DAILY tf JOURNAL. VOJxX SALBM, OREGON SATtTCIDAT JULY T 1900. 'mWMO THE ilk r r" R c I Price is not the Only Thing f r THE NEW YORK RACKET r r MASSACRE OF ALL THE FOREIGNERS To consider when you buy a pair of shoes. You want the quality to correspond with the price. Gives you extra good value for every dollar you OUCIIU Willi IIICIII. tnc . . . . . . w0R0WN-5 mark anues are siynsn, nr. wen ana wear well. Ask your neighbors about them. Clothing, Hats, blurts. Hosierv. Underwear. n shank Gloves,- and all kinds of Ladies' and Gents' imd 5k Furnishing Goods. In the Capital oi CHina Has Been Con-i firmed. ENTIRE WHITE POPULATION IN PEKIN SLAUGHTERED ANP THEIR BODIES BDRNED Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. L -ET. BARNES, Proprietor We're holding the reins - . Last Sad and Hopeless Message ol the American Min ister Calling for Help. WHEN it comes to a matter of prices in Shoes, and we are driving at a fast gait, too; but we can keep it up so long as our stock lasts. This idea of our driv ing in prices is too large a stock and must be reduced -- get in on our low prices on Tan Shoes, others as well, -v a, ;y v 275 COMMERCIAL ST. Or Aeaoelated Preaa ta tka Journal. London-, July 7. "Tho ninssacro of foreign ministers, women, children and guards nt l'ekln lifter 18 days hopeless resistances is continued," Bays n dispatch from Shanghai, dated July 0. "When ammunition and food woro exhausted," continues tho dispatch, "tho Ohlneso fiends closed upon tho legations and butchered all who remalnod alive. Afterwards they set ilro to tho legation buildings in which tho romnlns of Uio vie thus wero consumed In one Iiorriblo holocaust." Another Shanghai dispatch states that tho officer in charge of several depart ments at Shanghai and vicinity admits that no legations exists In l'okin, and no foreigners have been loft nllvo. Princo Tuan had four thousand Chinese- butchered, It is said, for daring to pe tition to control tho orgio of blood. A dispatch from Taku says tho last mossago from Conger, United Stales min ister at Pokin, brought thoro by runners reads as follews: "Wo are bosolgcd. Provisions aro becoming exhausted and tho situation Is desperate, Belief forte should advance" A Report Dated July 2. Br Aaaoelated Preee to the Journal. Losno.v, July 7. Jardino Mathles & Co., of Shanghai, tologrophed their Lon don liouso as follews: "Tho llrltieli legation was standing July 2. Thoro aro re assuring reports regarding Uio lives of Europeans." Were Still Standlnr July 3. Or Aaaociated I'reaa ta tka Joarau. Washington, July 7. A cablegram from Consul General Goodnow at Shang hai says tho legations woro standing on tho third instant. Tho Boxers seemed disposed to alopt tho starvation raothods. GOVERNMENT ACTS PROMPTLY. The American Recular Troots Ordered to the Philippines to De Utilized In China If Found Necessary. aro gathorcd by correspondents at Shanghai from Chlnoso sources, especi ally of tho slaughter lu tho Chlnoso and Tartarclty of thousands of natlvcChrist lans, so that tho capital rocks with carnage. Tho ruthless thirst for blood is spreading in all tho Northern prov inces; and whorovor thero aro natho Christians tho sconos enacted in tho capital aro reproduced in miniature. From theso provinces nothing furthor comus regarding tho Legation forces, ex cept n repetition that thoy aro nil dead. Tho correspondents nver that If tho Chincsb officials In Shanghai wlshod to throw light on tho real state of nITairs In tho capital thoy could do so, and, thoro- loro, uio worst reports aro accepted as true. KRAUSSB RROS r : 1 t : You run no risk in having voiit wolc dnnt? at tht i balem Uental