The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 05, 1900, Image 2

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RC7 '
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inmnT aenm( i-rlnm.rf
iTrT'iiin rrf i.
BaDg's voice
Is the Joy of the household, for With
out It no happiness can be complete.
The ordeal through which the expec
tarit mother must pass, however. Is
so full of dfltii'pr mid suttctina that
she looks forward lb it with indescribable fear, livery woman should know that
the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of
Kfrvritim'n PnlKun." h scientific liniment. 11 v Its aid thousands of women have
passed thl great crisis In perfect safety and without pain. Our book of priceless
value 10 nit women win ue
sent free to any address by
Bradficld Regulator Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Mother's Friend
Our entire line of new.
Boy's and Children's Clothing
Opened and' ready for inspection.
rVAlcli this spaco for further nnnouncenio its
Nolo our guarantee your money back if you want it.
G, W, Johnson & Company,
i it The PcP,cs Clothiers and Furnishers.
WEDNK9DAY, AUG. 5, 1000.
D illy One Yoir, 3.00 In A dvnnoo
OnllyPour Month 91. In Advonoo
WoeklyOnoYoar Sl.OO In Advnnco
Prom Tho WiihlnRlon Star.
I'sgwlntorstopdla workln':! has work
ed two B'oady days
An' I 'a gwlntor res' do balance o' do
week. '
I 'a dono savo np my money nils hero
pavin' sholy pays.
I kinetaht in now an' paint n crimson
I' dono my lionoa' duty fob dose nickels
an' dceo (Union,
An' nowl'a gwlntor scatter 'cm llko
chaff. Mi
So koop yoh qges wldo upon an' yoli'll
see Romo'higli ol' tlmos
Yoh uncio'a got u dollar-nii'-a-half I
IIu isfcolin' Jos' as haughty aa n Vnndor
bilt dis day.
An'hodoesn' have to worry 'bout no
ron t a:
IIo nehbor stops to notice, aa ho stops
along his way.
Dew common spohts wit tun or IKtuon
Ho'a dp pride o'Foggy Pottom mi u win
ner o do race;
Dose youngstors, why, doy uluiply
makna him laugh 1
So all atan' back nn' cl'ah do track nn'
watch Mm act do imoo
Yoh undo wi( n do!iiir-iiii'-n-linlf.
excopt four when tho Democrats have
had a majority of the board, have had
absoluto control of tho disposition of the
Hchool lsnds of tl o atato ol Oregon
Four ycara Governor Pennoyor nnd
Treasurer Webb wero a majority of the
board. Tho real of tho tlmo any Repub
lican governor could have elopcd the
steal and laid tho facts before tho people
nnd tho people would havo sustained
him in stopping tho steal.
Ynt tho Grand Old I'urty hai boon so
las in Its duties toward our moat sacred
Institution, tho common school fund,
that it has never laid up tho bars. It
has never atoppod the grnft. It is truo
tho avorugo citizen will stcaljeehool land
when ho tote a chance, or perjure him
self or huraulf tho women uro not ex
empt by any means when tliuro ia a
chanco to grab public laud. Hut is it
not a frightful charge the Orcgnulan
makes against ull thu various Ropubll
can administrations of this state a
wholesale crlmo against public education.
Tho low rato will onnblo many to tako
in tho Portland carnival and It is a good
tiling to offer opportunities to tho people
on a large ecnlo to visit a city away from
homo nnd thus break lifo'a aeomlng
monotony. A day or a week spent in
Portland may cost nom money, but 1
it ia not rolflahly enjoyed by 6no mem
ber ol tho family nt tho eipenio of the
reit It will prove a good Inveitinsnt,
Tho injury to people does not como
from upending money, but from not
spending, .To hoard money nnd at the
samo tlmo romaln undeveloped would bo
ns foollih as' for tho treo to rofusu to let
Its sap circulate mid not grow. 'flier
nro 'people who grow rich ns Oroisus
nnd romaln aa Ignornnt ns n wooileu
horao. ThaUs not life. That is arrested
developinoiitnnd every amusement like
thofPortland carnival, or tho atato fair
that slmkoa a la'rior nuinbor loose from
oncrtuted hablla of staying nt aomo, on
lagca tho scope of nodal vlowa nnd ad
vnucca civilization.
tipt only town peoplo should
thocarnlval, but country pooplo.
isolation of the farmer's Hfo
tonda to
economy and thuunrluhmunt flutuiUlly
ol tho individual. To tlioso of etudioua
nnd'obeerving habits of mind tho rural
peace and (pilot no doubt tends tocul
turoanu wldo Information. Hut the re
moval from too In 1 Intercjiirto is the
greatest obstacle tho fanner has to con.
tend with. This Isolated oondltlou rend
many n good Intelligent man jr omau
to -Ihelr grave before their time. A
pointer Go to tho rilk'a carnival nnd
tiiecrime against the school fund
At thu conclusion of n long Article
about the way thu tchool land haa betm
mao away with by tho politician of
Oregon, tho Orcgonlan concludes nu
cdlforial in thoo werds:
".But tho nut result Id that tho school
fund of the atato of Oregon has I men
ruthlessly desalted, and the Umrks nnd
confidence men of various names ami
hroede, aa well as the capitalists who got
thajland, nro tho gainers. It may net
yetfbo too lato to locate thu reHjionsl
blltty." i
Ittplacoof "rutliloaslvileanolltkl." null
JU6L plain, common Auglo-Baxou
atoksn'J n,plncu of "sharks nnd con.)
