' Mil ill clacked through from Halmn rTl,tt2 rlvur miiio to l-ortlaiui. (vi'. !Hff Ws.1'"? "S.n Clly ifiheiSllfe. I. """ moiu. iiuacia lo all luiim. zmtt Washington, I'alirornla or ih v:..": rail or ii.i, ui inur ruiiic io rorilaiid rwi iiiiulo at Portland with all ri"l, tSJi lines. w (Jen, Pais ,A tjPorttaDdtl .l. .. . AKoiit,Trado8trocttl,KkW. (illy ticket ruul fretghl offlcoiiisoSl, SOUTH AND Eflsi' VIA Southern Pacific Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains Icavo Salem for Portland and m stations nt 6:40 a. in. , 7:61 a. m. S lull - ssw a if n7i .usoAit iiWr: 71'M l" seoAU iii! Ar ChlcaKU......... 7.15 A M nf! Ar Ixm AUKlia... iu I' M laiTi Ar Kl l'aK..... (to I' M aaip S A r Kort Worth .. 3U A M I i i Ar OltyorMoxIco 9M A M lojjli Ar lluustou . .. II5AII jj 1 1 Ar Now Orlcans. cai p m: jii rJ Ar WaahlnKlon 612AM Ml 13 Ar Now York 12,43 p M till t 4 :05 ii, in hri'urtlaiid.. I,T Balcm. Ar Ashlaud.. Ar Hacraraonto Arau Francisco. AfOjeTon. ... Ar liciiTcr... ,lr Kansa, city. One fare to Chicago nml return Anjr. a.'JSI.M.LM, for tho G. A. R. ENCAA1PMENT Wlih liberal return limit. SPECIAL TRAINS Onw Niuiit Out to Ciiioaiio, will leavo Denver 11:15 p. in., Colorado Springs, :i:55p. m. nnd Pueblo 2. 15 p. in. for ox cursloiiH uf Auk. 10 nnd 'Jl, mid Sept. 7 mid 21. Tickets nlm uood on regular tralne For full information npply to A. K Uoopkii, Gon. out. Portland Or. I.. W. Thompson, A. (1. P. A.. Tojiekn, Xiin. John Hkiiastiav O. P. A., Chicaito Pulluiati trains and I nut J a tourists cars on hnik s. Chair cars Sacramento to 0jd CI Paso, and tourlBtcarstoChlMm Ui 1 A..l.. K7... -l..... lur.iiTS1 ui. lAiiiin, nun viieiwm iiuu 1 1 mningion, Coiinoctlng nt Han Fraud isco with of eral BtOmnshlp Hues for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central o Soutli America. Seo Mr. W. V. Skinner agent at 8i!a Station, or address C. II. MAIIKIIAM, 0. V. A., Portlnud, Orfn, POSSIBLY You aro not nwaro of tlio fast time U.J superb sorvlco now afforded by tlit " BlrTORl" 2WH HAVE . A -Daily Fast Trains TO THE EAST. " If you cannot tako tho morning tri travel via tho evening train. Both in finely equipped, u0ur Specialties" Kimt Time, Through Sorvlco, 1'allmu Pahico Sleejiorn, Pullman Tourist Swp era, Pullmiiu Diners, Library (Cats) C and Kroo Ituclining Choir cars. Hours in timo savod to Omaha, CM ago, KaiiHas City. 8t. Louis, New YorU Uoston, ami other Eastern points. Tickets Kood to Salt Lake City nJ Denver. , . It is toyour Interest to use Tux 0u inii I.iuirni). Tickets and imm car bortliB can bo secured from W. w. SKINKIX. Agent B. P. Co, Or Guy Powers, Ag't. 0' B. ' Salem Or. J. II. Lothkop, Gon'l Agent, No. 135 Third St. Portland Or. iroad OTEAM WOOD SAW O Two Mnohlnos Work Done Quickly. Telephone 2583 black. Leave orders nt fliidoniii on 12th street, or Steiner'e arket. M V Ki.Kier. Ykw Pmiu. f,.flt lltiraealiui., Ilorseshoes mo ot uncertain date nnd have caused some discussion among military historians. Nailed shoes were not known by tho Greeks, for Xeno phon gives minute Instructions for hardening the hoof. Nor did tho Ito iiiaiia use them. Nero had mules shod with a plate of silver fastened by crossed thongs to the hoof. With