The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 28, 1900, Image 3

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'and Bowels
BUnses the System
V Trtt tCHVINt-MAN'rO By
-""&!.'? -v5c. .'"
CM iUI I4U MM4 WU til MUll.
QirC. T. .Go's
". Dock twtwearauta and Coort m.
j, "' M. P. UALDWIN, Agent
4 Vhocial news
Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker hnvo gonu to
!" "
Mead jolnucl (life-BaJomlto
at Newport today. - "
Miss Kathryn Gilbert
(rom a viit in Portland.
has returned
Miw Ata Davis has returned
(rom n
vl!t to friends in KugerfS
'IHiaa Ankle McCully, deputy county
clerk?, lias gone to Newport for an outing.
f Mrs. F. Cornell went to Jefferson IftBt
night and will visit friends oyer Bunday.
jjM'Im Mao Storey, has returned to lior
lionaelin Portland after a visit with
MiSslLona Royal.
' Mrs. D. 0. Sherman and chlldron will
leaySTor Wilholt Springs Monday, for a
few weeks' outing.
Mrs. G. Stelnor and daughter Mrs.
Milton Moyers roturned home from
Portlind this morning.
. ii.
Mn.and Mrs. Max 0. Burcn, Miss
LcUftJfBuren and JMlss Greta Phillips
havejone to Newport.
HrWm. Harris, of Drooks, who has
beaj&aHtng tier daughter, Mro. J. A
AllleoHhas returned to her home.
MUri!juu Raymond of. Oakland, Or
egon,wba has, been at Salem and Me
hama visiting relatives returned home
this morning.
Mr, and .Mrs. Goo., Mellwajn of Laur
ence, and Mrs. Wm. Mcllwoln of Indi
ana weru visiting Curt Mcllwain and
family on Church street.
Mr. and Mrs, Jou. Baumgartner went
to Portland this mornlbg for an over
Sunday visit. DuringMBanmgaTtner.'B
absence Oswald Vfestwlll act as school
clerVV .
t i
Mrs. M. A. Gould, nee Ioue Strang,
of ,V)a Angqles, Is fn 'the city the
guest of Mrs. E. C. Small, and Mn , Geo.
J. Pearce. 'Mrs, Geo. Gould formally
HwTln Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hamilton and eons
Laade and Ira, leave tomorrow morn
ing for a several week's outing at Ocean
Park. The party will drive over and
camp. Laude and Ira will have to throw
o all military tacties and highkaflnmery
If they beat their dad at an outing.
KMr. and Mrs. A. W. Dennis, of this
tty just received a letter from their eon,
OUrence F. Dennis, who made them a
vfelt here last summer. He is now in
Is taking in tho sights of the ex pa
felon, and picking up a knowledge of the
Wwno language, tie la atso learning
ething of French culinery art, that
ng one of his objects in visiting Eu-
, as he is fitting himself for the occu-
onof.achef He also, intends to vis-
rmany before his return.
IT. B. Kay has gone to San Francisco
Budge R. P. Boise, went to Portland
ywKerday afternoon..
SF. M. McDaniel, of,Stayton, wa a .Sa
urn visitor today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mills returned yes
terday from an outing a. Ocean Park.
Joseph Fonea came dowu from his
Santiam Ranch this morning on bualneu.
C. D. Gabrielaon hai returned from
Ea business trip through Coos and 'Curry!
cotiaH. '
Scientist Say It Is hot the Army Worn But the
Common DobUlltd Cut Worm.
