The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 09, 1900, Image 1

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- . -
JULY i) 1900.
NO 17 -
VOL. X? $
Price is not the Only Thing f
To consider when you buy a pair of shoes. You
l want tne quamy 10 correspona wnn we price.
Gives you extra good value for every dollar you
spena wnn mem. vorown's mark
shoes are stylish, lit well and
wear well. Ask your neighbors
about them. Clothing, Hats,
Shirr Hnci'orv I InrWwprir. in shank
Gloves, and -all kinds of Ladies' and Gents'
to Be Fighting for the
Furnishing Goods.
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
f JLT" JESrrietor
Jacan Sends 23.000 Men and 100O Horses to
China-German Fleet Sills for China--
Oreron Arrives at Taku.
Bridge, crown work our specialty J
Combination aluminum and rubber plates
fat prices consistent with first-class work;
; Gold Crowns $5;00 and up,
i-iw-1 ww-VwW-wwwwww'ihlrfahtiriThTitTiy-T-,-v-"---w'-w"-,-,t t--iti
Rooms 27 and 29.
P. 0. Block.
Manilla Doc
A street show Hint has n laily ilro-eater,
a contortionist anil black-face artist land
cd In tho city today. Thoy also lmvn n
.Manilla dog that weighs about 200 lbs.
It is n flerco animal in appeaianco and
answers to tho American namoof Judge.
Judgo rcsombles a large cougar.
1 1 P.
The Botanical Specialist
Makes wonderful cures when
other doctors fail. While a res
ident of this city, Dr. Cook
has gained a wide reputation
as a Botanical Specialist, 'and
cures many cases of Chronic
diseases. If you are suffering
from any chronic disease con
sult Dr. Cook. He makes no
charges for consultation.
Office 301 Liberty Street,
Salem Oregon.
British Repulse the Dutch, Thouth Losses Are
'LoNDTN.July 0. Late news (romSautli
Africa reports that tho Boors ineffectual.
ly mincKwi uenerai uuiier's escort bo
twecn Sandortou and Heidelberg on Sat'
urdny as ho was returning Irom n visit
to Ixinl Koborte.
Tho Boors attackedWicksburggarrison
at midnight on Tuesday, but wore driven
off after 45 mluutea' tlghtlnn: Gunorat
Arabaut on July 6 occupied Dernbeiv,
bttween Senekni and Winberg, which
served 8 n huso for bands assailing con
voys. Colonel Mnlion, of Oenoml Hilton's
mounted troops, caught up ami engnged
IIOOO Boers east of UronkerH Snruit and
drove them off. Tho Britisn casualties
numbered 3:1.
Commandant Limmer tried to recap
ture Hustenburg on July 5, but was driv
en back.
Thirty-four of Strathcona'a Horeo
under Lieutenant Winter were attacked
by 100 Boors east of Btnndorton onJuly fl.
Tim British soon took possesion of n
kopje,upon which they surccpgfully with,
stood tho attacks of tho lloers.
Or Aaioelafcd I'ihi t taa Jonnut
London, July 0. Tho hopeful fooling
engendered by Saturdays's nows from
Pokln, is strengthened today by Admiral
Druces's endorsement of the rumors that
Prlnco Ohlng is lighting in tho legations
against Plmco Tuan. This turns of
events Is of tho utmost importance.
If tho powers can find allies in China
itself, It will materially facillatcf tho task
of restoring order.
Tho latest news from Tein TsInJuly 0,
reports a renewed Chinese attack with
12 gunB. Tho allied forces roplied with
guns from tho British cruiser Terrible,
and a mixed force of ono thousand men.
Tho Chinese retired after sovon hours of
fighting. KarllordiBpatchca record eovoro
lighting July 2d. and 3., when theChineso
did considerable damago with artillery.
Wabiiinotok, July ft. Though fearful
of giving false encouragement, tho
state department officials admit that
thoro Is reason for hopo now respect.
Irigtho wolfaro of tho logatlonors at
Pekln. It is bolievcd much of credit
for tho awakonlng of tho Chinese goy
ornmntton Boneo ila responsibility is
duo to Mlnistor Wu's personal efforts.
