The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 27, 1900, Image 3

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Tho Latast
Discovery on the principle,
"Destroy tho cause, you
remove tlip effect."
llcrplcido kills tho
5crms thnt causo unn
niffbydlggmguptho Bcalp 03 they burrow
their pestiferous way to
the hair root,Whrro they
finally destroy mo nair.
Without dandruff vour
hair will grow luxuri
antly. I Ncwbro's
stops dandruff and fall
ing hair, and starts hair
growing within 10 days,
no bottlo will convinco
you of this.
Por Sale, at all Plnt-Claae
Drugstores. rr
O. C. T. Go's
"tHllrerccnt Bimdr nt7 o, m.
Dock botween Htato ntul Oonrt'Hta.
f ' M. V. HALOAlN, Agent,
New Patterns
Arrived of Knglish Scml-Porco-lairiJTplaln
white ami decorated.
Wpleco Dinner Set
aamFun. AnV of our eleven dec-
..OaWatcd nnd eoven plain whlto
-v?5npatteriis aro Hold by the piece nr
' sets; nnd you enn nuiku up your
. own set. English wnro will not
All aorta of glasswnro In stock.
Prosscd crystal class berry sot.
An 8 inch bowl, 30c nnd up.
Thin blown glueaoa per dozen
GO conts, Iluvo you seen tho
announcement of hist week?
Bpeclnl inducomenta stand until
further notice
Yokohama Tea Store
Phono 2411.
Free Delivery.
4 ,V4aOCIAL news
Mnfijinry Pnyton irf
at. Turner.
visiting friends
Mrifiinu Mrs. T. II. Wilson hnvo gone
to 'AlbanjMJn a visit.
Proband Mrs. Clayton Went, lmvo
roturnodlfrom Wllholt.
i .
MlsaGertrudo Hubbard of Portland
is In tho city visiting friends.
Uncle Hilly Miller nnd brido went to
Albany' yesterday on n visit.
Miss Anna Thomas, of Stay ton,
the city stopping nt tho Cottago.
ia in
Mlsa Edith Patton went to Portlnnd
this morning on a visit with friends.
Mrs. AtN. Gilbert and daughter,
Agnos, returned ycatordny from Soasldo
Mrst NfsD. Hart nnd daughter
have roturned from an outing at
MIssiAIIca Hommenwny, ono of the
asylum force has gono to Kugeno on her
TheMfsses Altaand Kva Savaue have
returned from a week's visit to friends
In Brownevfllo.
- T j '
MtsajMamlo Crawford has returned to
her homjBjIn Corvnlllfl after a fow days
visit In the city.
Fmlcrlck Iickley Sr of Highland nd
dttionwho sufforetl b stroke of paralysia
ia able to be out fcgaln.
MUsea Susan and Sarah Iteoyes, of
L09 Angeles, are In the city visiting at
.thefeomoof Mr. and Mrs O.O. Heovee.
iMitr Florence Matthows, of Iis An
Ra In the city tho guest of her als-
HtSclWra. W. D. Matthews of Depot Ad
EfUe Williainsjn, of Hoseburg,
gj1unday (1 the city, vUIting her
lajwr.Mra Holcomb, of South Com
mMt I'reet.
V5- Ilo"e,, of San Francisco for
BMHiWears CapUIn for the 0. It. A N.
OBjgjSrtiere for a hort visit with H. II.
TbUhoa, went to Portland this morning
wcom panted by the latter.
'jrer Infants and Children.
1UJM You Have Always Bought
Bars the
Rov. nnd Mra. Knntnor nnd family,
Mrs. Bnmucl Adolph, Mrs. Isndoro
Grconbaum, Mr. nnd Mra. Wlllnlm
Cook, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cans and family,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Finloy Ferrine nnd fnmlly
Homor Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. I.unii
hnvo returned from Newport.
Mrs. G. W. Hnndsaker is In tho city
visiting Mrs. Scott Rlggs. Sho is on
her wny from Portlnn 1 to Eugene, whero
Mr. llitudsakoris going into business.
