I I a r ki ? tf it j A ' ,P ontfiiii'iiiini in ryitani Mu HMnYih inlaw iiiiKrii(iTimiiiMiuam MtattA MlMta BIRTH irelv avoided by wo use 01 liniment of priceless value to nil women. Sold by nil druggists nt one dollar per bottle. , , A booklet, giving nil details, will be ueiit free by flradficM Regulator Company, Atlanta,, Ca. 16 looked forward to with dictations of Joy nnd gladness. The ordeal of bringing the little one into tho world, however, is a critical one lot the mother-to-be, nnd her nnticipatiottst of the coming event arc shadowed with gloom. Hnlf the naln nnd all the danger of child-birth " MoTHKR'3 Frirnd," a scientific MOTHER'S FRIEND The Man Who Doubts! X JC In every community there is the man who doubts. He "don't believe" he can get a ready to wear suit that will fit him; he "don't believe" that we can save him money on cloth ing; he "don't believe" our advertisements; he "don't believe" anything or anybody, and yet the chances arejenjto one he goes out with one of our suits on his back. X ZC 3C X. W'U-- Because there is proof in our stock to convince Wily jie nl0S confirmed unbeliever. There's style here; there's beauty; there's care in make; there's artistic tail 'oring; there's proper finish; there's good material; there's a guarantee, and best of all, the prices are there, proving them selves in everv case below the fieures of other stores. 3 X Wc want the man who doubts to come in and see some of our novelties we are showing in suits. Reader if "thou art the man" come in and see what we have in store for you. X X G, W Johnson & Company. The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers. THE DAILY J0DR1M, DV HOFHR BROTHERS. MONDAY, AUG. 27, 1000. Dully Ono Yonr. 3.00 In Advnno o Dally Pour Months $1. In Advanoo Wookly Ono Yonr SI.OO In Advanoo ROOSEVELT VS. ROOSEVELT. In n speech delivered at Minneapolis July 17, Governor RoobovoU Bald: "A mora wickod absurdity thnn tho Kansas Oity proposition for dealing with tho Philippines was never onunclatoJby tho representatives of a political party." Iloro 1b what tho KansasOity platform says, " Wojaro not opposed to territorial expansion whon It takoa In dosirablo territory which can bo erected Into states in tho Union, and whoso poo. plo uro willing and lit to bocomo Amo rl can citizens. "Wo favor expansion by ovury po.co (ul .and lcgltimato moans. Hut wo are unalterably opposed to soUlng or pur chasing o( distant Islands to bo governed outside tho constitution, and whoso poo plo can never become citozens. In 1iIh volume entitled "I.ifo.Work of Thomas II. Ronton," on pago 235, Gov ornor Roosevelt declares those uobla Bon timonts: ''Not only tho Columbia, but also tho Rod ltivor of tho North, and tho Saskat. chowan and I'razor as woll, should lie wholly within our limits, loss for our own sako than for tho mon who dwell along their bankB.Columbla.Baskatchiiw an and Manitoba would, as states o( tho American Union, hold j08ittotid incom. parably moro Important, grander and moro dlgnllled than tlmy can over liopo to roach either as hide poudont comuultlcs or ns doond. uncles of a foreign power tliut regards them with n kind of toloroucu akin to contomptous indifference. Of courso, no ono would wish to see these or any other Bottled communities now added to our domain byforcoj wo want no unwilling citizens to enter our Union, Tho thnu to havo taken tho lands was before eet tlora camo Into It. European nations war for tho possession of thickly settled districts, which if conquered, will for centuries remain alien and hostile to tliu conquorors, Wo, wiser In ourgouoration havo seized tho wasto Bolltudo that lay near us, tho limitless forests and tho never-ending plains nnd valleys of thu great, lonely rivers, and havo thrust our own sous Into thorn to tako possession, and