ftn " THE DAILY JOURNAL. i NO 1611 VOIi, X SAliBM, OREGON SATUTCtfAY, JUNE 30 1900. ""uajjgj i fjg- ACCORDING tn an nareement with other Salem merchants, tho " NEW YORK RACKET will remain closed nil day July 4th. 'Do You Wear the Down's mark r Flf not you should try a pair. They give satisfaction. Cloth- '. a ( I mg, hats, shirts, hosiery, underwear, and all kinds or nir- nishing goods, cheap for cash. y Th shank" -3 SHOES? Silcm's Cheatest One Price Cash Store. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor You fun no risk in having your work done at the Salem Dental Parlors as all work is fully-guaranteed DRS EPLEY k OLINGER Our Motte: Good Work at Living Prices. Rooms 27 and 29, P. O. BLK. r, v w ., v ..w. v . .w ww w w ww w v ..v . w w t..vw.w-a. .vv. ..... JOURNAL X-RAYS Whv should not bicycles bo listed for taxation Just as much ns any othor vo hlclo7 Why should bicycles hu treated dlfforcnt from any other porsonol prop erty? Tho assessor should simply noscss them. X X X Tho First church of Christian Scient ists of Portland, which has been meet ing horetoforo in tho Dckum, will meet hereafter in their own church Twenty, third nnd Irving streets. Tho property formerly belonged to tho Plymouth Con gregational church, but was purchased recently by tho Scientists. X X X Oregon City Eenterpriso (Rep.,) edited by Senator L. I.. Perter: "McKinleyand Roosevelt will sweep tho country. They represent tho patri otism of two wars, and will bo enthusias tically followed by tho soldiers of each. Above nil, they represent Integrity of tho highest order nnd deep devotion to thoir country." Portland Dispatch, Dem. The vote for dairy and food commissioner, Rives Palley, tho Republican candidate, 7,050 plurality, which is moro than tho Re publican strength In the stato. as ho is well known nnd tho present Incumlwiit, while his opponent was unknown. Judge "Woolvcrton's plurality is 11,175 who has been on the bench for six years and is fiersonnllv jwpulnr nnd has mndo n good udgo, llo received votes irespectivo ol pnrty. MIM MINISTERS ARE IN PEKIN Refused to Leave and Were Safe as Late as June 25. . Br Aiaaetnta Fmi ta Ifca JanraaX. ' 'Eonkon, Juno 30. Uncertainty ro njninp tho keynote to tho situation in 1l f - tlll f..f u,j.t , ... ..a nnntlliltn WITH OTHERS ENROUTE TO PEKIN :ZZ;;mZ l'okln, but nutncniia iniormauon is COMMANDER M'UALU IS WOUNDED Hung Ohnng 6,000,000 taols (t3,600,000) for tho purpose of organltlng n municip al guanl In tho city. Tho viceroy ap preciates the confldonco nnd gratitude of tho people, nnd promises to do his ut most to maintain ordor. The mnjorlly of Uio foreign wotnon nnd children havo left for Hong Kong or Macao. Tho British gunbont Red polo nnd tho United States gunboat Don Juun do Austria, nro In tho harbor. Tho fronch gunboat Comcto is expected. CHINESE AUTHORITIES PLAYING DOUBLE Tien Tsin Arsenal Captured Minister Clioate Corrobo rates Safety ol the Ministers. Br Aa.oclale'd IT. ta tka Journal. Washington, Juno 30. Tho navy de partment has received tho following cablegram from Admiral Kompff : "Cho Foo, Juno 30. Tho ministers at Pekln wcro given 24 hours toleavoon tho 10th. Thqy refused, nud nro still there. Tho Pokin relief forces get half way. They woro nttneked by tho Im perial troops on the 18th, McCalla lu command. Four wcro killed and 25 wounded. McCalla and Ensign Taussig w.cre wounded, but not seriously. Now over H.IXH) troops aro asnoro. vum- mnnder Wiso commands at Tone Ku, in charge of transportation, rail and river, Tho combined nationalities find it neces sary make uso of Bomo civilians to oporatctho railway." TIEN TSIN ARSENAL HAS BEEN