rarlors as '. nil Turnfu-ic titllirnritnTantH. . V T W MAW AUJ T XT VMV Male W WW M DRS EPLEY & OLINGER! BLK. 4 I I t wWWvWWWWWWQ..iAWWWWat,a.KKWvk.,..,...ka..,.a,.W. v -- Our Motto:J.Good Work at Living Prices. Rooms 27 and 29, P. 0. II r Aeaoclated Preaa ta tka Jouraai. Washington, July 7. Orders woro Issued by tho War department tills after noon for tho dispatch of 0,264 regular troops to tho Philippines with a view to their utilization in China if found necessary. Theso troops aro intended to rollovo tho volunteers in tho Philippines and will only bo alvcrtcd to China In tlio event that circumstances demand it. LI HUNG CHANG'S PROCLAMATION Or Aaaoelaled Preaa ta Ike Journal. London, July 7. -Accord lug to tho Dally Telegraph's correspondent, lua dispatch dated Thursday, United States Consul McWado has great influonco witli Li Hung Chang, and has persuaded him to l86iio a proclamation containing detailed Instructions to prefects, sub prefects and magistrates. It orders thorn to detect, behead and otherwise sovoro ly punish Boxers. Theso officials, tho proclamation says, will bo hold respon sible for the safety of the missionaries native Christians. Tho Governors of two Quongs join in thejproclatnatton. Another proclamation Issued by LI Hung Chang directs that persons start ing an uprising shall bo at onco bo headed, and that those spreading falso rumors shall bo eovoroly punished. This latter phrase, in a Chinese sonso, means slow strangulation by means of a wooden collar. Wholesale oxocutions are expected to follow theso proclama' tlons. JAPAN TO ACT WITH A FREE HAND lllllIllllllHllllllllllllliaiBHllBlllll) Dressing Tables all sstx ( ft B , 4 IN ALL KINDS OF PRETTY WOODS. Are now used to go with Iron Beds. Wo keep a good lino of theso goods and would bo pleased to show you whether or not you intend buying. A Wardrobe Couch Hammocks? Or Aaaoelaled Preaa ta (be Journal London, July 7, 2H0 n. m. Tho Bus- sian government announces that It will givo Japan n frco hand to apply military forco in China. Tho terms of this con sent aro summarized in tho subjoined dispatch from St. Petersburg, under dto of July Oth : "Undor inqntry from tho Japanese Cabinet regarding tho dtsatch of Jap anese troops In China to render aid to tho foreigners in Pckin, tho Russian Government declaro J Juno 27 that It lott tho Japanoso Government full liberty of action in this connection, as theToklo Cabinet expressed its readi ness to act in full agreement with tho othor powers." It Is iu ronsequonco of this, no doubt, that Japan Is preparing to embark 80,. 000 more troops. Political considera tions that wero thought to have been influencing tho action of tho potters aro thus laid aside for a moment, at least, by tho governments supposed to have tho clearest purposo rosjiccttng China's future. Details of Horrors Details of further horrors in Pokln A CONSUL GENERAL REPORTS And There Are Hopes That Foreigners Or At Least Part of Them Arc Still Alive. Mr Aaaealaled Praaa ta Ike Juaraal. Washington, July 7. A dispatch from Consul General Goodnow this morning has rovived tho hopo that tho U-gatlonors nt Pokin or at least somo of thorn aro still nllvo. It tho only thlin? thoy havo to faco is starvation, tho officials bollovo thoro is ground for tho hopo that tho horrible stories from Bhanghal, of iiamolosa crimes and massacres, are at least pro- mature. One certain effect of Goo-now's dis patch will bo to cause tho officials hero, and without doubt European govern ments, to redouble their exertions to push forward a forco to Pokin. Tho main hopo for speedy action is still in Japan, but Japan Is not expected to mako a