The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 23, 1900, Image 2

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' 'I
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i 4 .1
Jo jnoro tho broken lines and Iho balance of our lino of lino
"Straw hals, wo nro now offering tbom nt
Sale Prices: 75c to $1.25 liats, 65c.
Good Harvest Hats 5c.
Thoao sweltering days aro powerful reminders that you wnn
something light and coal In tlio way of underwear. Our lln
is tho roost complete wo havo over offered AND PHIOK
Balbrieriran Uundcrwear 25c. 50c. 65. 75c.
Fine Ribbed 50c, 75c, $1.20, $1.25, $1:50.
The famous Glaslcnburry wool undorwonr can bo had from us.
Do not fall to see thorn beforo you purchase.
6 J. Johnson &6o..
The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers,
Annual Shoe Sale
10 per cent Discount
One year ago we inaugurated our annual shoe sale.
Our customers will remember the wonderful success
of our monster shoe sale. This month we will have
the greatest shoe sale ever heard of. 10 per cent dis
count on all shoes. All goods marked in plain figures.
MONDAY. JULY 23, 1000.
Dully Ono Yoar. 3 OO In Advnnoo
Dally Pour Months 91. In Advnnoo
Wookly Ono Yoar 9I.OO In AUvunoo
Krom tli iuly Oullng;
I am tho chid of tho tunny sklos,
The Ufa that tax born ol sprliiK,
Comainto tho heart of glen and moro
And tho soul of ovorythlnir.
I hurry the sap of hazel bonglm
To tho promised nuts of brown,
And I draw tho doubled oak limbs up,
And I drill tho rootlets down.
I blush in the pippin's check of rod,
I glow in tho pink of peachV
I give my hand to tho forn and vine,
And 1 givo my heart to each.
I lift my eyes whon tho ucntlan lifts
II or eyes of a magic bluo,
And when tho poppy ipeakaot lain
I tell of tho tnmpcst, too.
The miracle il(t of llfnam I,
Tho birth of tho bud and seed.
Tho thought that opons tho timid rose,
Tho lauuhtfJ that rocks tho reed:
An undortow in tho summer sea
Of daites that dip and nod,
And the beauty mark of centuries
In tho handiwork of God.
Persons who have lived in other sec
tions of ou' country are nlono qualltled
to appreciate Westorn Oregon summer
woathor. Tho absence of Intense heat
and frequent ftorms of thunder mid
lightning art alono worth tho price of
admission to Webfoot.
Then our summer days do not begin
with u flercn blazing heat as soon as tho
sun is up. Tho nights and mornings aro
cool. Tho forenoon remains of a deli
clous temperature until nearly noon. A
few hours in tho mlddlo of our hottest
days npprdach summer heat. Than
comes Jhosl-abreoza at S or o'clock, and
cools off tho afternoon and evening. On
top of all these delights is the absence
of that never-coming pest of Eastern
states, tho bloodthirsty mosquitoes.
There is much sympathy expressed
for families so unfortunate as to have
vomo member at Capo Nome and suffer
ing from dangerous sickness. It is a
strain on a wife and family or relatives
to have a dear ono prostrated and liable
to paw away whon absent fron homo,
but tho surroundings at Capo Nomo aro
such as to heighten tho anxiety. It
takes weeks to got news. There aro few,
ilany, comforts or provisions for rare
such as people aro acqustomod to In
civilization. Tho unknown elements
add to tho terror of tho situation, and
no return of gold is a compensation for
tho anguish endured,
la tho case of Bulomltea who aro re
ported to bo among tho allllcted in tho
far north, thefo is lens cause for anxiety,
because there is a hospital oquipment
with a force of trained aursoa from this
city, under suportendenco of Mrs. Aniiu
Nichols. It is moro than likely iliat J.
II. Flotcher aud Clyde Brandenburg ure
under her'caru and in that cose nro well
provided for. But even this will afford
poor consolation forthnto allllcted or
one into
lor the
Half the
can be entirely avoided by til use
liniment of uriccless value to all women.
Sold by all druggists ut one dollar per
A booklet, giving all details, will be
nt free by llradncld Regulator Company,
Atlauta, Oa,
bboe stop?
04 Stato St
their loved ones at home. It 1b worth
all tho gold in tho world to bo with thoso
wo lovo in time of need.