f d&ce men" and ''capitalists," put Re
publican politicians who for thirty yeara,
In our exchanges, tho lie Moines
(Iowa) Register's n staunch old line
representative MoKhiley paporla credit.
od with the following editorial muitl
Now ia u good tlmo for Amrrlrii to Jo
away wltb tier old, obsolete Constitution
and adopt a form of GoNornmcut that
Will be li.gtcal with our new expansion
Ideas mid will glvn ample protection to
capital. We should not be disgraced in
thu sight ol clvilUed Nations, as thu vio
lence and killlns that nccomnanv tl.unti
oration ol street cars liitit.Louisilliigraeo
us now. A constitutional monarchy is
probably tho moat desirable plan thuljwo
could Adopt. Kverythlng is ripe for the
change. We have a hirgo army nndlt
can lie increuiaxj under almost any pre
text without causing alarm to tliemnHso.
this country has been so proscrous that
thuvuteis havo lost that Hiilrit of imtrlnt.
lam nnd honcaty that Is necessary to the
suceoebful operation ol republics. Thu
atrnug, iron baud of discipline will have
IU uu IIKOU 10 lirillg tllO lllllSOH to a lull
tense ol proper beiinvior,
Tho Ituglster is not thu kind of 4 pap
er that favors a monarchy. The papors
that are trying to inoko political capital
out of tho hIhivo, should credit thu item
to the papar Hint printed It, a small
weekly nt lies Moines eallod"The GIoIhi"
which is now Hepubllemi and supporting
McKlnloy, TheKeglsteraaya:
it is truo tho editorial was published
In the Gloho, which is a wockly paper ol
local circulation, but it ia also trim that
the editor who roto tho editorial voted
for Jlryun In Ifthl and generally adviHial-
"" im-ufici oi iiovfrn-ienta urged by
liryan. 'lio Popullstle Ooinocrauy org'
aus do not give liesu facts to their reed
era, but wo havo stated thu uxnet tiuth
in regard to thu Globe ami Its ulltor.
Ntw Suits.
W. H. Henlluo has commenced suit
for divorce In Dept No. of thu circuit
court ngahiBt M, 0. Iloullno, alleging do-
serlion as a eauso. L'. A. Downing and
UQiilinw ami Alnrtlu aro attorneys for
Mary A, ltamp has commeucod suit
against John and Kllza Dorcas to rccor
or on n proinlawry nolo for JIN) with In
terest Irom March IfiUS. llouham & Mar
tin aro attorneys for plaintiff.
I'UBtui of W. A. Kumtnel.
Tho funural ol , A. Kuuiiuol. who
was killed by the buratlng of an emery
wheel, look place at 2 p. ny Tuesday.
Thefalhurof dvcu.ised, to await.whoo
arrival thu funaral had ben jiostpoiunl,
did not. como ua ezpected. Purview
wora conduetwl by Hov. W. 0 Kantuer,
t the residence of Mrs. Mlzo in South
S-iloui, and the funeral was well ut
tended. Interment bxik pluco In City
View cemetery.
Noodl'm PHIs
Wli- (lip Dix-lor Unit II I'l-rnitiillttoll
Tlilll .MlRfortinii- Hud OterliiUpn n
Wpnllliy I'lnnlpr llv tlio fltor of
I lie Crlnu- I.ciiUi'iI Oiil,
The Rtoij viirt t.ild by u police com
missioner of uuothi'i city who wna In
New Orleiins leci'iitl; ii'i u vldt.
"The uiiixl IliReliioun munlcr I over
knew unythlng ithout.'" he Mild, "wm
lommlttid by n young p!iyn!oiuu. lie
wnn ii i'IhIuk priiellliuuer ill u place
where I foiinei l. lived, iiuil, with your
permission. I will np.-nl; of Mm ulinply
ns Dr. Hinltii.
"About a dozen jdiM ugo. na iiently
ns I remember. (Ills young mini uent
on n visit to n iWntlve In u nelgliboi'
Ing city, mill one iifieiuiiun. on the
third or fourth iluy of Ills amy, he
startled u ludy mi'infier of the house
hold by icmiiikliig that lie 'hud u feel
nig' linn mime nilMiortuiie luui over
tnken II uenllli.v phuiler uImiiii they
both knew' very well, nnd whom I will
call Colonel .luliea. 'I' he colonel was a
prominent ickIiIciu of the Onctor'a
home town unit hud u huge outlying
estntc. which lie wiih In the liublt of
visiting once u week.
uu iiie imy or jsinitii h Niiiguiiir pie
monition he wits on one of those touin
of Inspection, hut fulled to conic buek.
nnd the following morning IiPh eoiiife
was found lying In u conilleld. He
had evfilenty been (lend iibotit 'J I
hoiirH. nnd from the appeal mice of the
body seemed to linve lieeil nel.i'il with
Rome sou of tit or coiivuIhIoii.
"Of cpurse the nlTiilr cicuted n great
stir, nnd the police made n pretty
thorough InvrMlgiitlon. but the only
thing they found Hint meilteil nuy
apcclnl ntteiitlou wua n mini II. loiind
vlnl In the (lend iiiiiii'h vest pocket It
wna about Hie diameter of u leiid pen
ell by four IiicIich long, nnd hud oilg
Innlly contnlued u couple or doreu
medicinal tiihleta. whleli, lying one mi
top of tho other, tilled the little bottle
to the coik. A few mill remained In
the bottom.
