1 i ! i I i ! t , I - 1 .inr'aTi i i Yit rail Gingham Underskirt Sale We have to continue our bargain sales until Awe have room to stow away our new troods. For a few days we will offer an elegant line of Gingham Underskirts at these prices. 1.25 skirts cut to 98c. ' 'S1.00 skirts cut to 8lc. I t ' $ 90 skirts cut to .' .$ .75 skirts cut to $ .65 skirts cut to HOLYBRSON'S The Big Bargain House of Salem The iBaby Grande Four-in-Hand ....THE LATEST.... THESE ARE THE LATEST IN NECKWEAR FOR JHE HIGH BAND COLLARS. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY EX PRESS A FULL LINE. 25c and 50c each. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. nblo WEATHER. Tonight nnd tomorrow lair. Wnrmor wcaiieikiny. Wheat Market, Ham FiiANnsro, Aug, 7. Cash 103j.f. OuiOAflO, 111., Aug. 7. Hojit. 711)$. Salem, 45. GOLD DUST FLOUR mad nr Tho Sldnov Power Co, miiNKY, oiunox. madu for family uso, nsk your grocers for It. Uran nnd shorts always on baud. A. T. WALM, AGENT. riiONM 51, LlVM.Vh Osburn's Shoe Sale Is where you can ret Bargains Men's lUraliton Drown shoes worth $2.25. now $1.90. Lsdles' rise picnic shoe nude tyilUmlllon Brows, former price $2.00, Ssle trice $1.50. All other shoes t cut prkei. Cone la sol tee. E. F. OSBURN, SBSVigi VkXkVtWrVVfcVK. RATES ON ICE Tho following low rates on ice have boon agreed upon by tho Capital Ico Work and Crystal Icu Works, of this city beginning May 10: Confectionery stores, hotels nnd fish markets, using 100 lba or more at a time Wo per hundred ; less than 110 lbs 76c. Private parties lining 100 lbs or inoro, 76a; less than 100 lbs, la per lb. No sale below 10c. Ico iu ton lots, 17.50; half ton, l.t)0, nt tho works. Ice shipped In sacks 76o per 100, sucks extra. Capital Ick Women tltt Chyrtal Ion Works THE LATEST AND CHEAPEST IN. JEIvIvY GLA.SS jf- ALL THERE IS IN FRUITS Rotti & PHON 161 ypi.v.r- fffn,, i -yinWit 73c 59c. 52c. A Delight and a Blessing In every pair of our lino French Crystal glaHaos tlmt is fitted to tlio sight and initiat ed by our scientllic skill and workmanship. Thoy fit tlio face as well as tho eyes, nnd aro both decant in nppcaranco nnd comfort' in wear. If jour eyesight la Imperfect or inning, goto iiingoaiorcotiBUitauonireo. Wo can duplicate Ions nnd itipalr framos mnko thorn as mo ns now. CHARLES H. HINGES, X Scientific Octlclan. 296 Commercial Street It HOTEL ARRIVALS. X """'W'W Cotte Hotel. H. U.Heoly, Wllsonvllle. Miss MoudScoly, Wilsouvlllo. L. Hell Hohinson, Portland. K, 1. Thomnson, Portland. J. Mitciilf. l'ortlund. C. H. Arnold, Milwnukeo. A. K. Wilzin, Ban Francisco. Wilts mette. V. II. Warren, Now York. (Jeo. K. llurton, Han Francisco, Fred II. Hunter, San Francisco. 0. K. iMnthoIt, l'ortlund. V. O, luirch, l'ortlnnd. II. L. Hlsler, l'ortlnnd. Ij. Ilorrlnger, l'ortlnnd. F. II. Page, i'ortland. Chas. 8. Moore, City. 8, A- I-uKHullo, I'ortland. DoIoh I). Neor, Portland, Frank Frailer, 1'ondletou. Kola Nols, Aflmny, 1'eter Patterson, Jluluth. 1.. M.Ohurehlll, Mllwnukio. No Prosecution. The Btreet traces of Monday afternoon between O. 1. Heardsly nnd 11. 8. FurgUBon, of Kola, reenlted In the nrreet of the latter on n warrant sworn out of JustlcoO'Donald's court by the former, charging him with assault and battery. Tho case was sot for 2 o'clock this afternoon, but tho prosecuting witness failed to nppenr nnd tho case was dismissed, on motion of Deputy Prosecut ing Atty. Chas. McNniy. Tho costs iiiiiouiiuug 10 uomu ji. or f iu were tax ed to the prosecuting witness, O. P. Uearduley. At Mcl Time Or whenever you aro hungry nnd want the host meal for tho price stop nt the Bt. Klmo Itcstaurant, o, o. d, Dlsder Twine at tlio Mitchell, Lewis A Stavor Co. bianch, at 10i cents per pound. Hon. Hrooku's law nboltthlng eclesl' nstlrnl marrhiges in Cuba has been re vokod.nud hereafter either civil or eccle siastical ceremonies, or both, can bo in dulged In. FOH INVKHTOKS. Tho Coitello prop, erty on North Liberty street will bo sold nt privatu pule Thursday next, August Dili at 10 n. m, Hale on pre mises. 