Fnrmors and pardoners In Western
Oregon whoso crops havo been so much
damaged recently by an army of worms,
may not be much Interested in knowing
that tho pest is not the army norm, as
many euppoBo, but tho variegated cut
worm, a pest of no mean pretensions ;
but they will bo Interested in knowing
that its ravages nro not likely to bo long
Professor Piper, tho entomologist of
Washington Agricultural collcgo, lias
boon studying this nocturnal dopredator,
and finds that it Is poesiblo to resist it
successfully if tho farmers are sufficient
ly enterprising. Tho most effectivo way
to fight it ho says is with Paris green. It
may bo applied olther wot or dry. For
plants l!ko cnbbairo or string beans ho
recommends tho dry process; for all
others spraying is best. Ono part of
Paris Green mixed with twenty partB
of (lour or powdered limo makes tho dry
mixture This is to bo applied with n
in box of convenient slzo, having tho
bottom finely perforated or covered witl
a flno wiro gauzo. Tills It fastened to a
handle, can bo used conveniently to sift
tho powdor over tho growing plants. It
is best to mako tho application either
early in tho morning or lato in the ove
nine, while the leaves nro wet with
For tho wet application, one pound of
Paris green to 150 or 200 gallons of
water is recommended for such trees as
apples and pears. Peach and plum
trees, and plants with delicate foilago
which aro susccptlblo to tho poison,
should hnvo a weaker dilution of it, say
ono pound to 250 or 300 gallons of
water. A full pall or two of frceli llmo
water should bo added to ovory SCO gal
lons of tho mixturoto prevent tho poison
from scalding tliofoliago. In preparing
t the Paris green should bo made into
a flno pnsto with n small amount of
wator, then strain thoroughly and add
the bulk of wator. Tho limo may bo
added to tho pnsto beforo straining, in
nmount according to tho amount o'
poison used, instead of adding llmo
water to tho solution as recommended
above. Tho mlxtnro must bo kept well
stirring during the spraying. For cab
bago, lettuce, caulfllowcr and other
plahtB which may bring tho poison to
tho tablo a milder solution than any of
thoco given nbovo should bo usejl.
Profossor Piper says thejpost will soon
disappear, and it is not likely to return
again for many years.
This last will bo gnod news for those
whoso gardens ara now being destroyed
by tho creeping pests. They oro no
respectors of persons, and eat up tho
little kitchen garden of tho city dwell
er with as cool nnd insolent an avidity
as they do the common vegetables of
tho farmer. They have oven had tho
tomorlty to cat up tho turnips on tho
asylum farm, devouring them root and
b'ranch and from keelson to truck.
They work nights, Sunday's and hol
idays and their greed is as insatiablo as
that of tho most sanctified human bo
novolent asslmulator. It is said that
the sound in cabbage patch at night ii
like that of rain upon tho roof, or "tho
march of vast army, their harness
clanging as thoy march."
A Jouiwal omployo says It is a pity
they aro not tho genuino army worm,
for then tho iiiubIc of a brusss band
would causo all of them within hearing
to koel over and die in great agony. The
farmer could tune up tho old tlddla nnd
go out and put them to sloop to the
music of a Bethoven Sonata or tho
Fisher's Hornpipe.
A Montana Woman Writes In Praise of New
tore's llerplcldtr
"Bulto. Aug 20. Newboro Drug Co..
city, Deor Sirs: For several years 1
have been troubled with dondruff, caus
ing mo much annoyance, and my hair
became ery thin. I have used Now
bor'n Hopirieide for a month and tho
dandruff has ontlrely disappeared and
my hair is becoming much heuvler than
formerly, New hair la growing where
there was nono, and I am very thaukfui
to you for tho benefit I havo received from
Newboro's Herpicido. Very truly yours,
MllS. 0. I). FoiiTKII,
No. 085 Utali Ave., Butte, Montana
Wathena Chautauma Ocens.
Holto.v, Kan., July 28. Tho opening
of tho Wathena Chautauqua today waB
one of tho most elaborate events that
has takon place in this section of the
country, and tho attendance is in ado
np principally of prominent people Irom
this state, Oklahoma, Missouri, Ne
braska, Colorado and Texas. Tho meet
ings will continue until August 5, and
among the orators that will speak aro
Hon. Henry Watterson, Rev. Matt S.
Hughes, Congressman Dolliver, Champ
Clark, II. W. J. Ham, Major Hawks,
Hon, Frank Nelson, Father Nugent, Dr,
Kirtley. There will also be a long list of
other entertainers and features of enter
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
nut together, and until the last few
years it was supposed to be incurable.
tor a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken inte
nallv in doses from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surface of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for an
cese It fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cuknky & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
l &$&
" Give Him an Inch,
He'll Take an EU,"
Let the smallest microbe gain lodgment
In your body And your tvhole system tuill
be diseased. The microbe is microscopic.