CAPTURED States ship Princeton has been ordered to Canton." A dispatch from Shanghai of yester day's r.ato, says tho position at Chung King is very critical and that tho stoamcr Pioneer has been detained. Lord Wolseloy, In an Inlorvlow pub lished this morning, says: "China possesses ovory requlslto fur overturning tho world. Sho has n pop ulation of 300,000,000, all speaking tho some languago or dialect readily under tt'xxl from ono ond of tho omplro to tho othor. She has enormously devolopod wealth, nnd still mpro enormous nat ural wealth nwaltlng development. Her mon, If properly drilled nnd led, aro admirable soldiers. They aro plucky nnd ablo to llvo on next to nothing. Moreover, thoy nro absolutely fearless of death. Regln with tho foundation of millions unon millions of such soldiers bb theso men nro capa jlo of being tnndo, land tell mult you can whore the end lacking. Tho despatches tend to tho crcnto tho Impression that tho Chlneeo authorities aro playing adoublo gamo by tho slmu lataneous promulgation of now edicts against tho Roxers nnd sending secret orders to viceroys to disobey "Com. mantis" to suppress thu outbreak. Shanghai notos increasing slims of n aoneral spread of tho rebellion In tho Southern provinces. That city also re ports that a serious rising confronts tho Japaneso troops in tho island ot For moiii, Japan is satisfied that It has been org.uilsod from China. KANSAS CITY GOSSIP Preparing for the Monster Convention. WHAT THE PLATFORM VILL CONTAIN Opinions, of Bryan, Suiter. Ham. Lewis, Geo. Fred Wlllltms. and Other Prominent Democrats. Br AaaoeUltd I'm fa Ik Journal Kanbah City, Mo., Juno 30. Kansas Cltylooked like n convention city in jooil earnest today. Knrly trains brought in many who aro to tako part In tho con vention, nnd in tho hotel corridors wcro men who60 faces nro familiar at great National Democratic gatherings. David S. Rose, Mayor of Milwaukee, will probably bo uatned as temporary chairman. Senator Dubois, of Idaho, ono of the managers of tho silver Re publican party, will probably bo chair man of tho committee on resolutions at thoteonvontlvo which meets July 4, nnd In this prospoctton capacity ho has been consulting Democratic lenders. dentlal sltaution, bsvo to say that ho belioves that Towno would ho tho strong est man that could bo named with liryan. Mr. Williams talked about faoScnator Hill in n manner to indlcato his cntlro disapproval of that gentloman. "What is Hill coming horo for?" ho asked, and answered tho query, "for tho sole nnd avowed purposo ol trying to se cure a modification of tho platform of 18U0. Ho ought to ha hero in sackcloth nnd nsho Instead of trying to. toll us what to do. Now York, as well as Hill, remained silent in tho Chicago conven tion after tho majority had dec lared its will on tho platform. Now ho comes horo to say "I'll holp you 11 you do as I say,' If wo win ho will say, 'I holpod you.' If wo lose, ho will say, "I told you what to do and you behold tho result.' I don't like that nttltudo. Crokcr nud Murphy como horo In n different spirit, willing to taku tho platform that wo tnado and abide by tho result. It is likely that Hill will not bo bo Important when Croker nnd Murphy tako chamo." London, Juno 30. Tho war ofllco has i .,, bo, rocolvcd tho following dispatch tfrora Col. Derward: , WHERE ARE THE "Cue Foo, Juno 30. Tho nrsonai Northcst of Tien Tsln, was captured during tho morning of Juno 27, by tho combined forces. Tho naval brigade had four men killed, and Of teen wounded, Including two olllcors." MINISTERS SAFE ON JUNE FOREIGN MINISTERS? TWO STEAMERES FROM CAPE NOME Your Sunday Dinner, It is a thing