Wu says that prlnco Chlng who ac
cording to Admiral Bruce, is attacking
the Boxero, Is tlio head of tho Tsung 11
Vara on, and also commandant of ono of
tho Fokln garrisons. Tho stnto depart
ment Is satUflod that foreign admirals at
Taku have overestimated tho strength of
tho Chineso opposition and oonsoquently
of tho forco required by them on the
march to Pekln.
Japan Dispatches Men.
Yokohama, July 0. Tho government
decided to Immediately dispatch 23,000
man and 5000 horses to China.
German Fleet Sails.
Lul, July 0. Tho German Kast Asi
atic nquadron sailed this morning for
More Missions Looted.
Benux, July 0. The German consul
at Cho Foo cables that tho American
mlealon at Tung Lu and tho Gatoollc"
mission at Chu Fu have boon looted.
Tho Boxers continue their endeavors to
incite tho population of Cho Foo to a re
volt. Prince Chlnt's Action.
BnussntLB, July 0. A dispatch from
Shanghai says that a Chlnoso newspaper
aiserta that Prlnco Ching's troops havo
arrived at Pekln, to rovictual tho Kuro-
pcans and defend them.
Boers Are Trckklnr.
London, July t. Tho Times Lourenco
Manila's corresjioudcnt says, under dato
of July 7:
"A lmnnrnl movement nf terrltnrv.
.--. . . . rf , . ... -. .
seems to bo in contemplation. l-arel Herald trom Washington says:
hcrda havo lteen driven across the Itor I An allied force of nearly 100,000 men
dor. The Portuguese welcome the !., . . ni.t-. .i.f.i - ,i,. ti..
movement." ...... - v.D .-
The Orefon at Che Foo.
Wahiiinoto.v, July t). Tho Oregon
has arrived at Cho Foo. She will go to
Kuro, Japan, to dock.
Out of 100,000 ISoldlers For China America
Will Furnish 11,000.
Nkw Yonic, July 0. A special to tho
figures aro largor than Uioso given hero
toforo, but afe based" on better Inforina
Hon, which has Just rcachffd hero. Tho
allies at Taku aud Tien Tein npw num
ber about 18,000. men. Tho reinforce
ments under orders consist bt 10,000
Japanese troops, 16,000 Gormans, 13,000
Russians, 11,000 American?, 10,000 Brit
ish, 8000 French and 3000 Italian.
It is learned that tho several gov
ernments desiring an expression as to
tho otilnion of tho number of men
noeded in Chluit, recently asked tho
Admiral at Taku to inako an estimate
Tho admirals consulted tocllior, and
the lowest estlmato scorns to havo been
niado by tho Japanese ofllcor, who placed
tho number between 70.000 and 100.000.
" of tho Brltish.Kufsian and"
German otllcora were small. As to that
made by Admiral Kompff.tho authorities
decline to speak, but there Is reason to
bellovo that It woj slightly less than tho
lowost figure of tho Japaneso comman
der. It may bo that it is that Admlaal
Kcmpff'a statement has caused tho offi
cials to hesitate the dispatch of troops
at Taku until tho arrival of tho Japan
eso division of tho Ninth Infantry, which
will brlug tho fighting strength of the
allies to about 45,000.
Upon tho arrival ot thcJapatieso divis
ion at Taku, tho question of otflccr who
will bo put in Bupremo command will
naturally arriso. Tho Japanose Boldlers
will be commanded by a Lieut. Gen
eral, and, so far us known ho will bo tho
ranking officer. KuBsla may not wish to
havo Japan to havo tho preponderating
forces and tho commander also, aud so
may sond an officer with tho rank of
General to command her forces, ilo
will, of course, rank tho Japaneto ofllc
or, Bo far as this government is con
cerned, it is willing to havo an efficient
officer In command, bo ho ltusslan or
Japaneso, providing tho start of tho ex
pedition to rollovo Pokln is prompt.
To Join In Intervention to Establish Stable
London, July 0. TuoTimei says this
"Wo learn from a private message from
Canton that Li Hung Chang has tele
graphed direct to tho Chineso Minister
in London urging him t3 request thoBrlt
ish Government to approach Uio United
States Government wiUi a ylow to a Joint
invitation io Japan to co-opcrato In tho
maintenance of tho Chineso Kinplro and
on a solid hauls, three uniting In an ap
peal for the support of nil tho other
The Shanghai corrcspoudont ot the
Times, telegraphing Sunday, says :
"Tho tolograph station at Moukdon
lias been destroyed, sovcring tho connec
tion between North Arbor and Corca.
