The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 28, 1900, Image 4

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nnwrmm "ti-'i'miwwtft)i
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Dress Goods
Will last till August 1st.
Every piece of dress goods In our store at
July Clean-up Price
Sale will include both worsted and cotton woods nnd we will Htnku our reputa
tion on the bargains wo will offer on nnythlng in the line. Your monuy back nl
ways if you're not satisfied. Tha.'s the motto of
The Big Bargain House of Salem
Our 5c
Bargain counter offers this week
soveral lines of Lawns, Organdies,
Ginghams, Uatlties, etc., up to
25c values.
Campaign price 5c yd.
At 7 1-2 yd.
A lino of regular 16c values in
fine batiste
You cannot afford to
.Uf .1 rvrvvHrt I 'JUi.?i
-viiw?L-riyjK-rrii '
Fair tonight, Saturday nnd Sunday.
Warmer Saturday.
Wheat Market,
Han Fiumiwo, July 28. Gush 1011).
Chicago, III., July 28. Sept. Wi.
Snlom, 40.
The Sldnev Power Co.
iionst, oiikooi.
uiadb for family uso, ask your grocers for
I). Hrnn and shorts always on hand.
nioNi 51.
Osburn's Shoe Sale
l where you csaitt
.. (tea's lUmllloB Brown shoes
worth $2.25. now $t.90.
Lsdlcs' fine picnic shoe mile
ty lUmtlton Drown, former
price- $2.00. Sle price $1.50.
Mi other shoes tt cut crkes.
Come U and see.
E. F. 0SBURN, r,oa
The following low rates ou ice have
been agreed upon by the Capital Ice
Works and Crystal Ice Works, of this
city beginning May 16:
Conlectlonery stores, hotels and fish
markets, using 100 lbs or more nt a time
Mo per hundred leas thau ltO lbs 75c.
Private parties using 100 lbs or more,
75c; less than 100 lbs, le per lb. No
sale below 10c.
Jcein ton loU, 17.50; half Urn, 14.00.
at the works.
Ice shipped in sacks 75o per 100, sacks
extra Cantai. Icx Works
nil (livimii ictWoHM
Oregon Peaches 65 cents
per box. x, , c
Watermelons on ice( freslx,
large and luscious, TC Z
iRotii &
nlONS 151,
At 10c a yd.
A lino of Challles in pretty pat
terns, worth 26 cents.
Waist Silks, Plaids.
Checks and Stripes.
Sale Prices.
$1.75 ones for 1.15.
$1.50 oni'B for 11.00.
$1.25 ones for 75o.
$1.00 ones for 05o.
70c ones for 43c.
miss this offering.
The Best Standby
In the tlmoof trouble with that inesti
raablo gift, your eyesight, is an honest
optician who knows his business one
who will fit you with proper glasses or
spectacles for whatever defect thero is
in one or both eyes, and will not over
charge you for ulther glasses or advlco.
Did you over think that your excruciat
ing hcadacho may bo due to eye trouble.
Wo are at your service.
Cllf n4llm
" 296 CommertUI Street,
Mis Mary Wilson, Stayton.
Miss Sarah Wilson, Htayton.
Chris Horner, Mill City.
Burr Homer, Mill City.
0 J I-envltt, Ahuuo Oregon.
H J. Towers, Mlnnoaolis, Wis.
J II Uurgard, Portland.
J I. BiegTar, St. I'aul Minn.
A. Nousom, nnd Alllo Stewart left to
day for an outing at Nowoit.
I). Q. Drager, O. M. Purvlno and Geo.
F.Jtuhl started this morning for Juneau,
Ilov. W. A. Daly, Hermann W. Barr
and Hon. David Craig loft Newport this
morning for Snlcm.
II. O. Meyers returned this morning
from a trip out Bouth.whero ho has boon
in the interest of thellnrhora Kxaminlng
Sheriff Frank Durbin returned today
from his outing. Hois somewhat dis
figured from his encounter with kIsoii
oak, but Is still in the ritix-
Fred Wyli,who for a number of years
has Iwen holding responsible position
with W. J. Freeman at Central Point,
has returned to this city.