"Upon liKiulry It wan Irnmeil with
out trotiiuc unit the inmcts were it
harmless preparation of hoiIui nnd thin
Jones himself had bought them nt n
local drug store. Thnt ended Hiixplclnn
In thnt (imrter, nnd, for luck of imy
thing better, the coroner returned .i
verdict of ilenlh from 8UiiKtro!;e
There wnft no nutopty.
"Some time nfter Jones lwd been
burled," continued the police coniiiiIm
aloiier, "I lenrned nccldeiitiilly of Dr
Smith's cinloiiH iidphec,v. nnd Ii nci
me to thinking. Kveiitiinlly I evohed
n theory, hut II was Impimslble nt the
time to hiikIiiIii II with proof, nnd for
live or nix yearn I Kept It pigeonholed
In my bruin, walling for rouicthliig to
hnppen. Me.inwhlle. to everybody'a
Riirprlse, Dr Smith wen I to the doga
He began by drinking lienvlly. grad
ually lost Ida pi act Ice. mid 11 nu My
aklppeil out to avoid prosecution for
enHhliig n fake ilruft. A Tier IiIh lllght
I learned enough to absolutely coiitlrm
my theory iim to Junes' death. What
had really happened wiih iIiIh:
"Dr Smith owed ihe old man u con.
Mldeinlile mini of money mid bud given
n note, upon which he bail forged Ida
fnlherV name im luiloi'Her The plant
er wna picHMlug ti I in rut- payment mid
had ihifiiicucil null, which meiiiit In-
evllnlile expoHiire One day. while
they were conveiKlng, Jouea pulled out
n little gliiHH vlul anil h will In wed one
of the tnhletH It eonliilncil, remnrklug
thnt he tools one dally, nfter dinner,
fui four xtoniMclt.
"Thnt uiggestnl n dlnlmllcnl Holieiue
of iixMiiMlunilnu. which the doctor pro
ceeded to put lulu execution Itep.ilr
lug to li Im oilier, he iniide up u ilupllc.lle
table) of Nlijchnlnc. ami, eiieouiiterlug
the colonel neM day, nuKeil him to let
him have the for u moiueiit. ho he
could copy the nddiess of the uiakers
from ihe label
".lui'crt hiindeil It over uuHUupcctlng
ly. mid while Ida intention wiih hrlelly
illverled olHcwherc Smith put In the
piep.iicd millet lie placed It under
the lop four HiiiH milking It rcinon
ably certain ihm hN victim would lake
it nu the M fill day from thnt dale.
Next imnulug he left town, so iim, to
l,e far uwiiy when Ihe tiagedy was
oonxiimmiiied, and hoiiic myaterliiUH,
lliuoiiliollnlile ImpulHe evidently led
lillii to imilie Hie prediction that llrst
exelled my Kiiplelou.
"When I iniide cerlnln of nil this, I
iiMiiied Snilili In Oklahoma ami was
on the point or applying for nu extrndl
thin win unit when be mitlclputcd me
by ciiuiiiii'ilug pneumonia mid dying.
1 Iheieiipon ivluiiled the case to Its
iiieutiil plgeoiibole, when1 It has re
iiuliliiil ei-r hIiicc."
"I'miliii me fur iiHMug," wild one of
.hi IIMiIicik, "Inn h iliat leally a true
Hlur.v. hi are you eiitertitlulug ua with
Inl-'lolllIK llellonV"
"It Ik uliMilutely true." icpllcd the
' how did you lent u Hie partlcu
urnV" Well." Mild ihe police commissioner,
mi IIIuk ".Smith was llko most clever
rin iikN in- bail one weak cpot. He
Aim f(d eu uigii to tell a woman. She
idiilibnl " New Oi leans Tlnioa-Deuic-eral.
laformatldn Atout 'New Books sad MiJ
, zlaes.
Tho place of honor in thePoptember
Atlantic is glvon to Judge lwcll's pa
per on Tho American Dobh Iteceiit
. ovouts havo etiipliaslzed tho importaiici'
ol the ''boas" In American miHiIoh;
Judgo Ixjwell explains him by showing
how tho source of hla power and the
extent of his inllucnco are related to
our general iolltlcal epstcm.
Truth for September contains an ar
ticle on Thomas Mornu, America's well
known painter, which ia fully Illustrated
in both black and white and color. The
llrst Installment ol Mn. Burton liar-
riHon's delightful trip through Finland
appears inthla nuudn-gs, and there Is
an Interesting illustrntcd nrtlclo on
"Uncle b'am'B Life-Saving Service."
"Tho City of IloBlon" is n apoclnl feat
ure, illustrated In color and in black and
while. Tln'ro are short stories, iicwtni,
humorous matter and the usual well
tilled departments.
ia it romctly
w lich ninv be
talcly ttfcd for
anv at;omnch
dle'order, and
the only one to
or prevent
Fever and
tho genuine.
A good list Doubleday, Page A Co.,
34 Union Suuaro. Now York, advance
proof for fall NJOO send for It.