Ah tho Chinesu have a Rus
sian province and are said to bo besieg
ing tlio City of Amur, it devolves upon
Uussln to inarch an armv into tlio Ce
lestial Umpire ami bear the brunt of tho
battle, Itusslu has already largo Inter
ests In China. Tlio Siberian railway,
tho possession of porta and of territory
not only adjacont to China, but of largo
districts formerly uuder Chlneau sover
eignty, devolves upon KiibsIii the re
sponsibility of tho controlling partner In
tho international Interests.
Tho Unitod Statos will not shirk its
shnr.iof ths responsibility for somo de
gree of good order in China. Hut there
it will ond. Wo have no such causa as
Ituseia for marching nn army into
China. Not oven the affront that calls
Germany to arms has been off tired our
country. Upon Ilussla must fall ths
burden of disciplining China, as to Rus
sia will fall tho lion's hluiro of spoils. If
Russia Iuib had the ear of tho Chinese
court, to Russia belongs tho greater ob
ligation of restoring tho "status quo."
The Russians are probably willing to
undertake the punishment of China on
a largo scale.
The dear old obfuscated senate befoio
adjournment solemnly ropoited through
ita committee against elections of sen
ators by direct voto of tho jwoplo, and
favors Senator Hoar's novelty, to permit
elections of a senator by a more plural
ity of u legislature Tho fact is, tlio
senate is composed of so many who
could never be elected at n popular voto,
that no other action can bo expected.
To favor election by the people would bo
equivalent to a nn.Jorlty voting them
selves into private retirement, or
solemnly resolving that blood cannot to
extracted from turnips.
Mr. Hoar's remedy to permit election
by a number smaller than a majority is
unworthy of that gentleman, oven In his
magnificent dotage. Take it in Oregon,
and other states, not oven the. legisla
ture elects. Hence, out of ninety num
bers forty-six aro required, Of tho fifty-
five Ropubllcan members twenty-eight
will Do a caucus majority, or lens than
ono third will decide who shall lie the
Republican senator. Of course, tho
secret caucusing plan has had so many
black eyes in Oiegou that no one expects
it will over bo reliabilltatod.eveu if tho
people never get tho right to a direct
voto or to nominate.
The Best Prescription for MslirU.
Chilli ami fvTr l. Untie ai(lroT'iTutclM
CUM Toulc. II la duply Iruu ndquliilue Ina
u.uttM form. No euro vu pay 1'iico 60c,
It might bo well for somo of tho Re
publican critics to turn their attention to
tho Republican official criminal trust at
tho New York barge office on Kllli is
land. Related otllcial investigation expotra a
condition there which nothing in the uu
nuls of tho Chinese administration sup
plies more than a parallel.
j (Thootllciale, all Republicans appointed
by tho McKlnley odniUtrntoii, are
Is looked forward to with e:
expectations of joy
f bringing the little
and uladness. The ordeal of
the world, however, is u critical one
mother-to-be, and her anticipations of
the coming event are shadowed with
pain and all the danger of Child-birth
of "Motiihh'S 1-iuknd," a scientific
shown to havo bedn habitually guilty of
bribery .various othor formsof peculation,
cruelty to tho poor sick, and, In relation
to womnn immigrants, of indignities
which reputable newspapers may not
refer to explicitly.
Tho official report coiitlanlng tho
specifications and testimony wassubmlt
ed a month ago to tbo Republican ad
ministration at Washington by Commis
sioner of Immigration Rodgcrs and Spec
ial Inspector Richard K. Campbell.
On account of tho nearness of tho
Philadelphia convention it was officially
secreted. Its facts will caueo a profound
shock throughout tho country and scan
dallzo tho United Staes throughout civ
ilization. There is nothing so bad In tho prior
history of any bureau of tho fodoral gov
ernment. Tho tcstlmonoy covered 2,240 type
written pages. Tho Investigators stato
that much of the revolting evidence
showing indignltios to women It is Im
possible for them to include In the re
port. Nor was the investigation easily con
ducted. Witnosees confessed to intlml
dlaton by persona connected with tho
government. Not less than cloven men
holding ofllco at tho immigration stations
aro recommended for dismissal and
two moro aro implicated.
