THE DAiLl T JOURNAL. VOL. X SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY AUGUST 28 1900. NO 213 Big Cut in Prices In Salem Mills Suits Wo Bncrlflco Uioeo llnca in order to make room for our Immense fnlt stock, eomo of which is now in. Don't full to seo Uiobo Biilta beforo yon purchase. Saloui'MillB fabrics stand second to none and uro products of liomo industry. A fow of tho values wo now offer nre: A regular $15.00 A A A A A regular $14.00 regular $13.00 regular flll.GO regular $11.00 regular $10.00 Seo display in north window. W00i$ ttttih STORE B9B COMM1CHOIAI. cJT. YOUR DOLLARS 275 COMMERCIAL ST. RRAUSSE RROS BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S SUPERIOR SlaDd CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORE machine. Is not E. L. KING, Gen'l Ag't for Or. Albauy Oregon. s TATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Students of tho State Normal School take tue btato ueruncaie immouiuujiy uu Knuiiutuuu. Graduates readily Becuro good positions. Expense of year from $120 to $150. ritrong Academic and Professional courses. New special department in Manual Training For Catalogue containing full Announcements, auures, P. L, Campbell, Pres., or, W. C Wann, Sec. Faculty MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. The Ideal Place for Your Boys, WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 HEAT COOLERS Tllf luirm caicnn l-i.,c onma but ma om Iiai-a nllPriit flf it vyith a heavy supply of coolers in the way of the choicest line of groceries, salads, meats and everything for a cold lunch or refreshing summer meal. Harritt & Lawrence, suit, now tll.OO. suit, now $10 00. suit, now f 0.00. suit, now f 0.00. suit, now $ 8.00. suit, now $ 7.00. Straw Hats at Less Than One-Half Regular Price Hegular $1.00 hat, now :ifc. Regular 7Cc hat, now 25c. Regular fiOc hat, now 20a. Regular tffic hat, now 15c. Regular 25c hat, now 10c. ALMOST ROLL Of their own accord to us, to get one of our Shoe Bargains, we are making big reductions in all summer lines. Also hop pickers shoes cheap. See us sure before buying. Examine the Question Ui'L'urdlnir vnnr eyesight witli our niil and you will soon Know whether or not glasses are necessary. Wn have, tho facility for making thorough lest of tho eyes and titling glasses Willi accuracy. Thu department is in charge, of n grad unlit nntli-inn. who has modem Inutru menta tit his disposal. Inscriptions for glasses carefully llllotl. HERMAN W. BARR, 118Kla'o8t. Peiontiflc Optician BROS THK CHICAGO liai been awarded tho gold medal at tho Pari exposition, which fact noes to further es tnhliah I ho claims of Its manufacturers for simplic ity and all 'round excellence. The purchaeo price is about tho amount of commlsHlon ono nays on a $100 this worth your consideration CLYDE BROCK, Local Agent, Salem Oregon, Fall Term Opens September 18th. are prepared to mJM FREN6H HOLD UHUNGGHflNG He is a Prisoner on Board of a Man of War. JAPANESE FORTIFYING AA10Y The Chinese Royal Family Have Been Located About Two Hundred and Fifty Miles South of Pekin Still Fleeing Hr Aaanclatral I'rcaa fa Ilia JnMraaL Paris, Aug, 28 v Admiral Courrcjollcs, the French Com' mandcr, h?s cabled the navy department, that a council of ad mirals has notified the foreign legations at Pclrin, that it has been decided to hold Li Hung Chang on board Ship until the opening of negotiations between the powers and China, CHAFFEE DOES THE RIGHT THING r Aaanelatcit 1-reaa la th Joirial Waniiimito.s, Aug. 28. Tho War De partment has received tho following from General Chaffee, commanding the American fercea: Ilitvu offered assistance to Uaroneas Von Ketteler. Will furnish transporta tion and escort her to Tien Tain in a fow days. The Haioncss Von Ketteler ia tho wid ow of the murdered Gorman Mini tiler to China audia an American. JAPANESE IN FORCE AT AMOY Mr Aaaurlatra rrraa la Jnaraai. IIonokonii, Aug. lit. Ueileral lioto commands tho Japanese forces occupy ing Amoy. Largo hodiea of troopa lime been lauded, Nordonfoldt'a guna mount