8 7 tl! TAKF.N UP. Oray horse-Owner can Hud samo I blocks north of the North Salem school on little car line. H 7-tf It. A. Smiust. Graber I'.M ITTATR T BS Wilt iiirmii ftiVurmomun Vim m V)iii(toiiirr;riiiii'rfiiViMW DEATH OP MRS. MO R LEY. Pitied Away In Portland Attd 77 ytin. Funeral Tomorrow. A Tclcphono message was deceived this morning from Walter Morloy who wns cnlleil to Portland Saturday by tho serious illness of his mother, Mrs, Martha Morloy bringing the sad news that eho died this moaning. Deceased wns n resident of Saloin for n number of years nnd has a largo clrcloof friends hero. 8ho moved to Portland aboht four years ago and has beon llv ing with hor nicco Mrs. Mulligan nt 718 Gnntonboln Avonuo. Mrs. Morley was born in England, nnd had been in America for many years. Tlio family rcsidod on a farm lit Kansas for a number of years whore Mr. Morley died. Had sho lived until next Batur day sho would have been 77 years of age Sho has been in poor health for bov oral years, suffering from cancer of tho stomach, which caused her death. Hlio is survived by Wnltor Morloy of tins city, tho only child. Tho funeral and burial will bo in Portland tomorrow, Wednesday, fore noon. They're After Whale. In department No. lof tho circuit court, Monday, Judgo Burnett issued an ordor in tho case of Florence Irwin vs. C. A. Whalo. Plaintiff had asked for nn order restraining defendant from dlsposlngof any of bis pioporty, alleg ing that sho holds a judgment against him for $300.65, which ho is trying to got out ol paying, and that tho "sheriff has bcoi unablo to find anything to levy on. Tho court wns also asked to appoint a recolver to tako chargo of tho defend ant's business and pay his debts. Tho restraining ordor was grantod, nnd Whnlo was ordorod to appear in court August 18 and show causo why ho had not paid tho Judgment. Fine Prune Crop. 11. B. Cronk, who conducts n gonoral blacksmith and repair business owns ono of tho finest prune orchards in Ma rion county. Mr. Cronk luiB 14 acres of Italians and 10 acres of Potito prunes in his Rosedale orchard nnd 14 acros in his Liberty orchard, nnd hns ono of the finest crops to bo found In tho Valley. Ho is now constructing a 24 stack dryer with a capacity of 125 bushels per day and will mako It larger noxt season. Mr. Cronk says ho will havo nt least 70,000 pounds of dried fruit. Harvest will be gin in n fow weeks, or Just as soon ns ho can get ready. la Probate Court. K. A. Plorco, administrator do bonis nonof tho estato of J. L. Pnrrish, do coatod, hns filed his roport of sales of real property, belonging to the estate. Girder In Place. Tho six-ton iron girder, which foil at tho now opera house Saturday, wns again raised tljls forenoon nnd dopositcd safely on top of the brick walls, Utile Telegrams. Tho population of Buffalo is 362,216. Nino persons prostrated by heat in Chicago. Koosovelt la to confine his campaign ing to Now 'York. Destructive forest fires still rage in Yellowstono Park. Two prostrations from heat, one death at Kansas City today. Chairman llannii oxpecU to goon tho stump for McKlnloy. Webster Davis will noon bo ready to ko on tho campaign for Bryan. A now parasite has beon dlscovorod which destroys tho army worm. Throo doatliB and four prostrations from heat today at Milwaukee. A rich strike Is made in tho Concord group of mines In Bumpter district. All union Btoveadores In Baltimore go on a strike, 2600 in numbor. No violence yet. Canadian Pacific strlko still continues. Strikers nsk people not to patronize tho road. Telephonic communications botweon Germany and Franco was established yesterday. A new wage scalo is signed by tho Southern car combine and 1300 men will go to work. There is a good prospect for the Southern Pacific railroad to build a llua to Klamath Falls. Planning mills In San Francisco and neighboring cities refuse tho domnnd for nu eight-hour duy. Cuban school ma'ams to tho numbjr of 1100 will call on the president Aug. ISth. before sailing fur home. Six thousand refugees arrive at a Siberian city with an unprououncable Kusslnn name, Hoeing form China. In the regatta of tho Itoyal Yatch squadron at Cowes, Kng., today, the race for tho Queen's cup was won by bantonlta. Dr.Llcbkncct, tho well known member of the relclutng, and ono of tho leaders of socialism Iu Germany, died today nt Charlotte Heavy storm of wind, rain and tbun dor In Now York state destroys yachts on Lake Cham plain and drowus a son of W. II. Klngsland of Ilurllngton, Vt Tho provisioning of Germany's naval forces for the China campaign has been greatly interfered with by tho scarcity