The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 23, 1900, Image 3

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In many respects Scrofula and Consumption are alike j they develop from the
SL . S. la. the only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the very root of
the tyeae and forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. S, S. S, is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known.
Tie eta and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properties, which no poison, however powerful, can
iakaV 'VMM ST 0MMMB nnvii iuukkwsi, o, o, o. stimulates ami purines uic uioou, increases ine
Xm mfmZ. M ME. MMMMiLEJlrWMKW- appetite, aids the digestion and restores health and strength to the
m P Saw " --
yc Mld h inherited nay mood taint,
jh.JJ.TV- ..... ....
tort.Btooa punncr auu uiooa mu.ucr
V Jufh.ter n Infant she had a
i (juy.n.jaii.iur more man two years,
1 del oalrtu of her lift. A frtr imtilnf
itothecauNeof the trembly. Iilnrint I.
,re txjrond the power of other so-called
Jflur medical department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made
Baali f and other blood diseases a life study. Write them about your case, or any one
Jr ta-e interested in. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention. Wc make
J?c whatever for this.
P. 'C. T. Co's
Daily except Sunday at 7 a. m.
Dooklbetwwn HUta and Conrt Bta.
M. 1'. IIALDWIN, Agent.
for Outing !
Mountain or
j Coast x x
We, will put up any kind and grado of
coflee or te.i in ono pound nlr tight car-tooa.r'-Jt
will bo put up fresh and it will
retoiav its nroma. Same inducement ns
befev2 ounces oi ony flavor of our own
rake" flavoring extracts frco with each
IFpurchase, or n lunch basket ; or with
afJOcont purchnto; a bar of nice toilot
Hemember tlio baking powder "Dl
amondllrand" Is ourown make no ouch
can bcuiad whuruvur you go nt SO cunt a
Yokohama Tea Store
Frco Dellvorv. .
i Social news b
A. Davis spent Sunday in Jcf-
Mlw Anna
Golduu spent Sunday in
Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Hold have gone to
Wllhoit for nn outing.
Dr.D?G. Clark, of McMinnvllle, wna
in the city over Sunday.
Mn. R. B.Ucan and son Ormond havo
returned from Nye orcek.
Mies Ella Shipp has returned from
visiting friends in Seattle.
Miss Laura Derbyshire, of Portland,
Is visiting Miss Boss I o Sherman.
MrerMiJQ. Churchill and daughtor
Stella,-are at Albany visiting friends.
RoVj Wj E. Copeland spent Sunday In
Albany whore ho preached a farewell
MIm Lillian MoElroy, who has been
hero visiting Mrs.Vrizzell has returned to
hor home in Eugene".
Mr.aud.Mrs, W. II. Odell and grand
daughter Miss Etna Taylor went to Clat
eop Beach this morning for a short timo.
Prof. E. 0. McElroy nnd daughter Al
icia, of Eugene, passed through Salem
thii morning enrouto home from Chica
go. Mrs., John Holman, Mrs. Thos. Hoi
rasn aml'Moatcr George Lu'nn, went to
Newport this morning to spend n few
weeks. .
Miss Grace Nlah a popular millihor of
Portland came Up 'last night fon a vaca
tioa tho guest oLMiaa Olive Bklpton and i
Mrs. Jordan Purvtne. !
MniTF. K. Churchill, of dold Hill,
who has been In tho city attending tho
grand lodge and visiting her brother,
Jacob Starr, of tho Fair atoro, returned
tbu morning.
Visa Dunn Parrish and Miss Alice
Tbayer of Portland ripent Sunday in 8a
ljS tho guests of Miss Parrieh's parents,
Krning to Portland tha morning.
life, and Mrs
L. L. Rowland came out j
Ng their mountain home near Nojile
jfiBniornlng for a short visit. Kvidently
Jountain air agrees with the doctor,
sJSua looking rupged. The Crooked
Fiaajsr Prairie atmosphere and Rest Cot
tiSIU make a man of him yet.