campaign slngto-handcd, Tho International forces nt Taku ami Tien Tsln will co-oporato to tho utmost with tho Japanoso in a inovomont en Pokln. Oreion May Be Still Ashore. Or Aaaoelaled Preaa la the Jouraai, London, July 7. A dispatch from Shanghai, dated Thursday, July 6, says inasmuch as tho steamers sent to tho assistance of tho United Slates battle ship Orogon havo not returned, many persons have concluded that the Oregon s still ashore. battalion of tho Second Infantry, nlFort Thomas and Columbus Barracks, tho homo battalion of tho Fifth Infantry, nt Fort Sheridan, and tho homo battalion of tho Eighth Battery at Fort Snolling, Minn. Their places will bo supplied by tho Cuban battalions of tho regiments named, tho oxceBB being used, so far as possible for supplying tho garrisons In New York, Vermont and Georgia va cated by tho prospective doparturo of tho Fifteenth Infantry for tho Philip pines. ROOSEVELT ANDIIANrM. Catnpalcn Plans Arran(ed-The Senator On the Democratic Platform. Or Aaaoelaled Preaa ta the JourauL Cmcneland, O., July 7. Governor Roosovolt spent eight hours in Cleve land. Ho loft for Canton to visit Pres ident Mckluloy. Tho most of tho Gover nor's stay In Olovelaud was taken up by a consultation with llanna. Governor Roosovolt said: "I havo been conferring with tho sen ator about tho itinerary that wo shall follow this fall. It has been determined that if possible, I shall visit nil tho Itocky Mountain states." Senator llanna, when asked for nn expression ou tho Democratic platform, said: "From what 1 havo read, I can sco that it is a cunningly devlBod scheme to catch tho unwary and tho unthinking voters. I think tho most labored o ort In their document was to croato a diff or onco between expansion and imtiorliil Ism. It was rather nuiuslug to sea their linn of demarcation; Booming to roly tho constitutional question to establish that difference as to whether tho Hag follows the constitution or tho constitu tion follows tlio Hag. Wo aro perfectly willing to meet that issue on their own hytwthoslB. So far ns tho free silver plank Is concerned, I think all Republi cans will be satisfied," FUSION IS BMG MRAMED The Populists May Not Endorse Steyen- son. Emperor to President. U Aaaoelalea Preaa fa (fee Jouraai. Canton, Ohio, July 0. Tho following was rccolvcd by tho President Friday : "Rondozburg July 0, To tho Presi dent of tho United States, William Ale Kluloy: For your Excellency's warm words of condolence in Uio murder of my representative In Pokln, I express my most sincere thanks, I locognlzo thoruiu tho common Impulse of Interest which bind the civilized nations together. William, Lmperor. i Yes, no havo como good ones, close woven and full length, with two heavy stretchers. wm.t!zix, Is not a Trunk But it answers nearly the same purpose, We soil a good many to people who wish to ecouomizo space. s tVefA i. - - .e . fr-JI ..a fiwilil1 Half Dollars Do'as much today as dollars once did in i the, furniture trade. " Let us show you how much you can get for a little money. i The Big Store jUlUJUl WITH LITTLE PRICES. T2i T ,alf 1l I irTaWaaTT lijii Mryyff3rfr"iBHiar fjatTaBTaaTaaTem BaU HT H laTaaTaaTM aaVM ( We. -M JaVMf ' aTaaL-lBTaBTaTaTaV FIRST CAVALRY WILL CO. Mext Redmtot Is to Be Sent to the Ori ent. Ur Aaaoelaled Preaa ta Ike Jaaraal. Wabiunoton, July 7. Although tho war departmout officials will not admit it, It is practically settled that tho Flrtt regiment or cavalry wllll ho tho next regimunt Kent to tho Philippine for tho relief of tho volunteer troops. Tho regiment is now stationed in tho West. Tim cavalry detachment at Fort Myor, Va., Is alto booked for an