Iho third edition of "Tho School In
Soclaty "has just been issued byMcOluro,
Philips Company,nn indication Hint this
helpful little volume is making many
friends. Tho educational ideas which
the author suggests uro not theoretical,
as might bo supposed. Du Dewey bus
found that school children may get as
much pleasure in their life In school as
out of It, nnd tholr growth in wirdoin,
kindness, nnd tho spirit of obedience
may not bo a task, but a delight.
ft is stated thatof n thousand volumus
of travel which Dr. Kdward Leigh Pell
examined in tho preparation of hislatoit
book, "The Bright Sldo of Humanity,"
scarcely two hundred dwell at any length
upon thu virtues of tho peoplo whom
they profess to describe, wlillo most ol
them faithfully mirrored nil thu vices In
eight. "The Bright Sfdo of Humnnity,"
is tho llrst torious attempt that has been
madu to present the dl.tinguisliing noble
traits ol all races. It will Do published
by the II. I'. Johnson Publishing Com
pany, Richmond, Virginia, and wil be
ready Septemlier 10th.
The Scplember number of Tho Inter
national .Monthly contains several art
icles of surpassing mid timely interest.
Noticeable among those la "Tho Expan
sion of Itussia,: Problems of tho Kust
nnd Prohloms ol tho Far Kast" written
by tho meat historian of Hussm, 31. Alf
red Itamband, whoio threo volumes
"History ol Huseia," published in 18S3,
was crowned by thu French Academy
That work has remained tho chief auth
ority upon Itussia, and lias been trans
lated into Kugllhh. Iho pretout article
"Expansion ol Husala" therefore may
justly be considered as bringing Husslan
history down to thu present day, nnd le
especially valuable us an exposition ol
Itusalan policy in thu Kant. Thu article
opens with a brief (-ketch of the history
of Itiusia. It Is timely, vigorous, ahj
I Thu September Iseuo of McCluru'e
Magazine, contains, among several art
icles, tho concluding paper of Lieut.
Commander James G. Gilmoroa "A
Prisoner Among Flilpiuos." I lie author
describes in detail tho means by which
liodisaunded a Filipino general from ex
ecuting tho entire party, tho way in
which tho illness of uTngal olllcur pre
vented tho slnughtur of Ills prisoners,
how a Filipino lieutenant on soeing a
crucillx diaobuyod ordure and thereby
enabled them to escape being put to
death, nnd how the baud was at last re
scued by American troops from blood
thirsty nt Mini anvages. Tho narrative
reads liku a pagn from ltoblnaou Crusoe.
Thu illustrations by W. 11 Ixtlgh are
spirited mid life-like.
Another edition of tho "American
Salad Book" (MiCluro, Phillips Com
puny) haa Just been issued, In which ap
pear toventcon additional receipts. The
volume la now practically au encyclo
pedinou tho subject,
read with Intcrent, allko by tho adher-
enta and tho opponents of tho Demo
cratic candidate's policy.
Tho lloflr i a ailglity hunter, as Mr.
A. S. Joniiing'a story of a hand-to-hand
conll'ct with n lioness in Outing for
8ntonilM!r nlteats, Mr. G. W. Orton,
one ol tho contestants, compares the
forms and systems of the various coun
tries represented in his nttlclo on
"American Athletics at thu Parle
Games." " I'ho Sporting Spirit, Ancient
and Modern," by Mr. Georito Hlbuaid,
is a clear statement of the principles
that should underlie such victories. In
tlionu days when fanaticism ispla)ing
so large a part in determining native
aotion in tho far Ka. Mr. Fitzherbert
Leather's story, "Tho Qiilu AhtFk's
Quits," lias n special significance. So
has Casper Whltnoy's contribution,
"Tlio Boats of tlio Far Knals" tho Chi
noso river life which ho portrays ona'
bles one to estimate thu I sol at Ion of
mind of many of the people of that
country. Kollln Iv. Siiiitli's article en
Tlio Delusions About Hydrophobia"!
SEPTEMBER 17 TO 22, 1900.
Bigger and Better Than Ever Before
Grounds Greatly Improved, tlulldlnts Repaired and
Renovated. All Stock liulldlnjs Thoroughly Disinfected
Everythlni la Flrstclass Condition for the Largest
and Rest
Live Stock Show and Atrricultural
Exposition Ever Held on the Coast
' Ti BBUTif
'!, T
9.1ft .in
fl.-oo p m
Good Racing Every Afternoon
Music and tun at Mint.
Auction an lo of llo stork will be mndc. a lending feature. All live Block nnd
Other exhibits hauled fm mor tho Southern Pacillo raihoad. Reduced passenger
rates on all railroailH. For leinliun list ami other information, address
W. H. WEHRUNG, Pres.,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
M. D. WISDOM, Sec, .
Portland, Oregon.
A Sniniitc of Wliiil n rutrlj- Ilrnltlir
Cuckntuu Cnn Do,
A light chain securely fastened on
the cockatoo's leg promised enfety. but
Uo contrived to get within reach of my
new curtains ami rapidly devoured
intTWi linlr vnril fit on .if n Imilil
will bring welcome relief to many. "Can uorilcr whcIl wns Hl0 ,,rlUu J; niy
a Moving illcyclu Fall?" is an iugen- lciut. Tlieti ennio nn interviil of calm
iously worked-out paradox. Frederic and exemplary behavior which li.'.d
Honiington tells in ft humorously mo Into n false security. Cockle Ncemcd
urunlilc wav "How a Trout llroko a lo have but one object In life, which
tto Kx.
