The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 08, 1900, Image 2

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If vou suffer with pain
mind that pain Is but a symptom, not a disease; that
what you must fight is not the pain but Its cause j that
liniments and oils for external application are almost
worse than useless. To overcome the cause of pain,
internal treatment is necessary.
Pains, whether in muscles, joints, head or elsewhere
will disappear when you purify and enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves. t
There Is one remedy that has been successfully cm
ployed in thousands of cases
Or. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People
Rheumatism is a disease of the blood ? Neuralgia
b the prayer of a nerve for food; Sciatica Is but rheu
matism under another name. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People can be used with the greatest
success in any of these troubles because they attack
the disease in the blood and drive it out. Proofs as to
the efficacy of these pills are found in thousands of
testimonials from grateful people who have been cured.
AKImcrlttior direct from Dr. WUIUmt JIMIdn Co..8chaKtAj,
K. V., postpaid oa nctp ol prtc W nou r box ; 9 Ujxm, tlM.
Our entire
Boy's and Children's Clothing
Opened and ready for inspection.
Watch this spneo for
Noto our guarantee
G, W", Johnson
The Peoples Clothiers
SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 1000.
Dally Ono Year, 3.00 In Aclvnnoo
Dally Pour Month 91. In Auvnnoo
Weekly Ono Yoar ffil.OO In Advnnoo
Bryan Is not afraid to talk for fear
hu'll say something.
Tho Domoorati can this yearling with
some hopo "Maryland, My Maryland.''
JLJJourriiau'nnd r. Kaufman of Port
land'and claims (o have found a inliiu of
Hill ol Svvr York declares for Uryan.
It begins to look as It'tho Domocrntlo
party was never to united In n proaidmit
ial election.
Honor bright, is it tho business of n
political party to maku nnybood pros
jfcraus? Hasn't tho party that under
takes that job got its hands full?
5 ft A
Tlio,J3iiglIsli have old Paul Krugur in
n hole again, hut ho Is still living on
Ills private palaco oar and his loyal sub
ject keep tho road opan tor him.
& 0, Pontland has ."removed with- his
faufily to Grant's Pass and engaged in
thai real estate business.1 Ho was too
honest to run a Republican papor In
Polx county.
Jb. Eddy has retired from tho Purest
Qtiyo Times, and the paior is to bo con
tinged by Itoss Pratt. It is militated
whether ho has h federal olllce, but he
probably will have.
e e
How a newspaper without individual-Uy-cnn
expect to havo readers is a
mystery. It is only ux plained by tho
facPthat thore are colorless peoplo who
llkBa colorless newspaper and even kiok
t flie color ol olrous lemonade.
fj.o Ashland Glad Tidings thlnki
thkt the day Is really coming when tho
swnls shall be beaten into ploughshares
aiujtho spears iuto pruning hooks.when
nation shall not lift up sword aga'net na
tion nor learn war any more.
$ ft
Kugeno vfoodsawors Issue fol'ewing:
6n account of tho additional extmnse
ofpmoving the sawdutt to pomply "with
tltf) city ordinance, wo, tho undersigned
arVoompellod to charged Hit following
prices for sawing ail wood in stroebTand
alleys: For all split wood CO cents; tor
aM' round wood. 70 cents. Tim aW-n
pjpos are for two cuts, each additional
fFW'miW' .,,, ,
Sciatic or
any kind of pain keep In
line of new.
further nnnounccmo its
your money back if you want it.
& Company,
and Furaishcts.
Hursca In Ilattle.