1 Cone Flshlsf.
Ed Ellis of the Arm of Ellis and Kinn,
lft Sunday for a ten days Ashing trip
in the Cascade Mountains, He was
arroai with a Ashing tackls, a
of '
fish-vforms, 100 pounds of salt and a
UrM size barrel. No doubt Ed ran n
the boys some flail stories when he
?jS BlUouiness, tour stomacb, conitlpa
ft tion and all liver Ills are cured by
Wood' Pills
Tb4 nan-Irritating cathartic. Price
SS cents of all drumsti or by mall of
CLilcod A Co., Lonell, Uai.
eral causes. im bic uacmuijr wm ucpenueui upon an impure and iui.
noviahed blood supply. In consumption the disease fatten lt,.lf ifnn
Uic lungs ; in Scrofula the glands of the neck and throat swell and suppurate, causing ucly runninc seres:
the eyes are inflamed and weals; there . an almost continual discharge from the cars the limbs swell,
bones ache, and white swelling is frequently a result, causing the diseased bones to work out through
the akin, producing indescribable pain and suffering. Cutting nway a sore or diseased viand does no
good ; the blood is poisoned. The old scrofulous taint which
generations has polluted every drop of blood.
scrofula requires vigorous, persistent treatment. Tim
condition before the terrible disease can bo stopied in its work of destruction. Mercury, potash and
other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than good ; they ruin the digestion
and leave the system in a worse condition tlinn Iwfnro
appetite, aids the digestion and restores health and strength to t
enfeebled body. If you have reason to think you have Scrofula,
, ,. n ! mm am
don't wait for It to develop, but begin at once
......... uvuv. II
known, a it contains no poisonous
poisonous minerals,
aertrecaw of Scrofula, for which slie was under the
sue waa worse at the end of tl
She waivrome nt Ihe end of that time, however,
nmft urwir, ......i t...n.,i..i.. I.i .......,i
lfvlt ttsinn n...i r. .ii,f.HrM...rr i.iiji......
Wood remedies. 8. 1. Urooes. Montlcello, Ga
Address, THE SWIFT
Portland, July 22 Wheat, valley C5
to 60. Walla Walla, 55 to 00.
Flour Portland, best grades 2.05 to
3.20. Graham 2 70perbbl.
Oate Choice White 3135c, grey 32
to 33 per bushel.
Millstuff Bran, 13; shorts, fl5.
Hay Timothy ?1011 nor ton.
Onions 1.25 for red 1.50 for Silver
Bkins. Potatoes 10 to 50c per sack.
Buttor Beat dairy, 20Q25j fancy
crcamory, 35 to 40c. Store 25c.
Eggs Oregon, 17 to 17,'c.
Poultry ChickonB. f3.0U to 4.00; hens,
$4 to 4.50; turkeys, llvo 13c.
Mutton DrcBsod, 7 to 7Jc per pound.
Hogs Heavy dressed 5 to Oe.
Beef Steers. J4C44.50: cows.3.50 4:
dressed beef, 0)4 to 7?4C
Veal Dressed, 8 8c. for smnll.
Hops 2Q8c.
Wool Valley, 1213o; Eastern Ore
gon, 1015c; Mohair, 25c.
Hides Green, salted CO lbs, 80c;
undor GO lbs, 7)48M ', sheop pelts, 15
Wheat 58 pounds and over, 40.
Wool, 13 to 10c. Mohair, 25o.
Hops 5 to 7,,0
Oats 28 to 30c.
Hay Baled, cheat, 17 J to $7.50 timo
thy, $10.
Emw 14 to 15c.
Flour In wholesale lots, $2.50; retail,
Millstuff 8 Bran, f 13; shorts, $14&
Hogs Dressed, 5kfc.
Live cattle Steers, 3ii : cows, 2 to
Sheop $2.50 Q3.
Dreseod Veal Oc
Butter Dairy, 15c ; crcamory, 20c.
Poultry lul heiiB per lb.. 7 to 8o.
Bpring chickens per lb., 0 to 10
rotatons 2U to '-'oe per uusiiei lor out.
Potatoes new, 50c per bushel.
To) Much Stock.
Peoplo living in tho neighborhood of
Capital Parkland Depot addition, are
complainlning of loose stock running nt
large and doing much damago to lawns
and sidewalks for tho past two evenings
an entire diary herd havo beeu allowed
to run at largo in the streets and as it is
some distance from tho heart of tho city
tho officers do not lmvo an opportunity
to catch thorn.