That tho mildest report possible has
been made is shown by tho admission
that steamship ofllclals declared their
unwillingness to testify because they
daro not incur tho enmity of tho Re
publican office-holders. It may be
dreaded, therefore, that worse remains
to bo told after this fear shall bo dispell
ed by tho discharge of tho corrupt and
brutal men who havo tho fewest party
It is also acknowledged that the
corruption, pecuniary and other, is not
of sudden growth, but has prevailed for
moro than two years. That such crimi
nality should exist in a chronic Btato and
for so long a period at tho greatestAmorl
can harbor illustrates the gross hypocrisy
of tho administration pretenses of "good"
administration. It layB bare an Ineffici
ency, a demoralization, if not a collusion
nt Washington, as astounding in its
depth a nd breadth ns it is horriblo in
its disgrace of American manhood.
Undo Sam has enough sage-brush-and-Band
property now, without trying
to graft a chunk of China.
t tt
Raker City is going to dispense with
its stroot cleaning department, a sign of
going backward, euro aB sin !
I t I
Tho stato has paid during the past
year $78,082 for coyoto scalps. Thoy
come high, but tho sheep industry must
bo protected.
Tlio warm airy weather is knocking
out the hop spraying industry. Old Sol
can kill more hop lice in a minuto than
Mr. Quassia Chip can in a week.
t i I
No moro lutorcollegiato athletics will
retard tho advanco of tho scionco of
gambling, but it may assist other
branches of education correspondingly,
. .
A species of prosperity, as reported by
Dunn & Co., July 20, 1000: Failures
231, as against 115 for the corresponding
week of 1800 over CO por cent increase.
J i ;
Somo of the gold Democrats remind
ono of tho follow who rosumed the
smoking habit eo ho could swear off
again to make himself solid with his
best girl.
I 1 1
It has been suddenly discovered that
Webster Davis is a traitor and should
be ranked with Jctf Davis. A man who
will resign a cabinet otllce on account
of political-convictions must be a little
off, sure.
I t t
This may bo u corn country yet.
Nurseryman T. D. Jones measured somo
stalks of his 40 hours apart, and found
that they had grown seven inches in
that time. That will equal tho best
corn belt in the world.
If Undo Sam would havo spent what
the now western acquisitions have cost to
govera aud maintain in building tho Nic-
arauguauCanal wo would have a far more
certain expansion In business than our
new poseofuioni are proving.
4 It
It is suggested that tho Omnipotent is
ery ungrateful,to tiro Rro. Rockafellor's
oli tauks by lightning after that gentle
man has donated so many millions to
wards new churches and tho expansion
of God's dominion on earth.
The postmaster at Independence,
Kan., has been suspended because his
accouuts aro cloudy. This will furnish
an argument (or tho Republicans against
government ownership of the postoillco,
says the Appeal to Reason.
1 U
Tho Oregoulan boldly states that Got.
Rogers, of Washington, is a rank social
ist, and that his ideas aro what Bryan
la ni is based upon, and of course that
such is RAD. Now, the truth is, Rogers
is the reverse of a socialist in fact an
uuarchist, yet by its misstatement the
big Portland paper proves that Bryan
Is HAD. Its logic works both ways..
t I
Albany Demecrat: "Tho equity de
partment of tho circuit court has been in
session this week, and is certainly inter
esting, though all trials are beforo a
judge alone.lnsteadof beforo a jury as in
tho other department. With such a judge
as Mr. Boise on the bench a jury would
hardly be needed in any case. A man
without bias.of the strictest integrity and
possessing n rare legal knowledge he de
cides a case fairly, Insuring justice to &11
i1i i crffrfmmgrwa
lid the.
Dyspepsia .
mean that your
stoiuacn ib
weak. It needs
tlio Hitters to
strerigtnen ana
with so-called
remedies. In
sist upon hav
ing tlio gen
uine. Sitters
concerned. There can bo no disagree jury out all night and a verdict
1b sure. There aro many things to com
mend n trial beforo a Judgo alono if you
can hovo tho right kind of a judge, but
as the world goes tho jury system Is tho
bulwark of our liberties and we aro not
yot ready to dispeneo with it."
In reply to a sarcastic correspondent
who asks an embarrassing question in
language not entirely above criticism the
Orcgonian sayt: "If our correspondent
is situated SO HE CAN, we urgo him to
employ election day in some neighboring
grammar school and form a speaking ac
quaintance with tho English language."
Might not tho Orcgonian bettor tako a
dose of its own medicino? I
Tho following incident during tho
fisherman's strike on tho Krazer Rivor
sorves pretty well to illuBtrato tho rela
tive fighting quality of tho Japs and
Chlneso. '
"A street row betweon a Japanese and
a Chinaman occurrcdovor a dispute as to
whethor or not a Japaneso army of 10,
0C3 men could whip a Chineeo army of
110,000 in tho present war in China.
