DAILY JOUKNAL. mL VOL. X SALEM, OREGON MONDAY AUGUST C 1900. NO 194 THE m y In Men's Summer Coats and Vests! 1 l GREAT REDUCTIONS r J Fine gray mohair coat and vest 2.G0 reduced to 1.75 j L Flno black mohair coats 2.00 reduced to 1.60 1 f Fino black mohair coats 1.06 roducod to 1.25 I Sty " l ' at, J I Fine bluo sorgo coat and vest $5.00 reduced to $3.75 Una lirnvn wnrnipil nnaf nhil voat J RA vn.lnnA.1 in 1 r.n Fino bluo sergo coat and vost '...'.'. 4.00 reduced to 3.00 Groy mohair coats 1.45 reduced to 1.25 Grey check mohair coats 1.35 reduced to 1.15 Men's crash suits 3.05 reduced to 3.00 Men's craBh suitB 3.35 reduced to 2.75 Men's crash suits 2.40 reduced to 1.95 Mon's crash pants 1.00 roduced to .75 Men's light summer coats. 35c and 85c. I Ladles' tan shoes $2.75 lino reduced to $2.25 m Ladies' tan shoes 2 50 lino reduced to 1.1)5 f Ladles' tan shoes 2.00 lino reduced to 1.05 Gents' tan shoes 3.40 lino reduced to 2.75 Gents' tan shoes 2 85 lino reduced to 2.25 Gent's tan shoes 2.25 lino reduced to 1.00 BATTLE ON SUNDAY evidoiico indicated that Black was spec ulating on tho wheat of his storors, and tho decision Is on thodoctrlno thatwhon this is done it must be at tho risk of tho buyer and not at tho risk of tho storor, and that it is tho business of tho latter to know tho authority of tho warehouse man. Tho caso Will Protmhlv 1m nniw.nl. eu. JONES AND WEBSTER DAVIS It Is Softly Intimated that Conjressman Townc Will Withdraw From the Presidential Ticket. r L E. Only Six Miles Out on Their March to Pekin THE ALLIED INTERNATIONAL FORCES AET AND ENGAGE SIXTEEN THOUSAND CHINESE HELD BY A STRAIGHT JACKET Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. T. BARNES, Proprietor fl GREAT 6RflSfl X Big job 75c crash skirts to close out only 49c, X A few more of those nice rough rider suits for little boys to clean out at only 75c, X X X Glassware smashed all to piecesthat is, the prices are smashed. X X X X X X If you want bargains in anything call at the PAIR STORE 274 Commercial St. Salem Or. This First Battle Indicates that There Will Be Hard Work Ahead of the Europeans on Their Road to the Chinese Capital. has Or Aaaaelatc Pre ( tka Journal. Washington, Aug 6. The following cablegram oeen recieved by the Navy Department: " Che Foo reports an engagement at Peit Sane, Sunday morninir. The allies loss in killed nnd wnnnHpH Unnt 1200, chiefly Russians and Japanese the Chinese retreating." I he Che Foo official report is believed to be reliable. About 16,000 allies heavily engaged the Chinese at Peit Sang. Peit Sang is about six miles north-west of Tien Tsin, enroute to Pekin. fir Aaaoclatd Praaa ta taa JonraaJ. Milan, Aug. 0. Pressl, tho assassin of king Hutnbart 1ms abandoned tho at tltudeof calm which ho has assumed slnco tho murder and has beon glvlmr awny to tits of passion. This necessitated placing him in a straight jackot for ton hours. JAPAN LABOR CAN'T COME ttr Aaanctntrrt Vrtaa ta (he Journal. Washington, Aug. 0. A dispatch has beon received at tho Japancso legation hero announcing that tho government of Japan had prohibited for tho present tho emigration of all Japanese laborers to tho United Statos and Canada. Or Aaaol(cd lraa ta the Journal. CiiiCAno, Aug. 0 Chairman Jones and Webster D.ivis wero In conforonco at tho Democratic headquarters today. Davis will inako n series of speeches during tho campaign, J. A. Ldgorton, sccrotary of tho National Populist commlttro, is hero arranging for owning a branch head-quartors. Edgorton stated that a movement ia on foot which will probably bo Bitccoasfu for tho fusion of Silver Kopubllcanij