V. A. Manning nnd Wllllnm Morris
leu, una morning lor stnuiorit uimvr
ally Cnlifornla whero they will resunio
their etudies.
Mrs. M, J. Magors nnd daughter,
Minnie, n'ro visiting Dr. nnd Mrs.
Kitchen, at Slnytou.
Mrs. J. llegun of Lnfuyetto spent Sun
lay ut tho homo of Mrs. A. II. Swnino
uf South Pnlum.
Mrs 0. II. Poothby,
vlaltlng Mm. W.-
of Washington,
II. Shields, nt
Mlsa Katie Stntibcr lina gone to
Crn for n two weoka visit with hor
Dr. John Mcl'heo, of New York is In
ho city tho guest of Dr. A. A. Jessup.
Mlsa Martin, of Portlnnd, is visiting
irB. Ilnllie Tliomna, nt Turner.
Judge II.
P. Boiso ia homo from tho
7. V. Moody went to Portlnnd
Ll. M. Payno was InJ.yons, I.lnn coun-
Saturday on business.
Mr. Northctttt. of Salem, wholina been
Jthu Southern Oregon nilnea for some
bo passed through Albany this fore
nn on Ina way homo. Ho sold his
plea to Peter Ulloy nnd finished his
Jrnoy by tho S. P. Albany Democrat.
iko n pleasant herb drink, tho next
.mini' I feel hrlidit nnd niv rntn.
pdon ia bettor. My doctor Buys it
li gently on tlio atomnch, liver nnd
uieya, nun ia n picnsntu laxntivo. it
........ w v. ........, ...... .u ,' v,'.. Ll. ..a
Milium nf liurlia nml la nmnfir.iil na
ply na ten. It ia culled I.nno'a Modi
u . jiii iiriiKgisia pen u lit .ue. nun ou
B Lane's Family Medicine moves tho
t)ela each day. If you cannot get it,
il for free wimple. Addrcf-H, Orntor
e ood ward, J.oKoy, N. Y.
Where To rind It.
! fon'a Shnving Parlors carry n stock
cwbro'a Hcrnicido, tho new and in
itio euro for dandruff am! fulling hair,
irtieed in nuotlier column of this
Itr. H II lm
nallnc Wire.
ptchell, I.uwia & Stavor Co's. branch
bo headquarters for bnltng wlru this
Oregon Short Line Railroad,
ou nro thinking of nil eastern trio.
til pay you to write nnd tret llimrus
nattier Information rcunrdinc service.
t'tC'rom tho ticket olllco, Oregon Short
lintnllroad, 1 12 Third street, Portland,
t. N.u:i., W. E Comas,
'. P. A. .125 lw Ci. A.
Peace Declared
v ilnvntn nil vnnr tlmn
iuoor war anu
TW-. . - .......
tho Gold Fields oi
iviiaf llioro nro other mutters o
vltmportauco; you may umkontrip
KH nnd will wnnt to know how to
tra. In order to lmvo tho bestser
viciso tho Wisconsin Central Icy.,
baton St. Paul nnd Chicago. Foi
nUnd other information, wr to JnB.
ASfck. General Auont, Portland, Orr
Dlader Twlae
Mitchell. Lewis A Stnver
bmi, at lOcents pur pound.
urlallmcnt In Textile Production.
Bcli., Mats., Aug. 27. Tho Tre
mqrnd Suffolk mills closwl their doora
tbtjtrnlng until September 1. This
actlfwna mdo necessary by n genor
nl deasion in thu textllo trado of
Nowigland. White It Is given out
thajjo shutdown waH ordered to make
wajr- needed ropalra. Tlio weavers of
Miurhueetts mill hnvo been laid off
forfiu time and It is anticipated n
geiiQ)rder for curtailment of produc-
tiorjjui Now Knglan mills will shortly (
bo giulgated.