Tlio Japaneso cut off tho Chinaman's
queue to emphasize his argument, and
in flvo minutes 300 Japaneso engaged in
a hand-to-hand fight with COO Chinese.
In twenty minutes the Japaneso had
broken so may Chinese noses and cut
off so many queues that tho Chinamen
A Record In Mood,
The record of Hood's , Sarsaparilla is
literally writton in tho blood of millions
of peopio to whom it has given good
heath. It is all tho timo curing diseases
of tlio stomach, nerves, kidnoys and
blood, and it is doing good overy day to
thousands who are taking it for poor ap
petite, tired feoling and general debility.
It it tlio best medicine money can buy.
Hood's I'ills aro non-Irritating. Price
25 cents 4
Throujh the Yellowstone.
Tho now routo via tho Oregon Short
Lino Railroad and Monlda. Mont., ena
bles you to mako a delightful trip
through tho Yellowstone Nntional Park,
entering via Monida nnd coming out via
Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to
cover any portion of the routu twice. For
beautiful descriptive booklet, writo or
call nt Oregon Short Lino Ticket Oillce,
142 Third street, Portland, Oregon.
(1 18 Ow
B"" tb " Wni' Haw 'm,s w
Will Climb Jefferson.
Tlio announcement has been mado
that the Mazamas,of Portland, will hold
their annual outing on tho top of Mount
Jefferson, on August 11. Tho party will
gather nt Albany on August 0 and start
tho next morning at 7 o'clock for Mount
Jefferson. Tho distance from Albany Is
eighty-eight miles, being fifty-two miles
by rail to Dotrolt, twonty-flvo miles to
Parmclia Lake, whoro tho camp will be
established for tlio ascent of tho mount
ain, tlvo miles to the timber lino, and
six miles to tho top. On tho way aro
tho hot springs on tho government re
servo, which has already become some
thing of a resort, thoro being fifty to 100
campers thoro now.
Llctat Draft River Steamer.
Capt. Milton Smith of Tillamook 1ms
old his interest in steamboats at that
placo.and is now making a trip in a skiff
from Long Tom to Salem to
survey tho river with tho vlow to put on
a light draft boat for summor business.
At tho Powers trial a messenger boy
tostiflcd that immediately attor Gocgel
was shot ho saw a riflo in tho window of
tho socrotary's olfico.
Crop prospects in tlio Pacific North
west indicate a yield of 40,000,030 bush
els of wheat.
The $mm
A mighty man is he," but he is not
mighty enough to defy dUcnsc It ts a
piiinii mini; to
see the btrong
man brought
low, his muscles
melting u w a y
until lie can no
more suing ths
Heavy sledge to
shape the glow
ing iron.
"I w.n troubled
with malarial fcrcr
uf about llirccjcain
stamlim: ami wit
tiudcr doctors' rare
for quite a time,"
writet Mr. J. S
Kldd, of pariuU)
Milt WayntCo.Ky
"They hail alinoat
giteu me up, aud
my tuTcrtug tai
very steal My
pulae wn very
weak, breath nhoit
bud I had ttverc
bead uu1 ie.t. Had palpilattou of heart, aud
from Juuc lL is. lo May ut. A I "a uet
Wt lodaaday work 1 purchased ficbotllM
of Di liercei, t.olden Medical Uitroterv and
beh.ti 1 1 ad finl.htd toklug the nrtt tra txtllc
Iw.ut!) in.uhl.fUtr 1 coutluucd luVing the
mediciuc h'ui t He lime the tilth bottle
goue I w4i n ell man "
Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cleaiibek the blood of the poisons winch
feed iUskmsc, cures diseases of the ktoiu
ich and organs of digetiou and nutri
tion, and enables the prorxr assuullatlon
of ftxxl It it a tU'ili forming, nuucle
maVing mcAlicine, making sound tlesli
irul not flabby fat. It contaius no
whisky uor alcohol lu any form.
f .0
Aw )
-Return Engagement of-
The World's Greatest Living
By Special Request
of a Number of
Leading Citizens.
Located at
216 Church St.
Whoro ho can bo consulted
in all the affairs of lifo. Prof.