1 p, in
8p m
8 n. m
ox. Hun
iup, in
sU Lk", bJiircp'Tn:
Omaha. li,,r f.'.3ftli
Wall ,WIU, Hixiltune ti.
xll-.Ht.'('itTLl? ,?&.?'??.
w.nteo Chichi imti,,""
HnllCTory Hveilnj,.
vo A.toru nd w;y an4o
Hi ' .-
i V..rfi---"' ".WIK,rK an, ..'
"'"if rnwiiiij. Th ..
-v .j a m. w,,
"" 'wiLUMICmrurVKK DlVlllSr
inatD r uiiiHiui Bi.n .
ticct enr lino at Ortiron Cltr ir ih n,,"l l
delay e.1 tl.oio. ;i idiclH V 'fjSiJ
vyfiiiii(ti.ii, r.'AiironiiA bpiK'W
rail or rlrcr routo to Ivrtl.nire'-Qwta
miKlo at ivutlaud with .11 rati, oVoi?!!J
City ticket and freight omwjwoS
Friendship," nnd Carrie Footu Wwks
gives thu details of "My First Land
locked Salmon,"
......11 I... it..., ... .i..r.i..iii .1... n...l....l
. . . . iuuiii iiu iioL-ti iu iiiiiiinidi iiiu nn nu
Historic i , , i,i,, I,,,,,.,. u ,i,,ii,... .... ,1,..
l I l.....l.. I ...I. .(.... Iu' "'" -""". "-. i.i"biiuh u.i iit-
uiiiiii;ii iiitviii oviti'ii uo ll lllllll '
Mo Colir.r llliiuvrii,
A woman Just nrrlved fium Aus
tralia una rcconily negotiating with
au iigeiu In Loudon fur a Iioukc Iu one
of the newer (llhtrieta of Kensington.
She unLihI If ll wiih n nice uelglibor
IummI -It la thoioughly dexlrable.
luiidam." lepltml the hoiiHe agent.
"They utv without ojceptlou onp ami
lUh fumlllea."
In tho September Iteviuw of Itoviows
will be found n comprehensive treatment
of the "uiiorlalitm" issue, with partlcu
lar reference to Mr. Ilryan'a Philippine
speech. 'Iho editor's review of Mr.
llr an's Philippine proposition will lw
wns to pull out nil his own fcathera,
i ml by evening tho dining roor often
looked ns though a white fowl hnd
liceu plucked Iu It.
..,, ., ,, , ... ,, i I consulted a bird doctor, but na
"The Religion of Democracy," by Cocklo'a health wns perfectly good nnd
Charles K-rgtiam, is announced for ,lIs ,,ot nll tlmt cmlll, ,)0 recommended,
early publication by Klder and Shep- t wng mipposed ho only plucked himself
ard, San Francisco. Tho nhn of th0 for want of occupation, mid llrowood
book is to show thnt Americanism ia n was recommended ns n substitute,
religion, that the toclnl structuro In this rii!n nnswnrcd very well, nnd he spent
country Ii based upon the axioms of n his leisure In gnnwlng sticks of denl-
Iiiilh nlliliteMinni. nt Mr ,"i '.uu uu oi.u tiiMiieeii iu uu in uiu
torical Christ iauity, thnt thu
B 11 Illlglliy ant, nil itiiHPKtllt III Hnnrnll nf Ilia
camoway lietwcen Iho old world regime p,,ytlilngs. When tho Uro hnd not
and the new hero merges its structuro been lighted. I often found half thu
into an identity with tlio structuro of ' conls pulled out of the grate nnd tho
tho secular order, that Americanism is firewood In splinters. At last, with
in nature revolutionary nnd that Anuri I "arnier weather, botli coals nnd wood
can principles, social and iK.litical, are ' wuro removed, so the next tlmo Master
sharply nntithellcal lo Kuropcn princl- U,c0 fo,'mI ,1,"IB0,1' H,1,ort of " 1,,1,,
' ' set to work on tlio illnlng room chnlrn,
1 '" I llrst pulled out nil their bright nnlla
The Health Problem ml "xt tro holes In the lenthe.-.
Is much simpler thnu is sometimes sup- ,,,,r0,IKl! ., wl1 c,., '' trll"I,1"ltl
pobed. llealtli depends chielly uik'ii AtaM stulllng.
perfect digestion and uru blood, and ' At o "" ho went on a visit for
thu problem is tolved very readily by "Uio wceka nnd nto up everything
Hood's SarKaparllla. You may keep within his reach In thnt friendly estnb-
well by taking it promptly for any stoiii- llshmont. Ills "bng" for one nftemoon
ach or blood diborder. its curus of scio- consisted of a venerable fern nnd n
Ma, hi t rlienni, catarrh, ilyopoptia, nrKC ,,.,,, ROmo library books, news-
bercri'tholhmisa!!:." """" r l-k of cards and nu arm-
M f fa 11 .1 .( t It bIHIlt itHII JWt t'UIJ UUl- UtlUl' lllllft
I lie favorite family calharllo is Hood's ,, ,,0 , , 8oIc(, cd of ,nor0 ,
"IH' ' . nnn n...ll.. rnil.lll
100 Hours Ocean to Ocean
The Imperial Limited
Grand Scenery
Fast Time
Model Accomodations
Now York, b'opt. 5. LosAngolca spec
ial to the New Vol k Cemmercial:
After two years of lurgu prollts for a
it number of peoplu, tl.u llelluu Intro
Wunlil Not I.rnvo It to do Fur Money
Tlmt IlrluliKfil lo lllm,
"I won't go out! I won't leave here
for anything!"