One of tho most curious sight to bo
seen In n cavalry charge Is the various
riderless homos galloping In tbo lino Id
perfect order. At tho chargo of Bnla
klava tho front rank of ono regiment
wits composed to n great extent of rid
erless nnlmals, their masters having
dropped ono by ono. It would seem
that In tho excitement of tho moment
tho horses loso nil conception of what
Is happening nrouud them nnd proba
bly fall to notlco tho full of their rid
ers. Tho return of riderless horses to
ramp Is un almost certain sign of de
feat. When a cavalry charge Is suc
cessful, tho borscH will, as I havo wild,
Ml keep up together, even though they
havo lost their rlderH, but when n force
In routed the flrtit nows of 111 omen to
thoso In tho rear will bo tho return of
tho horses with empty saddles and
stirrups dangling free. No more sorry
night can bo Imagined. To Illustrate
tho callous feeling theso nnlmalH havo
under fire n case which happened at
LadyBinlth during the slego may bo
cited. A furrier sorgeant was engaged
In shoeing an otllcer'H homo In tho open
ground behind tho stables of a hotel
and hud already put ono or two nulls
Into tho shoe when n shell cumo ncrenm
ing through tho air. Tho next mo
ment tho missile burnt flvo or six yards
nway from whero tho sergeant und the
homo wero Ntandlug, nnd tho splinters
tlew around both, but failed to touch
cither. When the suioko had cleared,
tho horse was to bo scon with Us foot
still In the man's apron, quite undis
turbed by tho Incident. I'unmoira
llurtnu a Fun In flpnln,
This Is how a KpanUh honorlta bar
gains for her fau, according to Miss
ICntharluo Leo Hates, who spcut Home
time tu Spnlii studying tho peoplu nnd
customs of that suuny clime:
There Is nothing sordid about It.
Her haggling Is a social condoscvnslon
thut at onco puts tho black eyed young
salesman at her mercy.
"Hut tho fun seems to mo tho least
bit dear, scuorl"
Ho shrugs his shoulders nud lllugs
out his arm lu protest.
"Ah, scnorita! You do not see how
bouuwm Wio torit is. I urn glvlug It
uwiy at 0 pvsetas."
Hho lifts her eyebrows half Incredu
lously, all bowltchlngly.
"At S poaetns, Honor."
Ilo runs his baud through his black
hair lu chivalrous distress.
"Hut tlio pctrlea work, scnorltnt Aud
this other too. I sacrifice It nt 4 pouo
tas." film touches both fans lightly.
"You will lei us havo tho two at 7
pesetas, sonorT"
Her eyes danco over bis confusion.
Ho catches tho gleam, laughs buck,
throws up hts hands.
"Hueno, Bonorltal At what you
And tho scnorita trips away content
ed with a sharp bargain, although for
Spanish gallautry, even when geuulue,
goes farther on the lips ttiuu otlierwlso
tbo'prlco wa probably uot much
tnpro remote from what pleased the
smooth tougued clerk than from what
saoplcuacd. Youth's Companion.
1 r - -
Tb Beit Prttcrtrtloa for MiUrU.
Chilli tnd teitr ti hottl tl (Irui.'.T.ilclnj.
(Ititl Toole. 11 li ilmnlr Irou anil uulnlna In
....-, ...... u- .. .' z .j::-..t -
.it. tufiu. sa vute vu wy . itiio ouc. I
v, VH.-VW4
MM T WAb a happy thought, turn
II ing tho Portland carnival
II over to tho fraternnl order
known an tho Kike. Only
tho Elks could do justice to a carnival
according to Wehitur. It is defined in
that dictlnary aa a timu of riotous execsf ,
an occaalon for overstepping the bounds
of decorum. While tho history of the
word carnival shows it was nnold Cath
olic custom to celebrato the week be
(ore tho beginning of lent, an Klk make
it his rolkion to celebrato nit the time
ho is an elk. When iio isn't an Klk he
Is a business man, or a banker, or a
public olllcial, or a travelling man, Law
yer, Doctor, Merchant, or Editor, at
tending strictly to business, making
o living, licking his children or attend
ing to any other domestic duties. Hut
the moment ho is on duty ns an Elk
you can't bet what ho isn't doing. It
is one fraternal order that carries no
Insurance except against the Blues
and what tho French call "awnwee."