"The Viceroys of Nankin and Wu
Chang tolcgrnphto tho.. British consul
urging tho forkign powers to guard the
person of tho Dowager Empress, no
matter what happens In tho xorth."
Say Cheering Words at Bry
an's Home.
Br Aaaoclatcd Vtrmm U Ih Jonrnnl
' London, July 0. Tho following cable
is from Lord Itoberts:
"Pretoria July 0. I dlspatchcdSutlon
July ti, with mounted Infantry, to rein
forco Mahon and drive tho Boers to tho
east of Broenkersprult. Tho orders
I wore affectlvoly carried out by Mahon,
I who was attacked by 3,000 men. Our
I ftnaiirtlltnsi i tt rt nfT1iirtf nitif
And Bryan Sayj There Is No Doutt as
How Nebraska Will IGo Next
Or Auoclatcrt IIni ta tk Joaraal.
Li.vcouv, Nob., July 0. Aillal E.
Stovcnson arrived today to attend a con
ference ot Democratic leaders. Two or
three thousand pooplo had gathered
about tlio hotel and as Bryan and Stov
cnson arrived thero a roar of cheers
went up.
Stevenson, in response said : "I thank
you for this cordial welcome. I am too
modest to make my first speech when I
stand In tho presence of the noxt Presi
dent." Bryan .and Stovonson shook
hands with sovoral hundred people. As
they turned to go up stairs, tho crond
shouted for Bryan.
"I'm glad so many havo turned out to
greet Mr. Stovonson," said Mr. Bryan.
"When ho goes back to Illinois I want
him to tell them thoro is no doubt of
Nebraska." Kx-Govornor Stono, of
Missouri, Chas. A. Towno, Geo. Fred
Williams and "Cyclono" Davis also
spoke briefly.
casualties aro two
ou1cnrs and 20 men
Only Americans Can Hold Office In this New
Tcrrltory.-A Salutary Rullnc
1W!.. rM., Ill -l,-s S
s Dressing Tables
I " 1 1 !
Lnr t ..,. I.' i .. " '
Are now used to go
with Iron Beds,
'Wejcettp agood line
of these goods and
would be pleased tn
show you whether
or not you Intend
buying. ' '
A Wardrobe Couch
Is not a
Yos, we havo some
good ones,closa woven
aud full length, with
two heavy stretchers.
' i
But it answers nearly the same purpose. We wll a good
many to people who wish to ecouomixe space.
Half Dollars
Do as much today
as dollars once did
trii the, furniture
gjtTlAi ns sltow you how
rTTioMQinJUi s
much yon can get for a little
i The Big Store $MmtQ:
..K H I. i w tm H , IH . H -
H hw m ma & Hk mi v mi
m T,.... .... . .... . .v m,
Tho above new will be receive I nf
lam vtith great torruw, iwe tbe Du
mars family ham a multitude of frivuds
-.,.-.... xi who win ueepiy sriupauiiie wuu mo
mnnn.......n.ninanwHnHcall,,IHHlHHlllUllllllllH1Hllll m ijerearea uuauauu ana uauguur.
Many Return Trom Klondike.
Vancouvkr, U. C. July I). Stenmor
Amur arrived Saturday evening froiii
Skagway bringing f'J50,000 In geld dust
and HO passengers. Of tltesu thirty wero
returning miners, who had sacks of from
thrco to ten thousand dollars each,
while several Vancouver merchants
brought largo returns from tho north
ern urancn stores.
Tho most interesting nowa brought by
tho Amur was that of tho finding of the
body of Karl Olson, who was murdered
last Doeombor with Clayton and Itelfe,
two other American citizens, Olson's
body was found on a sand bar near Sel
kirk, and was takon down to Dawson by
the Steamer Yukoner.
Passengers leaving Dawson ton days
ago on tho Columbian mot tho Yukoner
going down tho riter. Thero wore said
to bo several marks of violence on
Olson's body when found, and the au
thorities consider tho evidence of his
murder conclusive,
II. M, Martin, mining recorder at
Selkirk, was out duck hunting when ills
gun accidentally discharged and tho
contents of ono barrel emptied Into his
forearm. Ilo will also lose two fingers.