for joy after n weok of hard work to sit down to your Sunday dinner cooked nnd served in stylo us nt tho St Elmo Restaurant. Little Telejrams. Secretary Root has resumed work after a ten day's vacation. Roosevelt is enrou to wostto attend tho rough riders' picnic in Oklahoma. President and Mrs.McKlnley havo left for Cauton,0., where thoy aro to remain for several weeks. A privato telegram received from Col ombia says tho situation nt Carthagona ami Sivauvlllo is very grave. At tho Republican headquarters in in Washington tho claim is mada that tho chip subsidy bill will pass at tho next session of congress. Lowest Kites Esst On account of tho Democratic Conven tion at Kansas City avallablu to all with rhoico of six routoH. O. R. & N. Ticket Ollko 214 Commercial street. Have you seen the rush for shoes next door to Gilbert & Baker's. Ixjnikw, Suco 30. Tho Shanghai cor respondent of tho Dally Kxpross, pnder yestorday'sdato, says: "Ohlnoso olllclals declaro that thoy havo imperial authority for statlpg that 2 5TIU Tsln via Pao Ting Fu, Juno 20. They had passports, anil wero cBcortuwl by n Washington, Juno 30. A cablegram strodg body of Chlnoso troops. i..,..i t tim .tnin ilunnrtmcnt today! It Is imposslblo to verify this state- from Ambassador Choato, at London, ment, and tho consuls horo nro not dls Btatcs that tho foreign ministers wcro posed to place much faith in it. Jung safe at Pokin Juno 25th. Chinese Min- Lu, former generalissimo of tho Chinese r tUHlilii Ir ta tka Jow--. Vancouvkk, U. O., Juno 30. Tho steamor Cutch, arrived this morning from Skngway with 14 passengers from Dawson. Tlio amount of gold dust brought down was $60,000. Passengers say the exodus from Dawson to Nome continues. Skattlb, Wash., Juno 30. Tho si-am-cr San Mas arrived this morning from Nomo. Sho had a million and quarter dollars In gold. STEAA.ERS COLLIDE AND ONE SINKS SULZER'S VISIT TO COL BRYAN OREGON ASHORE yt Struck a Rock in Foe. "j1 alitnse ft BAD HOLES IN HER SIDE AND BOTTOM $2 "YELLOW PERIL" IS OUTDONE ENGLISH HOSPITAL SCANDALS IN SOUTH AfHICA. Treatment of nrlllih Woonded and Fever Stricken Soldiers In the field Causlnr Great Alarm In London. istur, Mr. Wu, has private advices to the same effect. ESTIMATES ON THE CHINESE RESOURCES. LoNno.v,Juno30, Tho Canton corres pondent of tho Daily Tulegraph.ln n dU p.itch dated Thursday, says: "Tho unexpected arrival of nn edict Ut) last night from thoKmperor andKm press Dowager prevented tho departuro of LI Hung Chang northward on thoUn ited States States ship Brooklyn. .Ar. langomenU for his falling had been quietly completed by United States Con sul Robert McWado and Commander McLean, of tho Don Juan do Austria. 'lho possibility of a rebellion In Can ton and tho imperative necessity of a properly armed nnd rcliablo corpH of 10,000 men nro among tho chief reasons for tho edict detaining Karl LI. Ono hundred and thirty pirates nnd Roxers were bchcadod yesterday by Ll'a orders, Xo terrorise lawbreakers. Tho United forces, who was dismissed by tho em pross dowagor when sho designated Pu Chung ns heir apparent to tho throuo, has promulgated nn order to thu viceroys nnd governors not to obey imperial edicts issuctl since June 10. This is In terpreted to mean that another coup d'etut is foreshadowed, nnd It is be lieved that a now emperor will bo proclaimed. LI HUNG CHANG WILL NOT GO S i f s WHEELS! Aro you going to buy' The Best Line Seo our special ofTer A good now wheel for Only a few left $17.50 iThis Five Piece Parlor Set . With Solid Oak frames and Upholstered in Heavy Tapestry Worth S26.00 Of Baby Carriages and Go-Carts in the City. Prices right. Our