Bood Poison
Tt is no poison so highly contagious,
o dv.ive and so destructive. Don't he
tooyou are cured because nil external
"Iguithe disease have disappearcj, and
thejor says you are well. Many per.
sonl.e been dosed with Mercury and
Potifor months or years, and pro
noun cured to realize when too late
that) disease was only covered up
riil,.- in,, driven from the
Umogots Uka. 8urfaceto break
out Si, and to their sorrow and mortifl
catiijnd those nearest and dearest to
thetave been infected by this loath
somfrease, for no other poison is to
6ureiansmitted from parent to child
as molten a ban case 01 uueumausm,
CataiScrofula or severe skin disease,
an cine or ulcer developing in middle
life, B be traced to blood poison con-
!naeIr, Sln of tho Pont.
life, ft remains smoldering In the sys
tem ber, unless properly treaieu anu
drivikt in the beginning, S. S. S. is
intldote for this peculiar virus,
remedy known that can over-
a drive U out 01 me uioou, anu
i so tnorougniy ana eiiecuiaiiy
is never a return of the disease
or humiliate you atterwams.
cures contagious uiooo. 1
Poison in any and all
stages; contains no
mineral to break down '
vour constitutien: it is
table and the only blood puri-
that cleanses tne biooa anu
at th
e time duuos up iue gcucra4
Ourle book on contagious blood
poUor)e most complete and instruc
tive evened: it not only tells all
about Irduvease, but also how to cure
youiMihome. It u tree ana tnoiuu
be in
the oil
that U
No GripGP P$sa
Or discomfort, no Irritation of tho In-tcstlnes-but
gentle, prompt, thorough
hcalthrul cleansing, when jou lake
Hood's PSSBs
Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
Tlior ClinnKcd.
t n dinner party tho other dny n
well known nnd deservedly popular
! ilrnmntlst took it lndy down to dinner,
neither knowing who tho other wns.
As n subject tho thentcr was-Btnrtcd,
na It is so often under similar circum
stances. "I enn't think why they lmvo reviv
ed tlmt piece nt the King's," tho lndy
snld. "I never liked It, nnd It's so
'worn thnt I should lmvo done better
limn thnt?"
I "Yes," tho ilrnmntlst replied, "per
Imps so. It wns one of my first pieces,
however, nnd I hnd not had niuch ex
perience when I wroto It. Let's chnt&o
the subject."
The lady wns quite rendy to do so
nnd wished, no doubt, thnt sho hnd
known who her neighbor wns. Ho
presently said:
I "Are you Interested In tho Fenton
case?" spcnklng of n cnuso celcbro
thnt wns In progress.
"Yes. I've rend nil tho evidence,"
wns the reply.
"Ho'U lose It, of course," tho ilrnmn
tlst went on. "Ho never could hnvo
hnd the fnlntcst chnnco from tho first.
It's n mnrvel to mo how nny lnwycr
could lmvo been Idiot enough to nliow
such n enso to go Into court!"
"Well," answered tho lndy qulotiy,
"my husband wns tho Idiot. Lot's
chnngo tho subject."
How He Icnlt With Cownrdn.
In nppenrnnco Osinnn Pnshn, tho
lion of Plovnn, wns hnudsomo nnd pre
possessing, looking n born lender of
men. Like Napoleon, ho wns nlwnys
distinguished by tho plnlnncss of bis
uniform. Ho hnd n auecr hnblt of nl
wnys, even In battle, cnrrylng n pen
cil behind his ear, butt end foremost.
Ho wns tnclturn, grnvc, nbrupt nnd
illsdnlnful of forms nnd etiquette. Ho
hnted all foreigners, especially Ger
mans, Itusslnns nnd Hngllsh. As for
wnr correspondents, ho entertained tho
utmost detestation of them, whenco
tho deeds of his nnny wcro never
chronicled ns they should hnvo been.
Ho hnd n strnugo method of dcnllng
with cownrds. Ho would send for
them nnd publicly box their enrs.
When really nngry, his rngo wns terri
After tho sortie nnd tho surrender ho
wns seen to bo weeping tenrs of rngo
nnd shnme. Ho wns, It mny be, n
llttlo touched by tho Cznr Alexnnder
II, who came up to him nnd said:
"I congratulate you on your superb
defense. It Is ono of tho llncst fonts
of military history."
And that Is tho Judgment of posteri
ty. Pittsburg Dispatch.