But the germs become inches And then ells
of pain. Hood's SArsapAriltA destroys the
microbe, prevents the pAln, purifies the
blood and effects a permanent cure.
hcd& SaMapwiitfa
CllUltCtt OK 001),
Nortli Snlem Bethel. Preaching by
Ulder A. Wlllrom. Services 10:30 a. m.
nnd 7:30 p. in.
w. c. t. o.
Rev. Pratt, paBtor of tho United
Evangelical church, will speak at tho
W. 0. T. U. rooms Sunday at 4 p. in.
ah are welcome.
John Parsons, pastor. Services tomor
row at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday
school at 12 in., and Epworth League at
7 p. m.
Salem Church of Christ, Sciontlst, 200
Liberty street. Services at 10:30 a.m.
and 8 n. m. Sundavs. nnd overv Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock. Subject of
Sunday lesson sermen: "bplrlt.
Corner Nineteenth nnd Ferrv streets.
T. II. Henderson, Pastor. Preaching nt
tho usual hours tomorrow. Subject at
11 n. m. "Kaglo unristiaus." buujcct
at 8 p. in., "A tiro uotweon tlio i.ips."
J. J. Kvans, pastor. R. M. Messlck, a
former paBtor of the congregation, but
now located nt Garfield, Wash., will
preach nt 10 :30 a. m. Bible school at 12
in. Junior Endeavor at 5 p. in. l.l'.
S. 0. E. at 7 p. m. Preaching, nt 8 p.
m., by the pastor.
Soventeeth nnd Chemokota street.
N. Sliupp, paBtor. Sunday school at 11
p. in, No preaching eervico in the
morning. Y. P. A. nt 7:30 nnd preach
ing service 8 p. m. Rov. E. Mnurur, of
the First Evangelical church of Portland,
formerly pastor of this church, will
preach in tho evening.
All mombora of tho cooperative
Brothorhood nro requested to meet at
tho W. 0. T. U. rooms next Monday
night, at 8 o'eiock, to nrrango for tho
formation of nTemplo of tho Knight's
of Brotherhood.
Ronald McKiilop, pastor. Services nt
10:30 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school
12 m. Y. P. M. nt 7 n. in. Prayer
and covenant meeting Thursday 8 p. in.
uev. Josctm n. Heaven, oi ureuon
City, will preach morning and ovening.
No morning service. Evening service
at 8 p. m. Rev. W. K. Copoland, pas
tor, uev. v. I'-, uopeinnu win lecuiru
for the last timo beforo leaving Salem.
By request, ho will speak on the subject
of "Tlio Impending (social Change."
Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Rov.
doliih Ebcrlu. paBtor. Services 11 a.
in, and 8 p. in. Altar services 11 a.m.
nnd 8 p. in. Sermon 11:30 a. in. and
8:15 p. m. Sunday school 10 n. in.
German parish-school four days every
week from 0 to 12 a. in. Pleaso come.
Rev. II. A. Ketchum, pastor. Servi
ces at 10:30 a. in. and 8. p. in. Ser
mons by tho pastor. Mernlni: to.xt Jere
miah 31 i3: theme Tho attracting power
of Uod'n love, l.venlug nictitation on
121st Psalm. Communion servlco and
and reception of members at Liberty at
8 p. in.
Rev. W. 0. Kantner, D. 1)., pastor.
Preachinu nt 10:30 a. m. nnd 8 p. in.
Sunday bcliool at 12 in. Y. P. S. 0. E.
at 7 p. m. Morning theme "bea
Thoughts." Evening themr "In What
a Man's Life Consists " Jcnilor Jllss
Florence Roynolds. There will bo no
preaching services during tho month of
August. Sunday uchool iiow over, every
Ballnf Wire.