od, commanding tho city. Many Chinese are leaving. Tho Hrltiah crulsur Ids sailed from hero today under aealed orders. It is thought prolmhlo that alio ia going to Amoy. Canton ia quiet. CHINESE ROYALISTS STILL FLEEING llr Aaaoclalnl rrraa In the Jouraal London, Aug. I'll A dispatch from Shanghai aaya the Chiucso olllcials there have informed tho foreign consuls that tho Kmpcror, tho dowager Kinprcsa and I'rinco Tuan have arrived in tho neigh borhood of Tai Yuan Fu. Tai Y'nnn ia LM0 milea Bouthwcat of I'olcin. ALLIES TAKE THE DISTRICT WEST Hr Aaaoclalrd l'rr la Ik JnaraaL London, Aug.'JS, 3:50 A. M. "Tho al lies, resuming aggrotsivo operations, Imvo taken tho district west of 1'ekln.1' This statement based on Chinese authority, ia cabled from Shanghai. Fiom tho same place cornea tho fur titer statement that Li Hung Chang haa wired tho KniproBs Dowager at Slnan Fu reiue8tiug the arrest of l'riuco Tuan and the disarmament of tho Huxora in order to give him an opening for negotiations with tho powers. Tho illuminations projected at Shang hai in celobratloif of tho relief of Pekin havo been abandoned, lest they al ould causo a native outbreak. OA9TOIIXA. Bn th. ? II MA "w Haw Wa', Bleht BOTANICAL X WONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without he use o knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the irreat botanical specialist heals some patient wno nas sunereu ior years from awful disease and the more awful effects of rank medical humbuirs. Dr. Cook declines to publish further test imonials oui oi regard ior iu rvitients. but will trladlv refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed. Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street, Sa'em Oregon. -BRITISH CRUISER GOES THERE RUA10R0FA CHINESE VICTORY Or I'rraa la lh Jaorul 1'aiiih, Aug. '.'3, I:'.'.') a. in. A special dispatch to tho Sieclo from St. Peters burg says: "It ia persistently rumored in St. Petersburg that tho Russian Govern ment has received a dispatch asserting that after a llorco battle iusido Pekin, tho allies rctroitcd, losing 1800 men mostly Russians. It Is f irther aald that tho Chinese occupy -10 fortified positions from which they aro bombarding tho allies in a murderous mantle.-." THE STORY IS NOT "" CONFIRMED Mr Aaaurlalral I'raaa la laa JuaraaJ. Wahiiinuion, Aug. 1!H No coullrma tion cornea from uny (juartor of tho re port from Itusaian sources that tho Chin ese recaptured Pekin and thu war de partment olllcials diecrodlta tho atory. No Slcic Dtttery Will It Heeded. Tho following haa been received from Chaffee: "Taku (No dat). Slego battery will not bo needed." Tlila ia in rejily to an Inquiry sent to Chaffee relative to a aiego battery which was Uikon from Manila to Nagasaki to bo sent to China if needed. Veunia, commander of tho Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Maria Thoresa in a dis patch from Clio Foo not dated reports thu Hussian and Japanese troopa ad vancing northward from Puklu. Our Losses At TIcnTsla. "Casualty list of tho light outside of Tien Tain August 10 is as follows : Wounded, troop A, Trumpeter Fred Corrigau, and privates Hal K, and Sam uel Hartsilold, anil John Vanaicklo. Troop O, Trumpeter, I'd ward K. Lyon. Troop I), McCallistor. Our Catles Were Tampered Witrt. Tho Cabinut today devoted moit of its session to considering tho dilllcultiea ex lerieucod lu communicating with Gen eral Chaffeo and other American com manders. Evidence was found in late dispatches from them that some person or persona liavo been purposely delaying messages from Pekin and Tien Tslu to Washing ton, It was determined to reopen di roct communication by means of a war vessel. Kitlier tho Now Orleans or tho Prince ton will bo sent to Clio Foo, where the military cables system la-gins fren from Chinese Interferences. Conslderlnt LI Hunt Chant's Paters. Thodllllculty of LI (lung Chang's ere- dentlala aa pleuipotiary to conclude a settlement wit'i the powcrf, on Indian of China, is now tho subject for active tele graphic negotiations