Tho order confers no benefits whatever
except good fellowship. They take no
oath but to uphold tho constituteon of,
the order and of tho United States uud
to ruin their own constitution unless It
can stand up under popcorn and mid
night lunches of rye bread, limburgcr
and caviar. An Klk is a person who
may bo found not only helping to eup
port his neighbor's wife (whether situ is
good looking or otherwise,) but tho
whole family if they are in distress.
When thoy Initiate a candidate, they
makohim think ho lias been gumming, a
circular saw with a cheap emery wheel
that exploded and extract money enough
out of him to keep celebrating until the
next man is taken in. It is hard to
imagine what will becomo of tho town
of Portland with live thousand Elks
turned looeo 'u it for three days and
two nlglitf. Its cookies to doughnuts
It will 1ms ten years getting rid of its
sunset and vermilion.
Eugene, that lively Illago which Is
t'lu head of education aud navigation,
has lost its boss-car line, or rather one
mulo car line, for It novor roau to tho
dignity of n street railway or the luxury
of having Its citizens ridu behind n car
drawn by n real team of horses. It is by
all odds tho pruttioU city in the statu
hut its upiiearuuco was always inarrod
by that relic of down-eouth barbarism,
bobtail cars drawn by shaven-tiilled
mulus aud nolody in tho cars. Thoy
went along tingling n ghost-like bell
through the quiet Bunday-liko itrootH of
a University city, thu residonco part of
which always K'ra thu air of a doiorted
vlllagu or a cummer resort out of sea
son. Hot w con tho public and private
schools and thu Divinity cchool and tho
State University there aro not many
people left but tho women who havo to
get the mealu nud tho men lu their
places of buslnoss. There is only one
A Woman who DootoratI
Elnltt Yonrs and got No
Rollaf Cured by Lydfa
" Pinkhant's Vogotablo
' HofiTe t!ng th YvjivIaWo t'om
pound I wo troubled w tth irregular
mount i-iiutioli. uud unViod great
agony My pliynlviau gave me nmr
plilim, and I rwuuiuvet lu bed. I doe
torud eight ytxir and ;rvt iu rvlttff , uud
tho doctor tld mo tlteiv w h ih) rJUf
for my trouble. PiiiHlly I tried I.) din
V.. I'liiUhmn'u Vetfetable rompound
Whilu taking tho rlmt Untie I felt
that I wan iinprvvlinr- I h "e taken
kovon or elglit IxiUlea au.l not or liml
anything to lo ino m mueh guod,
Kvery month inv trouble have grown
Uwi und tow. ami uov at tliU time I
nm cunsl " GIU Qulnney, No. aa
5tago Street, Haverhill, Alasi.
i - -TinirrrinTi
I I mm 3 I
B V'
Mr& Pmkham has Fifty Thousand Such
Letters sss Above on File at Her Office She
Makes No Statements She Gmnnot Prove.
fttW.i.nn. niriri
The Elks.
Eureoe llossar.
S Suet$ of tbe PUsobIc Order
Th RUiiinc Brothers.
noisy man in the place, Father Driver
and ho has concentrated in him tho ex
plosivo force of all tho whooping and
yelling that 7,000 would at times
indulge in if thoy didn't think it Im
proper because they live at a center of
brains and culture. Well, to leave the
other people and return to the long,
eared mules, thoy are to bo no more.
Tliu track is to bo took up and Ira
Campbell and Harrison Kincald aro to
loso their free passes over the initio road
and will havu to walk just ,liko common
people. They can no longer put on tho
swollen air o( a born aristocrat while
tho boy goes iffrough the cars and makes
tho lower classes put up their fares or
be ejected and liable to be kicked into
eternity by a one-eyed mule. Eugene
may loso Its mules, but it will never
lose its editors and so tho town will live
and llourlsh with tho intensity and
strcnuousners it has always horetofoie
manifested. It had too much, anyhow,
)to have an university, too such editors
and a mule-car line besides. Tho Uni
versity city might have expected n set
back some time, and it got it. A town
whoro rich-paying gold mines aro found
one day and a big Eastern timber syn
dicato invests a few millions every other
day in the week is too speedy for the
rest of the state, anyhow.