and Silver Democrats in Idaho. It is ex ported that Towno will withdraw from tho Populist tlokot and his namo will bo roplacod by Stevenson. TWO BOLD TRAIN ROBBERS GLASSES nro not a Blgn of old ago. Tho youthful eyes nood regulating an much as tho old or eyes nood help. Wo can assist both. In our OPTICAL DEPAHTMKNT Aro Instruments for testing tho sight and a skilled optlcan to fit glasses to week or defective oyes. Examinations aro free. Call and, see us when in need of glasses. FIGHT LASTED SEVEN AND ONE HALF HQURS HERMAN W. BARR, 118 SUto St. Scientific Optician BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S STOUES and RANGES. MANUFACTURING SUPERIOR t CAN BE FOUND AT .GRAY BROS v V SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORE tf'THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER xm r $55BPMffi9i prte tivnn The Chicago cannot be excelled for compactness ana clearness 01 wniing. u ifc Mtv fn Iwrn in nnprnie. snd there is a raw VHW w w wi-rw.-a... -,,-- -- -- small number of parts to get out of order. E. L. Kino, CLvnie UnocK, Gon'l Agent for Oro. I-ocal Agent, Albany Oregon. Salem Oregon. ;tate normal school cm 4 MONMOUTH, " Fall Term Opens UKfcGON. September 16th, .jiiiio Diuuenis oi ttioHtate Normal School aro prepared to tf take the bUto Certificate Immediately on graduation. j, Graduates readily secure good positions. Jti Kxpenso of year from 1120 to 160. rUrong Academic and Professional courses.. Kjw pecial department in Manual Training. rut avaiogue cpniainmg lull auuuuui'emouu, auuresx, P. L. Campbell, Pres. or, W. G Warm, Sec Faculty 3T DS SaOaJBaHaB P fSMtnfitt MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Blx)catod0 miles south of Portland, on one of the most healthful and attractive iCMa t i , n w,1,amette Valley. Tub Idk.il Ptcie for Yodr Boys. Preparatory, -"! muicii;i gnu DC1 or particulars, apply to the President. lentiflc Course. Music a specialty. 7-2-3m THE HEAT COOLERS The warm inn h .nmA u..i ... -- i i i e u t...UU - L -.- imj builic, uui wc aic I1CJC UIICJU ui a tWltn a tieavv snnnlu nt nnr.iar. : au r iu. -i.: i line or erocenes. sa aH: mfc nri aariu;nrr , o u lunch or refreshing summer meal. Harritt & Lawrence, OLD POSTOWICK QKOCKKY tlr f aoelnted 1'rtu ta the Journal, Washington, Aug, 0. Interest In the ChincBo situation was intonsIUod this morning by tho receipt of two dispatches from American naval officers at ChoFoo, rjicAtIng unofficial but apparently relia bio roports of actlvo and extensive hos tilities betweo tho allied forces and tho Chincso, somewhere botwoon Tion Tsin and Pekin. Tho dispatches Indicate un mlstakably that tho roliof column has started in earnest and that It is meeting with determined opposition. Although nolther of tho dispatches mentions (ho presonce of American troops in tho reported engagement, it is assumed at tho war department that at IcaBt part of Chaffco'a small army took an nggrosslvo part in tho affair. Ac cording to Information in posossion of tho war dopartmont, tho to An of Pelt- sang Ib between 11 and 12 miles by road beyond Tion Tsin. From tho fact that tho engagement lasted 7 hours, It argues that either tho Chinese must havo been heavily entrenched, or that thoro was an immense horde to so stub bornly contest an advance of 10,000 International troops. Unless the opposition suddenly breaks down tho military oxperta look for n desperato engagement when the troops reach tho walled city of Tung Chow. Tho position of ;tho United States diplomatically remains un changed. Our government will not consent to tho removal of tho ministers. and