a score of years after each conquest wo boo tho conquered land teeming with u pooplo that Ib ono with ourselves." Tho "waste solitudes" ovor in tho Philippines are populated about equally with tho Htatu of Ohio, about 100 to tho square mile. And that population Is mainly Malay, with a considerable sprinkling of Japanese and Chinese, to nether wlUi many mixed bloods. Governor Roosovolt last July "wanted no unwilling eltirona to enterour Union." Tho president whom h accompanies on tho ticket, for whoso election ho Is strlv ing nas tta.uuu touuors ana numerous warships over In Ada, merely to "pad fy" tho Filipinos, as President McKhv ley puts it, and wosupposotomakothoni "willing," no assorted that "no one would want to boo these or -any other settled communities added to ourdomaln by force," yet is daily making speoohes in defense of tho imperialistic policy .of waging war against the native owners of a tropical country that llos almost against Asia eight thousand miles from our Pa olflo'ehoros. Itoosovolt, Author, unwit tingly framed an unanswerable indict' inent against Roosevelt, candidate for vice-president. for acceptable Idea. Stato If patented. THE PATENT RECMD, Baltlaor. Md. OUR NEWPORT LETTER. Clambake and Wcli-Flve at Olssonvltle Dsli Stories that Rante From the Tomcod to the While. Nkwi'out, Aug. 20. Tho past summer nt Yaqulua bay has been tho finest ovor known hero. Until Thursday evening there had been no fog or rain, nnd very littlo cold wind. Tho attendance on thcBobcachcB,and especially from Salem, has locn larger than during any previ ous Boason. Tho Capital City has been ospeciallywoll roprcsontod, and from (lBhlng on tho bay, excursions up nnd down tho IkmicIigs, bathing In tho surf or boating ovor tho bar, tho Salmnltlcs havo been constantly In evidence The Uaylcy Mansion on tho Hay lias been quite gay tho past two weeks. Supt. Calbrcath and family, Airs. Williamson and eon, Mrs. Lnncu of Portland and some people from South ern Oregon havo been there. Dr. Cal brcath and party took an outing to Seal Hocks, and tho Doctor had ono day'n llahlng on tho bay. Ho proved himself a piscatorial sport by capturing tho fin est fcca troat In a string of about a dozen good ones and a photograph of tha catch will verify tho statement, Ills duties did not permit hint an outing of moro than n few days but ho will return In October for a fow days salmon trolling. Social Notes. A delightful lilgli-flvo party with re freshments of popcorn and opera wafers was enjoyed Thursday oveuing nt tho Crossman cottago, whom Mrs. Mnrk GUI of Portland Is tho guest of Mrs. Shelly Morgan and Mrs. Abo McCitlly. Mcssm. Morgan, McCully nnd GUI sjient the past week fishing and hunting at Yahats. Somo lino strings of trout nnd several lino bucks worovapturcd, (and tho neigh bors all had soiuu of the "beef,") by some ono but of course thoy had nothing to do with It, although carrying Winchesters and ammunition. MIbs Inez. Hozorth is n guest of her sister, Miss Itlta, at tho Ilraudt cot tago. Some Fish Storks. At thu light house ono day tho past week a largo whalo npearod off tho rocks and went through somo grand con tortions, such ns throwing himself full length In tho air and coming down with a thundering uoIbo and a force .that sent up columns of spray equal to tho dyna mite explosions on tho bar. Once tho whalo camo up like a half-opened jack knife, his lower jaw Hopping back at an angle of 15 degreos and risl ig some 20 foot into tho air. When they como up that way with their jaws distended thoy tiro scooping in a whole school of small fish. With a good glass from Capt. Kico, of tho light houso crow, wo could sou right down his whaloshlp's throat, and It looked big enough to swallow a whole Mothodist donation Biipper with a few hogsheads of Kllnger's