among tho (towers. Some of the iiowora have taken tho gioutid that Li no lohger represents anything fungible but none of them, as tar as learned, upon Inquiry hero, finally decided this important question beyond tho recall of tho attitude of the United StateB ia that Hurl Li'u cmlenalals ap ear authentic. FIVE AAiERICAN LADIES ARRIVE llr Aaauclaled I'reaa la tba Jouraal Tibx This, Aug. 26. Fifty Americans, including Misses Condlt, Smith, Wood wurdand I'alno, havo arrived hero from Pekin, which city they left five days so. LITTLE TELECHAMS. Kmiwor William's (ecent nurmon will be dUtrllmtwl among tho German sailors and soldiers in China. llreel, thu awasniu of King llilinlwrt, attemptod to oominit suloide. The dUtrkt wit of Pekin was taken by tlio allied forces. (ieneral Lung Wu ladoolaroil to bo the rwal author of thu anti-foreign outbreak. Tlio Hunlow uprising wan started by followers of Kang Vu Wol, thu reform er. Senator Carter will accompany Hiiomi volt on his Wootern trip. Towuoopenel tlio Minnesota cam (talgh in a sieecjh In Duluth. Piuslmmonaaiinoiinceahls retlrenieot from the ring. Tho Naval Veterans' parado was tho featuro of tho eeconddayof tho U. A. H, Encampment. llrynu willnot attend thooncampmont. rrt...tlfn .K A a. .111.. .1... n.n all.n... . married to K. W. Crcllin, an Oakland millionaire. Itev. Dr. It. II. Pullman, of C Icaeo died at Camp Koyal, Tiiousand Isles. Work on Tho Dalles portago road closed for want of funds. Company being organized to com pi o to tho eamo. Oregon Personals. William Perclval. of Iudeneudenco. drove in 800 sheep from KaBtorn Oregon and sold all beforo reaching Corvallls. K. C. TImrBton. of I.akoviow threshed as high aa '.'300 bushels of grain Friday. Hop nicking began on tho Ilemy 11111 place Monday near Independence at -10 conts per box. Charley Johnson was qui to seriously hurt from blasting in tlio Haker City waterworks reaorvolr. Dr. W. V. Pruden of Sprlngator, Clackatmia county fell from Ida iiay loft and broko three riba. Keamea llros,, Gold Hill, wero so unfortunate as to loto f337 of postollico money and 1500 of their own by burglars Sunday. William Ledgcrwood, a pioneor of Douglas County, died at Myrtle Creek Friday, after a long Illness. Mrs. Asenoth Atkins, aged 70 ycrrs, was found dead In her bed Saturday morning, at tho homo of her daughter, Mra. Oliver Stump, in Dallas, By reason of increased business tho postollico atTillamook haa been advanced from fourth to third class, and thu salary of tho postmaster fixed at $1000. W. 15. Oonaca, a votern morchant of Lebanon, haa retired from business. Harry Morgan, of Pendleton, has quit railroading and begun to study den tistry. lirtltiBon ArmltaL'o. of Mvrtlo Creek accidently shot hlmsolf In tho breast wltli a J'2 calibre rlllo while hunting. Friday. Ilia condition ia eorious. Ifnnan llninlItiB ef I nbiuilniif Ima lumn grantetl n patent for n holder for Hat irons. OME FOR BILLY DRYAN. "Grandpa" Woodson Talks Spiritedly About Conditions In the Waldo Hills. A bnor Woodson, who lira resided for many years in thu Wnldo Hills, near Salem, hut who, during pioneer times, became familiar with almoit every sec tion of tho state, la visiting friends in Portland. Although 78 yeara old, "Grandpa" Woodson is halo and hearty, and steps almost aa lightly aa when many yeara ago ho clambered over tho hills in aoarcli of voiiIboii steak or in pursuit of the painted redskin who had stolen hia cow or attempted to kill hia sheep. wo nro nu nnppy anil prosperous un our way," said Mr. Woodson to n Tolo gram reporter. "Wo havo plumy of potatoes and fruit, an nbundancuofhops and oats, and our peas and buckwheat can't bo beaten. Our cowa nro justly proud of tho quality of butter wo sell, and our hens cackle their delight over tho profit wo mako on their eggs. Wo Imvo not a earn to worry us, and nuver entertain n tiiougnt oi tlio blue. "Tliis you will call 'McKlnloy prosper ity,' I suppose; but it will continue to lie just tho samo, only moro of it. when llryan shall bo elected this Fall or, if