foreigners from Pekin until there Is freo communication by tho powers with the ministers. Thero seems to bo on doubt about tho safety of tho ministers at Pekin for tho present and thoy will not bo induced to accept any offers of the Chincso govern ment to escort them to Tien Tsin until Uiey havo had communlcaulon with their governments. THE GENERALS CANNOT AGREE fir AaaorUld IT ta tfca JonrauL London, Aug. 0. Tho anti-foreign power again has tho upper hand at Pokin. LI Uung Chang claims his represent ations to Yasg Tso and Taotal Slion, viceroys, will bo donouncod by LI Ping Uong, bocauso thoy nro friendly to tho foreigners. Correspondents nt Tien Tsin nro un able to got anything fresh, though n ills- patcti from Hhanghnl avors that tho al lies aro making slow progress toward Pokin, on account of tho dlfforenco of opinion among tho Gonerals. Tho Am erican, British and Japaneeo command ers favor ono plan, tho despatch aIlrms, and tho Uiifslans, French, and German commanders favor anothor. 12:10 p. m. FOREST FIRE IN THE PARK tlr Aatarlated Prcsa ta tHm JonraaJ. Hklkna, Mont., Aug, 0. United States Marshal Jackson reports tho de structive forest llro sweeping between tho upper geyser basin and the lake In tho Yollow Stone National Park under control. CONGRESS OF BOLIVIA MEETS FUGATIVES ARRIVE FR0AI CHINA Or Aaaoelatc Prtaa ta tka Jonraal. San Fiiancisco. Aug. 0. With decks crowded with tho bluo Jackets, marines, ex-soldiers and refugees tho transport Logon from Tauk docked today. Thoro woro men, women and children on tho vessel direct from Tion Tsin who had escaped mobs of boxors and tho Itnporlal ChincHo troops. A Reward of One Thousand Dollars Each Ts Pld onThctrllead.'DMd t or Alive. , j " it Or .laaoclatad Preaa ta taa JonraaJ. DitNVEn, Colo., Aug. 0. A dozen do tecttves and posso oi men under com- mnud of Sheriff Frooimm nm urmiri.... tho country In tho noighlwrhood of Hugo Colo., In search of two men who robbed tho passongers on tho Union Pacific lansaB City oxprc'sj Sunday morning, and killed Wm. J. Fny, of Anahoim, who resisted. Today n rown.nl of $1,000 each for the capturo of tho men dead or nllvo, has beon offered. CIRCUS CROWD INLIMBO GIRL POUNDED CAPTAIN WAS TOO SEVERE Or Aa.arlat.a t... (ha JoaraaJ. Nkw YoitK, Aug. (1. K. Thielo, a fourth ofllcer of tho Ilnmhurg American Iluor Deiitichlnnd, blow out his brains becauso ho fell nsleop whllo on duty and was dlpgroced by tho Captain. WALTER GREEN IS IDENTIFIED Or Akaoelaf)! I'rtaa ta tka Journal. Suchk Pomvia, Avg. (I. Congress will be opened today, tho nnnlvorsay of tho Independence of Hollvla. A Cabinet crisis and voto of censuru from congress aro expected unless the minister resigns. GENERAL DEWET TO BE DONE FOR llr AaaoclaUd l'raaa ta tka JonraaL Lo.ndom, Aug. 0. A dispatch from Pretoria says General Kitchener has narrowed the circle around Uunorals Dowet and Stoyn by drlvinir tho enomv from one of the Hunk positions ho held. THE MANITOBA WHEAT YIELD llr Aaaoelatari lraa t h Jn.iMai Sr. I'aul, Minn , Aug. 0 A Winnipeg special says tho government crop bulletin places the total wheat yiuld of Manitoba at 11,000,000 bushels. CHICAGO UPPER CHINA GETTING SERIOUS Or Aaaoelate I'rcaa ta tka JoaraaJ. Paris, Aug. 0, Tho French Comul at Chung King, telegraphs that tho situa tion is becoming moro serious on the upper Yang Tso Kiang. Tho KnglUh consul has left and tho French consul intends to leave with his Japanoso col-league. DR. J. F, COOK The Botanical Specialist Atakes wonderful cures when other doctors fail. While a res ident ot tnis city ur. Look has gained a wide reputation as a