of canned moats in the empire. A collision occurred on tho St. Louie South Western (Cotton Kelt ltallrond) yesterday nt Aurlch Arch In which live men ero killed and two seriously in jured, A general election (or Btato and comity otftcors nnd General Assembly was hold. In Alabama yesterday and a largo majority was returned for the Democratic ticket, headed by William J. Samford, for governor, nnd tho in creased majorities aro taken to Indicate that tho pooplu aro favorable to the holding of a convention which will eli minate the negro from politics. TEETH WEEK $& you'd better see our windows-north and south if they don't tell the story, step in and ask a few questions. No charge at this establishment for answering questions or showing goods. , , H , .. Oh yes! children's tooth brushes at 5c, better ones at 10c. of course. We have a tooth brush at 15c that can't be beat (or turnip) for the price. For 20c and 25c your choice of the best tooth brushes made. t Tooth powder of eyery size, kind and description, and prices to match. Imported powders, pastes and tablets, No better powder made than our Bulk Tooth Powder. It's fresh and pure. Dentina is the peri ection of a tooth wash and only 25c. We have a variety of teeth requisites from which we can please the most fas tidious. Bad habit to put oiT till tomorrow what you can do today--so call at once. RIGHT RIGHT GOODS AT PRICES. LINK AND PIN. Automatic Couriers and Air Brakes for All Cars. Sacramento Boe: Tho Soulhorn Pa cific Company will no longer accopt upon Its railway lines in this state any car which is not supplied with tho au tomatic air brakos and couplers. Neith er will it oporato any of its own cars without thoso couplers nnd brakes. When tho bill was passed soveral years ago requiring nil railroads to adopt tho automatic air brnkcB and couplers, fix ing a certain dato upon which they should bo In general uso, tho Southern Pacific Company commenced to attach tho now couplor and brakes. Evory car which camo into tho shops for repairs was fitted out with them. Tho law providing that all railway cars engngod in interstato traffic shall be fit ted with automatic couplors nnd air brako wont into effect today nil over tho United States. Hereafter any rail way compnny that uses a car not thus fitted will 1)0 llablo to a flno of f 100 for each offense For lyears tho labor peoplo havo fought for this law. Tho numbor of accidents on dlfforont linos, duo to tlio lack of couplors, was becoming ap palling. In Its annual reports tho In torstato Commerce Commission had advocated its passage It was shown that on an average 250 employes were killed annually whllo coupling cars, whilo thoBo injured in tho performance of Uiat duty avorogod about 8500 yearly. Outsido of tho accldonts to employes, tho coupler and brako also affected tho general Unvoting public, for had they beon in uso It is believed that many dls asters would havo been averted. A Chicago dispatch quotes railway otllclals as saying that whllo tho ex pciiBO of making tho chungo in brakos and couplers hns been ononnous, they aro satisfied, and bellevo that tho now urrangomcut will provo satisfactory. A Sacramento railroad man said today to n Beo reporter that tho automatic coup lers aro not as good ami as safe for tho brakeman as tho old link and pin ar rangement, and, in his oplnou, tho railroad men would eventually airruo with him. Railroad mon with whom ho had talked upon tho subject hnd not agreed with him, hosald,claiming that there had beon fewer accldonts slnco tho automatic couplor went into uso. Ho said Jthat ho hall records to provo to tho contrary, however, and tho railroad men who woro first .opposed to his views now agreed with him. Ho said that tho au tomatic coupler is .bo constructed that it wears out quickly, and thoro is dan ger of trains breaking in two, especially when a coupler gets out of order, as it frequently does, and tho brakeman is in moro danger of being injured or killed than ho was when tho old link and pin wore Iu neo. Asylum Statistics. From tho roport of Bupt. J. F. Cal broath of tho Insane asylum for July tho following statistics aro taken: Mli' Fe mtlci. No, patlenta Juno 30th. 807 3CS No. ri-o'.l -JO 7 No. ret'd cucapoi.-. . .-..-. 3 Total .... . S0 374 To tal, 1173 27 .1 iau No. dlickargal recoT'd. ...... 