beer to wash It down. Several Salem men were quite successful in catching rook cod at tho light houso. Thure is a kind of worm Uvea underneath tho barnacles that is used for bait. Tho rock cod horo oro of all colors, brown, green, blue, yellow and mottled. Some are quite black, but all qulto gauioy, much more w than in the bay. A Salem jeweler will tell you that ho hooked boiuo that carried away liis lino and I can vouch for tho truth of tills, although tho squid or devil Hull are quite common off this rock. Tha toracod season Is now open and thoy afford groat sport for tho ladies and children. Tlila pretty silvery fish is eight inches to a foot long and bites a clam neck or any old thing as rait as you can got a line down. Thoy are caught by tho bttckotfut in tho bay on tho south sldo of tho pa ml pit Another fish runs in schools, Is tho pollock, a cousin of tho tomcod. In color they are a steel bluo, long and round in body, but also a voracious biter, These are caught Bomo dnys off tho docks as fast as tho boys can haul them in. Tho sal mon flics nnd thoo schools of small fry nro thu harbingers of tho sllvcrsido sal mon anil tho lordly chlnook. A etrango and beautiful fish was ex hibitcd at the market hero tho Bunflsh. It is highly colored, Btrangoly bhaped and has largo lumnlotu oyca that Bland out from tho head. When boiled they contain n kind of catscyo pearl that Is as hard as any jewel of this sort and ro fleets n perfect tun. Eovcral "pussies" havo been caught hero, washed in after a storm. Thoy havo a head and a tall liko a cat and aio about five feat long. Theyllvo In t!iodcepeea,aroa Sea-Mam-mal, or warm-blooded nuitnal. A bluo shark about six-foot long was captured on tho beaches hero tho past wcok. It was not n maiieater, but shovel-nosed or mud shark. O. It. Downs, tho popcorn man, Is tho high-lino fljhcrtnan for tho measliest, meanest species nhat swims, tint skato. Ho has caught two off tho dock at New port that weighed GO lbs. each. Thoy woro about Qvo fcot long and four fcot wido and their akin is as rough ns tho tho coarsest sandpaper. Tho Bkato has a square nolo for a mouth with four rowBoftcoth all around. This month Is on tho under sldo about one-third of tho way back from tho noso. Just abovo It nro tho oyca and on each Bido of tho eyes nro holcs'thatgo through in to tho mouth, bo It can cat from above or bob'. To crown nil this infamous combina tion tho skato has n tall llko a bull's with soma lashes and spikes in tho end of it. Downs had baited with a wholo porch, and as halibut nro caught In this bay each year ho thought ho had hooked ono of those until It camo to tho surface about a yard square and lashing thu water Into foam with Its tall. Thoy could not land it until a skiff was run under it. In Chicago a boodlo city council is classified as so many honest men nnd so many "skates." Tho Bkate in Bait water In a fair typo of tho skate in politics. The Only CUmtakc of tho season was undertaken at Ollson- vlllo tho past week, but owing to soma miscalculation of tho tides it was only a partial success, lly tho contributions of tho families in that neighborhood nnd tho genoroiiH cooperation of tho young people in tho way of catching crabs and (Iflh, we had n grand variety, Including besides tho abovo in abundance, sweet potatoes, green corn, Irish potatoes nnd n half bushel of tho largo Kastoru clams. A hole five feet across nnd lined with round smooth rocks off thu beach was heated by n largo .bonfire. Tho embers woro cleared off, a layer of sea weed put on, and then tho eatables woro put in. Hut tho tide camo hi bolow nnd cooled tho rocks before tho potatoes woro all done. Tito rest had tho delic ious flavor that is only acquired by this old Indian method of cookery. Tho steam from tho reaweed and tho salt air on