Montague is too w oil known
to need much introduction,
but for tho benefit cf tlio few
who may not have heard of
him, lie will say that ho
guarantees to reveal every
incident of your lifo ; to give
tlio full description of the
ono you will marry; tells
you whon and whero you
will meet, etc: tells you
what you havo come for
without asklug you a ques
tion ; tells you w lint you are
best adapted for; how to ob
tain tho money you aro in
most need of. Why linger In troublo when It
bo all overcomo by n visit to
this wonderful Palmist? If
your business is unsuccess
ful; if another Bhares tho
affection that should bo
yours, or If you aro In
troublo of nny kind, you can
not do bettor than to visit
this rifted Palmist.
Prof Montaguo has read the palms of eomo of tho most celebrated personages
of the world, such ns Wm. McKinley, Rryan ond Incersoll and hosts of others, un
business affairs ho gives dates, facts and figures; rollablo and important advice on
all matters of interest in bushices transactions. Ho truly predicts tho success or
falluro of now inventions, patents pending, pensions, claims, etc. ; tells wliotner
you will receivo fair dealings with partners, what business you will bo most suc
cessful at; whoro you shall go and whom to avoid; if you intend to ninko any
change If you oro In doubt about your mining property you should sco 1 rol. .moii
taguo nt once.
?rprlll Professor Montnguo will givo
wp.... cmrK0 (,qc for ono week only.
UTier Hours from 0 n. in. to U p. m.
wk sell TiirtKic anADKs:
'YUSKA" WKIJJDACIt MANTLE, Tho very latest thing In mr.lli. DtinUilo Mia glTM ONE
1IUNDKKI) CANDLE 1'OWKIt with i cnumimMInn nf onlr tbrra foot por hour. llltoMo.
NO, 187. The old lUndbr, of good luting quality aud giving EldllTV CANDLK l'OWKIl. l'rlco
IDEAL." Not'qulto a good quality but glTlng Mine candlo power ai Iho No.:t97, and at half the
price, ISccnte,
Any ol thoo mintlm put on and burners properly adjuitcd at abovo rates. ... .
a nKTTEIt LKJIIT.for LESS MONEY with ono of thexo turners than with any other form of aitl.
Oelal light, W o hare gaa itoTcn alto, Let us nhow them to you.
I SALEM GAS LIGHT CO 71 Chomeliota St.. Telephone 503.
The warm season has come, but we are here ahead of it
with a heavy supply of coolers in the way of the choicest
line of groceries, salads, meats and everything for a cold
miiui ui leireMiiug iuiuiuei iiicui.
Harritt & Lawrence,
No Flies on
Nor is there anv flaw or blemish on the work we do. either in
, plumbing, tinning or repairing. We lead on everything in the
way of first-class work in our line.
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a
T. S BURBOTJGHS, 102 Stato
Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.
Located 40 miles south of Portland, on ono of the most healthful and attractive
spots ol tho Willamette Valley. Tub Idkal Place foh Yomt Bovs. Preparatory,
Classical, Commercial und Scientific Course, Music a specialty.
For particulars, apply to tho President. 7-2-3m
Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, and Land Planter.
Grain, Hay and Straw stored, Wagon Scales.
Prompt and careful attention given to tlio
delivery of goods to any part of the city.
54 to 58 State St. Phone 871.
Tho Students of tho State Normal School aro prepared to
uwo wio otato enincate imuieuiareiy on graunation.
Graduates readily securo good positions.
Expeneo of year from 120 to 150.
tstrong Academic and Professional courses,!
New special department in Manual Training,
For Catalogue containing lull
announcements, auuresf,
P. L, Campbell, Prcs..
or, W. C, Wann, Sec. Faculty
As Opea Letter.
Maclkiv, Oregon, Juno 13, 1000.
iltun, Mltcheil, Lewis, Sltxer & Co.. 8lem.
Gkxtlkmk.v I can cheerfully recom
mend tho Champion Binder, Draw Cut
Mower and Champion Rake I purchased
from you last season, as they are giving
ho yery best of satUfactiou. I gave th
"Inder a thorough test last season. I
baa 200 ai'ris nf nta lint .. c...... rn
quite badly and they ripened suiliciently
fliai.,1 till. 1 1-- T . A
.w..i . uK ,iu iicouer i got ne
other Binders and put in with my Cham-
nfrtn kt nut il.Ani fpi.,. nt. t .