The eccrets of tho masonic order have
not been successfully exposed sincu thu
fated Morgan shed his life-blood in lake
Erie,aud his bloated remains were taken
out by a dredger. As tho Salern masons
are fitting up elegant now quar
ters in the third story of Heed's opera
house, with two Inch flooring and tho
simo kind of stuff, all doublo-tongue-nnd
grooved for nil tho partitions, and not a
high building anywhere that commands
a view of their new castle hall, it may
uot he out of place to tell a few things
that I have heard and seen with my own
eyes about the doings of this order. Tho
masons seem to bo tho father and thcOdd
Follows tho mother of all tho various
fraternal orders in existence. As both
h.weadmittod ladloa to their aide organ
ization there can no longer be any secrot
work connected with tho orders, but thu
Itubckahs aud thcEastern star members
will not hit out what they know Ivocaueo
the brethren would let out on them and
then all theso orders would bo broken up
and loso all tho charm of myatery. As
I do not belong to cither of them there
will bo no barm In my telling what I
know. When I was a young man I Mept
under a masonic lodge for eoyeral years
and think I know the work in several
dugrres by heart. There is ono starts
with singing n hymn, nud then men
8tationetl in different parts of thu build
lug speak little pieces. Tlion there is
more singing nnd n man gets up and
aiHsiks a-long piece in a doleful solemn
votce. While I could make out tho tunc
of the hymns they sang I could never
iimke out the words they spoko, but I
In addivh&tug Mr. I'.i.Uiium you aro communicating with a woman
a woman wIiodo exporieuto lu treating wuiuau's ills Is greater than
that of uuy living ponoii,
A woman oan talk freely to a woman whon it
Is revolting to rolato horprlvato troublos to a
Mnuy women suiter In sllenco and drift along from bad to worse,
knowing full well that they
natural modesty Impels them
thequestiono und probable oxumluutlon of even
11 l unnecessary Ithout
vkow UuowIwIl'o from 30 years'
Womuii sutferiiig from any form of female wuaknes uro iuvlted to
freely oomiuunleato with Mrs. Piiikhum at l.ynn, Mats,
All lottors aro received, oponod, road, and
answorod by women only.
This U a positive fact - not a mure statement easily Terlfled
thus linn been established thu eternal conmleuce between Mrs. Pink
hum and thu women of America, which has never beou broken, and
bus induced more than 100.000 sutTerers to write her for advice during
the last few mouths.
Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to drnw from,
It is mure than pOMlble that she has gained the very knowledge that
will help your ease. She asks nothluir In return exeent vour irood.will. -- . . ., ...
nun nurauvico na-i reueveu inousanua
vice hat relieved thousan
refer to ;
Anothor Woman Who
Aoknowladgos tho Help
sho has Rooelvod from
Mrs, Plnkham,
"Dkak Mns. PiNKiiAu Tho doctor
say I have congestion of the womb,
and cannot help mo. There is aching
In the right side of abdomen, hipleg,
end back. If vou can do mo anv good,
please write " .Mm. fS'lna Chase,
Pulton, N. Y.j December ao, H7.
"DkaiiMiw. Pimciiau I followed
your Instructions, and now I want
every woman sufforinjr from femalo
trouble to know how good your ndvlco
and medloine la. Thu doctor advised
nn operation. I could uot bear to
think of t hat. to fallowed vour uilvlca.
IgotbotturrlBhtotr I took x bottles
01 U
villa K. I'inkliaiu'a Yt'iretalilaCom.
pound, nnd ucd three puokages of-
t-iuiiTu nosii; mao toou vour I 'ver
Pill, and aiu uured." hn, Nlua
Chase, Fulton, N. Y December la,
Three &3h
Meals JL
a Dsiy Jul
How many years of her life does a
woman stxttid over the hot cook stove
getting those three meals u day? Hack
aching, head throbbing, nerves twitch
ing, it's all the same, there are three
meals a day to be prepared. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription cannot lighten
woman's labor, but it can and does in
crease her strength. It cures those dis
eases of the womanly organs which un
dermine woman's vitality.