Mitchell. Lewis A Stavor Co's. branch
will be headquarters for baling wiro tills
fceaaon. 7-2dAwtf
A Minister's Mistake
A city minister was recently handed a
notice to bo read from his pulpit. Ao
companying it was a, clipping from a
newspaper tearing upon the matter. Tho
clergyman started to read the extract
and found that It liegun: "Tako Kemps
Balsam, tho best Cough Cure." This
was hardly what ho had expected and.
after a moment's hesitation, he turned
it over and found on tlio other side the
matter intended for the reading. 3
Dissolution Notke.
Notice Is horeby given that tho part
nershlp lately subsisting betweeu J. II,
Wussmann and Charles A. Muths, under
the firm of Capital Soap Works, expired
on the 27th day of July, 10CO, by mutual
consent. All debts owing to tho said
partnership aro ta bo received by said
Charles A. Muths and all demands on
said partnership aro to bo presented to
htm tor payment.
Dated at Salem, July 27, 1000.
7 271m J. II. WAB8MANN.
Bun tt si II" H1" Yen Haw Atoari Bought
Tbrouih the Yellowstone.
Tho new route via tho Oregon Short
Line Railroad and Monida. Mont., ena
bles you to make a delightful trip
through the Yellowstone National Park,
entering via Monida and coming out via
Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to
cover any portion of the route twice. For
Iwautlful descriptive booklet, wrlto or
call at Oregon Short Line Ticket Odlce,
112 Third street, Portland, Oregon.
0 18 fiw
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretos
tor County,
11 P Bonbam and W II. llolmn, partner la
LaitDtM undfr lb Urin Htm or llonhain A
Holm pUlntlfla . tlanr K Hoco, Ilfrtb
Ilcen, Kraut II Uoen, tud Call Huou defend
ant!, action at law to reoorer rooner.
To Mary K. Ilwc, llerlba Koeu. Krneat M
Hoen and Carl llcen, uld defendant.
In the nairu o' tbeSutaof Oreion you are
hereby required J appear and miner the oo'n
plaint now on f e In the abore entitled caue
ami court on or before the lau day of the time
prearribtd in tbe order of the Judge In Ibe aoore
entitled court for tbe publlcauia of tbie tarn
mom, l)-wli onorbeforetheeuhdayof Heolem
ber IKtJ. or in deuult thereof aaid plaintiff!
111 take judiiaeatiiilntt you for tbe aunt of
hlity Dollarmlth Ini'et Iberton at ill per
cent per annum alnce tbe 1tb day of Jane. 1,
and lorcoiu and dubunemenu of llile action,
and for an order to till tbe property attached
therein, lo-wlt. tbe N K. qnar er of tbe U, K.
quarter ol . In T S 8 'H, 1 E. of tbe Willam
ette Ue-ldtan In tald county or Marlon Oreion.
Tblaeammonali publUhed lu The Capital Jour
nal fer lx eoateeutlie weeke by order of Iloo
Geo. II Barnelt. Jad(eaf nldrtwrl. Bade this
JTtb day of July lia Tbe date ot 81 public.
Ueubtl.icJuly WO.
7 j$ 7 w Attorney tor rinnun.
Mayor Harrison Will Speak for Bryan.
Chicago, July 30. Mnyor Harrison
left Chicago this morning for his sum
mer homo at Petoskey, Michigan. Ho
will co to Indianapolis on August 8, to
bo present "when Rryati and Stevenson
aro olllcinlly notified by tho National
Democratic Commltto of their nomi
nation for president nnd vlco-prcsl-dent
at the Kansas City City Conven
tion. Mr. Harrison will not return to
this city until tho latter part of August,
when ho will take an nctWo part In tho
camnnicn. sncakiiic in Illinois. Indiana,
Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania nnd Now
York. '
Jewish Chautauqua Adjourns.
Atlantic City, N. J., July 28. Tho
annual meeting of tho Jewish Ohautau
qua society which hns been in session
hero for tho past two weeks adjourned
todny, During tho meeting tho major
itv of tho classes wero conducted in
tho Hebrew lnnguago. Among tho prom
Inent mcnwiiospoko at tho Chautau
nun gathorlng woro Governor Room
volt nnd Profossor Morris Locb. It Is
felt that tho meotine this year was
productive of especially good results.