....... -v... hi, mo wnampion was
the oaly Binder of the six that would
elevate tho oats and deliver them to the
Palmist and Mind Reader,
A Wr-
'moiwt; dfC X
' "' S . ?l I
.Vfwuj: l i
' il 3
... , , ,
a test of his wonderful power.
Ho will
Come early and avoid tlio
Wlsbacb Marjfle?
a Hot Stove
Phone I5II
Fall Term Opens
September 18th,
EkShI rn sUtWI 111 PtrrHt
packer without feeding back between
upper end of .elevator to binder. There
were two Deerings. two McCormicks and
pne Piano, and they were continually
bothering when the Champion run right
along, and in fact ita eloator did not
choke onco all season.
The Draw Cut Mower is tho Acme of
perfection. It runs easy and light, cuts
a full swath, wheels never slip, and
there is no side draft or weight on
horses' uecks when Mower is in motion.
I mul no breaks and the machinery did
not cost me a cent for repairs. I can
recommend them highly to any onb that
wants a first class machine.
Yery respectfully, C. J. Sijuiuu
. T. W. W.
Balsra Camp No. lis. Moot erorr FrM ....
J-2ftaT O.O. Wi hall, Bt3, ififffi?
room 10, Moorci blk ""
irORBSTBHB Ol -A.Mtttlr)A"
court Sherwood Forort No. 1. Meeta Km...
night In Turner block. John M, Cnaw.ian v
A L. nmwn Beny,. ll-IMn
Cheap Excursion Rales
to the East
On Juno 23, July 12 & 20. nnd August 4
tickets from Denver, Colorndo Spring)'
Pueblo to Chicago, St. Louis and inter!
mediato points nnd rottirn, will be sold
by tho
at nATK or
One Hegator Fare Plus $2.00 tor Hound Trip ,
Return Limit October 31, 1000
Ono night out to Chicago. Tickets also
good on regular trains.
Tako advantago of tliosq cheap rates
and spend your vacation In your old
homos. Stooping Car reservations rosy
bo mado now for any of tho excursions
Wrlta for full information.
A. E. Cooi-kii. G, A. P. D., Portland Or.
E. W. TiioMrsoH, A. G. P. A., "- -Topoka,
John Skdabtian, G. P, A., Chicago, ,
Havo you thought of tho Steamer Trip
acrosB tho "GHEaT LAKES"? It com
bines tho attractivo features and bene- '
ts o! nn ocean trip wilLSut the atteud
ant distorts.
Furthermore, it is less expensive than
traveling by rail.
Tho ''Imperial Limited," with first
class sleepers trom Vancouver, and
Tourist Blcopors from Seattle every
Tuesday, Thursday and 8aturday, con
nects with ono of tho MAGNIFICENT
STEAMEKS of tho O. P. lty. at Fort
If you nro colnu East wo would be
glad to give you somo facta and informa
tion regnruiug tins trip.
a. u. r. a., hu 'intra st.
Vancouver, D. O. Portland
292 Commercial Sircet, Salem Ortfoa.
Sept. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 1900.
110,000 IN PREMIUMS on products
of tho
Farm, Field
and Factory
Tlio greatest Industrial exposition ever
field on tlio Paclflo Coast.
Open to the World :t
For Premium list address
M. D, Wispo,;
Portland Orij ;
Old Post
OfficeStables ,
Aro largo am havo reliablo attend
ants, your team boarded by the week or
day. Good teams for hire. Prices rea
oonable. Your patronago solicited.
H. M. Brown
62 Ferry Street.
Is open again under new management
and ve will supply you with tho fineiH
fresh meats, lard etc. put up in UJ
cleanest and beat shape and promptly
delivered. Come and see us. Fbonft
Main 2916.
KdItm ptr Mt () wood bndl
Knlreaperiete, UeUl hndleIL-
Forki per Kt t. Metal handlM M.
Ttble ipooni per tet t. .
Tea ipoont per tet .
Butter KnlreJ, t-nrh
Sugar Bhelli, each .
rorxi perieie, wood nandjti
. ainuy DVI,
Napilu Riuji per But
iiifln.. " " w'T
i ?. ..1 fiu
Call and get our prices on Gold ana
Nickel plating.
SO Stato btraat. l- Pbona 2fll
O Two Maohlnaa
Work Dona QuIoKly.
Telephone 2683 black. Leva orders
residence on 12th street, or Seiner r
market M. VauFuhtt, VwPa-u
MjwawwaKit ti mww turn it