It. 11. Price, who has been ill for
some t mo at his homo In Yuw Park will
start to Waterloo Tuesday next. Mr.
I'rlce Is improving slowly and It is hoped
that tho change may do him good,
Sts lac Machine or Oritn Recalrim Dooe By
Geo. C. Witts' Esutlljhtnent.
Lately several peoplo wanted niuchlnes
repaired hut would entrust them to none
hut myself. Hereafter If Geo. W. Fry who
Is in my employ calls on you ,'et him re
pair your sewing machine or organ and
1 will lie resonslhlo for any damage
done. Mr. Fry is an experienced median
ie and thoroughly capableto boentru&ted
with your work any other favors shown
him in my Hue of business thaifk.
fully received.
Gbo. C. Will.
Dealer in Pianos Organs ami Sewing
124 STATS flT.
Siltffl Men Tske to Sea Bsthlni-Fiin Id the
Breakers-Records of the Flshtai Crews
Recite for Frylnf FUh. "
NswroRT, July 28. Tfmos at tho bay
havo been pcrcoptlbly gayer tho past
week. Moro Salem families havo
come in and Bca-bathlng has been por
feet. The crowd of bathers has reached
tho hundred mark at times, and tho
surf has been not too exciting.
Quito n number of Salem business men
distinguish themselves in tho water as
well as bohind their counters. Mayor
Bishop, Fred Wiggins, Otto Wilson,
Henry Bredemier, and Qua Schrelber
are hero but not all tako kindly to water.
Yesterday a lady fainted in tho surf,
which was too strong for her. A largo
breaker struck hor husband, lifting
both off their feet, and n second follow
ing closo on tbo heels of tho first soused
her clear under. She was pickled Inside
and out when sho wan taken ashore.
The wind has been in the south all this
week and it has been quito warm even
on tho beaches. There is very little
swell and the wator Is quite a little abovo
the refrigeration point.
Bomo funny poople in funny costumes
afford not a llttlo amusement for tho
kodakers. An Albany man, called for a
nicknamo,"The Sea Lion," had tho mis
fortune to havo his upper and nolthcr
garment part company and ho floating
and bobbing in tho breakers. The puck
ering string to his bathing pants must
havo been of poor material nnd, red as a
boiled lobster,he caused Bport and laugh
ter when he becamo aware of his pre
dicament, and tho smiles of tho ladles
gave way to comic approhonslon as ho
struck boldly for tho shore, calling loud
ly to his wllo who waded In and with
great prosenco of mind pinnod her
shawl about his legs, turning a calamity
into comedy, as lie looked quito gay
marching intc retirement robed in a
plaid toga liko a Itoman senator.
Tho General Wright is still hero bob
blng for what is called Plnnaclo rock at
tho entrance to tho harbor. A diver is
hero and he Bpont four hours exploring
this obstacle to navigation. It is to bo
drilled into, charged with dynamito and
blown Into eternity. Tho diver gavo an
exhibition of his skill Wednesday, when
ho rescuod his brother's watch that had
fallen overland a week ago at tho docks.
It was gold-Ailed before it went down,
and then it was filled with wator, as it
sank in 27 feet. It was an oxclting event
to see him put on Ills suit, screw on tho
great headpiece, put on his 100 lb. bolt,
and shoos with -10 lb. lead soles. Ho was
down only a short timo when ho tele
phoned up that he had it and was haul
ed out with tho watch in one hand and a
crab in tho other.
Quito a number of Salem business men
have been taking In a dav's fishing on
tho bay. Among them Fred Wiggins,
Otto Wileo and Mr. Bredomcir, of tho
Yokohama tea store. Tho former struck
a bad day, but the latter had about all
ho could carry. Bay fishing depends on
tbo tides flotnowhat for success, ltev.
Daly, of St. Joseph's church and Her
man Barr woro Dulling one day. Although
thoy had some luck it la quito likely
that fishing on tho Bay will not super
cede his calling as a llshorof men spokou
of In tho scripture. Mayor Iliflhop took
his family out Inthognsolino launch and
ho caught a few pogles, nearly as many
as nnothor party close by who had only
an old flat-bottomed tub. Tho h b of
tho mayor and boiiio others uro staked
upon tho run of tomcod which must be
gin soon. Thoy bito at anything, hook
IhemBelvos and almost climb ovor the
sldo of tho boat.