"I cannot praiw Dr Hertc'o Parorite Pre
criillcra too hlxlily tyn tonic for UrtJ. worn
out oomtn who are ofllkted with female weak
new." write Mr Ira V Holmes, of 0Lit
Kapitlt. Iowa "It ha helped me very miKh
and a tklllful phvtktan once "1.1 to me in
aiinwer to my question i to lt efficacy, ' I know
of caiea where It li.ll realty worked womlcr '
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not
re-act upon the system. They are n tood
thinn to keep in the house, One ' Pellet '
is u laxative, two a cathartic dote The
medicine for every woman,
when it comes to come of their move
ments there is whero tho fun comes
in. Ono degreo is worked like this:
Time is absoluto silence for about two
mortal hours. You think tho lodge has
gone out. Hut they have only been get
ting ready. When they havo got a good
ready it Bounds just as if every ono of
them jumped off his chair with all his
might and all at once. It fairly makes
tho bulldintr tremble nnd then there
Isn't another move for qulto a bit. Then
they aro all form in a lino the length
of tho hall and swing around at one end
like boys playing crack-tlie-whip. Tho
fellow at the end of the row is thrown
down, nnd it sounds just as if he was
jumped on by every ono presont. Then
you hear the clanking of thu links of a
great chain that is slowly wound around
tho unfortunate victim, who Is already
beyond tho point of saying anything.
At least you never hear a yawp during
tho whole performance. Strangled in
its folds, the chain nnd the man lu it are
then lifted up and dropped nil at once
thu whole length of the room. A boll
tolls nnd n kind of midnight mass is
chanted elowly over tho remains. Of
course, thry are very careful never to go
too far nnd have an attending physician
to rcsurcitnto thu man in time for re
freshments that are then served In tho
ante-chamber. Had men get into every
order, but they don't stay bad or thoy
don't stay In very long, and any man
who can go through the ordeal I havu
described uud uot bo mado bettor by it,
I do not know what you would do to
improve him, unless It would 1x3 to put
him through a crematory. Thu Masonic
order is tho only organjzation I ever
heard of that cares for people who aro
not members of it. Thu rest of thorn
care only for their members. I heard
hhould have Immediate akhUtance, but a
to shrink from exposing themselves to
i tliulr family pliyn
hulr family phvbleian.
mouey or price vi
you can consult a woman,
actual experience is uneuualled.
i' .. .-.--"-. - -.
s. Here are borne of the cafeeswe
Mrs, Voss ourodof Peri
odical Pains and Per
potual Headaches by Fol
lowing Mrs PInldtam's
" Dkau Mrs. Pjxkham I have been
suffering for over a year and had three
doctors. At time of menstruation I
suffer terrible pains in bock and
ovaries. 1 have headache nearly every
day, and feel tired all the time. Tho
doctor said my womb waa out of place.
Would be so triad if you could help me."
Mrs. Carl Voss, Sac City, Iowa, Au
gust i, 1898.
"Plcaso accept my sincere thanks for
the, good your advice and Lydla E.
PlnUhara'a Vegetable Compound haa
done rue. I did everything you told
me to do, and used only three bottles,
and feel better in every respect."
Mrs. Carl Voss, Sac City, Iowa,
March aj, 1899,
Oreaon stale Fair
SEPTEAIBER 17 TO 22, 1900.