I.iirualn (inuil (11 Hnt.
All nntlvo African rucea cut locusts.
With mnuy It tnkea, nnd has to take,
tho plnee of tho Itrltlah vorkmnu'D
beet mid mutton. In n gooi$nnny vtl
lngcs sun dried locuHtx nro nn nrtlclo of
commerce. The Sudnneso nro pnrtlcu
lnrly fond of them.
lleforo they nro entcn they nro tonRt
cl. 'The wings nnd legs hnvlng llrst
been torn off, tho long, soft body nnd
tho crisp hcnil form tho dellcncy.
I determined not to let my tturopenn
prejudices Inlluenco mo, hut to give
tho dish of grilled locusts n fair trlnl.
I thought how John tho Ilnptlst hnd
enjoyed them plus wild honey.
Tho ono I wns eating was rather
nice. I ngreed with my Arnb servant
thnt, should tho meat aupply fnll short,
n dish of locustH would bo n very good
Hy tho time I wns cntlng tlio sec
ond locust It Rcemod to mo nhsurd
why ono should hnvo n sort of lurking
pity ror joiui the imptlst'o dally menu
unless It bo for Ita monotony, nnd I
felt convinced thnt I should get tired
of honey sooner thnn I should of lo
custs. Current Literature.
The Miiiii or Hip Yukon Illvr.
"There In Roinethlng peculiar nliout
tho Yukon river thnt I hnve never
heard of In connection with nny oilier
Hti'cnm." snlil Cnptnlii Gray, who Iiiik
been riinuliig hoiitH 011 tho hi'; .Miisku
nrtery. "From the mouth of the V11I.011
up us far iih there In any iinvlgnble
water the stream In coiiHtiiutly Hing
ing. No matter where you me, theie
Ih n sound like thnt uinile by twiiplug
htt'iim. At (Imt I uwd to think Hint
innyhe It enme from the boiler or en
glnoB. Hut when we were tied up ut
night, with everything cold, the rtoimd
wiih the Kiime. I hiie puzzled my
brnlu to Unit tin explanation of tho
phenomenon, hut without avail. Thu
singing goes 011 ilny nnd night.
"When you get up stream some dis
tance, you can nUo hear tho rocks
rolling ovor tho bed of tho river, und
this produces a most peculiar sound."
Portland Telegram.
$100 Howard. $100,
Tho readers of tills paper will bu
pleased to learn that thero ia at least
one dreaded disease that ncieuco has
been aliln to cure in all ita stages and
that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive euro now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous eurfacea of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the dibeaso, and giving the
patient strength by building up tho
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors lmvo so
much faith In Its curative poho, that
they offer ono Hundred Dollars for any
chni that It tails to euro. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Chk.vkv A Co., Toledo, O.
hold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Bmii ti 9 lMl WW f
Ib Kuu Km Hirt AlMrt BfM
for acceptable Idea.
Stato If patented.
Balt'jnpre, Ml
1 -- Vlti fr UUlUtfifiaJ
(f'Ull U r UtaVIfavtluU
f U-U mDi tawbrabM.
I-aiul--.. ab'l but 'trib
(UlU Cli rA l "r W-""'
4Vhi ' YB
. ..! KBUI B.
TSVtMHat' ".J,rH
r maI 4ai-a rr,
1 I'D r A U lit, tin,
ir ulr mm a ' f-
Poiitland, Aug. 27. Wheat vmloy 61
f5, Wnlln Wnlln, 51.
Flour Portlnnd, best grades $3.00 0
$3.10. Grnlinm 2 60 $3.00 per bbl.
Oats Cholco Whlto 303"c, grey 34
& 36n per bushel,
Millstuff Urnn, $12.60; shorts, $13. 5
Hny Timothy $8010 ier ton.
Onions 1.25 for roil 1.35 for Silver
eklns. Potatoes 15 lo 50c per Bnck.
Butter Best dairy, 25030: fancy
creamery, -15 to 50c. Storo 25c. 30.
Eggs Oregon, 17 c.
Poultry Chickens. $4.00 to 4.60; hens,
$4 to 5.00; turkoya. iivo 12c.
Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7jc per pound.
Hogs Hcnvy dressed 6 to Oc.
Uecf Steers. Mffl.tHK)! cows.3.50 4:
dressed beef, 6)4 to 7?4C
veai uresseu, U Q$ Uc. lor small.
nops yfjjsc.
Wool Vnlloy, 1213o; Enstorn Ore
gon, 1013c; Mohair, 25.
Hides Green, salted CO lbs, 800c;
under 00 Iba, 7J608K ', shoop pelts, 150
Wheat 53 pounds nnd over, 40
Wool, 13 to Itic. Mohair, 26c.
Hops 5 to 7Jc
Onta 33 to35c.
Hay Paled, cheat, $7 ; timothy, flO.
F:ggs 15017c.
Flour In wholeenlo lots, $2.60; retail
Millstuffa Urnn, $13; aborts, $14)4.
Hogs Dressed, 4J4C.
LIvo cattlo Steers, 3f cowe, 2)i to
Shee $303.50.
Dressed Veal 7 cents.
Buttor Dairy, 15020c; creamory,25c.
Poultry iat hens per lb.,7; spring
chlckena per lb., 7c. x
rotatocs now, auc per nusnei.
Apjilca 25c.
"The Proof or the Puddlailsln the Eallnr."
And tho bcstmlvortisomont tho North
ern Pacific Ilnllwny has ia in ita elegant
transcontinental train, two of which run
daily between Portlnnd and St. Paul
without chnngo, ono of them being tho
famous "North Coast Ltmltod," on
which all classes of passengers nro carri
ed without extrn chnrge. This train
lenvea Portland daily nt 2 p. in. For n
'North Coast LimlteiP'leiillot describing
name or any information apply to any
Northern Paclllc auent or write A. D.
Clinrlton, A. G. P. A., 255 Morrison
street, corner Third, Portland. 8-22-5-t
New Route to the Cast,
New equipment, solid trains, wldo vosti
bulcs. For particulars call on or nddiusa
I!. II. Tiiumiiui.!.. Com'l Au't.
8 0tf
142 Third et., Portland Oro
Old Post Olllco Saloon opposito tho
hotel Willamette handles tho famous
Albany beer. Albany beer ia free from
poisonous ingredieuts. T. Nelson, Prop.
8 21-lm
Elks Carnival.
Account Grand Cnrnlvnl of tho Denny.
olent Protective Order of ICIk, to bu
held nt Portland September 1th to 15th
inclusive, tickets will bo sold nt re
duced rnti'H from nil stations on Oregon
lines to Portlnnd nnd return. These
ticket! will bu ou snlo September :ird
Itli.Ulli, 10th unit lllth, nnd limited to
three dnya nfter dnto of sale.
For further particulars, cull on or nd
dress Southern Pacific nguut nt Salem,
W. W. Skinner. 8.8-lm
id 3ES2?!ira"a:ss'x,
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keono, of
White Corner, Salem Or. Pnrtiea desir
ing 8iierior operations nt molornto fees
in nny brnnch tiro in especial request.
Phono 1071.)
S, C, STONE. M. ;
I'roprlotor of
Stone's Drug StoR
The "tors (two In number) are located at
No. 'iii and S33 Commercial ttrctt, and are
well tucked with a cotnpleto llnoot drug and
inedlcluta, toilet article, perduaorjr, liruilai
etc.. oU).. etc.
Hashad(omo23cari ezpcrlenco In the prac
tice ol medicine and now makvaao charuo for
rnnMillMInn, fiiamlnatlnn or prcrlllon.
SOUJjK jskos.
Piano Tuners and Repairer
For Salem and vluinltv leave orders at
Geo. Will's Music Store.
Toledo, Or J'ron.
Wm Clark of Circuit Court ; I 1 jan andhas
an up-to-daui atalract 01 al .)' 1 ilj In Lincoln
county. ll-17in
DFor water service UDply at ofllc
Hills payable monthly la advance.
Make alt complaints at tho olllc.
Express and Transfei
Meets all mall and passenger trains.