People who own stock nnd live in tho
suburbs of tho city aro very careless at
times nnd plckot their stock out in tho
streotswlth twenty or thirty feet of ropo.
Tho other evening -a gontlcman who was
outdriving with his family accidently
became entanglod in theso ropes and
came vory near hftvlng a general buiiibIi
up but assistance arrived nnd cut tho
rope and saved what might of been a bud
At Bed Time
take a pleasant herb drink, tho next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor says it
acts gently on tho stomach, liver nnd
kidneys, nnd is a pleasant lnxatlvo. It
is made of herbs, nnd is prepared ns
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine All druggists sell it at 25c. and 60
eta. Lane's Family Medicine moves tho
Dowels eacn uuy. n you cannot, got it,
send for free sample. Address, Orator
F. Woodward, Loltoy, N. Y.
VYaBted la Illinois.
Governor Geerhna honored a requlai
tion from tho governor of Illinois for tho
extradition of Robert Pettigrew, who is
wanted in Chicago for conspiracy to kill.
He haa been taken bflck by Jamca P.
McGrath. who camo out after him.
Directors Elected.
At a meeting Saturday of tho Willam
ette Valley Prune Association, bylnwa
were adopted and the following board of
dlrectora elected: II. S.
L. M.
Gilbert, O. O. Constable,
and It. J. Spencer.
K. T.
Contracts Awarded for Sureties for the Che
maws Indian School.
DUla were opened Saturday at tho
Chemawa Indian school for supplies for
that institution.
Below will be found a list of the bids.
The contract was awarded to the lowest
bidder in each instance. In F. R. Anson's
bids the second civen ia a second bid.
conditioned on being awarded the entire
The bids were as follows, the success
ful one being given first:
Beef, 140,0O0lbs;E.C. Cross, 8.3 cents
per pound; Sttusloff Bros. U.05; Geo.
Fendrich, 8.31 ; Pugh & Gray, 10.8; F.
R. Anson 10 and 0.8.
Flour 1C0.000 lbs; Weller Bros. Best
Willamette valley 1.30. Best Ea. Or. tl.
57)i, Valley Flour 1.37, contract for
80,000 each of first two; F. It Anson,
, ,, a,MVU M.iVT Ttv . ...... v.. V..,
hastern Oregon l.OS'a, fcastern Orecon
!No - 2 fl-75,condiUonal bids ;i.35,i,47)v,
f J-?P K-u- Tow nsend.Htraight full stock
Valley $1.41: (
Collins Flouring Mills
Co. No. 1 Valley wheat $1.15: O. A
lAtt; u. A.
$1.70. F. It.
vteeigate, valley wheat
Anson fl.CO and $1.40.
Ground Feed, corn and oats; Weller
Bros. $1.05 per huudred.
Oats: Weller Bros. 072 9 cents per
hundred: G. A. Westgate $1.10; Puuh
& Uray.$1.25; F, R. Anson $1.36 and $1.
Prunes, 6570 lbs: Weller Bros. $H
4eintlorr VCUnii' F R' An80n Bnd
Wood, 1000 wrds Pugh & Gray $2.45
same gen
has probably come down through several
i,in,i ,i, . 1........1,. i.i. .,..
the use of S. S. S. 1 1 is n fine tonic and the
S. S. S. is pre-eminently a remedy for
eon -
per cord : Wm. Goodrich J2.48: D. 8.
Bcntlcy & Co. f3.23h ; Chas. Zalinskl
2.G0; Thomas llesbeck $2.51; F,
It. An
son $3.40,
Coal, GOtonB; Newton Poston
W. G. Kcglor $0; F. 11. Anson
ana $i2.ou.
Blacksmith conl, 10 tens: F. It. An
son $10.50 and 10 per ton; Gray Bros
When s
ou arrive nt ,owport
get Cal. Bain's bagengo
wacon to uo your naming :
ho would furnish you wood. Bread, pies
nnd cakes, look you up a house or
camping plnco. Branch Bakery, at Nye
Creek. All charges reasonable.
Will Thresh Monday.