A stamHxlo ot minor to tho new
placers near White Horse Is recorded.
Dominion and Hunker creek clean ups
are turning out much hotter than was
expected. Dr, Carro)l, a prominent
physician of Vancouver, spent euveral
days on claims on Hunker, and says sev
eral men there were taking out f 100 a
Captain John Irving, tho well known
steamship owner and former member of
parllaraent.camo down on thoArnur, Ho
states, ou tbe authority ot the govern
ment officials ot Dawson, that tho gold
yield of the Yukon for tho teason is
Death of Mrs.' Dumari.
Pobtland, July U. Sunday morning
at 7 o'clock, Mrs. William Dumars die
at the Surgical Sanitarium, corner
Twentieth and Ullson street, after an
operation for a tumor, which was foond
to be a cancer, lira. Dumars was the
wife of William Dumars, manager of
the Northwest district ot the Weatern
Union Telegraph Company, and since
1$KH Portland has Un their plant ot
r stdence. Halem bad previously Wen
their home for a number of years, and
tnere, as in Portland, Mrs. Dumars had
a wide circle of friends She was an
amiable and estimable woman, whose
lots will be felt by nxy friend and
acquaintance. She was tiiti mother of
oae daughter, Mim C'larletta, a violin
artist ot some repute. The funeral will
take place from the family residmire,
2ti North hixteentb street, tomorrow
The Governor Calls Special Elections to Fill Va
cencles la the LeiUlature.
Ilr Aoelaft I'reas i tfc JoaraaL
Gkoroktown, Ky., July 0. Tho case
of tho Commonwealth against Routsoy,
Powers, Davis, Whltaker and Combs,
charged with complicity in tho murder
of Goebel, wero callod by Judgo Cantrlll
today. All persona who entered that
courtroom were searched Tho work
of selecting a Jury was first cntororod
FiiANKroHT, Ky., July 0. Govornor
Breckham today called special elections
for August 0, to fill vacancies in the leg
islature. It is hollovcd that an extra
session will bo held in September to con
sider tho ropcal of tho Goebol election
Or Aaolated I'm ta tha JoaraaL
San FnANcisco, July D. Correspond
enco from Honolulu, Under dato Juno 30,
says; At Spreckleavillo a number Jap
anese, who made an attack upon tho
census taker, and n number of officea
who camo to his rcscuo, wore convicted
(aud fined 25 cacti.
Subjects of foreign powers cannot hold
office under tho government of Hawaii.
This Is given out as tho ruling of Gov
ernor Dole. Under thlarulinga nurnbor
ot valuable and popular officials will bo
thrown out. It is tstlmatod tho national
government will get not more than 200,
000 annually from tho collection of Inter
nal revenues at Hawaii.
Met With Inryan, Towne and Joneslto Consider
the Camcalm.
Hr oclnlrtl lr t the Journal,
Minneapolis, July 0. In obedience to
n telegraphic request from Mr. Bryan,
Hon. Adlai K, Stevenson left for Lin
coln, Neb. Whon soon at tho depot,
just before his departure, Mr. Stovonson
would say httlo, except that ho was to
attend a conference at Lincoln regarding
tho plan of campaign, in which Senator
Jones, chairman ot tho Democratic na
tional committee, and Mr, Towno, Pop
ultat candidate for Vlco president, woro
to tako part. Mr. Stevenson further
said that at tho conclusion of tho confer-
Thero Is more Catarrh in this section
ot the country than all other dltoiiiwit
put together, and until tho lust few
years it was supposed to Ihi Inrurablu.
tor a great many years doctors pro
itounred it n local dlseate, and pro
scrilKHl local remedies, and by con
stantly falling to euro with local treat
ment, pronounced It Incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional
disease, aud therefore requires constitu
tional treatmoni uairs uaiarrii euro,
tiinmifaAf hr.ul liw I f fnnt. A sTVt
HlMIIUIHlfklllVU uj t it VMUIIU . Wf
loletlo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional
euro on the market. It Is taken Inter
nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea
loonful. It acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
They offer ono hundred dollars for any
cone It fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
Address, F. J. CiiKSfKV A Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tho beet.
enco. ho would return toMlnfiWOt
Beach and remain there' until 'Sopte'rTt- 1
ber 1, whon lid Is expected to take an I
active part In tho campaign. From, J
another sourco it is learned that Mr.