Isidore Greonbaum wears tho belt
among fishers from tho rocks. Ho walk
ed through tho Newport cottago quarter
yosterday morning the proud bearer of
tho banmr string of seabass.
Wo havo learned to prepare tho pogy
or white perch in n way that makes
thorn simply delicious. Tako a largo
perch, slit the skin down hia back and
belly and strip it off to the tall. Then
cut a slab of the clear meat down each
sldo and throw this into cold fresh
water with u handful of salt in it and
leave it about three hours. When ready
to fry, tako out and wrap in dry cloths
until all tho wator is drawn from the
meut as it is very tender and will not
try crisp if put in tho spider wet. Cut
In strips about An Inch wide and roll In
yellow corumeal, Havo plenty of hot
lard tried out of clear salt pork or bacon,
or common lard with sonio Bait in it and
fry crisp and brown. This makes perch,
commonly a despised fish hero where
fish are plenty, as good as almost any
fish, trout not excepted. K. Hoekii,
OM Settler Burled.
Tho remains of K. Seldon Brooks, who
died nt Woodvllle, Jackson county,
Thursday, arrived in Salem on this
morning's overland train for burial here,
and were taken to tbo Itigdon A Clough
undertaking establishment, Tho funeral
was held from there at 10:30 a, m,
ltev. P. S. Knight olllclatlng, and
tho remains were laid to rest in Jtural
cemetery, by tho side of the late wifo of
tho deceased.
Deceased was 70 years of age, and had
lived in Marion county since 1815, until
about three years ago, when he removed
to Jackson county to try mining.
He leaves two daughters, Miss Brooks
and Mrs. Collins, of Tho Dalles, who tic
compaluod the remains to this city.
-i 1 I, u
Sestence Commuted.
Governor Geer has granted a commu
tation of sentence In the ca.e of F. It,
Vincent, who had served 11 out of 15
years to which ho was sentenced from
Multuomah county for assault with a
dangerous weapon,
Tho sentence of Merteu II. Cox, serv.
Ing 1 year for larceny has also been
commuted so as to expire July 31 in
stead of August 1.
Oil Settlers Cone.
Senator N, H, Looney of Jefferson,
yesterday succeeded in killing two large
rattlesnakes ou his farm near Jef
ferson. The largest one measured about
three feet in length and carried eight
Pe-ru-na Made Them
Women everywhere aro writing Dr.
Hartman concornlng tho ailments pecu
liar to their sex. Tho two following
Utters, published by the consent of the
writers are specimens. No wonder these
ladles are enthusiastic. They had been
tick a long tlmo. Their cure was un
expected. Tho first ono, Mrs. King, of
North Carolina, writes I "l was anucvw
for twenty years and did not know what
ailed mo. My huiband employed three
doctors, bnt they did mo no good. I took
lirforont kinds of medicine, all to no
effect. In 1895 a friend told me I had
catarrh. I had a bad cough and rnnnlng
at the uoss all the time. I was advised
Mr. M. M. King, Waterloo, N. O.
to try P-ru-n and I took four bottles.
I am now well of the catarrh. Itxllevo
Pe-ru-na savod my llfs. Tho doctors
and all others failed. I can recommond
your Fo-ru-na to all my f rUnds. It Is
the bet medicine In the world. You
School Clerk Dsuoiisrtner Llstlnc Many Who
Wants the District's Notes.