L. II. Lewis, who owns and operates
one of the largest threshing outfits in
this county, will on one week from to
day etnr't threshing at tho Harris farm
on tho Mncleay rond. Mr. Lewis says
if this weather continues ho will bo
ublo to run steady, for n number of weeks.
There Is more Catarrh in this section
of tho country than nil other discuses
put together, mid until tho last fuw
years it was supposed to be incurable
For n great ninny years doctors pro
nounced it a local diBonso, and pre
scribed locnl remedies, nnd by con
stnntly falling to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it Incurable. Science
has provenratarrh to bo n constitutional
disease, nnd therefore requires constitu
tional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only constitutional
euro ou tho market. It is taken inter
nnlly in doses from 10 drops to n ten
spoonful. It nets directly on tho blood
nnd mucous surfaces of tho Hvstom.
Thy offer ono hundred dollars for any
ceso it falls to euro, fceml tor circulars
and testimonials.
Address, F. J. Oiihxey & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by DrugglBtP, 75c.
Hull's Family Pills aro tho beet.
Bean tb ? llw Kind You Have Always BoogW
1m Kind You Have Always
Hot Weather anl Holidays
Now thnt wo havo lino weather nnd you
nro prupnriiiR for your holiday trip, it
will ho to your ndvnutnco to rcuiumbor
thht tho host stock of canned groceries
nnd luxuries nnd miuh na you need nro
Bold by llrnneon k Kngnn. cod
. m m
Cheap Harvesters.
Two second-hand DcnriiiK hinders for
piilucheapnttho Mitchell, LuwiB&Stnvur
Co. hranch ininloniont house, Snlcni.
Oppoeito Capltnl brewery. 7-0-tf d&w
Bari tb 4 V KM Yw Have Always Bought
Dankruttcy Notice
In the District Court of tho United
btntos. for tliti District of Oretron.
hi tho matter of Frank I). McCullouch.
Bankrupt, No. 310, In Bankruptcy.
To tho Creditora of Frank D. McCul
lough, of Woodburn, in tho County of
Marion, and District aforesaid, Bank
rupt: Notice is hereby given that on tho
18th day of July, A. I). 1000, the said
Frank D. McCullough was duly ad
judicated Bankrupt upon his own petl-v
tien: and that tho first mcrtinit of his
creditors will be hold nt my ofllco, '277
Commercial street, In Salem, Oregon, ou
tho 1st day of August, A. D. 100). at ten
o'clock in tho forenoon, at which time
tho said creditors may attend, provo
their claims, appoint a trustee, nxamlno
tho bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may projierly come before
said meeting.
Dated at balom, Oregon, July, 21, A.
D. 10C0.
John Bavkk,
7 23 It Referee in Bankruptcy.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
yff Wwk vs
Ortion Volunteers Will (Now Deceive
fractions of Gun Metal.
Tho long-expected medals for tho Or
egon volunteers of tho Spanish-American
war have boon received nt tho governors
ofllco nnd nre being distributed by mall
to those- ontitlcd to them.
Tho medals nre made from a captured
Spanish cannon, and nre of neat doslgn
and a little larger than n 50 cent pleco.
Ou ono sldo appears tho seal of the,
Btato of Oregon, and on tho other tho
design includes n Bold iernhd a Bailor, n
flag nnd n caution. Tho inscriptions
vary for tho different bronchos of the
eervico, thoso Intended for tho boys of
tho Second Oregon bear tho follewing:
"From tho stato of Oregon to tho 2nd
Oregon U. S. V. Infantry. For Gallant
Sorvlco In tho Philippines." For bat
teries A nnd B who dld't get out of
tho state: "From tho Stato of Oregon
to tho Light Battery, Spanish-American
War." For the engineers, who did not
reach tho seat of war : "From tho Statu
of Oregon, to the 2nd Begt. U. S. V.
Tho hanger consists of two bars on
which tho recipients name nnd that of
of tho organization in which ho served
will appear.
Another llorsethlef.
On Wednesday of last week n young
follow who had been working for Mr.