Botanical Specialist, and cures many! cases of Chronic diseases. If you are suffering from any chronic disease con sult Dr. Cook. He makes no charges for consultation. Omce 301 Liberty btreet, Salem Oregon. Or Aaaoclatc I'rraa ta tka JonraaJ IitirFAi.0, N. Y. Aug. Walter 8. Green who suicided nt LaOrando, Ore., was n son of Capt. John Green, n well known vessel ow nor here. HEAT CAUSES DEATH WHITE SUPREMACY. Lftlslitloo ProHsed to Disfranchise the Metro. llr Aaaorlatad I'rtaa ta tka Jouraal Atlanta, Ga Aug. 0. Onrlnit to tho result of tho recent election In North Carolina in which white supremacy was engrafted on tho sfito, Representative Ilardwiuk will introducoat tho next ses sion of tho (leorula Lttuislature a bill providing for Constitutional amendment mllar in form and provisions us that adopted in the old North State. This onforcos a property and educational qualification on suffrage which practical ly uislrauclilHus tho negroes. BOISE'S ALBANY DECISION. Growers Who Stored With T. J. BKck to Col lect of Those Who Purchased From Hint. llr Aaaoelatt l'r. ( tka Jouraal. Amianv, Aug. fi. - In the caso of II. O. Davis et al azent. vs. tho Portland Flouring Mills Company, thu Hulem Flouring Mills Company and Ilalfour, Guthrino Co., Judge It. P. Holeo Hat urday rendered a decision of great Im portance to tho thousands of storurs of wheat in Oregon.as well as to the buyers of wheat stored in warehouses. Ily nti- ulatiou, thu matter of tho wheat stored In tho warehouse at Derrv and shlnnul to Ilalfour, Guthrie A Co was eliminated from tho case. The decision was in frnor of the plaintiffs. It was held that tho wheat stored with T. J. lilack In the warehouses at Haltev and CtimmliiL'g was tho property of tho plaintiffs until! ordered soiu by them, ami tiiey will re cover from the Portland Flouring Mills Company for U'iDO bushel sold to that corporation ov lilack. and 3077 Lualiola sold to the rialem Flouring Mills Com pany, all at 40 rent per bushel. The Portland Flouring Mills Company presented an offset of 16004 and thu Ha- lem Flouring Mills Company of 12110 money advanced to Ulack. but not all on account of this particular grain. It was not allow bd bv the court, anil tfin iIa IfeudanU will praatiettlly have to pay for 'r the wheat twice under thu ilHifniynThe fj Or Aaaurlatra i-raa ta tka Jouraal. CiiiCAno, Aug. 0. Ono death and sev eral prostration havo been reported to day as u result of thu iutuuse heat. WE ALL KNOW HOW IT'LL GO nr Ancllr4 I'rtu ta tka Jonraal, lliMiMiiiAM, Ala., Aug. 0. Alabama's State election Is beli.g hold h ero today Thero aro four tickets in tho field. o.n.jyjpoxi.xunL. Dean tU ? H'9 Will YwltowAtoayj Bougfil Trc TO A JELLY niiANnnsnonn. Ky., Aug. C.-MIss Anna llruutln, aged 17, was found lwnf en almost to a pulp with hor throat cut. Jesso Durham, n relatlvo, hna boon nr. rested on suspicion. tittle Telctrami. Tho King of Sorvia was wtnlded yes. tcrdny. General Dowot is said to bo hemmed In so that nn usenno from Hui itrKui, i impossible. Tho United Statos nonln irn0io u claim to tho Porte: A passenger was shot dead by train robbers In Colorado. Four men woro killed and ono mor tally injured in a Missouri feud. Secretary Hay la III. A party hacked by B. II. Ilarriiiuui, tho railroad imiLMiiitn. i InnL-ln,. rn,,... per on Whlto river, Yukon Territory. A nro nt LnOrnndo. Or., rnnninini property to tho value of nbout fLTj.000. Tho United States Civil rv.i.milo.,1,,.. will taku rhnrL'o in the. PMII Soptombur 1,' ' Senator Teller Riiys that congress should bo called on to deal with tho UliinuBO eituation. Thoro woro four