Tho list of subscribers now foots up as
Mrs. M. C. Smith f 1500
Theo. Nolf, agent 600
Mrs. Thoo. Nolf 500
Miss Alice Laycox 500
F. W. Steusloff 2000
J, P. Rogers, agent 500
T. G, Magors, agont 600
A. J. Cheshire, agent 600
J. C. Brown 400
Oswald West 600
Amo Leone Strong 50
Mrs E. 8. Lamport 2000
J. O. Griffith 600
J.O. Grilllth, agent for L.F. Grif-
flth 500
J.O. Griffith, agent for W.D. Mc-
Nary 100
W. S. Sanford, agent 500
Hofor A. F. Jr. Agt 600
8. W. Miles 600
II. Staplcton 500
Mrs. J. J. Murnhv. Ticas 700
Geo. F. Rodger 600
C. 8. JHnmllton 600
M. Montgomery 600
Mrs. Montgomery 60
J. A. Dittor 600
C.J. Uyrd, Agt 500
L. L. Byrd, Agt 600
F.A.Legg 500
G. G. Brown HOO
Alico James 100
WA Cusick 'J00O
Mrs M M Cusick 1000
Mrs II Stupleton 1000
DrJ N Smith 600
Mrs E Strayor 50
Mrs C FrleKoy 000
Mrs M CaBobecr 000
HTBrucoAgont 600
Fredia Potoreon 60
G 8 Downing 1000
Frank Davey agent (2) 1,000
H.U.BoAtty -100
Matty Beatty 400
Mrs. E. Hofer 250
Florence McKinney 250
Court Sherwood No. 10, F. of A. .'(00
W. T. Williamson 250
MrB. Williamson 250
Total . 27000
A Stolen Dost.
About noon today Chief of Pollco
Gibson received a telegram from tho
shorifT of Benton county, requesting
him to watch for a boat which had been
stolen from Corvallis and arrest tho
thief. Tho chief went down to dabble
his feet in tho limpid waters of tho
Willamette and watch for tho outfit,
but It had not shown up when this
pajHir weut to press.
Detet Car Seavlce.
Until further notice depot car will
leave Willamette Hotel as follows :
North 0Yerlnd.. 4.15 . m.
Albiuy Local, north,.. 7:S0 a. ni.
Houtli oerlJ .... .. I0i0a. m.
North ererUnU... 3.34 p. m.
Altttuy Local, ioutb. sjo t. 10.
Bouth oerUail....... 10 05 p. m,
Your Suudsy Dinner.
For those of our citizens who prefer to
remain in town a first class dinner will
bo prepared and served when ordered nt
Did St. Elmo Restaurant.
. . 1
Binder Twine
at the Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co.
urancn, ai lUflj cents per pound.
Sea Shore or Strut's.
If vou en tct nltlmr ulu.... nn ......!..
home, you will need the best of food
in improve vour neatin. we navo tbo
groceries and provisions, everything you
need. Give us vnnr nnlnr n..",l .,... ...mi
guarantee that you will be satisfied,
Are You Thinking of Buying a Piano,
Organ, Sewing Machine or Bicycle ?
perhaps months and then dually comelti our store and F'nuJh.TT ,0A Woeks mul
feast rUlem talked of buying an'iiutrun ent ove? a year it ',U9 mly, in
he was selling another Ino, and lust a short time ala tl Ll f 8aIe8la when
had us takeuponeof our finest slxwtaveoreVnf v ?. ey cara.e, ,n ""solicited and
up near The tails and one of the plXslS talked L?K& maiIe U 8aleS
Come In and examine our goods, and rv hen! whether &trn L?r 8R? ?,80
Ing now or not. We aro always willing to. show our JJJ. V. ? t th'nkli"R ' bu
tost, or let you try them. We recen rt y Vut one oi nL SSjL,tan,1 Wo vn Wr
to 1U easy runnlni qualities. tAtoBlVoffi ' ' " ' ,e." aS
the two wheels of Uiemachme In place of the inaw le2?l,niHd U8,n-8 U ?"
muchine and sowlnc through two thicknesses oj cloth? It U Wll rn V"i'g th!
tests that we win ill our competition sales. Please Iv n. .Jff r 8nd ho.nett
Wo can save you money and please you U lu tt c" bo,ore 'ou bur
307 COM. ST, '
JEW" Pianos, Organs, Bewlng Machines, Bicycles,
Strong and Happy.