oarly departure for tho Philippines. It comprises Troops II, G, II and I of tho Third Cavalry, together with tho regimental band. Tho other squadrons of this regiment already aro in tho Philippines. Othor troops supposed to bo destined to the Philippines, for poa slblo diversion into China, aro tho homo Rock to Be Removed. Pinncclo rock, whlch.has long boon a mouaco to navigation in Yuquina bay, Is to bo rvmoveo forthwith. About six months ago Captain Harts.UnltedStalos oirginoors.cotnplotcd n project for tho ro moval of tho rock, and this waa reported toWashington by tho board,aud acted on favorably by tho department, orders be ing Issued to carry tho project out. A party loft Portland for Yaqulna Friday, and thoy will begin work immediately. m -V Hi THE INTER MOUNTAIN STATER ' ARE ALL PLBDQEDO BRYAN' But tho Leaders Are Not Hopeiul AuOufyCarrying tlieJ racinc states. nblo to glvo out any part of his campaign A STATEMENT Hr Aaaoelattd Preaa ta ka Journal. Kansas City, July 7.-A practical plans for sevoral days, fusion between Democratic und Populist' - parties on the preBldontlal tlckot, has TOWNE WILL MAKE uoen iiccmcu uon by tlio ropuliat na tional committee. Unless tho present ttlflhO first nllillliiml 1Aiim.ne ll.n Ta ocratlc vlce-presidontlal candldatb will ' "'kaCitt, 'Z', MrT not bo endorsed, whether or not Towno , Towno w Mkod hV(j Ithdr,;M; decides to wlthdiaw, as thlsj it Is foarod. ' Pnnnll.i vlon.r.,.t.in.ui -.i i . would result In a largo dcfictlon to tho . dor Uwt Stevenson's namo might be suW ' 3 niWdlo-road Populists .tltutod. Ho Is quoted as Myieg: "I Tnuiin Will Innvn llito nttnmnnn n.wl f . . B jTk '"'" " " """icnnnoi say nuyiiung just now. I'lp'M stop at Lincoln nt tho invitation of .mako an announcomnt In . r- .i... i.. 5!H M ,.,.. HOT WEATHER IN THE EAST Mr Aaaoelaled Praaa la Ike Jouraai. Ciiicauo, July 7. Four deaths from heat havo been rcortcd today. Nkw Yoiik, July 7. At tiooit tho thcr momolor registered DO degrees, tho July record. A dozen heat prostrations havo been reported, GOVERNOR OF PORTO RICO ARRIVES Bryan. Tho Democratic national committee resumed Its session today. Representa tives of Populists and SiUor Republicans attended thu mcotlng. , Nearly every statu In which tho Popu list and Silver Republican strength Is necessary to tarry tfio statjfor tho Dem- ocrary was pledged to Bryan and Steven son. Tho oxcopllons wero Nobraska, Kansas and South Dakota. Representa tives of theso states thought It doubtful whether thoy could bo earrlod for Jlry nn, unless tho Populist nominees, Bryan nnd Towno, should remain in tho Held. They claimed thoy did not enro to sacri fice Towno. Stress was laid upon tho danger of losing four senators In theso three states. Silver Republicans said thoy had lllttlo hopo of thu Paclflod coaBt. Tho matter of running a third ticket will probably bo determined, ofter a conference of tho leaders at Lincoln. Tho commltleo thou ndjourned sine dlo. A numbor of loaders left for Lincoln this afternoon, to confor with Bryan. WHEN HANNA WILL OPEN HIS BARREL Pr Aaaoelaled Preaa ta the JsanaJ. Glvbxand. 0., July 7. Senator llanna said today that ho would go to Now York and open headijuartsrs in that city about July 23th. Special Reserves, 'Old Government" whisker, recoa osneo- Canuln McOarty Nkw Yoiik, July cruiser Mayflower with U. Governor of Porto Rice, ou rived today from San Juiiii. Conference at Lincoln. Hr Aaanelaleil Preaa la Ike Jouraai Lincoln, Nob , July 7. Tho tldo of Democrats has turned from Kansas City 1 1 i.incoin, ana jiryan expects many 7. Tho Auxiliary .visitors during tlio next fow days. Tho II. Allen. board ar- 1 (J, 1 ( M nn r ms WwL lrt I 11 tU21 II ' M0ry:!