Special Price $20.00 The Only lUf rigorator with a Parfect circula tion of cold air The Illinois Automatic We have them. The Big Store 5Wn ok with:little'Prices. xV-r nm- rr i " SSm - ml tehiS'. H -3 -ii m I Iwiiii ' it SaWTiTii JW Wnit sk I - i i i i i i4- - --" i i Yfr 'tjg ' i i l I I i i i i M I Nkw Yonic, Juno 30 A disateh to tho Herald from Canton says: Whllo the goneral situation hero Is un changed, an uneasy feeling prevails. An imperial mandate from Pokin directs Viceroy LI Hung Chang to remain in Canton for tho present. An uprising is feared in case of his departure. Tho numerous daily criminal executions by ordur of the vicoroy show his realization of tho sorious condition of affairs and his firm Intention to prevent truble. Ho Is threatened by the mob with as sassination if ho should havo the city. Woll-to-do residents havo offered LI II r Aclatr I'rm la tk Jonrnitl. London, Juno 30. Tho steamer Oro Uva, which 'sailed for South Africa Thursday with 1200 troops, has returned to Southampton with tho crow of tho German steamer llromen, with which slo collided off Ushaat In n doneo fog Friday morning. Tho Dromon sank tour minutes alter tho collision occurred, but no Uvea woro lost. M'KINLEY REACHES HIS OLD HOME Canton, O., Juno 30. President Mc Klnley reached Canton today. Ho miidu n brief scech in rcsonee to nn enthusi astic welcome. PRINCETON WINS"" THREE HONORS Mr AiwUUd -rri la lk .Inuraal Inion, Juno 30. In the Internallon al athletic meet today Princeton won luce o tit of four evouts. Johnston Ilros. aresald to bo tho hrav test losers In tho vicinity of Dufur by tho storm last Katurmiy. Thoy had nearly 100 acres ol lino Fall wheat knocked down by the hall. Their damage is prob ably about flWOj The Chlcato A Nortb Western Railway. On Juno 7th, opened up for traffic their now lines from Hollo I'lalno, la,, to Maion City : also their new Fox fjikc branch. The length of thU new line is 11)5 miles, which added to their mile ago gives thorn n total ol 81(12.85 miles, tiio largest mileage ol uny railroad in rorld. Ilr AiK'Uti I'rrn la tha Journut Lincoln, Noh.,Juno 30. When Con gressman SuUosr loaves lor Kansas City this afternoon, the popular supposition among Democratic politicians now in Lincoln is that ho will tako with him tho expressed wishes of Mr. liryan ns to what should bo contained In tho financial plank of tho platform to bo presented to thuDomocrallo National Convention. Suitor is regarded here as tho mouth piece, for time being nt least, of tho Now York delegation, Bulxor himself Is for a positive, spociflco declaration for tho free colnago of sllvor at a ratio of 10 to 1. Ho will not bo satisfied with a reaffirmation of ths Chicago platform, i Whether Uryan takes tho same stand as Congressman Sulxcr neither gentle- imii will sav. hut it Is tho general opin ion that thev aro not hr apart, it Is noteworthy that J. Hamilton I-oi nntortalns for Hrvan thu samu nttltudo as that ot Suitor. Vnllowltm an extended conference at Mr. llrvnn's homo, he said: "I am satlslled tliut Air. liryan, u a weroleft to him, would not consuut to tho omission from tho platform of nn I explicit declaration for freo silver ot 10 to 1." BRYAN'S POSITION ON THE PLATFORM flr AaaoeUInd I'taaa la lha Journal Lincoln, Nob.. Juno 40. It Is roxrl that tho former (lovernor Stono and Mr. Luseurof Missouri, who are sup jkisixI to havo the platform lu uhurgo, sent nn ngont to khi Hrynn and the hit tor consented to leave out speeiflu ileo laratlon for 10 to 1. Tho repoit cannot bo verified. Ilr ' loclntrd I'rm la lha Jnnrnnl. Ia).ndon, JunoSO, Tho"Ycllow Porll" ns tho Chlnoso crisis Is now called horo, Is, for