tho bench adds a zest that surpasses tho effect produced by tho culslno of tho finest hotels, and when topped off with watermelon it was not a failure by any means. Whilo only Intended for a pri vato affair, for a half-dozen Salem fami lies, thoy woro surprised by an attend ance of nearly a hundred pcoplo from thu city hotels and Nye Creek. A clam liako may become a regular event at Ollsonvlllo, and tho next ono will bo planted out of reach of tho tide. K. Hokkii, A Weak Stomach Is tho cause of all disease. It makes Im pure blood; and this enfcoblvs tho heart, lungs, lher and kldnoys. Strengthen tho digestive organs with Hostctter b Stomach Hitters, and your health will improve. K7oryono needs Itto keep tho bowels from becoming clogged. To thoso who havo tried other remedies In vain, this will provo worth its weight in gold. Our I'HIVATK IIKVKNUE HTAM1 COVOrS tllO neck of tho bottle. There" Hostetter's Nothiw stomach -just j. coed.- Bitters Knights Of Pythias Convene. Dktiioit, Aug. 27. Tho 21st biennial convention nnd encampmont of tho Knights of Pythian opened hero today. Over 20,000 Knights havo attended. Tho encampmont Is situated on both Bides of Grand Houlovard, and extends from Chamnlaln street to tho Dotrolt River and Mack avenuo. Now tents for i tho UBo of thoofllcers and Knights Koyal . , -ii.. - ii.t ! navo ueon maiio especially iur mm occasion, nnd lend tho Wliito City a most nttractivo appearance. There is a hospital Btaff on tho grounds. Tho Knights aro arranged together by Stntes, tho headquarters for Indiana being lo cntcd nearest Champiain strcot.nnd tl o other States. To-Nljhtand To-Morrow NUM. And each day ana night during this week you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Ualsani for tho Throat nnd Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most successful remedy over sold for Coughs. Croup. Hronchltls. Asthma and Consumntlon. Get a tkttle to day and keep It ul w.iys In tho houso so you can cnecK your com nt nnco Price- 25c and 50c. Samplo bottlo free, cotl&w Oregon State Fair SALEM, OREGON, SEPTEAIBER 17 TO 22, 1900. Bigger and Better Than Ever Before Grounds Greatly Improved. Buildings Repaired and Henovated. AllStock nnlldlngs Thoroughly Disinfected Everything In I'lrsKlass Condition ror the Larges nnd nest-' Live Stock Show and Agricultural Exposition Ever Held on the Coast H.'aiii'iTiliVriiiMifateiM.-r--,, n 0.R.&R nurArtT otm itcnaooi. 2ay Good Racing Every Arternoon Music and I un at Night. Telegraph and Catlc for Alaska. San 1'iiascikco, Cal., Aug. 25. Tho stamor Orizaba, chartorod by tho gov orumont from tho Pacific Coast Steam ship Company, Balled from hero today (or St. Michaels, with 200 miles of cablo aboard to establish a military commun Icatlon throughout Alaska. Tho jwlnta of connection will he St. Michaels, Un- alak, and Nome. Tho cablo itself weighs ul out it ton to a mile, and whon fully laid will bo under'governmont control. Actlvo work In laying tho cablo will bctrJn about tho middle of September. Special Session Fiunkiout, Ky Aug. 27. Tho Stato Legislature convened today In special session as announced early in tho month. Tho business that Is to bo transacted includes amendments to tho election law and tho pasMign of a school book law constructed accordln o tho plans and specifications to In) found in tho Demo, erotic platform. Spell Binders la Maine. Hockhni, Mo., Aug. 27. There will bo a mass mcolingof tho Republicans hero tonight. Tho principle speaker will bo Senator Pairbank, of Indiana. Horses Shipped. Holconib & Skipton, the Seattle horse buyers who were In tho city last week with headquarters at tho Red Front Hv orv stable, yesterday shipped 11 head of flue, largo horses, which they had pur chased In Kastern Oregon for tho Seattle market. OASTOIHa, Brth ? I" KaJ Yw Haw Atrs BaM New York's State Fair Opens. Sviiacusb, N. Y Aug. 27. Tlio Stato falr.to behold rromAtig27 toAugHl.op oncdhero Drat tlmo In ita history it la di rectly under control of a board appoint ed by tho governor. Thoprcoidentof tho board Is Lieut. Gov. Woodruff, and tlo members arc representative men. Tho track has boon enlarged from a half to mile, and tho speed program foots up to $10,000. Tho racing fealuro far ox colls that of any provlous year. Tho committeo has mado arrangements for manynotablospoikora through tho week $20,000 IN PREMIUAS AND PURSES $20,000 Auction sain of livo stock will bo mado n lending feature. All live Btock anil other exhibits hauled frco over tho Southern Pncillo railroad. Reduced passenger rates on all railroads. For premium list nnd other Information, nddroes W. H. WEHRUNG, Pres., llillsboro, Oregon. M. D. WISD0A, Sec, Portland, Oregon. why use .W?lsba(t Mai?fle? ntciinsi! TIIKY OIVK A aoou I.IOHT AND AitK LONC1 L1VEI1. WK HKLI. TIIRKK (IIIADK8: "VUHKA" WKWUAUI1 MANTI.K, Tlio TerT lalct UiltiR In mai.llm. Durable and gives ONK HUNDKKD CANDI.K I'OWKIl with a cotuiinilitloti of tmlv tl.ri'O feet cr hour. I'rlcoMc. NO, 197. Tho old lUinilbjr, or goo.1 lantltiB quality aiiJglvlwr EldllTY CANDI.K I'OWKU. Trice 80 renin, 'IDEAL." Nnt'qulto n good quality but giving Mmo camllo power as tho No. 197, and at half tho price. 15 eentji. Any of theso mamlri put on and burn ra properly adjusted at aboTO rate. D,9J?V,USE WELSBACH BURNERS? 1Mfiy2u,$iti&&nrt 5 "VTTF11 ''I('T for LESS MONEY Willi ono of Ihcw burners than with any olhor form of aril. Hclal light, WohavogaatiovoaalHi. Lcttia show them lo you. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO 71 Chomoketa 8t.. Telophono 503. No Flies on a Hot Stove Nur is there any flaw or blemish on (he work we do, either in plumbing, tinning or repairing. We lead on everything in the way of first-class work in our line. Bryan is oxpected to bo hero nnd Gov j Frui t and Mop Dryer work a succialtv KoobovcU oh Wednesday. It is thought I probable that on Thursday President Me-jT. S BUHFOUGHS, 102 State Phone I6II Klnloy will bo present. r : chtcngo Hpeeiai 9.15 ft.m S"uo" kano Flyer 0:00 pra Allan tlo Ki. 9p, m 8 pm. 8 n. m. ni. Hun iu d, m. 1Oaru Hnlcm Halt Lnko, Denver iiniann u h .. IiOiila.OlilcagoaudK.a; JSl.Worifc .V"7. Hi WiiIUWiIU ui.... . ... .i I. u -.."'r.?".. Mlnn. wVnfei-cWcJi'BTV'- VIA HUKTtNUTON OCEAN HIKahTuT'iV'.:.-.- ForHan KrnnrlBoo. ' Hall every flvo days. COI.UMIIIA IllVKII To Aatorla and wiy ljimi "ki Kor M siwT ) p..j p. i "BH,1 At(,. f WIUiAMKTTK HIVKIl .lnv an. I U.lnl. .'). V,Qn Ml. I "" """"""Mn ; THdy nibiuiiuftiia HIVKIl DIVISIOV lloata to 1'nrMnnil a !.. n... .' atrect cur lino al Oregon Clly If iho tiJiS!" delnved thoro. 1 lckctt to all io inii ff?J? Wnafilligloii, (;llforula or llio hUlS?". ohecked throngh from Halom free rtS" rail or. river routo to Portland. OnSSS mado ai rortiaiid wllh all rail, oermn tu ? Gen, ' Agtf I'..,tC4 Agent, Trado Hired dockV.ii City ticket and freight offlco 210 CommV, soutFand e! VIA Southern Pacific! THE SHASTA ROUTE. i TrnliiB leavo Salem for Portland and t BtntiotiBfttSi-lOn. in. , 7:51 a. ra. nj i ;uu p. in Lt I'urtland Lv Halem Ar Anhland. Ar Hacramcnto... Ar Han Franclnco. ArUgilau. Ar Denver. 8.30 A M fsoTl 11.00 AM 10UM 12.30 AM uSm .6.00 I'M 3l! .IMP II JJJil : a a rnrn D 00 A M in?: Ar Kant, City .. 1M A tl 7a 1 1 Ar Chicago.-. 7;45 AM Mo i J Ar Ixm Augek-F-.... uhi 1- M Juj I w Ar Kl t'ato 600 V M IX ti Ar Kort Worth.. 