Jameson In Polk county borrowed n sad
dlo horso of Ills employer, saying ho
wnntod to go to Lincoln. Instead ho
catno to Salem and put up tho
horse at Itadabaugh & Francis' livery
stable Later ho camo to Mr. Francis
with a plausiblo story nnd borrowed $5
on tho security of tho horso. Then tho
young man, who went by tho tiamo of
Chos. Hubbard, disappeared from tho
scene. Mr. Jameson, after waiting in
vain for tho return of his horso nnd
hired man, nppealcd to tho polico, nnd
Chief Gibson soon located the former.
The llomllest Man In Salem
As well as tho hnndbomest, and others
lira Invited to call on any druggist
una got freo a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the Throat nnd Lungs, a
remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and
believe all Chronic und Acuto Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 25c. and 50c. cod&W
Successor to Dr. J. M. Koeno, lot
White Comur, Salem Or. Pnrtlea desir
ing superior operations nt moderate fees
in nny branch nro In especial request.
, Phone 1071.!
ROOMS 1 AND 3, ffltAY Ilt.IC.
Stone's Drue Ston
Tho itcrea (two tu nunitxrj aro local
No. 234 and 333 CominorelM itreet and
well ttocked with acoinpleto llnuofd.uj
tncdlctnsi, toilet artlclM, porfuinur' r
HuliMl omo Uyuari oiperleuco n
tlcootmcUlclnoauiluotr makoa u i ,
coDultatlon,iamliiatloa orproior
Kor Halom ami violultr la
Wlll'i Mnalo Hto c
icn at (!i
Toloclo, Orovon.
Wai Gerk of Circuit Court
au up-lo-dato abttract or al
lit jmii amlhas
. txririn Lincoln
Salem Water
For water bervlco imply at ofllc.
Hills payublo monthly In advutico.
Muko nil complaints at tho ofllco.
Express and TYansfei
Meets all mail and passenger trains.
Hagsagu to nil parts of tho city. Prompt
bervico. leleplione ISO. ivA.
Lots of Small Tracts ofsFrom
1 to 20 Acres in and
Around Salem.
Some fine tracts, all sizes, near
Turner. Others at Aumsville, Btayton,
Sclo, Lebanon, Albany, Jefferson, In
dependence, Dallas, Monmouth, Sheri
dan, MoMinnvillu, Dayton, Hubbard,
Woodburn, Gervals and Brooks. Wo
also handle the lands for MoMaater &
BIrrell in Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Mult
nomah and Washington counties. Also
the land known as tho Concordia Laud
A Trust Co, property. Theso lands aro
offored at very low prices, In order to
settle up old mortgages, We havo lands
at prices of from $2.60 per acre up. Also
houses and lots In Salem, to sell cheap,
Also to trade for runche.
If you have any property to sell, trade
or rent or want to buy or trade or want
a loan or insurance, call and see us, at
202 Coinmeioial St., Ealem, Ore.,
Tito Kind You llavo Always
in uso for over 30 yours,
jT jLI-ff''f y j, HtiimiHiilicrvisiuu Hiucu lis nuuiiuy.
fUtfyy. CCCCAwi AUmixmnnnnilnnnlvnvnllln l.ta
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-good" nro htife
l-lvperhncnts that trlllo -with nnd endanger tho health o
Infants and Children Experience against Uxnorhncut.
Cnstorln is n harmless Buhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
Buhslnuce. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
und allays FovcrlHhiicss. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
"me ecNTAun company, tf muhrav strict, NtwvonR cirt.
R. M. WADE k CO.
Something to Be Proud Of
Is tho ownership of n Crescent. Cleve
land or Ueiulron bicycle. It la the nemo
of jiorfoctlon in bicycle construction,
where lightness Is not sacrificed' for
strength and mechanical skill blend to
maku a wheel that la unexcelled for r u ti
ling qualities and reliability. Wo hnvo
aspleudid stock to chooso from. At f 5,
to 150.
R. M. Wade &Co
The Perfect Alan
i i.i .'yet to bo born; but Immaculate lln
n goes a long way toward making nor
return i l one's apparel. No tnattor how
uneyonroutor clothing, if your shirts
and underwear nro not well laundered
you won't fool comfortable. You won't
go ar wrong in winding your laundry
work to tliti fSalein Ktonm Ijuindry or
ordering It called for if you prefnr.
Salem ,Slaam Laundry
Phono 411. ziO Liberty Struct.
A Luxury That AU.Enjoy
And that health and comfort Is depend
ont upon, is a good bath tub with open
sanitary plumbing. Wo will fit up old
or new houses, and contraot with
plumbers at a low estimate for lip-to-date,
scientific plumbing, steam and
water, fitting, or any kind of plumbing,
that is the acme of excellence in this
TelephoNo. 2371
Bought, nnd -which has hecn.
hns horno tho slgnntiiro of
hrts hecn mado under hln pcr-
Siguaturo of
Attains perfection with tho uro of the
blue llamu oil stoyo. Food nrtlclus can
bo boiled, broilud or roasted quickly nnd
easily, tho stove being smokeless nnd
(Klorluss. Ordinary kerosene can be
used nnd tho kitchen ia not Hindu mi
ovon by hours of uncssary llro. Why
burn wood nnd euffur when tho oil stove
ia youra for tK.GO.
Hut no jnu nocd worry nliout ,r litoir
thla time of tho year, if they can i t
dainty nnd dellclou, HprltiK lamb o nil
uppotlKiui; nnd uouriHhing Hiunr.'
meal. j have everything in cholcu
meats, nn 1 a'1 tho delicacies of tho sea
son In belli "olh und smoked ineaU
that will iu most critical epicure
Let Me Think!
Can I have forgotten nnytliiiig?"YJ7y,
you, of cdum) ; i must gut a Ixittlo or
twooi nrnniiy or whiskey to tako with
int) ou my trip in inu of sickness. You
never nuwl gixxl liquor more thanlwheu
you haven't not it, and I don't proviso
to 1 left In tho lurch if I can help It. 2,
J. P Rogers
218 and 'Jti Commercial Hlreet.
iafWhoetili(iiiil retail.
N ''AJVdg.i
- rrfiTi'mii
Now today ndyortlsomonts four
Mioo ur mas in xnis column insorted
" u IIIIIHB lor iSDO,, ouo a wo
Sl.OOpor month, All ovor four llr
u duiiiu ritiu.
mn vnr no i.-m uttnn Z 77. 7i
..uiuuiw juu HUUU,-J will OX-,
change n fow scoond-liand wlicdls.Vf
guns, rovolvors or watchs, nil in gdbd
ordor, for wood. Geo. F. Smith, sec
ond linml Btoro, 301 Commorcial
street. 10 1m
POINTER PUPS-Fino purebred Eng
lifln pointers, from tho old Bhelton
bitch, Siro "aoneral.' Call early.
T. Leon Davidson, Mornlngsido.
0 30 ltu
TO THE rUBUC-Wo havo on hand n
largo stock of Eastern and homo mado
huggiea which wo aro selling nt greatly
reduced prices in order to close them
out this season. Ploaso call nt 41 and
V,1 ,.tnt? ?l.r?ot nml oxamino thorn,
Pohlo A Bishop. 0-28-tf
pleased to seo my frienda and old cua
tomera at tho Balem Wagon factory
301 Commercial St., whoro I am now
employed. I endeavor to givo 8atla
faction. John O. Gardnor. 0 20 tf
LADIES Freo Harmless Monthly Reg
ulator; can not fall, Mra. B. Kowan,
K. 177, Milwaukee 7 13 lm
DON'T WOKKY I-Woman's BloeBingl
SuroandsofojPosltlvo Curo for Sup
pressed or Irregular Monstrotlon, From
AnyCrtuso; tho Newest Discovery;
Sond for Bor, FREE J. M. Home.
M.D.,Box W., Chicago, 111. 7 13 3w
ROOMS. Furnlahed or unfurnlahed,
slnglo or in suites, dining room ad
Joining, homo-like, second floor Cot
tlo block. Mattio Hutchlus, prop.
4 13tf
that tho best and cheapest carpot
paper la tho heavy felt papor sold
ut Tub Jouunal oiticc. 20-tf
Madias Twlae.