m.? no niv name whenever
plcase."-Mrs.M.M. King
Mary P. Bartholomew, of St.FranrU'
vllle, 111, say s t " About twelve years ago
I was afflicted with female trouble (pel
vlo catarrh.) I doctored with several
skillful physicians, but kept getting
worse until I became bedfast. I re
mained in this condition about two
years, tinder tho attondanoe of four
I concluded I would write Dr. Hart
man for advice. I owo my life to Dr. omiI Mvfriondsand
neighbors never expected to see me well
. l.. T am nnnr nhln to lUllst With mV
household duties. I think my recovery
Is a surprlso to
every one who
knew mo. My
armotlto was so
poor I could eat
oaroely any
thing; but I can
eat any and
everything now
without pain. I
cannot recom
mend your medi
cines enough."
r"lrrh la the
v..nnf tnmnUlnH. Nearlvovcry ehO
of so called female complaint Is duo to
catarrh of tnepeivio organs. .. wumu"
free from catarrh is generally a well
woman. Catarrh of the pelvlo organs
makes moro women miserable than all
other diseases combined.
lTor Dr. Hartman'a latest book on
.n..l. rliionsnt. nriilri-ai The Pe-ra-ns
Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio,
Bent ireo lor a suori urns.
g Not how cheap
But how good
2 hICIIT cood"s at
Br Aesaetate Prraa la the Journal.
Honolulu, July 27. Tho remains of
Kmil Uhlbrecht, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
well known throughout thoUni'iedStatoa
as a bicycle rider, who was drowned off
Maknpuu Point last, Sunday, was dis
covered yesterday in tho stomiich of a
shark caugtat the entrance of Hono
lulu harbor. When tho shark's body was
opened by the fishermen, thoy found
eomo bare hip bones, a right femur with
notleshon at all, and a right foot, tho
latter in a remarkable statu of preserva
tion. Tho shark's tooth hud bitten it
off nt the Aiiklo as clean as n blow from a
gullltlno might have, nnd. being swal
lowed whole, it remulned with only a
fow scratches. Tho condition of the
other bonca showed Unit when tho unfor
tuniite young man's body was at the
mercy of tho waves a number of sharks
had nttacked it at once, and fought ovor
it, rending it limb from limb.
Ono of tho toos of tho feet hod a very
pecuiar malformation. From this fact
Mrs. Ulhbrecht.tho widow of Ulhbrecht
nnd Boveral other friends identified tho
remains. The shark was II feet long
aim weigneti 700 pontics,
Nkw Oiilganr, La., July 28. Last
night passed with llttlo disorder. Tho
prompt action of the mayor in dlstri
buting squads of armed men throng;
the city, nnd the fact that tho negro
Charles, who caused the trouble, is dead
seems to havo had u good effect in quiet'
lug tho populace. Negroes aro appar
ently glad that Charles i d'il TVul,,.,
they havo Appeared in a larger numbor
man ior soveral days. Thotibands of
ttieni navo left tho city,
No Need of Going to
the Coast
..... .- .- piirBintivm Wine IMnlfCT STOIIR wlmrnilio i-
lllll go li) rninuiunii o "" ......--- .?r "ywmor is C00l atl
comfortable Aid where goods can bo bought At prices that will suit theTU.T
book of all. Havo just got in n handsome lino of tnblp damask, fino hcmstilrhJi'
towels, butcher linens, nn olegont lino of sllkol noa at prices that sell them 22
A complete new nno oi iiuuca ih-ckwc-b, mm i"'v "") uurcuiois, and Km
weather crash skirts, pnrnrols, fans nnd nuw dimities. not
IN MEN'S WEAR 5w51w$-
tweeds and other weaves, neckties, collars, nlso a largo flBsortmout of trunks ,
Uses nnd telescopes, suspenders, shirts, hop pickers gloves, a complete stock Tt
men's underwear nnd notions, In fact full lines of everything kept in a well rm
M rVicilinain
Cor. Stuto and Commercial Sts.
I have secured several lines of ,new gopds at reduced
rates and offer them to consumers at wholesale prices.
Pulley Belts, fine ones only 25c.
Crash skirts only 50c.
Duck skirts, regular $1.25 only 75c
ftlcrcerized silk underskirts regular $1.25
only 85c.