6:30 AM (20 1 J Ar city of Mexico 9.M A m trnW i.trnM.tnn b . . .. iz: Ar Now Orlcam B2S V M. Ar Now Yorl glon rk : To Cure a Cold In One Day Tako Laxatlvo llromo (Jiilnlno Tublcts. Alt dnigglula rvlund tho money If It fulls to cure. K. V. Urovu'ailgimluruUon each box, He, THOS.MILNE Relief Corts Convention. Chicago, Ml., Aug. 27. Tho National Women's Kulief Corps opened its eigh teenth annual convention hero today in cDnliinctlon with tho araudarmy encntnn- mont. Fully 5,000 delegates, out of tho j 54 tO 58 State St. 143,000 members, nro present. Tlio dele-1 gates nro guests of the Illinois depart ment. A general reception will bo held on Wednesday. The Health Protlem Is much simpler than is sometimes sup. K)Sod. Health depends chiefly upon perfect digestion and puru blood, and tho problem Ib aolvod very readily by Hood's Sarsaparllla. You may keep well by taking it promptly for nny atom ncli or blood disorder. Its cures of scro fula, Bait rheum, catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism and other diseases num bered by tho thousands. Tho favorlto family cathartic is Hood's PillB. 1 SUCOKSSOK TO I.. M. KIKK- Grain, Hay, Flour, AIIII Feed, and Land Plaster. Grain, Hay and Straw stored, Wagon Scales. Prompt nnd careful nttention given to tho delivery of goods to nny part of the city. Phone 871. OASTOXIIA. Dean tlo 4 8 Kind "on Hare Always Bought Convention of the Croatlon Society. Bkkwood, W. Vn., Aug. 27 'tho na tional convention of tho Croatlon Soc iety waB opened hero today with a mon ster street parado. About 4,000 mon wero in lino nnd tho parado was ruvkw od by Gov. Atkinwit mid congressman Dovbiior. Tho soclo'y is composed of natives of Croatia, Austria, nnd ia ono of thu largest organizations of its kind In this country, having 15,000 mombors. Tho convention will last Boveral days. Naval Parade. CiucAdo. Ill , Aug. 27. Tho grand parado of naval veterans took place to day. Tho column formed on Michigan avenuo, and was composed of nearly 8,000 mon. Ww me First W hen baby comes to the home it will bind the wife cWr to the husband, oi it will gradually tend to cut her oft" from his comjwnship. A sickly mother loses In physical charm, and often in temper and dinposition. A fretful child Is a trial, even to loving parents. The use ol lit. Pierce's Puuirite Prescription prepares the wife for motherhood. It strengthens the IkkIv, nnd induces a healthy condition of mind, free from anxiety or fear. It makes the baby's advent practically painless. The mother being healthy her child is healthy, nnd a healthy child is a happy child, a iov r. tl.- .,,,,..... ti..l.J if. .t ' ...V K.Wl.a, tlUKIULT villi a new bond, of affection. lem together There is no oniuin. cocaine nr nil,.. nan-otic in "Pavorite Prescription," " I read what your medicine ha done for other !wr!e." write Mm. lWwtn II Gardner, of llrecliwood, Norfolk Co. Max., Iloi . ! thought I Mould try it. and I found it a Mcuui; to me aud family I took your lunliclne a year when I had ten pound gltl. I had the caint time eer lud with any of wy thrtc chlldien, and I have Ueu very wU txx hiw I took thir lioltln of ' Favorite Prrxnuli.m ' three of 'Gulden Mrdlfal Uiwuvaty,' autlttnve vial of ' 1'tllcL Defore I took jir nmlkiuc I ouly Mtighed liJ pouuJ, and new I watfeh ITS wuud." Dr. lHenv's Pleasant IVllets cure sick headache. The 1900 Campaign IS PROVING TO IIIAN THAT OP BE liVEN 1896 AIOIU: INTIilvESTING The Filipino War IS STILL IN PROGRESS AND STILL AT THE FRONT. OUR BOYS" ARE The Boer War ILITARV CONTINUES TO DRAW OUT AS AN UNSATIS FACTORY PROBLEM FOR ENGLAND. The China War lb I'KOVING TO BE THE GREATEST COMPLICATION OF A CENTURY. The Capital Journal IS GIVING THE MOST DIRECT, PROMPT ANd! RELIABLE NEWS ON ALL THESE SUBJECTS.! ITS NEWS IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF ITS RIVAL'S NO PAPER WAS EVER PUT UP THAT GIVES YOU All TUB MCllfC- IM Minn "J-J iJJ ...u muvvo un 3uun t-UAil'Atrr FORM, THAT oivca 11 iu PROMPTLY AND FOR SO LITTLE muiNET. iky II AND BE CONTENT. H0FER BROS., Publishers. 