Mitchell, Lowia A Stnvor Co. 'a branch
will bo hoadquartors for binding twlno
his season. v 7-2dAwtf
At Uotrolt, Oroiron
Now open for Summer Tourists, now
house, newly furnished llrat-clasa accom
odations. Prico from $1.00 to $1.50 per
.lay. Good pack train nnd eaddlo horsea
I a already tonccomodato Tourlsta to
..'ol fairings, Marion Lake. nnd Ijko
Pnmolla nnd nil good fishing points.
H, Jacob, Prop.
Willamette Stables-
Open day and night for busl-
iiess. Hire you a rigor put ur
ir nut tin
your team.
Horses boarded,
Hatlfl'nrt'on guaranteed. Your
patrouago solicited. Stago for
McCoy loaves Btablo nt 0:20 a.
in. Uood rig nnd careful driver.
South Commorcial at.
Phono 1721. 0-30-tt
The German Market
Will bo found nil kinds of meat
nnd tho besVof Bausago. FItEE
DELIVEltY. AH bills duo tho
lato firm of Wolt A Mloscko paid.
aaoiz, & :son
171 Coniraerclal St.
in balem nnd Albany
G rail u a to of American School of Osteo
pathy. '
SALEM Monday, Wednesday nnd'
Friday; hours, 0 to 11 a. m.; 1 to 4 p.
ovor Wellor's grocery,
ALBANY Tuesday, Thursday nnd
Saturday: hours 0 to 12 a. m.j 1 to 6 p.
in., Mra. Wlnna residence.
TmiIi' Mark. CUIliCU
In a mlooUi all druiflilaor
Tim Tl-I.o Sledtonl Co.
US Droadwa, lUw Xork,
Brail for Roeatat.
CURE yeurself:
I ' IIIKJ fur uuhatura)
ilu, harm. ludaljilnallAna
Irrilatiuiia or uUrralloua
vt luusouk t!iiiibrba.
tiu cat.inB. PalulbM. aiiil not irln.
ItKltiKlOHtMifiiCo. "Ot or twUououa.
'or kiiI In plain wrsrpor.
! ipri.i, rrriii. loe
II u. ur I boiiUt, VJi.
Circular MDI ou rMocaS-
CImium aut UhUIUi Ua kalr.
PfginvUI a laivUil arvvth.
tfTr ralla V? Itmtiin Uru
jlalr tolu Youthful OoTorTJ
SrccUl Htttrves.
Govuniment" whiskey,
nlrel by loading physicians, nnd espec
ially by A. P. OBrlon M. D., Captain
and Surgeon, also by Win. D. McCarty
., i., .uiijur uiiu nurgixju, in unucu
States Army. Furtltonnoro, tho board
of health of San Francisco, recommends
this stimulant as the purest, unadulter
ated, for fitinllv uso. for convnluHronta
and Invalids. Hold exclusively (n Salem
and Marion County by J, P. Rooms. -
iKP l,i I uIJdi v
Bmw i i. itiuivr,
n r
BaBk. D. H. 1. W
i iiUHB
- -a
4-20-tl -(.
Peace Ptcltred
Why ilovoto all your time reading
tho Boer War and tho Gold Fields of
Alaska? Thero uro other jnattors o
vital importance; you may make a trip
hast, und will want to know how to
travel. In order to havo tho bostser
vice, uso tho Wisconsin Central Ry
lietween St. Paul nnd Chicago. For
atoa and other information, write Jaa.
A. Clock, General Agout, Portland, Ore
2 25 Ft of Solid Comfort.
Aneleetrlollnhtod hotel breaktastaml
lunch, n la carte, with .h ,ii,ni..
illnnor, tl. Commodlously and elegantly
furtilshetl sIvenlnif-rootiiH.illiiinlnni.wl h
oJeqtrioity and provided with shaded
electric reading light. An annex 10 feet
wine aim i unit loug furnished for our
guests a ladles' parlor, beautifully fur
nlslied, and provided with au
library.and all tho latest magazines and
lriodli-ah). For tho gentlomen a mod
ern barber shop, smoking, card rooms,
oonvenlunt toilet rooms, orfect ventlhf- !
tion all found on Urn Northern Pacific's k
crack train, tlu "North Coast Limited."
This train runs dallv ami vnn nn trui
ou it without extra, charge. 7-21-2t
ted jtm
nosl I