Baggage to all parte of the city. Prompt
Eorvice. Teleplionn No. 851.
1-. j. w. w.
rialtm Camp No. ll. UeeUortrr KrMT em.
PK.7SW. m A. O. 0. W- ball, Btat lor. tMx.
I. II. 1'runlr, 0 O, W. A. Moorei, cUlk
room IS, Moorea Llk
Court Hlwwool Kotol No. IV. Uonu Kilday
nlitbu In Turner Llock, John M, CbAM), O. H.
A L. Browo Hoor, 1117-lyr
Salem far ft.,
Is o ten ajain under new management
and re will supply you with the finest
'resh meats, lard etc put up In the
cleanest and best shape and promptly
delivered. Come and see us. Phone.
Main 2910.
Atgclablc PrepriMlionTorAs
slmllating HicFiHXlnndncgiila
lin lltcStoioachs and Dowels or
Promotes Digcsllon.CliecrPuh
Opium,ror)liinc norIiivcral.
Not 7aiic otic.
HmyAut Stttl'
Ulx.StiM '
Jhrnrrmml .
Ill CtiicrtaJrSxla
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsdrvi
tlon,SourStomacl,Dlnrrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness nnd Loss OF SuiKP.
FncSiinilo Si'gnnlurc or
new vomt.
nil I 1 1 U BM3? ' - V.1HS1 TTk
R M. (WADE d CO.
Something to Be Proud Of
la thu ownerahip of n Crosceiit. Clove
laud or Gondrou bicycle. It ia tlio acme
of perfection in bioyclo construction,
where lightnesa la not iKiicrith'odj for
strength and inechiiuicnl skill blend to
make n wheel that la unexcelled fot mil
ling qimlltlcH and reliability. Wu hnvo
aspleudid Htock to choaiu from. At f 51,
to t5t).
R. M. Wade &Co
We Like Your Dollar
In payment of laundry work left to our
care, but wu drive 11a well for your ap
probation. Oiirulm ia to wash ilothiw
clean. Iron shirts, collars and cuffs to
your liking two menu by that polNhod
or domestic finish,) and generally to af
ford you tho best siitlsfautlon at prlcua
comiueiiMirnto with good work, but
still cheap.
Salem StRam Laundry
Phone ill,
KM Lllmrty Streit.
"The Good Old Stuff"
That ourH out with a bead, that runa
down like oil nnd that heartmia the
drinker thereof U to he had toduy, to
morrow and always at J. P. Rogers'.
We know whore and what wu buy; you
know, if vou've ever tried it, what we
null. Usury wine, liquor and cordial
you can name, by the bottle or cat,
bch, tante, try, buy.
J. P' Rogers
218 an 222 O miiorclal
TMY he raalun ireUil.
- . A. 111 .sJ. aa
-w - - If
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
THC CCNTAUn company, new vonn CITY.
Attains perfection with tho use of tho
nl 110 llamo nil atoyo. Food articles ran
Ou !ojleil, broiled or roasted quickly nnd
easily, tho stovo lielng amokeloaa nnd
'Klorlcsa. Ordinnrv keroeenn can bo
ised nnd tho kitchen ia not mmlu nn
iven by hours oi unepsnry lira. Why
burn wood nnd suffer when thu oil stove
ia vmira for $8.50.
Hut no .inn need worryj'nlioul .r.itlJi
this lime o( tho year, If they 11111 . . I
dainty and dollclou Spring Ininli (- tin
apHttiili g and nourishing Sunn."
meal, , hnvo everything In choice
mentH, an I n'lihu delicacios o( thu sen
son in It tli ''iiili and Hinoked menU
thnt will 11. u most critlcin epicuio.
A Shower of Comfort c
In warm weather you can tnko uuy
time ymi feel disposed when your bath
room iaflttMl up in mixlern style, with
a gool tlmwir upparutus, iiorcelaln
lined tubs and good clotot. Do uay
with your autiiuatwl old tub nnd wnsli
Vtwl, and let us put you in Improved
Ninltnry tliimhiiig uorlhy of tho timer.