Bigger and Better Than Ever Before
Grounds Greatly lmtroi. DulMlnts Hetalred ani
Henovatel AllStock DullJInu Thoroufhly Disinfected
Everything In FlrsKlass Condition for ttu Lanest
and Best
Live Stock Show and Agricultural
Exposition Ever Held on the Coast
Good Kaclpj Every Afternoon
Music and Fun at Mint.
a., -nt.. nr it.... ni.,,L- uiu hn tiinibi n loniliiiL' fonttirc. All livo stock nnd
other exhibits hauled freo over tho Southern Pacillc railroad, ltedttced passenger
rotes on nil railroads. For premium list
W. H. WEHRUNG, Pres.,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
of ono in which n hard-working washer -
woman kent ut her husband's dues for!
three years. He ran away and was good
for nothing to that woman, and then the
woman got sick and thu lodge repudiated
her sick beneilt on the ground that ho
was tho ono they had insured and not
her, nnd sho should havo gono off and
not ho in order to havo got tho benefit.
In an eastern city I knew of a Masonic
lodge sending $100 to Memphis, Tennes
see, to help the yellow fever sufferers,
and after many days it was returned
with a note saying that it was not
needed, as they had too much money
sent them. In come of the other orders
eotno fellow would have found pome way
to getaway with that money if lie h.ul
to take tho fever or the money himself.
Hut for most of the fraternal orders it
can bo said thoy are scrupulously honest
lu their tlnancinl transaction).
The coming of tho Kingliug llrothers
with tholr twelve acres of tented wealth,
wildernesses of lions nnd millions of
dollars worth of red, white nnd blue ele
phants, recall gome incidents in the
lives of the now famous circus men that
are not down on their handbills nnd not
mentioned in tiieir advertisements.
When we were boys we lived in the same
town with the Kingtiugi. Tlio'r father
was n harness maker, and kopt a shop
whcrcfarmers fitted out tlioir workhorses
with uuoatiKuls and bought Immes and
had their tugs mended when they
needed them. There lives in Salem a
lady whoso ago we won't tell because
she was in the same cla with one of
thu Itlngling boys at school, nnd their
show bills say they aro young men in
tho prime of lite, between the ages of
thirty and forty. Ho was i homely,
awkward-looking boy with his hair cut
long In front nnd bhort behind, us if his
mother had turned n saucer over his
head and trimmed it straight around.
His iinmu was Al. Hingliug and ho wore
n smnll-slaed aian's coat, n kind of black
Prince Albert, a great deal too long for
him, and he had n manner ns deliberate
as molasfes lu winter. Tho old horse
ndvortised in their circus, paper was ;
reality and is well romumbered by tho
whilom inhabitants of that villngo ns
well as Urn boy's frantic efforts to save
up all tho sawdiiBt produced by tho
vnrious'mJmuers of the Snwbuck Club
to form tho duct for oven n small ring,
The strict integrity of tho Iliugliugs was
shown from infancy. When they run a
pin show under nn old carpet any boy
who was dissatisfied nlways got back his
pins. Tho eamo little town on tho Mis
sissippi river produced another circus
celebrity ol thu older days, Uig Andy
Gaffucy, who threw cannon balls into
tho air nud'raught thorn on hlsnrmsnnd
shoulders aud ovou in tho small of his
back and then proudly rolled them out
for the spectators to lift nud prove that
they were geuulue. He was ono of the
star attractions of Yankee Robinson's
circus and Dan Kice had him later. The
growth of tho Uinglings' circus has been
constant from email beginnings and
their tlual triumph aud advent us tho
world's greatest of all circuses is as much
enjoyed by their old Iowa fellow-towns-
men as by themselves. They ii-oro of
an energetic, pushing stock, und the fact
that they were from a small village nnd
had but taw- advantages makeo their a ac
cess all the more creditable mw that it
hud been accomplished. Thore is no
college but the stern school of experi
ence will make a oirous man. Nothing
but repeated failures will enable him to
ward against the eatastrophies that lie
in wait for the circus. A tornado may
destroy it, a railroad may wreck it, or a
month of rainstorms may bankrupt it.
Through storm and sunshine for twenty
veara the Uinglings have weathered it
all, and they are today probably the
greatest and most smwessful individual
proprietors of a show before the Arneri
cau beople.
Thk Colon ku
ami oilier iniormaiion, auuresn
M. D. WISD0A1, Sec,
Portland, Oregon.