3 6 0 No, iltcliKtl, much Improved 2 3 A No. discharged Improred....... S 2 & No, dicligd not ItuprOTtnl. ...... I ... I No. died -. S 11 No. eloped ...... 3 . S IMcbgd, died and oloped... 18 IS 31 No. patients remaining July 31.872 3W 1171 No. ofdeera and employe!.-............ 1A3 ArerageNo. patleuu, dally 1171 23.31 Total .. ,. ...11( H-31 The average monthly expenses were: per capita, 0.87 Itt-lOO. Accident at Slrverton. Robert Down, residing near Silvcrton, received a bad cut on Ills hip by being thrown from a bicycle, Monday. Ho was carrying a small sharp.pointed saw In his hip pocket and when ho struck tlio ground tho say penetrated his hip, making a bud wound. Vacancies Filled. Two vacancies ou tho Stato Board of Kxamlnors havo been filled by tho Stato Board of Education by tho appointment of l'rof. D. W. Yoder and I'rof. J. 8. Landers, city superintendents of Salem and Tho Dalles, respectively. Smalt Loss. The loss on tho house at 137 Church Btreet recently damaged by lire and be longing to Fred Kurtz has been adjusted at $200, the damage not being so exten slye as at first supposed. Butter Fat Advances. The Silvcrton creamery is now paying 20c a pound for butter fat, an advance of 2 cents over tho price paid during tho month of July, City Cash. City Recorder Judah this morning turned over to Treasurer Moir f 050 re ceipts of his office. Casuist Season. Is well started aud all the peaches or other fruit, sugar and Jars you may ueod can be had from o. - d. Branson A Kagan, Tnl "'ililMm I). J. JrKY SOCIAL QUESTION IN ClflNA. lljr LI TuechiitiR, Former Huporlntenilctit CM- nenoBecroi twrrico, rcicui. Tho labor quostlen or, porhnps.moro precisely expressed, the socialist ques tion Is at tho bottom of China's troubles. An imperial investigation Into tho causes of tho present unlawful uprisings will show that. Threo years ago the Tion Tsln-Pekin railway lino was opened j for tlio last twelvemonth or longer it has beon in nctlve oporation, whllo smaller auxilli ary or branch roads havo sprung into existence at intervals of from 80 to -10 days nil along. And as tho railway net spread and 's new connections by rail aro constantly mado, tho L labor market becomes dally moro demoralized that is, opportunities for work loss' and less. Traffic between tho coast and tho mo trefoils, nnd especially between the commercial comers, Tien Tsln nnd To kin, is enormous hundreds of thou sands of peoplo lived by it from timo immomorial, Thoy found thoir dally bread on tho land and wnterways as carters, carriers, forwarders and helpers generally. Tho horse ownor, drayman or expressman, tho caravan leader, driver, camol, donkey nnd initio attend ants; the shipowner, boatman, sailor all made a modest butassurod living along the road, asjtholr fathers had dono beforo them. Thoy had tho stock, tho custom, tho experience. They were good for that business and for no other. Then tliero ucro tho inn und boarding Iiouso keojiers, supported by tho paasiug crowd and dependent upon It; tho wagonmokors, eallmakors, saddlers and leed merchants. Tlio 'bus, carynll and livery stnblo pcoplolllkewiso transported paeeong9rs. Tho numbor of officials alouo who go to Poklu half a dozen times or oftcnor per year reaches into tho thousands and tho masses of candi dates for government positions golng to thu capital for their examination aro ten times greater. And as tlio signal for tho first train from Taku to Tein Tsln-Pekin was given all these industrial merchants, owners of draft animals and other means of transportation nil thoso drivers, eating houso kceperss, these workmon and helpers, lost their means of livelihood lost it' without hope of rotrioving thoir fortunes in stock or other work. Tho branch roads robbed anotherclase of poorly paid but contented people of their only chanco for keoping body and soul togethor. Tho brnnch road wiped out tho coal enrrior tho poor devil who on his own or his donkey's back trans ported block d'nmonds to tho consumer, ofton covoring hundreds of miles, plod ding patiently for a trilio. European and American journals havo ofton mado fun of this antediluvian way of carrying coal, as thoy called it suited tho peoplo who lived by it well enough. Tho unemployed nt least chronic un employed woro unknown in China bo fore tha arrival of tho steam