Such was the nmnzlng declaration of
a pauper attendant In nu cast end Lou-
industry Is In a stato ol collapse, and an- Hon wornnouso on being told by nn
imals which it year ago wero bringing ' ngent thnt he was entitled to some
from $50 lo f 250 each could not now money. And tho mnn-the son of a
bu sold fnrniin.t.mtli of tins., ..r l)ost Cnptllltl III tllO tinvy-llicnnt nil
while some very well bred stock ia ,,!'a,t J10..?''!:. ?l,nn ,,nfh ,V0U1
uuuge, nor mouki no sign any paper,
nnd It wiih only by taking u commis
sioner down to lllm Unit tlin fund
pay tor tlio food consumed, to taty ' could be recovered.
noihing ol tlio caro riulred. I Whether becatiso It wns only n com-
The market for thu meat of tho hare, ' pnrntlvcly small sum or whether be-
beggitig for buyers at 10 cents to 25
each. Tho 'prevailing figures do not
which was expected to supercede that
of beef, Is as dead ub harui themselves.
A few breeders who secured fancy stok
from Knglaud aro still tending out a
few I. area on orders from localities en
tering upon tho industry.
Horticulturist fear nnlinala turned
loose will become a pest.
To Cure ColJ In Oat Day
( Tako lJURllte liromo Qulnlna TuliU-li. Al
tri'irxliia rvluuit Iho loonejr If it full to euro
K. W. lirovo'a ilguaiurv la uu each bot. Jio
Tfo& Pen m the.
H&m is woHife
two in tise
It Is nut correct to say Hint n girl
"icndei!" n wing. If she then long
em. ugh to bmune of some iim In the
world, she may some day render lard,
but she can't render a song. Atchison
Po not grips nor Irrllate tho llmw
wr wjiai. may act Kvntly
promptly, clcn entctuiliy and
Kvntly yet
GJhfo Comfort
Sold by all druegUts. .Scents.
U( II MtMrttti.
van.Kurv, no,
For your winter outllt go to tlio New
York racket, and savo a largo percent on
purchases. Hackot priiva will always
save you money, nnd the goods are first
quality, ltdiv.w
Heavy lUla it HlcWrtill.
J, J. Fiddler the Dallas stage driver
bringa.thu news that one of tho heav
iest hWera ol rain seen there vis
lied ltlrkreal and vielnlty yestenlay.
Paid Ilurch had flvi acres, of hops
kuockojUlown, and other vanls were
n '.
Wool yarn' for wiptor us ol all kinds
at the. New York racket, ltd A. w
If you have "n good mind to
vrite to Dr. ricrco" tnke jieu tin
band ami IjcrIii. Then you'll
avoid tho exjierience of Mrs. M. P.
Davis, of Honakcr, Utisscll Co.,
Vtt. She writes :
"For seven years I was confined to
bod niokt of the time. I had ulceration
of internal organs nnd female weaklier
I had four doctors and they s-nd could
not k cured After the doctors wid
I could not lie cured I wrote to Doctor
l"icrce for advice, 1 followed the
ttdweo lie five. . I teel H-ttor tluin I
ever did. My friends sav'I do not look
like the saiiitf wonun. I am sony I did
Mitt takt Dr. t five's mntianr uen
first bextin lo Aaw Wr AmiA. I could
luvc -ivetl what I uid to humbugs."
tot Hotline In Ksnssi.
WieiiiiA, Kan., Sept. 5. Tho Wood
men of thu World log rolling is taking
place hero today. The affair is most
extensive of its kind that bus over been i
held iu tho state. Vast crowds are iu
attendance. Gov. Stanley and all the
high olllchtls of the order uro present.
Mayor Flnlay Koss formally welcomed
the gathering this loom jug, tlio response
lieing made by J. W, Kaiser, of Foit
Scott, Addresses will bo made this eve
nlng by J. O. Root, of Omaha, sove
reign commander of thu order. Govern
or Stanley, ami John T. Yates, novo
elirn clerk of thu order. This evouinu
will bo a grand "lova feast" at which
many prominent secret Kwloty men will
lie present.
No one ever regretted writing to
Dr. Pierce for advice. Matty have
regretted not writing sooner.
Sick women are invited to con
sult Dr. Pierce by letter, free, and
so obtain the opinion and advice of
n sjHicialiht in diseases jiecu t to
women. All corresjKmdenc pri
vate. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce.
Buffalo, N. Y.
' Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser,
ioo8 iwges, is .sentyhron receipt tit
stamps to defray expense of mail,
mg w)'. Send 21 one-cent stamps
for paper covers, or 31 stamps for
cloth Address as above.
Statu ok Ohio, City of Toledel
Ll'lWH Cou.ntv. f s
Fiunk J. Ciu.nkv rnaktsoath that ho
Is thu "enior artor of the tlrm of F J
t'ltWKT V., doing huflness iu tlie city
ol Toledo, t'ountv and State Hfiirecahi,
will iav the sum of UNK lll'MHtLI)
HOLLA U for ooh and every caj of
Catarrh that cannot Iu cured by the use
of Mai i.'h Oatmihii (.'ciik.