TiilHplione Nil. 3H71
Bears the i 1
Signature u
ft Jv In
ha Use
VA For Over
Thirty Years
Now today ndyortlaemonts four
linos or loss In this column Insorrod
tliroo tlmos for 2Bo., 6O0 a wook.
9I.OO par month. All ovor four linos
at same rato.
OitEAMEUY IliUTTER'-tf you aro
running atorca nt hop yarda remember
wo hnvo tho choicest creamery butter
for enlo In nny qunntity from two
pounds to n ton orders. Wo can fill
promptly nil order aont us cither by
freight, express, or cnllnt the creamery
225 Commerclnl Bt. Every pound we
sell gunrnnteed first clnsa creamery, at
mnrket quotations. Snlcm Croamery
Co. Pnlcm Oro, 8 20 tf
TO RENT A COO aero stock ranch near
Dnllston 1C0 acres in cultivation, bal
onco pasture, can lmvo grub oakwood
for the cutting. Tenant must havo
good team nnd tools. Por iinrticulnra
Inquire or cnll ou O. Mnfsh, OG High
street, Snlom, Oregon. 8-27-3t
WANTED A good, upright, hnrd
wood, stnndnrd tecond-hnnd piano.
Call on John M. Payno, 08 Court
Btreot, Salem, Or. 8 27 3t
LOST. A black fur shoulder cape.
Finder lcavo nt Joukiul ofllco for re
ward. 8-273t
221 Court Strcot. 8-25-0t
1'OR SALE Two Poland China sowa
with plga. Inguiro of P. M. Pohraon
ono mllo west of Reform School. 8 25 3
WANTED-G00 lbs dried sour chorrics.
Apply Abrnhnm Qlcsbrecht, Polk
Station, Oregon. 25-3t
WANTED. A good
h team
woigning auoiu ton
Must bu slshtlv nml cnrxl trnv.
I olors. F. A. Winn ns. 307 Com'l 8t.
WANTED A horeo and bnggy to uso
.for tho winter lor Its keep, by n ro
eponslblo party. Apply F.cnro Jour
nal ofllco. 8 25 Ot.
FOR SALE. A handsome now coin
modloua cottago of 8 rooma modorn
atylo pleaBnntly located 2 blocks
from tho Unlvor Ity, a bargain. Also
T.wo dwelling housea on Liberty St.,
for rent. Apply to John Moir, 21)0
Commercial Btreot, over tolophono
olllco. 8 21 tf
l'OU 8ALE Ono good top buggy nnd
ono good light hack, both vehicles in
tine order nnd n cheap bnrgaln.
I'ont.K . UiHiiofor P. J. Laiickn
8 2:i-tit
WANTED. A girl lo dogenornl houso
work in small family. Cnll at J. O.
Goodiilu's residence Cor Oak nnd 12th
streets. 8-22-tf
FOR 8ALE. Ton ncro tract with flrat
clues Improvement. Ono nnd a half
miles from atnto houso. Will sell at n
bargain, apply to J. W. Lyona on
Garden Road Salem Oregon.
8 21 lm
Ib thu plnco to get n nent clenn Bhnve
for only ten runts. 0ien Sundnys.
Wu nro tho working man's friond.
Morgan, Planter nnd Huntley Prbps.
FOR HAlVT5---?rim McCoy stngo nnd mull
line. Address box382, Snlem. Oregon.
I'OR RENT A neat ilvo-rooin cottngo
with biiLcmont. Good well wnter, Ap
ply A. SchrlelMir, 4LM High Street. 87t
I NET. Tho grenlost known health
protector nnd restorer. Call nnd In
vestigate. Mrs. J. A. Bellwood nnd
Mra T. II. Fnlrbauk, ngonta 38; Front
St., Snlem, Or. 8.10.1m
W A N TE I ) A good bird dog, English
suiter preferred. Money no object if
1 get thu right dog. Old Hill Audur
FOR SALE. Two Iron Safes, medium
i coinmnniioti iock, iirst-rinsa con
illtlon, can bu seen nt our ofllco.