engino and freight car, but for tho last.twelvo or fif teen months the territory botweon tho Gulf of Pechilli, Changtlng-Pu nnd Pekin has beon overrun with them. And tho disfranchised men havo not been in good humor hungry peoplo gonorally aro not. Still, they have con tinued to suffer patiently for at bottom tho Chinamaiuloves peace and is capable of much endurance If It had not been for tho militant class of must-be-idiers. For the railway hurt tho professional privato polico, also known as Boxors, no less than tho Industrial and laboring Classes already mentioned. In this country the Boxors would prounuiy paw under the name of athletics that's what thoy really aro strong men drilled in the uso of arms, who eell their powers to theeo in quo,t of protection. In anti-railway days if n man of any consequence went traveling, he hired n couple of Boxers to save him from molestation by beggars and sneak thieves and to protect him YES ou will always find hero bobbing, shuttles, needles, mid the commoner parts formost every i-nll ltT .....1 .1... !.!.,. .o t.. I I.'011 '! macnine vou'll - ..inifco nt ivm uemanu we order and get for you by return mail. We carry the very best sperm oil for sewing machines, as well as a big lino of bicycle sundries of every description. We havo nn immense trade iu eewini: machine needles. We carry the best that are made. We take your order for anything in tho musical lino that's made, and get It by return mall or ex pross. Our sewing machine trade keeps up splendidly. It' tho "Standard Rotary'' that people want. Shey will have no other If they investigate carefully. BA.WIGGINS 307 CommercUl St. er&ewing machines, Pianos, Organs. Bicycles. ' Mo Need of Going to the Coast But go to FRIKDMAN'S NKW ItAOKUT STORE where tho weather I. cool , conifortnblo, nnd whoro goods can bo bought nt prlcos that will suit the i docIm i i i -it ifn..A f.t ..f 1m n linmlanmn linn nf tilhln ilnmnal !. t. H-iei towels, butcher linens, nn elegant lino of sllkol nos nt prices that toll them i. J? A comploto now lino of ladles' neckties, nnd pulley bolts, hondkorchlefs, and TV weathor crash skirts, nnriunln, fana and now dlmitlos. , ' Lot IN MEN'S WEAR SSS''' tweeds and other weaves, neckties, collarH, nho r largo assortment of trunks . it-. n. i tninonniKin onptimiilnrs. MilrtH. lion nlckora nlovos. a -nmnin. ..'.' men's underwear and notions, in fact full lil I 1 .. ...I ..1 All.liii nlnni lated dry goods and clothing Btoro Cor. Stato and Commercial Sts. M Friedman's New Racket. Store SI1MMS 36 inches wide, only 9c a yard MILLINERYThe wind up of the milling department Any and all of the trimmed hats to be sacrificed at 75c each Hats worth $3,50, now 75c, Come and make your selections Remember your choice for 75c, Positively closing out Jsadore Greenbaum First Door South of Postoffice. Oja-STozxAv.. Bern tka s? "3 ma m llare Al"a'3 Iha Kind You Haw Alrvars Bought against footpads aud robbers. Ho caravan started cross country save under tho conduct of Boxers ; 11 triinsort of ready monoy and valuables without tlio at tendance of Boxers was never dreamt of. Women and children moved from town to country under tho strong units of tho Boxers; oven the government nnd tho mandarins employed them con tinuously iu ono capacity or another. But with the advent of thu railway system tho occupation of private police. men or bodyguards became obsolete. Thoso who uso tho steam cars need no special protectors, nnd money transports are quicker and sufer by rail than In thu midst of nn army of Boxors bristling with cross-bows, spears, or oven rlllcs Whllo tho poor, half-starvod, and meek Chlneso laborer might never have summoned up courago enough to seek redress (or thu grovious wrong heaped upon him by thu hated innovation, it was but natural for the athletic Boxer drilled to earn his living by flstcuffs, to raise tho hand of revolt. Born to livo by his powers, ho uses violence to win back, If possiblo, tho bread of which ho is deprived, ills argumout Is against law and order, society would bo doomed if it wero permitted to provaii, yot from the Boxers' standpoint Its psychological and physiological soundness cannot bu denied. Tims tho original dispute between wage-earners and monopoly broadened into a full-Hedged social question witli a political lining. The