Sworn to before me and 8uhrib-d In
my presence, this 6th day of December
, . A.U. ISSil.
skm. f A. W tU.KASQN,
' - ' Notary I'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cute Is taken intiiriiAlK-
! and acts directly on tho blood and muc
ous suriai-es 01 tno system, semi for
testimonials, freo.
F. J. CIIKNKY ACO., Toledo, O
Sold bv Drugii'ts 7fio
Hall's Family Pills are tho bo t.
OKI Post Olllco Saloon opposite the
hotel Willamette handles the famctih
Allmny beer, AlUtuy Uvr is freo from
jiolsonous IngtiHlIeuts. T. Nelson, Prop,
K'.'l Im
cause he wns n worker, the gnnrdlnns
made no claim on It. Accordingly, at
his request, It wns spilt, and two lie
countH wero opened on his behalf In
tho Postolllco Savings bnnk. Itut. for
all thnt, ho continued to remain lu the
Menu while he was very nnjtlous that
his wife should not know ho was alive
In fact, ho denied thnt he was mnr
rled. Ilia life partner, howeer, called
nt the ngent's olllco to Inmilro nbout
the ense, though alio begged thnt her
husband might not bo told of her
wherenbouts. She wna lu a fairly
good position, earning ns site did a liv
ing by keeping a ladles' school, nnd
once or twice her reprobnto husband
hnd turuoi up In nn Intoxicated condi
tion nnd raised a commotion that hnd
gcnndnllzed her pupils. The 111 sorted
pair were, therefore, not brought Into
Never would the pnuper legateo lenvo
the worklioiiho. He remnlned there till
his death, whereupon, having left no
will, the money he bad scorned to use
passed to his wlfo.-CnsseH's Saturday
Tout Ut flret-ctnss fcleeplng curs
For full pnrticiilarH apply lo
A.G. I'. A., 1 III Third St.
Vnnrouver, It. (J. Pnrtlnud,
MoreCheap Excursions
to the East
Hound trip tickets from Denver, Co'o
rndo Springs, nnd Pueblo to (llilcaen,
l'eorla nnd intei mediate points, will Ihi
fold August 10, mid September 7 and
21, by thu
One lingular Fare Plus $2.00 for Triii
Keturn Limit October 31, 1000
.... - iwi
Tralna loavo Saletn for PortianduuT, '
BtntionaiU6:40n. in. , 7:54 i. m.ei
4:05 p. in. .
'.iii i
i.t i uruauu. ........ AM ll
i.t pwicra . ii) a M lni;
13.80 A M
6O0 P M
7.4i V
Ar AIilnnil
Ar Hacrmoiito.
Ar Bitn Kranclwo.
ArDKilcu. .... 8.15 A M
Ar DoiiTer .... .io a M
Ar Knm, fllj. 735 A M
Ar Clilcgo........... IM A M
Ar l Aiikc1m. IrO l M
Ar Kl I'hu). ..... eo 1' U
Ar Korl Vnrtli..... 6uV M
Ar City of Meilro... 9.A5 A M
Ar IIouMou SM A H
Ar New Orloiui-.... sal I' M.
Ar VmIiIiikiuii.. (HI A U
Ar Now York ... A2;n I' Jf
I0J0 4I
rullinan ami Tourists ran on boS
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to (Mi
nnd Kl Paso, mid touriBtcars'toCtilup
S t. lauJB, Now Orleans and Waahlngloi!
Connecting nt San Fraud Isco with m"
oral stuaniHliit) lines for llonoltli
Japan, China, I'lilllppinea, Central d
oiiu.ii iiiiuricii.
Seu Mr. V. W. Skinner ngent at Silin
Klalinn, or nddruHS
U. II. MAUKIlAM.G.l'. A.,
Portland, Orepin,
You mo not u ware of tho fast tlmeiiJ
superb serviro now afforded by the
V. H 1 t?
.. -
Daily Fast
If you cannot tako tho morning k
travid vin tho ovening train. Both V
llnoly wiulpiod.
"Our Specialties"
Fast Tlmo. Through Servico. PuIIiib
I'alaco Sleepers, Pullman Touriit Sleep;
ers. Pulhnnu Dluors, Library CiU)6
nnd Freo'Kecllning Chair cars, "
Hours in tlmo saved to Oinahs, Obit
ago, Kansas City, St. Louis, New Yon
lloston, and other Eastern points.
Tickets good to Salt Lake City til
It Is toyour interest to ubo Thk Orn
imni) LiMiTKD. Tickets and (lecpiM
Cue fare to Ohleago return
Aug. SIS I,. 6, I'll, for tint
With liberal return limit.
OnuNkiiitOuiio Chioaoo, will leave wr berths can bo Bocttred from
Denver u:ii) p in., Lolorado Springs,
!l:55 p. m. and I'uehlo 2.45 p. m. lor ex
curfions of Aug. 10 nnd 4, and Sept.
7 and !. Tickets aUo isood on roiular
Sloes Hit Couth an J Works off the Cold.
Uisllvo nmianipilnlneTablflU euro a rol.l In
ono ilojr. No Cure. No Py. Price '. s at Sni
trains. For full information npply to
A. J-. Cooi'Kit. Oen. ngt. Portland Or. I
B. W. Tiiomi'box, A. U. P. A., ;
Topeka, Knit.