H 8 tf. Good ale Lumber Co,
TAKEN UP, Grny liorte Owner can
Hnd Biiiuu I blocks north of tho North
Snlem rchool ou llttlo cur lino,
"7-tf It. A. Biii.itr.
1110011 cows, mi iresli or soon to 1ms
fresh, will sell nil together or other
wise. Inquire of F. W. Durhln,
nheriff'H olllco 8-0 tf
WANTED-0 or 8 tons of clenn tlrst-
tiasH out nay. tinlod. Walter Ixjw,
truck linrn or WtllnmutUi llotuh
nTTHE I'llHLiO-Wo havo on hand '
large stock of Eastern nnd home made
buggies which wo aro selling nt greatly
reduced prices In order to close them
out this season. Pleaaocnll nt 41 and
51 State street and examine them,
F0I1I0& llishon. tV'
IfTOSE" GIiEaNKIW Uouieiutwx
iiuii, niu uohii unti cuuupcsL carpot
puiior Ih tho houvy full paper Hold
at Tiik JomtNAr. nllicc.
A7i KN W W A NTKIl-rA to IM Iairy"taillruiaai
liyiiur Live Agouti, inonbr women, tclliur
imr lalot NoTolty, Champaign Watoriroil
Npcktlw, flowh vullrolr livw and patented.
jJAiioiiU dcllKlitoil, Halua unlimited What
j'jtlifrmlit jtkii can do. Tllnsta atiort. Wilta
lolay and receive excluilv Urrltoir.
(luaranteMl beat aellvr. . Addrou with at amp,
J. AM, AlainV Ca, Dept. 0., Sprlncltald
Don't Be Duped
Thuro luive l'ii pluuial thu iiuirke'
mivuiiiI uliiiip IIMlllllU nr im olauilutu Million
of " Wiilwlor' lllcllOMury." Tlioy uru IhjIok
oUurul unUtr vurUiua imimnut 11 low prleo
dry trHU ik-nlorii, urix-orH, nvonta, eta., un
In u low liutuiiuM iu u (iniinlnm forauUujrli
ttoiia In uierpi.
Auiiouiiuviiiviita of tliono coiamrutlvcly
reprlnta are wry iiiIkIcuiIIiiki for Inatnu.v,
llioy uru luhvrtlxul to Ikj tlio uttuiitlul
itiulvulont of a hlulwr-prlotxl UkiW, when In
tvullty, wi fur u wo know und bclluvu, they
uru ull, f rom A to Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,.
lHtotyi ooiik'M of 11 hook (if our Mflv
ytxirntiKo.whU'li In Ita Uuy wuaaohl fiirnUint
A-ULuud which wua ininli aiiHrlor In Hi'r.
print, uiul liliidliiir to thvMjIiullutloiui, twlim
Umjii u work of aoiuu 1111-rlt liutuid ot 11110
Long Since Obsolete.
'Ilio auiileiiivnt of 10,(111 ao-culleit "now
worcU," which aonioiftlujMx)kauiuKilvti
tW.l to uuiitaln, wiut coinpllixt by u irvutlO' '
man who dim! over forty (ra uo, und wim
puhlUlieU Ixiforu Ida death. Other lulm.r
uiklltlona uru pmhuhly of more or vu vnluo
J'lio Wcbatcr'a Uoabrlditd
i iv our Iioum) la thu 1
Dleiloair Dlllt.
our Iioum ia thu only nuirllorliiua
oiui of that iiuiiiu funillUr to thu irunorutloii,
It LOiituliia over 3JU imui. with illustru-
tiona on nc-urly overy pau. and lui our
Imprint 011 thu tltlu uku. It la protected liV
u.pyiiuht from clap liultatloa,
vuluutilo iu tbU work la, we .xaat
o'iiuiimi publUhul a thorouuhly ruvleeil
aiKxttwjr, known throughout tho world aa
Webster's International Dictionary.
Aa a dictionary luata a Utotluio you ahouk)
Get the Best.
lUtut rated uiruphkt frcu, AddruM
Q. A C URBBIAM CO SerlottUld. Maaa ,
ror acccpUbto Ma.
Stato ir patented.
8altlMerc, Md. J