School of Philanthropy uetlns.
Nkw York, July 28. Tho national an
nual session of tho summer School of
Philanthropy after n most successful
torm, adjourned lioro todny. During
tho timo tho Echool waa'Jn session there
wero addresses delivered before it by
nearly all of tho prominent men and
wnmnn enancred In charity work ill this
country, nmone them being R. W. De
Frost, president of tho Now York Char
ity Organization Society, nnd Professor
Francis rcnuouy, oi ixormat univcrmij
Sea Shore or Sertoli.
tr nn n In nltluir tilnrn nr rrmnln
homo, vou will need tho' best of food
to improve your hoalth. Wo havo tho
grocorics and provisions, ovorythlng you
need. Give us your order, nnd wo will
guaranteo that you will bo satisfied,
f. j. W. w.
Ualem Camp No. lis. Mucta urery Friday eTer.
PT, 7.30, In A. O. U. Wi hall, Htato Iru. bids.
V X. lioulllrnl, O. 0.; W. A. Moore, clerk
room 10, Mooroa blk
Coart Uhcrwooil Poroat No. 19. Meet Friday
nlibta lu Turner block. John M. Cha.10. O. K.
A U nronn Hocy, 1M7-1tt
Q. H. 05ACK
Succossor to Dr. J. M. Kecno, 'of
White Corner, Snlem Or. Parties desir
ing 8tierlor operations nt moderate fees
in any branch uru in especial request.
IPhono 1071,
Stone's Drue: Stop.
Tho itoroe (two lu numben nro Kxatcd at
No. 223 and 333 Commercial atreet, and aro
well atocked with a complete lino of druiraaiid
modlclnt, toilet article, porfutaory, brualie
otc, etc., etc,
nil. BTONE
Ituliad iomo23ycar experience lu the prac
tlcoof modlclnoaud now mako no ohariw for
conaiiltatlon, ciamlnatlnn or prescription.
Kor Halein and rlolnlty to
Will' MnalnHtoc
tor l Hen
Toledo, Oroion.
Wa Clerk of Circuit Court '
an U-to-dak) abatract 01 al
tit year andbaN
.iHiljIn Uiicoln
For water borvlco nnply nt otllc.
Iillls puyuulo monthly lu udvuncc.
Mako all complaints at the oillco.
capital crrv
Express and Tr atisfei
1 (Meets all mall ami passenger trains.
uaggage to an parts 01 mo city, rrompi
service. Telepliono No. 851.
'iiieniiu I. al'llypnu
uidiuv. n arwj iiii.
Cb?ap Farms
from -.60 to f 135 per acre.
We haYC to trade for large or small
HOItlCS Ranchin. Some
to exchange for Stock Ranches
to sell and take nx pait pay
FarmS property. We
at 0 and 7 per cent.
Sell of all kinds on oommitialon,
StOCk ""t 'tbUIeM al 'arilisi
of all kinds of property,
have a lariritlistof lands
to beleet from. If you
Want tO Sell. Rent or Exchange any
gny kind of property, or want
Incnr.infp -'! p8" an(' ew llB at
IIIOUIUIIW, ,,, (VimrnHi-cial street.
Salem, Oregon
Bozartb, Rya'D s Co
Enclose stamp for reply
When writing.
Tho Kind You llnvo Always
lu uso for over HO j'cnrs,
jyfv'Tfh sonal
All CoiiiitorfoltH, Imltailtms and" Jtist-ns-good" aro hub
lixpcrlmoiit.s that trlflo with and endanger tho hcnlth oi?
Infants and Chlltlrcu Experience against Experiment.
Gastorla is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops arid Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Nnrcotlo
mtbstunce. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroy "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
mid Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
Qa&Y &&&cM
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
R. M.-
Something to Be Proud Of
fa tho ownership of n Orescent, Cleve
land or Oeudrou bicycle. It Is the iicinu
of )M)rfcctloii in bicycle construction,
whom lightnoss Is not sacrificed for
strength nnd mechanical skill blond to
make a wheel that is unexcelled for mil
ling qualities and reliability. Wu hnvo
iiHplendlil stock to chooiio from. AtT'-i
R. M. Wade &Co
The Old Folks at Home
Aro leanilnir new wrinkles overy day
from the young folks of tho present gen
eration ono of the most comforting is
tho fact that good laundry work can bu
done outside the hotiso as cheaply iih if
'Mi HcruiiLxici your mo away over flu:
ub. Machinery and system tells the
Salem Laundry
rhoue 111, 230 Liberty Btrett.