tho moment, relegated to n second place. Public Interest in tho hospital scandals In South Africa bo absorbs tho attention Hint no nmount of ofllclnl quibbling can suppresn It. Tho treat ment ot tlio wnundodnnd fever stricken Urltlsh soldiers in tho Held threatens to bocomo ns torlous a matter for public notation ns the military camps woro alter thu Spanish-Amoricau war. FARMERS FTGllflNG FOR THEIR RIGHTS tho worl -28-3t 25 Per Cent. Oft Ladies' fine 54.00 Kid ihoes, Tan "or black, $3.00. Men's fine $4.00 Willow and Russia Calf, $3.00. Infants' fine $1.00 shoes, for 75c. All new styles. Salem Shoe Store R. II. Lbaho, Atanajpr. REAR ADMIRAL PHILLIP DEAD Rr Aaiorlalrat l'r la Ik Jullraal Mew Yiiiik, Juno 30. Rear Admiral Phillip Commandant of the Itrooklyn navy yard died this afternoon of heart disease. From n private noiirca Tho Dalles Chronicle learns that 100,000 ouuds ol wool was sold at Pendleton Monday at 12) nnd 13 cents n pound. Thu Dulloj scouring mill bought n lot of heavy wool at 0 cents. george"fred williams talks raal i'rid y AiaoeiaUd IT... la taa JU' Kansas. Citv, Juno ;). Ueorgo Williams, meiulMir of the National aunt mltteo nud deh-gatu to tho D.inooratir convention from Massachusetts has ar rived. Mr. Williams hi boon among thoeoinontloiiedasn jKmlblo Vlco-Pro sldentlat candhUte, hut ho nxy that, having pronounced views Htid not being afraid to oxpuai Ihu-ii, makos I' liixw alblu foi liiiu to Imj oonilduruil lu i" connection. Ho Is by Ut i'-e most brwuy and iinroaervisl iu.ui that Iim yet appoare-l horo and he talks on every subject, without, however, committing himself or tho Now Kngland delegates Uwn lho vici-preel- DR. J. 1 i M( BRIDGE & UBACH AANUFACTURING CO.'S SUPERIOR mrsfciia-1M. v Ir J i i g I aaMpJtjSpfffff ,ssM,!ltlr,''Jfl3f;f:p CAN BH FOUND AT ST01E5 and HRflNGES. RAY SOLH AGENTS AT SALEM. ORB The Botanical Specialist Mikes wonderful cures when other doctors fail. While a res ident of this city, Dr. Cook has K'aiiud a wide reputation as a Botanical Specialist, and cures many cases of Chronic diseases. It you are suffering from any chronic disease con sult Dr. Cook. He makes no charges for consultation. Olfice 301 Liberty Strict, Salem Oregon. Or A.Htra l'rr. la lha Joaraal Ai.too.va. l'n Juno 30. Farmers of thuQiiomahonlng Valley havo armed and nro guarding n lxilnt tliut has been no looted by thu Cambria Stool Company for tho erection of n dam four miles long nnd having n iloptli of sovonty-llvo feut nt thu breast. The farmers declaro thu dam will bo n inonaco topuhliosafoty and drcreaso tho vnlno of tliulr Islands. Tho propertyowuers below tho dam claim they will bo In constant danger of aruputltlonot tho Johnstown Hood, Tho clash Lutweon tho civil engineers and the farmers is fixpvutcd nt any tlmo. T0WNEMAKESA . PUBLICjSTATEMENT. lit Acurlalvn I'm) la lha Jonraai Kansas Uitv.Mo., Juno 30. Congress man Towno thlvmornlng gave to tho As nooldted Press repartor tho following signed stntomentt "I ntu not crowding my candidacy for thu vlco-pruslilency In tho ordinary way. nnd havo canvassed no delegations. My friends rely njtou tho log'o and policy of tho situation nnd expect tho Democratic Convention to nominate mo." ti Steamer Iris Stat to Her Ajiljunce-S It Wow In 17 Fstboras of Water la the Cirifgr ofPICWLL ,''-" xir ' Or Aa.oelatc)! Pre la lh JearaaX Wasiiinoton, Juno 30. The following dispatches woro received at tho PiuTvy department rclatlvo to the grounding ot thebattlo ship Oregon; "Cub Foo, June 29. Anchordycs tcrdny In n doneo fog, in 17 fathoms, three miles couth ot tho How Ke light, In tho gulf of Po Chi LI, 8cnt outi'two boats and sounded, least water 6) fathoms Weather clear. Oot under wny nnd struck plnnaclo rock. Much water In forward compartment. Perfect smooth. Shall charter Steamer Kilos Mhlo nt Oho Foo nnd lighten shlp.'