Pop ptva, his Inter wife. It Is said theso plates wore of gold. The earliest (iosl tlve evidence of nailed shoes Is fur nished by the skeleton of u horse found In the tomb of Chlldcrlc I (I.VM at Tournay In 1033. I op ! Tho very people who talk about "vul gar trade" nro usually the onus who never pay their bills. - Philadelphia Ilecord. Dignity may stoop to conqnor, but It never grovels In tho dusL-Chlcago News. To Cure a Cold la Ont Day TaVt) IjixatlTe llmmil Uululu. T.K1.M. dmaillsis reriimt the mniiey If It MU ui eur. L af llnivula .Iniism k. I. .... ..L l . . . i viivis ttuiiuii i uti nun uvx. Al. it DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR and BALDNESS Kill the Germ (hat b Dutroyinj the Hair Root NEWBRO'S HER PIC IDE IS THE SCIENTIPIC REMEDY THAT KILLS THESE PARASITIC GERMS. For Silt by DrusUU. Pries $1.00. si fJrflCC A complete stock U l u O O ot grass and clover QaA C seecs always on OCCUO hand. Prirfx IHp lowest possible for tirst-class seeds. Give us a call before buying X tt&TiHr BREWSTER & WHITE, The reel Mea. Salem Soap Works Oregon Short Lino Rat Tho Diroct Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points- Ulvea choice of two favorite route, J tho UNION PACIFIC Fast U or tho UIO GKANDK Bcenio Un- No Change of Cars. Ou tho Portland-Ohlcago BpccUl, Qnest iu tho West." Bqulppod With' Klcgaut wauitara Hleopers. Kluo Now Drdluary TuiirUl 8leerr. Hupom hlbrarvUutriil Cars. Rileiidlpl)liiner, ilea's alaearw. I....... l...Mll..ln .-I.BI. l-.r. tkimferlalilo lloncties aaJ 8mo era. liutlru Train Corapletelr VesliwiiN. i'(h For fuithor Information j. ii. jiauaii, r. v jj 'ITnv. roes. AKt. Agent . -- - lnrt.lnml Or. Sale" applf .' OUYPOftT-S Is Com is k MM W TLMJ5 OABD. i The pioprielnr of the Salt m Hoap i .iik Ii.ih ihee..i,nTntiiii ol tl e under- suineil deitlers, I'tsiiHsiiiierai who dusiro a llrst-class fc'ap uill Encourage Home Industry U urderiug Sileniiimdn foap from Mra. II lliiffiimu, II N I v" 1 1 ' r , F. X Albright. tii'lilen Uuloctoro l Meiner A. Co, II. NouirulMiier. i .lames SluinU, Alex, Dane, Yokohama Tea Store , Namos of other mi-rchauts will I added us arraugemetitaiiro made. No. 2 For Yaqulna: Train leaves Albany.... Tralu loaves Corvallls.. Train arrlviM Y.iqulna No, l Returning. Leaves Yanulun . 1 Leaves Corvallls Arrives Albany, .. No. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany . - Arrives Detroit. No. 4 Reluming; Leaves Detroit A i rives Albauy. No. 5. leaves Corvallis Arrives Albany . . No. fl. I.eiivHfl Albany.. Arrives Corvallis. H .1 IP 't L. A, Derngish, Alluu lloersox, .1. llowitt, riuvngo& Reid, M. T. Rineman, C. M. Kpphy, The Fair Store, W. L. ade, Jl.imou llros. be .... . .l!!iO l;10p.B 6:65 p. 7-00 a." 11:30 ' 18:10 M' TM' 11:20 . 12:10 P-1 i'.lit-' 6:00 -' . 0:15 . 7:0, H:05P.' Arrtvea uorvaius. ..... . .fhsnT iw (Jnoanrl two connect alAi'f . , Corvullla with SoutheruPaciDcef. glylng direct service tiandiroiu port and adjateut bt'ac,'e?La arrlrt' Trains for tho uiounUlPS 'J ;, Detroit ut noon, giving PJC ,m to reach camping B'punds o iltelieubusli aud Bantlaui m alllo day. , , !' ' Fho and six ctunect pords1 S,he,AVrttI t0 and fiSR"3S5& 9 nm 'lTBsi1Mi!iisaliiiiia)pis.ii)jasii