A Luxury That All Enjoy
And that health and comfort Is depend,
out upon, is a gocd bath tub with oikiii
sanitary plumbing. Wu will lit up old
or new housta. and oontraet with
plunders at a low estimato for up-to-date,
(dentine plumbing, steam and
water, fitting, or any kind of plumbing,
that is tho acme of excellence in this
Telethon No. 2371
i ..
Bought, nml -which hns licca
has horno tho Blfrnatnro of
hns hecn iniitlo under ltls pcr-
Btincrvlfllon fiitico its infancy.
Signaturo of
Attains perfcutlnii with tho use of tho
blue (lame oil stoyo. Food articles can
bo boiled, broiled or roasted quickly and
easily, the stnvo being sinokclcM and
odorless. Ordinary koroHcno can be
need and tho kitchen is not made an
ivoii by hours of unofsary lire. Why
bunt wood and sufTer when tho oil stove
is yours for frj.GO.
Hut no jno need worry nlxiiit mutton
tills lime of the year, if they tan gt
dainty and delicloit Spring lamb lo, an
apHitiiiiig uud iiiiurlBhiiig t-ummer
meal. Hj have overythlug in choice
meats, nil 1 a" the delicacies ol the eea
son in both eih nnd smoked meats
that will i ' the most critical epicure.
Touches the Right Spot
"Closo to mv heart let mo press you,
You rich mid' Me old wine."
llunriindv. a bio. old fruity wine
muilu in California reaches ami wanna.
tin) llliitli'Ht heart via tialuto and stom
aeh tickling and gratifying all three
Whlnkiwi, IiihikIUs mid liqiK r - o' every
rellabU kurl.
J. P' Rogers
.'IH and ."--' Cnuimerelal Htreo
CJJW liuliNlf tixl retail.
i,k..y l.L,
J?JW9Jt,mea f? 26c, BOo a weok.
SI.OO nnr mnnth. All Aim. . i inM
nt nnrrin nA
mnYnr.K nKPAtntKn
-CloV, Y6u"riK
has fitted UD a Uicvclo Ren
pairing shop
at SiO Cottnuo streot. Lowntt nriron
All work guaranteed. Work called for
nnu ticitverctl freo. I'hone, Rod 2655.
FOU BALE. Ladles foathorstono bi
cycle, has been ridden but a short timo
nnd is In flno condition. 1'ricoflS.
Call at 331 Liberty street. 20
COOK WANTED - A lady cook, at
what Is known an tho Keeloy building
n Yew Pnrk. Apply at once. J. 0.
uoodalo. 7-27-3t
WANTED An engincor for Mncleay
warohouso, call nt oillco 2C0 Commer
cial streot. A.M. Humphrey & Co.
WANTED A compotont girl to do gen
eral houeo work in the homo of a
Binnll family. Apply at 343 Liberty
street. 20 3t
l'OIt BALL. A cood Jorsov cow. choan '
cnoap i
houso k'
going , 5
Polk t
I, H
ireaii, can uo even ai uio nrst nouso
on left hand sido of tho road
north nt end of brldno in
county. Julius Rlcck.
7 20-3t Salem. '
FOR BALE Cheap n good light wagon
iur uiuuiiuiins or coast. Apply 10 J.
P. Itogera 218 Commercial street.
7 25 tf
11I0YOLES FOR WOOD. i will ox-
mango a tow second-iianu wneels.
guns, rovolvers or watchs, all in good,
order, for wood. Geo. K. Smith. seoA
ond hnnd storo, 301 Commercial
utreot. 7 10 1m
POINTER PUPS-Fino purebred Eng-
H8I1 pointers, trom tno old mioiton
bitch, Biro "Gonornl." Call early.