& rWiiUirl
100 Hours Ocean to Ocean
The Imperial Limited
Grand Scenery
Fast Time
Model Accomodations
Tourist nnd Ural-class sleeping curs
hur full paiticulars apply to
A. (J. P. A., Mfl Third Bt.
Vancouver, 11. O. Portland.
More Cheap Excursions
lo the East
Hound trip ticket from Denver. Colo
rado Springs, and Pueblo to Chicago,
Peoria and intermediate points, will bo
void Aiiuut't 10. and September 7 nnd
21, by tho
One ltegular Fate I'lus $100 for llotiod Trip
Keturn Limit Octoler 31, 1000
One fare to Chh-ago and return
Aug. St SI, 36, 2il, for thu
With liberal return limit.
O.n'b Nioiit Oct to Ciucuio.vill leave
Denver 3:45 p. in., Colorado Springs,
3 too p. in. and Pueblo 2. 15 p. m. lor ex
cursions of Aug. 10 nnd 21, and Sept.
7 nnd 21. Tickets a I ho good on regular
trains For full information apply to
A. K. Cooi-Kit, Gen. ugt. Portland Or.
K. W. Tiiommon, A. U. P. A.,
Topeka. Xan.
Jon. Seuvhtiav G. P. A., Chisago
O Two Maohlnos
Work Dono Uulokly.
Tulophono 2fi8!l blank. Lenvo orders nl
usider..-o on 12th street, or Kleiner's
arket. M V.v I'lkkt. Yaw Park. 5-flt
fifflQQ A complete stock
Uiaoo of grass und clover
QaaHc sees always on
OttUO hand. Prices the
lowest possible for first-class
seeds. Give us a call before
buying. X. ffi
The Feed Mes.
Salem Soap
rho proprietor of thu Salem Soap
orka has theoo oeratfou of tho under
sii;ued dealers.
Consumers who desire a Am. class
soup will
Encourage Home Industry
By ordering Saluiu-iuade soap from
Mrs. H. Huffuiau,
li. Maguirti,
F. X Albright,
Golden Itulo toro
Sterner v Co,
II. Neugetauer,
James Shanlz,
Alex. DatiH,
Yokohama Tea Store
I. A. Drtrogish,
Allen V Itowersox,
J. Hewitt,
SavngeA Raid,
M. T Riueiuan,
0. XI. Eppley,
The Fair tbre,
W. L. Wade,
Damon Uros.
Names of other merchants will be
added as arrangements are made.
r-H-ABT, TrH80aBm. -Sj
8lt Lk, KnTif"FjvESa
Omli. KiiimI J.V.."ortl
;15 t.n
louli,fhlciironjKi.f' B,.
Wau Walla, Htokwe
6 .tup hi
M..l..u itit- ""IHW, 1
puiu. Ht. rni i.i.r-
"" vnian na Mil.
ul yip,
tlo Kx.
9 p, m
OCEAN HTKivuiiTT.r--.
8p m.
Vnr Man Vr.n.l.u o. I "w,
omu CTCTT DT flit.
s n. m.
ex. Hun
Pro AitorU aud way Landing, M8,-
iv V, m-
For 1'ortlanJ, NewUrg n. ,J .
ur an.fB.tnnU, at i.W J
lloat to rortlaud at ! t... .'
trect car line at Oregon Cltv If theVusa2
delarel there. Ticket!
Waihluxtoii, California or Iho j-ult!" &.
checked ttirongli from Ralcm free. Ch1
"HLP01"" 1 0.
ran. or river rouiow roit and. fi,;J
mado at Portland with
Oen, ! Agt.. Fortum
Agent, Trade BUeet dock. HidT.
dty ticket and fretful offlceJMoSamelSln
Southern Pacific h
Trains leave Baletn lor Portland i4,
Btatlonaat6:40n. m. , 7:54 n, ra. ml
4 :05 p. m.
Lr Portland
Lt fcalera.
.11.-01) AM 10MI
Ar Athland.