.The rock is through the side of the. ship nbovo tho doublo bottom about frame II). Small holes also through tho bottom of tho ship. Wildj!' "Honci Keno, June 29. The PHnco ton has arrived. Tho Brooklyn leave for Nagasaki. The Zaire at GhejfFof has been sent to assist tho Oregon. Tlu Iris Is going to lior assistance. . Tho point where the Oregon i grounded, is fifty miles west by nortl west of Cho Foo. r Washisoton, Juno 30. Plnnaclo'rock whoro tho Oregon ran aground, lh three nnd two-thirds miles south ( ' Hawk Island. Tho rock is encircled b a shoal. Tho naval constructors her think tho ship can bo saved ILtl c woathor doos not bocomo rough. RETURN FROM THE NOME GOLD FIELDS Ilr AnoeUtiS I'rt.s ta lha Janraal PoiiTLANi), Juno SO. The steam Geo. W. Kldor tied up at tho Alnswor dock nt 8 o'clock last night, nfttr a.vc ago of nine days from Nome City, lm ing made tho round trip, Including fl days lay-ovor In Ducth llsrbor and r dayn discharging carco at Capo Nam In !I2 days. Sho brought 13 passenger nnnoofwhom report that they stru it very rich. Her trip is tho qulcki ' on mcoitl. Two days before the depart uro of tho Kldor, the Nomo Cltyarfft i oft the bench, and Captain Randall, tho Kldor, believes she will bo In Po land ngaln in about 10 days. Sam McOar was killed on tho ralln I near Hood Rlvor Tuesday night. Ho I I bven drinking heavily and evtdoutly down on tho truck. a heavy TunN-ovcn or cash. Slifflff Durtln TranirTrs Hcsrly $20,000 to the County Trcaiunr, Includlaf Atom $3,000 Dtllniutnt Tsxts. Sheriff Durhln, who has bven push ing tax collections, in ordor to make a clean up of his books for tho beginning of his now torui, today turnrd over to thu county treasurer thu following sums from tho respective tax rolls I 18U1) J17.099.01 I8IM 738.0.1 lh!)7 0H.IS 1800 1,102.16 Tola! 10,0M.83 Msthci Ills Foot. Ruht. JmUoii, of North Haloin had the mlslortunu to crush his foot yesterday wh llo doing some carpenter w ork nt the now Salem Hospital building. A long Jtimbar txl fell striking his foot and In urlng It iiullo badlyj Pluil Account Attrovtd. 'llm ilnsl ii'riouut of Jmls Rrwlu and W II. lirwin, uxDOiilors of the estate of U II. Krwin, Ims hiMin approved and the uxveuturs dischargeil WhcaMarkct,: San FiUNCisro, Juno 30. Caili ,10t OtiioAdo, 111., June 80. July wh closed bOJJ. Salem, -18 to 4S. GOLD DUST FLQ?U R MADI BT Tho Sldney.Powar Co, ( RIONir, OBSOON. ' made for lamlly us),aik yoargroosrr It. llrau and shorts always on hand A. T. WALN, niONi 61. AGEN We always have tho freshest cand For wo make sotno o try day. Our chocolate creams nnd Bpn Don Aro "par excellence" so they saj Of tallica wo have many klmh, Roth plain and flavored chews; When you'ro undecided what' to i Stop in nnd purchase thosej ' ELLIS dZINN'S 154 State St 'Phone 2874. THE CHICAGO TYPEWRITER Price $3S.OO The Chicago is a good manifolder. a A does work equal to machines costi $100. DonVpay more than $3$ tor typewriter until you see The Cluca. . K. UKino, OpDBo, Oen' Amnt for Uro. " "fSiU1 !9 Albany Oregon. Salein Orcgo) Criminal Neglect of Eves .Si Some kinds ot neg'txt cowe-Wer ' heudlng "criminal." TJie w M I child ten's .ry- U one. , Kyer.lH rt '. intellect, we wm gn r?SZr: ' , I SUIlfCV VOtKV" ja a"" .,n.,itlin If villi lUHLtt-Ct VOW u itHiectlvo. CoiuultstloH im . Herman W. Barr, Scientific Optician. 118 StaU ; T)a ' va ? i UE.HIUIlIIUilllllllllllllllMIIllllllllllIIIHlUIIUIIIII ijitiifM)'j'iiiiiuMiiijnni" nn "w