-'-'l'"!faW 25 Per Cent. Oft The Botanical Specialist Atakes wonderful cures when other doctors fail. While a res ident of this city, Dr. Cook has gained a wide reputation as a Botanical Specialist, and (cures many cases of Chronic diseases. If you are sulTering from any chronic disease con sult Dr. Cook, lie makes no charges for consultation. Oflke 301 Liberty Street, Salem Oregon. influx liegati today, when tho Montana delegation stopped between trains. Othor delegations aro expected during the afternoon. Bryan does not expoot to bo iilzod by leading physicians, and taiiv uy a. v. O'Brien M. n., iiu ourKvou, aiso dt wm. v, Mcuarty btatos Army. Furthermore, Uw board of health of San Francisco, recommends tills stimulant as tho purest, unadultor a ted. for family use, for convalescent and Invalids. Sold exclusively In Balem and Marlon County by J. P. Room. 4-36-tf Wo always havo the freshest caady, For wo mako soma every dy. Our chocolate creams and Be Sow, Aro "par excellence" so thoy sy. Of tallies wo havo many kind, Both plain and flavored chows i When vou'ro undecided what to buy,'-; Step in and purchaso those. a.3Mt ELLIS ZINN'S1 154 State St 'Phone 2874. Prevention of Eye Troubles J9 Prevention Is better thsn care. It d: cheaiKir, It Is possible when cure li.Im-- poteiuio. ivyo trouuies may bo avowed by the timely usb of glasses, averting dl. vomiort, suiierinu ana permanent Im pairment of sight Wo aro pioperly; tuipMM to njust glasses anu guram? oaiifiaction, Herman W. Barn Scientific Optician, 118 State St. Salem Or. MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY' Conductod by tho Bonodlctlno Fathers. Ucati'd 40 miles south of Portland, on ono of tho most healthful and attractive spout oi urn .viiiamouo volley, thk iiikai. Piaik roti yocaBovs. Preparatory, v.ur.vu,, uuiiiiuuiviai mm nvimiiiuu ViUlirau. iiiuoiu a IIHJCiaiiy, tor particulars, apply to tho President. 7-S-3m Ladies' fine 4.00 Kid shoes. Tan or'Black, 53.00. Men's fine 4.00 Willow and Russia Calf, $3.00. Infants' fine $ .00 shoes, for 75c. Allliew styles. Salem' Shoe Store R. H. LEAqo, Manager. BRIDGE & DGACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S SOPERIOR ST01ES and RANGES. CAN DE FOUND AT GRAY BROS Books are a wonderful help to a man -- especially bank-books and pocket-books (Bveat fWXmkVtV,V VVV.VVklAXVVt.VAV ! tSbW? AetS- .. , fc r. Such a slaughter Of Ladles I tm Shirt i.Waists "Qn Kuvs'the one formerly sold J?G at tiQ cents. d CAi Colored and white, wiry Z DOC stylish, worth 76o und fl.OO Qf for I1U5 and fl.35 vuluos, vC colortd and while. $1 )", For the lines that sold yi- tJl.J terday for 1W), $1 75amIZ. si.no lliiva tho ti., '.'.75 line. f?M, and Ladies' Wrappers Slaughtered Also 76 Special 1.UU hpeclal. .V hpeclal. 1 35 Hpeuisl 1 W Huial 1 75 Hpt-rUl 2.00 Special i.'if) Sx-iil '1 50 Sirial 1,05 1.15 16 1.15 1.05 1.85 preparation Sale. cKS GLOVESfciottaiiuf..... " I'lne CuaranieeJ Qualities. 78c. SPECIAL PR. PAIR Vacation Capes Wo havo just received a new lino of advance ttylwi in golf rajwsfor the crxisters nnd exoursionlau, Look Out Vox our big drive In Hull' imxt Wednesday. skirts Don't fall to come to us for that suit Don't think for mlnuto wo will sit around wad lot others steal a march on us. We are In the Lead For Low Prices..... Men's Suits $2.50, $3.00, v ' $3.95, $6.60. They're great values or ra wouldn't talk about 'em. rteelnjt is behoving, so call "whether you buy or not. JjoMlfapsto K Smiy i el I Rubber Sheeting SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORB Received Today. i .MkWMwVlm WterMClMMlllWllllMWlarMMMM At ;t i EJtJL-B