Yard wide percale, 7 l-2c yd. . '' "
Pearl buttons, 5c a doz.
Bone buttons 10c gross.
Silk mitts 15c a pair.
Large assortment of laces, ribbons, embroideries, cor
sets and gloves at less than wholesale cost.
I am still selling ladies' fine shoes, regular $4.00 for
$1.25 a pair, and oxford ties at 50c, 65c, and 75c a pair
Isadore Greenbaum
First Door South of Postoffice.
JHM.llfcffiJm IIbsMTT-7
't5S55sS? " i
E. L. Kino,
Gen'I Agent for Ore.
Albany Oregon.
Portland, July 28 Wheat, volley C5
to CO; Walla Walla, 55 to GO.
Flour Portlniul. lii.fllriutia lis'-. n
13.20. Graham 2 GO tier bbl.
uais unoico viilto3t(33r)c, groy 32
to 'XI per bushel.
.Millstuff Ilran, $13; shorts, ( 1G.
Hay Timothy flOQU ior ton.
OntOtlS 1.25 for mT ITU! inr H..,r.
Potatoes 10 to GOc per suck
llutter llest dairy, 35S10; lancy
creamery. 40 to -IGc. Store 25c.
Kggs Oregon. 17' to 18e.
Poultry Chickens, 13.00 to 1.00; henB.
Mtol.GOjturkeyB. live 13c.
Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7)c por pound.
Hogs Heavy dressed 5 to Oc.
lleef-Stecrs. tlI.G0; cows,$3.G0 4;
dressed beef, 0 to 7?c.
Veal Dressed, 8 8J$c. for small.
Hops 28c.
WrA'nllo?.1213c; Eastern Ore
gon, 1015cj Mohair, 25c.
Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 839c:
under 00 lbs, 708,' ; sheop pelts, 16
heat 58 pounds and over, 40.
Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 25c.
Hops 5 to 7Wfo
Oats 28 to !).
,.1Iay-Ualed, cheat, 7; to $7.60 tlmo-
hggs 15 to 17c. .
Flour In wholesale lots, $2.60; retail,
Mlllstuffs-Bran, $13; shorts, $14tf.
Hogs-Dressed, 6Kc.
Live cattle Steers, 3tf ; cows, 2i to
Sheep $2.503.
DrCBWlil Vl'lll ItLfn
llutter Dairy, 2oc'j creamery, 25c.
Poultry Fat hens per lb., 7 to 8c.
oj'iuik wiiilrciio per io u toll)
Potatoes new, 35c per bushel.
Wheat Bought and Stored
By the Aurora Roller Mills
Branch offlce and warehouse, 181 Trade
st. between High and Church strm.
Buckwheat and oats bought at highest
niarKet price.
7-27-U d&w
Crysial Ice Works
Is delivering ice to its patrons
at the prevailing prices. Also
eo cream in any quantity will
be delivered to any part oi the
the city. Price 65c per gallon!
v. arranted to keep 12 hours alter
delivery. : : ; : : . .
J. Maguire Prop'r.
or Mountains
New Racket Store
Balem 0,J(
Price $35.00
Chicago cannot be excelled fpr 4
i compactness and clearness of writing. j
is easy to learn to operate, and there is
small number of parts to get out of ordei !
Clyde Ditocx,
Local Agent,
Balem OrencB.
Bottled Beer
KllngerS Dcck.Succtsson to Soolhatlt
Botthr. Works,
All orders for bottled beer will bJW
at Uie brewery. Kept on cold itorr
i1 roe city delivery, leiepnona uu.
A Creditto Saiei
Our transfer, truck aJ
building material business b
Call our new Red. Willi
and Blue trucks, we nave
With these requisites ff
are bound to win. Bnfl5
and Contractors please
and inquire prices. llr
We are fullv eaulooeiw
all work, light and heavy.
D, S. Bentley k Co.
Phone 301. SI O Front'
When you can get all you w
tu eui m mo
Our patrons receive the best tb
market affords. Open day
McKillop & Barkhar'
106 tU St.
Pancake " Flour
Campers . .'.
.tu ',!
hMy" .,