men Llll,1 nn f. tally hurt and a young girl slightly wounded in a .Missouri shooting Wapo resulting from a feud. Klght Kuv. Augustlno Mealy, Catho Ho bishop of Maine, died suddenly on Sunday. united htntua MiniHtiir to Turkey makea tho regular dally peremptory do mnndou tho Porto for settlement nf tlmw,. claims. Or Aaaoclate Pvaaa ta tka JoaruW j;ur,UTii, Jllnn., Aug. 0. A hundro'd militiamen ;nen loft last night for Clo- quot, Minn., to effect tho capture) of tho circus crowd who havo bcou terrorising small towns In Korthorn Minnesota. Twolvo circus men woro arrested. Two Eola men Collide. O. P. Bcnrdsly and D. J, Ferguson of Eola, had an nltorcation oa tho street this afternoon. The two man "hail a difficulty in Justico court, Beardsloy followed I'orguson and kicked him, when Fureuson n much vouncnr mm ..loln.l him up and pitched him into Jtho streot. Ueardsloy followod h in and klnkl lili. ngaln. Tho old man was again pushed Into tho Btrcot and was somewhat bruised about tho face. No arrests wero madonttho time. Moores Is Sucerlnteadeat. K. T. Mooros tho now rnnntv n)irvn1 suoprlntoudent, wob sworn Jnthla morn. Ingot tho courthouse, fllod hla bond ; ond took posaoBHlon of hla office. ' When visited by n Journal man ho wns having a llttlo houso-cleanlng nnd was making tho old papers nnd dust lly,' putting tho room in ordor. T. O. Oliver snvs in hla tMirr.t1in T nL-, county ruBtler.that C. U, Irvin of Salem, has purchased n half interest in Hint pa por and will Join him In publishing thu same. $100 Reward, $100, Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that tlinro ia at least pno dreaded diRcaso that Bclenco hna been uhln to euro in nil 1U stages and that Is Catarrh. Mall'a Catarrh Curo ia tho only posit I vu curo now known to tho inwlltal frnUimity. Catarrh being u constitutional disease, miulres n con stltiit oim trdatmont. Mall'a Ontarrh (Jure la tnkiin liiiorniillv .,.ti,. .1 1 i .. upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho dlbease, and giving thu .....u,.k nuuuKin i,y unillling lip tllO const tiition and asslHtlng nnturo In do ing ita work. The proprietors havo bo much faith in ita curatlvo powers, that thnv offer nm. Miinilr.i.l Ili .,..- caso that it (alia to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address, F. J. Oiikmkv A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Cc. MuII'h I-amlly Pills ro thu best. W The llomllcst Man In Salem Ah well im Mm li'mili.iiiiinu ...i nro Invited to call on uny ilnnL'lHt uiiu got freo n trial bottle of Kemp's Itulu r., ,i,.. in.. . .... . i' I roniRdy that B gimrnntecd to curo uiid bollpvo nil Chroiilo and Acuto CougliM, Astlimu, JlrpncliltlH uml CoiiNiimp Hon. Prlco 2.rc. and 60o. eud&w The Finest ICE CREAM X in Saletn ttoaaaaaaBMaaaaa) Lots of Room Give us a Call ELLIS & ZINN'S 154 State St 'Phone 2874. y AXkXr,.,a.'n,.,oAV',e4w.n,Xk' iii aihi ttijuuiii rrum iiii; I'ATCIIWOHK. OI' HEPLECTION J Iff mstr i PREPARATION SALE X X YOU Can nnlv nnnrnrintft ilifc (m ,,i.. Blvlng sale by personally attending It. The prices we quote Here, the real solid merit of our merchandise and our reputa tion for reliability should be sufficient to convince you that we now offer a rare opportunity to save money. 2 I 2 Men's Fancy Striped Flannel Suits SnecLll SCRi; 7 AC cn? Tl,., ..hi shine in the most popular summer resort. Men's Washable Crash Suits Special $3.60, $3.90 a suit. Men's Fancy Worsted and Cashmere'iSuftsi Siwrfal .tS.tn nnrl nn Our entire line of summer clothing at special prices, See our Wash Suits for Boys. iA.2je4 Extra Summer Coats for Men. i i S i i i