not this year, some other. "McKinley's war record ns President comports well with Ida war record when n soldier; both nro good. Hut a lot ol us up in tho hills nro curious to seu what kind of a President Hilly llrynu will make. Therefore, wo Intend to el ect him for our township, anyway." Grandpa Woodson used to toll a good many of his neighbors how to vote, but he has beuun to feel that it ia about timo for him to throw off "responsi bilities of slate" and devote to rest tho remainder of u very busy and most oV' eutful life. Recovered Ills Wheel. O, II. UpdorpraphliaB recovered his wheel which was taken Saturday even ing from a bicycle rack where ho had lieeu accustomed to leave it. Trace of tho missing wheel was discovered near Orogon City, Sunday, nt an early hour, and the guilty party evidently fearing detection returned thu missing bicycle at an early hour this morning. A threshing machine farm hand ia sus pect od of tho theft. Itev. and Mri. O. G, IoMafttors nml baby, of Turner, with Miss Kssio Rob ertson, of Independence, worn visiting with Itev. and Situ. J, J. Kvuns, Moil day. wiTi,ipAW2sR21..?ill.OM.,l A, WIT AND WISDOM FROM THE Y PATCIIWOHK OF REFLECTION T6 you Have Done f Watch This Space for Special Sale Announcements. THE PARTIES MAY SPLIT Oyer Fusion in the Evergreen State GOVERNOR ROGERS NOT ENDORSED Washtncton Populists May Put Up a rull Ticket ..Democrats and Silver Republicans May Do the Same Or Aaarlal4 I'rraa ta ! JoaraiU. Skatti.k, Wn., Aug, 2,1. Tho assem bling of thrconnti-ltcpubllcau Btato con ventions this morning saw thu passing of Governor ltogors' chances of ro-noml-nation. It seems certain that Voorliees, of Spokane, will get tho nomination. All three conventions Imvo appointed conference committees. Tho Popullstn will Insist that tho nnmo of tho People's party shall go at the head of tho atnto ticket when fusion occurs. Tho Demo crats may consent lo run under Popu- listio colors, though many expressions of adverse opinion nro heard. In case tho Domocrrtto rofuso thoro will undoubted ly boa split, tho Populists putting np a full Btato ticket and tho Democrats and Silver men ltiBing and doing (likewise SAN FRANCISCO'S GOOD GROWTH llr ' octntrrt I'rraa la th Journal. W.8iiiNoTON,Aug. 'J7 Tlio population of San Francisco, according to tho ofllc lal count oi tho lL'th census, ia 342,782, nml increasoof 11,01 per cent. POPULATION OF THE AAERICAN ATHENS llr Aaurlnlc4 I'rraa la Jnnraal. Wahiiinoton, Aug, 28. Tho popula tion of Huston, ns announced by the Census llurcau, is Gi'.O.Kil'J, an increase of 25.07 percent. BALTIMORE'S - POPULATION Or Aaaorlalra I'rraa la 4h Jnnraal Wabiiinoion, Aug. 27. Population of Haltlmnro ia ri08,l)r7, Increase of 17.15 percent In Ccletratlon Of first Settler. P.iiWAiinHViM.K, III., Aug. 28. A cele bration lu honor of tho ono hundredth anniversary of tho arrival of tho first settlor In Mudison county, Illlntos, Iti being hold hero today. Thu city ia crowd ed with visltora from nil over tlio State. Among tho features will bo n reproduc tion of n typical Indian village, and a grand featuro parade, In which the (list sottlor, James Gillhnin, will bo shown nt work erecting his cabin In the wlldorness. ' The national rratcrnal Coniress. HoaroK, Mass., Aug, 28. The four tenth annual session of tho National Fraternal Congress convened hero to-dny. Tho initial meeting was called to order this morning at tho Hotel Vundome. Some 1,200 delegates are present. Whipped the Boers as Usual. Loiiunxo Maiujoi:, Aug. 28. Heavy fighting is reported at Mnchndodorp. Tint lloern nro said to have been defented with great loss, leaving their guns and Ammunition lu tho hands of thu ltrUlsh. Hospital Matron Rcslcns. Govoruor Geer today received tho recognition of Miss Myrn K. Murphy u resident of Liberty and n sister of Lieut Chas. Murphy, of Salem, ns matron of thu hospital at tho Oregon Soldiers' Home at Itoseburg. Commandant Win. J, Shipley has nominated Miss Kminti Keritt, of Port land, n young lady aged ,'i and n graduate of tho