.WAi rnrxi
Ar Hacramento.
Ar Ban rrancUco.,
Ar ueiiTcr-
SWAM taii
ArKauaa, t1lj
Ar Chicago
Ar Ixm Angclca..
Ar El !'.... ) P M tx t X
At CltyofMexloo 9X A M 10-Vig
Ar Houiton IM A M liui
At New Orlcana t'Ji ra; 13 fM
Ar WuhlaKton .U A M 1 A M
Ar New yprk.-. -H;3J M UUfS
Pullman and Tourists ran on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to 0jj
nnd Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Cliicijo,
St. Ix)uis, Now Orleans and Waihlngton,
Connecting at San Frandiseo with nt
ural steamship lines for Honolulu.
Japan, China, Philippines, Central tai
South America.
See Mr. W. W. Skinner ajfeut at biUo
Station, or address
Portland, Oregon,
You nru not nwaro of tho fast time ltd
BiiK3rb service now afforded hy the
2 WE HAVE . ft
Daily Fast Trains
If you cannot tako tho mornlnir trill,
travel via tho ovenlnR train. Both art
finely equlpiKtd.
"Our Specialties"
Fast Time, Through Service, Pallmw
Palace Sleepers, Pullman TouriBt Bleef
ers. Pullman Diners, Library (Cafe) Cr
and Freo KecllnliiK Chair cars.
Hours in timo saved to Omalu, Cue
hro, Kansas City, St. Louis, Now lori
Itoston, and other Eastern points.
Tickets ood to 8alt Uko City um
Denver. . .
It is toy(ur interest to uao Tin Oru-
usn Limited. Tickets and sleeplnf
car iMjrths can be secured from
V. W. Skinmw
Agent 8. r.Co
Or Guy Foweis, AgM. 0' It. 4
Salem Ore.
J. II. LoTimor, Gon'l Agent,
No. 136 Third St. Portland Or.
Oregon Shon Lino Umi
Tho Direct Route to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points .
GiveH eholeo of two favorite rouUM"
or thu UIO GRANDE Sconlo Lln.
No Change of Cars
On tho Portlaud-Ohlcago Special,
finest in tho West."
Equlppod With'
Kino New Ordlnao- TourUt 81wpn.
KuiHicb Uhrarr-ilurret Caw.
Bplendlp DlHuen, Meala a la earW.
VfiM Kecllnlug Chair Cira.
Comfortable Coacut and Hmolwri.
Wnllr.. Trull. IV.mnlctfllr VeMUWrW
IV. ( Infrirnintinil SPPl.
-vi. .iiiv.tvt ,.. ;".,..
i j i ' ...
Trav. Pass. Agt.
Agent O. R.
14'-' Third St. Portland Or.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany 1; P-
Train leaves Corvallis.... ':"
5:55 p-'
xiuin arrives iuhuiu
No. l Returning:
Leaves Yaqulua
7-00 s.B
Leaves raquiuii .;.ii w
Leaves CorvallU ,'irfnn
Arrives Albany IJ.WP"
No. a For Detreit:
Leave Albany ...
Arrives Detroit
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
12:10 p. w.
No. 5, it ,rvi a. B
Leaves Corvallis . tllZ.
, Arrives Albany t,4d'
No. 6. . g Pt p,
Leaves Albany - i.XsJ, o.
Arrives Corvallis. . . . . . .iad
One aud two connect A5itUlfi
Corvullls with Southern Pc.,"5e.
L-lvlug direct service ti and from
port aud adjacent benches. . t
Tralus for the mouuwlo .'".ibM
Detroit at noon, Rlvlokf anip M
to reach campluK BnJUD0rivVf lM
RroltenusU and Saotlatu river
same day, j,i
roa rrom FortltruT
Five and six connect n A,lSriuaoi
the Albany local to aud from T
T.r.itr.i . ,1h.Bf or
1 TDUNXR Aifnt Alt8' "
wmwy 'mi ii
0 ww fmmttn whwim