Joii.v Skiiastiav G. P. A., Chicago '
W. W. Skinhm.
Agent 8.1'. Co.
OrUuy Powois, Ag't.O-H.-N.
Ix)tjiiioi,) Gen'l Agent,' '
No. IH6 Third 8t. PojtflDJJ Of.
w Two Mnolilnoa
Work Donn Quickly.
Tolephono 183 Mock. Unvu orders nt
etidei:c on 12th street, or Stelner'f
arkot. M. V.n Fi.kist, Ykw Park, n-flt
While llopplcklnt
You will need the best of food and thai
which cnn Im prepared with the least
tronblfl All that you require can bo
had at tho lowest price, from Uranson
5- Ragnn. 0 0 ,j
There is rtothln; hew Under the Sun.
This do" not npplv to the Northern
Pacilic Itailwav'HiiHw train, tho "North
Uoast I.tmltwl" tho mot elegant nnd
complete transcontinental train that
runs across this continent, or anv ntlinr
continent. If you wish to travel in rl
com'ort ami arrive at vonr iournev's end I
with a hwllngnf ii.,.li,tiiilM.l en oyment ;:.', ' 'ZZ n nltv
Jnke this train for your Kastorn trln.l ,, , llul T, . ;..
Loaves Portland d.iliv nt 2 p m. It ' w,
inAlH nil mnru In tri-..l I... l,u ,.n I I'".1
costs no more to travel by this train
than any oilier
For rates and other information, ap
ply to any Northern Paoifla agent or
write A. 1) Charlton, N5 Morrlm
ttriHit, oorner Third, Porl laud. 7-1 "t
Sunday Excursions Krom the Country to the
Sunday excursion hushics in this
section of the country bus heretofore
been confined to a movement from the
lily to tlio country, but tho Southern
Pacific Company Is not satlslled with
the tlforts which hae been made to in
duce travel to tho country and is going
iu .iy inu experiment oi Minuay exeur
sinus from the country to the city
Commencing Sunday, August 10,
therefore., ami continuing until the last
!l'ni!,l' '" September, excursion tickets
Will bo sold from All.nnv unit ii.iur......
diato (Kilnts to Portland. Good going
on thu Albany local leaving Albany nt 7
a. m., reaching Portland nt 10:10. Re
turning leave Portland at 4 p. in.,
reaching Albany at 7:10. Tho rate for
tlio round trip from Albany and Inter
mediate points as far in r-alcm will bo
.. From Salem and Intermediate
points us far as Gervais tl.r.0. Uervais
Jl.36. Wood burn and nll jxilnta north
ti. iicKvts win i.e good only on
the Albany local going and return
ing, and under uo circumstances
will they bo extended or utu permitted
on other trains".
Tills will give Sunday visitors to Port
laud six hours in il ..iu. nml u.lll
afford the ccuntrv neonle. 'who ennnnt
find lime to uiuku ll.o trin on week
to spend a ideas-
troxilisiit a email
if the experiment Is successful them
excursions will be continued during the
suininei moutlis next tca-on.
. Oivgon Short Line M
The Direct Koute to
Montana, Utah. Colorado
and all Eastern Points 4.'
Glvea choice of two favorite tootejW
or tho KIO GRANDE Scenic Lin?
No Change of Cars.':
On tho Portlnnd-Ohlcago Sclil,
Quest iu the West."
Bqulppod With
Hno Now OrdlnryTourlt81trn-
Hplonrtlp I)luncr, MeU a lcrW.
Kreu Recllnlnit Chair Ur.
(Mmforulitu Co-Chen nl Sraoien.
Kutlru Train Uumpletel) Vwtibulol.
For fuil her Information ppl!w
Trav. Pass. A. Agent O. . f,
142 Third St. Portland Or. Blw
Corvallis & Eastern
For tho latust impriixisl machinery for
eusilae cutting fee Mitchell, I,ewi8 kt
Staver Co's branch, F, F, C'anv, man-
K"r. H 80 .1 A. w tf
O UX. & -X- C3 JRE. X A. .
signature V . JT
for acceptable Ideas,
Stato It patcBted.
Baltimore, ftM.
No. 2 For Yuqulna:
Trulu leaves Albany ..
Train leaves Corvallis.
Train arrives Yaqulna
No. 1 Iteturnlng:
Leaves Yaqulna
wavra vu., ,. .... ..r- .
Arrives Albany 12:10 p.
No. a Knr LH-troit:
LeavoN Albany
Arrives Detroit..
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
No. 6.
Leaves Corvallis .
Arrives Albany
No. 0.
v leaves Albany
Arrives Corvallis
One and two connect tAlhaoyn
Orvallls with Southern PaclHoti'n,
itlvlng direct servico tD and from '
port and adjacent beaches. m..t.
Trains for the tuountalps " time
Detroit at noon, giving ample
to reach camping grounds on ?M
Mrellenbushand Santlam rlrer
same day. t ., -itb
Fie and six connect t -Al0"',
the Albany local to and ttmnVjg
1:50 p. n
1:10 p. tu
6:65 p-""
7-00 a. w
ii:30a bi
70 -.
11:203. n1'
12.10 p ft"
, 6:45 p. to
0-00 a. $
, (1:45 a. '
j. 20 p.m.
8:05 P-B'
r ana