Woman's Hoplthl of Pennsylvania. Tho goernor has con firmed thu appointment to take effect Sept. 1st. Tandems are all rlfht In IHIIUIIIIl HIV Mil Hflli Ml l'M ' take the place of a hammock tullt for two. Tim K HAD made prorations IIIIIU III III HI on thu time ary I, 11KJ1. t.l I'l t-l.rwitlt.a 111- lull IIIIIU lt MVUI1U Ulll on thu time aa our new n.51 nri Wo will I offer I III I I I I IIP II mo no not want to tauo witu us, mi nnvu uunu vflltll 1 11V1I through our enllro stouk and inurkwl all of tneao K iiiiw'iy,!! viiiiiu pi'un Hitu goods in Itod Figures so they will ho easily distinguished Red Figures Acan a Great Deal at Our Store-They Atean Dollars In Your Pocket. Iteeauso wo apply the rod pencil only whim big and imrmnnout reductions aro J Our cellar, our IkiIooiiv and our store rooms uro crowded with merchandise u which vso Intend to will beforo o move, so Its to our Interest to mako Our Store the Great Bargain This Fall. Our Fall Arrivals Aro oxtenalvo and exclusive. We Aim to Make Wu know Our qualities and prices advortlfo us follow us to our new store, Qoiefm -MiYllBiilli l"Ja,t3 THEIR LAST PARADE Alarching Yetcrans of Grand Aamy. the ESTIMATED 35,000 WERE PRESENT While They Were Escorted Dy Uncounted Multitudes In the Great City Dy the Lakes llr Aaanclateal lraa la tha Joaraai. Chicago, Aug. 28. Along tho streets ailed with cheering multitudes, 35,000 of thu llfo gunrd of tho nation, tho Grand Army of tlio llopublle, ninrchcd today. It was thoir grcatost parado sinco tho dny in 18(15 when with ranks fresh from tho triumphs of war, they marched down Pennsylvania Avcnuo in Washing ton. It was probably tho last of tho gront parades upon which tho mombera of tho Grand Army will march on earth. Tho average ago of tho votorona ia closo upon thu average span of human llfo. LOOKS SUSPICIOUS. Two Men Camht Fooling Wild an Adandoned Woodsaw Last Mint. Dick Kitrta and ono Cutler, who havo been running n woodsaw in tho city, weio discovered by Night Officer Smith nbout 1 :4G o'clock this morning monkey ing around tho old woodsaw which haa been silting In Commorclal street Just south of tho big bridge ovor south Mill crcok. When tho oflicor approached, Cutler melted away Into tho night, but Kurts stood his ground and was placed under arrest. On tho way to tho city hall, just aa thoy passed tho Now York Kacket Store corner, Kurts throw soino small article into tho street, and this has not been found. When ho was searched at tho city hall, nothing of nu Incriminating nature was found on him. Tlio ciibo looks very suspicious, but positive Qvidruca of any criminal act sceuiH to bu lacking. Tho woodsaw haa been sitting in tho street for a year or two, oxosod to tho elements and to any depredations which any one cares to commit. It ia under stood to ho in charge of It. It. Ilyan, who la nt present nt Nowjiort. BARN AND HORSES BURNED IN IDAHO Clr Aaauclatf la tka Joaraai. Hi.ackkoot, Idaho, Aug. 28. Firo tlila morning destroyed tho livery stable of Dolph Johnson, am) about half a block of buildings. Twenty-four horses in tho atnhlca perished lu the llamori. DIED. IIOUN At tho farm homo 1 mllo north east of tlio asylum, Tuesday, Aug. 28, Waltor, son of Air. and Mrs. Christ Horn, aged II months, of brain fovor. Tho family has been In Marlon coun ty less tuan year. Tlio funeral will take place from tho residence nt 8 ::!0 a.m. Wed nesday, Itev. Muelhaupt olllclatlng, and thu burial will bo In tho I-oo Mission cemetery. V We Have a hew Line v Of Gum Just In TRY IT.... SWEET HEART, INITIAL RING, KlbS ME, IIEEMAN PEPSIN. CALII OMNIA FRUIT. bTICK PIN. U00UET. FANCY FRUIT. RED ROSE, nt ELLIS & ZINN'S 154 State Street. Phone 2874, their place tut theycan never J to movo Into our now quartern In 4 (mill. lkllt Ull Itlltflt IliUtll A llill ItlaTll II I lll affB HIIW 11V . tnva im 1'J'" " " " home will not lm ready until Janu- i i oxtremo values in many lines that J i Store no competition In tlila respect t in sui'li a way our customers will all 2 i I C i ? .0tmAQ OLD PO TOFF1CB ailOCKRY