victims of thu rail way system organized as Knights of Labor, only thoir so'.f.apointed leaders, tlio Boxers, are far moro dangerous de magogues than tho mon holding similar positions among the workmen in thu groat cities of Kuropo and America. Their ignorance, their profession, makes that eelf evident. PrUoQglitors, slug gers, and tho like cannot be trusted to keep the baser iiiBtiucts of a mob In subjection. These men unfurled tho Hag ot social war upon which was written: "Down with tho Railways That Aro Responsi ble for Our Starvation." From that to "Down with tho Foreigners, Who Foist ed the Railway Upon Us," was but n BtOp. To sum up : Fear of starvation roused the nngor of tho Chinese populace against tho useful innovation, tlio bread question grow into a political grievance and culminated iu the hatred of foroign- ors ana In open rovolt against tho gov ernment, for tho Mttitcliu dynasty is as foreign to tho country In Chinese eyes as if it wero Prussian or Anglo-Saxon, Those aro the facts; they show con clusively that the present troubles were caused Iby unhappy social conditions over w hicli tho government had no con trol and which absolutely lacked politi cal motive. That the original bread riot or economic movement 'developed into a political niovemont that .is no reason why its origin should bo obscured and Its motlvo doubted. llie real why and wherefore of the uprising is moreover mado plain by the wet mat tlio notors are not content with attucking foreigners. Their lust for vengeance strikes their own country mon as woll. And here another aspect of their labor Bituatlon comes Into viow : The foreigners, when hiring Chinese labor, prefer to employ converts. Chi cago Tribune. Bsllnr Wire. ' Mitchell, Lewis A Stover Co's. branch will be Headquarters for baling wire this season, 7-2dAwt! Buntfo Ila Kicd Yw Haw A)mh fought mi for acceptable litaj. state f patented. THE PATENT RECMD, Balt'nre. Md. 4J or Mountains 'Ploto stock of 1 a ....,1! -- " linea of everything kopt In "til ffjpi. BalomOrfaf Bottled Beer Kllnger ft Ueck.Successors to SouthSalem Bottling Works. All orders for bottlod beer will be filled at tlio browery. Kept on cold itorsft, Froo city delivery. Telephone 2131. WHY GO HUNGRY When you can got all you want to eat nt tho II Our patrons receive tho best the market affords. Open day and night. N McKillop & Berkhart 100 talo Bt. Bids for Supplies. Bidsfaro invited on supplies lottli Oregon School for Deaf Mutes tether lnlli. . C.n. 1.t .A Tlsw, HI IQflrt A list will bu furnished upon applied to Superintendent. Wheat Bought and Stored By tho Aurora Roller Mills Branch ofllco nnd wnrohotise 181 Trade st. between High and Church streets. Buckwheat nnd oats bougtit nt iiigneti market price. FRED P. HURST. 7-27-t! d&w Crystal Ice Works la delivering Ice to Ita patrons nt tho prevailing prices. Also Ico cream in any quantity will bo delivered to any part ol the the city. Price 66c per gallon, wnrrnnted to keep 12 hours after delivery. ; : : : t : s J. Maguire Prop'r, Is on the advance, thoso contemplat ing building or r- Material rfta floor. A cnrlond Star A 8tar ahlngle" just received, cheaper than ever. D. S. BENTLEY & CO. 319 Front tt. A Text Tt f-7V- Tho following extraordinary coinci dence occurred nt Tlnwald recently, a young preacher, who baa lately oon ried. was planned to toko the morn ng service, but, by a misreading of w plan, ho mistook hta appointment tor nn evening one. Consequently tr cou grcgntlon gathered on the Sonw morning waited In vain for bis nppea nnce. Thereupon ono of tho oBlco wr era of tho church present unjlerwo. tho service. Totally unaware tna absent preacher had recently ""' he electrified and amused bis '" by announcing as his text, l" "7. married a wife, nnd therefore ne c not come." New Zealand Herald- The Daclneia For " Little Oharlea-Sister told nuuna yesterday you was born to bo P"" tlclan' . 1 on- Mr. Sklmpley-A politician? wv" der why she thinks so. Little Charles-She says you CT bo much talkln without commit- yourselt-Chlcago Thnes-ncnuo- Teoplo who suffer from ncat,l?.aj hands and feet can obtain PccaLtja easy relief from the same by P Inside their stockings and gi" small portion of very fine oatmew- Prisoners In the peniteB1tUr' p about the only ones tlat lire their convictions. Kansas City V