Towno is awaiting tho verdict of tho
coming contoronco ns to whether it la
better for him to withdraw as tho Popu
list candidate. It Is said that ho la ready
to do Just what Mr. Bryan thinks' best.
Money Easy, Thouih Bourse Was Atltt-ttd-'-'
Iron Still P.llln
Bkrlix, July 0 The Bourse had a) '
highly agitated week, with heavy swells,
in quotations. Nows from China, and
tho disastor at Hobokon at the begin
nlng of tho week caused a dcop depres
sion, which was rclnforcod later by tho
emperor's speech, which Boomed to iridl
cato a soparata war policy for'Gormany.
Wednesday showed a lower roconl ot
figures In Borlln quotations than for
moro than a year.
A Berlin tntdo paper prints an article
under tho caption, "Kussla (
in which it claims thati
has advised tho government
making a commercial treaty
United States in order to got hotter
terms with Russia. It la understood
thata "cortaln party" moans Count PoSaT
dowsky-Wchner, who Is invariably flov
tile to tho United States commercially,
Knljhtj of PytkUs Attention.
All membors ot Central Lodgo
aro requesteil to bu present i
lar meeting, Tuesday evening.
Grand Ohancollor, togother with othcA
grand olllcors, will mako an official visit
to tho lodgo. All visiting brothers are
cordially invitod. W. I. Stalkv. I
7 0 2t Chancellor Commander, f
srAracrlcaV, 1
i cortaln party f
to aroidf
with thT
Lodgo No. 167
. at the regn-
rcalng. Tb
Wo always havo tho freshest caady,
Kor wh mnkn aomo nvnrv ilav.
Our chocolate creams and Bon Boks,
Aro -par oxcononco ' so moy tajr.
Ot tafricB wo havo many kind,
Both nlaln aud llavored chews:
When vou'ro undecided what to buy,
Step in and purchaso thoeo.
154 State St
'Phone 2874.
the Gold Fields of
Peace Declared
Why devote all your time
tho Boer War aud the Gold
Alaska? There aro other matters o
vital importance; you may mako a trip
cast, ana win want to know now to
travel. Ih order to have the boat ser
vice, use the Wisconsin Central Hr.,
between St. Paul and Chicago, tor
ates and other information, write Jas.
A. Clock, General Agent, Portland, Ore
Bn ta A M Yw Hit! Alwirt BwjV
I ti 17(5 1
i M -
i jf
v KJ
1 ( Htfi M??rtVsM
Laa jaal
m. iff
25 Per Cent. Off
Ladies' fine 54.00 Kid. shoes,:.:
Tan or black, $3.00. 'Men's""
fine 54.00 Willow and 'Russia
Calf, S3.00. Infants' fine 51.00
shoes, for 75c. All new styles;
' I W
Salem Shoe Store
K. H. Leauo, Manager.
Prevention of Eye Troubles
Prevention is better than cure. It la
uheaiKtr, It la possible when euro is Ira
liorriiblo. Kye troubles may bo avoided
by the timely use of glasses, averting dis
comfort, suffering aud permanent ' Im
pairment ot sight Wo are properly
equipped to ajust xlasaea and guarantee
Herman W. Barr,
Scientific Optician, 118 State St. Salem Or.
j Most people who try to ride the wheel of fortune, manage to puncture their tirej
oeiore mey get very iar. 5
v firnnt PrAnnrntlnn Qnl i.
5 teaS' r cReMttr
' umt domains
II Jm ll!l,....-aal a
1 ff I'SaVK 'l ' . .. .
5 IViymK mty'"-'"-
Special . . .
$5 and $6
Dress Shirts
Preparing For Our Big Move.
.Ready, Reliable Styles, New Today.
$ You iifver saw the skirts before,
tfilelavrxl in shlinlnie now lncr t
atinlildleof mir i'ffaraiion Sale we
, tlmy area lot that wero . 7yA . .
thry arrival right in the iM JllPfllP fh
re prijpowj tn tnk abort sf U' 'MlKJllKJUM
Lscouiiton them and we'll M
4 work of liieiu. We got a Jibural dlscou
at give It ti you.