12;43 1' ll louristB cars Pu II 111 nn and trains. Chair cub BacramcntoloOtdes ' , and Kl Paao, nnd tourist cars to Chiciw. , ' Ul 1 nnln Va nt... ...1 II 1 . ' E7fk. oil '."iiio, muw vfiuiiiiauim iiBiniDHIOil, Oomiectiiig nt Ban 'randisco with mi ural BtoamBhip lines for Nonolulo, Japan, Chlnn, Phillpplnos, Central and South America. Seo Mr. W. W. Skinnor agent at Etlei Station, or nddross 0. II. MAKKHAM, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. POSSIBLY You nro not nwaro of tho fast time atJ Biierb Bervico now afforded by the n 2 More Cheap Excursions to the East Round trip tickets from Denver, Colo rado Sprints, and Pueblo to Chlcnco, I eoria and intermediato polnta, will be sold August 10, nnd September 7 and 21, by the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE AT it vts or Dee Regular Fare I'lus $2.00 for llouid Trip Return Limit October 31, 1000 Gvift-n.R-, ENCAMPMENT W ith liberal return limit. SPECIAL TRAINS OxkNkiht Out to Ciiic.uio, will lenvo Oenver 3:-5 p , Colorado ir J:65. m. andPuliln4K .., 1 '".:' cursionsof Aug 10 and 24, and Sent' .......B. t, lu iiuuiniHiion apply to w 9p,iB- Gen! t. Portland Or. h, W. Tuovi-so.v, A. U P. A.. John Ssbastuk.G.P.'a., Chi. ago. r ANADIAN Vi X PACIFIC 100 Hours Ocean to Ocean -via The Imperial Limited Grand Scenery Fast Time Model Accomodations Tourht and first-class sleeping BOSTON, MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA ST. PAUL curs TO 0'a wSoKi" . WE HAVE . ft "-'Daily Fast Trains TO THE EAST. " If you cannot tnko tho morning trt!i travel via tho evening train. Doth in finely equipped. "Our Specialiies" l'ist Tlmo, Throuoh Service, Pnllrcaa Pilaro Sleepers. Pullman Tourist ElMf em, Pullman DinorB, Library (Cafe)Cu aid Freo Reclining Chair cars, Hours In tlmo saved to Omaha, Chic ago, Kunsas City. St. Louis, Neir Ywk Boston, nnd other Kastern joint. Tickota good to Salt Lake City ul Denver. It Is toyour intorest to ubo Tu On UNn I.imitku. Tickets and elwFI rar borthu can bo secured from W. W. 6Kima. Agent 8. P.Co. Or Guy Powoib, Ag't. O" It. ' Salem On. J. II. Lotiioi, Gon'l Agent, No. 135 Third St. Portland Or. Oregon Slion Line Railroad The Direct Routo to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite rootea. tho UNION PACIFIC Fast MaillM or tho RIO GRANDE Scenic LIdm. No Change of Cars. On tho Portland-Chicago Special, Onest in tho West." Equipped With KleganiHtaixlardSiecperi. . Kino New Ordinary TourUt 81crn. Superb Llbrarv-Iluffet Caw. Spleudlp oiDDen, Mtaia alararU. Kreo Kecllnlngt'faairt'in. (kjmforubla Coacbei and Bmokeri Entlro Train Cumilet8lr VettlbulM. For further information wh,a J. R.NAGEL, guyiwubs Trav. Pass. Ant. Agent O. R.A"- ; 142 Third St. Portland Or. 6W Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TOrE OAKD, No. 2 For Yaqulna: ..,- Trnln loavoa Alhunv WjAiV''" Train leaves Corvallis.... I'-' Train arrives Yaqulna ,wr No. i Returning: B Leaves Yaqulna ?.' Leaves Corvallis UTb. Arrives Albany 12:10 p. o. a For Dotrelt: Leaven Albany . Arrives Detroit... No. 4 Returning: weaves Detroit. . 7:00 "' 11:20 . For full particulars apply K.J.COYLK, II. ii. a. n i a Vancouver, 15. C. to AH lion 140 Third t. I'ortmd, VTEAM WOOD SAW O Two Machines Work Done Quickly. Telophono 2583 black. Leave ordra at A, rives Albany. No. 5. Leaves Corvallis . J2:ll p. 6:4Sp. A-noa.B jorvaiiis "T.. m. Arrives Albanv e: Leaves Albany Vta. Arrives Corvallis 8: . One and two connect at ARuoJ' Corvallis with Southern Pac!flcl'""J glylng direct service tD and from" port and adjacent beaches. lrli xrains ror tue mouniaip :: .lit Detroit nt noon, giving ampW 'M to reach camping grounai P" U HreltenbuBh and Santlam nr same day. . . iti Five and bIjc connect at Lu,i. inv local to and from.'"!.,.. U. U WAU3KN, KDViW S ' ' "-"".T, IKWl'AHK.K J.'tUKNXK ' At out AlUnf rt' m l a