T. Leon Davidson, Mornlngsido.
0 30 lm
TO THE PUBLIC Wo hnvo on hand a
largo Btoek of Lastorn and homo niado
buggies which wo nro Belling at greatly
reiiuccu prices in oruor to cioso mem , '
out this seaeou. l'lcaso call at 41 ami
CI Btato streot and oxnmino thorn, ' -Pohlo
& Ulehop. 0-28-tf
LADIES-Frco Harmless Monthly
ulnter: can not fall. Airs. 13. 1 to wan,
11. 177, Milwaukee. 7 13 lm
DON'T WORUY I-Woman's lllMsiniri
Suro nnd safo; Positive Cure for Bup
pressed or Irregular Menstratlon, From
AnyCatiBe: tho Newest Discovery;
Bend for liox. FREE J. M. Horno.
M.D.,Uox W., Chicago, 111. 7 13 3tv
ROOMS. Furnished or unfurnished,
single or in suites, dining room ad
joining, home-like, second floor Cot
tle block. Mnttio Hutching, prop.
4 13 11
'T.'gTT'Al niii.jiiiifi"i ii
that tho best and cheapest carpet
paper Is tho heavy felt paper, sold
tit Tiik Jouiinal oluco. 20-tf
Loans and Insurance
Monoy to loan from 0 to 8 per cent. ,
according to security no oxtienso .for'J
examination. IiiBurnncu effoctod on
hops and other property at lowest rates.
John Moir 290 Com, st,
7-10-U Af-yf
At Uotrolt. Orotfon
Now open for Bummer Tourists, now
house, newly furnished first-class accom
odations. Prlco from f 1.00 to $1.60 per
lay Good puck train and saddle horses
in, ready to accomodate Tourists to
jot pringH, Marion Lake, and Lake
t'tiinella and all good fishing points. ,
H. Jacob, Prop-,
Willamette Stables
0en day and night for busl
iivhh. Hire you a rig or put up
your team. Horses boarded,
eatisix t on guaranteed. Your
piuroiiitgo doliclted. Btagu for
McCoy leaves stable at 0:20 a.-
in. Ucod rig nnd careful driver.
Botith Commercial at.
Phone 1721. 0-30-tf
.' ' '
The German Market
Will be found nil kinds of moat ,
and the best of sausage, FREE
DELIVERY. All bills duo the
late firm of Wolt & Miescko
iitiiBtJbo paid. .JliML-!.
171 Oouimerclal BL
Jn'Balem and Albany
Graduate, of American School of Osteo
pathy. BALEM Monday, Wednesday and
Friday; hours, 0 to 11 u, m.; 1 to 4 p.
over Wellor's grocery,
ALHANY Tuesday, Tliursday and.
Saturday ; iiours 0 to 12 a. ui. ; 1 to 6 p,
m,, Mrs. Winns residence.
lo a mlaoU; all dni((talr
I'liu Tt-I.ii Slcdlaal Cu.
Ilro.dwa, Ktw Tori,
Hod (or IVNklat.
lu lll(U (r nnualuial
illM-bara.a, luSamiuatloii,
Iriltalluii. ur ulkratL.u
ot uiucuua mvuitraoM.
t'aluleaa. ul not aattlu-
itKlflCMfWieilCo. " " solaongu.
iKCixitio.V'SJl "am -r UTuinruu,
or muI In pUIn wrper.
iuij, .r a tuu. tuft.
tlbVl)aT UI V
Trailo Mark
JV lla.l.klM.1 SI
m I tvuiu
g 4rmu Maiu
'ijjjB. v, i. a, m
Sxelil hrtcrvn.
"Old Government" whiskey, recog
nized by loading physicians, and espec
ially by A. P. O'llrlun M. I)., Captain
and Burgeon, also by Win. D. McOarty
M. D., Major and Burgeon, in United
States Army. Furthermore, tho board
of health of Ban Francisco, recommends
this stimulant as tho purest, uuadulte'r
ated.tor family use, for convalescents
and invalids. Hold exclusively in Salem
and Marion County by J. P. RoaxRa.